Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Aug 1965, p. 14

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* THE MARRIAGE of Vic- foria Pollock and Garnet Wesley Blakley was solem- nized in B Avenue Pen- tecostal ch, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A, G. Pollock of To- ronto and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs, Johnston Blakley of Warsaw, Ontario, and the late Mr. Blakley. Ireland Studio WEDDING ALBUM Arecord for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Blakley-Pollock Byng Avenue Pentecostal Oshawa, was the setting for the marriage of Victoria Pollock, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Pollock of Toronto, to Garnet Wesley Blakley, son of Mrs. Johnston Blakley of War- saw, Ontario, and the late Mr. Blakley. The Reverend George Carroll officiated. The bride wore a two « piece euit of emerald green lace over $Gtin and a corsage of red roses. wThe chapel of Simcoe Street ited Church was the setting t Friday evening for the can- -light wedding of Miss Carol Elaine Reid, Oshawa, to Mr. Bee Daniel Sturman of Sea- grave, Ontario. The bride is th daughter of Mr. and = Mrs George Edward Reid of Osh She was attended by the bride- groom's sister, Miss Joy Blake) ley, wearing a pink sheath and a corsage of white and pink car- nations. Mr. Murray Blakley was his brother's best man. A reception followed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Blakley. The couple left for a honey-| moon in the western provinces) and will reside in Oshawa on their return. é Sturman-Reid awa and the bridegroom is the | son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wil- fred Sturman, Seagrave. The Reverend J. K. Moffat conducted the ceremony and @ Mr. Reginald Geen provided » the wedding music. Given in marriage by her ; father, the bride wore a full- length gown of silk organza over taffeta with an overskirt edged with Chantilly lace. The § fitted bodice feat a semi- bateau, scalloped neckline and lily-point sleeves of lace. The bouffant skirt swept into a graceful_chapel train of silk and organza with an edging of the same lace. Small rosettes of silk organza and pearlized stamens held her shoulder-length veil of French tulle illusion and she carried a cascade bouquet of pink Sensation roses, stephan- otis and ivy. Miss Gloria Hallowell was maid of honor and Miss Jean Sturman, bridesmaid. They were dressed alike in aqua or- ganza, street-length dresses fea- turing bell-shaped skirts and floral headdresses to match their gowns. They carried nose- gays of Pink Delight roses, ste- phanotis and sweet peas. The flower girl was Miss Cathy Reid, dressed in pink eyelet organza with a deep pink sash and carrying a basket of pink and white Sweetheart roses and wearing the same flowers on her hair. Mr. Frank Cruikshank of Oshawa was the best man and the ushers were Mr. George Reid and Mr. Leslie Sturman. MRS. LEE D. STURMAN A reception was held at the Kinsmen Community Centre where the bride's mother re- ceived wearing a pale pink en- semble with navy blue acces- sories and a corsage of pink roses. The bridegroom's moth- er chose a rose-colored ensem- ble with white accessories and a corsage of pink and. white roses. As the couple left on their honeymoon trip to Vancouver, B.C., the bride was wearing a navy blue suit, matching hat with white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Sturman will return to reside in Seagrave. . HANDSOME Herbert Levine designed this smart new pump to eomplemeagt suits, coats and dresses. The shoe is of taupe calfskin and is structured with a 1% heel and decor- ahi BOOS ated with a flat, stitched calf buckle which features a velvet insert. It is pictured worn with textured stock- ings. --By Tracy Adrian A j and Mr, James Anstey gave the | Does 'Take 1 Cup' | lig a tablespoon, Surpiise Party For Whitby Pair At the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Anstey, Euclid street, Whitby, on Saturday eresing,, § surprise party was held for Mr, Mrs, Jack Annan, Palace street, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 25, 1965 SOCIAL NOTICES | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs, Howard John Magee, Coboconk, announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Ella Jane, to Mr. Robert Bruce Stacey, son of Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Stacey, Oshawa, The ceremony Is to take place on Saturday, Sep- Miss Lois Sleightholm pinned a corsage on her sister and a ere on Mr. Annan. Mr. Charles Mesher showed some slides of Waites taken| from pictures of the 1909 period, the horse and buggy ays when there were no automobiles on the streets. See A mock we was per formed. Mr,-Mesher, acting as the bride, wore a red wig, a white dress and veil and car- ried a bridal bouquet of carrots, Mrs. Mesher acted as the bride- groom. Mrs. Anstey performed, a comical wedding cereniony bride away. The Beatle music in the background was lost in the laughter, Pictures were taken and Mr. and Mrs, Mesher presented the honored pair with a decorative glass dish on behalf of the guests, Following a chicken dinner, Mr. and Mrs, Annan cut the an- niversary cake. HOUSEHOLD HINT When you bake apples, fill the holes with whole eranberry sauce, Flavors of both fruits are improved when blended this PLAN EARLY FALL WEDDING 1965, The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Puckrin and the prospective bridegroom is and Mrs, Clarence Sleep, all of Miss Barbara Edna Puck- rin will become the bride of Mr. James Donald Sleep in a ceremony to be held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Whitby, at 3.00 p.m. the son of Mr, way. on Saturday, September 25, Whitby, tember 18, 1065 at 3,00 p.m, in Pioneer Baptist Church, Nor- land, FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs, C, Thomas Puckrin wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Barbara Edna, to Mr. James Donald Sleep, son of Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Sleep, all of 25, 1965 at 3.00 p.m, in St, An- drew's Presbyterian Church, ihitby, | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage is announced of Gloria Jean, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Brockman, Oshawa, to James Steven Dimitroff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kozaroff, Brooklin, The ceremony is to take place on Sunday, Septem: ber 19, 1965 at 3.00 p.m. in St. George's Macedono - Bulgarian Church, Toronto. | MARRIAGE The marriage of Ferne Eliza-| beth, daughter of Mrs. Norman! James Mutch of Calgary, Al-| berta, and the late Mr, Mutch,/ Mr, and Mrs. William Seatter- good, RR 4, Oshawa, have re- turned from a five-week vaca- tion in England visiting relatives in London, the Home Counties and the Midlands. Lieutenant Colonel W. C, Paynter and Mrs. Paynter will spend the weekend in Kingston, Ontario, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Colonel Paynter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Paynter, who are holding open house at their resi- dence 523 Brock street, on Sun- day, August 29. A family din- ner party is planned for Satur- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Paynter's three sons and their wives attending. Miss Dawn Coulter who has been: serving with the Depart- ment of External Affairs in Monte Video, Uruguay, South America is at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Coulter, Kluane street, after an| absence of three years. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chap- man spent last week at Water- loo University where they par- ticipated in an advanced direct- ing course in theatre, conducted by Dr. Robert Schneideman of North-Western University, Chi- cago. The seminar was held in St. Paul's College and Ontario Drama League was represented by students from Hamilton, Lon- don, Sarnia, Cornwall, Sudbury as well as Oshawa. Mean 8 or 10 Ozs. WELLINGTON, N-Z: (CP)=A disillusioning experience which befalls every New Zealand housewife sooner or later is to prepare a simply gorgeous cake, cookie, or other delicacy from a North American recipe --and produce an utter disaster. One reason is the drastically different character of the in- gredients. Flour, for instance, varies in texture, quality and cooking characteristics, Butter and sugar differ in some re- spects. Flavorings are often un- like the American counterparts and presented in different form. Another major reason North American recipes go astray is the difference in measures. And on this point at least New Zea- land is seeking to get a stand- ard ruling. Difference in measures dis- turbs the school of home sci- ence, the Plunket Society (which caters for the welfare of infants), manufacturers, hospi- tals, government departments and other agencies as well as housewives. The department of agricul- ture, which publishes many recipes in its advice to far-) mers, housewives and the gen-| eral public, has asked the stand- ards institute to give a ruling on how much a cupful is. SIES DIFFER The British imperial pint is 20 fluid ounces the American pint 16 ounces, Cups made to hold half a pint might be based on either the American stand- ard or the British one. Tests show that many kitchen cups do not conform to either basis. The New Zealand Weights and Measures Act defines a pint as 20 ounces, but makes no men- tion of the volume of a cup. Most housewives tend to take a cup as half a British pint. But the school of home sci- ence and cookery instructors of the department of -agriculture calculates a cup as holding eight ounces, conforming to American measure. The Standards Institute has been asked to sort out the con- fusion. And when. it has done so, an- other little job lies ahead. In both British and American measure, 16 tablespoons go to the cup. But as cups are of dif- SOCIAL & PERSONAL pix Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department erne Hill, London, is visiting Frederick Lloyd, King jher brother, Mr. Lloyd and Mrs. street east, | At the Glover-Mutch wedding Th last Saturday, the bride, the vie See and former Ferne Elizabeth Mutch was attended by Miss Joanne} Mrs. Mrs. Hugh Gillard entertained to Robert Allan Glover, son of| Harold Honeybun of|Mr. and Mrs, Leonard G, Glov- er, of Oshawa, took place on Saturday, August 21, 1065, in Kingsway Lambton United Church, Etobicoke, with the) |Reverend John F, McKay offi ciating. | | RECEPTION Mr, and Mrs, John Scollard of} at a miscellaneous shower for|Standen of Toronto and Mr.| Brantford will be happy to re-| Miss Ruth Lloyd prior to her|Gordon Sutter acted as_best|ceive their relatives and friends marriage last Saturday to Mr.|man. A reception was held at|at the home of their daughter, | |The Old Mill for immediate| Mrs, Gordon Murphy, 107 Sen- Donald Cooper, Mrs, Donald members of the family including|eca drive, Ancaster, Ontario, on| Arnold and her daughter, Mrs./Mr, and Mrs, Leo G. Glover,| Saturday, August 28, 1965, from) Robert Barton, held a garden| parents of the bridegroom, Miss|7,00 p.m, to 10.00 p.m. on the) tea at which a presentation was| Gail Glover and Mr. and Mrs.|occasion of their 40th wedding) made to the bride-elect. |Ross Glover, all of Oshawa. anniversary. Why your child's slippers should fit just as well as his shoes Properly fitting shoes are important for growing feet. But every day your child spends many hours in slippers. So their fit is impor- tant, too. Foamtread slippers come in proper sizes 80 they start by fitting right. And they keep their fit indefinitely. An unbreakable heel counter holds the foot snugly inside the slipper. 'The heels don't wear down. And the smooth leather outsoles give safe, sure footing without marking floors. Foamtreads are completely washable too. So don't stop half-way: give your child every chance to develop strong, healthy feet by making sure his slippers fit just as well as his shoes. P.S. When you buy their shoes for back to school, make them Packards. SLEEPYTIME-- $2.98 Rannireacts || Kaufman Footwear Lid., Montreal, -Kitchener WW FOAMTREADS CAN BE PURCHASED AT THESE FINE STORES: W AGNEW SURPASS SHOE STORE Whitby, Ont. 668-3412 AGNEW SURPASS SHOE STORES Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-6671 Downtown 723-7411 BURNS SHOES 1 King Street West OSHAWA Phone 725-4611 For The Perfect Fit COLLINS SHOES 119 Brock St. South, Whitby Open Friday 'til 9 P.M..668-3476 DAVIDSON SHOE STORE (Oshawa) Lid. 31 Simcoe St. North 725-3312 MODEL SHOE STORE ferent size, tablespoons must: be also. So the logical next step is! to give a ruling on how large| i 55 King St. E. ' 725-1521 IT BEGINS WITH A-GO-GO FASHIONS SO SURPRISINGLY PRICED! / Fashions with verve that ou'll find at the store hat thinks young! All the latest, lively looks... the clothes with dash that today's swingin ounger generation love to live In. And Just take a peek at our low prices! Bright you are when you shop for "Back-To-School"' \ wardrobes at Walker's. ab DOUBLE-BREASTED WOOL JUMPER -- With brass buttons marching down its front. V-neckline and all-around box pleats. Matching belt. Red, royal, green. A "Young At Heart" original. 7-14 Only...... 6098 Also available in sizes 4-6X. 4.98 TURBO ORLON® PULLOVER -- Lycra® elastic turtle neck. Long sleeves. White, red, blue. A "Zephyr design. 8-14. Regular 3.98 School Special!..... .. 2.98 Also available in sizes 4-6X. 2.98 od. PINWALE CORDUROY PULL- OVER -- V-neck with contrastin removable dickey. Stretch Lycra Sees genes een teers vis ves con Trusted cathe and waist- band. Red, electric blue, black, gold. By "Style Guild". 8-18. .. 3.98 CORDUROY PANTS -- In medium wale, Continental front styling with half boxer waist and belt Slim tapered legs. Kasha lined for extra warmth. Four pockets. Machine es ayy ae charcoal. Tailored by "Peerless Tex- tiles". 7-12. Only........ 498 e THE RUFFLED BLOUSE--Acas- cade of ruffles adorns this Swiss embroidered front. Ruffle and collar edged with lace. Pearly buttons. %4 length sleeves. Chalk white. By "Claudette". 7-14, Only 2.98 f THE CINCHER LOOK tweed box pleated skirt with narrowin- verted pleats. Button trim at its solid color cinch waist. Brown tweed, blue tweed. A "Young At Heart" Design. 7-14. Only O98 Also available in sizes 4-6X. 2.98 Wool gh POLO SHIRTS -- Long sleeved cotton knits, Assorted stripes and fancy patterns. Ri collar styles, Variety of scholar-bright colors. By "Kute Knit". 4-6X. School Special!,........ 47 PINWALE CORDUROY PANTS = se lined. a ae 0 boy-dee ets. Navy, brown, PRitowiek™ charcoal, B owic! Gat Only'... rs Re j 2-PIECE JUMPER SET -- Wide wale corduroy A-line -- studded with brass buttons. Two t . ets, Novelty Oxford cotton printed blouse. at manhes blue, camel. Created by "Majdell". 4-6X. .. 4.98 be ce eeceeeeees @Rog'd. TM, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Daily Open to 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday

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