Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Aug 1965, p. 10

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The Paris house of Dior offered, left, at the fall and winter showings an evening ensemble in pink and gold DESIGNS BY DIOR brocade trimmed with em- broidery, gold and dia- monds, Earrings match the embroidery and there is a Broche hat, At right is 1G SHE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, August 30, 1965 Dior's "Vania," an evening gown in dark grey velvet embroidered: with silver threads at bottom, (AP. Wirephoto) steph Oshawa Times office. Early record is facilitated by submi Dowdle St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Churen, Highland Creek, was the setting last Saturday for the marriage of Judith Bonnie Mary Ann Palm to Michael Garnet Dowdle. The bride is the daughter of Mrs, Steven F. Pointon of Pickering and bridegroom is the son of Mr and' Mrs, Garnet Harry Dowdle, West Rouge. The Reverend Albert Lannoye officiated, Given bride was sheath of peau de sole with a round neckline, 'The lace bodice had elbow-length sleeves and a train of similar lace fell from the back shoulders, Her head- dress was a spray of orange blossoms encrusted with seed pearls, holding her shoulder- length veil of tulle, and she car- ried a pope of gold roses and tis. Jasper, Alberta, Is Setting For 45th CWL Convention Delegates from across Can- ada, representing more than 150,000 members, will meet in Jasper Park Lodge, Jasper, Alberta, from September 4 to 9, for the 45th annual national convention of The Catholic Women's League of Canada, Theme. of the convention is "The People of God' 'and the title 'Fathers Blanchet and) Demers, the first religion to rform religious services in Alberta in 1838." St. Paul Dio- cesan Council is the hostess Council and arrangements are in the hands of Mrs. 0. C. Mar- tin, Diocesan President and Mrs, Frank Roberts, convener, and their committees. Miss Catherine A. Teal, of London, Ontario, National President, will preside for the business sessions. The formal opening will be held Sunday evening in Jasper Park Lodge, at which time the delegates will be welcomed by Most Reverend Phillippe Lus- sier, CSSR, Bishop of St. Paul. Greetings will be 'extended by Mrs. 0. C. Martin, Diocesan President and by civic, provin- cial, federal and fraternal rep- resentatives. Right Reverend J. A. MacLellan, DP, Provincial Director, will speak on the con- vention title and Most Rever- end T. J. McCarthy, Bishop' of St. Catharines and National Director of the League, will ad- dress the delegates, The re- sponse will be given by the National President, Miss Cathe- rine A, Teal. The program of the conven- tion will cover reports of pro- vincial presidents, conveners of standing committees and chair-|Island, New York, and Mrs. men of special committees --/|William Ness and Mr, Ness of; with highlights featured -- pre- Oshawa who were celebrating} senting the achievements in the their 40th wedding anniver- many phases of CWL endeavor, /Saries, Recommendations and resolu-| The party developed into a tions, some with international/surprise one with the un implications, will be discussed and voted upon, 'Information Sessions" will be conducted by national conveners and provin- cial presidents and a "panel" will develop the convention theme. Mass will be offered each morning in the lodge and all sessions will be opened with Scripture reading. Social events will include a| tour of the Columbia Ice Fields, fashion show, barbecue and a tour of Jasper. The guest speaker at the closing banquet on Wednesday evening will be Sister M. Loretta Ann, SNJM, Chairman, Department of Sci- ence and Mathematics, Mary!- hurst College, Marylhurst, Ore- gon, U.S.A., whose topic will be 'Today's Women and Educa-| tion." | CHILD GUIDANCE Early Vocation Talk Will Set A Direction By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD Often counsellors in junior and senior high school talk with students there in groups and in- dividually about the vocation they wish to choose. As a rule, they advise the youth to con- sider several vocations and to study them in relation to his interests and aptitudes. Children who decide on a par- ticular vocation early in their teens and stick to it may have a strong urge to drive them- eelves in its direction. But many others waver from time to time, shifting in inter- est from one vocation to an- other, This sometimes worries their parents, but most guid- ance counsellors say it should not. f course, the guidance coun- sellor is able to tell the youth of the skills and knowledge he must master to qualify for cer- tain vocations, especially those of the professions. If, for example, the student in junior or senior high school has rated low in grades in sci- ence courses, he is reminded that unless he can take a spurt in science courses, his chance for entering medicine, dentistry, pharmacy or being a technician or teacher of science courses, are not good. Elsa ence courses and to work hard enough to succeed in them. What worries many parents most is the youth who expres- ses no special interest in any one vocation or several of them, Some parents seem unduly wor- ried and incline to bring pres- sures on the youth to express a preference, PARENTS MAY HELP They would be wise if they, with the advice of the school counsellor, helped their son or daughter to become familiar with many vocations, the na- ture of the work involved, the opportunities available, and the kind of school experience and success required in preparation for them, Parents may do more than they suppose they can, by help- with the foregoing, if they don't try to bring undue pressures on him to choose as they would choose. In this direction they might wisely talk informally and companionably to the child The child may thus be led to one conclusion; That the better he gets along in his school ing their child grow familiar) Family Gathering | At Brechin Beach bridesmaids were Miss Smith and Miss The maid of honor was Miss Diane Palm, Toronto, and the Linda| Carol Bibb, both of Pickering and Miss} WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms, are available at The a picture. of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony, You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding, the § late Mr. George Palm and the & in marriage by her & brother, Mr. George Palm, the wearing a formal § publication of this wedding tting the completed form and - Palm q MRS, MICHAEL DOW g | at the Club Top Hat, West Hill, »| Winnipeg, Manitoba, served as é\a Nursing Officer with the Royal |will begin a tour of Provincial Anniversaries Mr. and Mrs. Alex Russell of} Ajax entertained at their sum- mer home at Brechin Beach, Lake Simcoe, in honor of Mr, Russell's sisters and their hus- bands, Mrs. A, W. Bodine and Mr. Bodine of Malverne, Long expected arrival of daughters, nieces and nephews. Mrs. Andrew Bergner, daugh- ter of Mrs, Bodine, and Mr, Bergner travelled over six hun- dred miles from St. David's, Pennsylvania, to' Oshawa and Ajax; gathered together nieces and nephews and took them to} Brechin Beach, | The unexpected appearance of} relations was a real and pleas- ant surprise to the parents and completed the party. The next day the company was entertained at dinner at the Sundial Restaurant in Orillia by Mr. and Mrs. Bergner, Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Wilson, Brian Wilson and Mr. and Mrs, James Pyrette. is in the school the more true this will be, LECTURES DON'T HELP Of course, the danger is that) some parents seeing their child|any work of an initiative char- lag in reading or in any other acter, for unusual enterprises subject, even in the grades. will incline to lecture him with the warning that, if he doesn't work harder he won't be able to do so-and-so later, Such exhortation may get nowhere except to dis- courage the child. Indeed, it may cause him to strive less at school, The problem then is to find ways to help him win more suc- cess at school, especially in reading. To this end parents need to get as much informa- tion as possible from the school or other sources. They need to discover better \ays for him fo enjoy school success, Usually this means they need) to learn what they may do at home in guiding' and helping him; sometimes it will mean acquiring a tutor for him or help from other sources, Ac- cordingly, they may need ad- Madeline Dowdle, West Rouge. the couple left to spend their The best man was Mr. Rod-\noneymoon at Balsam Lake,| ney Dowdle, West Rouge, and|with the bride donning for those ushering were Mr, Fred|iravelling, a royal blue velvet Fox, Pickering; Mr. Terry Sher-|cuit with beige accessories. On lock, Toronto and Mr, Graham|their return, Mr, and Mrs, Todd, Ottawa. [Dowdle will reside at 14 Wood- Following the reception held| Martin - Jamieson In Mount Zion United Church Balsam, Mary Jean Jamieson became the bride of Duncan Slater Martin, The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Bur- nett Jamieson of Balsam and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Sydney Martin of Pickering. The Reverend T, Fleetham of- ficiated. The soloist was Mrs. Elmer Wilson of Balsam who was accompanied by Miss Sharyn Jones. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father, She wore a gown of Chantilly lace and pure silk tulle, The fitted lace bodice was styled with a_ scalloped) neckline and lily-point sleeves} and the full skirt was accented with lace on the front panel) and a chapel train of lace and) tulle fell from two bows at the THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Planetary influences for Tues- day will be most auspicious for and for concluding-pending-pro- jects or business. negotiations, Financial deals, if sound and) conservative, should also work out well, FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates a fine year ahead, Both the business and personal aspects of your) Ife wil be governed by gener- ous influences and, if you take! advantage of every opportunity] house avenue, Ajax, Ontario, | waist, A floral cluster formed her headdress with a tiered veil MISS MARGARET M, HUNTER Kingston Woman New Chief Nurse St. John Ambulance Margaret M. Hunter, CD, RN, former Director of Nursing at the Canadian Forces Hospital in Kingston, Ontarto, has been ap- pointed Chief Nursing Officer for St, John Ambulance in Can- ada, In her new position at St, John Headquarters in Ottawa, she will act as c Itant and smiaowe?l wish io aniounce tne Mr, Van Zanten, The ceremony. SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr, and Mrs, Norman forthcoming marriage of their elder daughter, Norma Marie, to Mr. Ronald James Blyth, son of Mr, and Mrs, Alexander | F, Blyth, all of Oshawa, The) ceremony is to take place on} Saturday, September 25, 1965,) at 3.00 p.m, at St. George's) Memorial Church, Oshawa, | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE | Mr, and Mrs, Anton Ottele, Oshawa, announce the forth- marriage of their daugh-| ine, to Johan Noel Van! Zanten, son of Mrs, Johan Van nten, Oshawa, and the late is to take place on Saturday, October 2, 1965, at 3.00 p.m, in South Simcoe Pentecostal Church, Oshawa, ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Hocka-| day, Hampton, wish to announce} the engagement of their daugh- ter, Evelyn Ruth, to Mr. Barry! John Browes, son of Mr, and| Mrs, Elmer J, Browes, Bow.| manville, The wedding is to take place on Saturday, September! 18, 1965 at 3,00 p.m, in Eldad) United Church, Solina, Ontario, | Originally slated for today The Times Cook Book has heen re-scheduled for pub- Heation tomorrow, advisor on all phases of St, John training and service in the Home Nursing, Child Care and related fields, Miss Hunter, daughter of J, 8, Hunter, 761 Wolseley avenue, Canadian Army Medical Corps in Canadian Forces hospitals in nce 1943. She retired in June from the post of Director of Nursing at the Kingston Mili- tary hospital with the rank of Major. Later this year, Miss Hunter Headquarters to familiarize her- self with provincial and local nursing problems, 29 cr é- of pure silk illusion, scalloped and pearl-trimmed, Red Sweet- heart roses comprised her bou- quet Mrs, Richard Ward of Clare- mont, the bride's sister, was the matron of -honor and the other attendants were Mrs, Don-} ald Jamieson, Balsam, and Mrs. | Donald Stahl, Oshawa. The} flower girl was Karen Jamieson. Mr, Donald Martin of Ajax} was the best man and Mr, Don- ald Stahl, Oshawa, ushered. | A reception followed in Mount Zion United Church Hall and) later the couple left for points east. For going away the bride chose a green sheath dress of crepe with a white lace bodice} and white accessories, | Mr, and Mrs, Martin are mak- ing their home in Whitby, the year, but do try to avoid] friction within the domestic cir-| cle in late October and early! January, Best periods for ro-| mance: The entire months of| September, next April and June, for chances to travel and stimu-) lating social activities: Between| now--and-the-end-of- September; in January, April and the weeks! between June 15 and Sept. 1 of} next year, There is a possibility) that you may make a change) in your home environment in; October, If so, such a change will be very much for the bet:| ter, | A child born'on this day will) be highly trustworthy and will be endowed with a great sense of responsibility. available, you should do excep-) tionally well, Be alert to chances to increase your earning capa- city and upgrade your financial standing between mid-Septem-| ber and the end of October (an excellent period for all Vir- goans); also during the first two weeks in February, in late April, the first week of May, the latter half of June and next August. Do be conservative in} vice from the school psycholo- gist or counsellor, Of course parents ascertain what should be ex- jpected of their child at school, | not just what they, the parents, 'hope for him in. their hearts, | but what all available measures) of his ability to learn, and earl-| ier achievements indicate. | | need to/Even though the latter part of monetary matters during No- vember, however; also in April.) that month shows opportunities for gain, you may face some) 5% DISCOUNT IF YOU For All Your | "Bridal Shoes" | (Tinted Free) ! CHOOSE DANCEY'S in DOWNTOWN OSHAWA} BRING THIS AD Lightly sandpaper the soles of WIFE PRESERVER | edical A WORD ABOUT CAMELS Q. This may not be @ proper | question but the subject come up in our science class, How | con camels go for such long periods without water? Do they store water in their humps? A. The came! hos no special facilities to store water ---. In humps or otherwise, (The hump consists of fot tissue), The onimal does have a uni- que water-conservation sys- tem, Abstinence from water for about two weeks in the desert results in marked loss in body weight of the camel, amounting to about 40 per cent of total body water, However, very little of the lost woter comes from the blood stream. It is this ability of the camel to retain water n its blood stream thot per- mits survival for extended new shoes to prevent slipping. HI LADIES... How would you like to enjoy an evening out a week? A good pastime for all with sneck and refreshments, Come one, come all... let your friends know . +» « join the Ajax Ladies' Dart League. _ Everyone welcome. GENERAL MEETING to be held at 102 Billingsgate, SEPT, 8, 1965, 8 p.m, sharp. or 942-0297, Seasonal mem- bership fees, $1.00 person, CLAIRE MIROWSKI President For information call 942-5506 §) = other animal (man included) |Our professionel skill is on | | web., 7 | OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M, periods without water, No has this ability to economize on water, estions directed to Science ditors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal "A", Teronte, Ontario, Todays drugs, in terms of relief from pain and swift recovery from illness, are priceless . . . yet their cost is mere pennies per dose. important ingredient in each prescription we fill, DRUGS FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY 723-4621 @ Custam Meade Drapes @ Broadloom @ Custom Made Slip Covers HOWARD'S DRAPERIES 926 Simcoe St, N. 728.3144 increased expenses, 80 be p pared Domestic, social and senti- mental relationships will be generously aspected for most of studies at any age, the wider range of vocations he can choose from. Even in the mid- dle and late elementary grades, he may conclude that he needs CLO" YOu ©. HOCS A RZ ap An American tourist seeking the wisdom of the East consulted a wise mon who said, "Perform three good deeds If you | would have peace in your soul." The American complied by giving a ten dollar bill to ao destitute mother begging In case his interest is very|to become a good reader since strong, if he has native ability|success in any school subject for "Bu alms, t that's only one good in these directions, this interest may spur him on to elect sci-jity to read well. The longer he) jwill depend heavily on his abil-| FIRST TO YOUNG AGES then..; For quality, selection and volue . . OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE feotuting al! the latest styles for boys ond girls, from infonts to size 14,... "The Best Costes Less At' Q deed," re plied the wise man, when he reloted the | WOOLWORTH'S Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN! experience. "No. It's three," said the Americon "First | relieved the sorrows of the LARGE $Iz woman, Second, | helped feed her stary Ing children, And third, | got rid of thot counterfeit bill I've had for over o i yeor,"" STORES: e 92 WOLFE @ 170% MARY ST. « 12 BOND &, z @ 924 SIMCOE N. AGENTS: @ United Texi, 143 King St. Test @ Roxy Veriety, Rosstynn Pere Special This Week FRESH PEACH Shortcake 63: . , | Old Fashion APPLE STREUSSEL Week Special This PIE 43. CLEAMIT SERVICE? 725-3555 yJo]uIN|c Alcle|s) Two or three tier wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead BAKERY ORDERS. PHONE 725-3421 > ME Land Sh Gl MLL. RS OT Trust Rose Marx to Understand the Special Figure Requirements of the "Young Adult" Firm control you don't need, you lithe love- lies, But gentle molding and shaping the **Rose Marx'? way you do need, Designed es pecially for you, these are the bras and girdles that will let you put your best figure forward > +» and always he counted on for the utmost in comfort for the active life you lead, In lively Lycra®, daintily embroidered with tiny parasols, STRETCH STRAP BANDEAU; (illustrated) So feather-light! Embroidered nylon m isette cups, Lined with downy-soft "Wonderhl" for --_ natural-look shaping, Lycra® 9 98 astic sides, White. A, B cups; 30-36, CONTOUR BRA: (not illustrated), Embroidered cups fashioned from new girdle fabric, Lightly foam Padded for the natural shape you want, Lycra® sides and cup divider, Adjustable $ 2 stretch straps. White, A, B cups; 30-36, "SECOND NATURE" Girdles in Lycra® spane dex power net. Embroidered front panels, Seam- free backs for the smoothest line possible, LONGLEGPANTY GIRDLE (illustrated) 4.98 (not illustrated) PULL-ON GIRDLE...........0000600:0098 REGULAR PANTY GIRDLE..........8098 SHOPPING 18 CONVENIENT ON A @Reg. TM, WALKER'S 'PLAN' ACCOUNT Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Refunded 38 BTORES SERVING ONTARIO OSHAWA SHOPPING ---- CENTRE CENTRE Open 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Daily Open to 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday -- prem sr a ame i, i §

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