Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Sep 1965, p. 14

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i elena den eA TD dictaataninls cat tind ied fnah dels ei 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, September 11, 1968 THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK _ ow ty: oe. 1128" ". 22.9%93 aaa LIVING 178 13> on, ee Poecu gpeperien oor ial UPPER FLOOR. r es LOWER FLOOR 4a:0° ae 1} & DESIGN No,231 --==1134 Sq.Ft. 3] Gor. 240 y " wr sya now include plan for a 0 ment under the Living= Dining Kitchen Area, oe The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario. (0 Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reouests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). HOME DESIGN NO. 231) Here the designers have captured all the simplicity of colonial styling and combin- ed it with the convenience of modern split level construc- tion. There are no long MONTREAL (CP)--The~-set- ting up of a $3,000,000 plant to eliminate the annual importa- tion of $1,000,000 worth of spe- cial paper tape is the latest stage of a nine-year-old "made in Canada' campaign by a company with its head office here. The new facility, to be in operation at Northern Electric Company's plant ip suburban Lachine by early 1966, will re- place the imported tape--used as wire insulation--with pulp insulation, In the new process, wet 'pulp will be formed around bare copper wires, color coded and then baked dry. The traditional method of preparing insulation for telephone wires had con- sisted of winding paper in a spiral about the copper strand. The replacement of United States paper tape by Canadian' pulp is part of a program which has resulted in: the elimination by the company of more than 9,000 imported items. C. A, Peachey, vice-president and general manager of the communications equipment divi- sion of Northern, said "the end result of our program was that we transferred to Canadian) manufacturers over this nine-| year period components which) were costing us $12,700,000 a! year to import." CREATE NEW JOBS The program, he said, also) led to the creation of some 1,700) new jobs Describing the start of the! campaign in 1956, Mr. Peachey| said the company aimed at having one year's savings on imports offset tooling costs. To the end of 1961, the com- pany had spent $2,800,000 on tooling and had saved $2,600,000 costs connected with the pro- gram. The company considered this fairly close to its original target. The program has resulted in the company's beifig able to 'Made In Canada' Label Electrical Firm's Pride lower the imported content of its products to less than five per cent, The Economic Council of Can- ada estimates that the country as a whole imports some 17 per cent of its fully manufactured goods, Aside from the possibility of lower costs, a "made in Can- ada" program has a_ further advantage, that of developing techniques, a spokesman said. Mr. Peachey gave this exam- ple: 'A small but expensive electron tube is the heart of the trans-Canada microwave sys- tem and is also used for de- fence communications, It is manufactured to exceptionally close tolerances." For a long while the tube was imported, but "we now make this in Canada .. . and our communications systems are no longer' dependent on an im- ported electron tube, "There are further benefits to be gained. Every time we make an item like this in Canada we lay a foundation of new skills which make possible more com- plicated processes." GIVES EXAMPLE T. N. Davidson, manufactur- ing and engineering superin- tendent, gave another example of an operation which had tech- Inical benefits. He described the construction of a machine used to seal the bulb of an electron tube to the} glass base and to exhaust the| lair from this assembly. 'We normally make our own special purpose machines, if they are not. commercially available,"' he said. 'However, in this instance, to keep capital costs and imported content down, we canibalized an old imported machine... ." The extensively re - worked machine resulted in a $25,000 saving over the imported cost, he said, and its development led to an increased understand-| ing of high vacuum. any worn ones, At the same] time, inspect washer' seats} which may have roughened; if] so, they should be smoothed. Otherwise, new washers will be similarly roughened. It is also possible that tightening the screw holding the washer may {be enough to stop vibration and noise, In all water repairs, re-| member rule number one; Shu off the water first! tive in removing wax. DIAPER STAIN ON FLOOR QUESTION: My baby's wet diaper fell onto the hardwood floor and was left overnight. This left a black mark. Can you suggest any way to remove this stain? ANSWER: Remove any finish in stained area, To bare wood, apply four per cent oxalic acid 'FOR NACHT Russia, UAR Voted Down\sisisi""=" yrcrnuegh ERD Lora ite's peor wads ag a wo gg <P On Condemnation Of Viet tains seh of sod et. gee TREE-LOVE Ry. FRANK §, JOSEPH CHICAGO (AP)--The battle was between the tree huggers and the city, The city won, 100-0, Conservationist Stuart ve pg Veotin ~~ ete ef were Indonesia, Hungary, igaria, Mongolia, Poland and Czechor slovakia, A also came from Nicaragua, Italy, and Rig or OTTAWA (CP)--The annualihombardment. and_ negotiations conference of the Inter-parlia-jto restore peace, won more sup- mentary Union Friday votedjport than the tough Soviet dra down resolutions by the Sovietion "'the aggression of the U.S. Pe igs Hew and = eps 3 at A hon in Viet Nam," Chase described the holding |public on the Viet Nam situa-) 4 total of 350 delegates v action on the lakefront Thurs- |tion. against the Arab een Seat ough the malerhty' a They sharks uo tale iets B. beens gh pir snes supported it and 98 absta' lelegations either voted cone n e| save snd, wih wakes ee air| Vote on the Soviet resolutionithe resolution or abstained. ring, charged at us and cut the tree off right on top of us. They tried to drop trees on people and wave ge chain saws at everybody, If people had been chained to trees, they would have been cut in half, People were hugging trees and standing next to trees, and they'd see how close they could cut. I swear, I thought they'd cut Bernie Baum's hand off." Dr. Bernard Baum, 39, a sociologist, had sawdust in his hair as he talked to reporters, his back pressed against a large tree: | "I wrapped my legs around | one tree trunk a little while ago, but they cut it down any- way.' FEEL LIKE BRUTES? | "Don't you feel like -a | | brute?" one tree fancier asked a workman. "How the hell did Lincoln ever build his log cabin?" the worker retorted, One hundred trees fell as the city began widening and straightening South Shore Drive through three city parks, including the huge Jackson Park, one of the most beautiful urbam parks in the United States, The 75 or so stalwarts of the Burnham Association-- named for Daniel Burnham who was responsible for the design of Jackson Park--say the $6,000,000, highspeed, eight - lane divided road is no substitute for 800 trees and lost park space. "What are 800 trees against a saving of, say, two lives a year?" said Commissioner Milton Pikarsky of the Chi- cago department of public works in an interview. Pikarsky: said there were | 500 serious accidents--four of | them fatal--in 1962 in the 20- | block stretch of the road to | be rebuilt. COLD WEATHER COMING : Pre-hung self-storing aluminum doors . +» @ full 1%" 'thick with double diamond glass . . . manufactured in Canada from KAISER ALUMINUM, your guarantee of the finest work- j Ci manship and materials, iy )6=ONOW 95 wennre ASK ABOUT 'OUR 6 MONTH DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN flights of stairs in this at- tractive home. The partial basement beneath the sleep- ing area, houses the gar- age, laundry, extra lava- POOR O Cee ee OEE HOE SEER DEES ESOS ES EEE SEEDED ESOS EES | srnnead WA jsolution (poison), one table- | | N Wi | spoon oxalic acid crystals in one| § -U ive| | QUESTION: Recently we pur-cup water, and allow to bhatt onl ee een [chased a five-year-old hom e.'two or three minutes, then wipelpolishing wax) is applied to| The kitchen floor is covered off with damp «loth or spnge. If asphalt tile, as you have found Name my het linoleum from which/necessary, repeat applieation.|jt is difficult to keep clean. It the protective covering was re-| Allow wood to dry completely i . Address }moved and several layers Ofjand touch up area with finish eS eee ere oN PITTITITT TL shabby-looking. First clean the hard commercial wax applied. to match rest of floor. tile onan with a mild de- tory, and utility room, with Living - Dining - Kitchen area on the middle (entrance) level. Upstairs are three bedrooms, with |fasTENING ample cupboard space plus QUESTION: a four-piece bathroom. While not shown on the illustra- tion, the Blueprints now in- clude a fireplace (with chim- ney) on the right hand end wall, and a full basement with a recreation room, in- cluding a fireplace. House could be built on a 60 foot lot. Standard Blueprints for this Design No. 231 cost $15.00 for the first set and $5.00 for additional sets. They are available in Can- ada by return mail. (On- tario residents must remit 3 per cent SALES TAX). Now available at this Newspaper Office (or from address below) is our DE- rare core door, Each side) of the door consists of a thin sheet of plywood, Is there any way to hang these items with- out running through both sides of the door? ANSWER: Yes, easily. Hard- ware stores and many house-| wares dealers stock a very ef- ficient "shorty" hanger for just this kind of job. It is cylinder- shaped, in two pieces, with the inside piece a screw. Drill the hole, insert the cylinder, turn the screw as much as pos- sible. This draws the walls of} the cylinder into a firm brace against the inside surface. The FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE jprotect the floor and surround- ry want to fastenjing objects that might be dam-|strong solution of ammonia with a small mirror and shelf on alaged by water. WATER PIPES RUMBLE QUESTION: Whenever faucets are turned on, the while the water is running, there is rumbling in the pipes. How can this be eliminated? ANSWER: The noise may be due to some of the supports of the horizontal pipes having loosened which could set up vibration when water is run- ning. Tightening any loosened supporters, or even adding some new ones, may cure the condition. Or there may be loose washers as a result of wear and tear. Remove and examine washers .and replace Using a floor wax remover, | tried to clean it and only where | the traffic was heavy was We have scraped, and let a |wax remover stand, to no avail. this wax from the floor? ANSWER: Try using a dif- ferent brand of wax remover (sometimes one will be effec-| tive where another isn't, follow-| ing label directions carefully.| Or try careful rubbing with turpentine and fine steel wool. | Or the following solution is) usually an effective wax re-| mover: one half cup household) ammonia, one half cup heavy-| duty detergent and one gallon) warm water; rinse thoroughly | afterwards with clear water. Or| naptha (being careful of the fire hazard) is frequently effec- screw is then withdrawn, insert- ed in the part where you hang} the mirror or shelf and replaced in the hele. REMOVING LAYERS SIGN BOOK entitled "SUB- URBAN AND COUNTRY HOMES esigned for CANA- DIANS", price $1.00 tax free. This edition includes information on Cost of Building and Financing in | the house' we recently purchas- Canada, Heating, Insulation, |€4 have several layers of wall- Constructional Details, etc., ial bal -- walls. The er | ' j , junderneat are plaster an re Mogan Mig pated we'd like to paint them, after ra jremoving the paper. What is the half storey, split level, two storey colonial, and duplex coat" to -emove the wall- homes. Also i in this | mes. Also included in this |" incwer: Renting a portable book are i ik are full details on how jeeaier to blast steam through |the paper, to loosen it, gives NATURE IS WASTEFUL faster results than soaking the The eruption of steam which}paper by hand to soften the accompanied the emergence of|paste underneath. Go over the the volcanic island of Surtsey,| wall from one end to the other, in 1963, was estimated as cap-|repeating until the paper loos- able of gene ting 100,000 times|ens. Another method is to use as much energy as Niagara|hot water. With any of the Falls. spraying techniques, be sure to CHOOSING A LOT (cont'd) - s Where local improvements heave not yet taken place ond thére is no sewer, find out from the city en- gineer if the lot is large enough to accommodate the weeping tile bed from your septic tank. There may be city or provincial regulations govern- ing lot sizes in such cases; the re- commendations of the National Housing Act building standards should also be noted. Find out when the -QUESTION: The bedrooms in| | Replace get Better Pictu i Viathia yvyvi CLEAR-UP YOUR TV. PICTURE With this EXTRA High Performance TV antenna and be ready for VIVID COLOUR at its best. Have the sof +10 installed and enjoy | SPARK- LING biack and white pictures, old TV an Super STARFIRE by 'LINDSAY'. . . ntenna, res witha-New COL ENGINEERED FOR EXCELLENT d BLACK 3 WHITE sewer is to be built because you may hove to bear some of the cost of Installation. * Oshawa BUILDERS' ASSOCIATION 369 OSHAWA Blvd. N. 723-7390 TELEVISION RECEPTION Call us TODAY fer a Free antenna check up and estimate It lable to get off most of the wax. ne ge jkeep clean to keep it from getting soi lIs there any way of removing} oe getting soiled so TELEVISION T.R.1. 0. Corner of Bond St., & Division Street | | OSHAWA | PHONE 728-5143 CARE FOR ASPHALT TILE QUESTION: Recently we had|thorough rinsing to remove all trace of the cleaning solution. Allow Is there anything|thoroughly, tile floor in our I find it very hard to we could apply that would help quality special asphalt tile wax, or a self-polishing wax. Follow | i abel directions carefully. & Building Supplies Ltd. 1279 Simcoe North 728-6291 Open Daily 7 A.M. 'til 6 P.M. -- Fri. to 9 P.M. tergent solution, followed by the surface to then apply a dry top Homes Heated By Clean DEPENDABLE Consumers' (\as "Your Design For Modern Living At It's Very Best" IN- BEAUTIFUL Southwood Park HARWOOD AVE. S. -- AJAX Your "AT-HOME" Family CONVENIENT WINTER PLAYGROUND HOME! COMFORT oh : ; @ Close to public schools and high schools. bed vad i i wong sds of - -- @ Reasonable distance to the church of your choice @ Complete beach and swimming facilities @ Complete shopping facilities in Ajax Shopping @ Excellent boating on Lake Ontario Plaza. @ Handy to golf, picnic and complete family rec- @ Only a few blocks from East - West main traffic reational facilities. arteries Live In Year 'Round Comfort and Pleasure In Lovely SOUTHWOOD PARK -- AJAX "ALL ARMSTRONG HOMES INCLUDE THESE FEATURES AT NO EXTRA COST. 100-Amp. heavy-duty electric wiring 16. 1. Copper tone hooded exhoust fon in 9. Metal iron railing installed on front kitchen. installed porch where there are three steps or 2. Stainless stee! kitchen sink. 10, Divided basements with recreation more i facilities, 17, Copper toned built-in triple poper , ge gel ar Pathe 11. All services include; paved road, rainy rock. P ' sonitary and storm sewers, individ- 18. Clay brick. Valance boxes in living room. ual water connections, curbs, 19, Built-in Kleenex dispenser. 3. Kitchen cupboards and doors natural 12. stained imported mahogany (custom '13 built), Double laundry tubs. 14, Forced air gas heating ---- or forced air oil heating extra, All electric light fixtures, Front and side yards sodded. Sidewalks installed from front to driveway and side door to driveway. Fancy ceiling in living room and dining room, 15. Ook floors throughout where Asbes- tos Vinyl. tile is not installed. 20 a1, 22. Poured concrete basement (with life- time guarentee). Mahogany trim. Electric heating installed as en extra Some Plans Provide For Walkout Basements -- Many Optional Extras Available To Your Taste eee ------------------------E--E See Also, ARMSTRONG HOMES in ROLLING HILLS ESTATES - OSHAWA Grandview Ave. at Olive Ave.

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