ee The window shade features BEIGE TWEED paper is a pasted-on bord of the used on the window wall. ee CHILD. GUIDANCE By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD You are about to launch upon a great and serious enterprise. You may have had a hard siruggle to win entrance to the college you are going to attend. It may not be the college of your first choice. Or your high school record and your score on the various college entrance tests may have been so high that you. won en- trance easily. In any event, you have cleared only the first hurdle, You have to prove by your scholastic record at the college or university you enter that you are worthy to continue there. The higher your records on }, [entrance requirements, the bet- ter should be your chances of making good in college. Not all students with high entrance rec- ords are allowed to stay till they graduate. A few who were star students in high school are among the bust-outs in college, You may soon discover that, at college, you are competing with many other youths who were star students in their re- spective high schools. You may be puzzled and discouraged with this discovery. Yet, you may be| inclined to feel se@cure in re- membering your good record in high school, DON'T TRUST PAST Indeed, you may put so much orange, gold and beige paid wallpaper used on the other wall. . THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW The oncoming full moon, which will make its advent on) Friday, makes this another day in which to be cautious in per- sonal relationships -- especial- ly in dealings with those who are inclined to be overly- emotional or to make the prov- verbial mountain out-of mole- hills. Some good offerings indi- cated, however, if you put forth trust in this earlier high school record as not to feel the neces- sity to put forth your best efforts until you have reached a dangerous point in your college work. If panic seized you then, best efforts and ignore the! your plight could be tragic. moods of others. a Perhaps while in high school, FOR THE BIRTHDAY your parents kept after you to If tomorrow is your birthday,| see that you did your homework your outlook for the next year) well, and did not spend exces- is very promising indeed. Oc-| sive time at social fun. You may cupational and monetary gains|have had some teachers and are indicated and, with the ex-| special counselors in high school ception of brief periods in late| who constantly guided you and October and early January, per-| inspired you to do your best as sonal relationships will be un-| currently in a cycle in which) your spirit of enterprise should be at a peak and where, ac- cording to the stars, the time has come for pursuing your most ambitious plans -- espe- cially those of long-range value. Promised high spots for accom-| plishment: Between the first of next week and Oct. 31, early) December, the first half of Feb- ruary, late April, the first week of May, the last half of June and next August. Well-wishers in job, social and family circles will be of assistance in furthering your in- terests this year, and there is every indication that before another 12 months will have slipped off the calendar, you will find both personal and busi- | paper, makes washable wall covering that peels off in one strip. Decorating With Wallpaper Can Work Wonders In Room *. By JOAN O'SULLIVAN Want to brighten a setting, conceal a poor plastering job, add a novel and original touch to a room setting? FLORAL - PRINT vinyl, laminated to wet-strength Vinyl-coated paper can even be used te camouflage a scarred table top. Liquids won't stain ness affairs in a very sound po- vinyl paper. sition. Best periods for ro- Sacieta. . eith wallpaper Also use paper to create In-| mance: The balance of this) it's a wonder-worker. "|teresting border lines -- around) month, next April and June; | \the ceiling or around a door or| for travel and enlivening social) You can use it on all four) ; activities. Also, for the balance| walls. Or you can use it on one|window grouping. of this month, in January, April, wall or two. | Want to call attention to a ser-| and the period between June 14 AIRY CHARM lies of small pictures? Frame|and Sept. 1 of next year, Do Try, for example, to open UP/the grouping with a border of|not let a possible change of en-| a small room by covering One) wallpaper and they'll look great.| vironment in October cause you| wall with a mural paper. The) Use paper to dress up closets,|any dismay. All signs point to| scenic design will seemingly|too, Ordinary cardboard storage] such a change turning out def- push back the walls and giveipoxes take paper beautifully and|initely for the better. eramped quarters an airier look.|jo9k glamorous when lined up on| A child porn Gh thie day will Use wallpaper to create &ishelves. | be endowed with the talents re-| giver, In's tomunige boudoir, for) Wallpaper can work for you in| quired to make a_ successfui, example, what's prettier than @/many ways. Use your imagina-|teacher, scientist, literary or | oe one tion to find them. |dramatic critic. Use if'on the wall behind the Be a hed and then, to carry out the floral design, paper the top of 'a dressing table or top your win- dows with wallpapered cornices. TAILORED MOOD Want to strike a tailored mood bn the masculine side? A tex- tured or plaid paper turns the trick. a student. school-work program. In_ high school you may have been able to avoid certain basic courses whose mastery was indispen- sable to success in some or many of your college courses. At college you are on your own as never before. You are Advice To Students On Entering College free to budget your time be- tween work and play. As a freshman you are free to study or not study when you choose, You rarely will have a coun- selor to warn you in due time when you are lagging in any or all your college courses. _ If your progress is bad enough, you may just receive notice at the end of a semester or year that you may not re- turn, that you are a bust-out. e fact that many another member of your class receives a like notice will hardly help you. A If you are wise, you will re- solve from the first day when college begins to pilot your own ship and pilot it well. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. In teaching a child his ABC's before + ifering school or while in the first grade, should we have him learn them in al- phabetical order A. No; but as unrelated indi- vidual items. Your child won't have need to know them in al- phabetical order till he begins using the dictionary. TV GIRL BECAME GHOST CBC radio and television per- sonality June Callwood collabor- ated with the late Dr. Marion \Hilliard on her best - selling |book. A Woman Donor Looks THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, SHORT AND ELEGANT Roxane designed this ele- gant short evening ensem- ble for the Samuel Winston fall collection, The yoked collarless coat is fastened off-centre by two green neath is a narrow dress with a deep V decolletage and two slit pockets tucked into the side seams. Both dress and coat are made of green metallic brocade. lat Life and Love. jewelled buttons. Under- --By TRACY ADRIAN Grooms may groan about wed- \ding fripperies, expenses and fuss, but they might as well face up to this fact: they'll grow to like it. Before the ceremony, they may even go so far as to sug- gest an elopment or a more simple wedding service. Yet der beneficent aspects. You are) You may never have takenlonly one in ten of those suggest- sole responsibility for your own: ing it wishes afterwards that he had carried out any such plan. Almost to a man, they say that their weddings proved more fun than expected. | Finally, they agree also that |honeymoons, even those costing hundreds of dollars, are worth levery cent of it. Only one in Bridegrooms Come To Like the questionnaire said they had taken honeymoons, averaging eight days long and costing $375. from Fripperies, Expenses, Fuss seven thinks the money might have been better spent in setting up a household. These are conclusions drawn from an informal cross country survey just made of: several dozen newly wed grooms who answered a questionnaire anony- mously. Seventy percent of them rated their weddings as formal rather|th than informal, but only 11 per cent felt the thing had been overdone. About 90 percent figured that aopld Jey) YOM are sZuTppeA in terms of happiness for the principals, friends and relatives. Two-thirds of those answering The range was $36 to $3,000, And an overwhelming major- ity felt that honeymoons make for happiness. It was on honey- moons, in fact, that we got the most enthusiastic comments of all, | "Take honeymoon," wrote one| man laconically. said another. | "We took a one week honey- moon and spent, roughly, $300," wrote a Bostonian. 'We could use the money now to make the house more comfortable, but there's a certain comfort in eon- forming to tradition, too. , | he has a better How can you tell If he sells Packard shoes for children, than average concern for the fit of your child's shoe. - oS But plaid's overpowering, so use it on one wall only. Cover the other three with a tweedy) paper. Repeat the plaid with a novel touch --apply a band of the paper as a border on window) shades and use it on the window | ornice, too. | Where else can paper be clev-| erly applied? It's great on screens. It makes 'marvelous cover-up when ap- 'plied to a headboard with a 4inish that seems some the 'worse for wear. pbs : NEWS IN BRIEF | BREACH SEX BARRIERS * LONDON (CP)--London Uni- »versity's last segregated institu- tion, Bedford College for women, is to admit men stu) 'dents this year. Royal assent "was needed to alter the col- dege's charter. » SEEK WEALTHY NUNS | = DONCASTER ,England (CP)| "Police in this Yorkshire town) "pre trying to trace two women) ~who collected money while pos-| 'ing as nuns. They were reported) "when a contributor noticed the nuns" going off with their col 81Z€8. Elaine For a start, Packard shoes aren't to stock as most brands because they come in a greater variety of shapes and sizes. But it's worth the trouble because children's feet also come in a variety of shapes and as easy Pebbles if a shoe dealer really cares? There are high arches and low arches. There are wide heels and narrow heels. There are high insteps and low insteps. And every-set of toes need and room to grow. One more thing: Packard shoes for children cost a little _ more to buy because they cost more to make. But in the long run, you can't find a better buy. y gas 7) a Sa SHOES FOR CHILDREN Kaufman Footwear Limited Montreal Kitchener Roxanne ho P.S. Are your children ready for a new pair of Foamtread Slippers? nee ~ space to spread, W PACKARD SHOES FOR CHILDREN ARE AT THESE FINE STORES W 4 Jecting boxes in a chauffeur- edriven limousine ~ REPEATS GOLF FEAT "= HONITON; England (CP)-- «Mrs. Phyllis Campbell, playing "for her Devon golf club, holed)' Sout in one at the sixth in a 'ladies' match against a Sid- ... feeling like a bright, shiny penny in | 1 KING STREET WEST BURNS SHOES OSHAWA "mouth team. Exactly 10 years ago she had achieved the same "feat at the same hole in a match against the same club. = WARN OF MUMS-IN-LAW ~ BROMLEY, England (CP)-- "Mothercraft courses for teen- wage girls at a college in this any one of "Highland Lassie's" myriad of blouses, Ruffles and bows, jumper blouses, inners, outers . ,. all kinds! Sizes 4 to 6X from $2.00 7 to 12, from $3.00 For The Perfect Fit COLLINS 119 BROCK STREET SOUTH, WHITBY SHOES 668-3476 Kent town include lectures on show to handle one's mother-in- 'law. 'OMEN DONNED UNIFORM ~ About 20,000 young' women "¢erved with the Canadian Wom efis Army Corps during the Second World War. FASHIONS SINCE 1867 DAVIDSON SHOE STORE Open Friday 'til 9 P.M. (OSHAWA LTD.) 31 SIMCQE STREET NORTH PHONE 725-4611 725-3312 Sportswear 65 for the "yo" generation 'The chill will be nil In these sports toge thet heve style, dash end comfort. And mothers, you'll werm te their lew, low prices! See them mow ef the store where good taste in feshion ie not expensive -- et Wetker's. BENCHWARMER: In wonderful woo! Melton thet's fully pile lined. Has big industrial sippers that go zip, zip, zip - and down its front. and on Ws two pockets. Has side slits for fashion verve. Atteched hood. By "Sport-Tex", Royal, red, eamel. Sis 14,98 SPORTING STRETCH SLIMS: Ready for ection Grend Siam slims. Thermal coin Hned for eosy wermth, Side zip. Detachable instep straps. Mend washable. Tailored by "Junior Deb", Black, red, brown, blue. 7.98 JACQUARD PULLOVER: Colorful as « Quebee earnival! Intricate Jacquard yoke end with fleure-de-lis. Lycra elastic By "Zephyr Knitting Mills". Red, blue, white. 4.98 Sises4to6e 3,98 Sizes 8 to 14 PINWALE CORDUROY SLIMS: So neat fitting = get Bays Ae sige bey Front et. Slim tape 8. Tailored "junior ", Black, red, brown, blue. - SiesT1°M 2.98 Sizes 7 to 14 SKIRT SPECIAL! A very special purchase makes this sensational offer Regular 14.98 to 19.98 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Refunded OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Opertto 9 p.m. Thursday & Friday ©