CLING-ON PLASTIC cov- ers orange crate and its shoe box drawers. They ANN LANDERS Chicago Survey Clears Dentists Dear Readers: In yesterday's coumn I promised fo report on the results of the 30 telephone Clever Storage For Teen Queen's Glamor Closet By JOAN O'SULLIVAN "A place for everything ~~ and everything in its place!" js an overworked, well-worn phrase, but it aptly describes the best way to keep a closet organized so that all space is put to maximum use, Tell this to a Teen Queen and. she'll snicker, even as YOU, Mom, look at the chaos that fills HER closet, Suggest some keen ways in which she can organize that chaos and she may change her tune, GIMMICKS HAVE GLAMOR Teenagers are hep to new and gimmicky ideas. Maybe they won't file laundry in the old,' conventional hamper, but given an. off-beat, conversation- piece unit for storage and wha hoppens? They use it -- just to show it off, All of today's closet storage ideas are kookie because they're decoratively novel, but they're also pleasingly practi- cal because (a) they DO sup. ply organized storage space and (b) they can be created with a minimum outlay of money, They're do « it - yourself pro- jects that have. appeal for teens, especially if you supply the ideas, the materials and let the teens do the construction work themselves, They'll then take pride in achievement and their 'masterpieces' will be put. to proper use. TWO ADVANTAGES lions, But this fact isn't evident, Each of these units has twojto the eye once they're spruced| great attributes; lup with prettily - patterned! One, each is designed With | cling-on self-adhesive plastic, ! a magic ingredient built into! which is sold at dime and hard: each unit, It's paradichloro:| ware stores, benzene, a chemical that's not only death to moths but also a ALL-YEAR-ROUND | mildew preventative, If you live PROTECTION in the country and have mice, Since para fumes need only| for neighbors, it will also deter|be aired (not dry-cleaned)| them from paying your clothes|away, these storage units are a visit, |protective not just for summer} Para, as it's popularly called but all year round is available under dozens of| One unit is a hang-together different brand names, and atistacked design. of five ha very small cost, in departmentihoxes, They're decoratively and housewares stores and five-|covered with cling-on plastic - and-dimes, too, It comes in and are laced together with crystal, nugget and solid block) heavy cotton cord that's run forms. jthrough shower-curtain -- rings THEY'RE CHEAP! fastened to opposite sides of Attribute No, 2 lies in' the;each box, fact that the units can be! An empty coffee tin, filled made for a song, You create | with para crystals is set into them with hat boxes, shoe|the top box to provide protec- |boxes and grocery store car-|tion against moths and mil- #77, | Past Experience Helps a FY | | you won't misunderstand but In Switching Jobs since this is an emergency and) POP ART design decks unit of stacked hat boxes, The nifty treasure chest have para-filled bottle knobs that mothproof, | serve Tepe gy ageing PP THE OCMAWA TIMES. Tuasdmy, Avauet 31, 1965 7] P THE STARS SAY | Certain restrictive influences will call for unus in dealing with busine ates--especially if monetary in- terests are involved, Above all, don't Jet anyone talk you into speculative ventures of any kind, Late p.m, aspects are more generous; especially a. romance and social activ- ities, FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope H romises a pleasing year. Phases of your life most generously influenced by fine planetary aspects are financial and personal, To give) lent monetary periods are star- promised between mid - Sep- tember and the end of October; also during the first half of February, in late April, the first week of May, the second half of June and the entire month of August, 1966, All of these cycles indicate fine re- turns through increased earn- ing power, as well as gains through sound financial trans- actions. It will be extremely) important to avoid extrava:| gance and-or speculation during November and the latter half of December, however, and, in spite of the good period in late April, to be conservative during| that month, since you may be faced with some unexpected ex-| penses | Romance is highlighted in| iyour chart throughout Septem: dew, The crystals vaporize|ber; also next April and June.| boxes via circles of wire|Avoid tension in late OctoBer| screening placed in cut-outs injand early January, since it each box, could bring about friction within) Another unit can be ereated|the domestie circle, thus spoils) with a chest of shoe boxiing what should be a perfect) "drawers" fitted into a plas-|picture of harmony for the next tic-covered orange crate, 12 months, Best periods for) For storing large items travel and social activities: the stoles, sweaters and the. like--|current month, next January, | vou can make a moth-and-|April and the mid-June-late:| mildew - protected "treasure| August weeks of 1966 | chest" with a corrugated gro A child born on this day will cery carton, Decoratively cov: |& well poised and endowed ered with self-adhesive pat.|With a fine mind; would make terned vinyl! plastic, it can bean excellent teacher or scien-| trimmed with "wrought iron"|"!8t: .| escutcheon and hinges cut ee from plain black self-adhesive; 1f you would like detailed | plastic, linstructions for making Closet| Two coffee cans with per-|Storage Units, send me- your! forated plastic lids, inserted/request along with a self-ad- at the top rear of the chest,|dressed (4 x 9% in,), stamped as holders for paralenvelope in care of this news-/ crystals, was made with a corru- gated grocery carton, By ESTRELLITA = you the picture briefly, excel-|§ calls made by myself and two You are not a regular patient, assistants in an effort to learn you must be prepared to pay! firsthand how Chicago dentists for the visit in cash, It will be By ROBERTA ROESCH If you're thinking of making a switch from a job that isn't Ruth's case, too, because almost las soon as she made her job switch, the teen-age leadershtp | respond to emergency calls The plea went like this; 'I just moved to Chicago from! Wisconsin and I don't know any- one here, 1 werk in the Loop) as a salesperson, I've been up! all night with a terrible tooth: ache, Can you possibly see me today?" Here is a sampling of the re sponses Dr. B.B.: "If you are in pain 1 will see you during your lunch hour. I'll skip my lunch if neces- sary." Dr. J3.8.Z.: "I will take you as soon as you can get over here," Dr, W.E.S.: "I'm sorry but ! don't practise dentistry in the general sense, | make plates, | suggest you telephone the Chi cago Dental Society emergency service. The nimberis >.>" We phoned as instructed and were told. an emergency visit costs $10 minimum, They asked for a name and address and a telephone number and prom ised to call back with the name of an available dentist Dr, A.H.'s nurse: "Please give me your name and tele-| phone number, You will hear) from us if we get a cancella-| tion today, If you don't hear by 5:30 p.m. that means there were no cancellations. In that event, come to the office and the doctor will see you after his last patient." Dr, J.W.'s nurse: "The doc tor will not be in the office to- day because of a death in his family. Try Dr. S whose tele-| phone number is..." j Dr, S.G.'s nurse; "The doctor said he will take you any time) during the day if you are will ing to wait until he is finished with the patient he is working on when you arrive, In the meantime, dear, take two as- pirin." Dr. X (1 prefer not to print this doctor's initials.) "I dope Ce KAYE'S LARGE SIZES SHOPPE SIZES from 141% - 3214 end Reg. 38 te 32. LOVELY LARGE SIZE BATHING SUITS end SUMMER PLAY SUITS. RAYE'S 5: te SIZES SHOP 4 King Se. BOWMANVILLE 623-5102 lsingle rose to each dentist who lal! you hoped it would be to/Program, which offers opportu:| at least $15," more|nity for self-improvement in 17) Dr. P.R.: "Come over when:|one that you hope will be | ever you can and I will manage| rewarding, take a moment to citles young girls ho peg i work vou ia ane. 4 look at your past experience to ship a bility, was initiate at the) get an idea for your future, (centre where Ruth worked, | never refuse to see a patient You 'may then embark on a "Phe purpose of the program who is in- pain," satisfying career as did social) Was to help girls, selected from Dr. XX: "You have a very! worker Ruth Campbell. eight social welfare agencies, pleasing voice, Have you ever, She is with the Casita Maria- ra cen ago . oe considered working as a recep-|carver. Community Centre inj 'eecers ; rd a. Fier ag fi Pea New York, One of the highlights selves and other members of} so happens I am looking forjf her job is supervising the the community at pide bets) someone. Come over at 4 p.m,{teen-age leadership program for) '¢" citizens," Ruth explained, and I'll look at your tooth and|1% to 17-year-old girls, spon-| "It was my job," she went we can discuss the possibili-| sored by a private firm in co-jon, "to organize the girls into ties," operation with the East Harlem] Saturday eine and = tow . ia tesa {Youth Committee the formal classes and lectures! Pep onnd' ip analy Boa on "When I came to New York) by authorities were over, to were saving time for an "emer:|4@8 &" English major in search keep on working with them! gency" patient who was not go- of something 'interesting,' the/since they wanted to stay to- ing to show-up, T phoned back last thing I thought of at the gether and continue the pro- those who had offered time and time was looking for a job in grams they started told-them--a _--e across. the sgh gibt vn CONDUCT PROJECTS ne eree see me . rfid 8 » niects ret nen harm eithaut caseaeian both advertising and public re-| Some of the projects the girls ' ' ' conducted on their own, under eT ae ; j lations and hadn't found any-|' u , everydentist_and nurse sald) eine thet Lalis interested mei Ruth's leadership, were partici The p zy us n mht " So, dear readers; according to work as a possible future, | had Salita oe a fashion display, the Ann I anders Survey 26 of worked in a recreation centre producing a t lent show "hold: me 3 a Suaveys part-time and during the sum.|Producing A latent Show, 0 Chicago dentists came out mer all the while I went ¢ ing a fund-raising bazaar and smelling like roses, Today I am a apal and loved every moment organizing a sight-seeing trip. sending by special messenger A) oy iy And how does Ruth feel about making the switch from work GOT ASSIGNMENT she found unrewarding, to a job As a result, Ruth took some) in which she found so much sat- R tests to work as a_ recreation! isfaction? WIFE PRESERVE |leader for the City of New. York; 'When you're interested in jand was assigned immediately your job,"' she says, "you al- to a job at the Casita Maria-| ways want to do more, You ex- Carver Community Centre tend yourself and get all the re- The timing was perfect in wards that a job has to give." FOR THE' FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shodes and Fobries . wee. Mé& DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS WXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 said "Yes." dare a4 | sprinkled | rubber and A little cornstarch on the hands makes gloves slip on smoothly easily For All Your "Bridal Shoes" (Tinted Free) CHOOSE | 74 Celina Street DANCEY'S in DOWNTOWN OSHAWA HAMPTON GARDENS | 5% DISCOUNT IF YOU 7 miles Eost of th e S points corner Tounton and BRING THIS AD Seugoe Roads, 4 miles north of Bowmanville. a Open Daily 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. RUG & UP CLEANING In Your Home. . 94 BRUCE STREET Li . or Our Plant PHONE 725-9961 AW, wii EANERS offering the district's finest HOLSTERY FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES ; and SOFT ICE CREAM ae ®@ Special Prices On Freezer @ Foods In Quantities PHONE 263-2193 "BUY THE BEST AT BUDGET PRICES" A. ss DIVISION OF OSHAWA CLEANING CONTRACTORS BOYS ~ GIRLS! WIN {cr THESE TERRIFIC PRIZES OR... TAKE BIG CASH PROFITS! WRIST WATCHES RACING CARS HOCKEY EQUIPMENT TENTS... SKIS RIFLES... PISTOLS POCKET RADIOS GUITARS "ACCORDIANS TELESCOPES CROQUET SETS BADMINTON SETS ROAD RACING SET AND MANY, MANY MORE, Sell Only 90 Boxes . INTRODUCE BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS AND ALL. OCCASION CARDS TO THE FOLKS YOU KNOW... BARN EXCITING PRIZES... OR CASH... EASILY! All in a few spare hours after schoo! or on week-ends, Simply show Christmas ond All Occasion Greeting Cords to the folks you know, We send you 15 boxes of cords at one time, on credit, DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY... WE TRUST YOU, Get this speedy ROAD RACING SET in 20 days' spare time NO LIMIT TO THE NUMBER OF PRIZES YOU CAN WIN! MAIL COUPON TODAY FOR CATALOGUE OF BIG PRIZES 1 ----K--e me ee ae ee ae ae ee YOUTH SALES CLUB OF CANADA 305 KING ST, EAST TORONTO 1 want to join the YS and win valuable prices. Please send at once FREE MEMBERSHIP CARD. FREE PRIZE CATALOGUE with full parteulars and 15 Boxes CHRISTMAS CARDS on credit ¥ return any oF all boxe 18 Boxes on credit, 1 is understor of catds, | will send money for all boxes sold, § : Name Street City... DOME rere ETO iy Parents' Signature... | leew a ee cee meme See eee mana mnad wnieeenenehenerennaananateretasicaaetoameneserCtit Dept begins at ALKER'S IT BEGINS WITH FASHION A-GO0-GO sO SURPRISINGLY PRICED! Fashions with verve that you'll find at the store that thinks young. All the latest, lively looks. . . the clothes with dash that today's swinging younger generation love to live in. And Just take a peek at our low prices! Bright you are shop for "'Back-To-School" wardrobes at Walker's. a THE SCRAMBLED LOOK ~-- Drop waist in gay ony oe check, Belt and tie popping with polka dots! Plain. A-line skirt has an inverted pleat. Frosted with white collar and cuffs, Long sleeves, Red with grey combination, By "Young Lass" (a division of Kiddie Craft), 712 Pewee tiiiaissssi ee Also available in sixes 46X..csesesecesvessersasenseeseness OoO8 b WOOL JUMPER -- Contrasting stitch trim and piping at neckline and Senped waistline, Button back, button detail, Large front panel pleat, Grey, Royal, A "Young at Heart" design, (+14, only 5.98 Also available in sizes 46X...ccccccceneeveverenncesevecens DOS SMALL LIBERTY PRINT -- Charming as a colonial setting, Long sleeved shirt with convertible cuffs, Johnny atyle collar, Blue eho Ry "Shirt Tales of Canada", Individually pely-begeee. 2 98 ly ae (Ot MNTOORTETITITICIITITTT TTT Teter WESKIT & SKIRT SET -- Wool tweed box pleated skirt with ine verted knife pleats, Elastio insert at waisthack, Weskit with make» believe pocket flaps and iping on ita acholarly suedeen front, Wool tweed back, Brown Tweed, Royal Tweed, Green Tweed. A "Young at Heart" original, T14. ..cccceseeaseeenenes itQt 98 Also available in sizes 6X .cceceaecancansenessesscscceness MOB TURBO ORLON PULLOVER -- Has Lyera elastic in its turtle neck, Long sleeves, White, Red, Blue by "Zephyr", 8-14. Regular 3.98. . \ Special 2.98 Also available in sizes 46X...ccccccccsaveavencecenenseseses :eO8 Eee TeCE COCO CEO a POLO SHIRT WITH DETACHABLE DICKEY - Long sleeved cotton knit with continental collar a Red with Navy dickey or Navy with Red dickey, By "Tam 0' Shanter", 8:18. ., only Be OO TEEJAY CASUAL SLACKS -- Extra slim cut and low rise, Front corded pockets, Back riser with hidden pockets, In denim gi i Washable, Whiteback, Black Olive, Winter Blue, By "Monarch Wear". 8:16, sasaseacereraaesonly 4098 Anne eeees SPORT SHIRTS -- An assortment of long sleeved woven gingham. shirts, Sanforized, ret collars. Variety of colors and 1 77 . patterns, By "Style Guild', 8:16, .....00cceeeeeee ees Oly CORDUROY SLACKS -- Thick set quality, Continental waist with adjustable side tabs, Four. pockets, Loden, C ) Navy, Brown, By "Standard Overall", 818. ..0.05)s0ese000,0nly 5.98 » + WALKER"S Where good taste in fashion is not expenst S G OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open 9:30 a.m, to 6 p.m. Daily Open to 9 p.m, Thurs. & Friday