Ee ea, mementos nee OBTUARES. (Tndia-Paleistani Squabble [32°.22272RiSori tt rs Carlock Om 30--Automobiles. For Sole 33--Automobiles Wanted BOWLING FUNERAL OF Beh: Th ae ge otk Te -scemns plain now as well Door To Murder. : WALTER COLLIER the SEATO and CENTO pacts|that Pakistan, while accepting CARS WANTED meeting of The funeral took place yes- Final Blow To U. S. Poli was that little regional cohesion! arms. from the U.S. under the! TORONTO. (CP)--Police si tld Buying a New Car ? terday of Walter Collier, who CY lexisea as in NATO of that day.|guise of preparing to resist|Friday they believe a faulty. NEIGHBORHOOD died at his home, 98 Park rd. s. Subsequently, the addition of| communism, all along felt Indiajlock on a car door allowed # ; Sell your used cor to "Ted" 1963 PONTIAC Talk "Cosh" to the New ASSOC. "lon September 7. He was in his By ARCH MacKENZIE | munist expansion. But the war|@reece and Turkey to NATO/to be the more likely foe. murderer to enter the car and weakened that cohesion through! This view, accepted with|{orce the two girl occupants to TRATO CHIEF Car Deoler we "Save" BOWLING LEAGUE 33rd year. in Viet Nam finished of! ve 109218. One owner. TED CAMPIN MOTORS Funeral was from the Mc-| WASHINGTON (CP) -- The wit "he "ker heii' eax chronic tensions over Cyprus.|some reluctance officially here,|'ive at gunpoint to a deserted will be held on Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home| W@r between India and Pakistan! nit pas ended any remaining| President de Gaulle of Francelis reinforced by the fact that|/{@tm north of here Wednesday with service conducted by the|is the final blow for United) isofuiness that CENTO might|has added a greater threat with| while the U.S. and U.S.S.R.|before shooting them. Binet a = . hg 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 nm soadie ri é $1,9 LAKESHORE AUTO WABCKERS want TUESDAY, SEPT. 14th | Rev. Frank Ward, of Westmount] States policy of a decade ago to havi haat ' his apparent intent to pull out! move with extreme caution in|Jovce Orlowski and Wanda , $0 Wentworth East, TaSNI8). 8 PM. United Church. Burial was at|Contain communism in Asia) of the alliance in 1969 or sharply! hopes of a ceasefire, China is\McDonald, both 19-year-old Tor- ee ot the Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa,| With military pacts. CHINESE THREAT after it. using the war to increase pres-\0"tO secretarial students, were bought, parts for sale. iron snd metals Pallbearers were: Patrick| 19 the late John Foster : sata rt of|found dead in the front seat of Pevaht. 9 Bloor Street East, 725-231 RECREATION Meagher. Douglas Meagher |Dulles, then U.S. state secre-| Soviet communism no longer] SUPPLIED ARMS [sure on India by support off tt" Grlowsnt' Bos PELESHOK OSHAWA AUTO PARTS § Wanted cars CENTRE ves Delve OF eck riches" tary, the chief threat was the|!8 @ threat; Chinese commu-| Pakistan was the only other pr grey ty to beat Russia far: potty hed. Sd 2g is Wiaaen Niraets roleoheme Pasta Robert McKinley and Leonard| 50viet Union. The simplest solu-/"1S™ 5. nation aside from Britain which|2"4 the U.S. _ oka. ple @ ; -~STARR ginrant Gna er ann tae 100 GIBB STREET Brantnall tion to containing that threat} SEATO--comprising the U.S.,)belonged both to CENTO and rid a deni 64, of Toronto phone 728-4549. Robert Nichols. ' : : was taken to be an extension| Britain, France, Australia, New|SEATO and that helps explain) HULL, Que. (CP) -- Lucky//%® (oun lead six feet from MOTORS If you are interested in join- of the NATO-style alliance to| Zealand, Thailand, The Philip-|why the U.S. extended $1,200,-|Stone, driven by Henri Porte-|the car, shot through the left AJAX, ONT. 34--Automobile Repair ing our league contact your FUNERAL OF the Middle and Far East. |pines and Pakistan--has pro-|000,000 worth of arms to her, lance, got its eighth win in 16 "tht fog revolver in 942-6300 TRANSMISSION specialists, Tranmis| Pork or Sports Chairman 'or MRS. NELLIE E. HALL There emerged the Southeast; duced little hard military sup-|ear-marked only for use against|starts in the featured $600 ninth so f Pte had been North. "Phone bi am 723-2318 Funeral service for the late|Asia Treaty Organization and|port for the U.S. in Viet Nam.jany Communist threat. race Friday night at Connaught ng for Young on an as- ALL CASH GAN TUNELUP' CHATRE tase ox Mrs. Nellie Elizabeth Hall, 67)the Baghdad pact, renamed the/France no longer attends the) India now is the target of) Park Raceway. pert carburetor and auto electric ser- Ritson rd. s., was held Friday|Central Treaty Organiztion| meetings. these weapons. | Lucky Stone finished two! For clean cars or trucks, We | vice. 222 King Street West, 728-0817, B | N G @) at the Armstrong Funeral Home.| when Iraq withdrew. CENTO -- comprising Brit-| The rise of Chinese influence|lengths in front of Chester) TAKE AMERICA ABROAD deal up or down. Liens paid. 35--Lost and Found The late Mrs. Hall died Sept.) On the world map of that day,/ain, Pakistan, Turkey and Iran,|and the clear-cut, evidence of| Brown, increasing its season Oslo, the capital of Norway, NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED: 8 at Oshawa. She was in her|these formed a neat 'and tidy|with the U:S..technically not ajthe fight between the Soviet| earnings to $3,100. Lucky pald has an American schoo) with its 146 BROCK ST, NORTH eel 'deat nentte. a heeric Last ORANGE TEMPLE ||srth year. buffer against any Soviet Com-imember of the alliance it put Union and China to lead the! $4.00, $3.90 and $2.70. 'lown little league baseball team. Across from. Royal Hotel from 1226 King Street East area., Nancy Rev. H. A. Mellow, Northmin- a pret as ' Whitby 668-3331 ve cans "Goll gfe SATURDAY, SEPT. 11 [ster United Church conducted) py Ai jrown, BUYING or SELLING |vicinity Brookiin" Anime ot we 7:30 P.M. gt 7 end, Reward. Telephone 7: TED CAMPIN LOST in phone booth on Simcoe Noith at 20 Games $8 Henderson, Jack Cook, John Pate ted go aig Sahl goer inn Share The Wealth Black, Russell Brushey, Jack MOTORS valuable papers. Reward if returned safe- a Sulli a Heecn Weeden. ly or Information leading to return. Phone ullivan an yron 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA _| 725-8087. 4 -- $40 Jackpots to go Interment was in Mount Lawn Just East of Wilson Road Lost -- Large biack Persian cat Simcoe-| 1 -- $150 Jackpot to co Cemetery. 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 'mena sce ear Answers fo oypay.| Dna * i " iEV a eward, Telephon: 4 | . . t tte ms = Bragg nae lhe ea gg Pg pete Saag | elton Under 16 Not Admitted | GRANT DOUGLAS HAMER | The death occurred at his General bad: low mileage. Clean, good condi-| 41704, Owner please call 725-5709. | | Hon. Telephone. 723-4744 ; soey B | N G @) home, in Brooklin Sept. 10, of! ' i ~|KITTEN -- Lost from 456 Fairlawn, | 194 CUSTOM sport Pontiac 327 engire.| dark grey, beige, rust. markings. Oper-| Grant Douglas Hamer, son of| Low mileage, excellent condition, all! ated Sunda od: al ¢ "We extras, $2,850. 593 Annapolis. |miss our Sammy'. 723-7500. Reward, KINSMEN CENTRE /Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamer. | He was in his 6th year. 1955 PLYMOUTH sedan. For information| - rE aP ne ee a leer enn Sit us Sioa TUESDAY 7:45 Pon ty yt ise b General! F p and put one to) Eorly Bird Gome | Hospital Jul , he is sur- Sanane ok Sates team Aner je la ee FREE ADMISSION | vived by his parents; four sis- 6 evenings 728-2893. |36--Legal j $1,250 in Prizes ters, Lynda, Jane, Marilyn and} 1958 CHEVROLET, two two - door hardtop, WB Jacpots 58 and 50 Cathy and two brothers, Brian automatic, 6 cylinder, power brakes, | d Edwin pow teering, original 56,000 miles.| Children under 16 not admitted | and Edwin. Runs and looks A-1, Private, 723-7051. "a NOTICE Special 7:30 Bus from The funeral service will be i999 PONTIAC Laurentian, two - door, 6| 4 Corners held at 3 p.m. Sepi. 12 at the| cylinder, automatic, in good condition. | : Bes OT OT ea ----------| Robinson Funeral Home, Brook-| pielsvwsives Paainad lic alte OF SALE \39--Notices lin. Interment will be in Grove- 15 CHEVROLET Rei Air sedan, V-2,| side - Cemetery. Rev. G. A. ai tegen Oh BY TENDER Mundy, minister of Brooklin 1965" PONTIAC Parisienne, v_ convertible, ATTENTION | United Church, will conduct the Prone e077. ah ata dea ae TAKE NOTICE that. until services. i9 CHEVROLET, Bel Air, cylinder.| Monday, the 20th day of standard transmission, good body, motor) September, A.D. 1965, ten- LOCAL 1817 MRS. MILDRED A. HARDING saul charge involving his wife, overhauled. $475. Telephone 725-BRBS | hall be occepted for the 190 RAMBLER: 'super. Good condition. tite be gyal ire | A resident of Oshawa for the irade Telephone. 7280872. older car on) Clusive of contents), known jpast 44 years, Mrs. marae jeaa FORD GALAXIE S00 XL. --Far-| as 99 Sutherland Avenue, | Harding, 265 Thomas on ra speed transmission, bucket seats, power| Oshawa, Ontario, the resi- | Friday at the Oshawa Genera Sineons, ee soles, New warranty. Lt dence of the late: Marion' | | Hospital. In her 77th year, she 148) Brock "Strest Soe" waite, olors:| Lodoria Felt | Pee po or ill for the 1959 BUICK Le Sabre, four-d i past two months. ; matic, radio et, cme ar an ra Mies fibesab edt fsa ath General Born April 12, 1889 in vonage ni Ml en ie eh ete en : : j |Ont., she was the daughter o {@ CHEVROLET, two - door, 4 sute-| hours of 2 ond 6 p.m. on Membership | the late Edward and Sarah Boul- matic, one owner, 46,000 original miles. | Wednesday, September, 8th ' pur ¥ ied Herbert Lloyd Good condition. Must see to appreciate.| 1965 and Wednesday, Sept- Meeting | der. She married f e: sloy' ee amber 15th, 1965, and 'trom Harding Sept. .23, 1915 in Brant- 1987 CHEVROLET standard, 00 miles on 1 Gm, to 3 p.m. on Satur- ford. Her husband predeceased motor job. $150. Call after 5 p.m. 723-5727 Q Bak " ; i057 CHEVROLET Vi, Yourdoor hero-| doy, September 11th, 1965 UAW HALL her in January, 1951. fop, $250 or best offer. Telephone Bow-| ond -- Saturday, September She was a charter member of manville 623-7250. Se 18th, 1965. | Northminster United Church and 1963 PARISIENNE convertible, V8, auto- ' 44 BOND E the United Church Women. matic, 22,000 original miles, Like new Tenders shall be accompani- . Surviving are: one daughter Telephone after 7 p.m., 728-3250 | d rtified cheque for 18 rs. $ Ut tinal .| ed by a certified cheq Mrs. J Thomson (Amy) of "3 CHEVROLET ¢ Super 3 Sport, mist T bive,| 10% of the amount of the Mrs. James d ' seek: Aloyd ] p.m. Tuesday Kingston; and one two-door hardtop, 327 V-8. three hundred . horsepower, i, ll Excellent condi tender. The highest, or any | Harding of Oshawa. Five grand- | A phone. ater er 7258520. ie ent tn sh ai aeeciles Cas | children and three great grand- 1963 PLYMOUTH Belvedere two-door September 14 |children also survive. She was hardtop, V8 automatic. 28,000 miles. A-l} The balance of the purchase ithe last of her family. condition. 347 Sharon Avenue: 725-578. | "price in excess of the pay- | Resting at the Armstrong Fu- WANT ADS reach thousands of interested; ment accompanying the ten- PLEASE ATTEND neral Home, service will be Prospects every day. Take advantage of/ der, subject to adjustments, held in the chapel Monday at 2 a ae ver a bats ov fcaegy ps be gaia in nag an } . peeeiehawmnee a -- p.m. Rev. H. A. Mellow, + pede ea ORR RRR ga oR a closing, on or before the 15th | minster United Church will con- 31--Compact Cars for Sale) doy of October, A.D. 1965. | | duct an gation. | Interment will be in Mount * VOLVO & PEUGOT The tenders are to be for- | BIRTHS /Lawn Cemetery. %* MERCEDES BENZ warded to JAKE AND BILL'S GARAGE Joseph P, Mangan, Qc. |no"announce ihe arrival of" 2now "baby ANNE MICHELLE McPHEE General Repair and 14% King Street East, Osh- |sister, born September &, 1965, at 10 2 dina. Wichilia 'Meteas, S08 i & Ibs. 1] ozs, at the Oshawa Generai Auto-Electric Service owa, Ontario, Solicitor for the [faplia proud parents are'Jo and Don! Clark st., Oshawa, died Friday 449 Ritson Rd. South |_Executors she at Princess Margaret Hospital, Oshowa 728-0921 _ __|38--Coming | Events eer soon and Marion are Toronto, she Was in her 7th ---------" lnappy to announce the birth of @ son,j year. she has been ill for 14 SABYAN on Wednesday, Septemver 8, 1965, 6 Ibs..| months. MOTOR SALES LTD. MONDAY Wa, ats. a Qshawe General Hospital.! Born in Oshawa, she was the Wisreno "er cg ale 8:00 P.M ' ' daughter of Douglas and Edna ew on se ors x LM, McPhee. 3 334 RITSON RD, §&. | sc yeccm elec pop ii kaa Surviving brothers and sisters 723-3461 B | N G 0 thelr won, Scot! Wiliam, a1 the Oshawa are Lisa, Michael and Larry all) Open Evenings aE heme. oe Requiem high mass will be, 14 at 10 a.m. at Holy| Zoltan, Nick ond Don's ST. GERTRUDE'S | Gross Church. Service will be| | DEATHS - horized~-Fiat-ond 'Your-Authorized eonducted_by Father g Mpa ee AUDITORIUM Interment. will be in Resurrec- Specializing in Volkswagen | HARDING, a tion Cemetery. Repoir and Service. 690 King St. East at Farewell Entered into rest in the Oshawa General) Resting at the Gerrow Fu-| | Hospital on Friday, September 10, 1965, dr la-| 728-0051 Mildred. Ac Boudier, widow ot Herbert) eral Chapel, friends an he t| iWid-WEE conunibinnréaincpnwser bine. | --FREE- Lloyd Harding, and mother of Mrs. James|tives are asked not to call a convertible, radio, powder bive.| Thomson (Amy) of Kingston and Lloyd ay even- good shape. Telephone Bowmanvilie 623 ADMISSION Harding of Oshawa, in her 77th year. |the chapel before Sund 3455 after 5.30. | Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, | Ing. q Oshawa, with funeral service in the.chapel 6) VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, biack, with| --PREE. Manly, Siok 1k ar 3 Gs. Mitrineat radio, seat belts, snow tires. in excellent | condition. $850 or best offer. Telephone! Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. TB-TN15. 19%) VOLKSWAGEN, low mileage. Good 20 Reg. Games--Total $300 HANCOCK, L. Victor IN MEMORIAM mechanical condition. $700. Telephone Suddenly, at his residence, Concession 725-4983. __.| SNOWBALL--$180 in 56 nos. [Street East, Bowmanville, on Friday, Sep- 1961 ENVOY station wagon, excellent tember 10, 1965, L. Victor Hancock, aged! BOWLER -- In loving memory of @ condition. One owner. Telephone Whitby) Plus $10 each horizontal line. |62 years, beloved husband of Dorothy dear mother and grandmother, Annie 668-4518. Graham, dear father of Eleanor (Mrs. | Bowler, who passed away September 12, ina a : R at c E |Jack Perrin), Gary and Brian, Restin 1964 VALIANT Signet hardiop, automatic, egular Jackpot $100 Jat the Morris er Chapel, 'Bowman |""ie often think of bygone days | Interesting thing about daily newspapers: reagan hen pie evenings call Brook in 56 Nos. $20 Con. |ville. Service Ih the chapel on Monday When we were all together, at 2 o'clock. Interment Orono Cemetery.| the family chain is broken now, Ni eae SHARE THE WEALTH | But memories will live forever 1960 VAUXHALL station wagon, excellent , . To us she has not gone away condition. Ideal second car for 'family Good Parking McPHEE, Anne Michelle ee waved far 90 r e e Best offer. Telephone 725-7823 , |At Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto,, Just entered God's eternal home 4 1963 COMET, 6 cyliner standard. Take Extra Bus Service on Friday, Sept. 10, 1965,-in her 7th year, And left the gate ajar t Anne Michell McPhee, loving daughter of --sadly missed and always remembered over payments. Kingscourt Apartments, s : M-6, Alax No Children, Please {Douglas and Edna WcPhee, dear sister/by family, grandchildren and great ch saniniaathigieaiaiinminbieieninene: -- of Lisa, Michael and Larry. Resting at grandchildren @ 1961 HILLMAN MINX convertible. New black top, white with red interior. Four, WOODVIEW COMMUNITY Wait, Oats, tor Rant Prodigy ia Wire: tan escand care 440 or: Giron CENTRE Cross Church, on Tuesday, September 14) GOULDING -- In loving memory of 4 Z ! a a.m, Interment Resurrection Ceme-|dear mother and grandmother rs IZA: ' mites ® . gee s ° foe oe Sep It's a fact. In a survey validated by the Canadian Advertis- advertising; 25% as a result of television advertising; and Private, Must sell. 668-4728. tery. (Friends and relatives are asked beth Goulding, who passed away - 7] iL i 4 rv oO condi not ti call it the e re ember , 4 bf $ ? ' H ic] 1960 VAUXHALL Victor. Very Good cond B | N G @) 2 call at We chapel before Sunday|tember 12, 157 cg ing Research Foundation, 83% of those interviewed said 4% asa result of radio advertising, ton, $325. Telephone O75. Mickichinda | be ih ~--~| Eyer remembered by daughter Doro- 4 BEAUMONT, automatic, V-8 radio thy and family, they used their daily newspaper regularly as a guide for Yes, most Canadians use daily newspapers as a shopping > Opp: GOULDING -- In cherished memories guide, perhaps because newspapers are not time-bound. Excellent. One owner. Telephone Whitby Kindness beyond Price, yet : HOO WRUNNAUC Creal LT her Washo. MON., ae 13 within reach of ail day-to-day shopping. paint, new whitewalls, radio. Best offer Admission Ticket Gives You | tm dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. + . aa a Free Chance On Door Prize. luni 94 1, APEL. Elizabeth _ Rang ane geeee ere! That's what they said. What did they really do? Another That is, they can be looked over at length and at leisure, t ieage, two-door | is the face we love so dear ' 7 ; 7 H deluxe, standard shit in entero | 2--$250 Jackpot Nos. i sob pias eran West oy se on oe el se survey of 42,000 homes from coast to coast showed that You don't have to be ina specific place at a specific time to | | _Telephone 728-6226 | pit tot too tar for thoughts to reach daily newspaper advertising actually influenced the pur- get the information you're after. Nor is the amount of See Jo Feareinpa DNF, Mine: One MF chases of 67.5% of the people. In contrast, television in- information you get condensed to restrictive time limits, here, 1964 CHEVELLE, standard, four - door, | 53 and 57 4 ar. Sromens png ieee ial og j . be miles, new snow tir ims included.| Jockpot Pays ble in 52 Ever! i N : ! t M lizat is [us r ° I Nos. or Less aerating Pade! iepigatrs Teg = 1c Wie tae eee ey Wouter Ge fluenced purchases of only 21% of the people and radio a : He ; 959 7 VOLKSWAGEN in excellent condi-| 1--$150 Jackpot | MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER ("ie and family. mere A So an advertiser who runs ads in daily newspapers 1s actu- tion, 'New paint job and mechanically thot' we subehy Sad laciell? ally putting his product or service on the shopping list of 900d. 728-4733. $20 @ line | n loving mem of . ' ° ° . oat WWio EORVAIR Th Good condiioh Taped $50 full cord | Mente Chas badd ther, the inte 'and Mr Probing still further, this survey found that 63% had in- _ millions of Canadians. A wise move on his part, don't tr * ju! Dp bath: | J M. Mitchell, o' 0} one La . . Set ng eee 3] 20 Games at $20 MEMORIAL PARK igaed os Jerry am, Metin deed made recent purchases as a direct result of newspaper you think? 623-5820. | 5 Special Games at $30 i ast da Softly the 'leaves of memory tall, 192 CHEVY 11, convertibie, automatic, | ' Gently we gather and treasure them al, | Iertadiottve Pert Perry, massaee" "| Regular games poy double in LOCKE'S FLORIST oe get ye =i wll on peng Ml } | | 7 Nos. or less | Funeral arrangements ond Their i: | cir memory is as dear today ed Tea, 008, body, need "engine =a $100.00 Door Prize | floral arrangements for all As in the hours they .passed away ". utel elephor owmanville 42 | Early Bird-Game ot 7:45 occasions -- Ever 'remenibered by loving son Iwan, 'a ~~ _ ni | 5 oe ife ] 1%3 CORVAIR Monza, sports coupe 4 $1.00 sonia Te alae metallic, with bucket seats and solid xtro Buses | Ss a Mg | 24 HOUR PHONE "SERVICE |, COOLE In tvien, merry of 8 der usband, t r radio. $1,750 cash. Telephone 728-5450. | RE D B A Rh J 8.6555 728-655 (Scotty) Poole, who passed away Septem-| URGE elses ----I|per 11, 1961 SERVICE as you like it, when you need it.! 4 Check the up-to-the-minute Business Ser. NORTH OSHAWA When evening shades are failing " And we sit in quiet alone vice Directory daily in the Classified Section. C hildren _under 16 not adm itted PER MONTH | To our hearts there comes a conging, . --- or se sree "oo if he only could come home. Satie fo a see | 8D 2 ieee | Len CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION private reservations,. wiener roasts. end When at times they see us smile, o ih 9964 GMC hall-ion truck Good Condition gancing. For more information elephone | d 'do ¥ for one But they little know the heartache sar CHEOROLET Tele oichons 7s. Rondinnoee ee vce sa." [tee dearly. loved. Ws over wn Vardi 55 University Avenue, Toronto ' R. A. Barford, General Manager 1955 CHEVROLET hall-ion pickup, r* RUMMAGE SALE Inthe a to be noticed? You're read- [6y'Wwite tnobel, sons Robert end "eernn bullt motor and good body, $275. Tele |Knox Presbyterian Church, Monday, S| ing it? daughter-in-law Jacqueline and grandchil phene Ajax 942-2918, ltember 18 at 1.38 am, jdiren Rhond ja and Scott, i