yeas fog Si ena pe Wise Nevcaetlcer mas sore nee soa emcee Poy ote murder, he was committed for hon-capltal mariee charse ol) SATURDAY NIGHT Ata posi wie in Se; ber, 1964, he is camvielan ta further OLD TIME and MODERN 2 reduced charge of Dance to sores yuets te pion Oy Me RUDY. VELTRI and his NEW TORNADOS Most Bin og RED BARN The BEACH HOUSE CLUB PRESENTS CAVE DEATH CAUSE HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Ac- tress Dorothy Dandridge died fracture of a tiny bone in her foot, the coroner's office re- _tported Friday, Dr. Harold] _ Kade, coroners Ppatnoigist, said toxological examinations disclosed she died as a result of bone marrow particles enter- ing the bloodstream and reach- ing her brain and lungs. CALLS FOR EFFICIENCY Canada must sharpen the ef- ficiency of her transportation system to remain competitive in the world, the chairman of the country's federally - estab- lished Economic Council said Friday. Dr. 1, J, Deutsch told the Canadian transportation re- search forum at Lac Beauport, Que., that Canada should keep an eye on what the U.S. is doing because she will face the same problems soon after they crop up below the border, _|"Pound Is Safe" and SEEK CHEMICAL SALES [W128 Through." While the pound is maintain- A trade mission sponsored by|ing stability, the critical test is the trade and commerce depart- 16 THE COHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 11, 1965 ROUND THE GLOBE IN A GLANCE Fat Intake Is No Factor _ In Heart Attack: Doctors | Canada, 10 Other Nations Rid U.K. 'sMoney Troubles The new 'pledges of. aid. from the central banks will tend to discourage speculation that the pound may be forced into de- valuation. Britain's current official re- serves are roughly contvalens to $2,700,000,000--virtually the amount she borrowed from the international monetary fund a year ago. The Bank of England Acquittal On praca _ SUDBURY (CP) -- quitted Friday by the Supreme Court of Ontario of a man- a charge resulting from the s death of Joseph Re- ge also of Sudbury. Mr. Justice Leo Landreville discharged Dilabbio after the jury delivered a not guilty ver- The trial judge agreed with the verdict but told Dilabbio: "You must - accept this as LONDON (CP) "=Ten coun- tries, including Canada but not France, have agreed to put up more cash and credit, if neces- sary, to keep the pound buoy- ant, Britain jubilantly pro- claimed this would dispel all de- valuation fears. The amount of new standby credit made available through pau ga 4 swaps and other <= ral bank arrangements was not/siso has been obtaining U.S. otis said: Friday it i str|Gauars from the U.S. under a currency swap ar- "ee big disappointment in|'@"gement. Repayment to the Whitehall was the refusal of a fund starts about France to. participate. é The Bank of England an- nouncement produced London newspaper headlines such as "Sterling from each province, will rep- resent their country at the na- tional 4-H Club = in Chi- cago Noy. 28-Dec, 2. CHANGE CONVENTION SITE TORONTO (CP)--The Associ- ation of Kinsmen's Clubs will hold its four-day- annual conven- tion this month in Montreal in- stead of in Quebec City, - Na- tional President John Goldie an- nounced Friday. Mr, Goldie said the decision to hold the convention in Montreal starting Tuesday was made because the Chateau Frontenac Hotel, where the convention originally was to be held, is strike-bound. ig down on fat intake} made no difference in- | heart attacks are con- findings were published medical journal, The studi In the , one group took = test-diet that meant cutting down on fat. This "o un pleasant' diet allowed ¢ only an ounce of butter a day. The group had a normal conclusion: The low-fat no place in the treat- This was Dilabbio's trial on arising por Renaud's death March 4, Originally charged with hoes Participating in the new credit pledges are the U.S. fed- eral reserve system; the cen- tral banks of Canada, West Germany, Italy, Japan, Switz- erland, Sweden, The Nether- lands, Austria and Belgium and the Bank for International Set-|a new trial on a manslaughter expected to come in the fall and tayecardial infarction known as heart . doctors said there was no ce, either, that the amount of "added sugar' put in the diets of the two groups had any effect on heart attacks. This theory of sugar relation- put forward by British and American medical men. The tests of the 264 ex- patients, all men under 65 with corona! heart disease, ran from 1957 to 1963. CRASH KILLS THREE GOLDEN, B.C. (CP)--A hunt- and his two clients were killed Friday when their light float plane crashed into the Columbia River as they set out on a hunting trip. Dead are guide Bruce Downey, 39, of In- vermere, B.C., Miller Brown- lee, 37, of Calgary and a third man, also of Calgary, whose identity was withheld by RCM alt ivi NURSING GRAD Kathryn Learmonth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Learmonth of 33 Central Park bivd. n. grad- uated from the Hospital for Sick Children, School] of Nursing, Wednesday. She at- tended King Street Public School and Donevan Colleg- jate. She will continue work- ing at the Hospital. day rejected a call for an im- mediate withdrawal of all for- eign forces from South Viet Nam. Its annual conference|® here instead passed a resolution urging a reopening of negotia- tions aimed at settlement on the lines indicated by the 1954 Gen- eva conference on Indochina. WILL OPEN CENTRE NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) Premier Robarts and Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York will officially open the Niagara International Centre and skylon here Wednesday, Oct. 6. The centre is a massive, two-storey exhibition building with a sky- lon or 520-foot tower--the tallest reinforced-concrete structure of its kind in the world--rising WOULD SHUT DOWN NE WYORK (AP)--The Pub- lishers Association of New York City said Friday the city news- papers it represents would shut down if the New York Times is struck by the Newspaper Guild, Members of The Times unit of the New York Newspaper Guild have voted to strike next week if satisfactory terms for a new contract are not reached. RCN 'CONTRACT? HAMILTON (CP)--The Spec- tator says the complete weap- ons system for the Royal Cana- dian Navy's first anti-sub- marine hydrofoil will be manu- factured here by Canadian Westinghouse Co, Ltd. WRECK CLEARED MONASTERY, N.S. (CP) -- Trains began moving on CNR's Truro-Sydney Jine late Friday night after wreckage was cleared from the tracks here. Railway crews cleared the line shortly before midnight, about 17 hours after 22 cars of a west- bound freight jumped the rails. MAKE AWARD TORONTO (CP)--A_ six-man jury awarded $51,000 Friday to a 38-year-old widow who fell and injured herself while step- ping from a Toronto Transit Commission bus in 1962. Vulla Sawas, a $1.25-an-hour factory worker, said she fell from the bus step after it lurched for- ward. The Supreme Court jury said the rear door of the vehicle was open while it was still in motion. PLAN JOURNALISM COURSE QUEBEC (CP) -- The exten- sion department of Laval Uni- versity will introduce a course in journalism this year, open to all interested in journalism. The announcement Friday said the course will be conducted by four ment is taking a three-week tour of Poland, the Soviet Un- jon, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Greece in order to increase exports of Canadian-made in- dustrial chemicals. The mis- sion, leaving Canada Sept. 17, is comprised of executives of = Canadian chemical compa- nies, GLEASON LISTENS IN Jackie Gleason is a_ short- 'wave radio fan whose recrea- tion room is fitted up for re- ceiving programs from through- out the world. winter months, The flight of money from Britain, which reached a high point during an economic crisis a year ago, has virtually stopped but invest- ment money still is not coming back in great amounts. MUST BALANCE BOOKS Until Britain can balance its international monetary books-- and this balance is expected be- be more periodic payments def- icits which could reduce the country's monetary and gold) reserves and put new pressures }on the pound. The Rib Room featuring CONTINENTAL FRENCH BUFFET (all you can eat at the same price) OPENS TUES., SEPT. 14 The GENOSHA HOTEL tlements. ous support. One British official said the French government be- lieves Britain must try to main- tain currency stability through fore the end of 1966--there may|__ charge. FEW SEE DOCTOR Nigeria, a country of 55,000,- 000 people, has 1,000 rs and 50 dentists. OWE FORTUNES Canadians owed $2,700,000,000 jin personal loans and debts at the end of 1963, France participated in previ- more self-discipline --in other words, more economic belt- tightening. The official added that political differences also may be involved. PY O'KEEFE CENTRE SEPT. 17--OCT. 9 CANADIAN OPERA TURANDOT = RIGOLETTO BARBER of SEVILLE BOHEME MAVRA and SALOME BOX OFFICE OPEN 11 A.M. -- 9 P.M. FRANKLYN SHEPPARD And the "A-GO-GO's!"' PLUS Direct from Greenwich Villege, New York City The INTERNATIONAL "PLAYBOYS" Currently Appearing at the Cadillac Hotel In Oshawa NOW 2nd Big Week ! THE IMMORTAL HANK WILLIAMS JAMES GARNER LEE REMICK SHAKES THE SCREEN LIKE CANNON THUNDER! First 'GET' of the Season Featuring The SPARTANS ADMISSION ...75 DRESS:-SHIRT AND TIE Same Place . . . Same Time professors of the university. Ladies! Let us do the work for You!" | OSHAWA | LIVES AGAIN! "YOUR CHEATING HEART" --WiThH-- from it. It will house permanent industry and government exhib- ts. IRISH RISE AGAIN WATERFORD, Ireland (Reut- ers)---The Royal Navy torpedo boat Brave Borderer, believed fastest of its type in the world, was fired on by a machine-gun and revolver on leaving this east coast harbor Friday after @ five-day courtesy visit. Three -- men later appeared be- @ special court in Water- ford, TUC REJECTS CALL BRIGHTON, England (Reut- ers) --Britain's 8,750,000-mem- ber Trades Union Congress Fri- NCING oe IN "THE WHEELER DEALERS" IN COLOR GEO, HAMILTON BL TODAY | GENEVA PARK + RITSON RD. N., OSHAWA Sunday Afternoon DANCING 2 to 5 p.m. Linda & "The Chancellors" The "YOUNG SET" REPRESENT 4-H OTTAWA (CP) -- Ten Cana- dian 4-H Club members, one *« ORIVE-IN THEATRE * 723-4972 NOW PLAYING TONIGHT THRU TUES. David ven -SHENANDOAH TECHNICOLOR sommes DOUG McCLURE - GLENN: CORBETT - PATRICK WAYNE and ROSEMARY FORSYTH 'aa ROSS-a universat pcruge Tommy Steele in DREAM MAKER ' For your afternoon gatherings, we I} have the most beautiful pastries |) aveileble for you, Delicious pies, j) tarts, cookles ond dainty cakes cooked fresh out of our ovens, in 7) the perfect setting, and tea ond fF) coffee can be served for os many |) @s you like | Oshawa Steak House 1626 Simcoe St. North ~ DEAN MARTIN JERRY LEWIS md BOX OFF FIRST SH Wat D Dusk " KING WEST Central Hotel's GOLD RUSH Lounge and Dining Lounge OSHAWA"S FINEST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT RITCHIE KNIGHT and the MIDNIGHTS Pius Toronto's A-Go-Go Dancers TONIGHT 8 to 12 P.M. "Club Escape" WHITBY ARENA @ DRESS AS YOU LIKE @ 2200 ARE EXPECTED \ ) FAMOUS ( PLAYERS THEATRES monumental might! mw "AT LAST A ROLE FOR OMAR SHARIF hoa PERFORMANCE IN, LAWRENCE Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT THE GREAT SPY MISSION DE NAME "OPERATION CROSSBOW N COLOR Last Show of the Year! -- et the -- | OSHAWA 5-POINTS ARENA-2 P.M. (LOCATED AT RITSON ROAD NORTH AND TAUNTON ROAD) English and Western Working Classes Starting et 10 A.M. COMPETITION GAMES ON HORSEBACK SPECIAL EVENTS ® SUICIDE RACE @ The Ribbons ond Presentations will be made for the event winners of the summer, 2% Hour Show @ FREE ENTRANCE @ REFRESHMENTS si Welcome! i Sept. 12 sHow |PEATURE 2:18 « 4:30 "ee : 6: % . RIDER HAGGARD'S "SHE" in color gr naa "GLADIATORS 7" -- in color * STARTS SUNDAY ¢ THE SCREEN SIZZLES WITH UNINHIBITED BARDOLATRY! BRIGITTE BARDOT "LOVE ON A PILLOW" 1N COLOR ADMITTANCE Restricted Ant A NEW EMOTIONAL PEAK IN MOTION PICTURE MAKING! BLIZABETH TAYLOR KATHARINE HEPBURN MONTGOMERY CLIFT tm Tennessee Williams' "SUDDENLY LAST SUMMER" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT '= BILTMOR PHONE 725-5833 THE OOK -- PIKS You're Heard Their Records, Now See THE OOK-PIKS IN PERSON With Sounds of the Sixties MUSIC -- COMEDY -- VARIETY @ APPEARING NIGHTLY e MATINEE SATURDAY, SEPT. llth 4 P.M, te 6 PLM, KHAN STEPHEN uit ws Nasi ELI WALLAGH: FRANCOISE DORLEAG TELLY SAVALAS ROBERT MORLEY: YVONNE MITCHELL oi OMAR SHARIF. cencms 1oun Serwenplay by CLARKE REVWOLDS and BEVERLEY CROSS - Based on an Original Story by BERKELY MATHER PLize\9 moron LAST DAY: SAT. AND SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. 2) Air puioUs f FOR COMFORT ALLAN MACMILLAN -- MANAGER "SHENANDOAH"