Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Aug 1965, p. 11

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Tips For. Teens : ~~ MODEL CARE FOR SKIN By MARY SUE MILLER Some teens squander the gift of a lovely skin, by giving it no thought or care, Other girls, in an attempt 1» correct problems, fuss, fume and try one cure after another, Neither tack assures complexion perfection. Teen fashion models, whose skin must be near-flaw- less, follow this care program ~-- and what works for them will work for you: 1, Be True To Thine Own Skin! Never use any product, from soap to powder base, unless it is formulated for your kind of skin -- normal, oily, dry, combinaion of olly-dry, or seriously blemished, Only ask at your favorite cosmetic counter and you will find effective products for youthhful skin and its every condition, 2. Keep It Clean! Hospital cleanliness is basic to good skin. Wash several times daily; more: often if your skin is oily or disturbed, Work up a soapy lather with your hands , and massage it in, Then rinse off all traces and pat dry. Before washing, float away any make-up with cosmetic cleanser, 3. Play It Cool! Avoid extremes of hot or cold water; , 'warm and cool's the rule. Too, handle you skin with a feather touch; don't rub it to a nub, 4. Put It On A Diet! Checkrein your intake of sweets and fatty foods, but never skimp on external 'feedings' -- treatment lotions and potions, 5, Let Well Enough Alone! Never squeeze a blemish; treat it with a medicated emollient. With widespread blemishes, go at once to a doctor, For more mode! tips, watch the column! MODEL TIPS FOR TEENS Fifty ways to ideal skin and natural make-up for young adults -- ages 13 to 19 -- are detailed in my booklet, MODEL TIPS FOR TEENS, Advice covers corrective skin care; how to use make-up to accent good points and play down problems; fashion model make-up tricks, For your copy, write Mary Sue Miller in care of this newspaper, enclosing 25 cents in coin and a self-addressed, stamped envelope, nent Consider All Aspects Of Cost In Pricing Items Made At Home By ROBERTA ROESCH Dear Roberta Roesch: Dear Roberta Roesch: My daughter who will be a A COTTON KNIT turtle- How do you know what price to sell homemade items that you create yourself? For the past few months | have spent a good portion of my time making things that ! hope to sell in a Christmas Shop in my home this fall. But now that it's time to price the items, I don't know how to go about it, Mrs, P. G, FOUR PROPOSED STEPS Dear Mrs, P. G.: To determine a good price for something you created your- self, set up a detailed record of (1) the cost of material used in your articles; (2) the cost of packaging and advertising your item if that will be inv ; (3) the cost of the "plant'" tn which you work or have your) shop, This would include the cost of renting the room, plus maintaining electricity, heat, phone and other expenses. When you've totalled the fig- high school senior is still very confused about what she wants to do after high school, and, since she jumps from one thing to another all the time, my hus- band and I would like her to have a series of vocational and educational tests, We know that they're avail- able at a college in our town. But before we get involved in them, can you tell us what ver she'll get from them? While some students do have well-conceived ideas of what they want to do by the time that they're high school seniors, others are undecided, So don't neck pullover has contrast- a en ee a a ing hor match the color of the pants, ANN LANDERS This Is 1960! Dear Ann Landers; Our |daughter Emily is 23 years old jand employed in a large office. |She lives at home and we know d; |daughter is still uncertain about) she is a pure, God - fearing young woman, A divorced girl works along- be unduly upset that your her vocational plans, | If you feel that professional |help is in order, some of the vocational guidance tests that jwill be available to her are: 1, Interest tests designed to sample a preference for occu- side Emily and from what we have heard, she is an evil per- son, This divorcee comes to work late and leaves early, She gets her supervisor to doctor up her time card and collects full pay for part time work. She pations, situations and _activi- ties, SCHOOL WORK ABILITY 2, Scholastic aptitude tests to determine an ability to do school work, | $. Special aptitude tests to) evaluate a person's potential) capacity to learn or perform in) |specific activities. ures and have come to a price that will cover your costs--plus a profit--study similar articles) now being sold to see how your estimat selling price com- pares with others. If it's too high, re-examine your costs and find a way to cut down on your expenses so you will be able to meet your competition. Women Teachers Of Ontario Approve New Salary Schedule TORONTO (CP)--The women| Florence Henderson of Sault le "i public school teachers of On: Ste. Marie, finance committee onvener, explained that the tario approved a new TeCOM-| jew schedule. empbesines. the mended salary schedule for) importance of a degree and of- themselves Thursday. |fers incentive for further study. It would raise the recom-| = page ge povertd 4 , ja beginner w a degree is mended, salary ie ° 'woman! $5,500 and the first several teacher with a basic certificate) paises recommended are 3500 & and no experience to $3,600) year, compared with $400 in the from $3,400 a year. A certifi-/lower categories. cate, basic degree and 10 years' PLAN BRIEF experience would earn her $10,-) At the same time, the makes it up to the supervisor by joining him for drinks after' office hours. . This woman talks to. the younger girls in the office about things they shouldn't even be able to understand, Although Emily makes good money and has been employed at this place two years I feel she should change jobs. I would rather have her employed among decent people and make less, What do you say?--Con- cerned Mother Dear Concerned; Leave Em- ily alone, The world is filled with all sorts of people. If you have raised your daughter prop- erly, you don't need to worry. The next office might have two "bad'? women and maybe even a 'bad' man, P.S. Mother, I can't imagine what it is that a 23-year-old "should not even be able to un- derstand," The more she is able to understand, the better, The ones who don't understand get into trouble, Dear Ann Landers: [I was Realize It, Mother anybody, So now Aunt Myrtle is cutting our hair, too, and it is just a crime what that woman can do with a pair of scissors, After yesterday's haircut a girl asked me when I was going to} the electric chair, Mom has a wild temper and doesn't take any mouth off us kids so please be on my side and put this letter in the paper, The advice will have to come from you, not me, Thanks for your help.---Miserable Michael Dear Mike: No 13-year-old kid should be forced to walk around with a homemade haircut that embarrasses him, Tell your mom--excuse me, I'll tell her: Give the boy a chance to earn some extra money by doing er- rands and chores around the house, Then he can buy his haircuts from a barber and things will be a lot quieter around the place. GLISTENING PEACHES Drain a 1 lb, 2 oz., can sliced cling peaches, mea- sure liquid; add_ boiling water to make 1% cups, Stir and dissolve 2 pkg. raspberry fruit flavored gelatin in this; add 1 tsp. lemon juice, Refrigerate 30 min. or until beginning to thicken. Fold in the drained sliced peaches, Refrigerate until begin- ning-to-thicken--again; then stir lightly with a fork to coat the slices evenly and fee |smartly designed to suit their livery definite tastes, But they VELOUR IS USED for @ small boy's V-neck sweater and shorts, The white turtle- Back-To-School By SUSAN BARDEN FASHIONS for boys and girls who are returning to school are are not so kookie that conserva- tive parents won't approve, Highlighting the girls' group is a widely diversified line of knit co-ordinates for classroom and |playground, | Sophisticated colors -- man- darin orange, cock blue, olive THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Personal relationships should Tbe highly congenial now, aia there is indication that you could gain benefits either 'through a business contact or through the good offices of an influential friend. Evening influ- ences favor romance and social interests, FOR THE BIRTHDAY your horoscope indicates that, despite possibly past slow going in career and monetary affairs, the beginning of this new year in'your life promises the attain- |ment of many cherished goals. You are currently in a cycle which stimulates new ideas and progressiveness, so make the most of it. Your resourcefulness and ingenuity should show tangi- ble results in various stages be- tween mid-September and the end of October, during the first half of February, in late April, the first week of May, the last half of June and next August. It will be important, however, that you. avoid extravagance or speculation during November, March and early April -- but especially in November, Personal concerns should run smoothly for most of the year ahead, but be alert to possible periods of stress--especially in domestic circles--in late Octo- ber and early January, Your best cycles where romance is concerned will oceur in Septem- ber, next April and June, Look for stimulating social activities | and chances to travel between now and the end of September, in January, April and the mid- ee age neck dickey is of cotton knit, om 's ~ " cena ent. ¥ = ei yt, ppg DES OTT ea Se MIO Gn ps4 eng nae Pukbnd If tomorrow is your birthday, | Togs Popular With Youngsters -- And Parents | stitch patterns look great with the bonded well-cut pants or under the gold-buttoned poor- boy collared cardigans, | Boys' fashion news starts with) fabrics such as velours, cotton suede, corduroy and the new astonishing cotton knits, All of them are durable, washable and comfortable, Pullovers are the most popu-| lar item in a young man's ward-; robe this year and those with the V-neck layered look and brown and heather gray -- are turtle necks are leading the) used to unite pants suits, cardi- gans, shirts, jumpers and smock/way. dresses, Older boys favor muted colors Mock turtle, turtle and cowl-|and go in for a lot of blaek or neck pullovers in solids, varia-|burgundy, 'The little chaps wear| tions of stripes and wicker|red or white sweaters. TORONTO (CP) Ontario women public school teachers received an estimated $2,000,000 in salary increases last year with the help of the Federation of Women Teachers' Associa- tions of Ontario, The estimate is based on an uncompleted salary study being done by the association. The report on salaries was presented Tuesday by Edith Butlin of Thornhill, Ont., to 600 federation members attending the annual meeting here until Saturday. The increase has coincided with the formation of township school boards--regional school) systems replacing rural boards. Women Public-'School Teachers Get Two Million In Increases |by the association in category | | | | | and Mrs. Butlin said 46 of the are township areas, 15 varal towns and villages and eight urban, She said much of the collec-| tive salary increase figure has come from rural areas which have begun to pay their teach- ers at the rates recommended schedules. Many rural areas have been and are below the schedule, she said. Dorothy Martin of Toronto, executive director, reported that a study of the relative achievement of pupils in schools of varying sizes has been com- pleted. OVER-THE-COUNTER DRUGS Q. Certain drugs which | have been able to purchase in the pest without trouble now require @ doctor's prescription, Isn't this done mainly to force peo- ple to go te doctors? A. In a way yes, but not for the reason which you imply. While the average person re- ceives much information about drugs, he lacks the required) professional training to use the knowledge intelligently, The public must realize that every drug is dangerous when it is in the hands of unqualified per- sons, Certoin drugs can be ex- ceptionally dangerous and should not be used indiscrimin-| ately, Federal and State laws require that they be available only on a doctor's prescription to be filled by a pharmacist. This is done solely to protect people who would become oma- teur presoribers as well as dia- gnosticians, Our label is @ hallmark of quelity--tlike "Sterling" on silver... "Tiffany" on jew- elry, It ip your guarentee thet! the preceded medicine peck- aged under it meets fully the highest standords ef profes- sional practice. te A ae FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY 723-4621 mae Ties poe seb oe a py THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 23, 1965 nN June-late-August period of 1966. CHOSE ODD HUSBANDS : Scots' second A child born on this day will]. Mary Queen of. be highly energetic and en-jhusband murdered her * dowed with "fne imesinelion!| minister and har third and literary ability, | murdered her second. you're shapelier OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. The FWTAO--has--trained--15} teachers to act as consultants on negotiation with township HECS a Stnile Loy YOu than ever! With The New gelatin makes them glis- /poards and may train more. 000, @ raise of $1,600 from the| FWTAO is planning a brief to/amused by the letter from the present recommendation. {the | provincial The schedule was approved/tion to urge that committee ON/friend who wanted to know why teacher education and certifica-|, 'handsome, respected, suc- elementary | cessful by the 500 delegates represent-iteachers meet the same basic|peautiful, talented, accom: ing the 24,000-member Federa-| academic qualification as sec-|plished: woman for a crude, tion of Women Teachers' ASSO ondary teachers, and that after/cheap, ignorant tramp." man would leave a th tel Refrigerate 2 hrs. or until the gelatin is firm, Heap in glass dishes and top with icé cream or lime milk sherbet, Garnish: seed- less green grapes. For 1962-63, Mrs. Butlin said, | it had requests for help with| negotiations "from 49 school! staff units, from 227 for 1963-64) and 377 for 1964-65, FWTAO sal-| ary co-ordinators visited 38 groups to help them two years The modern teen-ager burst inte the kitchen to find her mother working on @ huge pile of dishes. "You shouldn't be doing that... this is Mother's Day," she ex- claimed. 'Wait 'till after mid- ciation of Ontario 'at its annual meeting. The new schedule now will be reviewed in co-operation with} Delegates approved a sugges-|that the beautiful, talented, ac-|scratches in white woodwork, volved in negotiations with 69) the men teachers' federation, Flaming Dessert Is No Accident To flambe (that is to flame) a food makes a sim- ple dish elegante, and turns a gourmet food into a spec- tacular, In any case, a flambe 'calls for the use of spirits to produce the flame. Whatever the kind or kinds chosen, remember that all the alcohol burns away, only the caramelized flavor from the spirit remains. For sweet flambes which we will discuss today, brandy or light rum is often combined with a liquor. ADVANCE PREPARATION Have everything ready in advance, The food to flambed at table or table- side should be on a deep heat-resistant warmed plat- ter, or in a chafing dish, with 'solid alcohol for fuel, From 2 to 4 oz. spirits is the usual quantity needed to flambe a dish for 6 persons. Always warm the spirits by previously standing a glass containing the right amount in a pan of hot water for at least 5. min To Flambe a Birthday Cake: Any birthday cake may be served as a flambe instead of with lighted can- dies. In this case, pour the warmed brandy around the cake. Do not pour it over the cake as he blazing spirits will mar the icing Strike the maich, et voila, le 1972 a teacher entering the pro-| Your reply was thhat "per-|~ fession be required to have ajhaps the crude, cheap, ignorant! degree tramp filled a need in the man) ltion from Ruby McLeanicomplished woman did not," It ot Leamington, superannuation) was a good answer, Ann, but I) commissioner, that the years/think I have a better one. | for computing pensions be de-| Maybe the "handsome, re- creased to the best three from/spected, successful man" was j the best seven, jalso a smart fellow who knew After a lengthy debate they |the difference between "digni approved a resolution th atified acquiescence and whole- LEWTAO membership fees con: hearted co-operation," -- JA, tinue at three-quarters of one of Seattle ; i |per cent of salary, but with a Dear Seattle: You win 1$50 maximum, There is cur-/2"swer is better. rently no maximum. | Dear Ann Landers: I am a They ROAD : 13-year-old boy who needs your) , hey approved @ recomMen-iheip as bad as any grownup cation from Harel Farr of Sim-|wno ever wrote to you coe, finance chairman, that fees) » : aes ; : " | My aunt used to be a beauty) returned to the association be/onerator around the _ ti ft based on $3.50 a member and win A har, rth » hare "| }that no association receive less), " '" 'a aa ira behe Ad Ithan $400 un yrtle mov next door to us last month and it has Your HOUSEHOLD HINT White shoe polish will hide ago, and 224 last year, The association has been in- postponing a repaint job. boards on behalf of teachers, Need back-to-school money? »» Get An HFC Shopper's Loan If you need more money for your youngsters' back-to- school needs, get it now-- with an HFC Shopper's Loan, With cash from Household, you can cover Earlier, Deputy Education |Minister Dr, 2, S. Phimister, | told the FWTAO that his depart- ment is planning a new Ontario institute for studies in educa- tion, The proposed institute will jinclude six research depart- iments, Dickiv | 728-7321 DELIVERED PIPING HOT i hair 5 Gord's (hicken YOU'VE NEVER TASTED CHICKEN SQ GOOD" | Home Delivery or Pick-Up changed my whole life, Mom! jhas decided she isn't going to jsend my kid brother and me to) ithe tarber anymore because it jcosts too much money. | Aunt Myrtle cuts her own jkid's hair and mom says her ts are good enough for 522 Ritson Rd. South the costs of tuition, 36 | 30 20 sweat months, months EE Y PAYMENT PLANS ] i2 books, transportation anything. Then re- pay conveniently at the oldest, largest company of its kind --HFC, & Ask about credit life insurance at low group rates Ask about our evening hours 2 OSHAWA OFFICES Oshawa Shopping Ctr.--Ph. 725-1138 Suite 208, (northwest corner, 64 King Street East--Telephone 725-6526 (next to the Genosha Hotel) AJAX: 66 Herweed Avenve South (over The Advertiver) ever Fairweather's) night."" Making Pick-ups Fri, Aug. a8 Bock United Taxi, 143 King St. East Roxy Veriety, Rosslyna Pleze @8 wruet Mon, Aug, STORES: 92 WOLFE 170% MARY ST. 12 BOND E. 924 SIMCOE N. AGENTS: CHARGE Back-To- School Requirements ZELLER'S 3 EASY BUDGET PLANS and Oshewe Shopping Centre YOUR CROSS-YOUR-HEART BRA by PLAYTEX" Tt actualty happens that quickly! Jost try om this phenomenal new bra by Playtex® oo. View yourselfin 2 mirror--end een, Called "Farinon Magic"®, it crosses your heart with the stretch you like to feel... to-uplift and seperate. Don't depuive yourself another day of being in the shape you've always wanted to be in, AR it takes is a "Cross- . Your-Heart" bra by Playtex.® b "Cross- Your-Heart" Bra with stretch straps. Cotton cups. White. 324-38C, ~ 3" beg nen 'Trademarke== Playtes Ltd. Playtex Park' OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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