Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Sep 1965, p. 21

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+ hb. WE NBEP YOU IN CUR PAOBANT yore 4 THAN YOU REALIZE -- WERE HAVING A PROBLEM HERE TO GAVE THE FORT AS A HISTORICAL MONUMENT A MATTE R OF MONEY, NATURALLY = yo REALLY» YOU GHOULD GET SECRET AGENT X9_ AND WHY DOES MN | YOUR FATWER THINK FATHER AMERICAN SCHOOLS 1 anTi~ VE 1 CASEY, QEMY Guz REALITES THAT ERE 1S A - REMARKABLY ATTRACTIVE me GIRL -~ AND A POSSIBLE AGENT. i ACADA NAVARREZ = THE ANTI-AMERICAN Bae OF A BROAD EDUCATION, CANDIDATE FOR maa ET HE EXPECTS ME TO PRESIDENT ON THE BE 100% PANAZUELAN, LIBERAL TICKET, 1 THINK WE'S EVEN TRYING TO PICK y é OUT A HUSBAND « . FOR ME, ExHAUSTEO, CRIPPLED WITH CASUALTIES » THE 4 CANADIAN DIVISION MALTS THE GEAMANS FROM ADVANCING BEYOND OT. WULIEN. LDERSON THE CANADIANS FOR ANT STAND AT YPRES. ive Tare THINK oo | DEPENDED 'ON This OTANOING J FAST OF ONE DIVIGION. ess AND ALL DA CANA f) (N THAT pa A THIS MAY BE MY CHANCE TO LOSE THEM -- IF ONLY THEY TARE THE Lary, THATS RIGHT, PHIL -- AT FINCHIS A SHOT@LN, A PISTOL, AND SBVERAL ROUNDS OF AMMUNITION / ~ MAYBE OUR MAN LEFT A CLUS AT THAT STORE / BUT YOU KEEP RIDIN" DNTIL YOU cH THE Mea | BORDER ww THEN LEP ON AN' CROSS ITAN' Ki De N/T EVER COME BACK, YOU KNOW, JAC. ...... WE WERE VERY LUCK Yn DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU... BUT T QUIT. GOIN sooes PRAT! IT'S TOO B'é "TO EN INTHE KITE CONTEST! WHOSE PICTURE YA PAINTING, GRANDMA P GOOPNE6S...YOU \ CAN'T TELL? | OF COURSE,I MADE A FEW MINOR CHANGES FROM WHAT I GAW IN THE MIRRORS WRAT @1D YOU BO THAT MADE 7} YOUR TEAGHIER KEEP YOu LATE * 1M GOING MY HOME! a tir IN TOMORROW! DONALD DUCK TELEVISION LOG | 4-Diek Van Dyke Show 10 PLM. | 120 NOON VeeThe Mery Griffin Show | oa-eal' My Bluw 9--Crisis 7--Money Movie 0%--Kratt Theatre iow and Weather Jokeng Hor fumer | aPapevye and Pale 1818 PLM, 22, German phil- osopher 5. Sacred 24, Earth bull: 27. Sho- Egypt shonean 9. Partot 28, Bake fishline 29. Heroic 10, Vaulted 31, Pas- roofs sage- 12. Lizard ways 13. Profound- 11. Herringlike be- fish 16, Hurries 19, What rumors do 21, Greek lattan ACROSS 1, Exclama- tion 2---Buttalo x AIR Channei Channel Channel Channel hannel 'hanne! &8--Rochester Channel 9%~Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton Se eer 4--Celebrity Game Vo:00 P, é--A Man Called Shenandoah THURSDAY ave, | 47h Dalendos 100 Pia. 6--Commonwealth A--Family Theatre Jozz Superman @-Ivanhoe STughoat Annie t-Lieyd Thaxton 5:30 Pm O-Leave it Te Beaver é84sen %--Dear Charlotte 4--Bpeaker of the 12:88 P.M, lle-News 9----Searhoreugh College 02--1'll Bet +--Search for Tomerrew B--Noonday Repert 1:46 PLM. Ni--Racing Forum Yesterday's Answer 1:00 PLM, N9-4-7-6-43-2--Newa, Sports tween seats 32. Supports 34, Hamlets 38, Persian player letter petentate 44, Bpoch 23. Platform T f Bs 25. Fissile VY) ZG rocks GY Tf 26; Customary ness 14, Behold | 15. Tree 17, Greek | letter 18. Quadrant 20, Mangled 41, Household 'od Wilh OM t-Metro Final éViewpoint g' 42, Money like Fm | Guiding Light JondenLate Show | 1:00 PAM. etn : nenent mere Ii} Theatre 11:90 PLM, 9--Summertime Vi~-Ghost Squad Matinee Movie 7---Trail Master 140 PM é--Music And News 6 nsrmake zidpee 4--Meet The Millers : i a: aan a-fummer Eerouee) rem Mike = Doug! 1210 A.M, %--Late Show FRIDAY 4--Zane Grey Theatre B--Maveriek 4:00 PLM, 7--News Central é--McHales Navy 8--Today, 1965 6:20 PLM. | 1:0) PLM, | Movie | &3--Luneheon Date | @nAs The World Turns 2:00 PLM. 7--Fiame in The Wind 4--Password a-Mement of Truth 2:30 P.M, t-3--The 7--A Time For Us é--Movie Matinee 4--Linkletter's Party 3--Movie 2:00 PLM. | News | +: PM, Family Theatre No. 2 9-43---News; Weather and Sper 6-2--Huntley-Brinkley News T----Maverick Across Cal 86, Be il 37. Distress + signal 89. Thus 40, Trophy 48. Puppy 45, Native of Asia 46, Nostrils 47, Dodecanese island 48, Shinto 8:0 AM. 4--Captain Kangares 9:08 A.M. lle Topper T--Dialing for Girl Talk 4--Mike's Carnival 2--Mickey Mouse Civb O15 AM, 9--Dear Charlotte 01 AM, V8 Allen | %--The Millionaire )--Pather Knows Best 4--You and Your Family, *--Peopie in Confliet B-Ann Southern shew Reaneney wis, era 10:00 AM. "i errs 4-Te Teli The Truth 6-2---Daniel Boone pe: inn R 3:8 PLM. | get on. @2--Truth or \l--Funny Company 4--The Munsters Consequences %--its Your Move | | 4-1 Love Lucy 6:08 P.M, \--Special Movie 7---Donna Reed Show 63--Gomer Pyle 4--Perry Mbson Doliers 7100, P.M. il--Candid Camera 9---Johnny Quest @--Littlest Hobo +--News, Weather e i] 4--Bat Masteraan 3--Cain's Hundred %--Bachelor Father 2:0 P.M, \1--Jamboree 9--Bilko $2 You Don Say 7--The Young Marrieds 6--Public Service Announcements 4--Edge of Night i 4:00 PLM, %--Peyton Place &--The Match Game | FoRecketship 7 &3--Vacation Time 4---Seeret Storm B~Roaky And His Friends 4:30 PLM. 10:30 A.M |8-3--What's This Song? | 7--Donna Rees YOUR HEALTH | Epilepsy Treatment if note | Creates Problems la CNS 4--The McCoys | §--Bingo 11:00 AM, VieeBonnia Prudden | bat 9 Mother Know Best a0) PLM, -2--Dr_ Kildare TMy Three bSePortralt. hls AM, %ummer Fun te AM ViwAlbert J. Steed +-3--Jeopardy By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr, Molner: My son, 14,) the drugs ean interfere with ab-| has epilepsy and has been tak-|sorption of Vitamin C. There-| f&peytsn' piece nahine Semester 4--The 4Thirty Club | 2~Hercules ai THs SCHAWA TEE Thursday, September 9, 1965 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder' in Masters' Individual Chempionship Play) * West dealer. Neither side vulnerable, Opening lead --~ king of clubs. This hand involves a principle of bidding which is of tre- mendous importance at times, but 'which is nevertheless mis- applied by many experienced players. The deal occurred in a na- tional pair championship. As usual, the results achieved at the various tables differed widely, ranging (incredibly) from part score contracts in hearts or diamonds, to game or slam contracts in those suits. As can be seen, it is impos- sible to make more than 11 tricks with hearts as trump, and those declarers who contracted for a slam in hearts discovered it the hard way. However, those North-Souths who bid a slam in diamonds made the contract easy as ple and wound up with top score on the deal. The hand runs contrary to the general rule that the best suit to choose as trump js the sult in which your side has the frie number of cards, Actually, t rule works perfectly in most hands, but obviously, as in this case, there are times when the second longest suit serves ag the better trump sult. Uusually the reason is that there is a 4-4 fit in one sult and a 5-4, 6-3 or 5-8 fit in another ' |suit. In such cases the best re- sult is generally obtained when the 4-4 suit is named as trump. This is because one or more discards become available in the side suit which are not avail- able when that suit is trump. Thus, in the present case, sf hearts are trumps, declarer can- not make more than the obvious 11 tricks, but if diamonds he- come trumps, declarer, after drawing three rounds of trumps, can utilize dummy's hearts to obtain valuable discards and come ne hag 12 tricks, "The in trumps gene: works out better than @ er 6-2 fit, but when and how to apply this general principle to a particular hand is a matter of good judgment tempered with long experience, NEWS IN BRIEF DOG TOO OBEDIENT CANNOCK, England (CP)= Blackie, a three-year-old Lab- rador, is so well trained that she will do anything her mag- ter, Malcalm Cooper, 9, tells her. In order to show off, he ordered the dog to bite 12-year. old Margaret Rollins and that was what Blackie did. Mal colm's father was acquitted in court of keeping e dangerous dog--and Maleolm got a good spanking. ; HEARSE CAUGHT IN DRAG OLDHAM, England (CP) ~ Peter Barlow, 26, was caught speeding in this Lancashire city while driving 9 hearse. In court, his lawyer said he had been 20 minutes late collecting a body and was trying to get to the funeral on time. x BAN LUNCHTIME BOOZE. BESTWOOD, England (CP)-- Workmen in a Nottinghamshire factory have been asked by the owner not to visit a newly-built pub just outside during their .|lunch break. The factory makes. precision instruments and the management fears slightly fud- dled workmen might damage the delicate machinery, BEES CHECK IN SOUTHAMPTON, Eng.' land (CP) -- A Hampshire schoolteacher has invented a machine for counting bees. The device paves a light beam across the entrance of a bee- jhive and records each insect as it passes through the beam. SOLVE PARKING ISSUE LEICESTER, England (CP)~< A local store has found a way to. solve the parking problem ing phenobarbital and agree fore large doses of the vitamin --------------------------------- to control his seizures. We had! are used as a treatment. . Said : Fe , under some circumstances. If; ments can be inserted inside to to increase the dosage and his| In addition, it may be possible the dosage has to be heavy, or|serape the surface gently, and gums have become very puffy,/to switch to another type of. certain individual is sensitive|to remove anything which acing prttavingy his teeth. to minty rag Grae, Sines (Ott its action, side effects can) should not be there, quite a degree. |gums recede again "\develop, Yet other patients, us: Por instance, this procedure is y ve oth blems; | is st d. ; _ , salt wate wan ance ing the same drugs, have NO vice after a miscarriage, but for ¢c rs, without subsidiz- ing freeloaders. Shoppers pay five shillings as they cheek into the store's car park and get a voucher for the sum good only in the store. Soreness; unattractive appear-| It may, of course, take SOME! trouble at all ance, and lately, lack of appe-|careful trial-and-error work to) ; Ye yy.| there are various other reasons lite toward' certain foods, espe-|find another combination which| It is. so with eo ey vor it. cially meat. |will control the seizures, but|Sants, Some patients, the ma D. and C. will not hinder The dentist says the medica-|there are a number of anti-con-|Jority by far, use these drugs ' A tion is responsible for this puf-|vulsants available. While they day after day, over many years, pregnancy; in fact, sometimes finess and suggested rinsing}do not have identical actions! with no adverse reactions, it is very helpful in making with a special mouthwash, The/and purposes, there is some) When side effects do develop, . nancy possible. doctor seems to be evasive, ay overlap, | then it is manent? a BY ins son also is quite hairy and has| FEARED REACTION means of alleviating 'the ' to shave twice a week.--Mrs, | I thought twice, Mrs. L. E.| without sacrificing the primary) PROBE ROBBER'S GRAVE L. E. |befere printing your letter, be-| benefits of the medication. BOXMOOR, England (CP)-- I believe your dentist is right,| cause of the risk of frightening) Dear Dr. Molner; What does/Hertfordshire police are investi- but I would add further sugges-! some people away from the anti-|a D and C on a young married gating what looks like an at- tions, The drugs are known, at) convulsant drugs. That would be/ woman involve Will this: hinder/tempt to remove the remains of times, to cause such thickening] too bad, because they are mar-jher from becoming pregnant? ithe last highwayman to be of the gums as well as increase} velous in controlling or pre-|--T. Y. hanged in Britain from their n hairiness--in some individ-|venting epileptic seizures. D. and C. means "dilation/resting-place in this little vil: jals However, suppose we do|and curettage." The opening of lage. Robert Snook was con Studies indicate, as far a8|/hest to remember that almostithe uterus is stretched openjvicted in 1802 of robbing a: mail the gums are concerned, that| any drag will have side effects;enough so that special instru-{delivery of £160.. SALLY'S SALLIES

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