GB THE GeHAWA TIMES, BATURDAT, September 18,195 SPORT FROM BRITAIN England Going 'All Out' World Cup Soccer Event | {ot Wonthall Associations, 25 per cent to the FA and 65 per cent will be shared by the countries taking part, If England manages to win the cup for the first time--as many experts predict -- British soccer stands to gain financially and its reputation will stand high among the soccer-playing Opens On April 2 TORONTO (CP) -- The 1966 Ontario thoroughbred racing season will begin with a 26-day! meeting at Fort Erie Race) Track April 2 to May 7, the On- tario Racing Commission an- nounced Thursday, countries, There will be a total of 196 racing days in the season. | 1966 Race Season| The. Wart rie races will be |Oshawa Esso followed by a 24-day meeting) -- May 9 to June 4 at Greenwood track in Toronto, Other meets; Woodbine, Toronto; 36 days, June 6 to Jul yi6, Fort Erle: 42 days, July 18) to Sept, 3. Woodhine: 38 days, Sept. 5 to Oct, 22 | Top Wayne's A two-runner homer by Foster in the bottom of the third in- ining Wednesday night gave Osh- lawa Esso a 2-0 victory over -iWayne Auto Body in a UAW League a played at Alexan- dra. Park, Voster was also the winning pitcher, blanking Wayne's on four hits. He struck out seven and walked none, Losing hurler, Maxwell, gave up seven hits, while fanning eight and issuing five bases on balls, Second-baseman Bradley led off the third with a single, Henry struck out and Foster followed with his game-winning' blow. Foster added a single in the fifth, and Melnichuk contrib- uted a-pair of mie, | Auto Body's hits -- all singl tempted to bunt end were thrown out from catcher Me- Millan to first baseman Coughlin, --- were credited to McMillan, Maxwell, Coughlin and Aldre. The winners threatens to add to their lead in the fifth frame, when Foster singled with one away and Dowe followed him to first place on a walk. The VOLCANO HURLS TONS After lying dormant for 45 years, the volcano Irazu has hurled 'millions of tons of ash on Costa Rica since 1963. By JIM CONWAY LONDON (CP) -- Prepara- for soccer's 1966 World already promise to make ft the greatest international -- event in this country the 1948 Olympic Games, Then the big event was cen- tred in London, This time the whole country is participating and more than 50,000 foreign visitors are expected to swell the ranks of British fans at eight football grounds around England, The eyes of the soccer world will be focused on England be- tween July 11 and July 30 when the 16 teams remaining from the 72 that started the gruelling tournament will compete for the Jules Rimet Cup. To do justice to this vast un- dertaking £800,000 ($2,400,000) have been poured into improv- ing grounds and facilities for fans, newsaper men and broad- casters covering the event, Middlesbrough's Ayre some Park will have its present 9,000 seats doubled by next summer as well as undergoing a £100,- 000 facelift, making it one of the most modern. football grounds in the country, Manchester United has opened a new cantilever stand which includes 40 private boxes equipped with central heating and fitted carpets, Shef- ground will have seating for 24,400 spectators. -- more than any other league club, eee The Liverpool club, Everton, has rehoused several citizens who lived behind the grounds and plans to demolish the old houses to make room for ex- pansion, The organization of tickets and programs is to be com- pleted only a few weeks after the elimination rounds have been played and before the fi- jnals start, Some 2,400,000 tick- field Wednesday's Hillsborough| next two batters, however, at- The Canada Pension Plan. and its benefits Some £650,000 of this is beingjets must be printed and distri- spent on the eight football fields buted in three months and f,- at Birmingham, Manchester, 500,000 programs must be set Liverpool, Sheffield, Middles-\yp and printed during the eight brough, Sunderland and Lon-/days separating the lineup an- don's Wembley and White City|/nouncements by the 16 finalists stadiums. The cash came from|and the start of the playoffs, two grants -- one of £500,000) Local officials and hotel men » from the government and the other from the Football Assoc: lation, soccer's managing body. This, together with local grants and loans, is being used mainly to bring seating ar- rangements up to scratch, Eng- lish fans are not usually fussy about standing or sitting when they watch ordinary: league matches, But World Cup stan- dards demand a higher seating capacity and plans call for a also will have to prepare for the influx of fans on top of the sea- sonally heavy tourist traffic, Bars and restaurants are be- ing added to. grounds that haven't got them now and re- ception and information centres with translation facilities are being set up for foreign visitors who don't speak English. The Football" Association estimates it will glean about #£2,000,000 from gate money and broad- total of 39,000 extra seats to be installed. | casting rights. Ten per cent of this will go to the Federation JUST ABOUT TRAVELS WHITE EMPRESS TO EUROPE And no wonder! Now there are two great ways to save when you sall White Empress, the largest and newest ships on the St, Lawrence route, Thrift Season sailings from $222, leave Montreal on When you plan a round trip, Excursion Fares give you a further discount of 25% on these same Sailing dates. It's easy to see why just about everybody travels White Empress to Europe. Join them, See your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office, MONTREAL-GREENOCK-LIVERPOOL $ | rift Season fare from } Tourist Th Aak aboul Westbound sailings EVERYBODY Oct. 8 and 29 and Nov, 12. Special 30-day Round Trip information and reservations: RA, 3-2224 ve i Crecific PRAING | TRUCE / QHIFO/ PLANER / HOTELS / TELEDOMNUNINATION® WORLD'S MOBT COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM For Reservation and Information Call DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 104 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY PHONE 668-8867 For Travel Information Call or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 37 KING ST, E. 728-6201 Call Néw For Complete Travel Arrangements MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 25, KING ST. E. OSHAWA = Phone 723-7001 If Joe continues to work full time until age 65 he can look forward to retiring with a monthly pension of $54.16 from the Canada Pension Plan and $75 from Old Age Security-- a total of $129.16. That's almost 60% of what he was earning. If he is ill or out of work for as long as two years, or if his earnings for a period of up to two years are below his regular wage, he will receive the same pension at age 65. This is because under the Plan a certain number of months of low or no earnings do not affect the amount of the pension. If Joe wishes to continue workin between 65 and 70 and earns higher wages than previously he can improve his pension. For example, if he works until age 69 and earns $3,600 a year, his pension will be $61.74 a month instead of $54.16. If Joe becomes disabled after 1970, having contributed for at least 5 years, he will get a disability pension of $65.62 a month until he gets both his retirement and Old Age Security pensions at age 65. Here is what the Canada Pension Plan will do for people like Joe Costello, a 52-year-old unmarried labourer who earns $50 a week. bi All benefits under the Plan will maintain their value. The actual benefits payable will probably be higher than those given here since benefits will be adjusted to meet changes in living costs and in wage levels before they are paid and changes in living costs after they become payable. What will the Plan cost you? If you, like Joe Costello, are employed and have earnings of $2,600 spread evenly over the year, you will pay at the rate of 69¢ a week. Your employer will pay the same amount. This advertisement is one of a series which relates some of the important benefits of the Canada Pension Plan to individual circumstances. Issued by authority of the Minister of National Health and Welfare, Canada, The Honourable Judy LaMarsh.