TUR OAHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 3, 1968 -- 32 The Lady And Law Mee And Confusion Reigneth By PETER BUCKLEY LONDON (CP) -- The awful majesty of the law is having a tussle in England these days with the world of emancipated womanhood, and the law is los- ing. The problem arises because Lord Gardiner, the lord chan- ecellor who is in charge of ap- tments to the judiciary, has ust named Judge Elizabeth ne, 60, as the first woman high court judge in England's history. When the announcement was made, officials in thé lord chan- cellor's office put it about that the new member of Britain's highest court would be known reached for comment. She has previously been sddressed_.aa "My Lord' in court and those who know her say she isn't likely to be concerned about forms of address, There are few precedents to guide the lord chancellor. The practical Americans call their justices 'Your Honor," re- away on tour, and is expected gardiess of sex, and the Rus- to give the problem some new(sians use 'Comrade Judge" with egalitarian contempt for distinctions of sex, In France, on the other hand, women judges are called 'Ma- dame la Presidente." Oddly enough for the chivalrous French, an unmarried woman judge is nol called 'Madamol- selle la Presidente," "A question of dignity, I sup- pose," said an official at the French embassy here, consideration on his return. Other Commonwealth govern-| ments, including Canada's, might well think it over now! too, As far as is known here, | there are no other women) judges of high court status in) the Commonwealth, where the; British style of address is gen- ersily followed, But the ques- tion ds bound to arise before long with the increasing number) of women sitting in lower courts. | Judge Lane, who has been. in) county court for several years, as Mr. Justice Lane. Since high court judges are) always given a knighthood, the same officials said, she would also be Dame Elizabeth Lane. And in court she would be ad- dressed as 'Your Lordship." Now the protests are; coming in. "Why should she not be called Mrs. Justice Lane and ad- dressed as 'Your Ladyship'?" asks the Solicitors' Journal, a professional publication, "There| will undoubtedly be more fe- male judges as time goes on and it would be a good idea to start logically." ECHOES COMPLAINT The Times echoes the com- plaint in an editorial entitled 'Call her madam." "Having summoned up the courage to seat a woman on the bench of the high court... the legal profession is now being made to appear, by what it calls its proprieties, to be shrinking from the full implica- tions of what has happened," the influential daily newspaper remarked, "To admit women to one of the last remaining male pre- serves, and then to suggest that they are not really women at all, is an ingenious booby-trap to lay in the path of victorious feminism. . "The English have been ruled by queens without finding it necessary to address them as if they were kings, Even the House of Lords has accustomed itself to peeresses without pre- tending that they are peers. Is it to be left to the law to mis- represent the sex of its own dig- nitaries?" The protests have caused a mild stir among the lord chan- cellor's functionaries, "{ don't think the last word has necessarily been said about the form of address," one offi- on the issue and could not be} peer | FRIDAY || PAUL HAMILTO! and the || TEE JAYS | Dancing 9 p.m, till 1 | Admission $1.75 _---- ead has made no public statements |~ © Special! . Business Men's Luncheon © DAILY. © $1.50 Full Course Meal Oshawa Steak 1626 SIMCOE N, Des 1". TECHNICOLOR' At 2:18 « 4:40 - 7:09 » 9:25 Challenge cial said defensively, "We haven't a closed mind on this," WILL CONSIDER PROBLEM Lord Gardiner himself is telephone 728-0192 ! California visit Universal Ketra, 3 De When in Southern "\ PR au ¢ 2d Them Both! , The PICTURE That Is Making Movie History In OSHAWA -- Playing Till TUESDAY Only! | on ¢ © . ~ Two Mighty Armies Tea: oF Trampled Its Valley A Fighting Family @- "Ww OHENANDOAH TECHNICOLOR DOG MURR: LM CRRET- PTR WANE ATARI RSS and ROSEMARY FORSYTH PALLPALFORD PL: MES BST Arey JAMES LEE BARRETT Breed ANDRE, Mel ALE «rend y ROBERT ARR Never has the epie struggle been shows with greater faith » and fury...than through the eyes and hearts of the proud Andersons! Feature Times: 1:30 - 3:30 = 3:30 - 7:30 4, MAINS 9:37, Lest Complete Show 9:20 PLUS SHORT FEATURES "AQUA CAPERS" OPEN DAILY 1 P.M. 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TRAVELLED IN VAIN The most energetic cam- paigner in U:5, history-wae-Wi- liam Jennings Bryan, who trav- elled 18,000 miles and made 600 speeches in his unsuccessful campaign for the presidency in 1896, SMASH HITS! DANCE To The VERSATILE "STARLINERS" | Every Saturdey | Polish Holl 168 Banting Ave, FAMILY. SHOW ! THE EPIC TO_FINISH ALL Epics ! THE . THREE STOOGES walter "The OUTLAWS 1S COMING" -- witha ADAM WEST NANCY KOVACK THE SCREEN STRETCHES TO VAST NEW HORIZONS TO TELL THE EPIC STORY OF THE GREAT SOUTHWEST! "MAJOR DUNDEE" In Color with CHARLTON HESTON RICHARD HARRIS JAMES COBURN SAT, AND SUNDAY PHONE 725-5833 Nah Pelle The PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE Presents A Big | Rock -n- Roll Dance (ay I Eg FEATURING Direct from Liverpool, England PETER BEST (Formerly of the Beatles) and the Fabulous UNDERTAKERS Saturday, September 4, 8:30 P.M. 1.50 ADVANCE 1.75 AT DOOR THAT'G0-00' UY AND THAT BYE-BYE BALIN HE geting. FUN CAPITAL OF THE WORLD! rata "PRESLEY &, MARGRET MMINGS JODUCTION the Zaniegt.. bom Outfit jlmistts RNR SETA GREIGTe D. P. Savage, manager of the Plaza Theatre greets Tom Corbett, of Baltimore Maryland, the 18,000th person to see Shenandoah, while doorman Alan Hanlon receives Tom's ticket, Shenandoah now in its fifth week at the Plaza has made movie history in Oshawa, It has played longer than any other film surpassing eae the long runs Tom Jones and Goldfinger Ce ae eee ts ie daaheertna rotors leapabenaterabeanttenorecdttnastaphineny Sintacacteanalieca SATURDAY ONLY POLE LAMPS Choose from 3 styles of pole lamps in colored or white shades. Special 6.66 VISCOSE AND WOOL BLANKETS Sportsmen's viscose and wool blank- ets, Size 72 x 84 in red color with black border. 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