Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Sep 1965, p. 10

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ite " re a sie * anes i 2 ig a ge age tags tpt APPLE Dat: em ' * " DNL A ACRES IEE WE PELL NTT ITGE A MEO VALE LE REL OAL EA LEE MALE ALLER EEA SLAP FUE y sory wane -------------- | CHILD GUIDANCE By rh ye the araune of wardé. not all 7] 7 pletured, beginting whk & cer- Ways To Aid Child iam ben : Of course, we can do to a ma 4 "|help the young child bear and Be n S h make sounds of words when we ginning opeec. read a great deal to him, enun- clating distinctly as we do, : s/ reag td ores, oe bert we on. ene these exer: pt ing) dite are he "rd , any little « cises 80 as elp him associate| After reading one 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuosdey, September 14, 1965 speech may name the Seond eilthe letters' with' theif' sounde,we might pause when coming an object or creature instead ofjespecially the initial letters of|to the rhyming word and let the . giving its real name; tick-tock,|familiar words, child give it, DISTAFF DIARY [fete mormon tow vow aso cont : meow, n they themselves ; choose these words, though they oo oe oe en Mothers Like This. Summary of reports of meetings and activities of |sometimes merely imitiate aNliute ine word saying it, But we Ick Way to Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports jolder person who says them, | would group these slotires and ; submitted by thelr secretaries, The child may choose on hisitheir names so that those for Relieve Diarrhea : t itlate the sound It's natural tor Mother to worry UAW AUXILIARY afternoon, The president, Mrs, rae Cine tomaite or the rm yg Licgr "reat Pn bed annoying Diarrhea upaete The first meeting of Aux, 27,)Albert Singer, welcomed the|sqund of the wind, As he Goes|gether; box, boat, bed, all the ian Ie wel asin when she~ remembers Dr. UAW, for the coming season)members back after the sum-|sq he practises on the sound Of|bag: can, cart, cal, cap, coat,| Fowler's Extract of det t was held recently with Mrs.jmer recess and gave a brief, op the sound of wh. From. pictured words begin: Sauk dass Clifford Pilkey, presiding, Mr,|report on hospital visitation. to take, As soon as your child begin-inin for children or adults, ; ptt eae fl chairman a sd Jt was decided to decorate|ning speech starts to imitate 70a Big gana By: 'pimple Dierrhoe 16 one moi fambers. requesting. thelr, help| feat cat foyeta ton Weectables | words' you say, he and you can|tured 'words which beyin with) ens enh muses amps ana etna me 8 req 8 Pi fruit and flowers for the church have a vast deal of fun together.ja blend:. stove, slick, stork; upeelt id y Br Fowia' intract in canvassing for donations.| service on Thanksgiving Sune|c, bea / That's wh fe Seven members volunteered and] day, Plans were made 1a the Se sara eave Wale Malad ern clock, claw; train, trap, Sunt, eas Waleuhidd." an more help was requested, fall bazaar and a tentative date f = A full report of the Auxiliary) was set for October 27, Several be Pegs ta Utd him plenic, which was @ huge suc-|money raising projects were to say them after you, coss, was given by Mrs, Russell discussed, und Mrs, Willlam| a, you see, the words in the MeNell, It was announced that) Henning announced she had 'all suggested group start with the a Hallowe'en party would beloccasion cards" on hand andisame sound, In this way you held instead of the regular 8eC!that the group would be selling| oan interest him in hearing and ond meeting in October, ThelQhristmas cards again this making sounds, Teen-age dances, sponsored by year, It would be well to limit the | pe ge Mel ple ean pe A reading from the Christianjexercise to real things he can; : Herald by R, H. Grenville was\see and touch, Next you might) UNITED CHURCH WOMEN PREPARE FOR AUTUMN TEA tapos Aponte ul orale tH Cre aac an uh ee eu mh On Thursday afternoon, home of Mrs, Stanley Lov- ing arrangements, Here -- vener and standing behind |are held Saturday afternoons, _ at a ghey he Fate el ed perros god po idl when the Phoebe Scammel ell, seated on the left, every they discuss table decora- are the co-conveners, Mrs, Mrs, Ralph Hopson and Mrs, Dediccen , , > th phe Fh win ike Marin. Unit of Simcoe Street Unit- thing will operate smoothly tions and appointments, A. F, Higgs and Mrs. |Claude Comerford looked after)", ' i t) ght Pe Gono e Church Women hold their because of the planning and Seated with Mrs, Lovell is George Ainsley the Tuck Shop at Hillsdale| The devotional part of thejnings: big, bang, board, ' " ,. BR. 20N- ~Oshawa Times Photo , Se ber 1. Bleven|next meeting will be in thejdig, dog, dance, dark, (A good | ---- me a Ti = " --_ -- nt rome en f ot the pf sey wore ill and|¢harge of Mrs, C, L, Gunter|variation would be to name an| flowers were sent to them, A|with Mra, George Paver taking\action as you practise it: hit, 7 4 2 g\the study book, rub, pour, cut ,write,) WEDDING ALBUM (oc in ts Se ae eo ati a f nee . NG Ly ; several objects or their pictures) gg erg lat ll wot oA The September. meeting ofin a group which rhyme, as) : A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The | qa, arternoons. The Local 222|/UMt 9 of King Street United/can, pan, fan; doll, ball, wall; Oshawa Times Women's Page, Forms are available at The | nyt in a new poured vinyl floor peck W ane was held in the) boat, cont, goat, Next say thym: Th H d Cc i Oshawa Times office, Early publication of this wedding jin the kitchen and a letter of!' ca ape fat 'opened tne te lat lee oat oe 04 ey | Me ry ng record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and | thanks will be rey -- _imaeting with a reading, pd aia "wced: et a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as eet ected Chileran "Thought for Today." Miss" Before long he may want tof . The men from Ress Mills come in and gently possible after the ceremony, You are asked to submit the | Retarded Children's Workship,| tte Wright rend the memorial say some words which rhyme| prtlar ye the rugs from the floor, RY gros the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the |Mental Health Association, and| {or the late Mrs. Vera Wileon, alwith a word you say, All the! men's fault, | thought our rugs had gone for social editor either before or the day after the wedding the Red Cross; also a $200 dona-|if@ member of the UCW with) foregoing exercises also might good, so | cried like a baby, But was | ever : the Loyal Workers' Group. ----|be great fun for the child four|f glad later! They brought our rugs back leaning tion was given to Local 1817 at) z } ; Fittings, who are on strike, A|, Mt. Hall reminded the mem:lor five years old. so fresh, clean and room brightening right i | és / || bers of the hobby show, tonight oreover, some or all | : : : McClurg - Rogers ee to be sent to) i+ 7.00 p.m; and the bazaur, arene Lstaihes i literally pranced with joy. Where had they an iat on ae therm this week, no| November 17, 28 p.m, linteresting and very helpful tof gone? To the famous Baker Cleaning plant for Anerew ¢ wisiee Crary The foes was Miss Jeutig| was Gneeenced wet the|""Members reported that 29 the child who, at four, six or| thelr annual cleaning. You try Baker Cleaning Oshawa, was the setting for the/O'Connor, Acton similarly) children's Christmas pary| home and 19 hospital calls had|seyen, does not speak plainly, today, you'll see what | mean, dressed would be held on December 11 i marriage of Beverley Dale Rog: The best man was Mr, Ron-|and names must be in by oy. "an ee during the summer./As you know, some children q 8} ! " ; Harold Tiers and her] sybstitut ds--h for s in! a ne nl va tg Drapak, Whitby, and pedo tober 5. his many date ee group will be responsible for --o Hg ig oe, "Bree Pick-Up and Delivery" ; ' i ors were Mr. Angus Mitchell,/give the purchasing committec!t,. October meeting. Mra. H. 0, in thing. Such exercises may | Harry KErrol MeClurg, son of}'Toronto, and Mr, Robert Hock:|a chance to choose better gifts, | yo ' : Mr, and Mrs, Nathaniel sels Coboconk | 'The members were asked to ag oy Pe eel Tt kg make the little enue fi ' Clurg, Oshawa, The reception was held in St./aubmit suggestions at the next] Wi" MS. & Myers Teaeing self-conscious as our saying the = JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL . rae ; ' ithe scripture, Mrs, Albert Brit-|pight sound of the word after! The Reverend John K. Morris/siephen's United Church Hall] meeting for a fund-raising proj-| i. ana Mrs, Ross Pooley sang a \ " officiated and Mr, Ross Den-jwhere the bride's. mother re-/ect, also suggestions for a trip : : y he has said it wrongly, Over 80 Years Experience" ' ra ' 'K va)| Bless This House," Notice that there ate no) sham, Hampton, was the soloist,|ceived, wearing an aqua sult|to O'Keefe Centre or the Royal Mrs. H. 0. McKee read Siosinted words tn chanection| poem, "Without a Smile.' Mr./with the foregoing exercises, Ernest Fellows talked to the/7'he child merely gets the sound members on the "New Curricu+|in connection with the object, accompanied by Mr. Keviniwith black accessories and the Alexandra, Mra, James Arm James, Oshawa, ibridegroom's mother assisted,|strong pit forth a suggestion be in Roomy hy Mr.}wearing an off white sult with} for a community so ge and! illiam Hockley, the bride wore|q white mink collar and brown) will enquire further and will re- 7 te a formal gown of pure whitelaccessories, pert back to the Auxillary, Mra. er sondage : bo pletures or activity, After he faille with the neckline and lily:| As the couple teft on their) George Thomson requested the)" | anes Okt snd four| i enjoyed many such exer. point sleeves trimmed in lace/honeymoon to the Pocono Moun-| Auxiliary to contact the Film| ig cit sed iH ' if jelses and has, as in the first : and encrusted with seed pearls,ltains, Pennsylvania, the bride| Board of Canada and try to ob-| Visitors enjove a social half-) grade, learned the names of let- , i daught t and featuring a chapel train.|was wearing a dark brown Ital-|tain films preferably referring| "our_and refreshments, -- ns For "BAKER SERVICE" \ ' ST, ANDREW'S UNITED = ¥ the ne Con OF |Her pearlized crown held herlian-knit suit with satin trim, cof-|to Union activities, | or -- call your loea! Church was the scene of the py ag on ee floor-length veil of tulle and she/fee brown accessories and a| The correspondence was read SOCT ATL NOTICES Become A agent wedding of Beverley Dale are. Pr gph gh vag carried 4 hougeet of gold roses corsage of yellow: roses and which included letters ot thanks) Di sleiel ! i rf 0 "i . ¥ nahi * jand trating stephanotis, yronze chrysanthemums, Onjfor the donations previously) FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE ROSS E MILLS C Lid. ee he @ eae, Nathaniel tLe dee The maid of honor was Miss|their return, Mr, and Mrs, Me-| mentioned, | Mr, and Mra, Alexander Y, POSCESIONS ! . 0. 8, : . Rag eo eanad tiation Beryl Price and the other at-|Clurg will reside at 80 Cadillac MEMC Bruce, Oshawa, announce the Medel tendants were Mrs, Alfred Hut-javenue south, Oshawa, The Mary Elliott Mission|farthcoming marriage of thelr cheon and Mrs, Bryce Blair, all; Guests wer eset P| Cire . 'hore! ! , * ae Ochawa. Ther Late oS Guests were present at the| Cirle of First Baptist Church |daughter, Vera Marie, to Mr By Enrolling ot |. 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 726-6218 Pog iy ; bi rem Ae Acton, ot met at the home of Mrs, Edgar) James A, Scott, son of Mr, and alike in flormal gown of moss/Coboconk, ora, Stouffville.) Anderson. iMrs, James Scott, Toronto, The green silk chiffon over taffeta)Whitby, Toronto, Hamilton,| Mrs, John Barber was injceremony is to take place on Walter Thornton with co-ordinated velvet bodices,{Bowmanville and Pickering, --_| charge of the devotional period,|Friday, October 8, 1965 at 7,00 taking as her topic 'Prayer tor|p.m, in Dontands United) School of Modelling H L ik Grace", /Chureh, Toronto, | end Charm ussey - ésnl | A letter of thanks was read! ponpACOMING MARRIAGE from Mrs, Grace France, who} : aoa \ Wi The Reverend H. A. Mellow)Lesnick, both of Newoattic. | teciees te wa to be sent} Mr. and Mrs: Stuart Large seth Aye rad officiated when Zosia Lesnik/wearing semi-formal dresses in|to the Baptist Mission in India,| Wis? sear Se yh vid ecceota setae was united in marriage tojthe same color and material) Mrs Harold Parrott was in|0& marriage o heir daughter, ler hit Acme. onl Wayne Lioyd Hussey | rere-|with f ~arrving Carol Ann, to daseph Kye, son ayne Lioy ussey in a cere iwi ull skirts and carrying| charge of collecting. the sweat aa ib, and Mrs, Gatien Wek. 40) mony in--Nérthminster United baskets of similar flowers lers from the members and|., Oshawa "The. core é ' is tol 728-3441 €hurch;-The bride-is-the-daugh-|---The bridegroom's --brother,| rriends of the -Circte ,Of..Osh ho ceremony Is to | 0 : : odessa : , jtake place on Saturday, October a i ter of Mr, and Mrs, Dmytro|Mr, Larry Hussey, was the best] Mrs, Edgar Anderson gave Aly oe at 3.00 p.m, at FE ace 360 King St. W, | Lesnik, Newtonville, and the;man and the ushers we | brie! r » : \° 8 re Mr.jbrief report on the "Link and/tiniiea Church, Oshawa ee en bridegroom is the son of Mr.)Larry Wells, Oshawa; Mr, Jack/ Visitor'. Plans will be made ine and Mrs, Carl Hussey, Corn-Scott, Montreal; and Mr, Rob:the near future for the project -- wall ert Anderson, Toranto, lof the coming year. Mrs, Robert FOR THE EST The sdloist, Mrs, George) The reception was held at|Moon and Mrs. Frank Swack FINES liznick, gh Falls On-|Dnipro Hall, where the bride's|hammer will represent -- the| Custom and tario, a eousin of the bride, wasimother received wearing a] group, | 1b ' accompanied by Mrs Jolhnisheath of pink embroidered!" Four members took part ina Bia) 1) Ready Made Tremble, Oshawa organga over taffeta, floral pink) skit, "Christian Medical Centre") * ae! = Given in. marriage by herjhat and white accessories with|in an Indian Hospital in Pith- , ies } j father, the bride wore a formalia corsage of white carnations! napuran | ee . a | gown of white satin, The fittedjsprayed with pink, The bride-| 'The president, Mré. Walter! eats at Lent latest Shades end bodice had lily-paint sleeves andigroom's mother assisted, wear-| Nickerson, read the minutes of ' si é OB ss a sweetheart neckline enhanced/ing a deep rose sheath with althe Trent Valley Association . ivy: with a floral applique encrusted)train Mowing from the low back} meeting held in the church re } : ; : with seed pearls, The full por beget black accessories, and) cently. | : ' fell fram the waistline in soft]a corsage of white carnations} The hostess served refresh: ; unpressed pleats, Her aurorajtipped with rose | ments | DRY GooDs borealis agent poe of French) As the couple left on their CEDARDALE UcW | 1% M & DRAPERIES lace leaves and seed pearis heldjhoneymoon to \ 7 et athe six tiers of shoulaar tenath fulle| Quebec Cite th came ca iipe fies meeting of We fel Seateay reacts veiling and she carried a bou-/ wearing tor travettion er rren| and. Winter season of the! | 74 ee oe § es . re g, SEO VE] ¢ ' c i MARRIED RECENTLY Mr, afd Mrs, Dmytro jquet of pink sweetheart roses/less white shantung sheath with wane wee ---- FB AB Ae § Celine Street 723-7827 in Northminster United Lesnik, Newtonville and the [and feathered carnations matching jacket, with three : Church, weére Zosia Lesnik bridegroom is the son of The matron of honor was Mrs, /quarter-length . sleeves, black and Wayne Lloyd Hussey, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Hussey, jLarry Ashton; the bridesmaidsiaccessories and a corsage of The bride is the daughter of Cornwall, were Miss Doris Hryniuka,|pink sweetheart roses. On their saijaashinniasrensains we ee jNewtonville: Miss Linda Kucia.ireturn, Mr. and Mrs. Hussey A | MEN CREATE RETTER Hamilton; and Miss Nanc yiwill reside at 533 Monteith ate | Pw A AS a SOCIAL NOTICE j Trick, Millbrook, They were/nue, Oshawa ' C= ws @& w@- ; MONTREAL (CP)---Male pa-idressed alike in formal pastel) Guests were present from ENGAGEMENT tienta at the veterans' hospital' PINK silk sheaths of crystal/Rowmanville, Newtonville, Mil! CARLTONS OFFER | organza aver taffeta and car. brook o Mr. and Mrs. Cessil John Carnwall, Montreal, To jin suburban Ste. Anne de Relle- ried cascades of white carna-jronte, Hamill Lond i , Fenélon Falls, wish to f it arna-ronte, Hamilton, London, Relle A pth be the engagement of (rue turn out tasteful and pro.| "ons The fower girls werelville, Port Hope, Iroquois Falls CLEANING CAROUSEL , nieces af the bride, Miss Angela/Neweastle, Garden Hin, I pg el phoned -- fessional work from toys [0 Lesnick d= Miss i Megantic and Rrockville Do-it vourself Di \ Cleaning ton, son of Mr. Joseph Rar- /rugs, Says Margaret Poirier, as. - a can aaa ton, Bowmanville, and the sistant supervisor of the arts late Mrs, Mary Barton. The | and crafts program: there, Miss rt Sagar he arf vee * |Poirier says the men are frore| 7.30 p.m, in Fenelon Falls (devoted to their creative tasks) United Church. than women would be ----$_____--__--___--,, f '1a 8 ihe, of DRY CLEANING worth $2.80 Gord's if Fi CARLTON'S CLEANING CAROUSEL +s» Washable orlon sweaters, perfectly styled P pet oust -- oe SPECIAL FOR by "Zephyr Knit", for discerning boys and i ti j | Retinten Ave, & ot Victoria Park / | girls, A fantastic variety to choose from: | Lawnnet PLAZA $ .00 | cardigans, pullovers, patterned and plain. TASTED CHICREN SO GOOD" | HUMBERTON SHOPPING CENTRE Sizes 2 to 6X trom3.00, 7 to 12 from4,00 you've NEVER | j Royet Terk Rd, ond Dunder S, West, Home Delivery or Pick-Up 4 | j hath Aah bUASA (with er ' WW | West Dean Per a ope . oa ee : OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE DELIVERED PIPING HOT FASHIONS SINCE 1876 4 >a Pa ee PEP EP PP ODD

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