Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Aug 1965, p. 9

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view Park. The girls, most- ly wives of city police of- ficers, as the picture shows, took the game seriously -- but not without some good THE GIRLS had a "'ball-- and wound up trouncing their policemen husbands 14 to 8 Saturday in a "fun" challenge game at Lake- working through the Police Athletic Association. 'The evening was 100 percent suc- cessful," he said. The girls undoubtedly agree. laughs. No doubt they are still chuckling at the out- come. A weiner and corn roast followed the softball game, RUBY HILTZ, wife of city police constable Charles Hiltz, shows. the "'law" how to swing a bat during a wife- husband, ball game at Lake- view Park. The wives won the game but '"'we just want- ed them to feel good," says Constable' Peter Mandryk, who- organized the game, TE ab SNE, UMPIRE RAYMOND For- gette, brother of city police officer Edward Forgette, takes a verbal blast -- with a smile from Shirley RROD TT fo ent pone enscneege game and a weiner and corn | roast which followed, The girls won the game 14 to 8, --Oshawa Times Photots «Lutz, whobolstered the po- lice. officer's wives ball team Saturday at Lakeview Park. Fifteen policemen and their wives enjoyed the Second Section City and dist¥ict features, social and classified . advertis- ing. Ohe Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1965 ' Emergency Numbers Hospital 728-2211 Fire 725-6574 Police 725-1188 for the second year in a row. Mr, Freeman, a Devon st. resident, is shown above as he receives first prize from Miss Oshawa Fair -- LES FREEMAN, 27, made it a double Saturday night when he took the first place in the Ode Tyme Fiddlers _ contest at the Oshawa Fair from the Oshawa area, Peterborough, Toronto and Haliburton County. Jane Skalin, 18, of Bay Ridges. The winning fiddler came first in a field of 15 which included competitors ~--Oshawa Times Photo | Whoop, Holler Ends Fair 7 ron Robarts Will Dedicate RRR S DERE NEW A book that is long on names but short on plot is being distributed free to Oshawa and district resi- dents this week. Nearly 35,000 copies of the 1965 edition of the Oshawa + Cobourg telephone directory. will be delivered in this city alone. This represents an_ in- crease of 4,000 copies over last year, reflecting hous- ing and apartment growth in the Motor City. In all, 105,481 directories will be handed out. in this Fie | BOOK SRN ERIE NE ee ee cen a BIG ON NAMES area, 15,330 more than last year, Included in the city figure are directories for 263 coin boxes, These- are distributed by a contractor. The post office handles the bulk of city deliveries With' heavy users such as General Motors getting theirs by direct shipments, No new sections are be- ing added to the book, ac- cording to J. W. Lowry, area manager for Bell Tele- phone Company of Canada. Ajax - Pickering - Dunbar- OSTA Be eae | ton holds down the west boundary, with Port Perry and Blackstock on the north limit and Port Hope and Cobourg again on the east. Bell calls a_ telephone directory "one of the world's best reference texts." explains that hundreds of hours are put in by em- ployees adding, deleting and bringing the list of names and numbers up to date, The year-old, $1,100,000 county courthouse in Whitby is on the front cover of the book this year. Cover color is robin's-egg blue. ASAIN SE ndish Poisoner Active In Eastlawn Household pets in the East- lawn st, district are in danger from "a fiend-like poisoner", Mrs. J, R. McCann of 85 East- lawn told The Times today that three dogs and a cat in the lo- cality have died by poisoning in the past three weeks. 'We are scared that our beagle, Jane, will be next. It must have been the work of a fiend - like poisoner."" | "This crackpot may throw} some poisoned meat over the fence to Jane, this has really year-old Bob Tempie, aiso of Eastlawn, was dying when found by his owner two days ago, 'We rushed Rifle to the vet who told us he had been given strychnine, "Rifle -- he was almost six months -- died shortly after we got to the vet's office,' Mrs. McCann said. DOG THREATENED She added that the dog, a Blue Tick hound, had _ been threatened by a man who made a mysterious "phone call to the Temple home, 'He called up her husband had given to 18-jand said the dog had to be Full Results Released Square dancing and olde tyme| SHEEP fiddlers. contests brought the Oshawa Fair to an end with a}Boyd Ayer, Hampton and G,. whoop and a holler Saturday}Glaspell; ram shearling -- Glen|J. Fennell, ram|shearling -- Fennell, Dorrell; |lamb -- Fowler, Ayre, Dorrell; than 5,000 people/lamb -- Glaspell; Ayer; ewe --|ram lamb -- Fennell, Dorrell| flock -- Ayre, Fowler. night. Glaspell and B. Ayer; More crammed Alexandra Park for} Ayer, Glaspell; ewe shearling--|and R. H. Dow; ewe, two shears} --|-- Fennell, Dorrell, Dow; ewe! Ayre of Hampton. | the final day of the three-day|Ayer, Glaspell; ewe lamb long annual fair, bringing the}Ayer, Glaspell and R. total attendance to over 13,000.| flock -- Ayer, Glaspell. Les Freeman, of 599 Devon! st., became a two-time winner|L. Ayer, Bowmanville and Allan| reli, Dow. Suffolks: ram, two shears --|ling -- Crawford, Skinner, Dow; shearling -- Dorrell, -- Crawford, Skinner; ram year-|rell Brothers; ram lamb Ayre, Dorrell, Fowler; ewe, two} xe Leicesters: ram, two shears --|shears and ewe R. Dorrell; ram) Ayre, Fowler, Shearling Dorrell; ewe) Best ewe on grounds -- Boyd| Fennell, | HORSES } Dow; ewe lamb -- Fennell, Dor-| Light horses: Palomino -- R. Hampshires: ram shearling--|rell, Dow; flock -- Fennell, Dor-| Pelite, M. O'Neill and G. Ken- nedy. English saddle -- Diane) Saturday when he was awarded| Bragg, Bowmanville; ram lamb; Shropshires: ram, two shears, Easton, M, O'Neill and D. Wade.| first prize in the olde tyme|-- Ayer, Bragg; ewe, two shears; -- W. E, Crawford, Harold Skin- Western pleasure -- Mrs. Pur-| fiddlers contest. Mr. Freeman) --Ayer, Bragg; ewe shearling,|ner; ram yearling -- Crawford,|dy, Wodbridge. was the winner of last year's}ewe lamb and flock, A¥er and! Skinner. contest. Bragg. He was awarded a trophy and; Oxford Downs: ewe lamb -- $50 im prize money, A 12-year-|H. Skinner, R. Dow, E. Mark; old Toronto boy, Bernard Dolan,/flock -- Skinner, Mark, Dow; came second in the contest andjewe, two shears Skinner, was followed by Carl Elliott of|Mark, Dow; ewe shearling -- Pickering Beach. Second and/ Mark, Skinner, Dow. Ram, two third prizes respectively were|shears --Mark, Skinner; ram $25 and $15 shearling -- Mark, ram lamb-- The winning square dancing! Skinner, Mark, Dow set took a prize of 40 silver) Southdowns: ewe shearling -- dollars. The four winning cou-|L, Ayer, E. Crawford; ewe lamb -- Crawford, Ayer; flock, ram ples were: Art and Irene Win-| ter, Glenforest st.; Frank and Bernice Hoag, Rossland rd. w.; George and Marjorie Brown, Haig st.; and Joe and June Coles, Woodcrest av. Earl Brown was the caller for the dancers and music was pro- vided by a local group, the Hoe- downers Livestock and _ horticultural exhibits were also under the keen eye of the judges during the. Fair. Results are as fol- fowas i] and ram shearling -- Ayer, Crawford. ewe Crawford, Ayer; ewe shearling and ram Shearling -- Ayer, Crawford; ram lamb and ewe, two shears -- Crawford, Ayer. Shropshires: ram lamb -- H. Skinner, E. Crawford and R. Dow; ewe, two shears -- Craw: wd, Skener. Dow ewe shear- ling -- Skinner, Crawford, Dow. ewe lamb -- Crawford, Dow, Skinner; flock Crawford, Skinner, Dow; tam, two shears | | Arabian native -- Violet Mc-| Cotswolds: ram, two shears, | Culloch. ram shearling and ram lamb --| Pony class -- V. Mason. Pony T. C. Glaspell; ewe, two shears|team -- Gary Hayes. Road -- Glaspell and C, Jansen; ewe|horse team -- Lloyd Cochrane; shearling, ewe lamb and flock| single big roadster -- L. Blight; -- Glaspell. single small roadster and stake North Country Cheviots; ram,|-- Ivan Cochrane; big roadster two shears Dorrell; Shearling -- Lieyd Skinner, D./race --Garnet Cochrane. Gill and Dorrell; ram lamb --; Commercial hay, first cut -- Gill, Skinner; ewe, two shears|/Boyd Ayer, Hampton; second -- Skinner, Gill; ewe shearling|}cut--Wesley Werry, Hampton. stopped from else. "The man wouldn't give his name but just made that sneaky kind of call. Then he went right into the yard and poisoned Rifle, because the dog was tied up there. He couldn' get out." "The police and the Humane Society say that there is not much they can do,"' said Mrs. McCam, "'but we don't want a fiend like this around the dis- trict." K, V. Day of Winter st., said that his daughter's young tom cat was found dead at the end of the garden. "'Linda, she's 17, was pretty broke up about it when she found Maxie lying barking or PickeringNuclearPlant Massive Power Station To Be Launched Sept. ll Premier John Robarts, Hon.|as a preliminary to construc- Charles Drury, Minister of In-|tion of the reactor buildings. dustry and Pickering Township] «Elsewhere steel piling is be Reeve C. W. Laycox will offi-jing stockpiled and construction ciate Sept. 11 at a ceremonyjof a pre-fabricated project officially launching construction)office will start around mid. +" of Ontario Hydro's $266 million|/September. nuclear power station, Hydro chairman W. Ross|READY BY 1970 Strike,' Bowmanville, will be}, Scheduled for initial service master of ceremonies, Revy.|in 1970, the 1,080,000 kilowatt W. A. McKay, Dunbarton, will/Plant is being jointly financed offer the prayer of dedication,|®y the Province of Ontario, the The 11 a.m. ceremony will|Federal Government and On- be held on high ground looking|t@tio Hydro. southwest over the site in Pick-| Platform guests at the cere- ering Township to Lake Ontario./mony will include other proml- A program highlight will be/nent representatives of the On- official verification with sur-|tario and Canadian govern- veyor's equipment of the loca-jments, area ratepayers' associ- tion of the plant's first nuclearjations, Atomic Energy of Can- reactor by Mr. Robarts, Mr.jada Ltd., Atomic Energy Con- Drury and Mr. Strike. trol Board, Ontario Municipal Two silo-shaped structures to/Electrical Association, the Asso- house the plant's initial re-jciation of Municipal Electrical actors will be built behind aj Utilities, Canadian Nuclear 1400-foot long dike extending 400|Association, Allied Construction feet into the lake. The area/Council, Ontario Hydro Em» between the dike and the shore-iployees' Union and Ontarie line is now being pumped dry|Hydro. Fewer On Welfare But More Paid Out year low of 552 persons receive ed welfare assistance, Mr. Chesebrough says the in- crease in numbers was caused by problems resulting from recent strikes, In July, 153 persons rece welfare assistance were as employable. In June only 89 Fewer persons in Oshawa re- ceived welfare assistance last month than in July, 1964. How- ever, welfare totals in July this year were higher than in the previous month, a H. G. Chesebrough, city wel- Thieves Grab $2, Razor fare administrator, in his month- ly report, says 643 persons were on welfare last month compar- there,"' he said, "BIG FUNERAL" persons receiving welfare were listed as employable. Gross cost of welfare in July From Legion Thieves broke into the Osh- awa Royal Canadian Legion building on Centre st. last night and escaped with an electric razor and a small amount of) sh, i | They pried off the screen on a rear window then forced the canteen door and broke the lock on the cooler door, said manager Alf Brisbois. He estimated about two dol- Jimmy Job lars cash was taken from a cash register, The taid was discovered early this morning by cleaning woman, Mrs, Marie Lavender, when she came to work, She phoned Mr, Brisbois and he called police. "We just finished taking in- ventory and nothing else ap- pears to be missing. Somebody went to a lot of trouble for nothing," said Mr. Brisbois. McMurray"s, En Employees at two local res- taurants have joined the ranks| voy Workers ram|race --'L. Blight; small roadster Now In Restaurant Union holidays; overtime pay; a gen-| eral wage increase and dues -- Skinner, Gill; ewe lamb -- Oats, Rodney, early and of the Restaurant, Cafeteria and/ checkoff after an initial proba- Tavern Employees' union, Wil-|tionary period. Gill, Skinner; flock -- Skinner,|Gary, late -- Glen Glaspell, RR Gill. 2, Oshawa. Dorsets: ram, two shears and| Timothy--Mrs. Allan Downey; ram shearling -- E. Mark, Johnisheaf of oats -- Mrs. Downey, Self and Ross Fowler; ram lamb/Glaspell; sheaf of barley, Mrs. Mark, Fowler, Self; ewe, two/Downey. shears -- Self, Mark, Fowler;} Ensilage corn--Wayne Beath, ewe shearling -- Fowler, Self,|Glen Glaspell, David Beath and Mark: ewe lamb -- Mark, Fow-|Mrs. Downey ler, Self; flock ---- Mark, Self,, VEGETABLES Fowler. Potatoes, Irish Cobb. -- Ivan Cheviots; ram, two shears --|Law, C. Keeler and George Boyd Ayre, Ross Fowler; ram FAIR RESULTS - Fowler, (Continued on Page 17) liam Kitching,local 254 secre-| tary, said today. Mr. Kitching said that some ten employees of Paul Mc-) Murray's Restaurant, Simcoe) st. n., as well as employees of! the Envoy Restaurant and Food! Services Limited are now| covered by .union negotiated collective agreements The one-year contract signed with McMurray provides for two weeks vacation after 18] months' service; three statutory! The Envoy agreement is sim- ilar to. the contract negotiated with McMurray with the excep- tion of a welfare plan sponsored by the union which includes $5,000 life insurance, a $50 weekly indemnity in case of accident as well as the 1965 schedule of fees for full medi- cal services without any limita- tions, McMurray employees are covered by a company-operated welfare plan, "She gave him a great big fu- neral right there in the back yard, "I don't know who would want to poison cats and dogs," said Mr, McCann, "They must be really sick." Police Chief Herbert Flintoff said that charges would be laid against the poisoner when he is tracked down. City dog catcher John Greer, said that other poisoning cases have been' reported around the city -- but mainly cats. Boy, 14 Shot In Accident BOWMANVILLE Car Haich, 14, of RR 1 Orono is in "satisfactory" condition in Memorial Hospital with bullet wounds to his face and neck suffered during a hunting. acci- dent late Saturday afternoon. Ontario Provincial Police said the youngster was hunting with a friend, also 14, when he was shot in the face with a .22 rifle, Dr. Peter Culbert, on duty at the hospital when the lad was admitted, said the bullet pene- trated his nose, passed through his cheek and lodged in his neck below the right ear, ed with 705 persons in July, 1964, In June this year a three- RESUSCITATION SAVES LIFE St. John's Man Lectures Saves Boy To Prove It WHITBY (Staff)--John Visser ,.. was johnny-on-the-spot at Sib- © bald Point provincial park on Lake Simeoe Sunday. The 26-year-old divisional offi- cer of Whitby's St. John Ambu- lance Brigade had just finished giving a public demonstration of methods of artificial respiration } when he was given the chance to try to save a life. He was successful. A man ran up and said a little boy had just been pulled from the water. He was believed drowned. Visser ran into the water in § his uniform, helped pull the boy to shore and began mouth-to- mouth resuscitation, . The lad, Michael Smith, 8, of Downsview, Ontario, revived in about 10 minutes. S He was examined later in a MAO Sutotn hospital. Both the exam- ing doctor and an OPP con-| In his lecture - demonstration, stable said a few minutes delay|need for haste in Starting arth and the boy would have died. {ficial respiration. ' was $32,959 compared with a $29,532 gross cost in June.

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