Devgan quanpen epee ee es A TREE LE _THE OSHAWA TIMES, SATURDAY, September ", 1968 LY ware dealers. Be yery caretullliquid spot remover; cover with: RRR ae IFIRST AID TO AI PALS H E |: of the fire hazard when using|a sheet of thin plastic to retard faequer--thinnes. evaporation. CLEANING GLOSSY BIRCH {LINOLEUM FLOOR SQUEAKS| jing IN CARPET PADDING| When cloth dries, re-wet withiy aan THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK Gonna Went th bal "CuneTiON our hur, wes ENTE care PADDING) en cet i, veel | CHOOSING A 1.0T (cont'd) , bie = aah bawe, seis neg is less than two years old, has|to raise the indentation injif necessary. Instead of the h wo iva : ve @ gloss' }iinoleum on kitchen and dining|rubber padding that is used un-|poultice, a thick paste of an neg ; n -- to use iF room floors, There is one place|der carpeting, after heavy fur-|alkaline detergent cleaner for bs e Heong s | toe gy Rat wn in the dining room where the|niture has been on it for a long|marble and water can be spread y * le, but didn't me 7 S/floor squeaks whenever it is|while? The carpeting can bejover the stain with a wood a bp a A na Rotel he fei stepped on. Is there any waylrestored, but what about the|trowel. Cover with a damp cloth cleaning wax, e: wm : nd Olthis can be fixed? rubber padding? for 24 hours, to retard evapor- teen whi 'the' 0 th manufacturer's label directions.) "ANSWER: I assume this is| ANSWER: I don't know of any|#tion; let dry for another 24 ne the former use of will give excellent results. "downstairs." If the underside way to "undent" the rubber hours. Remove coating either lot, Im the cose of filled land you SINK REPAIR of the floor is exposed in thelnadding itself, but you could by wetting or with wooden should ascertain the depth of fill QUESTION: A worn area injbasement (or craw! space),/fil! the gap with small pieces|"0We!. Repeat treatment, if end the period over which it has my kitchen sink was repaired|have someone walk on thelor foam rubber cut to the prop-|"@essaty. aes | : eonsoligioted. It may also be wise to with porcelain touch-up, Thig|squeaking place to locate it.Jer size. How thick, or how much| THOUSAND-LEGGERS | obtoinyan engineer's opinion; he moy : Then drive narrow wood wedges 1 ne ill requi ri- UES' H , | : has worn off again. Is there AMY|hetween the subflooring and|> 4 a need will require experi-; QUESTION: How can we get odvise: test borings becouse depth of material that makes a more per-it he beams. Closing this gap FIRE STAIN OR MARBLE rid of thousand-leggers? They | fill cos be @ determining foctor on DESIGN BI manent repai: i will silence the squeak which is} QUESTION: We had a fire in|/*"° overrunning our cellar. | the cont of the footings. No. 1079 veprints also ANSWER: Eventually, all thejusually due to boards not rest-\our fireplace and a log fell on| ANSWER: Thousand - leg-| Avoid building! en 'gwariiy. ground' . available tn touch-up materials wear. How-|ing solidly on beams, the marble hearth, unnoticed|Sers (millipedes) breed in damp) Ls +t FRENCH ever, there is now available an|FIELD MICE until morning. This. burned a|Places; there are. usually many | se aa et i aa epoxy tub and tile finish which} QUESTION: When the cold|fgirly large spot into « the|iM most cellars, Clear cellar of| ' is highly resistant to detergents,|)weather came, field mice came|marhle, Is there any .way to. all damp rubbish in corners and) in plas ining and londscaping. bleaches, etc., for refinishing|into our attic and have remain-|remove this. by ourselves? If|angies and especially around : DINING, © the tubs, sinks and other plumb-/ed there. How can we get rid Of|not' can it be removed profes-|Plumbing fixtures. Dust these| vf hosed ing fixtures. Many housewares,|them? isionally? places» frequently with pyre-| * : hardware and paint dealers} ANSWER; The mice will) ANSWER: This type of stain|thum powder. Kill each tndivi-/ R " i dual thousand-legger as it ap-| LUVING carry this product. Follow labeljprobably go outdoors, of theirjis best removed by a profes- Y Borsa directions for application. own free will, in warm weather. |sional marble cleaner. However, pears, y . ueagy QUESTION: A section of side-|But to speed the parting guests:|vou might try the following) ~~ ----_---- é Oshawa BUILDERS or on a 'lot with rocky outcrops unless you ca.n take advantage of the lotter walk in front of our house, lead-/Sprinkle moth flakes or moth)"home" methods first: First} FOOTBALL PLAYER DIES eb tA vA oP tA ing up to our entrance, has|balls generously al! around thelscruh the marble surface withh HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)= ASSOCIATION es60s settled on one side, How canjattic. Or burn-a sulphur candie|, fiber brush and detergent|Bobby Thorp, 15, .sophomore| PLANTING | : . this be made level again? in the attic, being very carefullsolution or powdered pumicelhigh school football player in- ° 795 REGENT DRIVE ANSWER: This requires twojof the fire hazard. Keep watchland water, to remove all surf- jured in practice last Monday,| SECOND FLOOR - 908 50.FT. people for the project. Using alto discover the openings bylface dirt. Then apply a poultice|died Wednesday in hospital, The OSHAWA strong crowbar or a long four|which they enter or leave thelof a piece of cotton flannel youth was injured when he HOME DESIGN No. 1079; ee by four as a lever, pry up the|house and close these with sheet (folded to several thicknesses)imade a tackle during a prac- f | West Germany, for instance,|settled section. While this isjmetal or insect screening Or/soaked with a mmableltice session. en in pooelatliy be CAF L has recently complained about|eld up, force crushed stone or|cement, Keep all food in tightly ined Fasinastandna eid gaining in popularity be- oses , 7 P .. .lgravel and sand under it, until/covered containers, as an extra cause it offers so much for withdrawal of some battlefield|1), jeyel of the adjoining sec-|precaution. Borrowing a cat for| the money -- especially for nuclear missiles from the Brit-/tion is reached. a few days should also be effec-| the large family. Here is a 30th CF- 104 ish Army of the Rhine. Ger-|DAILY BED MOVING tive, I've been pretty successful Design which embodies the many is alive to any move| QUESTION: Is there some/with ordinary traps baited with! charm of the true colonial | which can be considered a less-| way of protecting the floor when|peanut butter but with a modern concept OTTAWA (CP) --The RCAF) ening of NATO interest in its|I have to move our twin beds|LACQUER OFF SILVER and layout. The circulation | lost its 30th CF-104 low-level nu-| defence. every day to make them up? QUESTION: I have a large on both floors is excellent. | clear bomber when one crashed] Another reason for staying). ANSWER: The proper type ofjsilver tray that has a protec- If you want a huge living |in central France Thursday. | with the CF-104 for another five|caster, or wheel, should protect|tive coating uf lacquer, The room with fireplace, this De- | Officials said, however, there) years, sources say, is that an|the floor. Use a non-marring|lacquer has started to wear off sign has it, But that is not |is no thought of giving up the initial outlay of nearly $2,000,-|caster or bakelite-type wheel.jin places. How can I remove all -- on the lower floor you | CF-104 or its role in Europe un-/ 999,000 has been made for the|The furniture dealer or manu-|the balance of the lacquer? have # spacious kitchen with |til 1970 at the earliest thoughinjanes, ancillary equipment/facturer, or large hardware) - ANSWER: Use lacquer thin- nook, a large dining' area, |the maintenance costs in that) and training. stores, can supply these Iner, available at paint and hard- and a library which could be | period will amount to more|-- : mf yond oom or an oe notes cua a al bedroom. Behind @ government purchased a the garage there is a utility | total of 288 CF-104s--200 opera- WE MANUF ACTURE PRECAST CONCRETE area. A recent revision to | tional planes and 38 trainers-- the design has changed the |and the first were shipped to location of the washroom. It |the eight-squadron RCAF air is now on the left-hand side |division in Europe less than of the front door. Also, the | three years ago, The 30 crashes) front windows have been en- | have cost 10 lives. larged a little, and the side | Informed sources said the window in the living room | CF-104's role has become mili-| eliminated (see Plan), Con- | tarily redundant because NATO struction is a combination of | has in Europe plenty of tactical veneer and frame. | nuclear weapons and the means Standard Blueprints for |to deliver them. : ig this Design No. "my Pr | Why, then, does the govern- Approved for all municipal ond township by-laws. Quality is unconditionally $15.00 for the first set and | ment intend to spend at least guoranteed. Defiveries are made on Hme. $5.00 for additional sets, | $100,000,000 a year in the next They ro scan to ens itive years to keep the CF-104 CAPACITIES AVAILABLE: ada by return mail. (Ontario | Squadrons operating i i | Informants said the chief rea- cent Sales Tax.) Now avail, |son is that Canada doesn't want @ 460 GALLONS @ 525 GALLONS his News . |to rock the NATO boat by with- fice (or ftom the nédrees |arawing or dismantling the| ® 600 GALLONS © 700 GALLONS ' ; squadrons which form the) pons tA " pelle yor fourth - largest nuclear strike! @ 1000 GALLONS Country Homes designed for |force in the world at ALL IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER Canadians"; price $1.00 tax | $70" free. This edition includes designs -- Ranch, one and | information on Cost of half storey, split level, two ee Canada, Heating, Insulation, homes, Also included in this Constructiona! Details, etc., book are full details on how plus many outstanding new | to order blueprints. ¥ vee Ss t r © 9 oo Homes Heated By Clean ip? | DEPENDABLE (Mm || | 9 out of 10 demolition experits admit Abitibi woodgrain panels are kid-proof "Your Design For Modern Living At It's Very Best" Fact is, none of these experts has Common household stains clean rmiling, The cost? Much lower than : N B EA UTI b U L a chance against an Abitibi Wood- with just a wipe of detergent. And you would expect (an 8' x 12° fea- grain panel, Thanks to Abitibi re- there's never a need for waxing or ture wall can be panelled for as little search, a super-tough surface coat- finishing of any kind tas $18.00), ing protects the finish for a lifetime. Installation is easy. Each 4' x 8' Ask your lumber or building supply ou Ww No worry about scratches, finger- or 4' x 7' panel is V-grooved for au- dealer to show you the whole range prints, crayon marks and the like. _thentic plank effect and concealed of the Prestige and Classic lines. HARWOOD AVE. S. -- AJAX ° « ; Your "AT-HOME" Semily CONVENIENT WINTER PLAYGROUND HOME! COMFORT ABITIBI SALES COMPANY, LIMITED * TORONTO, MQ/NTREAL, WINNIPEG & @ Close to public schools and high schools @ Reasonable distance to the church of your choice @ Complete shopping facilities in Ajax Shopping @ Excellent booting on Lake Ontario Plaza, @ Handy to golf, picnic and complete farnily rec: ® Only a few blocks from East - West main traffic BATHE & McLEILLAN reational facilities i arteries Live In Year 'Round Comfort and Pleasure In Lovely 81 KING ST. W. 725-4761 OSHAWA _SOUTHWOOD PARK -- AJAX" |" Eoxie GAY LUMBER CO. LTD. ALL ARMSTRONG HOMES INCLUDE THESE FEATURES AT 53 ALBERT ST. 725-1121 OSHAWA NO EXTRA COST Copper tone hooded exhoust fon in 9 100-Amp. hea y-duty electric wiring 16. Metol iron railing instolled on front kitchen natalled porch where there are three stens or Me . Stainless stee! kitchen sink 10. Divided basements. with recreotion more "a s } 3. Colored ceromic woll tile for her) facilities 17. Copper. toned built-in triple paper room ond colored fixtures WA services include: paved rood, towel rock sonitory and aterm sewers, individ 18. Clay brick |NONQUON RD. R.R. No. 1 725-4709 OSHAWA 4 Valence boxes in living raor ' water connections, curbs Kitchen cupboords ond doors naturel 12 Front end side vards sodded 19. Built-in Kleenex dispenser stained imported mohogary (custom 132. Sidewalks instolled fram front te 2 Poured concrete basement (with life built frivewny add side door to driveway time quorontee Double laundry tubs 14 F ceiling in tiving room and AA h y tr Forced air gos heoting : red @ining- reom ehogony trim 22. Electric heating instolled os an , ° air ol! heating extro 18 Gob Hoors throughout where Asbes All electric light fixtures tr ry! Hle is net installed extra Some Plans Provide For Walkout Basements --- Meny Optione! Extras Available To Your Taste 1270 SIMCOE ST.N. 728-4688 OSHAWA @ Close to magnificent view of Lake Ontario @ Complete beach and swimming facilities en See Also, ARMSTRONG HOMES bad ROLLING HILLs iti tice | PEACOCK LUMBER Co. Phone Pirkerino 942-3310 or Oshawa 723-6461 for Appointment {228 #750" ro. ». 72-4744 OSHAWA