Lesage Trip |t Not Related To Election QUEBEC (CP) -- Premier Jean Lesage of Quebec Sunday starts a three-week tour of Western Canada. He says it's hot intended as promotional trip for the federal Liberal party in the election campaign. Neither, he says, is it a step towards eventual leadership of the national Liberal party. Mr. Lesage, premier since 1960, decided several months ago to make a goodwill tour of the West "to show the true face of Quebec to the English-speak- ing people." ' He said that during his tour, which will last until Oct. 8 and include some Ontario' cities, every subject related even in-|§ directly to politics will be re- garded as taboo. Mr. Lesage will start his tour at Saskatoon. From there he will go to Calgary, Victoria, Vancouver, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg, Fort William, Sud- bury, Toronto and towns near these cities. | WILL MAKE 15 SPEECHES The Quebec premier has pre-| pared 15 speeches for his tour on-the theme: "Quebec, strong- hold of French Canada, 'its as- pirations, _ its responsibilities, | and its future." In an interview, he said the theme is composed of four ele- ments: Quebec as the strong- hold of French-Canada_ under- stands the French-Canadian mi- norities in the English-speaking provinces; a statement of the aspirations of Quebec, its eco- nomic, social and political ob> jectives; the responsibilities | which result from these; and the place of Quebec in a new- type confederation. | Dr. Jolin F. McGinn and his wife, Lynne, reunited in their Orrington, Maine home tonight after she was freed - ABDUCTED WOMAN SAFE -- FREED BY ESCAPEE by Roger Haller, 31, Bangor State Hospital escapee who police said kidnapped and held her hostage since yes- terday. Mrs. McGinn told police Haller released her in the Belgrade Lake area, 60 miles. from her home. Originally, the premier's pro-|" gram included meetings with Liberal party officials. "As soon as the federal elec- tions were announced, I aban-| doned this Exploded Freighter Liste ran hn poe ow Ao The Way, Crewmen Say and again that Mr. Lesage as- pires to the national leadership of the Liberal party. Mr. Lesage, however, hasjburned in the strieken freighter in Quebec without dreaming of|the surviving members of her going federal." ---- we -----------ineatedly during her voyage to |8,000-ton vessel lies grounded: on} MONTREAL (CP)--Fires auill dered to go to the anchorage jbelow the lock if the list wasn't said: "I have too much to do|Fort William today as on shore,|corrected at once. "They |erew told of how she listed te, atralghtenad out again, because| Then 'the mate shouted that getting|water was starting to come in and|through the cargo doors, said |Horton, The mate shouted or- At about 3 a.m. Tuesday, the|ders to keep the port pump go- "We're sink- through the Eisenhower Firemen at Pier 65, where the'/Snell locks. . . ." the} Fort seemed to get her|the port pump." had no_ trouble William cleared the St.jing, said Rank, penis | The company, a major source | | i 4 H f jher starboard side, said |flames may have consumed the jbodies of five crew-members Lambert lock, the last beforejing," Rank quoted the mate as Montreal, and headed for pier exclaiming. $20 Million | sia Parts Plant who were. presumed to have/65. The second mate ordered the idied in a Tuesday explosion. The ship again heeled over to|starboard doors closed and, said KITCHENER (CP) -- The| The blast, followed by fire,|starborrd during the crossing of /Horton, 'by now I was certain Budd Co. of Philadelphia, @/nit the all - but - new vesselja swift current in the St. Law-|we'd lose the deck cargo. leading automobile and railway|shortly after she arrived injrence River at Montreal, but} 'I ran down two sets of stairs parts manufacturer in|Montreal from Hamilton, Ont.,/she quickly righted herself, said|to the deck crew's quarters." the United States, has started|with a general cargo. Brown, Jean Claude Menard was construction of a $20,000,000! 'The surviving crew-members| Once docked, the cargo doors |there--asleep in. his bunk by plant to build now--and followed Horton out of THE OSHAWA TIMES, SATURDAY, September 18, 1965 3 r-ance' Is Not Bliss When India War Involved Press Staff Writer Mainly because some world leaders are 'failing to provide By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian forceful direction or are im-|ID mersed in problems elsewhere, the border war in Asia has been allowed to deteriorate to the jpoint where it can suddenly rage out of control and involve the world in a new holocaust. China's ultimatum to India, handed out in Hitler fashion in the middle of the night, un- doubtedly is designed to ease pressure against "Pakistan and extract advantage from India's predicament to gain a Chinese advantage along the Sikkim frontier. : : The United States, Britain and the Soviet Union are waiting to see what China will do Sunday when its ultimatum runs out. China has demanded joint Sino- | indian investigation of Indian | Strike Closes Forging Plant WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Antici- pating a Monday midnight strike deadline, several hun- dred employees at Dominion Forge Company left their jobs here Friday and caused the shutdown of the plant. A spokesman for Local 195 of the United Auto Workers Union (CLC), the local involved, said ime walkout was not organized vand that the union was taken by surprise at the move. The walkout, | renewal issues, involved all 670 }union employees when the plant |shut down. of drop forgings for the auto industry, has been regarded as a model example of relation- ships between union and man- j agement. No shifts are worked at the | plant on Saturdays and Sun- |have been diminished by eco-| over contract)= military installations which Pek- os Rigg are on the Chinese side. New Delhi has agreed to such joint inspection. ILE THREAT ? But China also has demanded immediate dismantling of Indian installations on the border and India has responded by saying it will meet force with force. On some previous occasions, China made specific threats but did not carry them out, such as the threatened invasion of Que- moy in 1958, But times and the military situation have changed. China is well aware there is a limit to the amount of war Soviet leadership is immersed fn home politics with indications that some changes in the hier- archy may take place soon. Be- sides, a clash involving the So- viet Union and China could crush all hopes of building a Communist world, the main plank of international commu- nism, Moreover, it may be to Mos- cow's advantage to see the U.S. forced into a direct conflict with China. This could exhaust both adversaries and give the Soviet Union more room to manoeu- rk cw. BE AO gti "a Reba Os eer Wants B-B Out | CALGARY (CP)--A resolu-|f tion asking for abolition of the royal commission on bilingual- ism and biculturalism has been sent to Prime Minister Pearson and other federal party leaders by the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada, , The grand master of the lodge, Carl Smith of Kingston, said the resolution, which asks that the order-in-council estab- lishing the commission be re- voked, was sent to the prime minister Sept. 9. "We are either Canadians or we are not," he said. "We are opposed to biculturalism and bi- lingualism and feel the commis- LONDON @ ONTAtIG Camaon NEW WORLD PERFECTION sion is doing no good. We hot it thrown out." India can wage without outside help.. The 'United States has warned China not to intervene in the India-Pakistan fight but this warning has been ignored. China long has maintained that SOUR the U.S. is a paper tiger. The) U.S. is engaged heavily in South | Viet Nam and there is a ques-| tion whether it would be willing | to become bogged down on two | fronts in Asia. At the risk of antagonizing Pakistan, Britain possibly could help India but Britain's coffers nomic troubles and the situation) in Malaysia, another British, responsibility demands constant) attention. SOVIET ACTIVITY The Soviet Union has called | on both India and Pakistan to) end their conflict but there is grave doubt in the West whether in spite of India's pleas, the Soviet leadership would be will- | ing to play any active role| |against a Chinese attack. Th | Individuals or Groups for | St. John Ambulance Junior and Senior First Aid and Home Nursing Courses Phone 668-4666 coming: season, ART & GERTIE PETRE OSHAWA -- 723-3353 Evenings 725-4197 |days. MOD SQUARE oe ERN DANCE. CLASSES WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN TO "SQUARE DANCE" THE MODERN WAY P Join A Beginner Class Now ! The "Circle Squares' Dance Club of Oshawa, offers two (2) introductory nights to the fun ond relaxation of modern square dancing, on -- For further information call-- BILL & ELLA MURRAY OSHAWA --~ 725-1568 Wednesday, Sept. 22 and 29, 1965 at FHE OSHAWA TENNIS CLUB HILLCROFT & RITSON ROAD DANCING -- 8:00 to 10:30 P.M. During these introductory nights, instructions will be given in the basi¢ square dance movee ments, Regular classes will commence' the first week of October, We extend a cordial invitation to all those couples interested in learning to Square Dance to attend these introductory nights. "Circle Squares" will have both a Beginner and Intermediate level Club operating during the ALF & MARIE PLUMMER WHITBY -- 668-5955 "The second mate came down| on to the deck but by then I'd) phoned the engineers to shut off} frames here, __ |starboard and Robert J. Kalbfleisch, vice-|fort William throughout president and general manager trip. They said the freighter had of Budd's automobile division,|pegun to capsize when the ex-||ist said plans call for the new 225,-|niosion occurred. ling 000-square-foot plant to be in od production by April, 1967. an interview by Peter Rank, 44,| F The payroll may start at 800.) Toronto the Fort William's sec- with prospects of it reaching/onq engineer; William Brown, | get 3,500 in a few years, depending/99 Brockville, Ont., third engi- tiations between Budd and & pee City, fourth engineer; Tony major car manufacturer. ¥ English Appeal Ichief cook; John Horton, Burnt Island, Nfld., seaman. ordinary | car - chassis|said Friday that a listing to|were opened but, said Brown, port plagued the|the ship was "very, very ten- the/der."" First she took a The statements were made in' righted. mps goi at once," Brow on the outcome of current nego-|neer; Camille Pelletier, 42, Que- ag a : : jb e Rank said he told the mate it _|Kerouac, 43, Loretteville, Que.,| would be "rather dangerous" to 23, |lighten the vessel 'to raise her Owen Sound, Ont., able-bodied|cargo doors high enough for a seaman, and James Strickland, ramp from the dock." 'SUGGESTED REMEDY 'a Rank continued: Result Tuesda WAS NEW SHIP ngage gg ag ORS : he fateful trip for the Fort should be left alone or that wa-| feet ahead of me. I was looking TORONTO (CP) -- An eu-|William, Canada Steamshiplter should be pumped back into|at his back one second--and the cation department spokesman|Lines-package freighter in-serv-|them--rather-than-out-of them.'|Next. he wasn't there at all, He the room. dressed swiftly. Said Strickland: theh a port list as pump- was started to get her inally "she got herself) both (starboard and port)|)..q Horton said: "We climbed over extreme outer edge of side. . }gone, said Friday the last appeals byjice only since last May, began! He quoted the mate as shrug-|just disappeared." students who failed Ontario'sjat the Lakehead Sept. 7. Shejsing his shoulders and saying,| Menard is among Grade 13 English examination|!oaded cargo there and at four|"wel], Pete, orders are orders.' |now presumed dead. will probably have been consid- other Ontario ports before ar- ered and mailed out by Tues-|riving at Hamilton day. "She had a real starboard list Some 4,000 students appealed when we pulled away from the! my the results of the examination|dock" at Hamilton, said Horton.| ' after criticism that it favored | This list later was corrected but| called memorizers over analytical stu- dents. The department spokesman) , said a substantial number of|!roquois lock in the St. Law- the appeals have been granted,/rence Seaway as follows: added. jto pump water into the star- board tanks to correct the list to! Brown, said Rank, looked "a little scared" and said, "Pete,|the explosion," I think I'm going to sleep with| life jacket on." ja.m., said the ship was upright/quickly as I could. There was Pelletier told of events at the|when he got on deck. janother ship astern and some | "I called to the engine room|men threw me a line," Ps " to re-start the starboard pump.| Strickland said he was just The third mate ordered me/Within minutes the ship wentjcoming on deck over to starboard. "when | 7 blew, BEAR NO MATCH FOR THIS CHAP HALIFAX (CP)--It was boy against bear Friday at Head of Jeddore, about 35 miles east of here. But the boy weighed nearly twice as much as the bear. Sixteen - year - old Milton Laybolt, who weighs 240, Comes oir valktin tense Baal a called down) jm. [asain to tell the chief to re- ag Eset ong erg - |start the pumps and to com: pourd brown bear. |pletely fill the ballast tanks on The bear attacked and the |>oth sides in order to get the tight lasted about a half |ship as low down in the water hour. Milton weakened the Beers ig! bynes ego bear with a jack-knife be- sO an e ship was fore Camella Baker of Head neni Bonga gf : -- Bont of Jeddore discovered the vent into the lock) struggle, ran for a gun and jong foe -- the list devel-| shot the animal. * Milton 'was mauled about fo i soe ; yas Lat : ates wore Elle lgag jlockmaster a the Old Mea (the captain) about our list. The! lockmaster said we'd be or- | ATTENTION FARMERS! +». Why Pay More AVE secre, GASOLINE - DIESEL & MOTOR OILS Form Tanks Available DX OIL CALL TODAY 668-3341 port. But the shin heeled over) jto starboard too fast. The cap-| tain called down for the engi-| neer to stop using the pumps jand to fill the ballast tanks by lgravity (through sea cocks in! the ship's bottom). "The ship was steady for jabout half an hour, and then she went over to starboard! jagain. About five degrees I fig- lure 1% 9 1 Year to 4 Year Guaranteed Investment Certificates, 5 year to 10 year G.I.C.'s -- 534% 4% SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Interest calculated and paid quarterly Effective yield over 10 years -- 5.6% P.A. COMMUNITY SAVINGS SERVICE @ GROWTH % a 355550 Heed Office: 19 Simcoe St. N. SAVING HOURS: Mon.-Thurs, 906 Fridey 909 Seturdey 9teS vount. AINHEAD §=Tel, 723-5221 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Then Strickland, another oc- starboard |cupant of the room, got up, and "The ship was listing terribly ; ' be jas I ran out into the hallway righted again and I was able to and I fell against the bulk- | the rail jonto the gunwale bar, (on the the deck). We looked back; Most of the deck cargo went over the . . I shouted, 'let's get off {this ship.' I figured she was tanks|. "Menard was just couple of the men "I'm not even sure I heard said Horton, "It tore off a waist-length rubber jacket I was wearing and one "T was scared too,"' Rank re-|leg of my pants "T went in to the water and became a leaning to port, he! Horton, going on watch at 4|swam away from the ship as she _ With electric heating the temperature you set is the temperature you get "On a very cold night I'll turn the children's room up a bit, so they'!I still be warm when they off," says Mrs. K. Bailey who lives in an electrically heated home in Toronto. The Baileys are one of many families recently interviewed throughout Ontario to discover their personal opinions about electric heating. Mrs. Bailey continues: "T like the thermostats in every room. You can have your room whatever temperature you want, and wherever you set it, that's where it stays. It's nice and quiet too! I kick their covers, tell my friends there's nothing like electric heating. It's the best heating there is." Enthusiastic? The Baileys are only one of many families who feel the same way. However, there's more to electric heating than its unmatched comfort. Electrically heated homes, insulated to Hydro standards, cost no more to heat than homes with other systems. Flameless electric heating is de- pendable, safe, and completely clean. There is no combustion te produce dust, dirt, film or soot. No wonder so many people are turning to electric heating for the comfort, cleanliness and economy they want in a heating system. Electric heating is one of the many features of the famous Medallion All-Electric homes. For full information, consult a qualified electric heating contractor, or your Hydro. electric heating ELECTRIC HEATING FOR YOUR PRESENT HOME If you are planning home extensions or if parts of your home are not now properly heated, you can install supplementary extend your present heating system. for less than it costs to » your hydro ELECTRIC HEATING IS THE SUPERIOR HEATING SYSTEM DOWNSVIEW Adelaide Street East ROSSLYN HEIGHTS Norwich Street SEE MEDALLION ALL-ELECTRIC HOMES ON DISPLAY IN THESE COMMUNITIES HARMONY VILLAGE Walnut Court BEAU VALLEY Oshawa Blvd. N. North of Rossland Rd. W. BELLE VISTA Melrose Street