Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Aug 1965, p. 18

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is . Srey wine * . 18 WA TOMA, Yorston, fewest 17. 1968 26--Apartment for Rent |30---Autom bile ; SAUEONORABNICIONS- obile for Sale |33--Automob' 22--Lots for Sale 24--Stores, Offices; Store GOVERNOR MANSIONS |, iles Wanted Fi Tove | WAREROUSE FOR RENT 7 ¢| 2 Bedroom Suite 45 FORD GALAXIE |. CARS WANTED BIRTHS or on paved rod only mies rom sabe Mant #3 Bedroom Suite Buying a New Car? ARKET Me Wrient fave S$ Fa" Ful price only 1,50, MaGill Reel Estets Telephon arr Par ag and Malage Reed. ADULTS ONLY LICENCE H53937 Sell oe may "Ted! | MILLER ---- Kerry and Helen wish, to eokeues rex 00 $18 S18 HS FB robery Tae. 5 770-085: C) 'ash' to the Ne' of their daughh NTS 1 AM. Broo esol lad DE eT gee TELEPHONE ; ie New Penny Lynn, 7 Ibs, 9 628., ughter, By TI Webb Knp in $00 125 125 125 Sr ig en mre gat A ag A A etal ta We ae, @er Decor ond "Sove'" lea ag ay, Root] at The Carman Ore, | Wee, ne A Me at an a Heres" M0 m8 m0) wt F4 128-41 ___ For Appointment Op. V-8, Power steering, TED CAMPIN MOTORS Hg qu 'or oemany. Many inanks PR eer In conte, unless merked §. Weston A. us $e eve 16a + % Now ane 1000 14 oh in +6 25-----Houses for Rent FURNISHED three-room tment, Pri- brakes. $3,100. Under war- 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 "100" * A sd rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net char -Ex-| Weston B 150 $20%4 om Nick Rim pd ne am +h a Wee Ustad cathe meet dace}. Only: LAKESHORE er reciade weer ctauine te Wane A oh saute | Nesieas Gr Sue aah Gena" Ee Osh F rated, Couple. preferred, Telephone 738- ' : cars for Truitt Wines orien BA Sika are hich he ean cee INDUSTR "| Woodwa "A 49 ta 4 Wn ry 'polis 00 4a ab TE " Fe shawa's First $108 after § p.m. 200 Wentworth East, 725-118). puld.|rivel ot their dene Larry Aileen y: Wee yived 500 13% 13) ne SE 8 REE DE ET, Ne » Larry All NB "4 WA--ln ° Happy Vendors FURNISHED apartment for two, business CHASKAVICH _ |swaw auto wreckino co. cars ca an Suniey, Ave is bine TALS i'. OILS N Rock me a " ing single beds, TV, semi bought, parts for sale. y for » A baby brother Stock lorthcal 2000 37! se Wa 'hava teoffer you, the GARDEN bath 'living room and. kitchen, Locetlor event, pores Nir Sols; ines One sasiee for Karen. Many ihenks to Daclors, Ros Sales High Low am. ae) Almines 460 40 Nortncal -- 000374 aH people of Oshawa ond Dis east end of city. Phone 728-5567, RS atonal Ket and 4th flor 'tat Abitib) 900 $12 11% 1% + ve) AM Leduc -- 1800 ee te ee, ee 7 6 Sct - --- rneoninieren OSHAWA AUTO PARTS $382 382 3812---~ %,| Anchor Nv Pax Int ot trict, over 57 years of accu HOMES $5 SINGLE, $7 douvle, da ec, weekly r = Wanted cars i i 0 1m WB P, 500 3% 3h hmlle = rates, Small apart lor, wrecking, Tires and parts f 811% 1% W% Ang U Dev 77 ice Expl 4000 « mulated experience" in the optional, iitweaa Metal ane Meat "ts 725 4920 1175 Nelson Street, Telephone 125-21 ar i $6464, 4 + te] BSBmare 1000 "a is so --2 | Deerions | 20800 2 i" " Real Estate Field. New Concent For Ferily Livine' nee ee nee maces WANTED -- Cars f DEATHS SRM BY Be -- Vo Bent 190705 700 0s to pine Fon: eke y } a say sm shea lg FWO-ROOM aperiment, 'around -- floor, | One Of The phone 728-4549, Robe lor, wrecking, Tele- S20" 20% 20% C5. Pole min i | ee Mon $00 a6 9s Saw t igently and successfully T d h | rance, very clean. Located | $5) 5)--sOSt C Dein H 2 onto - lOshawa Bi | hae . A 20 325 52 50) 8 , served the public and have.a wo and Three 2h "x7 Colborne' sirest ast preferred. eotiginal Wildcats |34---Automobile Repair; priser aga ico oo a Shure op i in pill Be pri eee > pet a 1" 1 proven sales record which re- d BACH Buick Wild lospital," Bowmanvill | Atl Sugar R 205 205 ELOR , ildcat---~custo TRANSMI Sunday, A le on 160 $24 24% AY Cdn ty i ayrock +2 ae that 'over 90% of our Be room chen. ER sericione, aaron and kil:| "built 2 door hardtop, pats sions are See tale nee een eee Newcastie, his 7th year, beloved hos ye us 2 25 rd a $m} Sent 4 ol ito si im iam +e Rio Algom ad im uh ma md istings culminate in satisfac- ; SRUD-ROOM "epariineniy privale baTh equipment--windows, brakes North, Phone 728-7339. Hake of Reida Beckett, dear tather of} Bel! Phone 376 bag 72% 1294 -- Va\ Boma Pele 100 $164 las loved ta] Rew Athab 1000 " " +% to) | om 4 Pp le bath ' ' arl, Lioyd, Gwen (Mr: $59% 59% 4a) =~ oY amic 10600 Ve an Con 1000 = "a Mth _ , qi es de eli ns Immediate possession wearin, automatic and many [OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ox- comsigi (Mrs. Paul Wright); spn Binmore ew, 8 Fargo ian ie? ee 1a" = Ryanor ae ke ek Ea 28 require additional other extras. pert carburetor and auto electri rs, Newton . one $0) 62 62 my | San Ant sa properties for sole -- the Individual Patios Te - Sane sparient In medern| floor console, agreed patel Se iot os teeter, | Resting at tha' Morrie" Finerel: Choy So round eet oe om ran Mill Ely et fe te Satetite moo a ow reason is sim le -- W ing, to share with other! black . Service in the chai BC Suga 4 26' 26" Permo 500 27 erritt 2262 640 625 SOLD OUT! p E'RE Full Basement gentleman, Please write Box 607 Oshewa| ihe Bs rok Pag of |35--Lost and Found mani tao Interment 'Bow ce Pow MO aim 94 aM ett eee | eaten ot ae cats . ASE NNE ; uilt, Ver ape . * an Bread 7)! a 30 2 a a iS 258 255 255 " ey tke thinking of selling Rumpus Room MODERN two. and three: clean-<otiginal owner, $2196 (Lost; nine Lpbrndor domi, Tatvooed ielt| (incom. Sa Vendoo 1000 <a 4a | an a | Sarre too ss if your home call us for an ex- Refri S ments available, Refrigerator 'and stove,| Of best offer. Appl 344 ear, July 30 at. King and Centre Street. BURR, Grace Elizabeth | CCC Stone" 7220 $38 38 calta 1200 380 380 380 -- fe 45 670 665 670 ---§ pert appraisal at no obligation efrig. - Stove - Dryer | 7aimmning fi: ed in playground.| Elizabeth St ye th 5 OM Call collect, Scarborough 267-/in hospital, Ottawa, Monday, A | <lEndry . 200 $6) 83 ane Wo eee we ee ee tives" "Oa as ae to yourself ---~ then sit back Rents f -- none batts IN Se en 1965, Grace Etizabe ay, August 16,| new 100.8138 13% 1 Sunburst , "5 rom Mi ae "Sega Og zabeth, beloved dai | © Brew a+ Ve ure 2000 16 «15 I end watch us put our 57 Mill ST. at dieser a bedroom apatl- 7 Lost -- Child's red Orion pullover ang OMe od Maen Sen el Cc maw Borns Go as a MINES Terriory 1000. 15% \s¥--_ etd years of ex $120.00 per month men avaliable Ist. September, every- NTIAC 1 containing nylons, in post ina 1 King Avenue, Genwood Domain, Ayl:| ©.8 Al A przs $53.53 53 | Texmont 1000, 135" 90. ta +) for you, o get bel er up to rupees bf gi of $120 and Kf Urgently needed, Telephone oat. Pesinsta ater in her 16th year At the Cdn Can an I 3H ey pire =i | gael be dab ovat 4 eM Tom BABE pe) kasi ped! owl Phngsirnaaeiigh és So convenient to school and |i! at 728-7576. y's Real Estate ee hardtop 6 cylinder ae inten. Sires Gitomer Sieral sarvied ¢ cur 20. 8 a es Anat" "Y arm "a0n tots Tormont 6000 10 1b Wp * ry | _ penstnitecty ic if ie able tor tele to toer 175 Aas shopping. jswo rooms and kitchen, upstairs, pri-| perfect Bec By Bate A iM rant » White, in cate vi a a Church, Aylmer, hed c He eh iv Dep bt = +i Ay 300 ie i i pi | ene 10) ae 25 y" fessiono! MLS. sal L » furnished or unfurnished, Kit ' : ms to suit, BLACK mi ray $2 | roadia 22 «2% 2 ' 100 25: 2 25 + .L.S, sales person- OCATION -- chen furnished, Ladies preferred. T 9468), $895 miniature female poodle CPR Fea, Legg 4) ANC Cop $00 12 + Ve Un But 116990 218 201 jh t . Tele ' around the Duk } 570 $6494 : | @ 128 128 fae 205 lb + | > Farewell and Popior. Sts, | rwe:noon M wre nabteToaphone Tisha" 'enwol) BYERS, Stamey Andrew | on re, 8 Hime th fig Bem ty lt alts | Oh rot" oo CALL otters. at site eee eat Nonk oee Yoleovare orley Stalker Pe aaar pee [Entered Into rest at Oshawa Generall C Ut via pr 25 $9014 904. 90) Beis 2007 9 OF Shm] Upp con 's60 190 198 178 : n 2:00 to 5:30 daily 728-7240 : 'id MOTORS ega [gear Andeng Stack er hice Chemeell Ph dg Hck io sh $10 fie =8"| Viola 1h ws oe 728 Glcted Sunday, SIX ROOMS end bath, dupi 137 King W ot lorrure, 'aaceul, Groce. of Ofearwresss| cieinen oie am See em tl Somer Hh aio Nw we Wasmnc 900 the. 468 66 FY -6286 oat quiet, paved street aie pile hs Pe Oshawa CENTRA pipers perrain and: dear, tather rel Col an x a a 350 | Camp Chib 100 pl oS 40 =" 4 Malar 1000 4 1 et om q t j r "f rs, i ai Ho AAILLEN --[eetesrsntte, aot "our Powbne_ 723-6922 L Cesar ivan "ot Sit, 'ea aner| 21. or foe a" an 4 | © dain ah hip Ie a ee See Sit. Chavishe ana tauk » Dorothy ng 350 $20 19% 20 +%| © | tol Wileo a. loving bi -encourt 7500 1 i 900 28 5S D HYMAN REAL ESTATE LTD, la nn Untur spovate maicenee | BUYING OR SELLING MORTGAGE AND bisa Pyllinky A Greenwood" area 'ein Con rr 18 sad at ty "| Captain 6000 H su vi ae wane Star 9000. 63 b Fy se | . sarhie. Gcorpecy eeptavioer 1 We ehil TED CAMPIN [Mrs, Agnes Wilton, 'Dear iriend of Miss Gon Paper 195 $41 uM Canelae 000 21 20% 20%4--I4, Young HO 100 6 8B + We REAL ESTATE 728-1679 Gren' 126-2596 | HOUSING McBachnie Funeral Horne: oh Ringsion Gon Ges 377 S104 Im I+ | Cho Kay BT hy gonna ee aebaped state self-contained try O oad West, Pickering. Funeral ngstor C 226 621. 27 3) Coch Will TOE 2 Zulapa 3000 261% = LIMITED TWO-BEDROOM "bungalow, large eee eparate entrance, Anderson street, writ | M TORS CORPORAT ie chapel on Wednesday, 'august 18 a corn aw ed 420 420-420 Comb Met sooo | Lee ed wooveene On [Bisghee aaet ae transporta' iby. Telephone 668-6661. 607 KING ST OSHA | ION |2.20 p.m. Interment Salem Cemetery Crestbrk he " H a5 Con. Key 1000 94 9% ut | Sales fo 11:00 am.: 1,036,000. ons lor small family. Roger|THREE-ROOM rrr ere WA | Crush | rd +" ellek = 11008 | : | Beaudoin, West Hill, 262-9681 alter 6 apartment, refrigerator | Just £ nt 100: $14% 14% 14% CF a 8 5 p.m.jand stove, P ast of Wilso: SPICER, Cygn e lah bids 1000 14¥%-- 14¥/ FORE! Want Your |FERNHILL BLVD, LOCATION --Three-|22! aiiove. Parking. Adults only. Apply) 723-4494 Res he, SEALED Fe Rank bee | Svons A he 400, 400 a0 CG Arrow 1500 23 nh Mh + Val Cochwill be sar lage bedroom bungalow for rent. Available Oc-| THREE-ROOMED - a 4 {n_ Kiogtion Genseal Hospital. Salurday, Dist Seag 665 $38% NV 3884 LE ee 190 35° 33 a8 kg | Geernoen 1000 a? ara 2 Home SOLD {90m Oshawa Times. Please write Boxled apartment auineble Tee tenehars. or MORE | CASH Oniario, dear Wlebane Gk tees yn a tad 125 $28 28 tales 4 c Merron i "as 4S Sh tnt ken ih 100 615 61S 61S $10 a mes. |business couple. Teleph achers or Airhart and loving of Grace Lovella| Dofasco 300 $27%8 27% 277 ¢ 163 (163: «163 +1 enville 1250 43 43 43 +1 NO phone 723-3887 Paid for : Mrs, ving father of (Marion); & Glass an 27% + Me FOP Corp 2000 S4 $4 ~ cinepiatetaon PS. NOW RENTING! five-room, two-storey, |HREECROOM basernent apartment Trade up Good clean cars. Mrs, Steve Actym, Hampton, Clarence| omar Pr 22S $179 1M 1M Cop Fleids "100112 119 ti fa Call Wey hore mh bart $110, month,|and stove. Ideal for working. couple, we 'ade ur or down, Leins paid te Hi oath Oshawa; also survived by; DOM. Text , 25 ie ee Coulee 500 28 = 28/ HH ih ' d jor, Alax 7942-3364, LaSalle Avenue or tele i . ndchildren; in his 68th Du Pont pe thy I keg raigmt 100 $13%4 13! N phone 723-1649 Funeral serv year 125 $484 481% 481% + c 3" 134 is ti ; NEW | SPLIT: "LEVEL house for rent, LARGE two - bedroom apariment, Hol DODD MOTOR SALES Uiniled Church Gh Menge Aueuet Ne. Eddy Mich 200 $37 39 aut Be me +1 atlve i or j ohnston wee m, two bathrooms, Holly: wood kitchen, stove sas gaa 314 PARK R Plainly marked as to content. |["ferment in the chi ay, August 16) ExGulie Aw 200 300 tl Dee 100 4 14 tM tt | Tolophone 635 mee ort possession, | mediate possession Whitby, 638-3087, bs D. SOUTH and addressed tothe und ' aug iathaty | dg) 410 $1014 iar 1a + 4 D'Eldons 2000 4 Ba RE | 5 A of If no answer, : : , 7 B UNGOr= am_ Play 30° $25 | 15% 15 Sia + Y s | 942-8204, '|@NE-BEDROOM apartment in n aa, 23-942) signed, will b GP Di 4 25% 25% Denison HBR Va + Va . 66 ieee er ew build ee , e received up to LOCKE' rill A 100 160" 160 160 Bees 150 $30% 30% 30% rie close 6 South "General rT ing. All modern conveniences including AL ------~--~-= | - 12° o'clock noon, Tuesd S FLORIST GL Power 25 $31% 31% 31! re) . 450 530 525 $25 nee Ve |elevator, swimming pool, Whitby 668-8560 L CASH os : | ERGY Funeral * Greyhnd 25 $13 A 3% Dome 100 $42 4242 y __ Schr Chita For cle ugust 31st, 1965 for the | arrangements and Guar T 3) 13) 13 = | Duvan ike Ra ofield-Ake Aker Ltd. on ren welcome, Raterences "required APART MSNT for rent, tor two single' deal on cars or trucks We painting as. follows: | floral arrangements for. all Hawker-5 ot ae Ts F Mar + elas ES FORT ERIE, Ont, (CP)--Na- camel ae er $.30 p.m. girls or two. single boys, $20 per week al up or down, Liens paid. | occasions Home A 757 tae 184 ag Genex 1000 5049 et jtive Victor, half + brother of Garces reneh Siyls hore. " Pp | | Home B a Ya Giant YK 40 Norther . Garage, recreation room, Taunton West |FURNISHED two-room upstairs fiat for NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED) dbsgaatghons fe Ontario, 100 OSHAWA SHOPPING ; HBC Nd HAN y 9 = %| Glenn Exp 8000 ai 1s y ve tue n Dancer -- 1964 Ken- area, Avaliable September 15. Adults pre rent. Completely private, Centrally lo 146 BROCK ST. NORTH | pera exterior only, CENTRE HE Do. Gow | ace $00 555858 ok ucky Derby, Preakness and '2 leren ivate "i ' | | a | nis P or REALTY LTD ces please, 723-7237 after oni, se aes home. Single or couple Ao from Royal Hotel | ae Cntanes 31: houses ex- 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE Has A 2260 $124 12% 124 -- Ye gence: ee ee + ag ey _ os owned by 4 Bees ze y | ye 53a 530 : 3 + i), P, Taylor's indfi CARO bricks fivebearesms Fors - TWO-BEDROOM : hitby 668-3331 728-6555 Imp Tob 2770 $15) Granduc 575 $70 $60 } elds * @, broad- apartments for rent. 1964 Barrie, Ontario, 24 hou : oe Ind A $isve 15) 15 Gulen 560 25 |farms--to ; WHERE REAL ESTATE IS laitten. ah A Pritcs ten toners, oy I SOUR ge IT and laundry. |r Tila a Heine Mala hl wall fires, terior orily, : stfalice | EVERLASTING raspiaaiceag ind Wire? 4 Ot Faas Gunner "N00 in is BU leyt Club y- Boa poet we mL " a orner: conditi ) ik "nd SOLD NOT JUST "LISTED" [ON people win' excallen! reteences| DREW STREBT. 74° Three roars Gr one| |Returning school, musi sll. Telephone) pimaso¥" | Cinterio, | 52 row | \MEMORIALIZATION Ma can 200 ate st ate |: Hollinger now fe" "ita |Race Track Monday. ss eh nb AR re bedroom, furnished, cent ousing units, exterio | is almo IBM 3 %" 9%+ | Hud B | " " nb AN , central, adults or 1963 Pi si q f} st possible with th 24 $52 ud Bay 30 $68% 682 64-- | JOC LET US "SELL" YOURS '26--Apartment | for Rent _ working couple or three Individuals, ab-/V-t, PONTIAC Laurentian station wagon, | Lindsay, Ontario, (approx) | MATTHEWS BRONZE RAAB int Nickel. | Ob are gate oe | Int Bibis 2 a 86 BAe . ckey Nick Shuk brought Coll 728-5157 | stalners, nonsmokers. No children. sab: |V-8, automatic, four-door, radio, white-| 50 row housing units, interior that we supply and inst ae ABD 1 ok ee inate 100 4 17137 "nip Victor off the pace to i : , 3 install; 95 $90 «690 « « --) |Win the 1 1-16 - ONLY A FEW 2 and 3 BASEMENT apartment for rent. ide: 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian, four-d | Plans ' | Please call { Int StlP 1601 $6 5% 4 | ish Cop) 00 a jjust 1 th race in 3:43 46, a.m, to 9 p.m. |__ BEDROOM APART TRANG arson PHGsTe wate eahc Waal Lehane STI eee over, Tele} forms pecifications -- and MOUNT LAWN tO Oe ie WL ave i Bee ae st 1 2-5 seconds off the track 48 Simcoe Street South -- if MENTS a stove, frig. and laundry. Apply lhl aba . orms of tender required con MEMORIAL PARK Janeeag ris 270 48 48 4841 Jollet See ea [record for the distance. 7 ee ide LEFT AT. asiuk "Apartments, 183 Arthur-Street 1959 PONTIAC stationwagon be obtained at the address 723-2633 jetoraen 675. $202 204 20% + Ve| Jonsmith 3000 64 63 63 1 | Native Vi P! DON 5 ae 27-- ee |POWOF Steering, radio me aoa below 3 2633 icelty whe 150 $55 5% 5% Kerr Add ar eit ng bbebladas'p, trained by Ho- Do it yourself, Let us help CASA MAN -_ -Rooms f for Rent cellent, A:1 condition, 725-8082 | Kindness beyond Price, yet Labatt 425-110 110110 ee ee oe |ratio Luro, was a 7-to-5 favorite you. BUY or SELL your | AN ---- 1955 CHEVROLET, automatic, goo | Each tender must be accor Within reach-of o LOnt Cem 1000 $74 747) Kopan 1000 12" 12Va_ 12! in the Queen's Plate earlier your next | radio, mot tic, good tires, ecom " L-0-Ce A Te 1M Lab Min lee id , 8 property ATTRACTIVELY radio, motor in fair condition new ber, panied by o security deposit tO Com-w 1300-2 85 340 ne 4 iN" yeaf, but finished a distant 728-9466 COURT | FURNISHED ROOMS be eer, Telephone 726-1164 of ten per cent of the tender ERROW ree ais we ee icin: "on an fourth. | Al : ® 35 354 --~ ,. ' K OSHAWA | Avallobie "in priveta home: listeinn's filter, Eg lg Mol pit vie deposit shall in- FUNERAL CHAPEL isi aw 100 470 ae nt cate tee C14 law One Moving around the outside, REALTY (Bond St.) LTD. @ ELEVATOR SERVICE Coll betuwen Gnd Om. 3 Elgin Street East, 725-1497. y demnify the Corporation 390 KING STREE Lite. Inv 460 $144 aie avy | Libarlan ae eraib Tale tab Native Victor took the lead bs Boe Wak . 82 PARK P.M, |" PONTIAC convertible, Excellent con-| against loss in the event of TELE aS ET WEST LobCo A se ta on Louviet Pe aN Ae gp sae jfrom his stablemate, Top Vi ~ : = @ INTERCOM | RD, N. ry Must sell' Telechene Fase, | withdrawal of -- successful | PHONE 728-6226 ree, ee Se 1 mt ML Mme 300 29% 2% 22% (tory, who hung on to pha a | 1952 -----~.| tende LobG Bopr 175 $3; #200 263 OLDER HOMES @ BALCONIES | 728-867 | ist CHEVROLET; 83 Curler. Boil] Ceptance of the, bid by the | Lowe mmo Sa Tha Te + tavern 8 Aa Neti sr dao REQUIRED RIGHT, 'clean, singles" furnished Brock Street South ra i i y the My ren 225 $2) 22) O00 | m 2300 103. 102 103 | ative Victor paid $3.50, $3.60 , i. bed Bh BES | orporation. A aciaren B x85 $24 24! Metal Mine 500 167 165 ets See The Model $ room in private home, Very cent CHEVELLE, 1964 nascent | certified IN M MB and PR 24a 24% Lowen WS +7 jand $2.40, te furn- gentleman. A ¥ central. Suit) "algae ; Desert Beige coior,, cheque or-negotiabl 205 $29 2 (8 i tnaesntaereabre Rei "ul uF pply 102 Elgin Street East automatic, power brakes, whitewall: i gotiable Domin- Mass-F 930 $ + -- A C T | V E " ished by Wilson Furniture. LARGE BEDROOM, twin beds, suit real miles, Like new. Phone rieusse ion of Canada Bonds will be Molson A ie aoe People to, share, $7 each weekly. North |MOTORS, $35 UP -- All' car parts accepted as'a security de- |motner, Mrs' Florence Yen' wre passed Mont Loco 218 813% th 13 a § ERIE RE REALTY LTD CALL THE ROOMS som bil ay is oS nions eae 723. | coon - Pegg Hue he ler Ae et nee Contein 100 $6 'am an 4 . ig T -- Four beds, © pee a ade payable to the ord Pea f Noranda nt Me struct on order of | Peaceful be thy rest, di 804 $49%-- 49e 49 728- 5157 RENTAL OFFICE struction workers welcome. Brooklin 655- USED CAR PARTS. 'spindies reve Mortgage and Hous " is sweet to beanie hy anes Scean Com 100 + gtr al 'S | MONDAY, AUGUST 16 er eermemnenreminnescnmenenes ~ oor Street! ing Corporat T ite we loved you dearly, S44\a 44M 44¥) 1 r TWO large h ' ~ East, after 4, 723-228) poration, The lowest" | In death ' Pac Pete 4 i a+ Va FIRST RACE -- Purse URGENTLY RE! UIRED 723-6361 lai ge housekeeping rooms for t bisa jeath we do the same. ; 45. $1014 10% 101 yrse $2,000, Claim-| FIFTH RAC ladies. wo or any tend E Pemb 4 ing, maiden, thi . E -- Purse $3, icehes $67 bosh el 23 |Evervining supple. "19° Xin Motors #5 GOWN, $17.55 'weekly buys "GT Pontiac| pecantid NGO NOE NOCESOT eee ee eeee init borin te Pew cory 480 SUN LAE a" | Bevan ch ree "and four-yeer-olis ¢|ances. Three-yearolds and Pesar ge et , , ' v * , Ye | po bedroom bungalows Open Daily 5:30 to 9 a 9 Stree! iso dual exhaust Cath Wade bk I at Eick ta ar. and atoalereracniargn: Porm one) Gl Gat Ge ote A ENCE, Geen ee A ES SRN Chin Gane Se split levels, 2 storeys What | LEAN, furnished room in icols Motors, 668-3331, ran . Smith Rol , Baeie FP SF i 4-Bright Object, Gor . "quiet home ' . olland A ransultana ee s | ' er 28 2.1 fave you? Y OR CALL pe gentleman. Phone 723-9225 e 1963 BEL AIR Chevrolet, four-door, auto-| Property Management Section Rothmon 327 $01 ane oe twordert Tan Mist, Canadian| oe Pipers Slee ie For free valuations cal ICENTRALLY LOCATED large furnished condi radio, power steering, Excetient| 650 Lawrence Avery , Royal Bank 712 $74 474 bel, Babelift, Smart and Lucky, Pine-| ange Ran in Order: Shook 2nd and call ed condition, ue Wi bus lbedroom. Suitable f Apply Mead's Suno K T 'est, Russel H 225 sh, Come On Bob, Salem Prince, Wi and Raff's Pride. -- UIDE REALTY phone 725-7073 or one person. Tele- Street East, at Wilson Rd., belgre 7 ee Py Cores CARD OF THANKS ' Si com A100 SI Sa ost Bal rege ld a NdY | QUINELLA, 2 AND 4, PAID $9.40 | Salad. 37' 37a ' ie i . 63 Kng See Estate "-- HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for geniieman itera. ate tea V-8 automatic, power | | | fee em we 3, by Sun Davie -- Risk [wiemac, 9 <4 by Menetrier --~ Tudorette, oer rine 3-465) LIMITED ia oem Apply 410 King East steering and brakes, many extras, Bow:| '38--Coming Events HUTCHISON. << 'The forilv 'ot | Shell Can 224 $18 a 10% Wa + Me Pool s21s86s, "Dally Double Pool $46,621, |P00! $25,520, Quinella Pool $28,767, ? ARGE furnished room for two|! ' Rinna or arnt ee | willl ae ily of the late} iw 580 57 og : P i or two |1968 BEL AIR sedan, cok am Hanlan Hutchison wish Sh 5 575 --§ | SECOND R pr | CALL 7290112) aererat Monee shin Close to South' white walls, eight See [thelr sincere thanks to git ag ator Shop ay ora a5 444 ing, revere: bn siren Oe SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,700. Allow. fe nth ee cue Shin workers welcome Sele. Telephone 723-7787 e MUSIC remy: for thelr many acts of kindness,| Simpsons 210 $27% le 0 : £ Ringer Flinger, Rem"id 18.00" 8.90 "5,90 ances. Three, and founyearcelds, foaled 725-2915 - r s ind card: "| Slat -¥ in r 2 . ind ones 728-7576 FULLY EQUIPPED housekeeping room 1965 BEL AIR, two-door, automatic, radio {ing his' tong iliness and deat in ihe Pri | rite Ue Te ee ad fo vail b ned gg 4 ane 6.9 $20) (), sixteenth Miles ' NON U Appt one gentleman. Abstaine Central. | 623-2498 hone Bowmanville ivale. Patients Pavilion, Toronto General Steel Can 626 $281 We 1a + Me Also Ran in Order: Manne Free View H1A-Native Victor, Shuk 3.50 3.40 2.40 S | B B Y S | y 38 Nassau Street, 725-7922 eee | pene). seat! thanks to Dr. Barbara) Jancord 212 450 a © 28\a + v4) Chinese Sabre, Top Cadet, Honey Bives, 1A:Top Victory, Harris 350 3.60 2.40 |FURNISHED bedroom in private home. body CHEVROLET "station" wagon, IN THE Haniel! and nursads.to Rey. J, K. Mottalt Tancord pr. alt 250. 350. 90 Young Fashion. +16 Caledon Colonel, Turcotte 330 REAL ESTATE LTD. TOWERS LTD oo locally. Gentleman with steady |655 v. motor and tires. Phone Brooklin, Home and the Oshawa Police F ere Raining in SA winner rt at ER Baifhee hs wofog che Ren in Order: Aremert, : Bleck t erred. Telephone 728-8706. 2 orce. "Dom. Bk 210 $6194 61% 61% Diz . , y Dark Star -- ver, Last Stand and Chopparis.. | NEED ac Sagh caves, thane Ca Bag irre prbagaanenas W955 CHEVROLET, "389 Pontiac motor ai 25's35 83S pla. Sei MY Eiak Sereuin. A--Windlields Farm Entey " Peg area. Call Charlie Rankine Northend Location thing sudglied, bus enn Ng room, every: | oie). set of 800-14 Racemaster racing i tc 100 $14 M4 14 +M inner, dk b or br g 3, by Victoria Parw Ot _720-3002. Active Realty Limited 'hoa ok Li slicks, 4:56:40. 1. erown-and- pinion tor. '65 UARIES | Tr Can PL 1006 $36 3666 Sét----4) THIRD RACH = Purse 32.000. Clal Sea ee ee dag a For genuine: cath buyers rooms da & 3 bed FURNISHEDA single room for rent 1962 miavieta ek ni itohis u Ae | ure 225 ytd oo Li + pi idee ale three and Scan REL ee n na . nt in ' station wagon, . USS n._ Carbid 10 3 b 4 " . honaberey mveeaeereern Songaiewty, ito @ Reinforced Concrete Sound pape ak By Kitchen" privileges Inder, radio, automatic Seanereiesian: os TON LEO MELVILLE ALLISON | U Corp B- 20 tea ta ee Cash. Anaad. Fares 46, Alig hed dlr gps ge $2,400. Claim Menry Stinson 7241133; evenings 725.024) | io | SINGLE rooms and board. Appl Whitty s6n-2102. $1,600 or close offer IGHT 8 p mi Leo Melville Allison, a New vee 8 sc we ue pall Her Bisahs tearra i $.@ 400/65) Se ens ectrical Hi | si poly 25 Divi- | : * leg Hivgaeialigecagsisth , "2 r 5. $15Vo 1Sle : ndez 6.10 ° Sicadiowh roe \simece h : babe he face station wagon, motor in fee Peo go and real estate Walk GW 150 $3836 we iv + Lon ootie Moa aan mat Shuioee pir cag Hn AP St : io 1] = | housekeeping room. Suit shape, body good, Best offer.| j |man, died Sunday in Bow - | Bo J ju, Bayview Miss, | 2. eve 00 3.40 @ Inter-Com Syst one man, App! . Suitable for| Telephone 728-6658 bet bade | hli loille ; owman - nanza Babe, Wise Teddy, Cover All Seasons, Leblanc . ae orem [Passos ply 200 King West or Phone i4a-FoRD ranch Ce Ham | McLa ugniin be Memorial Hospital. | OBITU |gnd ick A Star, be sappane ess PO Ran in Order: Temwood, Ky Pid © Balconies |SLEEPING ROOMS for gent ninesmonth old engine. $975. "Apply. 1%8 orn in Port Hope, Mr. Alli- ARIES Seek Lagrs by coatene ee ca Ree by Jee sents © Underground Parking double oF single. Clove to OF nbgntlemen, |Sinclair Avenue, Oshawa, 723-5180 Bands el Beckett He the former Reida Poo! $44,909. Pool 851,32! g 8645. '$6 FORD Victoria hardt eckett, He was | F op, excellent | a member of NEST SPIC P mca, P43 Telephone, sob St0) Wah cooking facies body, mechanically A-1 with wn yell M weastle United Church moe Epicor, : rag snr Wweyentolde. Teannwtenkeen ban eae pete nis Gra tnt Gea aad oe ' one m 466 hitby Royal t » four new Dominion rf s a 38-year em: Furlongs (9) ine anada. 6) i, ~olds and up. One and one | leganies Royal tires. $595 or best offer, 725-0317 emoria Pa urviving besides his wif ployee al G AF sixteenth Miles (8). } REAL 728 bedroom in quiet 728-2537 " - r ie are veneral Motors f amous Monarch, T'te 1 2-Sun Hash, Hal ; | -4 |For gentleman. Apply 57. _guiet home as four sons and three +g: |Ca Of}? .Winning § 8 12.30 6.30 3.60 ale $5.00 8.20 4,30 ' ESTATE 014 heb. tatbichae sAdssiskoalecaltrin rad phe FORD Sour-door Sedan, standard, 6| Mrs. R. Jenkins -- J nada Limited who retired last|5 -Judge 1 sind me 1m 4 esc ten 8.00 4.50 LIMITED OSHAWA 2 Room and Board ey Vckswause en lime rene FEATURING \Burketon; Mrs Pa fa in K 1, died suddenly Saturday Aamaine, in Order: Quebec Style, Nol Also Ran in Order: Jazz R pe vases oth " yen, low mileage, radio, | pha u right ingston Ge oning, Ceasar B. i : Jazz Round, Su ws $117: bd nera Good, | ' sa eal a yf A egg H.175, Apply 1186 King East, rear apert-| pp (Rosalynd) of Ajax; Mrs. New-/He was 67. : | Hospital, [Areue, Canucks al Pele ee [ phoil Ags Val oe eaed adlser tga olen, : serene » six-day , / Baths shee s erman Ent ' 40 King St. E., 728-4678 REALTY tral. Telephone 125900, 191 Co, z ernard Tierney oo ea (Christena) of New.| Mr. Spicer was working in the|ramess Maid' wy ty ere siheneeah Pel tg 9, 8, by Sunglow -- Wee Hash, COLBORNE EAST, 87: Room --Compact Cars for Sal d parts and serv mariens alee raris, ~ ' | ir denarnea' otk 'oom and board isi tects ale and his or ari" Allison of C rvice department|Poo! 845,414 Pool $61,043, Total Pool $414,079 MIDTOWN PLAZA | __ (BOND ST.) LTD. irate gownn arn Bentear tines nee, VOLVO & PEUGEOT orchestra ot Downsview, Phillip of ind peg Magn Appel ee te ee vie M , , ' jowntown. Apply address * MERC vas a inton, north stag miacenam wd We are pleased to have been ultiple Listing Service 29--Wanted to R scar WARE ond BILL'S These concerts are presented ag ge of Newcastle. Belleville, He had lived in _- acu : y is restin he awa f ears appointed exclusive , 'o Rent - by General Mot ag esting at the or 36 years. mvcned extn rel | MMALA GLEN iectetttte stan Ss) Gey tn by General Motos of Con- Morris Funeral Chapel, Service| MI. Spicer was buried in , : hab in Oshawa or Ajax by family with Genera! Repair usi~ d held Wednesday at 2)Flinton Uni Y 2 AUO, 8 Secure your lease in th wo children. Immediate posses: _ pair one cians' Associat m di eda HOB tt on United Church ceme-) FIRST R ' hone ' ssessi Te o-E} r . ar y j tery ves ® AN _ | relly, locoted ut " roe COU RT oo Hy ett sion. Tele Bes . ectrie Service aback al eal Past will be in Bow- tery yesterday, following a 2/Meiden PGs aR Pras vader seld Mh gh MO at acter nhhag ' rn shop- re UNG WOMAN wilh | titson Rd. South , » Cemetery, p.m. funeral servic |6 Furlongs (18) : les. Arctic Swirl, Walsh 116 ' OCAT i i wo smail chil i service at Fl R «ping: plaza at once. Super LOCATED NEAR SOUTH Sttimant" Mamas." eeohon chit Oshawa 728-0921 BIN GO ERNEST COOK United Church cag | yp ae Rain See eine 10 } " latel * "Ss " ' * e : ; = Brewer's Worehouse RESERVE roa 1657, y. Telephone 728 SABYAN | The funeral service for Ernest The body rested at Bush Fu- eriocess Aurora, hi Bias ee jA:Dane Hill Acres and W. T. Mason entry o oy 1 | Snes n. te anadian, N Bort Department Store end AVOID DISAPPOINT Ath illic ES ha ap cd MOTOR SALES LTD | KINSMEN CENTRE jCook, who died Sunday at Lind-| beag Home in Tweed. The ser-|Garden's Pride, Turcotte A-X112 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $3,100 Allow: jank alreedy leased Shpiegl MENT Plexer ena VOLKSWAGEN A say in his 7Oth year was heldluck was conducted by Rev, Hil-|Warcart™ McComb 112 jances, Three.year-oids | and" up. Fillies ---- ---- | ' , 7 cKer. er, ut one iT inquiries + 2 eon 3. Bedrooms 30--A oor a am " Soles and Service today at the Morris Funeral] Pal "| Margabeti, Ginsaner" Ag sean Cady eric LOC A wiries invited for Barber 2 Bethrooms (in all Zand |= utomobiles for Sale New and Used Cars Early Bird Game Chapel, Bowmanville. Mr. Cook allbearers were Damon, Ray) Me Missile. Ditttach 112 hare base wae Shop, Beauty Porlour, Rest- FS Panaiobiseisl ta ee : 334 Ritson Rd. S FREE ADMISSION had been a resident of Bowman- and Harvey Bryden, Ber A Zales, Elizaleamons, 117 Forest Rovers 'Tureen' Xath eurant, Dry Cleaner ph albrig phe | $1250 in Prizes \ville for the past Woods, 'James Freeburn and Fury"s Brew. No ey Green Goddess, Harris X11 Drug * Balconies ' Jackpots 53 5. | He w past four years. |John Spice Nd "Also Eligibi Boy 117 |Besuante, Gomez 119 2 Store -- 2 unassigned stores * Intercom System Open Evenings | Children under Riedie a e was born ih Toronto, the, Born ar -a : wineay seme Prealtigie Ferre x10 lac. F. Bennett, W. A. Woods 'and J. & : i. dE ; ; ir . Woods ; Excellent rental rotes. * FM MUSIC MOTORS LTD 196 ACADIAN Beaumont, excellent con-| Special 7:30 diag 'ai gga [Samuel ye ae Mr. and Mrs.|was'the son af the ee No Boy 112s Crown Dutchess, Steve Xi07, Levesque entry. (Quinella Wagering) * Broodloom Hall . Tih Gules Giler Urobas" Soha ac ook. He married th ate Mz. andiicy Ane Dibteith Fae scale ons Walamee Thee oe CONTACT alls | miles, automatic, power brakes, radio Corners iformer Laura M e|Mrs, Solomon Spicer, H y All. A-Garden City Staole and M. | a CE -- Purse $3,000 Allow: i - | r : eee te a usser -wh e mar-|Richardson and Ki nces. Three and four-year-old: 728-946 | 2 lots to serve tights. Sunae jour soot hetth, beck ideceas © pre-iried the f ingfield Farms entry. Canada, 6! is Foaled tn : : ) ed him in 19: former Grace Louella) a, 6¥2 Furtongs (10) LLOYD METCALF 6 | you a er going abroad, Ajax, 942- OSHAWA | 37 Airh ella) sEco | Serene Cath | eart ND RACE -- Purse $2 athy, Glassner 107 R ABA e Smt | For many years Claimin Bethy 300 (5000) | Queen's Birthday, ne LID @) S H A W A 84 KING W. nisise -- 1964 Volkswagen 1200, Lic ~ LIONS CLUB was an employee of Re Cook) Surviving besides his wife are) es. (8) roe eS Fur-| Soler Glass, Remilard ies 40 King St, E 72B-A67R at Ak the Simeon South, Fina Servicer 7280081. |Transit Commission oot Da Sista daughter, Mrs. Stephen Ar waking Turcotte gh Wein Wensee Utes e r "9 i At Bien » 78-005 S re-|t? ' le, Harri @, Leblanc } wil haecissrti R FA LT HILLTOP 1962 AUSTIN Healy, white with blue In B | N G tirement in 1950. m, of Hampton, and two/beader Lane, Ditttach. 113 [Battle Order, Ditttach AY i terior, fully equipped. Very ea | Mr, Cook is survived by three|0s oon Clarence and Ross, both of Riven, Karan, Marcia X11 tower, ute Wee i > Non e r | a (BOND ST.) LTD awy. No. 2 «ign, One owner. Telephone after 4 p.m, WED. NI |daughters: Mrs, F, Hall (Aud-| shawa lnachioas Ne. Gey Sy My Kimie, Fitzsimmons . 107 F ; ™ rae ter wea : . GHT |rey), and Mrs. Llewellyn B Also surviving are iwo bro-|odie, Ray. Ferro x11) Alirullah, Harrison 116 fter: Hours Call 5 sensibly price Tetwohone nema excelient condition Pa lton (Jean) of Row ur-ithers, dames Spicer, of Flinton inartenee maces our] SEVENTH R 723-625 | $1:200 in cash prize iM manville@and/and Charles Spi ,/A-Norcliffe Farms entry ' ACE Purse $3,000 Al -6255 Used Cars 163 "AUSTIN" Healy, red, 3000 "wig. Jackpot Nos. 50 ore 53 fet M. Chappelle (Rita) of To-|'Ther arles Spicer of Welland.) yarn er = a Four-year-olds and up, 6' For- BLE ' Ss wae ban tla te Rabid BS S prone. Three sons, Ross and ate ore 18 grandchildren. ances. ties ane Suncomaua tk heel Gay Van, No Boy 109 NO De }Ar 7 iy pay i a RENTAL ) DOWN. PAYMENTS 190 VAURWALL Cresta, stendard shin, JUBILEE PAVILION one of Toronto, Gordon. of FUNERAL OF [Ree Astrid mY OO caer Sits Were ates INFORMATION \FASY TERMS, «turer. Aso 106 Gmawe'Blva'w, "") 3 California, and a sister, Mrs..W.| RICHARD AL OF | |cpunen Tans, eBoy inane, Worry AS ~ 1957 AUSTIN HEALY, Corvette. Clean, door 'prizes $10 each ker (Mae) of California also! ~ ' R Chinese Festibal, Kornblum X108 |Erench Wind, No Boy 8-109 an.| drawn after early bird game survive The funeral service for Rich Fonte' ae. Steve A-X100 breech ae tg - PPh BR RnR a Divi: tar i iv, Pitesti > Wals! Wa bin The funeral service was con: ard Walker, who died Aug, 13 at|London Wise, wc ne Blerlou,_ Fitzsimmons. 112 ! North Woods, Turcotte X108 Selden, Turkey, No Gey \0r viler entry ast. Equipment includes hard and soft . e unnybrook S' Moss Park, Harri: 3 quip S b Hospital, Toronto s » Harris X In Times Building : 725 6568 MME or 728-7375 CONTACT DIATE ae Ce i OCCUPANCY KELLY DISNEY 1960 CORVAIR four-door, automatic. Lov pgp hive J, Frampton) y 7 L WILSON The VISCO USED CAR LTD mileage. Apply 68 Wilson 'Rosa South Sg John's Anglican Church rd ag ecg at the Mc-|Royal Ouch, No Boy 111 B-Windtields Farm and C. Taylor entry Age UNT APTS. | 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST In "Comer, White, red interior. Must) TUESDAY, AUG. ane erment was in Bowman-|pasto ne erson Funeral Home. tee Coldy Harris. X106 EIGHTH RACE --.P: At the Times bn al pny pe APTS. | WHITBY -- 668-5891 Hi Sa oe ' . 7th emetery, Peate ' ~o ay of College] Sleepy Notive, Gordon 111 I claiming. three-pearccids and ter tn aon wa e OMAT | Cars bought 'oo war Vi eee | ae OUR | ~ 3 seven ay Adventist], Ate. Eligible: Tripl one 16th miles (9) #50 80. FT. STOPE with ton 7 peg Laine geld to ick coe deer Velcon Tee Stan We mel 9: SHUN LOCAL PR Church conducted the servicelweeu' cocn" tlertoaan Ten' wencn|ieney, twat Ricans Giese i aan unee lelee. Gxeakent tor 25-9934 -- 728-4283 Trade us Br dona MtvhGumie $150 | se | WILLENHALL. . ODUCTS and interment was in Mount beth Co ped Wild Lady, Harri-/Queen's Ranh nent "6 sen, man'hs lade or cnitoren' wer woitey oe Alwoys_top quality iB ea > aim ae 5) Nos. $20 'Conca |More unlocked sori P) Lawn Cemetery. Doo Wacks Doo, No boy Actes: acai Gues! Speaker, No Boy Ww Fo eee oie Seoeet, Thee M7 |Avelabia. senteraer room" apartment ("it CHEVROLET 5 Ae , r Sale FREE ADM ils | stol yeles are e pallbearers were: Ch y entry -- well 113 }s ity lew buliding, 3: uper sport, hy Pi ged uct A eRe 1SS! olen in this Staff i re: Charles y Brier, No B 4 wendiniy. Phone Wwitey eennsat lieben enilen Sicha monn trodenavaton | loca Yat f Tate series "hall" Yon| DNIPRO H than anywhere a town|Dewhirst, Thomas Dalgleish, | SOURTH RACE -- Purse 82.600 [Eabison Toreatte Xita an, 725-2180, wilt motor, body. 8300 ALL se in Britain.|Ross Tw ' Ciaheuinn Wirearvent (39000) | Ponder On, Inouye 1 Telephone Ajax 942-2313, Ng | Willenhall is wining, Bruce Mc-|jone 1 -olds and up, On ened) Red Sn » Corner Bloor end S a centre of the/Farl Crone: en ilies (7) apper, No Boy Alls end Edith ane, Alan Dick Reap the Wi A-B. J. Thibodea: son and Wind, Harris X11) cack wand Mrs. W. 6. 8B or vie Me Sivas "ouwme ie hoes ag rol, Goemz 118 lace _ Fe . on. lock- --s industry.

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