Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Aug 1965, p. 14

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manna i ™_) ROUND THE GLOBE IN GLARE $10 Million Will Be Asked |Soviets Start Postal Strike Over, But..: Nazi Asks | Ripping Right As.'67 Aid Contributions Canada Visit : iene ciel doen halt of : tion ar: Two Questions Linger On | On Toronto ) Mayor's Feeaith | 22730 < ceetensntg poem ie oan 4 1907 centennial your kitty to tional aid in 1067," Mr, Lamon: PAUL ~~ av $510. to $550.) TORONTO (CP) -- Self-at connalssance photograph of one tagne sald, Northern Affairs Minister) 'ha % War a Pedy p, peste ony "$300 to $960 Wa5\Naxi Jack Decock, 20, 7 ae sme ra {oP au Arthur|of the Communist North Viet-|provide $10,000,000 in ald for) "iwrne centennial commission, |Laing, og MOL the tt asked for # permit to spon! Ba te ue, 41 a Lt ben. |namose surface-to-air missile omerging nations, Bate Secre|) isch 1 have the responsi.|eates et Uplands Alrpor, 8 week ae ihe mais ae are RECOMMENDS yyy iy Allan Gardens on var ben eee ue Hal (6AM fy a missiles ba agg 2 has ray bility, 1s of the pinion sone reporters the visit rainy a A MES normal J, C, Anderson.) Toronto should have a Christian! being gg We _ A in Bring positon. ! turn half of an fieme'9f uniinshed business re-rseoht in by he. fovernanen'| mayor pe, from, hoe a| IDENTIFY sotaren --_|p#ies at the annual mmesting, at! people welch Bas. itaindd thet began inst a main; gp lth other 64!-| parks Commissioner Ivan mat fe bein 4 treater" ent NICOSIA (Reutors)-A Cant! iaucatours them to celebrate the first cene|*, Barty rave rst O" ALLEY! Paste WeteersBrothorhaed tele i vat the Ana ite. Keara of control tant thea i cont de Paul Penitentiary north] ian soldier Killed Saturday |oaise, Mr. Lamontagne said the tury of Confederation "| Bu gin mile . te vit nr M t 8 occas Sa eed ny een icy Be eu Napa" a ww sop nha ee oe gua al Cenetruction Lad, | ating them whether they arelence snes af te year gronted wl 'eufere "with. publig enjoyment] mental. hoxpltal was Rifleman P, J. Hoare, 35, started, ave seinad pablion, Lasepene" Ser, 4 ner ' Rey in ome tedn bet made pari| 'cram wie publie enjey 1s NAMED MAYOR of Leamington, Ont,, a United| The money will be given tolence wate f still live in ex,|the Arctic Ocean and as fat 723-7122 a, crnss ante by the My rhe "a yoo with Canadian] MONTREAL (CP) = Jean-|Nations spokesman sald Mon-|the Canadian Committee for In-/treme poverty south ag Niagara Falls, ' day, Hoare, unmarried, was alternational Co-operation Year, Modern man faces "bigger bi! will tour the Giant Yel- challenges in the elimination of|lowknife 0 mine at Yellow: han he does in the! knife, 'T,, go fishing at atom or the world Whore, Y.T,, see the con id te of the Portage! not, W Mal since "The boot sum hot then! Nazi jiliam John Beat-| Noe! Lavole, mayor of suburban ag A oe ot Bade ay Bas y Ayr Nasi 'Lender W be ia Hlowers, were|Chomedey, was named. mayor| member of the Queen's Own Ri The money wit allow the com: tha Tver office departmentiwas considered but im puor charged with unlawful, assem-|Monday. night of the new clty|fles of Canada serving ay e)m, "ee 0 launch a big su sald ont start in mid-Sep-itation must await his final re-jpiy after a nearriot during alof Porat, grouping 14 muniei-|United Nations peace foreescription ¢ tember to deduct pay from|port and: the government's re-|swastika-flag bearing march in|paiiies on Ue Jesus north of] here those who went on strike, |action to it, the gardens July 25, They are| Montreal, He heads an interim * Neither item is expected to) Sources in the Postal Work-ltg appear in court Sept. 28, | council made up of the 14 come igger a resumption of thejers Brotherhood indicate they) poard of control had rejected|munity mayors and a number e, although poring thejexpect their members to -- Beattie's request to speak July|of aldermen, case|the final inereases, even if 95 and also has refused permis: SUBSIDIES NEEDED of more 000 Montrealjsums are not the flat $660 an-|sion to one ef Beattie's follow:| yyMONTON (CP) -- Provins workers who be walled out from/nual increases sought, ers, David yoy to speak 8) cia) subsidies and uniformity in July 22 to Aug, 7, could touch] Almost lost sight of during the}the gardens A\ police legislation are needed to off ome, reconsideration ofjstrike was the pay demand Torente Mayor Pillip Givens| modernize municipal olice their position, from other employees in thelig @ J fren Palle Chet MF. The department announced|civil service Group D p rye LEAVES TO CHURCH of Edmonton ee Pos Friday the lifting of the last/This includes some 35,000 em) TORONTO (CP) - Charles a4 told 75 delogates to the mail embargo, on third-class|ployees in customs, excise, Im-| John Gilhooly, a Toronto busi. day annual convention of the householder mail in the Mont-jmigration, stores and mainte! nogsman who died June 11, otf we Canadian Police Association : real area, All first-class mailjnance classes, most of his $550,061 estate to| there algo is lack of police train: returned to mormal Aug. 12.) In separate statements Mon-|the Roman Catholic Church in- ing facilities, Mountains of mail in centres hit/day the 80,000-member Civil! cjyuding $10,000 to James Cardi- 'ON DRUG CHARGE by walkouts now have been/Service Federation and 33,000-/naj McGuigan, it was learned) gppRINGFIELD, Mass, (AP) whittled down to manageable|member Civil Service Associa-| Monday, Mr. Gilhooly, WhO! narcotics possession charges size, tion reported they have sub>| founded the Canada Carbon and| yore lodged Monday night by @ Homes @ Additions 5 2 2 ee Both the government and thejmitted detalled proposals tol Ribbon Co. in 1918, was @ close) noice against Oscar Bright, striking workers indicated dur-|Judge Anderson for- additional] friend of the Toronto archbishop eae Gt the local chanted ing the dispute that pay would|salary increases to other Group|for more than 30 years. of the Congress for Racial not be granted or expected for|D classes, Equality. Bright has been days not worked. PROMISES STUDY prominent in the leadership of EXPLAINS PLAN In engaging Judge Anderson, Line Loses --e charging police A department spokesman said|Prime Minister Pearson prom- waxes out in an interview Monday that thejised that pay rates of all in the Py e BE boy dl ast y deductions--affecting some|group would be re-examined, A Licence BERLIN ( Ayn nS nt 3,000 postal employees 1 Que-|The judge's report, according to ir German mee en ven bec, Ontario and British Colum-|the associations, is expected 4 Wie to West Berlin _ of ; % ban bia--will be made this way; later this week, OTTAWA (CP)--World @|ply walking out of E Deductions will start in| The 6,600+member Customs|Air Ways Inc, of Montreal, one! past the wall dividing the city, mid-September civil serviceland Excise Officers Associ-/of five Canadian airlines oper-|He used a sightseeing bus re- pay cheques (civil servantsjation, unhappy with increases|ating charter flights to Europe, turning to West Berlin as cover, has had its licence supended,|coming across from opposite ~vey wil continue fr 'three vein ere gh 4 a spokesman for the air trans-ithe U,8, army's Checkpoint 3 : months, uired, with alendum, port board said Monday night,| Charlie, a ' : ia 7 maximum $50 belng deducted| This ballot asks members to| The company, 'headed by CURE BOW a < in any one th, slindicate whether they are satis-/Donald M, MoVicar of Mont} NEW YORK (AP)--Chester shine whine ae te fed with the pasoctation's cur-|real, has until Oct, 1 to submit] Bowles, U.S, ambassador to Inv $70 would lose $50 in Septem-|rent no-strike policy, or want it|representations on why its li-| dia, underwent a age - Op. ber and $20 in October.|changed to allow strikes, Dead-|cence should not be cancelled.|eration for marines 8 { _ Whether the entire monthly/line for return of ballots is mid-| The board spokesman said|June 18, it was wae le pr deduction will come off one/night Wednesday, Aug. 18, the decision was made last/day. Considered comple ac . cheque or be spread over two| The customs group and some|Wednesday because World Wide covered, and with -- prev' _ has not been decided, other civil service organizations|¢ould not meet its charter obli-/symptoms fully tngownerntng @ Except for Montreal, strikers|fee] they must ask their mem-/gations due to financial and is now back at his post in New at other centres stopped workibers about their strike position./maintenance difficulties, Delhi, The disease is a rhea for about seven days or less.|The government has promised| The company's remaining|sive nerve malady causing "1 Postal workers in letter-car|te introduce early legislation on|chartered flights will be under-|creasing rigidity, tremors an rier and mail-sorting positions|collective bargalain for civiljtaken by a competitor, Nordair| gradual loss of i ay average some $100 a week,jservants and a stttke prohibi-|Ltd,, at the board's request, to SHOWS MISSILES Their fimal increases, after the|tion may be included, ensure that no passengers will]. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The be stranded in Europe or at| Pentagon made public Monday, Montreal International Airport,/for the firat time, an aerial re- . s L.A. Riots Strengthen Fear|sivs's't at: sass" Europe, The suspension was unprece- : dented for international charter] a Ww 0 u on carriers based in Canada, See ee vat ' @ spokesman said the boa By BORIS MISKEW conditions from which disorder has bea te many prt Canadian Press Staff Writer {largely flows," and recalled the|about lengthy delays, mechan- The destructive Negro riots injfears the president had eX+lica} difficulties an poor serv. € Les Angeles have rne out preszed sed last June 4 that legallice in flights by World Wide's You're in the President Johnson's fears thatifreedoms and equal rights were|two superconstellation aircraft, civil rights legislation alone willjnot enough to guarantee the] 'The complaints culminated a Pepsi generation! not resolve the deep-rooted so-/Negro a full share of justice. |week ago when a party of 100 cial and economic problem at) Johnson has stressed the im-jtourists from Scotland wis the base of much of the Negro|portance of tackling the Negrolstranded in Toronto. Their comments in the United States./problem through the reconstruc-|world Wide chartered plane Years of degradation and dis-jtion of the Negro family, The| failed to pick them up for the crimination have left the major-|widespread breakdown of Negro| return trip after a three-week ~ of on Negroes Md pe family life is one of the major] visit poverty, scattering seeds of/causes behind the explosions in i m py nm ~-- ---- that be Los Angeles and other centres, OP Pg oe _-- Smith Beverages Ltd., are blossoming with unpredictMANY LACK JOBS or reinstate the World Wide li- able results. About one-quarter of the mar-|cence, 730 Ferewell Street The arrest by white police) ried Negro women living in such --- - a officers of an allegedly drunken|siyms as the Watts district are Negro youth whose car Was|divorced or separated, and seen to be weaving through the/nearly one out of every four streets of Los Angeles' WattsiNegra babies is born. illegiti- district, a congested Negro com-jmate, the result of the family munity, was enough to touch off/hreakdown that is worrying the the worst riots in California's|president, history, So explosive ts the Ne! 'The high Negro birth rate--it gro problem. is reported to be 40 per cent LEGAL RIGHTS WON higher among Negroes than Ironically, the riots came atjamong whites--and the unem- a time in American history|ployment rate, that is twice as when the Negro finally had won/high among Negroes as among legal civil rights and promises white people, accelerates the of better things to come, degree of poverty which is ac- for But the patience of the Amer-|companied by delinquency and) = Negro = poy thin over/crime the years, with the flames of} The racial climate in the U.S. the Los Angeles' riots quicklyjas a whole has improved much| 4 Dramatle Beauty Spreading to such centres asjin the last year but the under. Chicago and Springfield, Mass./current of hatred because of Practical Economy a PEPSI-COLA --_ f gal = --, -- a years of discrimination is atill 8 of the civil rights legisla-|prevalent. Only a strong assault { ova Way re al Negro to a en ihe social and economic con- Distinctive Simplicity ih ig! place in U.S. society. itions that have created this ; The California riots brought/hatred will bring some form of ALL GLASSES from Johnson a promise that the| harmony between the white and @ j U.S. must "strike at the unjust Negro people of the U.S. SINGLE VISION at | 65 OTHER STYLES, SHAPES & 'COLORS To ' CHOOSE FROM AT SAME ONE LOW PRICE. 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