Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Aug 1965, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMS, Tow madey, Auguet 26, 1965 20--Real Litete for Sole -Metcal REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. 728-4678 BACK TO SCHOOL Yes for only $14,900.00 you can move in. time for school to this smart 3 bedroom brick burigalow with nearly finished rec, room, Close to Donevan High and Duke of Edinburgh public schools "ond worth much more than the asking 'price, See this home tonight and get your offer in right now! HILLSDALE TERRACE immaculately kept, brick ranch low on Central Park Blvd, N., complete with rec, room, real nice landscop- ing and. fenced reor yard, Listed ot $16,500.00. Buy tonight and settle down in solid comfort, DOWNSVIEW PARK ONLY $18,500.00 is 'all we're asking for this lovely brick bungalow, This is the last one at the old price. New building costs much higher now, plan to see this home tonight and buy before its too lote, $1,875.00 DOWN Only one at this very low down payment and well worth @ look at this low price on a builders new home, Sure to sell, Buy now while the price Is right, LOTS OF LOTS All prepaid service, including underground wiring in de- lightful Downsview Park Areo. served by bus service and school and shopping od jocent, Best lots in Oshawa and still close to the heart of the City, Enquire tonight BUYERS WAITING LIST your home NOW! Schoo! opening is close, the market is_right, WE NEED YOUR LISTING NOW! Call our of- fiee tonight for prompt, courteous service, and list your home for sale now! OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL "NINE Dial 728-4678 Jock Osbome Bob Johnston Joe Maga Gord Hawkshaw Eldon Kerr MEMBER O.D,R.E.B PRIVATE -- Threebedroom, ranch style bungalow with attached gara: fenced landscaped lot, Ona bdiock from bus Ken Hann Adventist Church and Coll please, Between #6 BM. h 29971 18 ACRES of choice garden soll, and digty Aix room brick @ with attach: short distance from Oshawa Treloded in price Is five acres of rasp berries, Excellent opportunity tor garden: er, $7,000 down will handle with terms on/ balance, For appointment to see cal! garry Andely, 70-5109, 10 ACRES, Very levels Productive soll Spring fed pond, nine-room frame house with all conven Good solid barn Hew siad silo, milk house and cooler Set up for beet or horses. Reason ry prieed at $26,800, Contact H. Hogan Brooklin 455-346. D. W. McQuay, Real 20e--Summer P perties | F Sale "= PIGEON Near PETERBORO LOT with COTTAGE $2,995 $50 DOWN, $48 MONTHLY PAYMENTS START MARCH 1944 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION LOT 75'x200' surveyed with fomily-size cottage, 3 bed rooms, erected, $2,995 cash or Budget Plan, $50 down, $48 monthly, payments start March, 1966, Limited num. ber, Year round activities Practical for retirement, Good roads, open year round Hydro, telephone, swimming, excellent fishing, woter ski. ing, boating, 'hunting, ete Winter Skistow neers ENJOY Summer Fall, Winter, Spring MEET at Fowler's Corners junction Highwoys 7 and 7B on the Peterboro to Lindsay Highway each day this week end at | p.m. and 3 p.m. No appointment necessary OR Gan be seen Monday to Fri. day, day or evening, by spe tral appointment only. Phone PriTrsS HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD COBOURG ONT PHONE 112.372.9494 DRIFT INN CAMP "On South Bay of Lake Nip issing, fully equipped house keeping cottages, hot ond cold water, bath and shower sate sondy beach, excellent fishing, all recreation facili hes, recreation boll, main tndge, comfortadle lounges _ Steom bath, boats ond motors Phone 728-0808 Evenings or write Ninn ssn Ont. for Brochures corte -- -- Wwe bedrooms mectric a ee Properties ee Sale or Rent SAND BAY CAMP Housekeeping cottages, tent and trailer park, Sofe sandy beach, Write: WESLEY ORAM RR 2 Combermere, Ont, - 28332, , Barry's Bay LAKE "$eUG00 -- Lake ~ Lakefront cottage sor sale, Five rooms, Sorvretety turmlaned two-piece bath, Dock motor, Alto boathouse, For are. inter: mation call Joe Crawtord, 1%%102'. doseph B Realtor, eT, LAK GEUGOG -- lakeshore collage at Scugog Point for rent, All conveniani eh, $50 very: Avaliable August! 23, Blackstock 906 430: Cakeshone, | Rice ns two and three bedroom keeping cottages, aulomene heating, running water, Ins ide flush toilet, Good swimming, fishing, excellent family spot, Write or phone for literature, Cedar Cove Cottages, Har wood, Ont, FoR RENT - Housekeeping cotta on beautiful Maple and Duck Lakes, Parry Sound district, Swimming, bath! and fish é 'ter is telephone Ajax 942-9689, For FOR | - Knotty pine furnished Cote tage, three bedrooms, inside bathroom, fireplace, carport, Beautifully located on! 6 128 foot wide, high Jot, Chandos Lake, Good beach, peny of trees, boathous: with sundeck, electric winch, Have ple tures, Call 725-0903 KAHSHE LAKE, South "Muskoka gmail cottage for sale, 172 foot lake frontage $3,500 o0; Telephone 7M: 9096 after 4 22--Lets_ for. for Sale 10% ACRES OF LAND NORTH OF WHITBY Good roads all year around. 00 Down Bolonce to suit purchoser, Contact BILL MILLAR 725-1186 or 725-2557 W, T. LAMSON, Real Estate 67 KING EAST SERVICED. semi: jon ready to 0, doubles, $7,000 per lot, active Ray Ridges area, with Oshawa and Toronto clientele Call. Mr, Wilks, 942-2611, PMA Realty | Limited. BUILDING LOT on VA Highway, | Port Per |ford, Bla | Realtor éanl of tock 986-4869, H. Kelth Lid PRI = 90 acres, seven miles east of Oshawa, 1'4 miles north of No, ? High $450 acre, 723-6419 or Scarboro 4 123--Real Estate Wanted : Want Your | Home SOLD | Call | Bill Johnston 728-1066 Sc hofield-Aker Ltd. ACTIVE WHERE REAL ESTATE IS SOLD NOT JUST "LISTED" LET US "SELL" YOURS Call 728-5157 9 am, to 9 pm 48 Simcoe Street South STOP! DON'T. . Do it yourself, Let us help you. BUY or SELL your next property 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY (Bond St.) 25. Bond West URGENTLY REQUIRED Homes for cash buyers, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom bungalows split levels, 2 storeys. What have you? For free valuations call DON STRADESK! Reol Estate 63 Kng W 723-4651 SELLING? CALL 728-7576 SIBBY'S | RE AL ESTATE LTD OLDER HOMES REQUIRED "ACTIVE' REALTY LTD 728-5157 WANTED For genuine cash buyers two and three-bedroom bungalows: alse two-storey homes for fast action. Prone Menry Stinsen 7221123) evenings 725.004) 24--Stores, Offices, Storage Metcal REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E., 728.4678 LTD MIDTOWN PLAZA We are p Appernted eased to have been exclumve rental agents Midtown >ecure your lease for Plaze » this cen trally located ping market reodern shop- Super. s Warehou plaro at once Brewer se large Department Store Bonk ond already leased Neolec, insvleted, well, large ist. 45.000 | Sev Marvin Nesbitt, Nesteton, esas 7. Murpry Broker MBORET GAY cotagen Maser ares. MSroar cottages an COMWEM ONCE: Kashades Lake, weet cee COMMUTERS VORacre term overigak me Lake Scupea om goed paved road Gave} Barber Rest y Cleone Dd Inqiuries: inv Shop, Beauty ant. D ted fer Paring aur ug Store 2 unassigned stores Excellent rental rates S0hS eiphhroem rick eeve, Good sting | ome horse Darn and one cattie Barn Lindsay 34 miles, Ovr CONTACT Avking 3800. with terms | De not leger on Mie one. Contact Ha vey Mapan, Brooklin, 63.984), 3. w Geay, Reanor SANceoFRT -- "aia "wenliaaie Auger' t> Seplembder €) are cottage: ava ame in September and Octoder. Tele Phere Whim ant eae MVGSG LAREFRONT "Giinee. amr. fornighed, shady Ist. geen ben. SRO Cal Marcin Naan, Nestieten, Y. Meorpay Broker, LOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD ? 28 N46 & POR RENT -- mocern store, 900 square jeer? fino space SOA! New Simpene. Sire? North. leeenediane gence Son, AlSorvey Real Extete Lin, Rear: W Richness Greet Gest, recat. 40 King St. a OR RENT ~|briek buldhne, o| Street, , NHA approved, Call W, Craw) ( "Rsees ' ' cermin: Peerage fie Lind Bee sees La ¢ 29----Wanted te Rent po--Autemebiy for Sale 26--Apartment for Rent _ [ean ie Wanted GESERTCy Heenes jer ees: ¥ two-bedroom dui with yard, duplex pe house, Call 728-6696, Raquined ANE IATELY by business lady, © room or apartment ee ie * WELCOME Ist ANNUAL SALE Ot Demonstrators * '65 CHEV. CONVERTIBLE "Super Sport, V-8, full: power, '65 PONTIAC Super Sport Lic, H29823, V-8, 2-door hordtop. Full power, under 5,000 miles. Full warranty, '65 CORVAIR ONLY A FEW 2 and 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS LaPT AY. CASA MANANA COURT @ ELEVATOR SERVICE @ INTERCOM @ BALCONIES See The Mode! Suite furne ished by Wilson Furniture, CALL THE RENTAL OFFICE 723-6361 Open Doily 5:30 to 9 OR CALL GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 723- 112) i apartment, Park! No children under! rs. Apply 170 Park Road South or one 725-0400. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building W ema N, MOTORS LTD. 100 NONQUON ROAD FAMOUS FOR FAIRNESS x * * Choice Selection of Quality USED CARS Ranging from '56 to '63 Models NOW is the time to come in ond talk trade when you can ge! good volue for your used car, CONTACT T, L. WILSON At ihe Times Watehane or light man- ufacturing space. 3500 squore feet floor space. * | Phont after 6 P.M, 728-6922 STORE for rent, suitable for any type siness or office, at Station piazs. phone 728-4113, 2 = 900 square teat in new gran ileor, large park: ing area, 'Localed two piece off King Street on Wilson Road South GARAOn FOR RENT, | ah Telephone 725-2599 t SMALC" STORE or office tor phone 72%: ws '25--Houses for Rent _ ind wos fed oor | [ments in new bullding, All modern By |veniences, Including elevator, swimming xe \Phone 721 Hi ; CARS: WANTED Buying a New Car? Seil your used car to "Ted" « Talk. "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "Save" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 _ CARS WANTED Buying a New Car ? Sell your used car to 'Ted'? Talk "Cosh" to the New Car Dealer and 'Sove" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want cars for wrecking, 200 W: Wentworth Bast,. 7 28-118) OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted for wrecking. Tires and parts for 1175 Nelson Street, Telephone 125-216 WANTED -- Cars for racking, 72-454, ._ Robert Nichols. W AUTO" WRECKING ey bought, parts for sale bought, 69 Bloor § 69 Bloor Street Bast, FEIN, 34--Automobile "Repoir TRANSMISSION specialists sions Highest prices pal io Cai Phone 728-7329, OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex- Ser: | pert carburetor and auto electric vier, 297 Rigg. Street West, 708-0817, 35--Lost ond Found \COSt -- work lacket, grounds, Name, "Ross", Motors inseription 889-3200, fat 36--Legal i, Earl M, Mackintosh, Oshawa "ot ts pool, Whitby 668-8560 2-door, hardtop, 140 floor CARGH iwo-bedroom apartment posses shift, tion September 1, Stevenson Road North x Two courteous Salesmen KEN MURRAY ED WELLMAN W etuma MOTORS LTD. Authorized Rambler Dealer Open Evenings till 10 00 Nonquon Rood 728-7351 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, --- OSHAWA Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 _ MORE CASH Paid '63 PONTIAC Lice. H38830 and Sts, owner, for Good clean cars. Heating System miles, offer "Honduras MOTOR SALES LTD, VOLKSWAGEN Sales ond Service New ond Used Con 334 Ritson Rd, § 723-346) Open Evenings 'excellent condition, clean Best offer, 137 Elgin Spotless, new | See this, make sans wishes to dining rent New Concept For Family Living |mo® WRN Iwobedrnom apariments 'SB Chev, Lic, 29221 |FouR. 'ROOM Unfurnished apariment, THREE-ROOM aperimen!, Private con Individual Patios 27--Rooms for | Rent | | fro | Rents " Call between 5 and 7 p.m, $2,495, Two furnished +f rooms to went separately.) LOCATION --- | leita', Call, 723-6183, Minister's vehicle, H MILLEN laeraiee: superior accommodation for gen: sion Street, '62 CHEV, BELAIR Mw | _723- 9421 NOW RENTING! fiveroom, . two-storey, |7120 * | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY -- to" wnioy 648-4014, PELESHOK deal up or down, Liens paid salon, Furniture and equipment for Street South, Whit johone 668-842" _| weekly, 49 Gladstone or 728-4890. | Across from Royal Hotel | NONQUON plate. _ Apply 5S Howard Street," Toni Ai en tor AJAX, ONT, needs attention, rent, Close to lad shepaine. "Centre MOTORS, 835 UP --" "All car paris. \light housekeeping room for employed! Ss RT S, spingie @ Featuring 1, 2 & 3 bed parking, Abstainer only. USED CAR LTD |USHD CAR PARTS, pines ys ated, for steadily: employed gentlemen. | $15 DOWN, $17.50 weekly buys @) Pontiac | r CLEAN large nousekdeping room in quiet| Cars bought and sold |Nicols Motors, 668-3331, @ Inter-Com FURNISHED ROOMS, clean and quiet Always top quality 1987 PLYMOUTH, tworlone red end white, @ Underground Parking lady, with kitchen privileges Telephone {top _Telephone 723-6757 [ives | CORVAIR Monza, In good condition, 728 4014 end, Parking privileges, Telephone 723: new tires. Good condition. 7: Saenl 1958 PONTIAC cedan, iene eer single beds, Five-day week, $15 weekly.) 1466 Oshawa Boulevard North. automatic, washers, --whitewalts, over Cromwell Avenue or telephone 728-6544 ROOM AND BREAKFAST (BOND ST.) CTD. una phone Whitby 668-2920 194 CHEVELLE, automatic, power diately. Telenhone 6a 323). Whitby nings atier 6 o'clock jenve COU RT Lunches packed, 297 Nassau Street | dition, $1,595, Phone 725.254 jAds, Telephone 723-3492 and get in touch! RESERVE NOW address lina ree Biscayne, Wal Telephone 25-04) 7 PONTIAC, 2 Bathrooms (in al! 2 and va8 PONT! GOOD HOME for working girl, withivette engine, custom interior. Will take intercom System days weekly, Parking, 8! Park Roadiseat, Wonderbar radio, good condition. 0 S H A W A worker welcome. 725-6727. Noor shift, duals, $200 and take over pay General Regair and ®-lExceptionally good body and paint, Best sey by September |. Near Corpus cnristt 723 6255 with lcondenser, New tuel pump Asking $900 WSS CONSUL, good running condition toed three children. $5 SINGLE, Pest 8,7 aounie, aaily, apec. weekly|Pos! Ottice Rox 16 "4S PONTIAC 'our-door hardion, > 196 AUSTIN Healey 3.000 white, blue In- oneness a pb 2 5.000 miles, Telephone 72S-ASRS Scylinder, Excelent Set ne MAPLE GROVE -- two-bedroom aparl-(home by young Dduxinesyman [ear 'as trade. Apply 97? Highland Avenue, with diack interior "Phone 725-7996 THREE-BEDROOM apariment, stove and | Nished «self. contained apartment with ote Telephone 74'S interior, Very clean inside and out $1,095} Apt, a Poe o0e4 wanted in vicinity of MCV! for Septem-liween 5.) a.m jwheels, etc. Will sell or trade for General couple preferred. Availadie Octoder or apartment for Neh school teacher | wee FORD, good condition Apply 390 '32--Trucks for Sale Tree furnished apartment, plus. Give ONE GENTLEMAN desires 'one Dedroom |*iton. One owner, Asking S800. Telephone tion, Telephone 728-40) ReGroom apartments available from ist contained apartment, < iy located. |/984 A:} Condition. Whitby 668-4517. Bvalladle Now, Gon"? wait, call Sipby's reeDedroom house with ares whitdy Oshawa's First Telephone 728-3 | ysl Bane : ; | TWO-BEOROOM fo" sublet MECHANIC'S CHOICE ! jeans ie) refrigerator and stove, swim Th )_fenced-in playground Children Your Pick heavy. wiring, semi-private, couple de earoom sired, child welcome, Whitby 668-2411 | $225. ! | veniences, Central location, immediate j}possession, One child welcome, $75 Full Basement we '64 CHEV, CONVERTIBLE Rumpus Room ATTRACTIVELY bir APayre $2,998 FURNISHED. ROOMS eh sts $130. per month 82 PARK RD. So convenient to. school '64 CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE Lic, 248134 Legies preferred, Second floor, share $2,295. Farewell and Poplar '62 FALCON [MARY STREET, north end, furnished | Heman, Telephone 725-0145, | '$2 FORD FAIRLANE 88 REAL ESTATE LTD. ts | FURNISHED ROOM for reni, close | to} | n Lic, H28647. A beautiful car | DODD MOTOR SALES FURNISHED," single room with treembedroom town houses, $110, month, WHF "Room tor rent, Suit one | ALL CASH. | | fve-room bungalow, one room complete SINGLE ROOM, new furniture; kilchen| NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED Owner leaving country, 2401031 _..| TWO turnished rooms, suiteble tor two ~STARR FURNISHED ROOM lor one or vn Whitby 668-3331 Wd CHAVY IT four-door six cylinder, | Telephone. 728-3690. TOWERS LTD. 942-6300 Courtice Auto Wreckers. 2 78 gentleman, Central, near Hospital and | To make rooms _ me psn a | ¢ One block from north GM. Parking, Tele-| 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST two-door hardtop, V-8, stlek on the floor, | @ Electrical home, central, suit gentleman, Telephone Leins poid off \\959 CHEVROLET, new balk @ Hi-Fi Radio jApply 831 Conant Street or call 729-9088. | io --keieiaeorand Bric ep |mechanically A-1. $300 or best offer. Reserve Now 7RV-S9SR after § _ cor four-speed transmission, nly equipped $700 1956 CHEVROLET 6 cylinder, standard (cylinder, excellent seneitien) $695, Can be OSHAWA Blair Park Plaza area, Whitby hata extras, Low mileage, good condition. 1940 PONTIAC Parisienne, ~ heey jlinder, | gentiemen. Day workers only, Avaliable|1958 DODGE V-8, radio, window wash.|WAlls, many other extras, best Multiple Listing Service ROOM AND BOARD. Gentlemen prefer. /1982 NASH sedan, with good motor, fires Drakes, whitewalls, 12,000 mites, excellent) iM AND BOARD. tleman, willing |1969 CHEVROLET Biscayne dear | eve WIDE: COVERAGE and at low cost! " 18 Tt . pm w m1 ep iwith @ courteous ad-writer LOCATED NEAR SOUTH 103 MILL STREET -- Single room and) WRECK 1956 Pontiac hardtop, good &/ board; alg double room to share, Close/ cylinder oe PY cis aoe and tires. ' 31--Compact | Cars for Sale AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT ROOM AND BOARD, for gentiomen, to] maroon, Original owner, ROOM and board, single beds, close to new tires, ext 3 bedroom suites) downtown. Good meals. Telephone 728-/East or 725-1 Elevators widow lady, Telephone 7236270. trade, Telephone 723-6390 after six H FM MUSIC ROOM and breakfast, lunches packed II Ld ata "OLOSMOBILE 98, four-door hardtop, | Broadioom Halls South. Private sale. $1,150 full price, Call Mike = a m= |Date, 9421020 days; 942-0805 evenings * VOLVO & PEUGOT ROOM AND BOARD in private home for * MERCEDES BENZ ane iments or will trade. Telephone 725-1864 | -- 7 TWO. Buick hardtop. & REALTY eee eee. ae a Ee | Ane tinne eins WANTED : cash offer, Telephone 725-5555 449 Ritson Rd. South (BOND ST.) LTD Mate chase n "9 PONTIAC Siraio Chiet, live practically SCHOOL PRINCIPAL requires Prefer possession get | Must seH, Bowmanville 623-9070, Ask tor ASKING S65. Prone 728-4906 der }, Telephone 725-9132 between 9 and Dale MeCavie 8) CORVAIR deluxe, padded das SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, Ma: Five = si % " = room apartment upstairs, One child wel my in Morn Oanawa. Five days er laaint, new whitewalts condition, Must sell, will finance. Tele rates. Small apartments avatianie, Aoard terior, Nardtop, overdrive, All extras. perked aig with) wile And two Sons, often, black viny! root, Biack trim, all! J national. Holtywond Motel and Restaur 1 = V2, arriving trom Britain Sen-| power and hydraviie en armen', expecial- Good_ condition, Telephone _ 723-4279 THREE. ROOM "apariwent, heavy duty raees bungalow, any area. Telepnone! wirlng, private dath; mature dusiness 728-78? Wad CHEVY 1h station" noon, White wlth /ONNET_ABpIY 106 Oshawa Bive, interior é cyl @ ) ALPINE, new convertible ment, heated. Available September 7, $75/SPaCe Or garage needed. Write Box 820, monthiy, Call after S p.m, Bowmanvilie|Oshawa Times js UAPALA Chevrolet, two door hard: |1%) CORVAIR, whitewails, back -- up| trig, Grapes, intercom, FM, music, con. Parking space. Telephone Toronto $33: oF best offer, 725-8905 is trotied entrance. Laundry facitities Aqyit/4540 or write Box 622 Oshawa Times ee ee eee ppnnlcac lk oy Boy WEF AUSTIN Weal Cormatia: poner wramn MODERN four-room apartment, bdullhin Der. Please contact D. Anderson, 137) Motors car, Telephone 725 7500 after 5. stove, refrigerator, laundry. facilities, Bridge East, Beltevitie tees: ec > a Neel ag AUSTIN Healy Telephone 72 male. Possession September, Telephone |Mary Street, 7Da-a99s RETIRED minister and wile require lady Sudbury 6744113 or write Box 22 Onnawalieg) CHEVROLET tourdoor sedan: yadls, Santer as reference. Write Box Si apartment, private path. Telephone 725: /725-8578 WH CHEVROLET Ws ton pickup, good Owhawa Times Rs | PONTIAC Pariienne "Sonvertibie, running order. S80. Teleohone 725-046) September, stove, refrigerator, peal, hot + Sap voR-4ass en cold water, Sydre ard Grapes sup : soc eae ta] Powrinc eae -- sagan Real Estate Lea, e757. Residential area in Oshawa, As Men as 2. - Possible, Telephone 728-5033 after Spm. lisse CHEVROLET station , Sas ONE BEDROOM dasement apartment reo negate te ee ~itan be seen af 6B Wayne Street Apt '| HOMES os |Children welcome, Telephone 297904, | '59 Chev, Lic' 93386) Waleane Telephone 728-3465. evenings 7 to 9 Homes '59 Pontiac, Lic. H255262 monthly, Telephone 725-6304 evenings Refrig, - Stove - Dryer Available in private home, CONVERTIBLE shopping, h, Centrally located, near bus and hos) F f fN Lic, 212453. One gf Information. <3 droom, quiet home, two bathrooms, SINGLE rooms and voard, Apply #5 Divi- | Lic, H253 Shopping Centre, Apply 368 Pine Avenue 728-1679 reas 314 PARK RD, SOUTH kitchen; Lady preferred, Telephone | | J Norris, Realtor, Alax 7942-9364 : 7 | For clean cars or trucks, We | 'y furnished for ladies' hairdressing | privileges, Single aye only, 1216 Broek 146 BROCK ST. NORTH couple, | antral location, $$ 26--Apartment for Rent Wauilt, @ Slasiana | jentiemen, private entrance, Close te Du: MOTORS 8 Mg 155 CHEVROLET, FUR light automatic, One owner, Telephone 723-9817. BLOIN ST GAST, 12 -- Furnished Northend Location ~ ~ $238, © nights 725-4404, jNorth General Motors, $8 weekly, No KELLY DISNEY Bloor Street! LT @ Reinforced Concrete Sound SINGLE furnished rooms, newly deoer phone 728-6497 WHITBY ~~ 668-5891 jalso dual exhaust, Cash, trade or terms at @ Broadloom 723-975 Trade up or down tires, $180 cash, 166 Windsor a @ Balconies mo' |RURNISHED "ROOM, suitable #\foursspeed transmission, two-door hard. | Phone 728-2336 Phone 728-9466 FURNISHED clean, quiet rooms. | in, 6 cylinde: 4,000 Telephone 723-7559 atter § ONE of two girls to share bedroom, | transmission, good condition, $125, Apply|fnanced, Telephone 723-4490 Ns. |i RAMOLER American, tours @ oor | shit, best offer. Call' Erik Velistus, iu) 28--Room and Board REALTY for three| Phone 723-2328 after $ p.m automatic, radio, padded | dash, THMHVedTATety.--Centrat,--TFelephene--Whithy:--ers,--elean--condition--$495--or--offer, Tele-| Telephone 725-2549 MALA GLEN red, Centrally located, Available imme |and radio, $150, Telephone 728-1804 boa oa Call 725-8485 or apply S87 Digby) 00 ret » four - door to share; single beds; sevenday week,| sedan, 6 cylinder, aged excellent con: jis what you ge? with Times Action Want GENERAL MOTORS PLANT -- tq South 'General: Motors. Apply ebovel Telephone 728-0 are, lunches packed, six-day week, cen /Telephone 728-0268 after $ p.m 1, 2 ond 3 Bedrooms . f 203? 1953 CHEVROLET, customized, '9 Cor Balconies desired, For clean quiet gentiomen, five-/all power equipped, electric windows and 7 798-9466 one gentleman. Lunches packed, Snitt/ 1963 PARISIENNE hardtop, buckel seats JAKE AND BILL'S GARAGE tt erhauled, Mechanicall Al] eee cently overhay' echanicaily } Oshawa 728-0921 After Hours Cal! Wor Ot brand new tires, new plugs, points and Vee Dedroom house ' temily ROOM AND BOARD wanted by "gentio:|ipga VAUXHALL Cresta, matic transmission, washers, punt AY Amy ma Me tome, $85, Phone 723-20. Phone T2018) betore $ er writelonur" ye vege shone 725-84ad at Ww y : " tbe ii Bend requires Wwoshree DedroOm liv "suited tor trailer hauling, Less than {10 VAURNALL Cresta, Standard shit, ady preferred Triephone VEDI. ROOM AND BOARD wanted in Christian] req yaa pincer witt 'accept older General Motors top, hard top, radio, white walls, green WOMAN TEACHER requires modern tur » GOOF Condition. Private, $590 or best lights, washers, ermine white with dlue| » critoren Apply 29) Marland AVeRUe, SELE.CONTAINED bachelor apartmentiover payments. Telephone 7280504 be. Excellent dody, hard and soft tops, wire /3380, Tet ' Os» 'awa Shonping Centre, Busines: waNTED furnished, one bedroom bache. Sen hatin re Street, | Port Perry. to care for private home, no cooking, Tires standard, Very low milea MILL STREET at Simcoe Sires! Two COUPLE wilh one child requires seit |Radio, power steering. Completely orte piled, $220. a month up. Only a few SCHOOL INSPECTOR ights; etter. Tor | Close to South General Motors, Avaliadle RELIABLE, Cathonc family te board two. ae BIRTHS KIRK -- Tom and Carol (nee Young)! children, ages ) and 10 «nonths. Most have inal CHEVROLET convertidie wth ut la aya Nn = -- ig ws - ~ > Yor WP Transm sit " , TWO-REDROGM aparimem, clove te ee ene SEE Raroend Ireneentesion, 'pos ' ection, nenday, August 25, 1965, at the Oshawa Gown Town, Hmediate poxvession. Heavy |* "ey Ser jTetephene PRa-yose Generali Hospital, A brother for girls tety wiring; TY outlet; washing tacit |NEEDED by Sepremder veer mm Kim, Kerri and Kelly wh; Share Dath: One or two ohildren/house near school, with or without option {1958 FORD Victoria harditon, twodoor, ex wetcorme: S75. renthty, FOAO)S, after 5./)0 . 15 mile radies Oshawa. Port Perry, cellent body mmechanicaity a.) Many --_-- _ 772. } " aes u . ther 7. eb GROUND FLOOR Apartment. three SOS 7777._ sa ma sunperch, Steve and reirig. TWO. or Preeqgedraom haove wanted, | 7°" erator. 1 . Prpart pac u of with garagn, dy reflanie famity with Ney bt CHEVROLET conc, 6 wae: chiltiren. Near school. $85 ts $100 montnty./stantard shih, Best offer. Evenings. Adstainers. 7R-E? tween 6 end 7.30, telephone 728-712), Sep rember Telepnone 773 ree }% Dr, Becket? end fourth floor steft WILSON Nancy. = announce he arrival at a brother, Stewe cylinder, William, on August TS, 1845 Proud par de jents are Bernice and Laverne. Thanks to Dr, 4, ©, Anderson and fourth floor steft,! Kenaeth and Linda AAAS | | Trade up or down, Liens paid | |}95) CHEVROLET, six cylinder, stick. | mC | ; Apply 64 Queens Good con. |VOLRESWAGEN VAN ee "W good condi: Stroet, Oshawa, or affer this day, August 24, 1965, anyone without my written consent * Bert M. Mackintos 37---Auctions Auction Sale of HIGH CLASS ANTIQUE FURNITURE, the property of the lote LOUELLA B. MOWBRAY, 57 Mill St. BROOKLIN on SAT,, AUG, 28th. Terms cash, Sale at 12:00 noon sharp. Aue tioneers Ted Ted Spencely, Port Perry and Jackson, peice |38--Coming Events OSHAWA JAYCEES Monster BINGO EVERY THURSDAY 20 GAMES AT $20 --_// 5 GAMES AT $30 1 -- $150 JACKPOT $20 PER LINE PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD 2 --- $250 JACKPOTS Regulor games pay double in 17 Nos. or less, | JACKPOT NOS, 52 - $10 PER LINE PLUS Gane PER FULL CARD IN 50 AND 55 NUMBERS. THIS WEEK PLUS $25 CONSOLATION PRIZE, $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES EARLY BIRD GAME EXTRA PRIZES $50 in Door Prizes $1.00 ADMISSION JUBILEE PAVILION Direct bus service to 4 Corners CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED HOLY CROSS BING Every Friday 7\45 $600. IN PRIZE $150, in 56 Nos. $20 Consolatior $10 each Horizontal \Line $200. in 57 Nos. $20 Consolation CHOCOLATES .FOR DOOR PRIZES Free Admission----Good Parking No Children Please SUNNYSIDE PARK BINGO TONIGHT 20 games at $20, 5 games eat $30 $150 Jackpot 2 --- $250 Jockpots NUMBERS 51 and 56 Early Bird Game RED BARN Children under 16 not admitted iron and metals Franmis- 'e our only business, 1038 Simece! Fair! Alex Williams) Call collect Uxbridgelang many a time we ae 'longed tor mul will not be responsible for any debts contracted in. my name, on by DEATHS Swim Star MATTHEWS, Michael pnneres into rest in the Oshawa General | 1a) on Wednesday, ge fl 25, Har' Michael Matthews, Mary Andruszkiw, in his ms Myo eae ing at the Armstrong Funeral awa, with mass in St, George's Piaeiihes Greek Catholic Church Friday, August 27 at 9.30 a.m, Interment Resurrection be @lery. (Prayers will be -- al Funeral Home Thursday, @ p.m. MOSIENKO, Pavi Entered into rest in the Lindsay Mamor- jal Hospital, on Wednesday, August 25, 1965, Paul Mosienko, beloved huspand of Lukasia Ananin, father of Mrs, Ted Sheluck (Helen), Sacramento, California, Mrs, Dupack (Nellie), Toronto, Miss Mosienko of Blackwater and Paul Mosienko of Oshawa, brother - of Joseph, Port Perry; in. his 76th year, id, pontine a! the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with funeral service in Ritson Road Baptist! Church Saturday, August 28, at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Ceme- ery, Oshawa, IN MEMORIAM | EVERITT -- in toving memory of dear husband, James Everitt, who passed away August 26, 1962. To me his name will ever. be The key that unlocks memory--- Of a' dear one gone -- but cherished rs) The beloved face I'll never forget, Ever remembered by wife Isobel, EVERITT ~ In -everiasting memory of 4 dear dad and grandfather, James Everitt, who passed away August 26, 1962, Dad, we offen sit and yo of vou, And speak of how you f° you | And many a tim | Your tired eyes a leaping | Two willing nara are stil have erfed; Is resting in God's will, You never said good-bye to us, Perhaps_it's just as well We never could have sald good-bye 1 To one we loved so well, | But when we look and see you gone-- \t really breaks our hearts; So you who have a Dad, Cherish him with care For you will never know the heartache Till you see his vacant chair Lovingly remembered and never for- gotten, by daughters, sons and grandchil- dren | FERGUSON -- In loving memory of a dear dad, who pessed away August 26, 1959. | Momories are like threads of gold, | They never tarnish or grow old; And when old times we do recall, | That's when we miss him most of all, Lovingly remembered by son Don and daughter-in-law Joan, FERGUSON ~ in loving memory of a dear brother, Elmer Ferguson, who pass- Od away August 26, 1959. Brother, you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more, Still in memory you are with us As you always were before Sadly missed and aver remembered by sister Isabel, and brother-in-law Bert, and family. FERGUSON -- In memory of Elmer Kerouson, who passed away August 26, | And while he lies in peaceful sivep His memory | will always keep, Ever remembered hy Ivy, PEARN -- In loving memory of Hay Pearn, who passed away August 26, Gone is the face we loved so dear, | Silent the voice we loved to hear, Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thoughts to reach, nee to remember him who once wa: ere, whe, tho' absent, is just as dear mb remembered by Doreen, Ted and PEARN -- In loving memory of Wil- jaan Sydney Pearn, who died August 26, Sadly, dear Bill, amid fast falling tears, We recall happy memories yesteryears, When your presence so dear, Your bright shining smile, Were blessings untold, making life worthwhile Then, alas, too soon came that sad, tragic fay, in the power of your youth, God called you away Never forgotten, while lonely years fly, Our hope is to meet you in the sweet (les, bye and bye Sadly missed by Mom and Dad, TYRRELL -- In loving memory of mother, Catherine Rachel, August 31, 196) and father, Henry, passed away August 26, 1963, Your presence is ever near us, | Your love remains with us yet, You were the kind of parents Your loved ones will never forget |Govingly remembered by their family. WEEKS -~ In loving memory of a dear |Davaiillo, Cleve, mother and father, Charles T, Weeks, Lily K, Roblin, who passed away Sector ber 13, 1956 and August 26, 1957 Have gone to another land, But we're not sad, because we know They're walking hand in hand. Sadly missed and ever remembered by sons, daughters and grandchildren. For a Oad who worked so hard for us, H | of glad The two people that we loved the most sees Is Favorite. : At Tel Aviv By MURRAY ROSE TEL AVIV (AP)--Cathy Cole, a 14-year-old water sprite from Florida, figures to go from the silver to the gold standard to- ofiday in the seventh Maccabiah games, Little Cathy, who looks as if she would be swallowed up by the first big wave off her Miami Beach home, has bagged three silver medals in swimming in the first two days of the Games, 'known as the Jewish Olympics. "The five-foot-one, 99 - pound "high school sophomore earned ing second to another Amer- ican, Olympic silver medallist Marilyn Ramenofsky, in the 400-metre freestyle final Wed- nesday, Today Cathy is a virtual cinch to get a gold medal as the leading member of the heavily-favored American 400+ metre freestyle relay team. BEATS CANADA The United States, dominat- jing the Games as expected, took a big step toward basket- jball honors Wednesday by lcrushing Canada 107-59. | The |Canadians, dropping their first lgame after beating Venezuela, kept it fairly close in the first jhalf. They trailed 44-31 at half- time, | Top scorers were Tal Brody |with 18 points for the winners and Hersh Cohen of Toronto with 14 for Canada, Track and field opens in the 60,000-seat Ramat Gan Stadium |today, turning Tel Aviv and its |Suburbs into a sports complex with activity going on in 17 dif- ferent Sports, BASEBALL LEADERS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS National League AB RH Pet, 472 73 161 .341 449 95 146 .325 422 87 135 .320 520 98 166 .319 Clemente, Pitts Aaron, Mil, |Mays, S.F, Rose, Cincel, m) |Clendenon, Pitts, 492 73 154 .313 Ruvs -- Harper, Cincinnati, 103; Aaron, 95. Runs Batted In--Johnson, Cin- cinnati, 97; Banks, Chicago, and Mathews, Milwaukee, 86. Ware -- Rose, 166; Clemente, Doubles -- Williams, Chicago, m4 Aaron and Brock, St, Louis, Triples -- Callison, Philadel: | , 16; Clemente, 14, | Home Runs--Mays, 38; Math- jews and McCovey, San Fran- cisco, 29, Stolen Bases--Wills, geles, 80; Brock, 52, Pitching--Koufax, 21-5, .808; Nuxhall, Cincin- hnati, 10-3, .769, Strikeouts--Koufax, 206; Gib- f son, St. Louis, 217, Los An- Los Ange- | passed away Edward) American League | AB R H Pet, 365 62 119 .326 403 57 128 .318 508 95 158 .311 407 50 122 .300 Kaline, Det 344 63 103 .299 Runs -- Versalles, Minnesota, 101; Oliva, 95, Runs Batted In -- Colavito, Cleveland, 85; Horton, Detroit and Mantilla, Boston, &4, Hits--Oliva, 158; Campaneris, Kansas City, 140, |Yastrz'ski, Bas, |Robinson, Rall, |Oliva, Minn, CARD OF THANKS|y Doubles -- Yastrzemski, ersalles, 39; GIRARD -- The family of the late Mr, | Jonn W, Girard would like to express their sincere tanks for the many acts| of kindness and messages of sympathy. fram friends, neighbors and relatives dur- zing their recent bereavement in the loss of a loved one, A special thanks to Rev. Brooks, General Motors and Armstrong Funeral Home JORDAN -- We ere thanks | and Shaw, Or, Gillen, wish to express sin: appreciation to: Dr. Moffat, anti neighbors who were so kind to us! curing our recent bereavement and also to thank them for the beautiful floral offerings Rev. 'Simcoe' Wins 'At Greenwood TORONTO (CP)--Simcoe, a fast stepping two-year-old trot: ter owned by Ontario's Lieuten- ant-Governor Earl Rowe, with a rush in the final furlong) to score 'a half-length victory in the $5,691 Canadian Standard- DEATHS bred Horse Society's Futurity at Greenwood Raceway Wednes-) day night KERR, Norris M AY Ll August? 2S, 1845, Norris ton Kerr, 1) Heywood Avenue, St arines. Cat of Toronto and Mrs. Heroert Wilson of Oshawa; in his 60th year ime at the Buller Funeral Chapel, Duke Street, St. Catharines. Service wi be held in the noon at | o'clock. Interment place in Pleasant View Gardens Memori Kindness beyond Price, within: reach of all GERROW yet FUNERAL CHAPEL) 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements floral arrangements fo "occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 and all zatio with the Everlasting Memorio is almost possible A special thanks MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER that we supply and install Please call MOUNT LAW? MEMORIAL. PARK 723-2633 the St. Catharines General rasctigd hg two-fifths of a it Reloved husband of Mabe! Colon by Kerr and dear brother of Sylvester Kerr) (Alma) Rest favorite for ave! on Saturday after wil takeifrom Collingwood won the 'sec- the mile was 2:11, second off the) ». two-year-old trotting mark set Armbro Flight in the 1964) futurity, Armbro Flight is co- this. year's edition! fof the Hambletonian. Russ Irwin's Roselawn Bay Time for wnt "ond race to complete a $23.90 idaily double. Que, (CP) owned by G. Aiken, D and J. Janes of Ont., and driven by Stan Williams, won the $400 fea- jture race at Connaught Park Raceway Wednesday night The six-year-old brown: horse! pasily won the one-mile pace in 2:10, paying $3.50, $3.20 and $3.10. It was the horse's fifth win--all at Connaught Park-- out of 17 starts' this season, bringing its total earnings this} year to more than $1,700 HULI Duke, Brackenbury Talbotville, -- Direct Want a cottage? On a lake or stream? Crown land is avail- able in resort areas. For infor- mation wrne ' thre near est district office of the De- partment of Lands and Forests, . visit Mrs, J. Girard and family.) came} 1 Telplonted iia aricio, Baltimore, 10, Home Runs--Horton, 26; Co- de and Conigliaro, Boston, 11;__Ap- ane Bases -- Campaneris, 46; Cardenal, Los Angeles, 35. 'R. Turcotte Weds, Brother Noel Wins FORT ERIE, Ont. (CP)-- ~ | Wednesday, Aug, 25, will be a jday the Turcotte brothers will jremember for the rest of their lives, While Ron, one of North America's leading riders and twice Canada's national jockey chen, was saying his wedding ws in Grand Falls, N.B., |Noel, his younger brother, was | winning the first stakes race of friends | | jhis young career Riding Ciboulette, owned by J. Louus Levesque of Montreal, | Noel won Fort Erie's $12,295 {Duchess Stakes. Although an apprentice jockey, Noel is one of Canada's 'itop riders and currently 'leads |the jockey standings at Fort Erie with 43 victories. The 29- year-old rider had never before \been in the winner's enclosure on a stakes winner. Junonia was second and Green Goddess third. Victory in the Duchess was worth $7,225 and boosted Cibou- lette's earnings this season to )$13,852. The filly's backers jearned an cross-the-board pay- off of $15.20, $7130 and $4.10. Aug. 25 will be a day appren- tice Ted Kornblum won't forget, either. The 20-year-old Mohawk Indian from Belleville rode the first winner of his. 10-mount ca- reer when he took the fourth jrace aboard Windfields Farm's | Victory Chant | 'K GORM' | FORT ERIE, Ont. (CP) -- \King Gorm, a six-year-old horse with Hugo Dittfach aboard, won 'his first race of the season Mon- day by edging Tie Pilot at the wire in the featured sixth race. King Gorm combined with Tie Pilot to return $66.80 in the quinella, He paid $15.40, $6.89 'and $3.40, her third silver medal by finish-_ Shier certian

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