Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Aug 1965, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA TIMMS, Mendsy, August 20, 1968-43 'BRIDGE | By B, JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mesters' Individuel Chempionship Piey) FAMOUS HANDS South dealer, East-West vulnerable, , "THisisnT hh INQUIGITION, THIG 1 A WOMAN WHO @ARE SENT HERE, PERIODICALLY z T9 Hene a TO DRAIN OUR TEENAGERS map ro NOLAND WITH io al Jade 'A CERTAIN 4 FOREIGNERS, BILLIONS/ DS- pets Mtoe We s WHOSE NAMES | " tah a Olle ts 0 er HISTORIC BATTLES OF " Opening lead--jack of hearts, The scene was the open pair championship. played in San Francisco in 1962. Declarer at os or ge og paperr™ sm } |fer, prominent Wes star, EE ORE RIGHT, GIR~ THE MINUTE laemamal | COME OFF OF YONDIR, NS/DE PUY OLD ip bro ae ee ove 5a West led the jack of hearts Fee MCR ACCENT? KNEW iM | WITH MY AC ne, SHAFT / yf | ducked by North and East, an THE KNOW \ Pn vn i South ruffed, Schleifer then led aN yout eror i Buty VS ¥ : the king of spades, taken by Vo =, / the ace. West made the normal f; @), "~ continuation of the ten of a) hearts, again ruffed by South Bey re after dummy and East had fol- : . g lowed low. It is somewhat difficult to see at this point how Schleifer wound up making four spades even though he encountered the best possible defense. His losers consisted of two clubs and a diamond on top of the s he had already lost, but Schlel- \ r fer nevertheless managed to cut a GETTLE WITH KATYA THE PAYOR FOR THIS off one club loser and thus ' HER TIME FOR THis / MICROFILM WILL GuT Mie make the contract. ' B7 RAL. AGENTS / . uae? After cashing the queen of TWO OF THEM! : spades, Schleifer led a diamond ; aur to the nine, which held, He then ruffed the five of hearts and -- played the queen of diamonds, ||which West properly ducked and which South overtook with the king. By this time, with the lead in dummy, the situation was: Vorth or Jw? Qs THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 Ps & a eer South a8 6 $,, Schleifer. now led the king 'of hearts and, when Bast play- ed the ace on it, he discarded | |the six of diamonds, This play, which tn effect substituted a heart loser for a diamond loser, had a traumatic effect upon East. That worthy player had to return a club, {jand, whether he led back the BACK TO YOUR HAYLOFT, LAD, ] AND ALT ~~~ Jace or a low one, South was GET SOME SLEEP AND LET ME : ABOUT HIS WATCH... |) : , bound to make two club tricks ; "4 ACROSS 3. Hold on 22. Vatican R GET SOME. Q { onlans _ LEAVING IT ABOARD THAT . Measure property chapel Pet a I EI iE V ISIC »N i ( ¢ ; and the contract. \ o GLUE PLANE ---- P PEPPER, BUT HOW SOMETHING'S of distance ,Goddesas of 23, Cha- A TO EXPAN WS Tea healing grined = MIE st Channel S-gutten -- | P-The Rarmer's | Fone Read Reds R ] Pe De Split French iy Q Channel arrie aughter ews and Wea DISAPPEARANCE? ee a cf ih Sak Channel +--Buttele | d--Bter Performance Popeye and Pale e ease ay ; TRIS MMATRIN|| Ic Channel G-Toreave 10:00 PAM. 18 PM meg Hoa gy aac on : Shennel shee de The Mi Griffin Show) %--D Charlotte 3 W t Clar ) q é Channel oches| VThe Mery Griffin Ww) %--Dear ar Jim ' lark Benjamin igen f Channel %&-Torente | Dr, Kildare 4--Speaker ef the Neves es erners or Phil Pungent agKer ne ATS ~ Channel tl-Hamillen =| &2--Alfred Hitehoeck 12 PM Hill Make marks Ze . eon | F--Ben Caney ae BERLIN (Reuters) ----Amer aN i: Ft Jt Firat Edition News tehill Mistake amends print. MONDAY aVRNING aes t etd anew | s_From Scarboro College ican Benjamin Whi : and . Month; , Seizes Of the Saturday's Answer | é | OI" Bet Briton Bernard Thwaites, held Hindu . Metallic Middle $0, Burst VeParity Thea ate edie Bae A gg, al by Communist authorities in calendar rocks Ages: forth S--fupermen Pains Soe S-Noonday Report East Berlin since Aug, 12, have Wearer of Fingerless abbr. 31, Water s Fatasanny 'sine ak, 48 PM, been released, it was learned eagle, glove: var, 28, Mouth ., Wheel O-Lioyd Thaxten | 11-0044 Newes l=Racing Forum here today. anchor and . Perform 29, Power 34, Spill over aR Pm. Weather and Sports Guiding Light Whitehill, a 2i-year-old stu- globe . Wanders ratio 36. Shinto | Q-Leave nm Te Seaver Tie PM, 100 PLM, dent from Tulsa, Okla, and ML : were [a you KNOW WAICH WAY THEY 4 | Sobea , Lk ? ia HT BAC WENT, HANK? Pigs aimlessly units temple : zane Grey Theatre | Cyiewore [o-theetre Thwaites, 19, a student from WEyON ost GoT THEIR HORSES % : Rag hieTHs 1 ; . rine TA Te rE 47 TTS J _| *-Gunsmore ite OM | a--Matines Norwich, England, were AN? SAID GONE ee r--News Contrat | G=Night Metre So Ay ANN, [and now are on their way by BOZ SAWYER Te. O10 Pte rextate anew © | Den terngen Shem \Jeased. secretly Friday night Z, ' le ' . ' | . fi ~ AY BA wl f, ber, Mi on! J ere ; ' ' PE\E 'cot Y, sNews, Sparta. with = omaha ou. Summer Carousel jair to Britain, West Berlin law- Chuck Healy a Pe ae | ee Nes | yers acting for them here. gently 7, BeToday, es eactonle thew 1188 Poh. ! Th after . Hats: slang ic on eM year 4 NemMid Day Matinee e two were arrested built Japanese VY), NeFamily Theatre Thad PM osANd Firat Four Roce | crossing the Communist + bui measure Movie | S-From Scarboro College °F a Date wall into East Berlin from the . Worn ba Weather &-Sulleven Brothers 4--As The World Turns | Western part of the city. away 0-2-Huntiey-Brinkiey Hogpat nee PLM, The hada ty Man's News x MA t~Where The Action Is | young men ha help Pp 4--Captain K .. nickname Hp beng Ph ag rat -- {oe people escape from East Ber- . Entices he Pm Ved Allen at Pak lin, not knowing that they were . Thin mud VeRewniee F---Dialing For Collars jviolating East German laws. 8 ne With Girl Talk . Summit of Sea Hunt A : a tower O2--Movie 4--Mike's Carnivet | % NG 2--M-Savad S-Wicny Mere Chm. 16d-Mave, sate CHANGE DATE hate News, Weather, Sperte 2 AM papel aya The date for a meeting at as a razor 4--Phit Slivera Show ae PM, a SM Squad V-Tenoet mairnanks |UBather Knows Best which shareholders of Jubilee . Soviet a ne P.M, arlewe tt To Beaver ®--Peaple in Contict jlron Corp, are to vote on the Ancien bir Your Move | Baan Sauihern haw EAcANHe' Werlé [projected merger with New | oe ce Sane We:te AM, ee Ae [foundland and Labrador Corp. ' Fintay's Cage j1t-Neve Gun Wil Travel ate PA. j(Nalco) has been changed to Wy : ake + Tre Truth wit Ni--Funay Company Sept. 15, Originally the meeting sg en C sais Your Move -- iwas set for Aug. 1 and later L-Untouchantes aig oe sine Yours Marrtews [WAS Te-set for Sept. 7. As be- | "SRewitened PR aps S--Pudlic Service fore, it is scheduled for Mont- j | G3--Mystery Theatre lpg what's The Seng Announcements treal, | Y( UR HE AL | H | @-t've Got A Seeret ?--Tralimaster ee Se i 4 = eo OM 4--Tre = MeCoys ney % Dick Van Dyke hee AM, ace PM, - i i Be No Time for Vi Whiplash €¢ ANS Sergeants Ve-Aldert J. Steed S--James Beard Show ... : pean' i ert. Steed | Pressure Swamps Beg ves SE RTE | , | MICKEY MOUSE ee $2--Concentration $3--Vacanen Time 00 Pm 4--Andy of Mayberry & YO uR DAUGHTER is | [R-M4/.. WELL, VA GOTTA ti } VeTweive Qicleck High ad Aan Jeet See PRACTICING FOR HER | | ADMIT THAT SOUNDS |") | | cuons 1 F vo ene H-Summer Fon 48 Pm. FOR ' i " 2 . - - win the aM. tog! Beer By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD DME "SS Swosay ona we Baracoa | Sovie | 3 Price te 'peer Sem | Yesterday we described thej}real or imagined, or through ms $ | 4--Dick Van Ore Show | 2--Barty Show imentally retarded child some set of circumstances be #2 OM nee NOOR 4--Tre &Thirty Show } = Chance e n " - w | Now what is an emotionally|intensely resentful of those) *-Tee 4 PR Bsns hs Sooty _Voeeenw sturbed child? around him, or of the world in) : : ps ie ne snk bed cov8eneral, and thus take out hisitional .iliness can __ affect thejexert greathelpfulness by love Lane relarded, nrg Cov" spite in ways that may not justigenius as well as the menially/and understanding. But whether aly $ -- ry gradations tyarm others but may (and usu-/deficient retardation or emotional dis-) ' > @ t is | . ts y a > nN pi pe res sca Ace the ally do) harm the child -him-| Yes, a child may be both re- turbance ag involved eet er t that er 1 pressures/Sell tarded and emotionally dis-/@St uidance available, at pe alsinde pho yaieamatientwag. erg PE , Al then heed and follow the advice = submerge and swamp his abil r ta go to the extreme Of iarhed you Be' ity to act iogically emotional disturbance, we have Thus in dealing with an ene! ihe t oe ' eS er There is no way to make aithe child who is truly psyche: ~ ile ar Dr. Molner; What is child. or anvone else. smarteritic. The psychotic person is one|tionally disturbed child, on@i<aniactic anemia,' and what aR ee ry ny ir i waar wr You AUD -- SURE i r than he is. AB you can do isiWho, however much mentalimust determine the degree andi. .ec it>--Nirs. GS ~ ore We URERIA GA POR J ewentt ¥ | ay | E ¥ /| [train him to make the mast of/abitity ay? way have, 2 Bes, nature of the disturbance be This is anemia which results LEARN ALL THE he ty . | : what he has much in the grip af emouuenalifore any intelligent treatment from tailure of the bone marrow! f A The emotionally disturbed tensions that he simply cannotican be instituted. One must not] b MULe OF ine > N ichild. however, can overcamesevaluate and cope with the rejcanfuse the problem with re-/to produce sufficient red blood} = Brush up on the old feverites lhis troubles provided a way can/alities of the world in which heltardation cells ARTHUR MURRAY be found to bring his emotions' lives } Diagnosis is. neither simple) Poisoning is a common cause, tranchned studio sufficiently under. conteo: se;HAVE OWN WORLD nor easy. In the more seriousifrom chemicals, fumes of same} VI¥a Simeone S. 728-1681 they do not averwhelm his na Seme psychotics withdrawicases, we must depend on/hydrocarbons, or even prolonged/ jtive capabilities into an inner world of theirjpsychiatrists, For some of thejyse. of certain - medications, In | His: problem may be rela-iown, Some explode into franticiless severe anes, physicians/still other cases, particularly] A. E JOHNSON. OD. itively minor--toe jittery, unabdleland futile efforts te "controfjother than psychiatrists, speciallamang the elderly, no identifi . ° |te Keep his temper, too littlelan enviranment which, in theiriteachers and others with trainable cause can be determined, OPTOMETRIST abil to cope with frus oniemoational state. they do not caring in such problems can do a Steroid drugs sometimes belp 14% Ki St. East j ise he dlews up when things'rectly camprehend. Some lapsejereat deal te overcome ten- but usually patients need blood 2 Ring ot. g-30 | idon't go right. He may be over-jinto hallucinations. Yet seme ofisions transfusions pe rio @ically asi 723-2721 pecan, 'burdened with anxiety, whetherjthem can be of high 1Q. Emo! Parents naturally can quieily'well, ' ----------= + een A AA NASR i sommes ie Sone MUGGS AND SKEETER a»

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