THE OSHAWA TIMES, SATURDAY, September 18, 1965 ANN LANDERS A Child's Love --, | Ontario Cabinet Irks B & P Women, TORONTO (CP) -- Some of Ontario's business and profes- sional women are not satisfied that Premier John Robarts and his cabinet takes them as seri- ously as they should, y The women, members of busi- olf " " ness and professional women's will og hoy Onell I don't\clubs of Ontario, expressed know what to do. I would ap- |their dissatisfaction after meet- preciate it a whole Jot if you|!"% with Mr. Robarts and would give me some advice|carinet Thursday to present briefs, ranging from a request verry Sia a mysall that women not be exempted from jury duty by virtue of Fed Up At 13 their sex to a proposal for a Dear 13: Dissatisfaction with commission on the status of | one's self is often a rd sell owe sign, The first step toward self-' 'We were well received, but | improvement is realizing you|we were not taken as seriously | need it, The second step is to) jas we should have been," Mrs. | get to work, | Helen Colterjohn . of Trent said, | | Everybody gets: fed up with| eee himself at one time or another, The smart person doesn't pick on others and take out his feel-|jt modifies the-art; ings of self-dissatisfaction on} A kiss is an interjection be-| them, So, Miss 13, learn this)cause it shows strong and sud: | serious talk with her, or should)jesson now and you'll be miles|den feeling: I just skip it and hope my child |ahead of the pack. A. kiss grows to love me more? | Dear Ann Landers: In 'isla it connects. Unhappy Mother jcolumn recently a girl wrote|Learner's Permit | Dear Unappy: A child does labout a couple who steal kisses} Dear Learner: But 1 don't not love his mother just because jin the school corridors between|think it should be taught with| she gave him life. If you wanticlasses, I agree this is awful/ gestures Roy to love you as a mother|but at the same time a kiss does | = jyou'd better start doing the| have a place in a. classroom things for him that a mother|where English is taught, be should do, Because it was easier) cause: to turn these chores over to, A kiss isa Kight of the briefs dealt with | the Ontario Succession Duty Act, several suggested amend-| ments to the Ontario human| rights code and one asked for| the establishment of forensic clinics, Attorney - General Arthur! Wishart said that pregnancy, | small children at home and| other conditions make it hard) for women to serve on juries' on the same compulsory basis: as men, | Mr, Wishart's statement drew | this comment from Anne Frith of Dunnville: "He mentions pregnancy aut the time, We're not always pregnant, you know." $ Margaret Hyndman, a law- yer, asked for a commission tp study the education, employ- iment' and opportunities of Rater ented in Ontario. Dear Ann Landers: I am the 21-year-old mother of a two- year-old gon, About 18 months ago my young sister moved in with us, I love having Jill here. She is a great help to me, but she is causing a problem I can't handle, I'm afraid she is taking my child's love from me, At first 1 was happy to let Jill take Roy for walks, and feed and dress him, but now whenever 1 try to do anything for him he runs' to his aunt and says: 'No, let Auntie Jill do,"' I mentioned this to my sister in a joking way and she laughed it off as sifly, But it really does bother me, Ann, Please tell. me if you feel I should have a PIANO h CLASSICAL and POPULAR | For further information PATRICIA TUCK 74 BURK $7. OSHAWA 725-4587 THE CANADIAN CLUB OF ONTARIO COUNTY OPENING MEETING Wednesday, Sept. 22nd, 1965 HOTEL GENOSHA either active or passive; A kiss is an adverb because | is a conjunction " | left; Mrs, Richad Matthews, Mrs, Matthew Dymond, Port Perry; Mrs, J, 0, Ruddy, be Whitby, the Honorary Presi- dent; Mrs, H. P, Doner, president and hostess and : Mrs, A Craigie j || NEWS IN BRIEF % FREEZING PLUM .| Follow these hints for freez- 'ling plums from home econo: en's Auxiliary to the Whitby General Hospital on Thurs- day Bfernoon are from the YELM OH RECEIVING at the first membership tea to be held by the newly formed Wom- c = Have -- This Winter! in a beginner's SQUARE DANCE CLUB noun because it ts mists at Macdonald Institute, Guelph, Plums must be ripe be- fore freezing, Since many vari- eties may freeze with only poor your sister, you ducked your responsibility and now Roy looks to Auntie Jill for his needs both common A kiss is a and proper pronoun because Ishe stands for it; A kiss is a verb because it is Every Thursday 8 ~ 10:30 p.m, at Bowmanville Memorial Park Club House, Liberty St, S$, 725-2744 or 623-7244 The Club will begin its regular winter series with @ group of outstanding speakers, and arrangements have been completed for the meetings as follows Wednesday -- September 22nd THE HONOURABLE MICHAEL STARR, M.P. Mr, Storr, as a member of on interparliomentary delegation representing Canada, was the guest of the U.S.S.R, récently and travelled extensively in that country, He will tell us what he saw, give his comments and opinions and illustrate his talk with pictures, Tuesday -- October 26th MISS KAHN-TINETA HORN Miss Horn is a Mohawk Indian of the Six Nations troquols Confederacy of Caughnawaga, Quebec, who has rejected the titles of Queen, Princess etc, She attended the Sir George Williams University and was an excellent student, Miss Hern studied economics in Europe and travelled in Mexico, United States and Canada and two years ago came forward in tele- vision appearances, radio, newspapers and magazine articles with revelations on the present condition of the Indians--and what is going to happen to them, She spoke widely in the United States during 1964, Miss Horn will speak of the past 20,000 years, specifically of the last 300 years, and on the coming 500 yeors, She describes herself os an Indian fighting ond struggling for her people, '\to fair quality, try only small S\trial. packs the first time, Prunes and damsons are pre- ferred. A light syrup is recom- mended for better flayor, Get off your back porch and you won't have to worry about! Auntie Jill depriving you of the boy's love Dear Ann Landers: I know a girl who is 13 and a real pain in the neck, She is always com-| plaining about something. Tf it isn't her hair, it's her clothes If it isn't her mother, it's her \father, It seems that every single day} this girl has a headache or a toothache or a toe ache. The | 5 worst part of it is I can't get rid of her, She js always with me because I am the girl, I am sick of listening to my- MONDAY & TUESDAY - We Guarantee to SAVE YOU $100.00 ON YOUR ANNUAL FOOD COST PHONE 723-1163 THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF Ghambeu: FOOD CLUB 933 RITSON RD, 5. TIMELY TIPS a delicious--snack-that! in low calories? Then try a luscious plum, It contains only about 25 calories but provides Z| body nutrients, advise food spe- \cialists at Macdonald Institute, Guelph, Want 9. mark Monday down on your jcalendar as a day of great hap piness in romance, creative pur suits, whether vocational or avo cational, and one of great ser enity on the domestic front FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Monday birthday, | the year ahead promises much in the way of job and financial advancement--not only through own efforts, but also the co-operation of in interested in welfare, are likely bestow unusual recognition and chances of advancement in both occupational and financial matters between now and Oct, }31; also during the first two |weeks of December, the first |two in February, the latter half of course, if you put forth your ibest efforts, are co- -operative and earn the promised benefits, Personal matters will also be governed by fine influences, as ifor instance, highly auspicious periods for comance prontsed between now and Oct, 1, next April and June; for travel and enlivening social activities dur- ing the balance of this month, in January, April and the weeks between June 15 and Sept 1 of next year. Look for fine develop- ments on the domestic front, too, and, even if you have to change this environment in Oc tober, which a possibility, don't fret, The change will def- initely work out for the better, | A child born on this day will} he endowed. with the qualities required to excel as an educa-| tor, literary eritic or technolo gist your 18 your \through | fluential Tuesday -- January 25th MR. DOUGLAS WILKINSON Mr, Wilkinson who is an author, film director, Aretie adven- turer and top expert on the Eskimo has been extremely populer as @ Canadian Club speaker, He is author of "The Land of " Long Day" and 4 contributor to Macleans and the Beaver, @ a new book for children is about to be published, Mr, wee son has lived in the Arctic for most of the last fifteen yeors and one yeor he lived as on adopted son of an Eskime family, learning their language and hew to be en Eskimo hunter, He is prepared in addition, if desired, to show pictures er movies, Thursday -- November 25th Supt. William George Fraser, R.C.M. Police Supt. Fraser till recently wos the Officer Commanding "G"' Division of the R.C.M.P., the division responsible for the policing of the entire Canadian Arctic, During 1944 he was detailed as personal bodyguard for Sir Winston Churchill dur- ing his time at the Second Quebec Conference with Mr. Roosevelt. Upon Confederation of Newfoundland with Canada, on April 1, 1949, Supt. Fraser was posted to that Division and for slightly over three years in charge of the Criminal Investigation Branch and responsible for setting up the new Detachments, Much more could be written of Supt, Fraser's colourful coreer with the R.C.M.P. Supt, Fraser has just returned from @ year's course at the Imperial Defence College, London, and is in the R.C.M.P, Criminal Investigation Braneh, Topic: "The R.C.M.P. in the North" persons youl These MRS, J, W. RICHARD- SON, Whitby, left, enjoys a cup of tea while Mrs. Leslie McFarlane, social convener, Many New Members Enrolled At Hospital Auxiliary Tea The first Membership Tea to; In the receiving line were Mrs. imestic interests, Plans made be held by the newly formed|Richard Matthews, Mrs. Mat-now to improve and beautify Women's Auxiliary of the yet-|thew Dymond, Port Perry; Mrs./your home environment should to-be-bullt Whitby General Hos-/H. P, Doner, president; and work out very well, A good pe pital was an unqualified vo a, A. C, ig Mn riod, too, for partaking in social cess, Those pouring tea were: MYrs./ activities and making new It was held Thursday after-/R. H. Bedell, Mrs, C, H, Stiner \riendahips . noon at the home of the presi-/Mrs, Hugh Nichol, Mrs. Wilma por THE BIRTHDAY dent, Mrs, H, P. Doner, on High-|Davidson, Mrs. Gordon Rich: y¢ tomorrow js your birthday, way 12, just north of the Town/ards, Mrs, Campbell McKay, your horoscope promises a fine of Whitby. Of the 175 guests,|Mrs, Donald Irvine, Mrs. Peter) jutiogk for this new year. in 75 became new members, boost-/Wiseman, Mrs. Derek EIIS,/voup jife. Focus vour-attention ing the total membership to 175,|Brooklin; Mrs, J.J. F. Schloen,)9, job and financial goals now The Auxiliary was formed this!Kinsale; Mrs, Robert Langford,! ings your are currently in. an summer and this was its first}Mrs, G. Arthur Welsh, Mrs./oycelient. six-week cycle where major project, Others in the) Warren Mowat, wife of Whit you can make notable advances planning stage are a bridge 'injby's Mayor, Mrs, John E, Pro on both fronts. These in turn October and possibly & dance!tahard, Mrs. Gifford Beaton and) aouid and should. act.as_a fur: later the year Florence Heard ther springboard to gains dur Members of the Doner and Mrs, MCFar: ing the early part of December formed the committee arrang-||and presented Mrs a ore the first two: weeks of Febru ing the tea and were: Mrs, H.|with a corsage of white ary, the latter half of Apri P. Doner, president; Mrs, Davididenias in appreciation of her .aijy May. the last two weeks Cuddy, ist vice-president; Mrs.|participation of June and all of next August A. C, Craigie, 2nd vice-presi Mr. Lorne Campbell, Whitby No avoid extravagance cand dent; Mrs. Richard Matthews,|vounteered to take charge of speculation (parti niariy the 4rd vice-president; Mrs, Derekjthe parking of cars, helping the latter) during. Noy thins haw Ellis, Brooklin, 4th vice-presi-| guests, wherever he was. needed ever. Also durin nit two dent; Mrs, lan Hamer, treasur The auxiliary, with the tea waeke: 6h hai sinbar and the er; Mrs. John Spratt, recording | off their minds are now hard Host ton wikie ih A neth pies secretary; and the social con |i at work finalizing plans for their you may be faced with some un vener, Mrs. Lestie McFarlane lfirst tag day next Friday expected increase in expenses To Be Fired Is good turn, since it forced them PhP nA Mieka hl pe Not End Of World to change for the better, latter part of October and the Before you siart a new jobjearly part of January -- you hunt, analyze why you should experience a year of un ired. Tf it as for a job fail usual domestic harmony. Best By ROBERTA ROESCH NT sagh y 'enue CTiOds. for comance: Between that Weakness or i ' ni y Dear Roberta Roesch: 4 be SSinow and Oct 1, next April and do you hold your head up after stand against you! June; for travel and stimulatin ' i. fired oe again, Then go forward with a/Social activities: The balance of Oshewe Business College you've been fired? et this month, all of January and special course for mature new confidence and find . . Whedanhene % sere As a new divorcee tunit April and the midJune-early attend halt days, opportunities September period of 1966 ' 'i ging eriod of 1966 head is hanging Dear Roberta Roesch: I recently office and everything seemed fine till 1 got niy walking pa pers last week Now I'm .em barrassed and disgraced when A child barn on tt da zive me a much needed ever the subject of jobs come waits for Mrs, Derek Ellis, Brooklin to pour her one, Over 175 members and friends attended the event which is the first major proj- ect the new Auxiliary has sponsored --Oshawa Times Photots THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW An excellent Venus aspect stimulates romance, artistic jand cultural pursuits and do-/ to FACIAL TISSUE The meeting on September 22nd is open to anyone whe wishes to-attend. Adimission to subsequent meetings will be by mem- bership card, The annual dues are $5.00 per person or $7.50 per couple and may be mailed to the treasurer Mr, James Me- Cansh, Manager, The Bank of Montreal, Oshawa, Ontario, er paid when attending o meeting. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m, followed by the speaker's address at 7:30 p.m, Those unable to attend the dinner may come, as many members do, to hear the speqker et 7:30 p.m. (Dinner Tickets $2.00), Miss Mrs int executive fxesh lear. BONELES S,STEWING BEEF 55 HOUSEWIVES MATURE WOMEN BUSI? TRAINING IS GOOD FOR you! Even though you may ork in an office The prime purpose of the Canadian Club when the first one was formed in 1892 was, and still is, to help us to become better informed Canadians and stimulate the Canadian spirit, We might enlarge on this by saying that the purposes are to foster throughout Canada an interest in public affairs end te cultivate on attachment to Canadian institutions, Membership is open to any interested citizen, the never W e f real help te your } business e i, own eater know in whet is ~ n ¢ interest ND t you can easily secure a good-paying were Position ecause BUSIN TRAINED MATURE WOMEN ARE VERY MUCH eliminiate iN DEMAN ND, ure How lat Annwwersary so it won't / HEIDI'S fate styune 367 WILSON RD. S. Who offer the ladies of Oshawa the experience of European trained Hairstylists -- new (whose low anyhow) a Please push have in my wi intellect almost fields has a leaning fo curb a tend over-exacting with took joh in an '9 and Dictaph Ger FRee LITERATURE START ANY WEEK THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE 10 Simeoe St. North Oshewa Phone 725.3378 spaces things Wish to thank our customers of the past year and of the future who have;made this year so enjoyoble and our future so promising, HEIDI (Germeny) "INGE (Austrie) IN EUNVERARY Weer?! Heidi's Modern Hair Styling Are offering on September 20, 21, 22 and 23 Cream Wave, Reg. 10.50 for 8.50 --- Steam Wave Reg, bog for 10.50 -- Lenolin Steam Wave, Reg. 15.00 for 12.50 -- Civ Oil Wave, Reg. 17.50 or 15 sis to tip: He!lp you your job b and i ma) be endowed with a fink since IT never seem to and could succeed in enough breathing space any of the professional ife to start anything toward which he My life is one crisis after an but will have other without enough empty ency to be up, What can [I do about this' to start the associates E. P. want to do. Mrs, T. J DAY AFTER TOMORROW Dear E. P.: Wipe the blush) Dear Mrs, T, J: Most of US) Yesterday's generous Venus away from your face and putineed more empty spaces than influences continue, so you can| this job incident hehind you life allows us to have, so if we) Abie Granted, this isn't easy when all waited till we got them few your ego is bruised and yourjpeople would ever get started confidence crushed, But pegple/Consequently, get into the 'habit have had this happen before of working from cri crisis and survived it many times when and where you can do it There are many things that) Try it! You'll find that it} ean happen that are worse than| works' being fired, And besides, many; Opportunity of those who have been fired self get ahead have often found the Kee you run that what fo be bad luck n ong seemed at first was indeed a! a t "RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING In Your Home... or Our Plant PHONE 725-9961 AW, -- LLEANERS mind: alive } even if other people and drowse INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 MARY (Hungery) PARKING FRANCA (itely) OPEN 8:00 A.M. MON. TRUDY (Germany) CALL 723-5631 DIVISION OF OSHAWA CLEANING CONTRACTORS TO SAT.