po Pn pO phn epee nme ea atid take, rawer Vian vw exei a gS rer 24 om if Tr i a rt n cise their own rights. sugges @ qualities mos U rms én pee Continual prayer is a source |"ecessary for harmonious: hu- n 10 of Christian strength, allaying)man relationships. every fear. When Christians ar-| The first virtue is "a heart of sisting of a gym tunic worn over( JZ THE OSHAWA TIMES, SATURDAY, September 15, 1765 -- a blouse and" te: i 'BIBLE LESSON It qrmrem MEMOARIAT _ CHURCH (Anglican) "HEAR The _ BAHA'I ~ Paul Asks Galatians : To Set Others Right .. By R, 4, RAMSEY + Paul. rarely wrote anything delicate and beautiful than opening verse of Galatians -- Christians to ex- every influence on those who had erred or blundered, in to restore them to the relationship. "Paul is asking those Gala- tlans who had not abandoned ir dependence upon the Holy it to set right others who been seized unawares by , thus depriving themselves the ministry of the Spirit, and ring them back into the grace way of living the Christian life, ; The burdens referred to here whatever oppresses man tually and threatens to in- him to sin, or keep him i sin, In the bearing of such s Christians must help support each other. This is an exercise of spiritual fellowship, designed to help them stand by h other in the struggle inst sin, and, in the event of defeat, to raise one another up again, thus. fulfilling the law of c st. , After urging that all who from the teaching of the of God co-operate in the support of those engaged in this holy work --emphasizing this with the famous statement re- g sowing and reaping-- 'aul stresses, that Christians must not only do good--as con-|- trasted with doing evil--but to out opportunities for doing ood to all men, This is our est form of good, for it @eals with man's deepest needs and lifts him to his loftiest po- sition. Though the entire fourth chap- , UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 320 Ritson Road South (near Olive) 723-6325 The Whole Gospel! to the Whole World Sunday: 10 A.M.---Sunday Schoo! 11 A.M.--Morning Worship 7:30 P.M.--Evangelistic Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer Set. 8:00 P.M.--Young People EVERYONE WELCOME REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST | OF LATTER DAY SAINTS | prayers 1-7 will be considered here. The) qu." Philippian church was torn by personal animosities, divided by cliques, and tried by petty feuds} cial affection, Paul was aware of the dangers ahead of it and|*ose that who find ships. g He did not try to hide his con- the dangers and called upon ' . them to stand fast in the Lord, pcg song remain in accord and "'be of the same mind in the Lord." He en- treats those who are quarreling to resolve their differences and to help those who had worked side by side with him. rive at that point in life where|compassion," a deep, earnest, anxieties are cast away; where|genuine compassion, of interest, and supplications xi of deep feeling for our fellow combined with thanksgiving; then they discover the glorious|type of kindness that is blind to effect of all true prayer: Thejfacts or lives in fancies, but a Schdol "peace of God." 'And the peace|habit of goodwill toward all. of God, which passeth all under-|We are to be Jowly and meek, ter of Philippians has been @8-|standing shall keep your hearts|with a true sense of our own signed to this lesson, only verses!anq minds through Christ Je-|humbleness before the perfec- to be long-suffering, that is, e Bsc i Bag 03 al lg | bo bearing one another and forgiv- d viveiries. C ed for this\ComPlishes more than man can ing va other, even as the Lord peda gi he held i ae effect by his own efforts, for it|forgives us. f brings God's peace, Even, to| The crown of all these Chris- God's|tian virtues is love. It is the answer is sometimes No., there|bond of perfectness, and we are cag ye -- bf domi comes an inner calm, And with|to strive for perfection, as our ghd ue oe oe i Jation.\tis peace we find. that our|Lord suggested, "even as your or harmonious human relation-|) ots and minds are "kept," or|Father which is in heaven is|state guarded, in Christ Jesus. God's|perfect." in this love the Chris- peace will ever be ours when we|tian life reflects its renewal in cern in any way. He pointed outltryst in Him as we know Him|the image of the Creator. Our lesson today concludes as we turn to another of the Ap- ostle's letters, addressed to the church at Colossae. Here, as in his Epistle to the Philippians, he stresses our need for growth in uniforms form. schools New Zealand Schools WELLINGTON (CP) -- Thejschools permit freedom of man. Next is Kindness. Not the New Zealand Parliament has given its verdict in favor of rather than freedom for children to wear|°onsists of open-necked what they wish. It expressed thejand shorts, with long stockings, view that if choice of dress was|winter and summer. A pullover allowed, it could lead to unde-jor blazer is added in winter. A tion of God. Additionally, we are sirable competition and greater|small cloth cap is usually worn, expense for parents than a uni-/Only a few school uniforms pro- Uniforms are almost univer-|48 @ walking-out dress, sal in secondary schools in New Zealand, Many primary schools lightweight frock and straw hat, for younger children also stipu-|anq a winter uniform often con- late the wearing of a uniform, but the rule is not rigid. More than. private Back to the Bible Broadcast DAILY Mory ond Hilleroft Streets Mon. to Set. SERVICES - 9:30 - 10:00 am. 8 AM.- 11 AM,-7 P.M, NURSERY CARE 11:00 A.M. CKLB radio 9 TET Fes: WEDNESDAY -- 10:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION WORLD FAITH choice for younger children, For boys, the favored uniform shirt Tecches: | "The foundation of all religion is belief in the one same God" For information re: weekly meetings or literature Write Box AS Oshawe Times Diol 1350 vide for long trousers, usually WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH Bond Street West at Rosehill Bivd. Uust north of the Oshawa HARMONY UNITED CHURCH . Rev. N. 7. Motmes, BA., B.D., Minister Mrs, Marie Taylor, A.R.C.T, The girls'. schools normally have a summer uniform of Shopping Centre) Minister: Rev, fot H, Word, BA. Organist----Cholr Director 'owland L, MeCord, Mus, Bee, we faint not."--Calatians 6:9. in due season we shall reap, if FREE METHODIST 'CHURCH frie 3t., off Simcoe 8. Minister: Rev, ©. M. . (Next after Bloor $t.) Phone: ion Piano and Or, RMT, Sroonist ond er), 11:00 A.M.--Kindergarten ond 11:00 A.M. | GOLDEN TEXT: "And let us not be weary in well doing: for GRACE LUTHERAN PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Next Paul exhorts them to re- joice in the Lord, maintaining the habit of joy by exercising real patience and forbearance, "letting all men know your mod- eration." True Christians' are HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 135 Harmony Rd. South Pastor Wm, J. D. Lewis ever fair - minded, demonstrat- ing a ready willingness to give 9:45 A.M, Sunday School RALLY DAY 11:00 A.M. "Facing New Frontiers" LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE | HouR--si SUNDAY 5:30 to 6:00 P.M. CKLB -- DIAL 1350 | "Diseover the Difference" FIRST CHURCH --_64 COLBORNE $T, EAST Branch of The Mother Church, Tho First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts. SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "MATTER" Wed. Service tinciudes testimonies) 8 P.M. 'READING ROOM--CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. Monday to Thursday--11;00 a.m, - 5:30 p.m. Friday 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Listen to; The Bible 'toeoks To You CKLB ohm, Every Sunday REV, RICHARD J, BARKER, ines 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-MORNING WORSHIP MORTGAGE BURNING SERVICE GUEST, REV. WM, J, NEWEL, District Superintendent 6:30 P.M.--PRAYER FELLOWSHIP 7:00 p.m.-EVENING SERVICE Sermon--""THE PREACHING OF THE CROSS By Postor Barker What fs the message of the cross? Whot is your reaction to It? (World Headquarters, independence, Missouri) ORANGE TEMPLE SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA 10:00 A.M, CHURCH SCHOOL for Children end Adults 11:00AM; MORNING WORSHIP Speoker: DISTRICT PRESIDENT R, M, RUSSELL Theme: "Election of Officers" FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD Rev, N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A. Miss Judith Davison, Boe, Mus. 9:30 A.M, Promotion day In the Bible Schoot > 11:00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP 'PRACTICAL RELIGION" 7:00 P.M, ALL ARE INVITED PHONE 728-9606 "WHERE DO YOU LIVE" Nursery ond Jr. Church et 11:00 a.m KNOX SIMCOE ST. NORTH (Four blocks from King) Minister Rev, G W. C, Brett, B.A, 454 Bader Ave. 728-6122 Musical Director Mr, Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M, 9:45 AM, CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, RALLY DAY SERVICE "The Chureh that ought to be'* 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP "Faithful Christianity" Come end Worship With Us THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA ST. PAUL'S Wilson Rd, N. at King St, E. Rev. Walter Jackson Minister ST. LUKE'S Rossiend Rd. W. et Nipigon Minister REV, BD. R, SINCLAIR, B.A. 492 Mormon Street -- 728-9178 Mr. Frank Walte Musical Director 9:30 A.M, CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M "WEDDINGS, BAPTISMS & FUNERALS" 11:00 A.M PUBLIC WORSHIP "ls A New Religion 51 7:00. P.M, SENIOR HIGH RESUMES Needed? All Cormialty Invited Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Evangeline & Philip Murray . Destor: REV, ERNEST WINTER 45 AM. -- BIBLE SCHOOL 7:00 P.M-- "NO GREATER GIFT" WED. 7:45 PN. Bible Study ond Preyer 11:00 AM.-- "CONDITIONS FOR SERVICE" | Parti) Catvary Baptist CENTRE end JOHN STREETS 'PastorREV, ROBERT B. LYTLE 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A:M. MORNING WORSHIP _ HAVING A MATURE MIND" 7:00 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP "REAL CHRISTIANITY IS RELEVANT" SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO i 7:00 P.M WED. 7:45 PRAYER MEETING Rey. Philip Fiess, Minister Ronald A, Jansen, Vicar Z SUNDAY SERVICES Tomorrow! 9:45 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL Reveals the startling significance behind 11:00 A.M. world news!... with DIVINE WORSHIP PROPHECIES ext 20 7:30 P.M, woos! DIVINE WORSHIP Monday « Saturday ae 9:05 - 9:35 P.M. and Sundoy 10:30 - 11:00 P.M, ABI 1350--ckLB--135¢_ This is the Unitarian Idea: Unitarian churches are dedicated to the progressive transformation and i ennoblement of individual and social life, through teligion, in accordance with the adyancing knowledge and the growing visionof * ° mankind. IN RELIGION: Freedom is our Method Reason is our Guide Fellowship is our Spirit Character is our Test Service is our Goal Rk Dr. BOB PIERCE prtsents ine WORLD VISION DIRECT FROM KOREA » THIRD WORLD CONCERT 11:00 A.M September 19th SPEAKER: Doctor John Diamond SUBJECT "DISARMAMENT" UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP O.R.C. Building 100 Gibb St CIVIC AUDITORIUM Oshawa 3:00 P.M. jews; Oshawa Realty Ltd., | Pharmac: ,_ Whitby; or write: ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Temporary Place of Worship: DR. S$. J. PHILLIPS SCHOOL (Corner Rossland and Simcoe Sts.) PASTOR: REV, D, N, HABERMEHL, B.A., M.Th. 10:00 A. M. -- MORNING WORSHIP Nursery care provided during morning worship 7:00 P.M. -- EVENING SERVICE Tune in to CKLB at 11 A.M. on alternating Sundays (Services of Chr. Ref, Churches In the Oshawa-crea) and at 9:15 P.M, (Back to God Hour, each Sunday) BAGOT AND CENTRE STS, The Reverend Canon F, G, Ongley, M.A.----Rector The Reverend R. G, Brooks $.Th.--Assistant Sunday, September 19th -- Trinity XIV 9:00 a.m.--- HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 a.m.-- MORNING PRAYER 7:00 p.m. -- EVENING PRAYER Nursery Facilities evailable et the 11:00 a.m. Service THE SALVATION ARMY Corps Officers Major & Mrs, Gordon Holmes 133 Simcoe South SUNDAY, To seRVEGop! = Sept. 19th SERVICES . . 11:00 A.M.--'OUR GREATEST DANGER" 2:00 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M.--"OUR GREAT SALVATION" HOME LEAGUE--TUESDAY AT 2:30 P.M WED.,. 8:00 P.M. -- PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY Campaign conducted by Colonel A. Pepper of St. Petersburgh Florida SEPT 22 to 26 }Sunday, October 17th [Admission by Ticket Only--1.50) \Tiekets Availoble at: Ideal Dairy, Osh- Oshowa; |Murrey Rug & Tile, Ajox; Courtice y, World oad of Ceanado, Box 181-K, Toronto ST, GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH | DIVINE WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M.--Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:00 A.M.--Nursery and Primery Dept, Tiny Tots Classes 11:00 A.M. PROMOTION SUNDAY ' Sacrament of Baptism. ~*~ A Hearty Welcome to All. | 10:00 A.M.--FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL i) 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.--FAMILY GOSPEL SERVICE "THE WILL OF GOD" Tues, 7:30 P.M.--Sunday School Board Meeting Wed. 6:30 P.M.--C.Y.C. Registration Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Prayer Meeting A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU STREET EVANGELISTIC SERVICE SUNDAY 7:00 P.M. Monday to' Friday 8:00 P.M. Family Bible Hour and Sunday School Light and Life Man's Fellowship Sunday : Suen. 11:00 A.M, When men of the Church 'conduct the services Speaker; EVANGELIST H. GERMAN, 10:00 A.M.--PROMOTION SUNDAY SCHOOL of Scotland, 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP ALL WELCOME CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Mon. 6:30 P.M.--C.Y.C. Children's meeting Grades 1 to 9 Corner King ond Centre St. y Wed. 8:00 P.M:--Prayer and Praise Meeting Thurs, 8:00 P.M.--F.M.Y. REV, ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER Interim Organist Mrs. Mabel Joyce SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M, 11:00 A.M.--SERMON "God's Plan For Raising Men" Care provided for babies end small children during the service, The Friendly Family Church at the Centre of the City. ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH (Corner of Albert St. and Olive Ave.) MINISTER: REV, HELMUTH DYCK, B.A. Organist-Choirmaster: Harold Ellis SEPTEMBER 19th Sunday Church Schoo! on regular schedule, .M.--Junior, Intermediate and Senior Depts. .M.--Beginner, Kindergarten and Primary MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. Sermon: "Please Excuse Me!' Infont and toddlers cored for in the Nursery, 7:00 P.M.--Choirs--Young Adults Group A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL ST. ANDREW'S UNITED ROSSLAND ROAD 1042 Rossiand Rd, W., East of Garrard PASTOR--REV. R, H. JAMES, 725-1280 YOu --= LUTHERAN CHURCH (Eastern Canada Synod) Pastor: THE REV. HENRY FISCHER 725-2755 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th 9:45 A.M, -- SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.---THE SERVICE MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING 91 Centre St. at Metcalf St. You Are Invited to Worship With Us 83 BYNG AVE., WEST OF SIMCOE ST. N. SEAL ages PASTOR---REV, G. A. CARROLL RES, 728-2426 OFFICE 728-2931 SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS Minister; THE REV, JOHN F. G. MORRIS, B.A., $.7.M., Organist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES A.T.C.M, 7:00 P.M.--Evangelistic Service > SPECIAL TALENT 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP Special Evangelistic Sunday Speaker: pine toes viakd McEWEN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A.M.--Junior | ed ertormedicte Dear ierits. (Children 9-13 yeors) < Senior Discussion Group--Teens | 11:00 A.Mn--Nursery, Kindergarten and Primary Departments 11:00. A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP "WHAT ARE WE DOING WITH THE CHILDREN?" Promotion exercises for younger children during church service Babes and toddlers cared for during service. EVANGEL Pentecostal Church ----, Meeting in the T, R. McEwen Public School Auditorium | WILSON RD; SOUTH | Pastor: Rev. R. D. Ellis SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. MINISTER: REV. JOHN K,. MOFFAT, B.A, Director of Music: Mr. R. G, Geen, L.T.C.M. 725-9617 9:45 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes forall ages. 11:00 A.M. ----- MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. -- EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "ON KEEPING OUR FAITH IN HUMANITY" The Minister Will Preach Sunday School 9:45 A.M--Youth Department --- Young Adult Class =~ Adult Bible Bible Study Group. 11:00 A.M.--Chilidren's Department -- Infant Care, King St. Wuited Church 129 KING STREET EAST REV. L. WESLEY HERBERT, Minister Mr, J, Ernest Fellows, B.A, Student Assistant Miss Nancy Froser, Deaconess Mr. Rhyddid Willioms Choir Director and Orgontst WORSHIP WITH US THIS SUNDAY King Street Pentecostal Church One Block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre €. H. Kerr, Pastor -- 728-5371 9:45 A.M, -- Sunday School Rally 11:00 a.m. -- Inspiring Worship Service Baby Creche Youth Department Nursery and Church School 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd--10:00 o.m.----Holy Communion 7:00 p.m. -- 11:00 a.m. Evangelistic Service "PRIVILEGE AND DUTY" . St. Luke 13; 1-9 Solo: "The Stronger of Galilee' (Morris) Mr, Donald Allman Anthem: "Great Is' The Lord' (Darnton) ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH | NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) MINISTER -- REV. H, A. MELLOW, B.A., D.D. ORGANIST -- MR. RONALD KELLINGTON DEACONESS -- MISS SHIRLEY M. McKEE The Pastor Ministering Special music and singing. A. FRIENDLY WELCOME TO YOU! SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 SIMCOE ST. S Rev. GEORGE C. SMITH, Pastor THIS SUNDAY AT SIMCOE STREET . 10;00 A.M.--Sunday School --- Classes for all 11:00 A.M.--Worship Service ----- The Pastor sfeaks : "PRESENT DAY SIGNS . P.M. OF CHRIST'S RETURN" CHURCH SCHOOL SESSIONS 9:15 A.M.--Primary Grades 1, 2, and 3; Junior 4, 5. and 6 9:15 A.M.--Intermediate Grades 7, 8 and 9; Senior Grades 10 and over | 10:45 Nursery ages 3; Kindergarten ages 4 and 3 Pastor George Smith will dea! with Scriptures from the Bible that " Primary Grades 1, 2, and 3 point directly to the time preceding the return of Christ and H compare them with the conditions of today, Gospel music will be iy 11:00 A.M. Choi Church Mi Th U * Ree e See malting Sou ee te temeee trent Rantertetnt' Chore "Jesus Christ and the Christian Life" SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM " . i Babysitter Service for children up to 3 ors Listen to "SONGS IN THE NIGHT' Sunday 11:05 CK.LB 1350 | by Come Dauble Club. yer Rage ete PS