seem OP RE IR La ei OR RE EE Many Antiques Shown At Fair INa sco bie § Op MA ERES ALG So ROCA: Ue > = nuciesr" Hwy gag Sham DRIVING SCHOOL BLACKSTOCK (TO) -- The| BE mien SOME ltticers John Davies and] -- fertel courteous Centennial Fair js over. Despite y Charles MacIntosh accompan- Fuly licensed ond hong Posy gm fed by Hydro staff writer Norm] Die! 668-6176 The parade, led by Miss Do- j , Panzica, Bator Pima' Sromptly and tantered antique he prom atu que cars, ont, cecneties cars, a \ ps a ol One Complete Program Each ora! cycles, clowns ai HIT les dressed in old fashioned g. 8) i mention should be made of the exhibit sponsored by the. Women's Institute in which there were fine entries by different organizations and won- derful displays of antiques. On the grounds were a Hart Parr tractor, still used at a lumber mill; a wooden turnip drill, a wooden rake, a treadmill attach- ed to a cream separator and powered by a goat, antique radios, gramophones and 'other items from the past, THIS 18 A view of Doug- power plant was visited re- built on Lake Ontario's The wood chopping contest| Jas Point nuclear power sta- cently by a group of daily h (ALUNIVERSAL-SCARUS loc, Production » A UNIVERSAL PICTURE and the watermelon eating con-| tion, Canada's first major and weekly newspapermen. gare Bgl ; ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SPECIAL STRUCTURE TO HOUSE VENTILATING FANS test for boys attracted much in-| nuclear electric power plant They were able to contrast : terest, which {s scheduled for full this plant with Ontario service in 1970, This photo Something new in the way looking structure will con- aluminum siding. The school The tea room in the new] service, producing 200,000 Hydro's giant 1,080,000 kilo- was taken by Gil Shepherd, dressing rooms at. the arena| kilowatts of electrical watt Pickering nuclear editor of the Newmarket of skylines is underway at tain air vents and ventilator - the Denis O'Connor High fans usually exposed to = ee © ney provided a welcome break from| energy in mid 1966, The power station which will be = Era and Express. Whitb ¢ i a School. In the above photo view on the roof of a build- and ready for use within |the cold. In addition to enjoying y ommuni rena a pagoda type structure can ing. Beautification of the , . |hot tea and rest, patrons viewed be seen on the roof of the structure {is the prime pur- ee ee TN PP ad pictures on the walls uc ear owe?r an new high school currently pose of the improvisation -- mitting, with great interest, under construction, The odd which will be covered with ~--Oshawa Times Photo The United Church supper NO was quite well attended consid- STUDY OF WHITBY eter «se Ingpected By Press - ROLLER SKATING providing the music also drew a) | Pickering nuclear power plant;companies will have partici) e ~ good crowd, | Newspapermen from Oshawa,| niversl Vy u e S epee | Pickering, Uxbridge, Stouffville,|has not yet started, So the visitipated in this project. | " n [Port Perry, Newmarket and/to Douglas Point nuclear station|oo.qpeRATING IN BUILDING Tonight & Wed. Afternoon s tT ] B A {Bolton made a press trip to)gave the newsmen an accurate) rave Y W ination, Point nuclear power| concept of how the Pickering eet eae allt by Atomic @ ] | | . station, Canada's first major|power plant will function, Ip of Canada Limited in u W en 1a | T T ] B C nuclear electric plant, which is] qt Douglas Point nuclear'| aiid hes ng Ontasic Er Thi Y | aoe aacainy erat inde fy a sere Srelmwer, aden, he rectal ia "re, are oun or This Week Only : , nit ica id on : Celly sher jaucing 200, owatts of elec-)a}] major equipment have deen By ROLLY SMITH |presents some information and) cern, The town should, however, Sean Kelly, a teacher in @liie energy, in mid 1966, installed, except for the fuelling|at "the pac yg Hyg Pom : ne take ay 'lie x . WHITBY (Staff). -- An inten-|findings for speculation pur-lattempt to attract well diversi-|Whitby high school, returnec) w1 newsmen from daily and\machines now being tested in| , sive study of the Town of|Poses only. fied industry of a non-noious na.|Saturday with three companions weekly papers had an opportun-\'roronto prior to duiivery. Coolsleast aysiont, -- pap THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, August 31, 1966 § el Whitby was recently conducted| SERIES PLANNED ture to assure its social health|from an eight-day js Pol Tall ity to learn at first hand about/ant assemblies and steam gen-\ 'The site of the plant is on by 26 first-year students of the! A series of articles developed|and well being. New territorial|British Columbia, the operation of this big nuclear|orat) ; be | ' Division of 'Town and Regionallfrom this study will appear in/growth should be by consolida-\attended the wedding of @ slsuitie pawer pial of Labels tite calcae. tyetny tested, (tome 3,400 actes of land oe the Planning, School of Architec-|The Times regularly ftintil the|tion within the urbanized area ifriend, Huron. They were able to com-|p yea nT shores of Lake Huron at Doug-| ture, University of Toronto. For| subject has been fully covered,|GREEN BELTS '| A member of the Oshawa Fly: so this station with how On-ltmee Deore yi ae on (28, Point between Kincardine) purposes of speculation and the It is to be hoped readers will) According to the report,|ing Club, where he is studving)a1ig "Hydro's giant 1,080,000) Thick contain the ceactor's full tae acer Cum sh tal stimulation of thought for the|develop an increasing interest| green belts should be establish./'o secure his commercial pilot's) wait Pickering nuclea rh aien later or a ite The reactor building, which is) community's future growth,{in the administration of the/ed on the east and west sec-|licence, Mr. Kelly and his party) ower station will be operated| heat re * Soe Pod 'tole familiar landmark on the lake) The Oshawa Times is re-print-|community through perusal of|tions of the town, Many parks|used a Cessna 172 oe triP| when it is built and goes into orsduce steam from. ordinary (ne mye ea thick. The| oy Bete ne ator ag a - ee ae -- pares = ee eons to Mp git them approximately} tiny service in 1970. Der to turn the Bubihe) fgg ty beg 4 § oer daar THE CUSTOMER I$ 8 ember interprets it. | In the students' repor e neighbor-| ' T 'men W ade the ,_ {this The study, contacted earlier| character of Whitby is. describ-| hoods that can be Pe bar to| Leaving Oshawa on Aug, 21 Peg bes hme gpd Fgge wo . igen' Meee Bee twenty geet 10 Pg = (Almost) ALWAYS RIGHT this year, was under the super-!ed as a matter of provincial as/develop with increased growth|the party si to Bhinslanter, power station included Charles|iteiniers steel tank ovat tenet Rage ry 4 _ Poy nl o the, risk of sounding like 'Cheerful vision of Professor A. Dakin, well as local concern, Tt is sug-) of the community. be ih gee ls and 8 rg 2 ©/Nolan, publisher of the Stouff-|..4 17 feet wide, which. will yatiral Scie Ha and the initial ney fos to it inl 99.9 percent on Ny di sre gE Din theta coll a gr Ered arf ogy indut- irate "Michi -- The ee ville Tribune; William Murkar,|contain the heavy water moder-|charge will amount to 66 tons iness with, 'They or nee hon La tecture at the University, Based) munity must be settled in the) trial location, the report recom:| ong say ie HW 1 : XUnublisher of the Pickering!,15» released when the reactor) The staff who will run thell considerate ond ae sible. ir I theif Whith: a "ppd A ~yavtige A erie "9 ca thie A ae bagged wot 0 saline rH the Scant fet News; Gil Shepherd, editor offi, shut down plant will number some 91 per-| dealings oe y, its present day status|\major industrial region, This)and east of the Macdonald-/!.é b f *lthe arket Era and -Ex-| yr.. TPM ae er E : and fulure potential, the study) region is said to stretch around) Cartier Freeway. New treejhills. From that point they fi erases aces Contin se editor|, son 44 yore cone sons, The Douglas mfg nu i pe oe te publie provides a good complex pic-|the western end of Lake On- Planting should be undertaken |to Lethbridge and from thereof the Oshawa Times; Peter|ituding. the digital souk oo has vas itu actually) knows there is an eanasties ture of the municipal structure /tario to the entrance of thejin all gprs of the community, into the Rockies, |Hvidsten, publisher of the UX-'nougias Point nuclear po we fi ; ; to~@ rule, Which includes car deolers in all its ramifications. All sug-|Niagara River. It is sometimes|Proper care should also be; On their return trip theY|pridge Times Journal and o} Abe k ah eg ; tod, fy. gestions and recommendations| referred to as the Golden|taken of the town's fine old|stopped at Regina, Winnipegsihe Port Perry Star; and Wer-\ceneda 'ot a computer in the FREEMAN'S When auto men get together they dis- presented by the students are/ Horseshoe. trees which still provide an|Kenora and Fort William. Theit/qen Leayens, editor and pub-|~, teal of sectrt cuss their woes like elderly ladies ore entirely speculative, it must be} The report suggests the prime/atmosphere of beauty. final day in the air took them|iichor of the Bolton Enterprise Senaratin sin ric power] FORMAL RENTALS |ll| supposed to do with their operations (which backs thelr elaim gene gs 3 | to being human foo.) One beef that comes up occasionally in remembered and in no way are function of the town should be| In reference to the town'sjalong the route of the Trans anager he auth i connected 'with actual develop-|as a county capital, It should be harbor, the students suggest a/Canada Highway to Sault Ste, A ga Or seumiod| a the service building, oe Made to Measure Clothes off moments is how to satisfy an unsatisfiable customer. ment of an official plan. The|regarded as a pleasant place|park-like treatment could be|Marie and Manitoulin Island.| association, e ainless cba ned spent pp 6 Meuse of Habbadin Thet's really what the problem is, tec. Aven the mest cone study in no way obligates any/of residence and manufactur-jadministered in an attempt to|/Favored by a tail wind they|) fbay is complete. Spent fuel » Tip Top Tallors jentious business mon, employee or prof 1 person hes municipal officials but merelyling should not be of major con-|a'tract recreational _activity,|took only five hours for the final GREAT PUBLIC INTEREST {from the reactor will be stored experience with this type of customer or acquintanes. be ands te OE ae ------$---w-=eeeem| Light marine industry mightlleg of the journey. Public interest has been ex: igen water in this bay which tt The egos of us humans are easily hurt and it does make them . also be encouraged to settle in| "Some might say that such ajttemely high concerning the i enough (25 feet by 64 feet) |l]| feel better to stretch the facts for our side a liftle to a sym- the harbor area if proper care|venture would be dangerous for|Douglas Point nuclear power Ny 25 feet deep) to contain all uss pathetic eor. We've all felt guilty at one time or another 00 ar alrman | was taken of this man-made/a non-professional pilot with station, More than 220,000 visi-|{ le fuel used by the reactor for about on unpaid bill or an unjust claim we later realized was stl Miled"stprience ia wor have eon to dha. ree Het. EVE |i sregencti, Maori, ina dee, we tai te os The above article is mer esty, we h » close calls{Site since June 1961, It is anti) When Douglas Point nuclear; ' e abo ely ajesty ad many close calls cipated that even greater inter-|power station goes into opera-| MEN"S SHOP old philosopher is supposed to have said. Ld J | Cites Education Advances in introduction -- of|driving a borrowed auto in Trail u Sean dt will hav | : \future articles to be publishedjand no hint of danger duing|¢st will be shown by visitors in|tion, it will have cost $81.5 mil] 129 Broek St. $., Whitby Anywey, soe aren't nearly so bed as one irote dealer | met 6 : | about the town study, The next|the flight itself, once ag ®jn the oo wg weenie ee and over 600 Canadian! je ge lly Paagaen Eh be | pegged | "nelly }i pe es | , | stics ower station ecause 0 § ° Oo Fin BROUGHAM (TC) -- The fol ime classes will have to be|feature deals with the first|proving the statistics that You/P ennounced: "Now I've got it! Hens set end lay but le lowing report has been issued|transported out of their home/Phase of the Social Welfare ofjare much safer in an airplane i oe ite bl : Shc weld by D. C, Gibson, chairman of schools, It has been the objec-|the community. 'than in a car," Mr. Kelly said,/@ting Station project site is NOW! ba ----=--=ewnne [Neat Metropolitan Toronto and} : e the Pickering Township School tive of the board to take ad-|~ em os seestieintnmame Area No, 2, to residents of the! vantage of capacity in the new- s . jOshawa and is readily reached| t it area, er, bigger schools, and also to M d Th d A ifrom Highway 401 and High-| ge diss "The new school year will be-|@toup as many pupils as pos- e 1careé 1r S os Y way 2. Ontario Hydro is plan-| gin Sept. 7, It will be the first Sible of one grade together. jning now to make visitors'| full year in which the 18 old "The board realizes and ap- facilities available at Pickering school sections will be operated) preciates that some physical in- ttawa uns t' 4 on Station, | as a single unit under the cen-|convenience may result from ry foams peat eusians Moi tral administration of one school og -- ---- of senor tatlan one interested ini leayn . .|We hope that those so inconven- y SHELL y Oe | . board. The effects of centraliza p By TOM MITCHELL | The study points up wide va- ing that each of the turbine- tion of administration have al-jienced will' appreciate -- the' PAWA (CP)-- , ii si ; ; ; , nf einai BA nee une GUeAA (CPA sudy on aan i hy cot of ech Bpearnng une a Pers " : sapere v _|population, growth and _ shift » Canada cond . cl yi : . nuclear power station wi ave gi, All touchers will besin a si°-/ STUDY REQUIREMENTS [tram "auld: he earsied out ihisome contracts, which. in"ases|™0r@, than. 24 times the output OVER 3,000,000 in September. Your board work-| , Because the problems creat-/an administrative cost Would have. mee eenanne of eloctrical energy of that of SAUISEED CUSTOMERS -- - . ed by. present school location! one-t} ; vee kane yithe Douglas Point generating TICAL! pol a a and size will continue to grow -- that of private car oo a i birth] station. The Pickering power establish this salary scale which| Your board has already begun! 1. Charles H. Berry, an Ot- 2bout $150 i bt will a - the i a tratiave ii aly a study of the future require: Peale ha Men Ee LER AR : ase~gver five times the pty ge Ba -- ee nak ments, In-this study oa hall tawa-born economics professor' He also reported that the costjamount "pf electrical energy but will enable the board to em-/"0t only consider the over-all tage se -- 4880-exclusive of medical-claims for|that Daliglas Point nuclear Joy highly qualified teachers in| 8°Wth of enrolment but also the|late_ professor of economics), universal program for all Ca-/Power sition will deliver. On- ie future. There will be a num-| 'ype and size of school buildings rp ho -- Pv F iplawgeres nadians would be less than ia : ph "pe ~~ unter : . ; | od. nations sity, ¢ 4 considergtion extending the ber of new teachers on staff/Peduired, their locations and) tuqy for 'the Hall royal com-|Per cent of the total cost of alll Pickering Generating Station to check against other Joan plans...see how low-cost this year. We are sure they| Cost to the ratepayers. missin' Wile inveali ica) eary' ciel : : Br | i sati i AS i "hit |S stigated| medical services provided. This}four 540,0)0 kilowatt generating] ° Rill satisfy the high standards ye ei enewtion which Nealth services in Canada, jcompared with the 1961 average|units at Ane site just east a Royal Bank termPlan really is! s ss -q. dren with an education which ; , sought by. you and your board. will enable them to compete! In the published version of 2 fgg tle ian prec Heath Frenchman Bay on Lake On- "HASE | success pia in sing his report just released by the S, Inciuding: the prepaymentitario, "i CENTRALIZED PURCHASE successfully in this changing lnlans, of almoet 90 bar Sank. When you're planning to buy jor i oe a "The board has concluded ar-|and demanding society, Qur/commission, he says in_ his IADVANCED STAGE maid * : {chapter on voluntary medical) Dr. Berry found that "roughly| ons ED STAGE furnishings, fridge, washer, dryer or any important ual rangements, after tendering for/first and prime objective then ' er atur R centralized purchase of school|is to ensure that they have a/Coverage and public policy: (47 per cent of the Canadian Pd Seaman paler' seduce appliance -- check against other loan plans available; supplies, fueld and insurance. In| sound foundation at the public "The point made here , . . is population appeared in 1961 to nower station were well ex-| See how low-cost termDlan really is. Borrow the cash in and SERVICE each case significant cost say-|school level, Your board is work-/only that, in comparison with)be without direct insurance or|piained to the newsmen by the) advance and be in the i ings have been achieved. In our|ing closely with our inspector,|the record of the voluntary car-/prepayment coverage against) tation guide, They were inter- in the key position to get the best value, Prescription SUNGLASSES ot SAME LOW PRICE desire to bring about operating! representatives of the township|Tiers as a whole, a centrally|the costs of medical care and/acted in the fact that there will @ FOR MEN = @ FOR WOMEN -~--@ FOR CHILDREN efficiencies and, more impor-/and of the department of educa-|dministered program: on uni-/a further nine per cent held/ye similarity in' the operati BUY : tant, a high standard of educa- tion on this project versal coverage could accom-/coverage extending only to phy-| of the: Sortie: ilar nicer > DIRECT FROM" THE LABORATORY AND SAVE tion to all children in the area, 'In conclusion, we hope that/Plish not only an extension of/sicians' care in hospital." power plant and the Pickering © FIRST QUALITY LENSES . . SATISFACTION GUARANTEED two of the older schools havelyou, the ratepayers and the par-/Protection to those areas where] Then he posed the question of nuctear. generating station. 'The| ROYAL BAN K eg eer limp etad wan cr scllagigy been closed, Also because of the ents will support and co-oper-/None now is in force, but also)the social issue, lormer now is in a very ad+| We fill oll PSt, Oculists and Opt is riptions growth and shift in population|ate with your board to reach ® Very marked reduction in the) "The central question, olivanced stage of construction, during recent years a number of our common goals." realized. costs of those insur-\course, is whether this less-lwhile actual buildin he! -------- wee ance policies that are already/than-universal coverage consti-| -- JET a % = o based the study saloon be oe take a mi <e You Made Canada Opulent a 1961 survey of all Cansdianla whole, er pA gl! WE MANUFACTURE PRECAST CONCRETE organizations licensed to issue|tial coverage should be viewed ' medical insurance or contractsonly as a natural consequence i Guard It Magnates Told for prepayment of medicalof differing individual -- i ' costs, _____|values and. circumstances." 1 1° 17° TORONTO (CP) -- Industri-;ency is an excessive reliance , hd Weel alists were told today that they! on foreign- goods & C t ] CF } created an affluent Canada and | igoredy leon ag pe on roversla = ] } have the right and responsibil- \ oe Piakie dA roa ity to make sure it stays that Said. ty eh ese AME, t AND CASE In the last six years, indus- n y t e xhibition way. H. B. Style of Toronto, pres- try has provided 1,000,000 addi-| Approved for all munici ; yle 1,008, pal and township by-laws,' Qual i ident of the Canadian Manufac-|tional jobs for Canadians, and) TORONTO (CP)--The CF-5,) stration in the CNE's annual air gucranteed. Deliveries are made on ag r-lews. Quality Is unconditionslly turers' Association, said indus-| there was every indication that/Jatest addition to Canada's|show Friday and Saturday a" \ -- have a "clear -- the 1965 gross national product|atmed forces air strength had/ which planes from three coun- GAAS AVAIRLADLE veo ved re will pass the --$56,000,000,000 = first ge showing in Can-|tries -- Canada, United States g policies ; a at C | Pr , " "loudly enough to be heard not, Mark for the first time in 'Can- Seubiien Meniey Gaik Gast) Mie tas eae eacteis 460 GALLONS @ 525 GALLONS only in Ottawa, but across the ada's history immediately apparent the air-| Lt Montre ' land Mr. Style said that for most craft had become the centre of | in in ae e 600 GALLONS ° 700 GALLONS rm. {be built for Canadian forces Mr. Style told a director's Canadians 'this has meant not attraction at the armed forces/over t ' tenal © nil tae ee tase He beend higher. wages "but also a! exhibit cent peg Povey santos cache f ~ @ 1000 GALLONS 17 BOND ST. E tional Exhibition the first half] significant increase in consumer} Some 1,000 persons were. Powered by two J85-15 jet en- ALL. IN SI aa . of the 19605 was a, period jof/Purcbasing. power. It had also tides theongts the cantiel uk Sek Alek fe 6 rl Fe NGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER | 2nd floor HOURS: MON, to SAT. . " }ma ederal legisla- i ; iles i Canada because of high indus- ye action in the field of hos-/ our and armed forces officials) .+ ager ps 000 hat parm i coche pamianaaning trial productivity. massive cap-/ fal insurance, a. national pen- Said most of the visitors con-!and has a combat altitude 'of ¢ jeaday ital investments and labor-man- sion plan and increased govern. centrated on the plane more than. 48,000 feet. It has a CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD 655-3311 -- meme agement: harmony ment grants toward higher ed- The CF-5 will also give itsiflight range of about 1,500 Threatening this rise in afflu-iucation and social welfare. 'first Canadain public demon-| miles a : iebienelentete