TO --THE-SHAWA-TIMES; SATURDAY, September -18, 1965 'Low Cost Times A Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Accountants JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered 'Account. ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street East, Telephone 173-4833. GORDON oR t DAY, Certified "General Accountant, Suite ON AND BASTEDO, Barrister: Solicitors. Mortgages arranged, National Trust Building, 32 Simcoe. Street South, 128-7336; Charles C, MeGibbon, QC) Edgar F. Bastedo, QC; Grant H. Arm strong,' JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. | ~ Money to loan, Sy 1a King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. 'Building Trades SPECIAL _ 10% Discount On All Orders Remodelling, carpentry, til- ing, painting, plumbing, elec- trical work, roofing, eaves- troughing, plostering, cement work of all kinds, Aluminum and windows, siding. skilled men ready to you 205W, Oshawa = 'Shop- ping Centre, 725-9953. B68 CLANCY'S Accounting Service Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397, Res 123-7605. ALOERT WOSMAR, Chariered T Account ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, | Ontario. Telephone 723-1221 YALE, PRIEDLANDER AND Co., Chartered Acaountants, Licensed Trus fees in Bankruptcy, 52a Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 728 737 HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO, Char tered Accountants, Financial Trade Build- ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On tario, 725-3509; $. T. Hopkins, CA; H. A Beadle, CA, EF. Lukow, CA WALL, PERKIN AND €0,, Chartered Accountants, 342 King Street East, Osh awa, 725-6539; David G, Perkin, CA; King Street, Newcastle, 987-4240; William C./ Hall, B.Comm., CA door | 20 --{ serve S| NELLIS' HOME IMPROVEMENTS Oshawa ---- 728-2061 Peterborough 745-2184 Barristers A NT HO NY mosh LASKOWSKY,| BA BCcL, Barriter aid Solicitor, 13) he Street, Office hours: 9 a.m.-5.30/ om Evening appointments. Dial 723-1661 JAMES rister and Solicitor The Commercial Building, 286 King West Oshawa, Ontario. Client Parking avail-| able. 723-4716 or /25-4?17 | CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries,| Bank of Commerce Buliding, 5 Simcoe) Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T, K,! Creighton, QC; or residences: G. K.! Drynan, QC, 728-8554; G. L. Murdoch,| H QC, 7234768; J. C. Victor, 985-7118.! -- Mortgages arranged | GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici-) fors. etc 114 King Street mer Dial] 723-2278, Residence Phones: J Greer,| QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA BCL! 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY 728-5832) Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, | 668-6911 668.3895 | HUMPHREYS," BOYCHYN, "and HILL.) "Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, | 164 King ' MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Street East, Oshawa; R. D, Humphreys,! Custom built cabinets $. Boychyn @.C. W. A. Hillman,/ ROOFING, concrete floors, flat D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office: lour specialty, New work and Residence: 725-4604; = WhitbY:|i arge and small jobs. L. and H ie Construction, RR 3, 725-4937. 728-4326 725-5193 NHA and ther first mortgage funds avallad.e, - --_---- oe : wll coh ee |Aa- CARPENTRY -- brick, blocks, " [erate New or remodelling work, 728-315) Classified Rates ae PLASTERING and repairs, al |sidewalks, remodelling, rec-rooms, Free WORD ADS imates. A, C€ Woods, 728-3420 or Cash--1 insertion of 24 words $1.08 b 18-4717 | additional words 4\4¢ each: 3 con- | secutive insertions of 24 words v2.08 NEED A new floor? Phone Whitby 668-/ additional. words: 18¢ each, 6 2527, We specialize in corlon and any| secutive insertions of 24 words $132, yors 00d, and ceramic wail file additional words \8¢ each. ea_estimation, Work guaranteed | JALL TYPES "bullding, | roofing repairs) additional jana remodelling; chimneys, new and re 8 days. |paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs. Method of counting -- Less than 24 [wh Noy 668-2774, Gord May words counts as 24 words; each word, initial, figure or abbreviation counts |CARPENTRY work, as one word: phone number counts |4'89 cement work, two words jPhone 728-7680. : |EXPERT PAVING, {includes grading and fill, MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bar-| and Notary Public, QUALITY CARPENTRY and GENERAL -REPAIRS Roofing, Painting, Siding, Floor and Ceiling Tiles. Rec. Rooms, General home remod- el-ing. All work guaranteed, McKOY 725-8576 THE rooting, repairs. Roofing con Coll) tile Charge -- 10 per cent charge ff not paid within new and repairs,| free estimates, Tele 22 cents square foo? two-year guran-/ 723-584 BIRTHS -- DEATHS -~ | SOCIAL NOTICES tee. _Terrano Paving $2.00. per insertion with 25 cents ad- | YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, Chim @itional charges lf not paid within @ineys built and repaired: gas linings days. | ell roots repaired. Free estimates. | 723-29 | IN MEMORIAMS ------ $2.00 for the first 38 words and Se Dentistry H each. thereafter, plus '2c per tine of _ cinemas verse 25¢ additional charge if not paid |CAREFOOT, OR, JOHN M, Dental) within @ days. urgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa For appointment, 728-517) \ BIALEK, OR. C. B., Dental $2.00 for the first 38 words and Sc {117 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For) each thereafter, with .i5c additional |appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-8441 | charge if not paid within @ days, - --| Dressmaking PERSONAL STYLING -- for fashion \w se women! Dressmaking, alterations.| Hing @ specialty, 728-1823 tor appoint CARDS OF THANKS Surgeon, COMING EVENTS $2.10 per inch (display) $1.50 for the first 20 words and Sc each thereafter (Word Ads.) me LADIES -- have your dressed for Christmas. jspeciaity! 725-8592 |DRESSMAKING -- Suits alterations. D covers, Specialty. Mrs. Toms PERSONAL STYLING for oats and desses. Specialist knitted. 728-0746 for AUCTION SALES $2.10 PER INCH DEADLINES WORD $ S p.m, DAY PREVIOUS children's dolls INSERTIOV Teenage dolls a coats, drapes Whitby, dresses Fitting a 668-2372 lady's sults leather apnoint LOST AND FOUND 9 a.m. day of publication and wool ment DRESSMAKING All kinds of wear, High quality work, Cal Dressmaking,, 668-844 BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 a.m, day of publication adies Agnes ot SASS |P ED DISPLAY mn 49m. -day-previnns 2 cal urns of larger -- 10 a.m, day previous Gardening and Supplies "FALL SEEDING' iS BEST CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 AM, DAY OF PUBLICATION | BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- Se } While every wilt to forward re advert endeavor GRAS GRASS BURRBAN .GR KENTUCKY BLUE MERION NTUC phnates m0) CREED 79 MILORGANIT ! GOL FC LL. EVERGREEN 6-9 than in Ch UPERFLOW more than one inser ONEMEAL advertisernent nor be FAT MOSS 55 charge for a single TTING SON which error occurs wi ae > MIX GRA not be. responsible tor KY Bl called for in REGULATIONS ; The. Oshawa T sponsible ments submitted writing not fer tion of any yond the price nsertion tn mes errors in otherwise will not be re advertise COOPER- SMITH CO. 16 CELINA ST, 723 The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to Its proper classification. In the cases of display advertisements imes will not be held respon space "han that. "hich error occupies. The pud duce a ad but assume 1139 FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS 90 D advertiseme: y form are contained accuracies therein ertisement cancelled ation will be charged one insertion bdetore day's TO PLACE A NANT AD 3 EASY $ ACTION Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS mn "MAPLE Landscaping ond 725-0611 LEAF Garden Service Women's Co sonal sman's €o ne Equipment mn son. and Storage FIFLD Rent Ha + Rem TREE T TRIM? led to Rent --Ayiomedi les St} + cavaee Cea 2--Trucks for 3--Automodiies Wanted 4--Automodile Repair 3--Lot! and Found [NURSERY and Preamp? de Telephone wor mates OR?S t manure; alse ARMSTRONG ised. gravel, SOD AND LOAM. } ce ston® and top soil, Telephone R. H.CABINET CO. [modern |guaranteed, [Mortgages Septic Service TiC TANKS ci Gardening and Suppli EXPERIENCED gardener will care for ed our garden and lawn, Planting, spray-|!ce or calls, Walter Ward, Ia. pruning, hedge trimming, etc, Rea-|Street West, Whitby 668-2543, sonable, 725-8614, $2 ee eer Surveyors Instruction www | OONEVAN and F FLEISCHMANN, Onterio Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints. 2, Oshawa 11 Ontario Street, 725-5 rae i. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Driving School Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone 10 years teaching driving 725-6881 automatic and standard cars. TV--Redio Repairs" Professional instructors, eA TV TOWERS Prompt s l- 204 Chestnut SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK SR 4' gee By R. J. SCOTT ROAM Ao es 1X EASTER AURKESTAN® 7% $0 PREG AAS HO WHEELED VEKICLE HAS EVER SUCCEEDED A ARAVERSING ARE TERMINAL PART oF SHE ERMINE ALWAYS REMAINS - VET BLACK. SCHAUG * ws = y\ 7a" ; MAVE SARS BEEN § DISCOVERED THAT 4 $ r | ' AM egrets FUZZING UP THEIR. FEATHERS, OFTEN [DI Yes, Bue $fhns gt SPEND HOURS OR THE EDGE OF fut NEST FIGHTING =|! ™ GI CLOUD 4, py oY MAGELLAN, IMAGINARY ENEMIES. THIS SHADOW BOXING GIVES CONFIDENCE INTHE FACE. OFAREAL INTRUDER, «= 9°18 (© Keg Posen Braham late 196), World shes raed, ref ANYWHERE --- ANYTIME PRIVATE fuforing high school students jin English ~ Latin - French. J, C. Luck, he 513 Byron Street South, Whitby ECONOMY AND 668-3866 'i DELUXE [WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL, new dual Priced to suit your budget. controlled cars, Personal, courteous serv- % jice. fully licensed and insured, 668-6176 TERMS ARRANGED |PIANO and theory taught, Classical, Mrs | Joanne Kerr ARCT, RMT, 10 miles north OSHAWA Dy. of Oshawa, Telephone 985-7476 |PIANO -- Classical _and popular, Con-| SUPPLY LIMITED |tact Patricia Tuck, 74 Burk Street, Dial! ; 125-4587 | TAUNTON RD. E, LIKE MUSIC? Let Dor-Al Music Studios! Just East Of Ritson lteach you to play the accordion, quickly, leasily, surely. Class, private instructions) for all age groups. Day or evening. Clas-| 128- 8] 80 | sical, dance band, country and western or| rock and roll, Arite Box 339, Oshawa|__ Times EXAMINATION correspondence pro-| TELEVISION - RADIO lgrams prepare students for engineering, electronics, Grade 13,.etc, --- 260 course 24 HOUR SERVICE Write for free 100 page brochure, Cana-| z . dian Institute of Science and Technology, | Suite 63, 263 Adelaide Street West, | ronto | Janitor Service | TATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco- ELECTRONICS ceiling, wall cleaning done by machine, Free estimates, Work For 728-7736. prompt Call 668-5679 | service |Money To Loan | | 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a rea-|~ sonable rate 'of interest to consolidate! your bills or for any other worthwhile! Purpose providing you are steadily em ployed and have good credit. Telephone 723-46 Whitby HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! RAO, TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division 728-5143 AERIALS _ RON'S TV 12 Year's Experience All Work Guoronteed 723-7521 Residential Second Mortgages No Get the cosh For free bro- telephone Open contract bonus or hidden charges you need today chure write or 1 10 W C.A.C. Realty Limited Oshawa Shopping Centre, RON BRIGHTLING Stevenson's Rd, S. 4 9 AM, -- 9 P.M 728-169) owe ar . | FAST T.V. SERVICE Service Call only $2.50 DOMINION TELEVISION | 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. All work guaranteed E E IR R | S s | MORTGAGE LOANS Money for first Open Mortgages Interest at 7% No Bonus + No Charge for Valuations Mortgages ond Agreements purchased Money for Sec Fast mortgages FALL SEASON SOON TV CHECK-UP NOW 7 qualified servicemen, TR. 1, O, M. F. SWARTZ TELEVISION 2642 King St. East 728-5143 1 Oshawa Ontario ' 723-4697 TV SERVICE . DAY OR EVENING SUMMERLAND 728-5286 lj SECURITIES | e 112 Simeoe St. North OSHAWA awa, Ontario' - 725-3568 ELECTRONICS CITY TV TOWERS, pairs. All work gur Avenue. Telephone 2nd Mortgages Service Ost antennas nranteed, $1 Mortgage Money Available Low Interest 'Well 'Drilling--Digging WELL DIGGING by machi ne specializing 8--Articles for Sale Member Ontario Vv. Ward Street West, Wh Poy, 668-2 0563 or Us. 3809, Mort PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for 2--Personal _ mortgages ortaage' of sale purchas sed. Murdoch and ¢ sters 709¢ Brokers As.ociation Reme Marie Oshowe Atl Sa 1 La oer Se, eee perfluous hoir be in and Barr FIRST AND SECOND mortgage pv chased and sold. Hennick ck, Barris¥ers, 31 King Street 193-7239 5th Genosha Hotel dates for appoint- ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 TRANSPORTATION own Toronto. Vien on these ment Optometrist F. RICHARD BLACK, 60, Street North, Suite 4, Oshawa 138 Simcoe Telephone available to down-| of University and College Whitby 7 am. Call 648.4928 RE-OPENING of art classes in oil Learn to paint own Aformation call 728-5484 5--Trailers COOK'S TRAILER SALES MCOE ST, NORTH Leaving Painting and Decorating _ PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Broadioom, Custom Draperies FREE ESTIMATES DODD & SOUTER 668-5862 OUR RATES ar much cheaper. Our S guaranted, Our information is > service 1s 24 Pours. Our phone ber is 723-3317 CROSS TOWN materials; ee estimates paint your pictures For | work free num clearance sale starts today now and ove, citations, | | Sis | | and decorating | quaran workman es Plumbing and Heating i equipped ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING only 17° plies, Telephone 725-35? rold Stark | Lid., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering. 228 Simcoe Street South Glendette (show- room condition Open evenings 'til 9:30 p.m Sunday. 9534 43 GLENDETTE 17-11, siveps five, A equinped. Telephone 725-2519 CLEANERS TRAILER, aluminum 14-foot Rug ond Upholstery Cleor stove and heater. Ice refrigerator ' Telephone 79 losed or Phone 723 Rug-Upholstery Service -- x OSHAWA Propane Sleeps | ng. At our plant or in y BOX TRAILER, 4° x 7? Telephone Brooklin 655-4936. home complete $80 CALL 725 94 BRUCE S CHESTERFIELDS wuprolstered and styled. Free 'estimate for recovering re TO SELL fats : =o, FRESH FRUITS at sale: » Upholsterers all 728-445 2 and VEGETABLES RE-UPHOLSTERY USE THE ma Sales and Service GUARANTEED repairs to all wr FEO resin Ly MARKET nave --_ oes BASKET ompie! ee astimates, Me |Jellne, 720-1999 anytime: |5--Trailers SEPT. 20th - 25th W PRICES from $930, to $1692 on 1965 | pt ging ge |6--Marine Equipment at BOAT -- engine. | Rov 668-2095 7--Swap and Bartex - BATHTUBS é BEOROOM SUITE -- bed spring, chest po ad ' TYPEWRITERS, 9 jarantes HONEST CAL'S Fur jONE | PROFESSIONAL TELEVISION Television. corner 72B-S143-4 TAPE RECORDER, year old, Telephone 725-8950. DROP-LEAF chairs 8--Articles for Sale co WRECKING 7 TRAILER RAMBLER TRAILERS Park Rd. ond King \des Your West Hill and Burk Street dealer All building Salesman and easiest towing trailer. RAMBLER has a variety of exterior and interior colors. Our Sale Starts types of used materials for sale on job 8 to 8 one 725-417] co fec anytime EXHIBITION SEWING MACHINE SPECIALS New Elnas and Whites, $59 and up, Trade-ins accepted, Authorized dealer, OSHAWA SEWING CENTRE, 329 Sim- coe St. South, 728 2391, BI On 13 ft, 15 ft. and 17 ft. TRAILERS JANSSEN'S EQUIPMENT Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- Ferguson Riding Tractors. $9 Service on all power equip- ad ment, Licensed mechanic on POWER CENTRE pl or 843 King West 728-9429 @ Gravel @ Sand @ rental trailers TEXACO FUEL & Free 24-hr, Come first and choose STOVE OIL color! your | CALL 668-3524 made 8 mm calibre: D @) H F RTY | SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED [rie tenn oo neen al reasonable 244 Brock St. South FLOOR COVERING CLEARANCE Idiscontinued patterns ashed ir price from 27c, per ft wi ison Furniture, 20 Church Street ot DO! TRAILERS SALES and RENTAL : Stop 31A, West Hill | 2un#s tli NEW, USED -- vacuums, pairs fo all makes, New hoses. Telephone 284-4405 [sack Lees, 728-6956 $20 met {GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired) « Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West Goold's Furniture, Whitby 668-5481 or polishers. 728-9 5064 HONDA 90, mechanically excellent AlaX'body showroom condition, rear rack, Invite mechanic's Inspection versity tuition forces: sale. 725-647 hs cabin cruiser, Ce Telephone B'4-FT. Weymouth 4p Jahnston motor 42-5056 top, 60 HP i Telephone' BUY AND SELL - and appliances. One location or Convertible tully|Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271 windshield, CANADIANA ENCYCLOPEDIA -- 10 $600 Whitby, | volume set with stand, New, never used. |725 {Cost $149.50. Will sell $85. Call 723-5970.° |FU OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, . figure wor ustom picture -- framing, |!!¢ ic lark goa weekends 68-4497 Vhitb: convertible trailer 20-ft., wheel 282-0894 dua ge Hill, Ss FT, quipped with ormmpess and car bot Spaceship steering lights 6H, P. motor $10; basins, $2.7 " pressure} mei sinks, $8.95; cabinets, $35,; : trailers (new), $119.50.| TYPEWRITER, 723-7088 1$30; adding ryachine $ electric type writer, $40 electric cash register, item Pa izer, $100. 723-4 Ba \rv TOWERS SPECIAL 40-toot tower ucture al nnel antenna installed $50 Os rae supply Limited [DESKS FOR STUDENTS. Many styles st selection; lowest prices from $17.77.| ar wi Ison Furniture, 20 Church Street oe RESTAURANT FQUIPMENT -- cash! fou register, meat slicer, pop cooler, fryer, Del stools, booths, etc. Nestieton 986-4200 DINING ROOM |mahogany, ghod ton Fu fu » $35.7 motors Chinn, standard, $35.7 portable TENTS waterproofed -- drill, f rear window sewn-in loor flap, dutch' door with From $39.95 Up BICYCLES Standard Heavy with storm ownir suite, five pieces, ondition. dark | FR Phone Hamp: rots |PIANO, upright, in {Apply rear entrance | South Cal RANGE, heavy duty Moffat, in. good | PL shape, $40. Telephone Brooklin 655-3256. | you USED avs | goods pac Creek, avs very good condition 246 ~Wilson features, include chain guard, Perry Coaster brakes and silver brazed frames and forks From $34.95 Up furniture, appliances, Bought old, Best prices! | 16 Bond West.. 723-4401 WALNUT BED with headboard, $40; children's dresser, white, five $10, Telephone /25-5250 -LA N M KENT four-string bass with bass amp. L "4 oe Sacrifice for quicx sale. Apply | the King East after 6 p.m hoi Ligt dependable and power- /SCANDELLI accordion, 120 base, red| FR ful, Adjustable cutting height nd white mother of pearl, lady's model, | you . Chrome plat- excellent condition. Asking $175 or bestling oifer. 723 sporting Vaile also N drawer, |firs TO trom 1' to 3 ed_ handle From $39.95 Up DOMINION TIRE STORE 145 King St. W. 725-6511 |HAMPERS -- oushel size, used once,| NO jlike new, suitable for apples, vegetables, etc, Telephone 725-5169. (CHESTERFIELD -- Beige Just two! years old. Two: large mahogany antique chairs. Phone 725-3443 or 728-0444 HONDA MOTOR BIKES -- New and used $299. No down payment. Open evenings juntil % p.m. Honda Shop, 199 King West }Dial 728-4242, FR ab! 4 DE up | Tel $288.--THREE ROOMS of furniture. Best selection, $3. weekly. Wilson Furniture, 120 Church Street SAVE $50 on new NSU Cycle Shop, 153 Simcoe 725-6611 723-984 - arin THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No by adding machines and down payment, $15 monthly at Honest TH new and rebuilt. One year|Cal's, 424 King West, 728-919) Ou'standing good buys, Jen ne 3 Business Machine Sales and Service, | WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- 783, Open .evenings. ture or anything you have. The City sat 30 Telephone scooters, The) / bench Street South. /@ also two: jack vanity $100 $5 each very good cana two months. clocks ture and Appli- brands at highest discounts le carry Restonic and Bever rniture lines, Your author Contact Honest Cal's, at 28-9) Pump South SCRAP HARDWOOD -- one-foot lengths $7.75 single cord. Phone 723-228) 9.30 a.m. or evenings ter HARDWOOD, to/CO; 2 y length, § delivered Newtonville beech or maple, cut cord, $10. 786-2283 system, completely a one month for. on Whitby 668-22 30-06 Rem rifle; on ngle gauge Stevens double barrel shot gun skil saw. All articles new. 725 FLY be pag me ngton re collect, | sto BE guitar amp. Fender Chil chern Chemica tra Siggest sound. Has all|REDUCE WORK $575, 3. months old, have re-icomplexion nin i] ug! tht for $450, guitar ring, get ' nd money by having the wo Soft can $5. Call ntain famous Coit 2% home ded. 14) Agnes Stree? TOWER SPECIAL -- oe yl ig pee > You try for ONY! Ob aed n nataliod, ear, $50 ete makes, hoses. delivery, 942-0213.|Te Main net, tax included, guaranteed VACUUM" repatr:, all See all towers at TRIOlbrilihes, etc, Pick-up Bond and Division,| Fleming Vacuum Service, P ° old like new, TEN USED Hondas. lv wh me An0-14 eel duced he Cycle $ P. § Street South, 725-661 Fre sp ROOMS with paying one) Dial ad writer best offe INGLIS" 16 gerator, 8--Articles For Sole Bargain Clearancelsenene: puppies, "United Rentals" two extra chairs, also baby table, Phone) 5-938 | PIANO, ¢s HOUSES an SALE ie ADDING MACHINES, iTwo SPACE RAMBLER your-tightest 'ike "DUNELT" licence. _|FREE! fuel oll from Western Oil Company. Dial 125-1219 EXCEPTIONALLY beautiful finest Cape collar, Excellent asking $2,800, Times ster, BUYING OR SELLING USED SINGER DECOYS duty Te Stone ls %4"' Much @ Building Materials|GUNS -- new and used, Ammun Be Burner Service Street | Whitby's Only Local Texaco Dealer|DEER RIFLES -- Mauser 98 feces (small Apply 70 Churchill ave, Telephone 0372 BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture SNOW TIRES, 650 x 13, 215 | proximately Re. | BUILT-IN Phone ae! ng machine, electric fittings, luggage REFRIGERATOR Uni- model Good used furniture Tel Pretty OnE gerator, 9--Market Basket | POTATOES, vegetables phone 263-2192 mile North Road| NO. 1 bushel. W, E Scott's 3602 beets. R. V 10--Farmer . Column -- | |cence 389-C-65. geese, ducks, police pups. strawberry b€lassified Columns every day, Telephone Tradin Bl al Store, 446 Simcoe Street 11--Pets _and Livestock sp dpe before Lion double $18, | Shepherd rn 655-4662 Broad D bchegtngotd DOG training classes HORSE -- * FOR SALE tojdog. Re 725-401) baat ond Livestock WELCH PONY -- four-year-old 'bay Felephone Orono 200. registered, six Phone Bowmanville 623-3430 Open to saddle. jweeks old. jatter 5 pm |ST. BERNARD pups, 9 lent pets and watchdogs. jboarding, Brooklin 655-4760, | BRITTANY Spaniel pups for sale. Po Tents, stoves, ice chests lanterns, etc, and Retrievers. Telephone Bowmanville +5186, 623 GARDEN EQUIPMENT |bomesticateo ~ rabpite Lawnmowe rs, roto-tillers, meat. Telephone 723-2732. 3 SS seeders, hedge trimmers, [BLUE TICK (crossed with English Watk- wheelbarrows, etc. jer) deer hound, very fast hunter. Also |Beagie, excellent hunter, Telephone: 723- t 'MECHANICS TOOLS |e { 'drive socket set, pipe |12-Articles Wanted is ete. fesse re sehen prioceasioiy (1958 FORD motor, in good condition. BOATS, MOTORS | Telephone Hampton 263-2782 after $ p.m Trailers, = er HIGH PRESSURE STEAM CLEANER Summer Stock @ CAMPING GEAR stered, cel Stud service, and |USED OIL FIRED hanging furnace, ap |proximately two hundred thousand 1S al Required immediately. Please cali 39-1168, '13--Articles for Rent Wilson and Olive RENTALS me eer | OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- oath ranee Srabination massaging belts, rowing ma gerator - freezer, 9 cubic foot, All|. chines, bike exercises -- all year old ng, 728-4509 $6. per month PLUMBER'S TOOLS pipe cleaning rods, pipe tri- pods, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- ters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger PAINTER'S stepladders | steel scaffolding, | spray guns, wallpaper steom- | | walnut, apartment-size, Ennis, Mov and wo matching large baby's tabie two chrome chairs Reasonable, Telephone RCA, oid vise LORED TV, five months UDENT'S TYPEWRITERS, cash registers, adding Machines guaranteed a Business Machinez, $495. Also stereo, Telephone 723-543 new and| machines; Expert. 728 | EQUIPMENT -- ladder jacks, Pali compressors, 5.974 typewriters, cash files, service] New and} Hamilton, | tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches BUILDER'S EQU cement s, duplicators, chequewiters, ers, , chairs. We buy, sell, rent, with budget terms. ow prices 1 IPMENT -- finishing tro- electric jack | | | | mixers, wels, wheel barrows, neaters, Teco and Coleman. | Pipes Included Telephone vibrator, air compressor, 5-359 hammers, hand-trowels, water roadster bycycle, pumps, portable heaters, steel New fires, brakes, pedals, scaffolding, electric generator, ' gears. and ating spleanntr: Peet | ramset, power rollers, electric Telephone 725-6351 | hammers, masonry saw, build- furnace cleaned roy ing jacks, mortor mixers, trouble free) mortor boxer, chain- hoist, the best in miter saw, electric plane, tar- paulins, sond blaster, power mink ert) post hole auger, ascillating Luxurious thick full skins.| sanders, disc sanders, belt mink lined, doubles as hood.| sanders, floor sanders, acty- S00 Wale Why Pala rend lene welding outfits, 200 amp electric welders. STAN'S 233 King St. W., Oshawa Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. PHONE 723-3224 Dish- Coffee Bridal White ne vf excellent Per Have your free, Guaranteed If you purchase quality CYCLE, boy's 26", '*hree-speed road- good condition. "Telephone 728-847. or ap-| 263-2294 furniture ances. Call Hampton 263-2695 Elmer, sewing machines from Apply Singer Company of Can street North, (duck) 95 up a, 16 Simcoe hi ephone 725-8183, tt Tables, Chairs, Linens, es, Cutlery, Glasses, Urns, Punch Bowls, Wear, Men's Formals, Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd, $, 725-3338 _ ery ES altores hae i) lever Serene Wh CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers h scope 35 Remington i Me vane reducing machines, sick room supplies A a trice, 725-1644 Whitby 668-8949. ae ee 5 105 _ cee melee 6 . ; card and banquet tables, church NING room suite. Solid darkwood, 6) aisie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 size), Ir condition. |simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414 ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred for sale./ | | Slant-O-Matic Touch Singer Sewing Centre, 725-5443 | bought, sold } hunting supplies. | Creek, 16 Bond Singer mcoe North, licences, Valley tion t prices! West. |people? Oshawa Tennis Ciub for ban |quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries Facilities, bar kitchen, parking, Reason-| jable rates, 728-631 | complete, stove, 40-1. | 14--Business | Opportunities| wash | bathtub, $5.; gas | | | ice || EW TRA CASH INCOME for mounted, ap: miles of use, $30. pr. 728-5847, cupboards, éft heavy duty electric gas stove, nearly new $15 Ain 1,000 best offer. Phone mney, 6in service boxes, galvanized na Street etc, and copper Frigidaire deluxe} $110; Kenmore 30-inch range, $90; | ible bed, chesterfield and studio couch./ ephone 728-19 | "Teepee" boat trailer, 2,000 | pacity, $85, Also "Rerkel" meat siicer h in excellent condition, Telephone 4879 Here is a way men and RNITURE women from all walks of life New condition also other ar to earn.a steady, reliable ex- es Apel a McMillan Drive, apart} tra weekly income for only : ~ | 3.4 hours spore time work a RNITURE -- 3" rooms week. No enparierics ving room, kitchen ensembies.| ed, We have openings to own y only. $3. wkly, Unbeatable value!| operate routes of the rons' Home Furnishings, 424 sshd s | ae brand new Superpack Dial- A-Matic' Cigarette Machine | on profitable locations, if you Py bss are steadily employed and in shaw y good credit standing $300 roating } can start you in business three pounds $1.15.| Total investment $1295. One ten or more. Tele) of our representatives will | outline full particulars, Write' | tor : ahd Naiter gdh wet ; Box 334, Oshawa Times giv 'ot Oshawa on, 401 Highway COMPLETE EQUIPMENT for tailoring ervice 08 jand press shop and hat cleaning and! 1 ONTARIO potatoes, $2 blocking. All ready for business, inc! \ud-| | evenings, Brooklin 655-4983. ng piping, electric wiring, racks, cup boards, counter, cash register, 5 HP| caplen Be ee ice ns hag boiler, press adjustatorm, full set hat 1 Bat Rica hl Seaar thy ey ah pomatoes, Bl-\blocks and supplies, etc. Write in full ee ee eee. amet, eo [contigence: Mr, Fraser, 313° Arthur We pick peppers, green, sweet, Strant, Oahaws hel, 50c, six-qt pesket; carrots, $! mile east, Roy|BEAUTY SALON -- Well Courtice. Go north to beauty salon with good overhead, well equipped, country. Contact George Schofield-Aker Limited, 723-2265, or 2859 evenings electric range, large re-| new quaiity| requir- complete bed q and 185 Free 4 Bowmanville area DER for freezer r pounds, $1.35 very on order of 728-5 EsH VEGETABLES, Dushe also delivery for 728-1306 chicken, car 7ib, bag ymann, established | rage lo clientele. owner leaving| Koornneet of 723-) hols G + corner MATOES--$) Farm, Harmony Road end of pavement, turn use on north side EEZER CORN, 2% per ng containers. We pick eat dozen, Little pickling McBurnie, Harmony Road rth, 2¥2 miles north of Taunton Road bushel. Pick your own, North to left, third cee 15--Employment. Wanted NURSERY for children, age } to 4 Chit dren under, one year by special arrange-| ment. Mrs, Luch, 513 Byron Street South, | Whitby, 668-3866, dozen. Pick own? b corn, 30¢ jher home. 723-9094 atter 5 p.m. ESH CORN ensilage, delivered, reason- e@ pric contact Ed Steinfield at 723 60 500. eaning, AD and crippied tarm promptly, Margwill Fir lephone Collect Hanvpton, 263-2721. central, Telephone 728+ stock picked Farm, Tyrone, |to Li-|my infant home or pre-scnool age children Lake Viste area. ment. tine. Write Box 131, Holstein, some Charole,| 668-2067, 7 - 9 R RENT or on share basis, 1? acres Newberg: raspberries in production o raspberry plants Newburg and red-coat. Prices right, Whit GRADE cattle Oshawa Time: children in my home. Phore 728-425 DAY CARE for children in my home, re able, Oshawa General Hospital area aos |Telephone 725-6195 eyes search the Times! "wish to care for two infants. under seven months old, six days weekly, my own home, while mother works | 728-4056. DAY CARE home, fenced: School district 668-594 JOUSANDS of 3492 and put your offer before them. | for one child in ae Bee » yard. Henry Street High (the | Afcican Whitby, 668-3680 ¢ CKC reg "Ridgebacks ent blood! 723-6475. ZY-J-RANCH Kennels, Exce nes: ed Call horses, German registered, trained, grown ud service, boarding. Ash Se a -----| RECEPTIONIST poly Mrs. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR required for local printing kK, pur AUTIFUL baby ning, talking strain, 14 Elgin East shepherd purebred pups, black » silver. $30, Telephone Hampton 263 ry -- Oshawa Associat Inquiries invited e ommencing October 6th Workers Ha Albert St., 25-40 Spon edience lephone education or experience. Phone 723-2233 for appointment Stallion, three-year wihte stockings. Fate Hackney Seal brown te blare face. Tele four hepherd, male ed. Excellent disposition, gdad watch) able with children, bisgacdsyis | Wanted - for 728- 6450 16, [RELIABLE young lady seeks employ-| RELIABLE "WOMAN to babysit. Live Exprienced in general office rou-|in 8 Jatter 4.30 p.m, to friends, Feliabie for housewife with children. ing, 668-/KIT write Frocks, u, 17--Female Help Wanted | SALESOIRE jexperience, |salary |benetits \full. details to Box |BABYSITTER wanted to care for three | children, jing Telephone 'Bay Ridges 839-4037 after 6.30, jEARN EXTRA MONEY if nest ovelties. beautifully illustrated catalogue, samples hee on firm. Minimum Gd. XII eons Greeting Card Co., Street WOMAN OR GIRL to care tor 'children, Liberal ibe DOES A jon you? We may need someone in your larea, or call for products. 723-9349, ction Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems" 17--Female Help Wanted SECRETARY Good shorthand and typing skills are a must for this posi- tion. Preference will be-given to a mature individual able to handle administrative details, A minimum of two years sec- retarial experience: is required to qualify. Starting salary and company paid benefits ore attractive. Please contact MRS. BETTY KEIP, staff personnel depart: DUNLOP CANADA LTD. WHITBY 668-3361 Local 3 318 ASSISTANT SECRETARY The Board of Education of the City of Oshawa requires a full time assistant secretary for employment at one of the secondary school offices, Apply in writing stating quali- fications, experience and other relevant including re- ferences to: J. R. Backus Business Administrator Board of Education 555 Rossland Rd. W. OSHAWA, ONT. TOYS FUN $$$ Ladies earn extra Christmas money. We will train you to demonstrate a full line of toys and gifts. Commission. Car esseritial. No investment, CALL NOW Peggy Langille 728-3608 COOK Full time some experience preferred. Must provide own transportation, Call GLENCEDAR NURSING HOME Brooklin 655-4931 _before 4 P.M, LADY light ship- ping and maintenance in store, Experience not necessary. Reply stating age and any information to: BOX 238 OSHAWA TIMES Cashier Required 3 P.M. to 11 fuse 'ae Full time-- GENOSHA HOTEL. Waitresses Racuied 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. ond 11 p.m, to 7 a.m, Apply MR. CAMPBELL GENOSHA HOTEL. EXPERIENCED TYPGT Grade 12 graduate for in- voicing and general office routine. Salary open -- de- pending on ability. AJAX 942-1501 |WANTED -- Folks in Osnawa and dis HOUSEWIFE will take care of one or|trict to two children, tive or six days a week injcards to friends and neighbors, jperience needed. Our llustrates over 200 it WOMAN wishes day work, house or office) inusrates ove Se ieee 926: show our luxurious Chrismtas No ex- exciting catalogue in full color, t easy to get plenty of orders. Earn extra money this way. Write today RELIABLE WOMAN will give day care/for in| free catalogue. Monarch Card Co., Dept, Christmas cards on approval and 217 Cannon, Hamilton, Central location. Telephone 728-48) [WILL GIVE day cure to two, pre school HOUSEKEEPER for elderly lady, Ri and board erences. | 725-6288 COURTICE -- e for two children, Monday - Friday. Tele- phone 725-6480. Call} $23 WEEKLY and your own dresses. as extra rewards Small remuneration, Ree please. Telephone after 7 Reliable person to ¢ Just show Fashion Frocks Easy, fun, Convenient, even No canvass- investment or experience. For FREE North American Fashion 3425 Industrial Bivd., Dept. Montreal 39, Que. Lta., 2870, -- with some bookkeeping five-day weex. Good starting and commission, All employee Vacation with pay. Wrile giving 528, Oshawa Times, one pre-school, duties. Live-in light preferred houseeep- Urgent, Canada's wraps, For tree, Show Cards, items. line of "Christmas etc. Over 300 approval and the fastest service, v2 i East, bused Hamilton, Ontario hildren's. home. Live in time off. Centratly preferred located, @ telephone 732-1 BEAUTY COUNSELOR" call i ec dereaiagRte