« INTERNATIONAL styling, "for tomorrow's jet set, in this Chelsea collar slim en- semble by Scout-Tex of Can- * ada, Fitted blouson features INTERNATIONAL 4) Charles Brockman, son of Mrs, y\Saturday, October 9, 1965, ' dell, Gananoque, sjnounce the engagement of their STYLING white dickey insert and trim accents, with button tab waist. Streamlined slims complete the outfit, SOCIAL & Jo Aldwinckle, Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department ~ Other guests from out-of-town Bttending the March-Penicka wedding today are: . and 'Mrs. Michael Gilezan, Oakville; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goldstein, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Defoa, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fox, Debbie and Ronnie, and Mrs, Paul Miskovsky, all of Windsor; Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Skowron and Mariann, Bramp- fon; Mr. and Mrs, Frank Sea- ward, Bay Ridges; Mr. and rs. Louis Beinart, Bronx, New ork; Mr. and Mrs, Peter Kichko, Brighton; Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Clarke, Hamilton; Miss Susan and Miss Ruth Hlavac, Harrow; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rees, Etobicoke; Mr. and Mrs. ald Selby, Belleville, and r. and Mrs, John Cincurak and 'Ann, Leamington. « Toronto guests attending the yp seve wedding today Northminster United Church 'are: Mr. and Mrs, Walter Har- » Mr. and Mrs. Charles larvey, Mr. and Mrs, William lughes, Mr, and Mrs, Ivan obb, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wright, Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Watrich, the Reverend and Mrs. Frank Myers, Miss Sharon Rip- Jey, Mr. and Mrs. John Run- ming, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Semeniuk, Mr. and Mrs. Man- uel Swartz, and Mr. Ronald Swartz. | * Montreal guests attending the March-Penicka wedding today re: Mr, Ed Brndiar, Mr. John Juras, Miss Zenia Kanasiewicz, PERSONAL}: Women's Editor Sutherland, chairman of the Evening Chapter. Servers were members of the executives of both the Afternoon and Evening Chapters, Conveners of the tea were Mrs, Harry Kerr, assisted by Mrs. Elmer Dixon and Mrs. loyd Cruwys, the social con- vener of the Evening Chapter. Mr. and Mrs. John Mac: Intyre, Detroit, Michigan, were in Oshawa, Tuesday visiting Mrs. R, G. Collison, King street east. Mr, Alfred Willis, Dungannon, Northern Ireland, is spending three weeks at the home of his brother, Mr. David Willis and Mrs, Willis, Mary street north, Mra, §. A, Willson, convener of the Golden Jubilee Chapter, IODE Annual Members Supper- Dance to be held at the Hotel Genosha in October, held a com- mittee meeting at her home on Masson street. It was announced that the supper would be in the form of a Smorgasbord this year. Mrs. L. V. Walker report- ed that the entertainment pro- vided by the chapter members was in the first stages of re- hearsals and the theme this year would be Geisha Gaieties. Mrs. R. Sawyer announced that the tickets would be available at the next meeting, September 27, reservations would be taken by Mrs, D, M, Campbell and Mrs. Gordon Lofthouse would be in 4s 'Mrs. Mary Poliak, Mr. and Mrs. 'Andrew Ponisky and Miss Irene) Ponisky; Mr. and Mrs. John} Sitar, Donna and Linda; Mr. | and Mrs. George Streiz, Mr. and) "Mrs. Paul Streiz Sr., and Mr.| and Mrs, Paul Streiz Jr Members of the Oshawa Gen-| 'bral Hospital Women's Auxiliary awho attended the first Mem- ere, Tea to be held by the Whitby General Hospital Women's Auxiliary on Thursday Biternoon at the home of Mrs. H. P, Doner, Whitby were; Mrs. James McCansh, president; Mrs, W.F. Marshall, Mrs; Harry Taylor, Mrs. R. W. Bassett, Mrs. Grant McIntosh, Mrs. C. D. Russell, Mrs. J. D. McLean, Mrs. H. B, James, Mrs, R. L Gray, Mrs, E. A, Collins and many others. Mr. and Mrs, J. Clinton Fet-on Wednesday afternoon of Mr.) terly, Roxborough avenue have Casemet"s brother, Mr, Roscoe just returned from visiting their son, Dr, J. C, M, Fetterly and Mrs. Fetterly in London, On- tario, While in London, Mr. Fetterly, who is the Senior Rep- resentative for the World Book Encyclopedia, for Oshawa and district, was in charge of the Company's exhibit at the Western Fair. Committee ing the Fashion Preview for the Beta Sigma Phi, Delta Sigma Chapter, are: Miss Linda Wil son, convener; Mrs. Robert Hor- ton, Miss Irene Wysotski, Mrs Carl Schoenau, Mrs. Robert Jackson, Miss Betty. Baxter, Miss Donna Smith, and Mrs Douglas C. Cosburn, Mrs. J. W MacDonald, the vice-president will open the show, according to Beta Sigma Phi custom. At the Oshawa General Hos- pital Women's Auxiliary tea for Mrs, George Telford on Wed- nesday afternoon, those pouring tea were: Mrs, J. D. McLean, wife of the Chief of the Medical Staff of the Hospital; Mrs. E G. Storie, the wife of the Chair man of the Board; Mrs. C. D Russell, past-president; Mrs. C, R. Lunn, past-chairman of the Evening Chapter; and Mrs Colin Ashton, vice-chairman of the Evening Chapter. Those receiving at Mrs. Tel- ford's tea were Mrs. Charles Robson, the hostess; Mrs James McCansh, the Auxiliary; and members arrang- ee charge of refreshments | Mr, and Mrs, Benjamin Worth, Waltham, Mass., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Burton, Glidden avenue, | Mrs, S. F. Donnelly, convener| of the Dessert Bridge for the Women's Welfare League being jheld next Thursday, held a meeting of the co-conveners at jher home.Mrs. Donnelly is the igeneral and publicity convener jand others attending were Mrs. S. T. Hopkins, food convener; |Mrs, C. L, Cousins, her co-con- jvener; Mrs. A. G, _oulter, prizes; Mrs. C. H. Vipond, tables; and Mrs, J. W. Picker: ing, co-convener of tickets, Mr, and Mrs, Orval Case ment, Belvedere avenue attend- ed the funeral at Richmond Hill Casement ST. LUKE'S PRESBYTERIAN Ww . Luke's SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Northeutt, 'Bowmanville, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Audrey Ann, to Mr, C. A. Brockman, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Brockman, The marriage will take place on ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Jack A, Trues- Ontario, an- daughter, Gail Sharon, to Mr, Thomas Gregory Sawyer, son of Mrs, William Sawyer, Osh- awa,"and the late Mr, Sawyer. The marriage will take place on Saturday, October 9, 1965 at St, John's Church, Gananoque, ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Stewart, Zion, wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Brenda Adalene, to Bruce Douglas Mills, Oshawa, son of] - the late Mr, and Mrs. Harold Mills, The wedding will take place on Saturday, October 9, 1965 at 3.00 p.m, in Zion United Church, Mrs. S. F. Donnelly is the general convener arranging the Simcoe Hall Dessert Bridge being held on Thurs- day, September 23 by the Women's Welfare League. Proceeds are for the Crip- pled Children's Settlement House and for Boys Club Work. In conjunction with the bridge the Boys Club in Eastview Park will be open for tours. DISTAFF DIARY The afternoon group of St. Church Presbyterian Women met at the home of Mrs, Ross Smith, Plans were made for the an- nual tea to be held at the home of Mrs. Alex Craigie, 1070 Rossland road west on Wednes- day, October 6. The general convener is Mrs, Frank R. Sparling; tickets, Mrs. Lyle Hastings; tea room, Mrs. Gordon Riehl, and bake table, Mrs. James French. Tick- ets may be bought at the door, TOPS CLUB (Inch-Pinchers) With everyone back from vacation the Inch-Pinch TOPS Club has been busy plan- ning many things for the com- ing months, A successful Penny Sale was held in August. It was announced that the new meet- ing place would be Harman) Park Clubhouse, Cedardale, on Monday at 7.30 p.m, and that new members would be wel- jton Lee, bers back and opened the meet THERAPISTS Miss Beverley Smith, left, formerly of Toronto is the new Physiotherapist at the Simcoe Hall Crippled Chil- dren's School and Treat. ment Centre, She is a grad> uate of University of Toron- to, Physical and Occupa- tional Therapy, Class of '63 and has worked for two years at the Ontario Crip- Women THE OSHAWA TIMES, SATURDAY, September 18, 1965 JOIN STAFF led Children's Centre in 'oronto, Miss Janet Thomp- son, right, just recently ar. rive in Canada from Tor quay, Devonshire, England, and will be the speech thera: pist at the Centre in Osh. awa, Miss Thompson is a graduate of Central School of Speech and Drama, Lon don, England where she studied for three years Summary of ST, JOHN AUXILIARY The Oshawa Women's Auxil- lary of the St. John Ambulance met for the fall season at the home of Mrs. Charlene Walsh, Quebec street. It was decided the auxiliary would take part in the open air bazaar to be held in the near future at the Shopping Centre. Each member was asked to have all fancy work ready for the bazaar. Mrs, John Schnaider donated a three-piece knitted infant's set, which will be raffled off at the next meeting. It was announced that Darryl Hurlbert won the lounge chair that was drawn for at the family DISTAFF DIARY reports of meetings Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their' secretaries. and activities of Several money ~ raising proj- ects were discussed. Mrs Joseph Wiltshire announced she had Christmas cards for sale. The members were reminded of the Presbyterial meeting to be held in Orono United Church October 20, with Miss Muriel Stephens as the speaker, Each unit was asked to send one dele- gate and as many as possible to attend this meeting. It was announced the members would be quilting each Monday and help was needed to work on the quilts, The devotional period was in charge of Unit 4 with several of the members taking part. A film % »\ 7 4 social time was spent with|Maguire. refreshments served by Unit 4.) It was announced that a he aT. PHI. Cw. of bowling would be ine members on init "Coming The first meeting of thel/Tyesday at the Oshawa Bowl: season of St. Philip's Catholicjing Lanes. 'Women's League was held A bo a will be Ea Bos Wednesday, at St. Philip's Hall,|5t. p's Hall on Sunday, The president, Mrs. Harry|September 26, after 10:30 a.m, Cowlanlock, presided, mass, The conveners are Mrs. As the secretary, Mrs, Ray James McKeever and Mrs, Blanchard, is leaving the parish,|Harry Gowanlock. Mrs, James Hughes was chosen) A social bingo was planned jas the new secretary, Additionaljfor Wednesday, October 13, The councillors chosen were, social,jconveners are Mrs, James Mrs, John Jobin, sradio, televi-\Hughes and Mrs, John Maguire, silo and films, Mrs, John) Mrs, James McKeever will bel be held in St, Philip's Hall on Friday, October 22, Plans were made for the fa bazaar to be held on Saturday, November 20, Coveners are Mrs, James Hughes and Mrs. William Spratt, Those in charge of the various booths are Mrs. Eugene Muller, Mrs, I, J. Tom- linson, Mrs, A, J, Legere, Mrs. H. J, Tenhaaf, Mrs, James \Sabyan, Mrs, William Spratt, Mrs, William Dittrick, Mrs. Rae T. MeLinton, Mrs, Leonard Fleury, Mrs, Joseph McCullough land Frank Schlechter, convening a rummage sale "| are pleased to introduce Helga Heid As The Newest Hairstylist Miss Heid comes to Modella Hairstylists directly from West Germany, where she hos worked In the finest Beauty Salon in Germany Ist Calon of Karlsmuce, Miss Heid is « ramarkobly creative stylist and hos won mony awards in Europe for her originality, she Is a holder of a Masters Certificate for Creative Hoir Styling, Modella Hairstylists ore most pleased to have Miss Heid join their staff ond bring with her © first hand knowledge of the latest fall styles from Europe Modella Hairstylists International Coiffures 71 CELINA ST. For An Appointment Please Call 725-4531 on Brazil was shown, 'Women's Army Co Vea green barathea uniform with WEAR SMART UNIFORM Women in the Canadian Corba wear a old buttons, a pink shirt and « rgundy sash, . "Jolie de Vivre" CRUISES 1965-66 Fhenew aeoieray NOV. 10 Caribbean Cruise fi New York, 1 A Sen Oe DEC, 21 African Cruise from Le Havre and Southamptone, 14 days, 4 ports, From $488 (U,8.) JAN. 13 Caribbean Cruise from N.Y. 12a days, 5 ports, From $480 (U,8.), JAN, 28 Caribbean Cruise from NY, 14% days, 7 a rom 9576 ws FEB. 14 Caribbean Cruise from N.Y, 16Ve days, 8 ports, From $628 (U. 8). MARCH 5 Special Spring Crossing from N.Y, to Cannes vie Gibratter end Naples, First Class from $482.60 (U,8.), Tourist Class from $280 (U,6.), MARCH 15 Mediterranean Cruise from Cannes®*, 16 days, 6 ports, From $886 (U,6,), Optional extension Cannes-Le Havre 3 days, *Connection via $.8, UNITED STATES from NY, Dee, 9, 196%. Return vie 5.5, FRANCE, Jan, 7, 1966, **Return via §, 8, FRANCE from Le Havre, Apr, 8, 1086 SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT Toronto 1, Ont., 366-2009 For Travel Information Coll or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 57 King St. ©. 728-6201 Call Now For Complete Travel Arrangements MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 25 King St. E., Oshawe Phone 723-7001 ae picnic held at Lakeview Park. One new member joined and one visitor was present, A toy demonstration was given by Mrs, Malcom DeMille. Refreshments were seryed by Mrs. Walsh, assisted by Mrs, Alfred West, ALBERT STREET UCW The first meeting of the fall and winter season of Albert Street United Church Women was held recently. The vice-president, Mrs, Clay- welcomed the mem- ing with a reading. Mrs. Andrew Knox reported that 81 visits had been made during the summer months to the hospital, Hillsdale Manor, and the shut-ins also 10 cards had been sent out to the sick, The fall bazaar was discuss: ed, Mrs. James Scott will be the convener and Mrs, Helmuth Dyck will open the bazaar, which was set for November 25. | 74 Celina Street FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shades and Fobrics .. . see... Mé DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS SXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 Boe GOLDEN RAST M 50s <>< <A> CARLTON CLEANING CAROUSEL Do-it-yourself Dry Cleaning Five Hendy Leeotions: Eglinton Ave, £, ot Vietorie Perk LAWRENCE PLAZA Lewrenee et Bethurst MUMBERTON SHOPPING CENTRE Roye! York Rd. end Dundes &, Went, West Deen Pork OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE watch for the opening of our ) 5 ><> VALUABLE COUPON «><> 8 tbs, of DRY CLEANING worth $2.50 CARLTON'S CLEANING CAROUSEL SPECIAL FOR MILE PLAZA ALL PLAZA New YORKDALE Branch PAPE PEP ered <><> SPECIAL OFFER! Offer expires Oct, 16th, 1965 .00 -- ne (WITH COUPON) Oc fog \aeaabzer- THE SHOE WITH THE BEAUTIFUL FIT -- "HAMPT 13.98 ... fall 1965... -- Style Showing ON" "CAMEO" 15.95 We couldn't begin to describe the comfort built right into these Natur- alizer styles. The just-right fit is the famous toe-free, heel hugging com- bination last . every Naturalizer style. . a trademark of aunnlzer. THE SHOB WITH THE BEAUTIFUL FIT -- "UTAH" 16.95 Today! Consult the ural Fitting' on art Get a 'Natural' fit with Naturlizer shoes people who make "Nat- DAVIDSON SHOE STORE 31 Simcoe St. N. Downtown Oshawa Open Friday 'til 9