os 2 gc PORE a A a j 18 THE OOHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, September 11, 1965 "Times Action Call The Direct Classif BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants TV--Radio Repairs fe cee TV TOWERS RR, 'iegneee hieansed, Trustee. au "Sond ireet Accountants toe ; ECONOMY AN NOMY AND Os wenn DELUXE Priced to suit your budget, a, Burrows, CA, 12% QBEDSURbAY-- cortiiad Soporte TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV tor rin ee ee aaaeca Wi SUPPLY LIMITED TAUNTON RD, E, eric te Bond Just East Of Ritson 728-8180 in Soe aes ig! ° Re: TELEVISION - RADIO. 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS For prompt service Call Whitby --~ 668-5679 DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! 1h, TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division 728-5143 AERIALS RON"S TV 12 Year's Experience All Work Guaranteed 723-752] RON BRIGHTLING 9 AM, == 9 PM FAST T.V. SERVICE Service Call only $2.50 DOMINION TELEVISION 1549 am, to 9 p.m, | All work guaranteed 'ant Ads- arge Return For A Smail Investment" ed Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 14--Business Opportunities GROCERY STORE In Minto, N.B, 9---Market Basket POTATORS, $1.68 en! vegetables, Free deliver: and Bowmanville a Z ORDER 'or iveerer | chicken, four pounds, $135) three pounds $1.19. Cena tien on "thee of fen or more, Tele 17--Female Help Wanted aiso tresh Oshawe SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J, SCOTT y if, LA MANS tr 'é es, Houses Ant sien WOMEN. ' F. BEHEPICIARIES OF LIFE IGURANCE, Receptionist Professional ottice Whitby. Evenings ond Sotrdoy mor roating Good income, Well equiped and $3,000 stock, Attached six room very modern house. Partly furnished. Owner retir- ing. Asking $12,000 cash, Call 728-9649 CHIP TRUCK A-1 Condition For Appointment | Call 725-7703 between 5-9 p.m 15--Employment | Wanted hint bp for small baby in my own Telephone Whitby 668-5277, & lady will baby sit in own home, environment, Phone 778-4896, WouLs mn fo mind a girl three or four years old, As playmate for my Hitle girt, : sereraren | Five-day week Wilson. Road, 728-2549 DEAE and crippled form Bec Farw, | RELIABLE lady will give day care tor hs cdl ds - Tyrone, Telephone Saiert Hampton Wnitoy" ee Dundas Street Eest,/pons A "BRAUTY COUNSELOR' 263-272), Licence 389-C y 435 on you? We may need someone in your FIRST CALF Holstein heifers, and young | FILL SPARE ROOMS with paying guests, area, or call for products, 723-9249 cows due in two or three weeks wanted,|Dial 723-3497 now for an ad-writer to|LADY to mind two school girls, "Thursday Telephone Raiph Davis, Hampton 263-2284, help You phrase an ad, jane Friday, 4 to 9 p.m, and Saturday |6 te 6 in her home, Corpus Ch 20 GRADE cattle, Holstein, some Charole ' pus Christie Schoo iy '17--Female Help Wanted qeese, ducks, police pups, 668-2067,.7 - [aven, 720-4337 of 723-7279, sissies |PRESHLY balled mixed. combination hay| '18--Male Help Wante Must be experienced, Good and straw, Excellent cattle feed, Also! oats and straw Directly from fields working conditions, SHIPPER Telephone 668-8003 or 723-6719, For @ fost growing manufee- 6. 7 ohtEKIS polnioes, #2, 7hib, bag Call evenings, Brooklin 655-4983, TOMATOES $1 bushel, 25 ce a Pick you own, Gring containers, T2070 or. 720-09, Masco TOMATOES -= $1, bushel, Pick your own, Scott's Farm, Harmony Road North to the end of pavement, furn left, third house on north side, Rt FREEZER CORN, five dozen for $1,\- Sunday only gay" Pick own, Gring containers, McBurnie, Harmony Road North, 2% inte north of Taunton Rond, PLEASE - own fomatows, $1 bushel, 25 cents, 6 basket, Spanish onions, & cents en Corn, 25 cents dozen, We pick, green sweet peppers, $2 bushel, 50 cents 6 at, basket, 5 cents each, Carrots, $1, bushel, 25 cents. 6 qt, basket, W, Eymann, Half- imile @ast of Roy Nichols Garage, Cour- |tice, Go north to Ist corner, | FRESH VEGETABLES -- Pick your own |tomatoes, $\, per'bushel) Corn, onions land peppers also availaole. Walter Huren, | eee Reply stating bingy stotus, Call experience, age tele- Instruction phone Fag Barristers MeataRON AND BASTEDO, | Barristers! le jorta arrany ationa seven | LUBE puiieng 2 it mene Sireet South, ro 4| 126750 c. Meo ibbon, QC; Edgar r Tene: QC) Grant H, Arm "Oshawa Driving School 10 years teaching driving automatic and standard cars, Professional instructors, ANYWHERE = ANYTIME PRIVATE tutoring hiah school students in + Latin » French, J, ©. Lu BA, 513 Byron Street South, Whitby, 68 66 BOX 321 Oshawa Times SALESLADY Experienced only, Apply BLACK'S LADIES WEAR. 12 Simece St North NIGHT CASHIER Part-time 11 P.M, to 7 A.M, Apply GENOSHA HOTEL AMY, COUNTRY on Ay ALL PROPERTY TAKES, SCRAPS. » 125-3308) Terence V, Kelly, BAY BCL. 16-092) Thomas. H, Jermyn, BA, LLB, 0-015, Building Trades QUALITY CARPENTRY ond GENERAL REPAIRS Roofing, Painting, Siding, Rlodr and Ceiling Tiles, Ree, R , General home remod- el-ing, All work guaranteed, H, McKOY 725-8576 THE R, H, CABINET CO 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY 668-6911 Kitchen cabinets Vanities, Custom built cabinets, "Bring Confalner, Pick your WHITRY DRIVING SCHOOL, new duai controlled cars, Personal, courteous serv: lee, fully licensed and insured, 668-6176, Janitor Service; ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Pasi," eco- nomical ceiling, wall cleaning dene by modern machine, Free estimates, Work | ft! 718- 771%, Money To Loan TWILL LOAN You up to $5,000 at a rea sonable rate of interest to consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile |purpose providing you are sieadily em |Bloved and have good credit, Telephone) 1723-469) ce, en Chariered, Accountants, Licensed Tru. fees in Paneruniey: tad Simcoe. Street Nerth, Os) UTA 4 Vases oF VITAMINS OF WHIM MILMOMS OF DOLIARS WORM ARL GOLD TACK YEAR 10 THE | UNrfED ofAtes, ARE TLOTLD UPOn WHITE RATSs Wo WAS Tt FIRST PERSON 10 MAYE. WIS Portrart on A re ALEXANDER ANE, GREAT: - ONE Hipp oF ALL DEATHS OF HILWLY Bonn IMFANSS OCCUR, OM THE DAY OF BIRTH. AUREL FIPAWS OF THE INFANT DEATHS OCCUR, DURING THE FIRST WEES OF LIFE, ACCORDING to GMISTICIAMS OP ALEADING LIFE. INSURANCE COMPANY» 0 © By Fewer rent be EE Volt ghee cane HOPKINS, tier ANB 86, Char: tered Accountants, Tineneal Trade Bulld- ing, 187 King greet Fast, Oshawa, a tari, 725-2509) Hopkins, CA) HM, Beadie, CA; FE. "Gs vane CA, HALL, PERKIN: AND Co. Accountants, 16Ve King Str awa, 7246599) David G, Perkin, chi King Street, Newcastle, 40; Willlam © Hall, B.€emm., CA, Barristers HUMPHREYS, wi half mile west of Oshawa on 401 Highway, jnorth Service Road, '16----Sevmel" s Column Chartered sh 8--Articles for Sal BICYCLES Standard features include, chain guard, Perry Coaster brakes and silver brazed frames and forks, From $34,95 Up LAWN MOWERS Light, dependable and power- ful, Adjustable cutting height from 1" to 3', Chrome plat- ed handle, From $39.95 Up TENTS Heavy waterproofed = drill, sewn-in floor, rear window with storm flap, dutch door with awning From $39.95 Up DOMINION TIRE STORE 48 Bond St, West Telephone 725-6511 EXHIBITION SEWING MACHINE SPECIALS New Elnas and Whites, $59 and up, Trade-ins accepted, Authorized dealer, OSHAWA SEWING CENTRE, 329 Sim- coe St, South, 728-2391, |8--A rticles for Sale GOAL KEEPER'S EQUIPMENT One pair Cooper-Weeks goal pads $35. One pair of Ken isky goal pads $75, One pair goalie skates size 9, $10 plus pants, bag, sock ete Also one set of MacGregor Tourney golf irons, Nos, 1, a; 3) 4) Os. 0) 7,8) 9) SOR: all 723-1897 FREE We will deliver, of Charge, truck load of dry hardwood rippings within a five mile radius of Oshawa Please call PEACOCK LUMBER LTD 725-4744 Scabbard, Gurkha $10, Mr Thompson Hotel Lancaster, all day Saturday |GUNS new and used, Ammunition, tleences, Best prices! Valley Street Went BUILDING, 18! x 21', to be moved for cottage or garage, Make offer phone 723-3972 |}VACUUM repairr, all makes, OYCHYN, and HILL follciiors, 36% King R. BD, Humphreys, W, A, Hillman, |. ae - -- '|ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat rooftiig, "Whity,| our specialty, New work and repairs L del 4") Large and small jobs, &, and 4 Rooting Hable and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937, FOR ROO all types of cement work Frank MeCann, ri RR_3, Oshawa, Brooklin 655-306) Ad CARPENTRY -- brick crete. New or remodelling work, 728-3148), W PLASTERING and repairs, jewalks, remodelling, recroomes atimates, A, C€, Woods, 728-9420 M4717, OA new floor? Phone Whitby" 66s We specialize in corion and any Nee 2527. ape 5 ne ee _ ie and ceramic wall tile ERWIONTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, Wr Free & estimation, Work guaranteed VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Bank of Commerce Buliding, § Simcoe ALL "Types halner roofing repairs North, Oshawa, yay hads T, K,|and remodelling; chimneys, new and re residences K, Paired; sidewalk and conerete repairs. ac) S554) "0 L, iad {Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. €, Vietor, 9857115. CARPENTRY Work, new and repairs, | Mortgages arranged, also cement work, free estimates, Tele) Phone 728-760. ay BXPERT PAVING, 97° conis square foot | Classified Rates WORD ADS includes sroving and fill, IWwe-year guran fee, Terrano Paving, 723)584) Cathe! Insertion of 94 words $1.08 Dentistry additional words Ae each) 3 con eral secutive insertions of #4 words $2.48 1) Si , Additional words 26 ech, 6 con |!!? Simcoe § secutive insertions of 24 words 4,92, additional words \8e each, 'Mortgages 90% Residential Mortgages Modern |11--Pets and Livestock CHIHUAHUAS (two) black and white, one male, one female, Six weeks old Paper trained. 114 Grenfell Street or call 728-2065 GERMAN = Shepherd from champion stock. 14 weeks old, males $50, females $40, Call Whitby 668-2103. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS five weeks old, father purebred with papers mother alleged purebred, no papers. |Fifty-nine Cadillac Avenue: South, Even: ngs or weekends RHODESIAN Ridgebacks (the African on doa), Excellent bloodlines, CKC reg). stered, Call 723-6475, ST, BERNARD pups, registered, excel- lent pels and watch dogs, Stud service | Boarding, Brooklin 655-4760, TWO JERSEY cows for sale, Very quiet, good milkers and in calf, Property sold. Telephone 725-4532 PUPS FOR SALE, Red Bone cross with Blue Tick, Bight weeks old, From excel. ent deer dog strain, Phone Port Perry bought, sold 85-7882 hunting supplies, | 72-78 Creek, 16 Bond|COZY-J-RANCH Kennels, horses, German |Shepherds, registered, trained, grown | stock pups, Stud service, boarding, Ash burn 655-4662 evenings FOR SALE ~~ Six-yearold Pinto mare, attractive redwhite markings, Western brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, broken, very gentle, Telephone 728-0885 [Fleming Vacuum Service, Main BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready | Pickering training, talking strain, Apply Mrs, a t |TeN USED Hondas, all nearly new, re-| 0/08? Sigin Eas duced, The Cycle Shop, 153 Simcoe |WESTERN and English saddie and tack, | Street South, 725-661) also pony cart, Apply Dickson at rear, |HONDA MOTOR BIKES -- Now and used, |) Beatrice Street, Oshawa, $299, No down payment, Open ovenings DACHSHUND, male, pedigree, 18 months | HOT "e sKOW! aid Solicitor, Bap Hevea 9am appein' 61 or. combined first mortgages Liberal pre payment privileges, No hid den charges, Free brochures and information, Write or telephone second Apply in person, LIGHTING UNLIMITED CORP. LTD, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE LADY Wanted for light ship- ping and maintenance in store. blocks, con NOAN, "GE; Soiiciior, Gall joney to loan, aie an King Street wen Oshawa, 728-62 SENET Mike BBHALD- CY vam ae rister and Solicitor and Notary Pu pu J commerse| Building, 284 Kin Os! pups, registered stuceo ' Free or turing firm only those need opply thot are familiar with oll shipping procedures and C.A.C, Realty Limited Oshawa Shopping Centre, Stevenson's Rd, $ 728-1691 MORTGAGE LOANS Money for first mortgages Open Mortgages Interest at 7% No Bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased Money for second mortgages Fast service. | M, F, SWARTZ | 728-5 26% King St, East Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697 SUMMERLAND SECURITIES 112 Simeoe St. eae Oshawa, Ontario - 725-35 Free lots Street Srelehton, ot leost 5 yeors experience In running @ shipping room. SWORD and $20; |khukri knife, L Write BOX 315 Oshawa Times OFFICE BOY required by PROGRESSIVE COMPANY Located in Whitby erea, Ap- plicant. should be between 17 and 19 and have minimum of Grade 10 standing, | "Bental "Surgeon, North, Oshawa, For appointment, 721 biel or Res, 728-844) Dressmaking PERSONAL STYLING for fashion: wise women! Dressmaking, alterations Fitting @ specialty, 7281823 for appoint: ment DRESSMAKING -- All kinds of ladies wear, High oy work, Call Agnes' Dressmaking, 468 1463 idea) Tole Experience not necessary, Reply stating age and any information to | Charge 0 cent charge ie not pele with: Methed of counting than 4 words counts as. 24 words: each word, Initial, figure or abbreviation counts 85 one word) phone number counts two words. BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL, NOTICES $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ad @itional charges if not paid within N 942 Street, additional & days for 7 BOX. 122 OSHAWA TIMES TOYS" FUN $$$ Ladies earn extra Christmos money, We will train you to demonstrate a full line of toys and gifts. Commission, Car essential, No investment, CALL NOW "Sa "UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Relax-A-cizor Company will train you to become a figure consultant, EARN WHILE YOU LEARN. No age limit, should have trim figure, and pleasont-personatity, For fur. ther information write or phone Relax-A-cizor of Can- ada Ltd, Suite 316, 57 Bloor St. West, Toronto Tel: 924-8825 GIRL FRIDAY Required for ogaressive busi- ness, to type ond price orders, take shorthond, ete. REPLY IN WRITING TO P.O, BOX 71 OSHAWA Giving age and experience EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show ( anada's finest line of Christmas Cards, wraps, novelties, etc, Over 30 items, For tree, beautifully fllustrated catalogue, samples on approval and the fastest service Jeandron Greeting Card Co, 1253 King)" |Street, East, Hamilton, Ontario RELIABLE middie-aged woman" baby sitting; light duties, jage child, two schoolage, | Own transportation, Lakefl [Phone 728-5058. |RELIABLE WOMAN to care "tor three children in their home while mother works, @.30 to 5.15, tlve-day week. Blair | Park area, Whitby 468-8900, j |KITCHEN HELP, oxoerienced Must} j speak some English. Apply South End} | Restaurant S Bloor Street East lear HOPS -- Full and age Apaiy| }Orange Julep, 199) Simeoe North, | ELDERLY WOMAN to live in and care jtor one four-year-old boy. 912 Crocus Crescent, Whitby, 668-4435, SALESLADY for ladies' and lwear, Experienced oreferred, {Collis and Sons, | Oshawa |MOTHER'S HELPER tor FALL SEASON SOON TV CHECK-UP NOW 7 qualified servicemen, ees TELEVISION 728-5143 CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, pairs, All work guaranteed Avenue, Telephone 725-0500. Ladl have your ¢ dressed for Christmas, Te specialty! 725-8592, DRESSMAKING - Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip cove drapes, Fitting a apeclaity Mrs, Tom Whitby, 468 a7. Gardening | and "Supplies "FALL SEEDING' io BEST SUPERFINE GRAS MIX NO. | FINE GRASS MIX PARKLAWN GRASS MIX SUBURBAN GRASS. MIX KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS MERION KENTUCKY BLUE SO-GREEN 7-7-7 MILORGANITE C.1,L, GOLFGREEN 12.6.6 C.1.L, EVERGREEN 6.9.6 CLL, SUPERFLOW 10.6.4 BONEMEAL PEAT MOSS POTTING SOIL COOPER- SMITH CO, 16-CELINA ST, 723-1139 FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS 50D Laid and Delivered Cedar Hedges, Patios and Delivered CALL "MAPLE LEAF" | Landscaping and Garden Service Rug- Upholstery Service 725-061) OSHAWA CLEANERS FENCING and Upholstery Clean. At our plont or in your No not just standard galvan- ized chain link, but, electro. lytic and galvanized after weave chain 1g for longer free costs, Supplied and installed, Hardsand Landscaping . SOD § dolls dolls a) until 9 p.m, Honda Shop, 199 King West. old, red, Telephone 7254972 Dial 728-4242, IRISH SETTER, male, two ye GIRLS' winter coats (two), dresses andjregistered, Call after 630 p.m skirts) sizes 12 and 14, All in excellent} condition, Apply 220 Ritson. Road South, |CACHSHUND, female, 10 weeks pur 723-353) sh SWIMMING FOOL Chemicals" 4nd) eoR SAL minleture poodia, white, male ~jeauipment for sale, We deliver, Call Culsii) Weeks old, $100. Frank. $' wring, Vigan, Whitby 668-2200 Tontine Kennels Registered, Telephone $208.--THREE ROOMS of furniture, Best 728-3980 selection, $3. weekly. Wilson Furniture, @ ' GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS Five 20 Church Street weeks old, father purebred with papers, USED MOTORCYCLES and ascooters,|mother alleged purebred, no pai Honda, Allstate, Bridgstone, All ex-|Fiftyenine Cadillac Avenue South, Even- cellent condition, The Cycle Shop, 153/ings or weekends sor Street South, 725-441), Open 'til KITTENS POR SALE mother pure: bred Siamese, 162 Verdun Road, Tele GUITAR "Fender, 'Jazz Master con:|phone 728-8788 cert amplifier and reverberator, Wil! sell - ger - | BEAGLE running very good, guaranteed Op. 10) 97 jSeparately, Telephone Whitby 668-48 Ss FUR dear." Haehak 063-2097, SAVE $8) on new NSU BAY MARE quarter horse also neck fal ane reins, Whitby 668-5801 or 7281995: |THREB ROOMS of furniture, $298.50, No GERMAN Shepherd female, three years |down payment, $15 monthly at Honest old. Well trained watch dog, Good with Cal's, 424 King Westy. 728:9191 children, Phone 728-1800 WE BUY, sell and exchange used furnl:| |12--Articles Wented ture or anything you have, The City aN Trading Post Store, 446, Simcoe. Stree! PIANO wanted, in good condition, Fea-| South, 723-167) onable, Telephone Whitby 668-8422 | BEDROOM SUITE (three pieces); coffee WANTED to buy, used plano for cottage, | " . end-tables; electric range: large retrig: to be delivered to Port Perry, Call Satur- rae ae nes Machine Sales and Service, | erator, both new conditions chrome set: gay or Sunday, Port Perry 985-2984 Le pen evenings other articles, 68 McMillan Drive, Apart tad new cee 4 ater Se BW comp! /RURNITURE + rooris; plete bed furniture, only $299, Ine lets bed)» -SOPA, flowered drapes, venetian blinds, small room, living room, kitchen ensembles Pdi Pay only $3 wkly, Unbeatable value! 9 Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S i somaenene TRIO oF 'apply 42! HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appll: ances, Name brands al highest discounts Leash Greater with mirror, vanity with bench, | anywhere, We carry Restonic and Bever ery good condition, $100; also two jack y mattress furniture lines, Your author. | Sacy, Soe, Condition, btogi also two tacks red GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal's, at venpaaions 424 King Street West,. 72-9191 CHILD'S CRIB (blond), $12.) Singer) " * sewing machine, Stylomatic used ADDING machine, typewriter - ; duplicators, . chequewriters, fl Months, $125, 725-0567 atter § p.m ha We buy, sell, rent, service and|2) BEACH electric trade, with budget terms, New and used. idition, $25: blond mahogany dining Low, tow prices, Bill Hamilton, Raglan,!room.- suite, table, china cabinet TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 4.1), AIS: Apply S68 Grierson St, 723-2492 Mructore, hot dipped galvanized |" tower BUY AND SELL Good used furniture neluded, single all-ehannel antenna com: and appliances, One location only Pretty | plete, installed, tax included, quaran-/Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, - 729-327) TRIO "Televnion, 'corners Bond we "piv|USHO BEDS, $12 UB used stoves, $19.05| sion, 72R5) 434, , }UP} used dressers, $14.95 up; table and) a _ -- $19.95) new padded chrome | » FLOOR COVERING CLEARANCE ot! chairs, $3.75) new china cabinets, 437 up;| Stee! Scaffolding, compres discontinued patterns. All slashed Inj wardrobes, $25 .up) lamps, trunks, TV's,| SOrs, spray guns, wallpaper 'price from 7c, per tt, Wilson Furniture, | washers, refrigerators, sewing machines steamers, tarpaulins, blow 2 Church Street Best prices! Valley Creek, 16 Bond $t. W torches, propane torches | - ¢ ; c j MOVING to smaller quarters, good used|/ TO BE MOVED -- a well constructed! ) . . 3 viture, vingroom -- suite, -- bedroom | building, 12° x 18, Oll burner stove; oll! WELL ING EQUIPME NT refrigerator, washer and. dryer,|burner floor furnace, Apply evenings, 195, Acetylene welding _ outfits, vany smaller artictes, Phone 725-4446 Park Road North. 200 amp, electric welders, THREE = PIECE bedroom. suite, Geed CRIBS(2), double bed, '4 size bookcase, | BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT conditic $40, Phone (20-4870 headboard wardrobe, car-bed, al! good Cement mixers finishing SINGLE BED Serta mativess; wai. Condition, Phone 728-617 trowels, wheel barrows, elec- dresser; studio couch, wine: bieye CANADIANA ENCYCLOPEDIA ic nig damask drapes; tpur panel, 96" long.| volume set with stand. New, never used. virator, air compressor, All good condition, Call 723-2078 Cost $149.50, Will sel! $85, Call 729-9970, | jack hammers, hand trowels, BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture FLY KILLING system, completely auto, Water pumps, portable heot- and appliances, Goold's Furniture, 2)$imatic, Try for one month yor only $3.50. ers, steel scaffolding, electric Dundas Whithy 668-S48), |Call Cnilchem Chemicals, Whithy 448-290 generator, ramset, power rol / ¢ X ' ssf poors Storm windows And screens,/LARGE SPACE heater, automatic } electric hammers, mas- All aizesy' lady's bicycle, tricycles, wag-lin good condition. Pines included ae : : ona, sieighs, bed springs, mattress, ideal|phone Whitby 648.233) building jacks, yew, on] Mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saws, elec. for cottage, Lamps, curtain stretener, children's. téys, Many other articles, agg) SNOW TIRES, 470 x 15. Like a eve | tric plone, tarpaulins, 14° band sow, 4" joiner, sand Simeoe North. Chevy wheels, Also Teinch wheels R rolet and Ford, Phone 728-1800. HARDWOOD drop-ient kitchen table and blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger : wo matening chairs. Two chrame chairs, OL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits. Large baby's crib, mattress, car seat/faure work, custom picture framing STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD.) IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se each thereatier, plus ie per line of verse 2c additional charge If not paid within @ days, CARDS OF THANKS 92.00 for the first 38 words and Se each thereatier, with ise additional eharge if not paid within @ days, COMING EVENTS inch (display) $1.40 for the jt 20 words and Sc each thereatter, (Word Ads.) AUCTION SALES $2.00 PER INCH INSERTION DEADLINES WORD ADS Spm, DAY PREVIOUS LOST AND FOUND 9 am, day of publication bag AND DEATHS ¥ of publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column - 4 p.m, day previous 2 col urns or larger = 10 a.m, day previous CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS AM DAY-OF PUBLICATION Mortgage nits at bean| Available Low Interest JANSSEN'S POWER EQUIPMENT CENTRE Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- Ferguson Riding Tractors, Service on all power equip- ment, Licensed mechanic on duty. 728-9429 This is @ permanent position with good opportunties, CALL MR. NINABER _ 668-3315 Seen ane KITCHEN PORTER Good wages. Meals, uniforms supplied. Work 'in air cone ditioned kitchen, Apply Mf Gaye | to 4 P.M Well Drilling--Digging |WELL BIGGING by machine specializing jin inch tile, W, Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whi ey. hice ass | or Sc 3009 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association --Personal 843 King West FIRST AND SECOND mortoage, Sale Agreements purchased and sold, Hennick! and HMennick, Barristers, 3) King Street Bast, 723.7792. PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for! all mortgages, Mortgages and oe ments purchased, Creighton, and = Vietor (See Removal of ainarflubcs holr Marie Miurduff will be in Oshawa Sept, 13th, 4th, | 15th, Phone Genosho Hotel | on these dates for appoint- ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 ipave FUN over the long winter months a Bowling League, Men, women rat kids all weleome for morning, after "I noon and ing leagues, Oshawa Plaza | Bowling Lanes, King and Stephensdn. [723-3 WILL" THE PERSONS who witnensed the j acel ident of August 78 at about % p.m. jon County Road, No. ? at the Brooklin |cutoff please call > am @ Grovel @ Sand @ Stone @ %4" Much @ Building Materials TEXACO FUEL & STOVE OIL Free 24-hr, Burner Service Whitby's Only Local Texaco Dealer} CALL 668-3524 SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED 244 Brock St. South TYPEWRITERS, adding machines and time clocks, new and rebuill, One year guarantee, Outstanding good buys, Jen: The South scooters Streer of sale Optometrist # RICHARD WLACKS Ob, Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa 729-419 1M Simeve Telephone | Rowmany Painting and Decorating PAINTING: AND | DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Broadloom, Custom Droperies FREE ESTIMATES DODD & SOUTER 668-5862 Plumbing and Heating ALL PLUMBING AND MEATING sup. [nights for appointment. plies, Telephone. 25.821, Harald H. Sta Lid, Plumbing, Heating and Sraineeritna | MS Simeoe Stree! South 5--Trailers COOKS TRAILER SALES Simcoe St, North Clearance sale starts today, Buy now and save 2 only 15' citations, only 17° rambler only 15' Canadians, enly 16° G equipped) 1 17" Glendette (show- room condition) Open evenings 'til 9:30 p.m, Closed on Sunday, Phone 723-95 34 Boar 14 foot moulded mahogany 4 MP, trailer and many extras, Best offer Telephone 725.100. |CLEARANCE! models al Ajax 94).\40) "| TRAILER GLENDETTE " year-old, Like new, Sleeps & All beds 4" of foam filled mattresses, New stip covers. Complete with Ry ting hiteh and 1945 tleence, $1,078. C. R. Knox Orone, Phone 1442 aoe 13---Articies t RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES Oscillating sanders, dise sand- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- ers. PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Stepladders, aluminum | ex. tension ladders, ladder jacks, tor Rent ~ floor trunk Masson 728-9443 alter GENTLEMAN would like ride trom Wi! son Road to Yonge and Bloor, arriving fat 8.20 p.m. Please telephone 720-3729 CAR trom Gshawa 'o Toronto, Spadina and King Street, Telephone 72)-7264 FREE HOME treatment, Troubled with! backaches arthritis muscle spasm | rheumatiom, lumbago ete and nervous! ension? Ajax 942-1870 daytime 942-4134 R RENTAL -- Me While every endeavor will be made te, forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept, no 'iability in reapect of loss or damage alieged to are trough either failure or delay in for warding such replies, however caused whether by négligence oF otherwise. The Timea will not be reaponsibie ter replies uncalled tor in 0 days, REGULATIONS The 'Oshawa Times will not re aponsiblie for errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise than in writing not. for more than one inser tien of any advertisement nor be yond the price charge for a single insertion in whieh error occurs. DUTCHMAN MOTEL: DRIVER For Catering Route sibaeen SUITE -- bed spring, chest . alse Loid range, Working con a Steady position for reliable man, Must have chauffeur's licence chair sets. Phone GORD'S FOOD SERVICE _728-7321 Dish Machine OPERATOR Good Wages --- Meals, uni- forms supplied. Work in air- conditioned kitchen, Apply Mr. Goye ---- 1 to 4 p.m Bowmanville 623-7242 FLYING DUTCHMAN NO. The Oshawa Times reserves the right | R to classify advertising according to Rug | | ing *] | ita proper classification, home CALL 725-9961 94 BRUCE STREET CHESTERFIELDS and oid chairs, re! covered ke new. Gel the best for less at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street South, Call ?28-4as) Free est mates "UPHOLS ERY by "experts. Batablisnh years, Complete range of materials Werkinenshle Quaranteed five years, Free estimates, Credit. terms, Mattresses re t, Furniture retinisned, Osnawa Up "a Company, 28? Dean Avenve In the cases of display advertisements The Times will not be held respon sible for more space 'han that vhich the actual error occupies The pud lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad | vertising matter correctly, bul assume no fiability of advertisement if any | inaccuracies in any form are contained j therein, | | | : enelles (fully ink, Fence with maintenance only vat on tric id Street area. > 442° Any advertisement canceiied bdetore lication will be charged one day's insertion, IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS Jen Women's Column 2--Personal 3--Sportaman's Column Bast ov Nalster P28-0311 CHESTERFIELDS reupholstered and re styled. Free estimate, See our material for recovering of Upholstering, 758 Charies Street, 723.7) BLUE GRAS Check the quality in the field "All Green' Nursery Sod , Growers, Townline North Y mile N. of Taunton Village 'Soles and Service OSHAWA 725-9674 CANVAS awnings, saw Rental cabin trailers, '4s reduced, Miller Trailers, fh. One children's Apply | SO King Street West, curtains, canopies \Compiete service, Free estimates, Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. GUARANTEED repairs to ail washers and ranges oye 1342 and strofler, tron double bed, Two nearly) Clark Studio, evenings and weekends new r Volkswagen tires, 122 Grentell Street, S*-4497, S25 Brock North, Whitby ? TYPEWRITER, standard, $35.) portable Polishers. Re [8 adding machine, $25) electric type Prone WF iter $40; electric cash register leer, $100, 72)-4434. GUARANTEED CEDAR TREES GREEN AND BUSHY FOR HEDGES ETC FREE ES. NEW, USED pairs to all makes, New. hoses, ack Lees, 728-4956. vacuums, ee tem Free estimates, Cal 6--Marine Equipment heiwap and Barter Articles for Sale Market Barket YoxFarmera Column ViePets and Livestock e~Articies Wanted lonArticles tor Rent Von Business Opportunities Ma 4 ted WaMale or Female 25---Real Estate tor 3 Me--Summer Provert 2h--Farms for Sale 2a--Lom for Sale Real Estate Wened 24--Stores, Offices oe Storage Help Wanted a) | EXPERT vocal training on fermy sons for wants Prize Winning popits A228. After 5 }PiANG -- noe € act Patricia Tee " Burk Street, Die 78-450), i EXPERIENCED gardener wil iTREE' TO Trike" }ihem Gown, 1 F2S-04000 NURSERY and TIMATES. QUANTITY OF POSTS AND POLES SMITH'S TREE FARM Newtonville Call. Collect 786-2283 " are for ray Ree ovr garden and lawn @ Pruning, hedge tr enable, TS86l4 NG SOD AND LOAM" Nursery} i, stone and top so! elepnone Planting meine. she Or ri Call Shim ut PISSA oF Free estimates, field sod entimates PPROR7A. Prompt de very Telephone 23-9910, and evenings tree astruction Oshawa te Mure Aca iter and Tore Rowe DY aradvate Vienna Combined singing and children, CNE Hs, Tuesday 4a os ™ GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer washer and ranges. Free estimates. Call 728.170 \Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS cleaned ice or calls, Walter Ward. Street West, Whitby 668-284) Prompt serv 4 Chestnut Surveyors ®. PLM AND Tre..ore. Ontarie Land rveyors gin Street East, Phone Saaal DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN Ontar ) ana, Surveyor, Commercial dive prints Ontario Street, 72-56 TV--Radio Repoirs TV SERVICE DAY OR. EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS { Se FOOT SAILBOAT, Dacron: main sail terrylene jib; ier, excellent condition $625. Apply 2? Chadburn Street. WVeFT, Weymouth cadin cruiser HP Johnston «motor, Telephone 242.9056 FULLY EQUIPPED fibreglass doat motor and trailer, Whitby 668-920. SACRIFICE SALE Owner transferred. Must sell 18) foot Weymouth Cruiser % HP Johnson motor, $1,280 Alax DaD HOS "eo Alax 7--Swap and Barter BATHTURS, 310) basin systems, S28) sinks, S895 Deals motes trailers ". Dinan, PEAR. s For RESULTS Use TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492 See also ce ° REFRIGERATOR PA OL BURNER with all attachments, $40. Telephone 78.489) GUNS -- Bought, at Art's Gun Shop. PIP sold, traded, repaired 18 Bond Street West, BARBY carriage and playpen also Winch ental bed. All excetient condition OC HONDA weeks Must pasa DINING hal Full Port motorcycle, model ow mileage Telephone touring warran Perry se nine piece, tion, 898 solid ROOM suite, ent Tele at cond AAR SARS Electric tree 855. Genera ce shelve, condition 839.2203 three ser . & ecole pest Bay Ridges OUR RATES a & guaranted wervice S . 723-5 Mas ton ste : much cheaper, Our work Our information is tree S$ 24 hours, Our phone num: per ? PIANO ladies Tike doubie ort Maron and | & ys new mat cles, Risch" just dicycles white dresser Telephone 223 King St, West, Oshawa Sonido upright, Willams th bench anditions $250 or" Beat "si PHONE 723.3224 Very good condition, $250 or best offe Telephone 725-137) TV TOWERS SPECIAL @-toot towe Structure allchannel antenna instalicd, $80 Oshawa TV Supply Limited GOLD custom-made. drapes 144 year old, box va 144" wide. Apply Dish- Coftee Bridal White Tables, Chairs, Linens, Cutlery, Glasses, Punch -- Bowls, Men's Formals 2' Furs, Mink Stoles SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725.3338 hospital beds. ick room supplies. Beatric PIS 1644 Pe Urns Wea F x @ bay w Ritson Road one dow Sou. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or pliances, Call Elmer, Hampton 232 246}-2605 DESKS FOR STUDENTS es? selection: lowest prices Wilson Furniture, 90 Church § *iwestinonouse house automatic Telephone = 723 FREEZER -- Gilson, in Witt accept used TV Telephone Bowmanville |\9--Market Basket 1GOOD COOKING aprres Also eating amples, Ari ors 12 Miles north of Ona ert. PRS.PaMK | FRESH CORN ensilage, deliverec, reasor ane price, Sontect Ga Steintield at | ance toi 0 ap 24 oF i. ard and banduet tables, church Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 North. Call 2414. vet lila shawa ange 30 defrost ane » St tt > eet to one-hundred Club for ban anniversaries Finy Tennis abs weddings, bar kitenen PRBAIIS Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay good ¢ walkers, | parking. Reason; required tor's family, with three small children, Live in, Own room, Char kept. Toronto! PR?-2838 between 8 and 10 p.m. COUNTER girl, "preferably married, for full time employment, Telephone for ap ointment, 728-229) LADY will do housework on Fridays Phone 728-1008. $22 WEEKLY and your own dresses as extra rewards, Just show Fashion Frocks to friends~\Easy, tun. Convenient, even for housewife With children, No canvass. jing, Investment or experience, For FREE KIT write North American -- Fashion Frocks, Ltd. 3425 Industrial Bivad,, Dept. U, 22%; Montreal 39, Que HAIRDRESSERS -- ftomale, experienced full time and parttime, Greig's Hairsty! ng, Bowmanville, 625-2992. RELIABLE WOMAN wanted atter two children in their pm five-day week, Nash Road, 728-9537) WANTED -- Folks in Osnawa and dis} trict to show our Wweurious Chrismtas) cards to friends and neighbors, No ex Derience needed, Our exciting catalogue Atustrates over 300 items in toll coler,! making & @asy te oF! olenty orders Tele {Earn extra money this sag Pe seh te today for Christmas cards on ei and jtree catalogue. Monarch | care. coe Dept MAN WANTED FOR RETAIL LUMBER YARD IN OSHAWA AREA Truck driving and soles abil- ity required, Salary commen: surate with ability and. ex- perience. Please reply to Box 811, Oshawa Times, All replies treated confidentially. PRODUCE MANAGER required to toke charge of produce department in Bowmanville Super-market or will train experienced produce operator wishing ad- vancement Nrite Box 1449 Manager Rawrrn