Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Sep 1965, p. 15

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JO'S JOURNAL BY JO ALDWINCKiE SS al Ba TG 5 w. '5 Editor He -- ee fe | g j ' . ; g -- of The Times * j Bann 2B ; 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 4, 1965 : Oh for the exuberance and the unjaundiced eye of WIFE PRESERVER youth. It was with no small. measure of envy that I ¥ Use pieces of clean, dry white listened to Catherine Bateson relating her impressions and : ip C tabcie between the Pye 4 in England and on the continent this summer, SO ITAL & PERSONAL meat patties going int the {reese a wholesome, intelligent and observant teen- | Jo Aldwinckle, Woinen's Editor er. Meat doesn't freeze to thé be sarge Aka it we could Telephone 723 - 2474 for Women's Department cloth. Aifferent nationalities while in Brussels Guests from a distance, in| Mrs. Harry Hardy, Veighley, PIANO town for the McGee - Drumm|£ngland, arrived at Toronto In.) CLASSICAL end POPULAR wedding this morning in St-\ternational Airport Thursda For further information "Phe scientists all respect each other's knowledge and Gregory the Great Roman Cath-| |... 1) - PATRICIA TUCK technique and we were all good friends," said Cathy. ""The = 5 veg - ri pear vos Vien" be dana 74 BURK ST lye é . m ' eGee an r. er, ry, rs, am Russians were the most affectionate and gave me souvenir Howard McGee, Irondequoit,|Glazier, and family, whom Mrs. OSHAWA 725-4587 gifts. It occurred to me that people can get along to- New York; Mrs. Gertrude| Hardy has not seen for 13 years. : EE gether. Why are situations allowed to develop that set 7 , mae, Bente. hk and pect Fosgate = be mcr ~~ people at . Lore wood, Worces- er son-in-law an ps scar opr gpg tigate donee dy ay j D ter, Massachusetts. daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Glazier, students in Paris with liberal views of the hu- on Scott road, Become A e the Civil Rights riots in i ; i Toronto guests attending the pacer ypoarbagtgRed that? . oa é j McGee - Drumm wedding this| Miss Dorothy May Smith, Professional de , ie ah! gal p morning were: Mr. Brian|Whose marriage takes place to-| awe creg England is the real Land of the Free," she sale, d #& H7\Shaughnessy, Mr, Edward Zin- day to Donaid Edmund Agar, in ode 'There is a freedom of the spirit there and the law is 4 2 \ser, Miss Dana Jarnel, Mr. and|the chapel of King Street United the of the freedom, therefore there is great re- Mrs. Sylvester Drumm, Miss|Church, has been feted at gev- By Enrolling et spect for the law, but not from fear of it. The English j @ea\Eleanor Drumm, Mr. John eral showers, Mrs. Paul Ed- humor bewildered me at first. I couldn't catch on to it ; 7 PMA \sherwood, Mrs. Willet Mc-|mondson and Mrs. Joseph Kerr and I suppose they thought I was a complete dead-head. ' Mf a yen up Cracken, Mr, Edward McCrack-|gave @ miscellaneous shower al Walter Thornton sarcasm is biting but it's all in fun and eventually ' fg dias i, ' en, Mr; and Mrs. Robert Wilson,| the home of the former on Har- School of Modelling I could give as good as 1 got. It wouldn't work here. hs : Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lynch,|Wood avenue, assisted by Mrs. and Cherm ' : j d'Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Ker- William 'Smith and Mrs, Ronald 'would be offended and they wouldn't under an ph Ker) Kirkland, Mrs, Leonard Wride of humor anyway. I understand Canada i HONEYMOONING IN ley, daughter of Mrs, Wil- naghan. , : ; ave a miscellaneous Courses in modelli and Canadians mich more since I have seen other places ; Vancouver, following their -- lam Ray Bartley, Oshawa, | Other guests from out-of-town wedding gifts at the Ta ee? devotion oe met other people. marriage recently are Mr. a se late Mr. Bartley. |attending the McGee - Drumm|the prospective bridegroom's p Here lies the answer. If only our brightest young folk e bridegroom is the son |wedding today are: Mr. and|parents, Mr, and Mrs, G, E. and Mrs. James Edward ' For An A int U] travel and exchange views with their contemporaries MR. AND MRS. George Oshawa, was united in mar- of Mr. and Mrs. John Ed- |mrs, Philip McCracken, Brant-|Agar, where an outdoor buffet pppelntment oe other lands, what a wealth of understanding and common McCullough will make their riage to George McCullough, Cole, The bride is the for- ward Cole, Bowmanville. ford; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald psec was served, Fuisnins 728-3441 sense they could bring to the leadership that will be theirs home in Scarborough, when son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- mer Lois Kathryn Ida Bart- ---- --Photos by Ireland Studio |Drumm and Mr. and Mrs.|the rehearsal the bridal party in the near future. In this space age we need men and they return from their Nova uel McCullough, Toronto, in --lmugene Drumm, all of King-|was entertained at the home of 360 King St. W. women with views as wide as the arch of heaven. Scotia honeymoon. Doris a ceremony in Simcoe Street C ] Co di 4 ston; Mr, and Mrs, Patrick F.|the future bride's sister-in-law, lo Elaine, daughter of Mr. and --_ United Church, last Sature OO ni ition Lee, Belleville; Mr, and Mrs.|Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Mrs, James Earl Mann, day afternoon. Everett. Davison, Keene; Mr. To The Moon, By Gemini A Conditioner | Gerard Kavanagh and Mr. Nor- I U , Picton; . and ! oi ana thy ie ig gree rood te cea v WEDDING A B M By ELEANOR ROSS Lg brs, Frank Boyle craton and SC H 00 Gl R m , splashdown. Bae Pico Fay scalovessent Po almost - : we nt ak : a a a steel od amoalien, eee it jing & a Tigger Mrs. | L L t ecord for your Weadin, um is provided by : F ms | yond the understanding of the layman and watching all the rec y g ag lg or Ald tg Bone Aad caqaharapiagrs Babe E E cated electronic communications and computations, Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The | my ent back to Lindbergh flying alone, across Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding pie pees ent a fo Capceeiaie Mann gre | ot go Ny the ony > edly bog goorkn pe Rove . record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and It is nice to know that air| ( pce gy on Pon pean } pocket cate nye shed eg hn hi od oe a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as |conditioners are also dirt-and-|) a : Fi\and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I was comforted by President Johnsons mossige possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the dust filters that keep homes} Tai: \Crabbe, of Belfast, Northern the astronauts. In congratulating them sincerely, he de- , : cleaner as well as cooler. A| ireland clared emphatically 'that the enterprise was undertaken names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the | fijter is @ vital part of each con-|fm foas anc. for the advance of mankind's exploration of outer space. social editor either before or the day after the wedding. ditioner. Although out of sight, m Miss Patricia McAlpine, I was relieved that he made no comparison to the it should never be out of mind. ad 4 daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gay- achievement with anything undertaken by the Russians. A dirt-clogged filter cuts down | 7mm ale _~'\lord McAlpine, Adelaide avenue bine has been a of nego ao ray i have U oug - Mann |the etticlenty 2 the machine, ; ee jpees left Rridey gon 'en, read or heard e past week while Gem) was \so it shou e removed and ~ \Quebec, where she has taken a) orbiting. Not only are these needling and defiant headlines Saturday afternoon in Simcoe,gowns and carried loose colon-|washed at least monthly if the |teaching position on the RCAF and statements distasteful they are puerile in the face of [Street United Church, Dorisflial bouquets of white and yel-|air conditioner is to operate at j » 4 | Base. such scientific achievements. Elaine, daughter of Mr. and|low pom-poms with touches of|its best. : | Mrs. James Earl Mann, Osh-|bronze chrysanthemums on aj Most units have a permanent |é _| Mr. and Mrs, James Belford jand family, Trenton, were in A é awa, was united in marriage to background of yellow gladiolus filter which needs only to be ; i kept clean. Th th t Oshawa, Wednesday when they History Hangs On Family Tree George McCullough, son of Mr.|petals se cleat, 'Tee mate to) WIRD AWARD |Csheue, Wometey Ten ame een ts th ont h a 'siseeiiinn and Mrs. Samuel McCullough, eae te tag was Mr. he a 5 i mere off ie -- alia Disnes Gavels, \steen ame ck to earth and nearer home we had an res Toronto. McCullough, Toronto, and thejdust, an p it up and down bak: " , o visitor in Oshawa recently who is now on her way back The Reverend John K. Moffat ushers wore Mr. William Jack-|in hot suds to loosen and re- daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Mrs, Raloh Hopson opened home to New Zealand, She is Mrs. Cecil Manson who W@$ |osriciated and the soloist, Mr.|50n, Oshawa, Mr.. John Mc-|move the greasy soot the filter} Arthur J. Savoie, Kendall | her home tae the rosea hy pee visiting her cousin, Mrs. James MacDonald and Mr. Mac- |pRoss Cotton, was accompanied Cullough, aud Mr, George|has captured. Then rinse and| ayenue, and a graduate of jing of the Women's Auxiliary of Donald. urs. Mason is a ie age also rd nanan. by Mr. Reginald Geen. Ore, aoe Liven ve let it dry thoroughly. O'Neill Collegiate, has been |First Baptist Church, Mrs. Hop- They have wi many articles on her ancestors as pa Given i by h e reception was held at the) gy, FORMS TRAP 4 son led the devotio } of their work on histories of New Zealand. ata Mr. Be penser *W. , ream phy ian eo Mea ray A coat of special filter oil may. pena ~ agus ~~ was announced ot te enpeea Beauty Salon She was in Canada doing research work on the history Peterborough, substituting for manville, where the bride's|tnen be applied to help trap and ere ospital's Women's. |contest which started in June, d of her family, the Macaulays and the Doughertys. Captain the bride's father, who was -- jos iyo iol xin HONG the next batch of dust. Auxiliary Scholarship in | would finish in October and the : Daniel Dougherty married Sarah Macaulay 127 years ago. junable to attend because of ill- nigger vse a eivet hat Mee alone epoaable filters are washed| Physiotherapy. Miss Savole |members were asked to bring in 15 King Street E, He sailed from Saint John, New Brunswick in 1838 to Port |ness, the bride was wearing 8) .orgage ag Joanna Hill roses. mendes bird Pat need to be) js enrolled in the Physical rage ong Plans were made (Upstairs) fe ate eaten ero sal [ral hah vel Dea andes mare "hn nr cnn tl | Orr (Sa Riedy eetiias ah dren in the ship James Stewart, Capt. ghe te isfy ched rom Switzerland enhanced by sisted wearing a powder blue|yept clean on the outside, too.| course at the University of |sung for Mrs " Minar Howard New Zealand 01888 pokey el li gong savege Maori a satin-lined cathedral train of neved --~ = _ mee os Go over the cabinet at least Eph The scholarship is |The hostess served refresh- Phone 723-7011 pink feather hat and a cor once a week with a suds-damp-| awarded to a student in | ments. warriors, some of whom were still cannibals. The only |French Chantilly lace, flowingio¢ pink sweetheart roses and) ened soft cloth, then with ol Ontario County entering = whites were sailors from whaling ships. from the shoulders. The gOWM| .nite feathered carnations. enter' and finally wipe it dry.| Physiotherapy training at Sennen ee Zealand. They set up a trading post on the tip of the South trip to Nova Scotia in an MGlto g light coating of wax. each year for three years. Island which became a harbor stop for whaling fleets of a ae os auto, Fett OF ae leet Now Met's 'ane outdoors to| This is the third year the OPEN ABOUR AY MOND AY SEPT i the South Pacific. floor-length vell of nylon tulle, ic g ght-lthe children's pool, This must| scholarship has been award- -- ; e a teria and germs thrive in a hot, e carpets and water colors which they took from New \her family for over 100 years.|return, Mr. and Mrs. Mc-\summer sun. sek wan Mie TaD bik °) G Daniel and Sarah became friends of the Maoris; centered by a white orchid. -- | Scarborough. does need to be scrubbed clean and train were designed and)" 4. the couple left on a motor-|79 give it extra gloss, treat it university and is for $500 weight rose wool crepe sult, ed. Previous winners were: \. all over the : near Sussex, N.B. and they became known the wore & pair of solid gold|set fat, black accessories and| moist atmosphere -- which is| now studying at University 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Orleans as they stopped off there on their voyage on the (She carried a formal cascade|cyliough will reside at 35 Con-| 'The pool doesn't have to be Terlecki, attending McGill -Garsh-nursing -meny-of them. The maid of honor was Miss| Out-of-town guests were pres-ias soon as the water appears The Doughertys were pioneers in the history of New | ade by the bride. Sarah took strawberry cuttings trom her family's farm |fajling softly over the train, and|pale pink blouse, mulberry velo kept sanitary because bac- S900. bales Rataryn LaRush, '1 region. Their house of clay was decorated with hanging |ear-rings which have been in\a white orchid corsage. On their|what a pool is under the hot of Toronto and the 1963 win- \) James Stewart. of white roses and stephanotis|federation drive, apartment 305,|washed out every day, but it) University. 2 ek STE WNT TES 5 ; b larly, just @ sudsy sponge will hi arch. |Bisie Anderson,--Pewassan,_On- ent fromm Peterborough, Belie-| dingy. : 7 sisi ea Mea, sent er time Sant 2h SS an and th, emai ue Waren, GRP, TaN suave oof fie Wat GI library to find more about the history of the family, From Miss Susan McCullough, To-|and Burlington. Also present} COLLECTS DEBRIS Me, ; @ sure all crev- * ices are thoroughly wastied, tou: tay ~~ to. They were dressed alike|were guests from Michigan,| This is likely to happen often, Ady ' 'ok : _ Saint John she followed points of interest of the Dougherty og t set ot debris finds its| , 2 Your pool doesn't have a voyage along the New England coat, also visiting Rich- in aqua peau de sole formal|Misssuri, and Northern Ireland. oly Bat rod po Berg sean drain outlet that attaches to the al mond, Virginia, Miami and Tampa, Florida; New' Orlean from small feet, sand from the|[08e, then craw out the sudsy : YY and San Francisco and completing her tour by flying to Cole - Bartley sandpile, leaves. dust in the air.| Water with a rubber hose that \ < the Hawailan and Fiji Islands. 'A smart mother will 'sell" : nang Ro A rt me . : Faith Baptist Church, Whitby,|back waistline, Her crown of eoaiee te poy a eos it started, Junior probably will, Impressions From Vancouver, was the setting recently for the/rhinestones and crystals held 'As a matter of fact, it is, fi 8 ' marriage of Lois Kathryn Idajher shoulder-length veil of net th . oint 'So vie * A 4 the ft HOUSEHOLD HINT Other travellers are coming home to roost. Mr. and (Bartley to James Edward Cole.|and she carried a bouquet of peed goed na the pa Pov A couple of gtrine of ti and Mrs. Walter Branch were in Vancouver this summer \The bride is the daughter of|yellow roses, yellow chrysanthe- nt ia, Sibi gar a ag te jet be ity ig and were delighted by the festive atmosphere of the city. |Mrs. William Ray Bartley, Osh-|mums and stephanotis. ve jag me sh rey So y naturals for children. which you cook your meat loaf « 80! due to the colorful banners, flut- awa, and the late Mr. Bartley; The maid of honor was Miss ' 'This bay tg Prasoond pool hs A by enotg oe, eaeck waa. oe i' her bridegroom is the son|Sharon Williams, Oshawa, the If this cleaning is done regu-| will prevent sticking or burning. h the city's school {of Mr. and Mrs. John Edward|best man was Mr. Barry) cscs wt 2 cig a Pec Ben! roe ae os Cole, Bowmanville. The Rever-|Mrowes, Bowmanville and Mr. picting 'aspects of the same motif, 'The Sea" ' Ign bongs M. Scott _~s \Randy Nelson Cole, Bowman- We Guarantee to : ee | Given in marriage by her ville, was the usher. In Stanley Park they watched a school for driving for |youngest brother, Mr. Merl) Following the reception held SAVE YOU Clb> ¢ tiny tots, operated by the police in their own time. The /Bartiey, the bride wore a for-|in the church hall, the couple children were instructed in handling miniature cars, learn- {mal sheath of white satin. Thejleft for honeymoon in Van- $100.00 FOOD CLUB rid Y if ing obedience to signs and courtesy to each other. |bodice had lily-point sleeves and|couver with the bride donning ON YOUR ANNUAL FOOD COST nina: | ' } Of interest to Duplicate Bridge fans is the information |the front of the dress was en-|for travelling a princess-styled 932 RITSON RD, $. {WWu aan that we have a Life Master in the American Duplicate jhanced by floral appliques. Ajrose linen dress with white PHONE 723-1163 HAH AAT Bridge League in town in the person of Mr. Arthur Vaillan- jtrain flowed softly from the/accessories. . Miu on i . court of Brentwood avenue, who I understand, has often r \ represented Canada in international sessions. Also a for- THE FOOD PLAN THAT LOA A tate mer Oshawa lawyer, Mr. Duncan Phillips, has given up his p it Aan: uae " tae | practice to be a full-time professional bridge player. He H AS PR OV fF N ITS E LF a rITERTTCT t 4 and his wife are both Life Masters. He teaches Contract dl Bridge "and plays Duplicate for fame'. sea ti hreig Wie rh | , The Jong arm of coincidence reaches into some remote UNIVERETTY OF TORDHTD sit Yes : ata alana +) ' corners. When Mr. Harry Chapman received a cable from . » OM ATES eee England to say that his mother had died, he telephoned his ROYAL GS te 4 u oe tee aetord. Hertoréaire, tnd sald be ain CONSERVATORY ps ge Poon time but Mr. and Mrs, William Scatterg OF Music Unbelievable nature notes: The zinnias are abortive Bovd Neol, Dean and the asters puny but I have some healthy daffodils up : . about two inches. That should make my gardening friends Bic22 ANAT TNR MLE EAN Sn SCHOOL OF MUSIC PEE) wrmion veconaton SEEK SOLUTION | Ett . : FURNITURE " ore Mazzclent, Principal _ PARIS (Reuters)--The Coun- KAYE'S 273 Bloor Street West, Toronto 8 seapenins . HF 22 Foinwoarh,. cil of Europe Assembly will] LARGE SIZES SHOPPE Telephone: 928-3797 ly Yon, soon appeal to French Presi-| 15 King Street East BACk- : in dent de Gaulle to save the Com- SIZES pos ge a and | ; FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 7 f en CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Be Mt ; , Ontario on Market from collapse, Eu-! | me Fopean members of Parliament. Sines tere = | Comprehensive training in all music subjects Phone 725-2686 said here Friday. The political Individual instruction--Special courses committee, of the assembly] _ SUMMER PLAY SUITS. Classes for children riday unani- ° 2 meee approved. a ceries off MAYES sizes shee ja Sh EL LP recommendations calling on] 4 King $. BOWMANVILL c "the parties concerned" to find) " t FASHIONS SINCE 1867 a solution to the Common Mar-| 623-5102 ket crisis, se

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