Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Aug 1965, p. 2

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Ratha eames. eaagoter 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, August 23, 1968 WEATHER FORECAST | 'Sunny Days In Prospect, 'Settled' Period In Sou TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts)St. Thomas....... 48 7" issued at 5:30 a.m, EDT: 40 Synopsis: A large high pres- gure area centred west of the Great Lakes is expected to drift eastward during the next 48 'hours, bringing settled weather to southern Ontario. A weak 'low pressure system: centred in northeastern Saskatchewan is expected to move toward Lake 'Superior, bri.ging some show- ers to that area on Tuesday. \ "Regional forecasts valid until) 'midnight Tuesday; ; Lake St. Clair, Wimdsor: 'Sunny with a few cloudy pe- riods and cooler today and Tuesday, Wind. becoming light variable tonight and Tuesday. Lake Erie, Niagai'a, Lake On- tario, Lake Huron, Georgian Bay, Killaloe, Haliburton, Lon-/Kingston don, Toronto, Hamilton: Sunny) with a few cloudy periods today Observed Temperatures and Tuesday, Winds becoming|Low overnight, high Sunday: light variable tonight and Tues-/Dawson ....ss00, 48 78 day. Victoria ....6 Timagami, Algoma, North Edmonton . Bay, Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury:|Regina .... Sunny with cloudy periods, to-|Winnipeg .. day and Tuesday, continuing|/@hurchill . cool, Winds. becoming light and|Lakehead variable tonight and Tuesday. White River.. Kitchener ... Mount Forest.. St. Catharines... Toronto Peterborough «++. Trenton soscsovees seeeeereee seeeteebes Sault Ste. Marie.. Kapuskasing «+s. White River.sssse Timmins see eeeeee age i INFLIGHT EXERCISE -- This cutaway drawing of the Gemini-5 spacecraft shows one of the astronauts exer- cising with an elastie bun- gee cord to overcome the deteriorating effects of weightlessness, Both Com- mand Pilot L, Gordon Coop- er Jr, and pilot Charles Con- rad Jr. will exercise with the cord' four times a day. Doctors said the 60-pound pull on the cord is an effort * white River, Cochrane; Clear Kapuskasing seeeeeenee FUEL CELL GAINS STRENGTH Unexplainable Surprise, But Pleasant At Houston By JOHN BARBOUR HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)--For the men who watch the hourly fortunes of Gemini 5, it was an | unexplainable but pleasant sur- to. make the 'heart work harder in the easy-living space environment of weightlessness and inactiv- ity. Drawing by AP Staff Artist. Peter Linnartz, (AP Wirephoto drawing). this evening followed by in- Earlton créasing cloudiness late tonight,|North Bay.....+++ Tuesday mainly cloudy with oc-|Sudbury ...... sens casional showers, cool. Winds|Sault Ste, Marie.. becoming light tonight and|Muskoka southeast 15 Tuesday, | Kingston "Marine forecasts: | Peterborough : Lake Huron, Georgian Bay;|Windsor Winds light variable this after- London noon and north 15 Tuesday morning. Fair. . Lake Erie: Winds light varia- ble tonight. Fair. bd ' 'Lake Ontario: Northwest|Montreal sss. winds 15 to 25 knots becoming Quebec light variable tonight. Fair. | Halifax |Chicago . Forecast Temperatures |New York Low tonight, high Tuesday: |Miami Windsor . 55 75 \Los Angeles.. srebenee Trenton Killaloe . |Ottawa teeeee Russ Construction Experts Get Look At Port Churchill CHURCHILL, Man. (CP) =; tawa Sunday from Toronto In-| Russia finally got its way and) térnational Airport and the itin- | US. IF YOU PLAN HOMESTEAD Anglicans ON MOON, BETTER FORGET IT! Probe Priso WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government has some advice for would - be moon homesteaders: Forget it. "The moon belongs to the world, not the first arrival,' said a spokesman for the Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration. He added; "We assume any explora- tion there will be handled on an international co-operative | basis much like that. in An- tarctica," In recent years, however, many Americans have con- templated a life beyond earth, In 1057, a man filed a quit claim deed in Navajo County, Arizona. He wanted enough land for his proposed King Solomon Mines subdivision, Others have claimed, via declarations, Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, Nep- tune, Mercury, the sun and "all planetoids between the planets of Mars and Jupiter," GET FORM LETTER The bureau of land manage- ments, because of its name, has been the recipient of most of these claims, Two accor- dion-type folders now house a 20-year accumulation of about 200 claims and queries, Some writers had an eye for money-making . schemes. They included working real éstate men, a man who wanted to start a mushroom plantation on Venus, and one who hoped to start a trading stamp company on the moon, written Venus, committee of the Toronto Angli- can diocesan council for social services will study conditions in Ontario's maximum i prison at Millbrook, 17 miles southwest of Peterborough. | Rt, Rev. F. H. Wilkinson, |bishop of Toronto, said today he had just heard of a request from Rev, G, W. B, Wheeler, chairman of the dioc mittee, asking him to initiate such a study committee, "While I haven't seen any- lthing yet in writing, I have heard of the request," the bis- hop said, "And I fully intend to do what it asks." Bishop Wilkinson said he will confer with Mr. Wheeler at the General Synod which starts Wednesday in Vancouver and ends Sept, 3, six of its foremost construction|erary was changed. Transport! engineers had a look at Chur-|command of the RCAF pro-| chill, thé northern Manitoba/duced the necessary clearance! port on Hudson Bay, Since Andrei I. Slivinsky and|switch course for Churchill be-| five of his colleagues arrived in| fore heading northwest to Fort) for the party's C-5 aircraft «Obscure Events And Trends ~ J ® Ghat Aug say 1 deamincwe nortwen Tester Fa Viet Nam Optimism USSR has been unhappy that} At no point has it been made} By ELTON C, FAY |not been listed, Lt.-Gen, Victor "I won't be able to set up the committee until after I return from the synod,". Bishop Wil- kinson said, "but I expect to meet there with Mr. Wheéler to discuss the situation at Mill- brook, Conditions in eorréc- tional institutions are of partic- ular interest to our council for social services, which adminis- prise Sunday, Less than 24 hours before, the spacecraft was limping along} on reduced electrical power-- its bid for a world-record eight days in space in danger of an early end, But now. the: electricity-pro- HOUSTON, 'Tex, (AP) -- By overcoming their power system problem, the Gemini 5 astro: nauls once again have proved man's ability to save @ space mission, L, Gordon. Cooper Jr. and Charles Conrad Jr., taking in- structions from the ground, stabilized the fuel pressure problem in the system, If they had not done so, they would have been ordered back to earth during the sixth orbit. Flight Director '-Christopher \C, Kraft said that even with- lout all the assistance from |ground experts and computers \"they probably could have |worked the problem out by themselves," "If it had been an unmanned 'have gotten it back." | Six of nine U.S. manned Ispace flights have encountered d |pilots might not have returne t |safely to earth if they had no' jovercome their difficulties, Virgil [. Grissom had to swim for his life when the door of his Liberty Bell spacecraft and the capsule sank, That was after his suborbital flight in the Mercury program July 21, 1961, | CONTROL FAILED The first orbiting American, \John H. Glenn Jr., experienced) 'a failure.of a small control jet jduring his Friendship flight Feb, 20, 1962. This forced him to partially take manual con- 'trol of the craft, which was des signed to operate automatic- ally, Later in the flight, ground controllers received an indica: tion that the heat shield at the took corrective measures which} ducing fuel cell--operating with less than one-tenth the , fuel pressure. it was built for--was gefierating at near capacity. No one could guess why. The fuel cell blends atomic 'hydrogen and oxygen, forming water and harvesting electrons to produce a. current, .But, shortly after blast-off Saturday, the oxygen pressure fell, and Capacity To Save Mission In Space Again Demonstrated base of the capsule was loose, Glenn was told not to jettison his package, of retro + rockets after they fired so. that its straps could hold 'the shield in place, Without it, Glenn Would burn up on re-entry, Later ex- amination showed that the | shield actually was not loose. A short circuit in M, Scott | Carpenter's Aurora 7 spacecraft jan average household might GEMINI JAUNT AT-A-GLANCE © By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Mission-s-tatus ---Gobd | chance the flight wilt go. acheduled eight days and break Soviet space flight en- durance record of 119 hours and six minutes; the 'go' - signal is up for at least 39 oF bits or through 12:48 a.m, EDT today, Spacemen -- Air force Lt Col, L. Gordon Cooper Jr, surpassed his personal space record of 44 hours and 20 minutes during the 22nd revo. lution Sunday, He and fhavy Ii, » Cmdr,' Charles Conrad Jr reported in good physical condition with Conrad getting hoarse, Doctors say they aren't concerned about hoarseness but suggested spacemen get more sleep, Spacecralt problemsBlee- tric power steadily increaal as balky Oxvgen peer' oy fuel cells regains pressure; capsule condition, retin, 9 normal, a Experiments -- Key rendées- vous with radar pod serubhed due ot power problem: pha- tographed land features in Africa and United States; vi- sion and inner ear sensory tests; medical monitoring, the fuel cell seemed doomed to starve for its vital fuel. But suddenly the pressure | stabilized and through the night |began to build slowly. By Sunday morning, the oxy-| gen pressure was back up {6 ust over 80 pounds a square neh--but more remarkable was that the fuel cell's electrical production was way up, too. PUZZLES EXPERTS hi Hod. Flight Diftector John Hodye from the overnight shift at Gemini control sald the engineers were frankly puszled by the tolerance the fuel cell showed for a wide range in fuel pressures, With the oxygen pressure al about a tenth of normal, it was still cooking out about 90 amps of power-nearly as much .as draw at an average time of day, with lights, telévision, re- frigerator and other small ap- pliances running, It was enough to reinstate most of the normal flight plan fouled up the device which told 'him the angle his spacecraft nose was pointed. He aligned the capsule to what he thought was the correct. position by looking at the horizon and was able to achieve the approxim- ate re-entry angle, although he overshot the intended landing jarea by 250 miles, That was May 24, 1962, | Cooper's first, space mission, | TORONTO (CP) -- A special) vehicle, [ doubt that we would)the Faith 7 flight May 15-16, 11963, ran into trouble when a | faulty tube allowed drinking wa-| lter to leak into the cabin, Dur- security| troubles, On three of them, the ing the 19th orbit, a panel light |blinked on, indicating the pull fof gravity and premature be- ginning of re-entry. Ground stations calculated he | was still in orbit, The flight con- \tinued its full 22 orbits, but be- esan COM suddenly blew out after landing! vauge of fear that water might have short-circuited the auto- matic re-entry system, Cooper) was directed to fly the capsule manually back to earth --the first U.S. spaceman to do 80. On the Gemini 4 flight of as- tronauts James A, McDivitt an Edward H, White last June, a computer failed, apparently be- cause of electrical trouble. Me- Divitt and White had to aban- don usé of the computer for calculating re - entry manoeu- vres and instead followed in- lstructions radioed from the ' ground, Astronauts Log Some Sleep, and aim for eight days in orbit, Meanwhile, the great fuel cell mystery was still under investi- gation. On the ground, duplicate fuel cells were being run through duplicate conditions to At $109 Million see why the fuel cell was opér-| HOUSTON, Tex, (AP)--Gem- ating so well on a lean diet of|ini 5 cost about $100,400,000, oxygen, The Gemini program has a The two fuels for the power ceiling of $1,313,000,000. There system are oxygen and hydro-jare 12 scheduled shots in. the gen which the fuel cells turn|Pprogram, into charged gases and blend) Gemini 5 was thé fifth in the producing water, At the same/series, and 'the third that was time, the fuel cell reaps the ex'/manned, Seven remain, all tra electrons yielded by the|manned, process, and sends these out as) current, It is a neat and efficient idea. The problem is making it work. To carry enough oxygen and hydrogen, space scientists went to very low temperatures, stor- ing the gases in their most dense form, a sort of snowy slush, to get the most possible into the storage tanks, The hydrogen was stored at) 423 degrees below zero, the oxy:| gen at 297 below. CAUSED PROBLEMS This provided problems too. The temperature throughout the tanks must be homogenous or uniform, or else a temperature stratification would occur that could block usage of some of! the gas, The tanks are well insulated-- an outer shell of titanium, & vacuum, a layer of plastic and an inner shell of stainless steel, Around the inner shell is a winding of wire that provides Cost Of Gemini 5 FIRE DEVOURS ACRES Over the past 40 years, nearly 10,000,000 acres of On- tario forest and bushland has been destroyed by fire. bs Sige Rig ray gh left} clear just why the --_ urchill off the list of places| wanted to see Churchill nor has, a to be visited. lit been made public why vr aa wt mini ot ys Saturday, when the party St| Canaaian government was justin. Johnson administration! tived in Toronto after a whirl-|as firmly opposed .to it. labout the Viet Nam war is fed| Wind tour of northern Quebee,) Government sources made it}, obscure events and trends! he Russians apparently con-|clear there was no. sinist@t),¢ wet ag by such develop- need the Canadian govern- thinking in the decision to leave) nents as the successful out- ént that the whole trip would Churchill off the itinet@ry.|ogme of the battle of Chu Lai.| & disappointment if the dele-| Rather, it seemed apparent that) put the optimism in the high- istration ter ation couldn't see the Hudson the department did not consider .: jevels of government is f@\ H. Krulak, marine commander} in the Pacific "led the batt' "We Wheeler said Friday he a major vic had asked the bishop's heip The daily bombing attacks on|fojlowing publication of a series jNorth Viet Nam' targets areiof critical articles in the Peter- jproducing effects on the Northiborough Examiner describing Vietnamese civilian economy,|conditions at Millbrook, | it is contended in many admin- _ 'Devil's Island' | ters to prison chaplsins,"' heat much as an electric blan- ket does, AS the frozen gases warm,up, they effervesce, boil off. aa, gas at high pressures--up {o 800) pounds a square inch, This gas} is then released by valves into the fuel cell itself. Ironically, the trouble seems to lie in the wiring heater that | Doctors Fear Flight Fatigue HOUSTON, 'Tex.. (AP)--You|shake them; up physically. to would hear it in their voices) bring them to consciousness; beamed down from more than) ¢% set something of a 200 miles in space: 'They WEN acid on his M-hour space tired, and they needed sleep. flight May 15-16, 1963, He took Now at last they are getting it) some 19 haps--some' of them For theif first 30 hours in)tgq prief to record. The longest space, the two Gemini 5 astro-jwas about an hour, Each time nauts napped only briefly, Per-ine would awake réfreshed and ty MEET JACK GRAHAM Sales Representative ' port. Piero interesting enough tO strained for several reasons,|ATTACK FALLS SHORT mong them: 1, | The expected scale of Viet The successes and trends|Cong attacks undér cover of thé monsoon rains has fallen ' Return Looms BANGKOK (Reuters) -- haps compiling four hours of sleep between them. Lack of sleep had the doctors § con- cerned, girds the oxygen storage bottle. Experts reason that a power surgé that hit the spacecraft electrical system during a thun- happy--and then 30 to 45 min- utes later, he would nod and doze off. Sometimes only the For friendly and courteous service in real estate, whether buying or selling sleeping pattern of his heart derstorm Thursday -- postpon-| Thailand is threatening to re-| 'We don't like to see them 80) rate and breathing would tell fatigued at so early a point inldoctors on the ground that he ~oe Call... oné calls were made to Ot-jtake up the Russians' time. ln 8 * jaré still dwarfed by the mas- ' rl test or S ralse "" setbacks during the last|short of original predictions by r lyear or two. |U.8. strategists, in part be- Edinburgh tattoo -- scarlet -|' coated, grass-skirted Fiji troops) who whirled through three tra-| a Americans back, Some of the reasons for the|Defence administration's slightly bright-|Vance said in a speech last} North Viet Nam now refuses lened view of the Viet Nam war|week that "war and time havelto let them return home, day- rée-obvious, The big buildup of U.S. mili- tary strength is beginning tojlike imanpower troublés, Deputy war against the Viet Minh Com-jeach of you at this time con- Secretary Cyrus R. taken their toll and Hanoi's te- serve of southert its arsénal of captured manpower,| jmunists 15 yeats ago, ling U.S, alr and sea attacks nike it too dangerous, South Vietnamese officials | cerning your fatigue level." From the spacecraft came the tired voice of Charlés Con- rad Jr.: "We just been cathap- ping about 40 minutes on and Besides, Conrad was wearing|"érs. Two hydrogen and one on his thighs the inflatable|9xXvaen atom combine to pro-| cuffs that were désigned tojduce one molecule of water--| make it more difficult for his/@nd in the process release eléc-| heart-to-puitp blasd and so-cir.(trons which are captured and REALTY Ltd. "Oshawa's most queted Real Cétete }40 minutes off."" p blasd and cumvent some of the laziness|PUl to work as electricity, | who tried to win over the ref-| Sleep, the ground insisted, "1/that the heart tends to develop Bvt juaeee Pid hs he Robe in-|try. to,' Conrad replied, "but}in weightlessness, a inding|sults, 6 refugees, almost all K | base at Chu Lai, U.S. officials that its reserves of manpower|lbyal to North Viet Nam Pret: imei aa wie ie ne fire talemion eet Yuen on say almost 600 Viet Cong were|is growing low.) jdent Ho Chi Minh's Communist} VOICES AFFECTED jand tightens around the thighs, . |kilied and hundreds more were] Information obtained fromjgoverftment, are regarded as aj} lL, Gordon Cooper dr, talked,|began to bother Conrad ; |wounded. U.S. casualties have) battlefield contacts and othet/major security problem as of:|too, about the business of keep-| The device makes a nalne a sources indicates now that av-/ficials fear they could become aling up with the experiments,|jt inflates--and it was thie that ----(roll, In thé three-day battle last|weapons, has begun to run out." week that headed off a Commu-|(On the other hand, the South nist attack on the marine air|Vietnamese Army is \Contad fotind objectionable, a NEED A NEW FURNACE? No Down PF th--Pii yment * een geomet PERRY Day or Night . . . 723-3443 We Are Old Fashioned About Good Service d Our ph y is PP We carry @ complete stock so you con almost always get what. you ask for, Our prescription equipment is up-to-date and we ite our ph y, efficiently using the latest inventory ideas to insure thet éverything we supply will be fresh and potent. ' But we still he ld fashioned ideas obout @ will remember when everyone oe DY CASH ALWAYS THERE WITH REA FOR ANY GOOD REASON for back-to-school expenses © to pay overdue fills <> car repairs © unexpect: ed expenses © home repairs andre- furnishings. 50° to *2,500° OR MORE Service wes attentive, uAhurried and dependable. That is the way we still run our pharmacy, If you like attention, where you ere considered more im- portent than the purchase you meke, then let us be your personal phermecy. . YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need @ medicine, Pick up your preseription if shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly without extre cherge, A greet meny people entrust us with their F ipti d youre? EASTVIEW PHARMACY Phone 725-3594 Fast -- Free ---- Motorized Delivery © B. Frane's, Phen.B. -- JR. Steffen, B.S, Phen. P MANY WORK ON PLANES London airport employs 34,000 men and women and handles about 26,000,000 passengers évery year. THERE flames. "I went to bed about 10.45 p.m.," he said, "and must have left a cigaret butt lying on the chair." Mr. Hughes, with the help of passers-by, got the burning armchair out of the house as well as the chesterfield which was also ignited Oshawa firefighters doused the blaze. CALL... DIXON'S FOR OIL FURNACES FUEL OIL AND HEATING SERVICE SERVING THE PUBLIC OVER 50 YEARS 313 ALBERT ST. OSHAWA 723-4663 ' SWIM ATTEMPT FAILS GUARANTEED PROMPT, COURTEOUS REAVIce 286 KING ST. W. 728.1634 NIAQAAA rian CUNFrANY Likniwe 2, History holds up a caution-|causé U.S: and South Vietna-lgnen its "devil's island' to con in I | : t - g thé. flight-- damaged the . . ary finger about optimism, Inmese ground and air forcesiting the leaders of 30,000 Com-|the flight," the flight surgeOn!yaq slipped off agai wire heater. 'The power surge| Korea, optimism was running|ha h able to battle more ist t a pped off again, es a In jurg 'high as American forces drove aggressively than was eéx- Nata. ene) Ome a the ground came com-|,, This flight was different. lewuiie tok aie es " 723 1121 northward almost to the Yalu| pected. The refugees have b i : ug "|'There was crisis early--and ; ae EDINBURGH (CP) -- The precision drill display, followed River boundary of the enemy,| There is some evidence the|Thailand's Hoaswat. sretaive, ran diag la Ba cocragined both astronauts were concerned SEARCH FOR PARTNERS } 19th EdiAburgh International) by one of the most unusual and) then toppled as hordes of Chi- Viet Cong Communiat auerrilla)close to the Laotian border,/cerned about your lack of sleep,| with the ability of the fuel cell) In the fuel cell, the oxygen} GUIDE Fastival soared into lite Sunday| colorful items ever seen in aninese Communists drove the/forces are having their own/since the start of the French|We'd like a status report on|S¥Stem to provide power for the/and hydrogen as charged or with an imposing pérformance| jlong flight, hungary atoms search for part-| of Mahlers Fighth Symphony that has many London critics) reathing---for- theif brightest|ditional dances and ended by words 6f praise. : singing the haunting farewell The Times says there is "no|love-song of the South Pacific piece of music which sums up) islanders. the aspirations of mankind as} eer nobly or as exultantly" as: this} '" complex, exhilarating choral No Riots Yet symphony. The performance,| bre Marked the debut of the! * ttish Festival Chorus -- an Atl F amateur body of 400 voices-- owa alr coverbaiwky was "a landmark--a triumph,! DES MOINES, lowa (AP)--| we ec a" too--for native Scottish music-|The lowa state fair, protected] erage vi Ilagers are being Communist fifth column, and the lack of sleep. His slow making," says The Times. by about 500 national guards-| e eases brought | into military service) Interior Minister Gen, Pra-|[klahoma drawl got slower. Othér London papers followed men and 350 peace officers be- with neither experience or en-/phas Charusathien said that if Conrad's voice seemed at- suit in their reviews. cause of rumored threats of dis- . ee : jthe North Vietnamese leaders|fected too -- a ground report Earlier Sunday, the three-|orders, went off peacefully Fri-| All-Star Picks Stull there is no evidence to|do not stop inflaming their peo-/said he sounded hoarse, week festival officially opened|day, |Support belief that.victory may/ple the ringleaders would be} Both men are heavy sleepers with the traditional Presbyter-; Governor Harold Hughes had come tomorrow, next month or sent to Tarutao Island, a deso-| when they sleep, When astro- ian blessing of St. Giles' Cathe:|called up the national guard) The Oshawa City and Dis. (next year. fate former penal settlement/naut co-ordinator Donald K, dral, with a dozen mayors and|Thursday night afler accumul:| trict Softball Association recent:| 2 ' ~--~ifor hardened criminals, {Slayton awoke them on the burgomasters from Europe tak-jated reports hinted that un-|!¥ released the all-team which . ib wade =} morn | f j morning of blast off, he had to ing part. known persons would try to| Will play Oshawa 'Tony's of the ta lan oods I. - te The glamorous Marlefie Dei- start "everything from civil Beaches Major Fastball League | Negro Leaders trich arrived for the Monday demonstrations to riots' during econ ps al 8.00. p.m. at . | "N d ' Offi ' l opening of her late-night show/|the 10-day fair. exandra Park, The contest is C Off V ll | uage at the Lyceum Theatre--a sell-|" nnn a eae benefit game. ut l ages, eo -- . | out--and was welcomed by the} | Former Tony's coach, "Dib", ; cereals Mees, (BE Earl of Harewood, festival di-| Board Endorses | Little will handle the coaching) ROME (AP) -- Rainstorms Negto leaders said today they) rector |dutiés for the all-stars, assisted) with high winds brought floods oly ny to "nudge" au- Pasivides aot orf o & vous by George Brabin, playing coach|{o scattered parts of morthern|thorilies but both sides prom: ing start Friday with the tradi| Speed-Up Plan jof Bad Boys. Italy Sunday to today, leaving|!*¢d co-operation following a tional military tattoo on the! The Oshawa Separate School sling oe ne Ved Ga ago ota pe hia Ay ee areas P selm i -- floodlit esplanade of Edinburgh' Board last night voted to s ail a ee acme 1a pla ; ; s speed : rupted. Some 1,000 demonstrators Castle. Stirring martial strains up construction of a suitable GALE LUMBER -- Reg Whit) 'The storms caused damage|Marched Sunday under the gaze from the band: of the Royal Ma-| erg separating CPR property p; Knight, c; MacDermaid, 1b; | estimated in the tens of thous-/°f tows of national 'guardsmen rines echoot of music mingled| 4" oinge Fiano St. Thomas 0 Ray. 2b; Rowden, 3b; Davis, | ands of dollars, mainly to crops./2"4 police. There was neither a with the Scottish splendor of)" 4 vocly, fad * dia eer ointak, of; Seebrook, of. Landslides of 'rain. - soaked single Fides nor incident, and Goats oe eves the| superintendent of the CPR's To-| ; BAD BOYS -- Dan Peters, p; on Fiber ik the shee and areal Guaiare. -- , ul $. ronto area, on the board's fence|' heeseman, c; Whitely, of;| $ in the coastal area) Aa a The Royal Marines gayé a. i ' . jbetween la Spezia and Pisa! But the march did"hot set- cs ROR ort _* requirements asked trustees 'it)Mareh, 3b. lafter a two «- ae Flo dawnitle the issues that have di-| fencing proposed" (Ms Of BROOKLIN CONCRETES ~|cloudburst. vided this city of 180,000 per- "Tell them that schools open Fe'Sso™ 1b; Cornish, 2b; Gib-| Firemen in amphibious boats|Sns ever since an incident out-) Sept. 1," i810 Trustee Ivan + san, of, eaoend 2,000 persons in flooded |side @ -- cafe the night lace." " icc ie villages in the Venice area, wuly if. oe saayte we could stir them yovaoa CLEANERS -- Rob). Sharp earth tremors wer ------ ee _jup a ; ae Pp; Gibbens, ss; Tilk, felt Sunday night in villages 35! 4 miles west of Messina, There, ERE OSHAWA. MERCHANTS was little damage and no in- an Bryant, c; Morden, 3b. hiner An estimated $400 damage ,was caused by fire in an : eae ae boven, Enaiana (4P)--tre | GOOD FOOD @arly Sunday morning. Fred Sunda that " oat 4 | BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH Hughes, occupant of the Mary "ataaie! Rival af Oe 12 Noon to 3 PM. house, said that he was trale iebd And failed ih saedal DINNER 5:30 to 8 P.M. Awakened at 12.45 a.m. by lattempt to swim the English | FULLY LICENSED te ie haked inte 1 hannel from France Aur i DINING ROOM | " q > ar », oe cane san fat Pe . aoe she a Official ob HOTEL LANCASTER ver, repo: -| ebestertield chair burst inte Ital 'attamgan "* msuceest: a7 King St, Wo Orheve | &

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