- New Approach To Scouting (Dick Shatto | STOCK MARKET | OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS srr te : ; TORONTO 1) AM. SYOCKS | Oynamle== FOR 1080 a : Ferre ef iil i s ; s fis s ° . Fr Pete 100 420 420 420 / = Dipl + Bt By The Canadian Press a i; ws rs ! : Scraps Short Pants, Wide Brims| |. Unhappy | ie |e 832 a "ope Ln omaltic Uirc 5: (Quoretions in cents unieis marked $,| Ranger me ' toad 4 ' PRINCE GEORGE, B.C.jearn will be used to finance 1 Odd" « x4---Evcalvidand, | xr Bx: Sar ee ee ee a "4 ® 1 r] (CP)--Short pants are out. So/troop activities. | PORONTO (CP) -- Dick| from previous bosrd-lot closing sele.)| Union Ol 175 $18 188 I8¥e-- Ye q 1 e te n t are cumbersome wide-brimmed The trapline keeps the scouts | Shatto, a first rate halfback for W Decaitea 4016 360 355 355 +10 ; hats. And they don't rub sticks husy in winter. Summers are! Toronto Argonauts of the East- INDUSTRIALS W Dec wis $00 170 170 70 +4 By JOHN BEST dent h rted together to start fires. 'spent boating and at ordinary|ern Football Conference during 1) Net MINES . {sideri ' pny rns way a The ist Prince George Scout\camping activities, with about| the last 12 years, said he would| Stock --Sales_ High Low a.m. Ch'ge MOSCOW (CP)--Suppose youlcarefully, accepting invitations Troop, guided by Peter Russell,|60 per cent of the troop's activ-| be willing to play for Montreal] Abitivi 885 $11% 11% Ve + Wo] Advortle, 108 4S A tie are the American ambassador|oniy te' evente " - has taken a new and modern|ity on the water. Alouettes if Argos didn't feel he| Alta Gas | 23 site tie 20% _ | Ang Rovyn 200 209 206 207 +4 here and are invited to a Krem-|wouiq invdlve no attacks onus. approach to scouting. The four 35 - foot riverboats| "is helping them." A Alta Nat" 200 $14 lala k= nell DE ER ae agar lin eee honor the leader! noticy ee Berets have replaced the old|are named for the particular) The Argos, who seem to have! Algome riage Arion we 9 8 8 of a neutralist country. ¥ Mountie-style hats. Long pants|patrol that uses them--Fraser,| found a home in the EFC cellar, Alum or a0. sos So em a -- ee Se Suppose "a member of the Phe ed a oe yon gel y reed are worn. And the boys use|Mackenzie, Thompson and Car-| haven't been using Shatto much) Anthes re ie A) KR Arcadia 1000 19% 19% 4 -- %h host government insults you by| monarch, . Mohammed Pere special survival lighters or| tier. this year and the 32-year-old) 'at 'sugar 1275 s25% 25\2 m+ wo] pelnim, =P. aka calling your country an @8-|Shah, had made a 4 matches to light campfires. "I like to name them after| Veteran doesn't know why. Rae wot ae Bunker H 3000 46 4545 gressor. neutral reply and then. slipped The troop, one of the richest\explorers," says Russell. 'It| "It's disappointing and ete Bell' Phone 445 $30% 584 Same + wo| Cemflo fen a0 3 SN = Do you stay or walk out? away from the diplomatic en- and. best-equipped in Canada,|gives a much better and more discouraging," he said Wednes-) Bel Bn Ris mee 300 200 300 +15 | © BYne 30 150 150 150. Ambassador Foy Kohler Ofjtourage with his wife and has its own navy--four motor-|adventuresome meaning than| day night, "One day I'm a] grazii Gn th Th T+ | © femme ime ee the United States chose to walk| headed for the door. power river boats--and its own|the old collection of patrol flanker, then a left halfback.| Ba ou 125 satve. aie avis + 161 Contri 500 32 31M 34 out--and thereby set off a round) «] don't feel the remarks trapline, expected to produce|names like Wolf, Fox, Bear and then a right halfback. I'm not) Bc sicer 25 $39. 99 cr ee de ee of debate, speculation, second-/made by Mr. Kosygin are ac- revenue of between $300 and|Lynx. / sure what the coach (Bob| Bc phone xd 136 84s! 65% 484%] Chouxirk, 4000 Th Buessing and post - »mortems|ceptable to me when I am & $400 this year. "We've 'got to keep in step| S"@¥) thinks of my ability. Broce smth mite aye) | Chester eS ee ar 'on of his move.| guest and have no chance to plan " vd Shatto says he has been hear-| Ci"Fndry 50 $5144. Sia Sim -+ | SOmb Mat 1000, 28a 29m Bava -- Ya Reverbetations of the inci- " - 'We're building men now," | with modern times and give the) ine trade rumors ever since At-| Can Perm 55 $662 6a bin Ce eS a ' : tor some Gaver, Oke 8 Come ot oe says scoutmaster Russell, and|boys an interest -- something| 14, were whitewashed 20-0 by| Exe a ee et ae € 'Morrison 1100 172 172. 172 through the Se te emilee porters, scouting has to change with the| that will hold them in scouting | Xrontreal last week. ey ae aa ae ¢ seer we ot as never - never land of interna: One American correspondent times." - well Into the teens. He said he would rather finish] £ Bre" A pr 100 $4ma tava fila Cowich $0 63 3 63 =I tional aiplogiacy believes Kohler made an error He says he regards each scout] Underlying the Russell sys-/his career with the Argos, but) € 8 Al B w 2110 380 380 380. ae ee et Kohler, 4 quietly intense man wal yrtire , as an individual and tries to de-/tem is discipline. he would report to Montreal if}, C4 Can A 100 S144 Ji 2M | | DrEldona 13500 18178 18 +t who is small in stature but aligg : cr <9 en Bs Sets Graey hoe varies sctivil cjietae' scenes fit leneeiie| Sieramar, dune tet C,lmo Bk C2 aM aN Pircovery 100 300 3a a0 +10 6 giant among "his diplomaticlthing right' along." the. corres. ure to many and varied activi-| qiscipline, though I do make the! However, Shaw and Montreal] Ci Gas Oll 535 side Doi4 Mld-- ta) Easy mat 200 170 170 170 +8 . peers, stood with a bemused ex- vy Hy inl 5 : i ey opageat ties. fe boys snap to attention and sal-\coach: Jim Trimble both said) cpp 1549 $654 65Ve 65% + Se pei Hg ef 4 a u pression on his face as Soviet P But aneutralist diplomat The trapline is a pr 4 exam-|ute smartly, but a sort of self-|that the rumor was unfounded.) CPR pr 1158 $934 994 9M -- Al Be ig 6 6 18 EY us Premier Alexei Kosygin ripped eutee ploma' Y valet : Cdn Pet 276 312% 12% 12% Le) De : PPC@ disagreed: "If it had 45 44 MS +2 g been my | ple. An old trapper named Ted| discipline. Trimble said that he would) Ct). 4 50 $44 Mie Me --~ % ping ic ber time i tale te into the U.S, at a recent recep- country I couldn't have walked ! Williams, a staunch supporter; The troop's "honor courts," check with Shaw to see if there) Coli Cel) 100 $8 J a Mo Glenn Exp 1100 14a léva Via + 4 USE GAY SCRAPS tion for the king of Afghanistan. |oyt 're too of scouting, died without mak-|nelq by the boys themselves,|was a chance to make a deal ne ee nn Gee ee j While a hallfull of Soviet dig-| But Kohler did the right Pong ing a will. By special arrange-|are strict. A scout may be de-| for Shatto. Con Bide xd 100 M5. 985385, --S§. | Goldrim 25400 63333 --4 By ALICE BROOKS 4895 nitaries and foreign diplomats ni ment with the game warden the| moted for awearing and can be| "Shatto is a great football] Cor Sige Or sp ss' ine'*s7y "| Granduc 1000 $40 880 AM |g Oe an pedroom! SIZES 12%-22% \ 4 listened. Kosygin accused 'the NOT CAUSE FOR WAR Wittams gta was deeded turfed from the troop for trouble ag gr sreieahle. Vd) Con mS 2s Su 4m + YA) Crtndinle © 700 it ie ie wake this casein Y uilt sigs om ss % [Americans vt conducting ag- Big 4 observers be prs the to the scout troop. |with the police. ake Fr : Con Gas 1000 $13% 13% 13% Hastings 100 ied 00 t gressive actions "fraught with|Dasic issue was one of common | "parttime trapper AI Huble| "Tye never lost a boy through| Shaw wouldn't comment on] cramer, 'sw a gr gn | Math | 'tn 'in 'tn |Psouue Rainbow britiant| CLEY-SMART |e, gravest consequences tor/sourlesy. Tt just nok palit te assists the boys, who set out quitting," says the scoutmaster.| 'he situation except to say he} Cygne 8 Me af piss 00 107-107-107, |beauty when made of scraps, By ANNE ADAMS He promised the Soviet Union|foreign gueste--even theagh te last February to learn the ~~ a few have been fired out heer peeition Scaday. ee is Bist' Seep air s37% 7 W% . ne on . ir i +3 conservative of just two fab-| LINE UP a lean, narrow-hip- | would continue to ils fe Viet. policies of the guest's eouaiey ping business. The money they'through the honor court." Vancouver against B. C, Bane 10 sare foe ae ten Fe at ET Ns oe Proves ey mf ped Jook -- line up this easy-/namese friends' to strengthen|may be despised. ei -- sa) Dofasco p25) SIA: Ne Te vgs | decobus a Ti Tis Tie lore, Peecen: SAPOCHONE, | YRrt: sew coatdress in crisp rayon.|their defence potential and| But the Russians have never FD Oe te ee tea | comurke, «OT ia 9 oth BEER, ___.|Polish it off with same or con-|bring an end to "American ag-|had much truck with diploma- | Dom. Text 300 $302 20% 014 + | Jollet #300 6 63 6S 42) Thirty-five cents (coins)/trast binding. gression," tie niceties. The shoe-poundin | Du Pont 225 $8 47% as + | donemith «|| $0 t,"\for each pattern (no stamps,| Printed Patt 4805: 7 4 | Exquisite 725 $12, 12g Kerr nad x42 7% Ms? |Dlease) tor Alice Brooks, care| Sizes 1204, 1494, 16%, 18%4, 20%4,(REMARKS UNACCEPTABLE |Rhrushchey at the United Nec | Fal 180 $100% 100% 100% % ' 4 y " ; U ' , ' , , oa rushcnev a e \- : | Ford" «us) 200 9874 57 S724 14] Lb ulault 300 Slate Jole Tile | lof The Oshawa Times, Needle-|22%, Size 16% requires 4% yds.| Kohler had politely suffered}tions some years Big tho Wines un non oe 1000 16 16 16 craft Dept., 60 Front street) 39-inch fabric. through several similar attacks|Soviet tone in such matters Fruchauf " 100 $10 10 10 +.u| ba tue xd io $i tt Mt | lwest, Toronto, Ontario. Ontario| FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins/although he once walked out of| At one time in the history of Gmc ia sio7, 107 107, HNL aitch 200 480 480 480 residents add 1 cents sales/(no stamps, please) for each|a function at an eastern Euro-linternational relations, the GL Paper 200 $232 23a 23%4-- %) Pernt ooo 198 138,194 44.,/tax. Print plainly PATTERN/pattern. Ontario residents add|pean embassy because he felt/Kremlin incident would 'have . or Ned Oe Sloe ize tae + vo] Macaase 300 260 260 260 --9 |NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS |2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, /his country had been insulted|been settled on the battlefield. Hardee 100 80 80 80 +1 | Matter §=-- 400 $74 Fy 1 | NEW! GIANT 1966 NEEDLE-|NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE |by a reference to Viet Nam. |Wars have been fought on flim- Hd Cop A 50 $7 9 + 8) Metntyre 770 $83 «8383 CRAFT CATALOG stars knit,, NUMBER. But after the Kremlin inci-|sier pretexts. Hur Erie 105 §61%» 6i%e ois -- ae] McWat a a ae a fashions! -- ap eS atig nly Husky 200 $129 128 126+ Ye) Minor 1500 $7 0 41 |more designs -- embroidery,|care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- eden UR: eee PF oe eae tae save o> Ve Nat Expl sv 8, 8 tt laghans, quilts, toys, everything! |tern Dept., 60 Fiat Street West, : Imp Tob xd 100 $i5 15 15 3 free patterns printed in Cat-/Toronto 1, Ontario. ind Wire 100 225 925 976 410| New Cal N00 7 7 77 ' Ho r Ye 17% 177 N Harri co RT, ae. alog. Send 25 cents. BE ALERT to What's New! SHOP AND SAVE AT THESE MERCHANTS Inland Gas, 100 one 'ne yaw] NHosco 200-275 275, 275 | Send for "Decorate with|Send for excitement - packed | See Oe ee ay ie N _Mylema 44000264 147, 146---M8 |Needlecraft!" -- 25 complete Fall-Winter Pattern Catalog. : : Int Nickel 1210 $94¥a 9414 94a -- Ve}, Norpax patterns -- applique, pictures,/design views -- school, career, Take advantage of the merchandise and services Int UH Is 8 Net tin Se ae us pillows, more! Only 60 cents, |glamor styles. Plus coupon for found here today and every Friday. You'll find -- }} ints P40 sou i454 WN gttyiarne 44000 382 4 74) Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --jfree pattern -- choose it from values for the whole. family. Jetersan 20 $70 20's 0 Norpex 2900 a a a 4! 16 complete patterns. 60 cents. |Catalog. 50c. H b Bw V2 13% Va ee, SPE) Be" Se ee OBITUARIES aske Va ' 8°) 3 rm cure na | BOT YOURS Bree i te iat! Sion, Ha Re The cost of this DO IT YOURSELF Levy-A pr 250 $114 11' 114 | Orenada 2 B " 42 AILEEN C, CORMACK itoba, Until his retirement in OUR ad, daily for one Try Our Professional tboce Bt 325 $i0Mh wom 104 Peerless ho i it it + Aileen Charlotte Cormack, of|1955 he had been a dry-goods ONE DAY year, Too anal Dry Cleaning M Laat Mill 100 $16 16 18 +4) Bore pay" 1000 ob M 600 Dundas st. w., Whitby, died clerk at tans Department to be noticed? You're read- "nd ; ae Probe 155400 53° 48 50 +2 |Aug, 26 in Oshawa GeneraljStore for 25 years. DRY CLEANING ing it? GILLARD MoS Frat aoe stove 23. ane+ 14] @,Mattorn' 500 10% 14% 14 -- YA] Hospital. She was 57. He was a member of Sim- SERVICE Nereoes Pn ane crea | Regn 750 205 202° 203 Born in Whitby, the' former|coe Street United Church; a for- | CLEANIT NO NGas 2p 75 $28%% 2 28a ys HERES v4 ye tte tem {Aileen Charlotte Lawler, she|mer member of the Oshawa | vit \ Nee Tae Or ee on ian Tel Rockin 2500 70 8 WR the daughter of the late}Lawn Bowling Club; and a for- en eash and carry only CARS Services Ltd. Peel Elder 750 'ty 7 Ta | Roman tai 7a 738 735 --§ lArthur and Carolyn Lawler.mer member of the Oshawa v SPEEDS Dry Cleaners ond GR can" too store lore lore +.ve| shermitt 1025 640 635 635 --$ [She was educated in Whitby ye gee . vita if ' Oe | j 4 Me 10% 10% + "alse i Norman r. Duff leaves his wife, a VACATION TAKE-OFFS PAINTED Shirt Lounderers GN G4) .w 100 S10. slo S10 --5'| Sit Miller 2000 1616 16 + Yeischools and married ; 725 Rolland A 100 $10 10M 10ye-- | Sranrege We a an A Cormack in 1930 in Toronto.|/son, Maitland, of Deep River, , | -3555 Rothman 125 $26 2634 26% + Vel Starrett «2100 655.655. 455 She was a member of All Saints|and seven grandchildren, : R | Bank 12 75a 75¥ V 2 - . VADIANT VACATION $ We Pick-Up and Deliver solace 7 ms sive iia tM Steep Ree aa ast aaz pa [Anglican Church, the IODE,| The remains are at the Arm- ow ; RS SPECIAL | Seven Arts 100 $11% 11% 11% -- ve} pombll 40 115 15 15. Greenwood. Chapter and wasistrong Funeral Home for the CLEANE | Shell | pr 700 $25 as a Trees sobs Gk tie ih lo (attive in the VON, funeral service in the chapel APPLY ee ee er ae art eke WO. S727, 27 She is survived by her hus-|Monday. Rev. J. K. Moffat, of OSHAWA SHOPPING | 32 pircon pp, s, | CUT VACATION | itr, 'mia fia iw | testes a tS (hand: a daughter, Mra: Ht Mac-/simene Street Chureh, will con CENTRE ied ae cat Oe ae ee ee el eee 160° 160 160 donald (Carolyn) of Halifax; alduct the service and interment ot rear of Texaco Station COSTS | SFE Tor-Dom Bk 100 S6le. 61M blie-- M Wiliroy jo LON ce brother, William of Whitby;|will be in Union Cemetery, cl aa | T Fin A 160 $13% 13% 13% Win'eld $000. gaia 244 gave pav,ithree sisters, Audrey, Sheila of/Oshawa. @ Collision Experts Tr Can PL 100 $36% 36% 26% -- We EAP Ten PPL xd 100 "sm "9TH om | White Star 2000 46 44 44 -- Whitby and Mrs. G. Weldon) Friends are asked not to call aus e @ Free Estimates US FIRST Un Acc 2 pr 275 $8 8 | pu Sino 019k Wa + V4| (Betty) of Oshawa. at the funeral home before Sat- bani sgccune se | GG a Bet RE" 8) same wares vieam [ney 8. armatong inthe ehapel| "SY Tene SATURDAY + Vic G Tr 350 $15 415% 15am Ve S ne iliac + Se . NEW and USED WE OFFER: Waik GW 32) $1718 374 74+ 4) ADD Toronto Tii00 am, stecke [of All' Saints Anglican Church FUNERAL OF iM. CUST M : Meee: oh anoe FOREIGN TRADING Aug. 30 at 2 p.m, Burial will @ Pick up service West ind 1240 260 260 240 +25| Eas Sul 300 765 7465 245 418 Le in Groveside Cemetery, EDWARD SACORS BICYCLES | ¢ Tune-ups wank "is BS pul Ree Sas So _ [Brooklin, Friends may vinit the] Tense doc Reward Jooube of 1 DOF Y Knit A 500 $5%_--5% SMH Y W. C. Town Funeral Home Sat- UPHOLSTERY nhc OA * pelle and Tail Pipe | Yenn 20 ot, 90 | CO OD PY He say at 2 pam, 613 Mary st., who died at home Westinghouse 10 Cu. Ft. irs ' Aug. 23. - e For Summer Fun © Specialized woshin OILS one ee an ate ' *) DE Rey. N. F. Swackhammer RE ~ 2 a Potishine-- ing Acme Gas 7500-19 19-99-44! Bonk Mont sl la sities | so gy hag ere conducted the service in the FRIGERATOR e Gg Ang--u---Bev:-1020--55 55541 | Bank NS xd 45 $74 74 74 ir en ere Ne tenes h I ' - BOATS Alminex 1500 395 395 995 gett estor tatoo tDwight--(.orne)--Dean-occurred|*hapel of the McIntosh-Ander Big enough for the average family ! @ Trucks - Vans.- Autos | Banff 100 625 625 625 +20 | son Funeral Home-at-2-p.m,-- a --Full- Be | ' | Calvert 9000-36. "35-36-41 | SIIDELETE In Toronto 11 am, indus: Ursday at Burketon, Ont., in width, --_ecross-the-top freezer, ft @ Lubrication CS Pete 800 22) 220 220 --2 | trials sm. Indus) his 70th year. He lived at 18| Pallbearers were: E. F. Cuth- crisper, deep-door shelves. ER Seats, Covers, es Tilsn nid Accents 1 cee es Bell Ph Rts 1064 100 95 98 Grenfell st., Oshawa. bertson, John Manning, King Tents Chairs BICYCLES ; Dome Pete 100 $16% 16% 16% BC Ph Rts 1064 100 95 95 Mr. Dean was born in Burke-/Hume, Jack Ewart, William NO TRADE-IN $ : DON'T TOY AROUND WITH a ton, the son of the late Charles|Jeffrey, Lloyd Whittington and NEEDED TRUCKS "BUILT FOR oO" YOUR CAR M eae ang Bareh Dean. In 1920 he mar-|Jack McCurdy. W. Go i t L ene For Sal CALL: ysticism es Hand In Hand Shackiaton Sama FUNERAL OF Seats, Tarp Lip Saag stile 1c With Politics In Indi La Wieatate ven we | ay ee our, day o ; . i Repair, Rebuild boas eS esta [| N S it 0 itics nh n lan Affairs For many years he farmed at wednesday gr gg gg Bae Big 22.4 Cu. Ft, i 1 ; é Burketon and was in semi- : } ( By RUKMINI DEVI India Association of Monks] ret; Law of 242 Mary st., who died ; bd Canadian Press Correspondent) which has a membership of ee faa Aug. 23 in the Oshawa General HOME FREEZER YCLE | BOMBAY (CP) -- Mysticism|™0re than 10,000. ° of the United Church. Beg |} All copper tubing, Yo h.p. motor, WIL ON jand politics seem to go hand| Morarji Desai, 65 - year - old) Surviving relatives include ajtpited' 8 Signal light, interior light, 3 baskets, ENTRE lin hand in this democracy of| leader of the right wing of the|son, Carson, of Oshawa, two sho Reged ipae gor we iE A divide lock oad Seve " ' BATTERY 460,000,000 people. ruling Congress party and algrandchildren, a brother, Rus-|scrvor pr guecs ein onal tora é : | SERVICE STATION A few days ago a front-rank|former finance minister, says|sell of Oshawa, and a sister, pgs gee a sp SALE § | 641 CROMWELL 204: BOND ST. E. 245 WENTWORTH opposition politician, Fa te hjevery politician must find time|Mrs. A, Lunn (Rose) of Orono. Comune. ee ac gee PRICE 228 at-Bloor W. 725-6344 Singh, bearded leader of the|for reflection and heart-search-| The remains are at the Ger-|~ paijbearers were: 723-3512 728 58] ] | militant Sikhs, began one of his|ing in -- to be = jose row Funeral Chapel for the fu/pycon Jack Tyson j . We Service All Bicycles ig 'meditation sessions." service to his people. Desaijneral service Monday. Rev. ¥ < c 4 ' After several days of lonely = at least an hour a/Frank Ward of Westmount Unit- Brea tnd Gentes belle ay | reflection on. the state of his|day. ~ ed Church will conduct the sery- dae j community, India "and the] One Indian weekly even sug-|ice and interment will be in St. 14 Cu. Ft. Frost-Free FATO < 'world, Singh will return to his| gested that Prime Minister|John's Cemetery, Blackstock Ro k Dot Of Isl j @ td S h eign "ge New at Shastri should make efforts to CKY ; e REFRIGERATOR } ig ( )¢ ) ( ) with additional reservoirs Of}bring the disputing statesmen ROBERT DUFF } in OSHAWA U if D spiritual: strength : of the world to a monastery in) The death of Robert Duff In Dumas Novel Completely frost-free throughout ! { Two years ago Singh yanished| Rishikesh for 'a weekend ofjoccurred at Hillsdale Manor to-| qoNTECRISTO, Italy (AP)-- Big 122 Ib. freezer, slide-out shelves, { iar a month, and when he re-|prayers, congregational singing/day in his 83rd year. He had dot. ¢ porcelain crisper. Meot drawer, turned he said: "I feel stronger] and meditation." been in failing health for six| tig, "ocky dot of an island, ; now. The communion with God petra ars. Sly OF Mx/made famous by the Alexandre saul $ } ' , and mature has renewed my "The deceased id june andor Ri dhe Mg aa, Here's where you will find the BIG SELECTION of . . . faith in the justice of the Sikhs'| Buffalo, St. Louis [or Hillsdale Manor since 1959|'"t° tourists' haven. -- demand for a separate Punjabi- eee and before then lived at 18|, Montecristo, in the Tyrrenian speaking state within the Indian T s I S Ki Gladstone av, Sea, south of Elba, has been ® TENTS CAMPING EQUIPMENT union." Meee rain In dt. Kitts He was the son of the late|/eased by a Roman real estate ' » Meditation and reflection in ST. CATHARINES (CP)-- Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Duff and|°°Tporation from the Italian Westinghouse 'Family' AND ACCESSORIES some lonely forest, cave Or, Fi) Bicone of the American|™@s born in Kircudbright, Scot- government. : y mountain is becoming more and| 1" "i a . can iand. The six present inhabitants REFRIGERATOR more popular with Indian poli-|Hockey League and St. Louis) tm 1950 he married the former|are a family of custodians. They @ BARBECUES, ACCESSORIES Una stator Gubasinl/eeent Mockery Laggen vl MOMS ea tO at MME ae aenaee nan tag Bio copecity!_ Automatic | defrost Home Minister Gulzarila rise Street United Church. tle valley opening up from the 5 v ' ' CHARCOAL Nanda, who is in charge of in- Bigeneonang training camp here) Mr. Duff had been a residentjonly bay. The road leading from Mies pcnont pM A ial AND OTHER PATIO NEEDS ternal security, recently went) 'ls year. of Oshawa for 30 years andjthe bay to the house is the only cheese compartments ; : to Rishikesh in the Himalayas} Fred Hunt, 'manager of the|came here from Brandon, Man- road on the cliff-bound island. : for a spell of 'spiritual replen- the te S, announced Thursday | NO TRADE-IN $ : ishment,"' as he likes to call it./that the personnel of both teams 248 & BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS AND Rishikesh on the banks of the/would report Sept. 26 and start) | piace : EVERYTHING FOR FUN AFLOAT @ GYMSETS, SLIDES AND OTHER ARTICLES OF FUN FOR THE SANDBOX SET. First to EATON'S Then Outdoors for Fun in the Sun! River Ganges, sacred to the} Hindus, is the favorite refuge of meditating politicians be- cause of its scenic charms. During his three days in Rish- ikesh Nanda was accompanied by some government officials. But he took time out for solitary walks and cross-legged prayers on, the banks of, the great river. TIME FOR THOUGHT Nanda also joined groups of | Himalayan monks in their pray-| ers, He is president of the all-| their workouts the following day. | The Bisons have trained 'in| Welland for the last four years. The Buffalo and St. Louis! teams are affiliated with Chi-| cago Black Hawks of the Na-| tional League. | This marks the first time| in 1938 that an NHL team has! not used its facilities for pre season training. { $5.00 PER DAY 725-6553 RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH 5-6553 72 RUTHERFORD'S | since Garden City Arena opened | CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa | A 80 KING ST. E. SHOP TOMORROW! SAVE! BUDGET TERMS QUICKLY ARRANGED © herney's| FURNITURE WORLD (DOWNTOWN) OSHAWA