Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Sep 1965, p. 19

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RRs rete erence: MICKEY MOUSE JULIET JONES (ee UH 4 ELSA'S THERE? AN! SHE WANTS TO TALK TO ME 7! ss age ee Se = BOUT BLACKJACK CUT... O SEND IT TOHIM? NO NEED,.... HES IN THE PEN FOR THE REST OF HIS DAys, WELL SPLIT IT THREE WAYS AN! FORGET ABOUT ; BLACKJACK, MY CAMERA !S BRAND-NEW BUTCH,' PICTURE... J ya! BY TAKING Y Ha! GRANDMA/"S '5 ----_ THE MAILMAN 65 "OR ONE OF MR. OTIS, | <<. MUGGS AND SKEETER ME,JULIE. HES SENDING ME TO A PLACE CALLED "KALAWADI. §7'5 NO \ PAL DOWN THERE. OF THE TSETSE FLY. EVEN | THE MOST OPTIMISTIC REPORTS DESCRIBE KALAWADI ASA PEST HOLE! / "TTS MAGNETIC AS ALL-GET-OUT... WITH NA NON-LUMINOUS . YOU Ol. THE WORKS WITH A TURKEY FEATHER... AND IT'S BEEN KEEPING TIME SINCE 1872! Vy WHY~-BECAUSE MY BOSS ORDERED ME THERE, JULIE. LOOK, HONEY--JOBS LIKE MINE DON'T GROW SIT DOWN, MY BOY, WE WANT YOU TO FEEL RIGHT ATHOME. WHAT, BY THE E WAY, ARE NOUR Y pgee RIDING? POL! 'TENNIS PERHAPS? <7 PF iani--z See WE'LL HAVE NO DIFFICULTY IN - COPING WITH THIS YOUNG AMERICANO, We'LL. SIMPLY AVOID HIS i SPECIALTIES, @ King Fostaree Syndicate, tne, 1965. World rights reserved. ZEALANDERS WERE ABLE ONTIL FINAL ORDERS 'N OCTOBER, 19/7, CANADIAN CORPS COMMANDER LT.-GEN. ARTHUR CURRIE /$ HAUNTED BY FOUR WHISPERED TO HIM BY FIELD MARSHALL TO TAKE THAT * % PASSCHENDAELE.» « j ee ofl MUST BE TAKEN » i_--<e 0 t ee ad 2 me 6 ca rd WALT MEOAYTER NORMAN DREW ET, CONFIDENT IN MIS CANADIANS, CURRIE AGREES TO TRY THE OBJECTIVE « «6 COME FROM HEADQUARTERS WELL PARK HERE AND AT DAWN LOOK FOR THE TRACKS OF DANS CAPTORS, THEGE WERE WAITING : = AND THE GUY WHO SENT THEM WHEN SHE CAME --_ | WAS WAITING FOR HER OUTSIDE / 4 fi - =] pz) z a oO pe] z --, enEIR a | VW) f/ IF RICK HAD VISIONS ABOUT MSG | SHERRI WYNNE, PHIL, HE MAY SHERRI rx) Ht HAVE HIT THAT BANK 10 FINANCE} WYNNE; Pe] NII CONVERTING THE DREAMS PLEASE + | Ene = TO REALITY / Ee Oo =< e faq [o=] © re] 7) ¥ iJ T--| ic) J] < : IA I EI EVISION I OG ACROSS 3.Improved 21, Port MCOCICMSICIAM 1. Revolved morally on MIA N AgEP A L eS Channei 2--Buttalo | 1:08 PM. : #2--Call my Blut . 5, Puncture 4. Compass Tonian la Die B Channel 3--Barrie 1--Peyt PI | ioney Movie int Se. Channel 4--Buttalo a_Ditk Van Dyke Show | 4-News and Weather 9, Extent Bete Sea CJOIRMMAlW LL MMPIEIR Channel 6--Toronto | <-Pelticsat junction 3--Popeye and Pails 10. Musical : 'apor 22. Ne- = ae a ee Channel 7--Buffalo ' ' sounds . Civil braska & Soe eee Maee has abe 12. Recline wrong Indians .|2}Op Ma UG BoM Channel %--Toronto 1i---The Merv Griffin Show) 4--Bpeaker of the House 2) Channel Hamilton =| 9-1 Spy Ye a 13, Grain of 7. Girl's 23, Biteete AIT MSIOISMMA|SIUIRI Ce 1-2--Moile z gs corn name 4, Writ. STHIOJO!T MEPL UITIA TVESOAY ave. 6-3--World Of His Own 11---News JE [ISTE RIEIN 5:00 PM. 7--The Fugitive | 1 Love Lucy 14.Whiteant 8. Makea ing PIOIOID EME TIEIRIA\ ie vik 4--CBC Reports | o2--I/ll Bet 15. Grain for fluid N--Pamily Theatre 10:38 PM. | 4--Search for Tomorres | 16, Behold! 9, Strike 25. Moc- Yesterday's Answer 9--Five O'clock Movie Scan dey Rane si F c --Supermen %-Country Music Hall anaey Oe | 17. Act 11. Sledding casin 6--Ivanhoe | 63-News Magaine 12:43 PLM. | 19, Slope areas 27. Nourish 32, Mast 3---Tugboat Annie | 4--Dive High ive Low!}1--Racing Forum . ° M4 BLiovd Thaxten 11:00 PAM. 4--Guiding Light | 30, Beven , as aren By Ties wal oi | on Pom 1:00 PLM, | seven, for daughter 30, Asiatic wicket | 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News . instance 18. Lubricate lemur 37, Extinct Leave «t Te Beaver! Weather and Sports |!!--Theatre mpage adic Asam 6--Take Thirty st | 9--James Beard Show 21, Rational 19, Road 31, Leader bird +-Rawnice ' SREP ig Ai lal 22. Semipoly- surface of the 40. Before: | 4:00 Po 6--Viewpoint éMusic And News ey material Israelites prefix Saute 11:20 PM. 4--Meet The Millers window 6--Lets Talk Music 7-4--Late Show Summer Carousel 25. Funeral re ys 74 4--News, Sporte with & Night Metre | &-Mike Douglas Show piles Vp huck Heal ; ee ey 10 PM, Neda 26. Fix Y nN | 6:20 PLM, 9---Sergeant Bilko , 1--The Saint 5 Dat 27. Distant 4A, | 11--News 8-2--Tonight Show +3--Luncheon Date . BI f | : 6~Sports | 4--As The World Terns 28. Inquire ato ats | 3-Movie ne Pom, | 29, Renders a Ane Ne i140 PM, % Kids Is People | quiet b 16 0-4-3--News; | 9--Pierre Berton 7--Where The Action is 33, Mongol 'LA Weather: Sporte | 6--Sullivan Brothers 4--Password 34. Hasten 7 18 Y 19 &Huntlay-Brinkley 12:20 A.M. 2--Moment Of Truth ¥ 1) 7--Mavorick 11--Joe Carlo al the Organ 2:15 P.M, 35, Poultry "WA 77a 4--Acrose Canede WEDNESDAY 9--Dear Charlotte cage GY 4 7:00 PLM, $:00 AM. aus OM, 36, Light-tan 7, AL | --Shindig 1}--Sehnitzel House 9 People in Conniet a erate Vp 9--The Littlest Hobe | 4--Captain Kangareo 8-2--The Doctors . Dipper &Sioaraphy 7A Time For Us riette. Ie Yiwu "ZG 9:00 A.M, constella- 4--News, Weather, \Topper 4 ae See "9 tion Sports ) 4---Linkletter's Par 7, 4--Car 54, Where Are |" i with Uncle! s_iaovie 39. Endured Wy ' ee | 7--Dialing For Dollars 2:00 PM, 40, Willow 3--Gilligan's Island with Dick. Talk 't 2--Hunlley- Brinkley 4dhike's: Carnteal Donna Reed 41, Weakens Y Report } Sikes: Carnival | 9--Fractured Phrases 42, Mrs. 2--Mickey Mouse Club #-2--Another World Tru Y | Te PLM. 9:30 AM. 7--General Hospital sad 4A | 1i--Honey West st itt agli ' 4--To Tell The Truth Y 9--B,A, Showcase r--Gypsy Rose Lee DOWN | 8 2--My Mother The Car | 3--Ann' Southern Show re 1, Scottish 7--Combat 1i--Funny Company . V// GY 4-On The Scene . echo bohiad A.M. %--Its Your Move tea cake | 4--Rawhide brea by #2--You Don't Say 2.------ bear | S---Hogan's Heroes --. or 7--The Young Marriede - PUN biggie 6~Public Service | 2:08 PLM, --! Love oa 'Announcements Senscah -- | 11-\Special Movie 10:38 A.M, 4--Edge of Night | 5 ! a SPE %--Gomer Pyle 9--Bingo ae PM points, and a weak spot in a} Tear Dr. Molner: Can a rec-| 3-2--Please Don't Eat The 82--What's This Song * AY | Daisies 7--Donna Reed 9--Mickey Mouse Club | 63--Red Skelton 4--The McCoys @--The Match Game | 7--Rocketship 7 | i V---Bonnie Progen 63--Vacation Time | % F-Troop | Mr, Ana i 4--Secret Storm | | 8-2--Concentration | S>Recky. ae: He | 7--McHale's Navy | 7-The Young Set Friends | 4-Red Skelton 4--Andy of Mayberry 400 PM. | 0:00 P.M. 1:30 AM 1)---Huckleterry. Hound The Wackiest Ship 1}~Albert | Steed | Oo Sea Hunt In The Navy --Abracadoanra 7.~Early Show 8-2--Movie @-2--Jeopardy 63--Sunshine Semester H | 6--Front Page Challenge 12:00 NOON 4--Movie | 7--F Troop \ | Toronto Today | 2-R'Wana_ Don YOUR HEALTH 'Aneurysm Seen Bulgy, Weak Spot By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: What is anjtions have to be janeurysm and what cause Is there any cure Where is it? it?|How extensive is it? MRS. J. HI. What causes .it? Sometimes An aneurysm is a weak or an injury, but more likely a bulgy spot in a blood vessel. flaw or weak spot that finally A small aneurysm may be of has begun to give way. Answer- scant consequence. A large one, ing why these weak spots are however, can be extremely ser-| present is as difficult as to say ious, depending on its location.|exactly why some people havc If it were to perforate or rup-!weak arches and others don't ture, and if it happened .to be| why some have varicose vein in an important artery, then/and others don't; why some the bleeding could be disast-! people are near-sighted but oth rous ers don't need glasses. We al blood vessel is something that/tal fistula be cured without | some of us have. Arteriosclero- surgery?--MRS. A. R. } sis--arterial hardening -- is @ For all practical purposes the common cause. answer is no. I don't say that cee nese . a non-surgical cure is impossi- Se ae aa i any) ble: but it rarely happens, And th body. It may be ot if it does, it is usually a com- part of he af ttl y: ortante in| bination of extremely good luck relatively li ' agers ance eae|plus more time and effort. than many spots. 2h: One areas) would be required by surgery. (such as in the brain)' there) ives may be nothing to do about it| Dear Dr. Molner: Should except to control one's blood roast lamb be rather well done? THE OSHAWA TIMES, 12 BRIDGE North dealer. Both sides vulnerable. Opening lead -- queen of |spades, There are some falsecards one has to make simply as a matter of self-survival. The opportun- ity for such plays, known as mandatory falsecards, seldom arises, but when it does, it is virtually suicidal to fail to false- jcard, Here is a typical situation. East, the hero of this piece, is defending against four hearts and West wins the first two tricks with the Q-J of spades, East takes the next trick with the ace of spades and elects to return a club, which South wins in dummy with the queen. Declarer now plays a low heart, and our hero, East plays the king, not the ten. When South wins the king with the ace and returns a low heart, West following low, South is faced with a very difficult de- cision, If he assumes that the king was a Singleton, he must play the nine in order to prevent West from making a trump trick with his supposed holding of the 10-8-7-2, It would certain- ly not be abnormal for- South to come to this conclusion and finesse the nine--and go down. However, if South guesses the situation correctly, he goes up with the jack, catches the ten, and thus makes the contract, The all-important point is that if East plays the ten when the four is led from dummy, South is bound to finesse the queen and make the contract as a re- sult. East has no chance of de- feating four hearts if he plays the ten. But if East. falsecards with the king, he presents declarer with a genuine problem which he might well find insoluble. By falsecarding and pretending he was dealt the singleton king, East creates a problem for South which would not exist if Fast played the ten, East must play the king if he is to give his side a chance of defeating the contract. It is a mandatory falsecard, LADIES' MAJOR "B" LEAGUE High Triples -- Nan Bennett 618 (228, 204); Mildred Wittrick 618 (228, 195); Donalda Williams 616 (216, 203); Helen Trott 612 (257, 203) and Hazel Rumpel 611 (262, 185). To Ten --. Vera Szikszay 250, Dolores Kellar 246, Josie Pritchard 233, 225, Lois Legree 228, Betty Campbell 21%, Norma Scott 213, Bea Northey 219, Mildred Tur- ney 211, Betty Campbell 210 and Elleen Anderson 210. Lemon League -- Dorothy Bentley 64, Olaa McDermaid 92. and Pearl Peacock 98. Points Taken ~- Mitchells 3, Whites 19 Nesbitf's 3, Bint's 1; Motor City 3 Burns 17 Henderson's and Saywell's 29 Horne's Esso and Olsen's 2 i MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE Our League starts bowling on Thurs. Sept. 23, at 2 p.m. Your new executive wishes you a fun-filled year of success- ful bowling. Team No. 1 Modern Uphoistering: Maud Cockerton (captain), Mary Frobely Violet Rorison, Kay Middlemass, Vera | Hele, Belle Logeman, Team No, 2 -- Angus-Graydon Carpet: Mae Jamieson (captain), Ada Floody, Nadia Kupnicki, Muriel Batt, Dorothy Smith, Eunice O'Brien, Team No. 3 --- Jury and Lovell: June Grice (captain), Helen Gourlie, Clete Wellman, Helen Rudka, Edith McMahon, Averil Glendenning, Team No. 4 -- Nu-Way Rug: Mabel Moss (captain), Rose Stovin, Judy Zak, nebo Knopp, Queenie Lounds, Dorothy juzar, Team No. 5 -- Thompson Kernaghan: Al Hill (captain), Odie White, Bradburn, Helen Burrows, Mary Bell, Ruby Stephenson, / Team No. 6 -- Swan's Hardware: Merle Poch (captain), Ann Peters, Fle Williamson, Betty Campbell, Doris Say- chuck, Marion Fox, Team No. 7 -- Jordan's Florist: Myrna Baldwin (capatin), Marjorie McNeil, Ann- ette Iliffe, Mary McKnight, Marjorie Web- ster, Estelle Patterson. Team No. 8 -- Celia Wigg (captain), Mary Nichols, Edna Bowers, Jean Me- Laughlin, Lillian Hayward, Eleanor Cre- wells, Team No, ? -- Kinloch's: Evelyn Stin- son (captain), Fairley Bouckley, Lew Dobbins, Theda Magee, Pat LaCrolx, Monnie Hubbel), Team No. 10 ~ People's Clothing -- irene Campbell (capain), Betty Black, Nelda Thompson, Blanche Pelow, Hattie Britten, Francis Kepella. Executive for the 1945-1966 season: Pas? President, Mable Moss; president, Myrna Baldwin; vice-president, Rose Stovin; Secretary, Cleta Wellman; treasurer, Edith McMahon and press reporter, Ruby Stephenson, pressure, so as to expose the|! ate lamb on the undercooked weak spot to as little extra|Side, and it caused digestive SALLY'S SALLIES stress as possible. trouble for a few hours. Does i ; i sing meat render it more} In still other areas, accessible Piece an V. for surgery, a plastic tube may)" > . ; a be inserted to replace the an-, I doubt that undercookec eurysm. There is also experi-| roast lamb would have caused sm. | : mentation with other methods ofjyour stomach distress, and strengthening the bulgy places.| would look for some other rea- son. ¢ \ dissecting aneurysm is an- * q Sine penere ough cooking egies oA ae poe eating artery consists of an inner and) eeat pelle to dice an eo outer. layer, if blood seeps)... destroying any worms or through the inner lining the two! parasites. layers are gradually forced However, sheep apart. Thus the separation of| meat and hence are not in dan- the layers spreads along the) ger of harboring the parasite artery, increasing the extent Of yhich causes trichonosis. Some the aneurysm. Europeans for a long time have With such an aneurysm, grad-| ten lamb either very rare or rally growing, the ideal goal is} o repair it surgically before it) T@" without resultant digestive Therefore the vrimary ques-jhave our strong and weak has become too large. trouble. don't eat} |S "Of course, I'll wait for you. Just don't be too long; I have a date tonight." Tossioy, Sepeube 31;

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