THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, August 5, 1965 }] |j THIS IS an asparagus dish with a boat for cream sauce, but it can be used, as shown, for vegetables or for meat. --Ellis-Barker Photots When Nicholas Marks came home from overseas at the end of the war he and his young wife thought it over and decided to buy her mother's house and stay. He went to work as a die maker and Mrs. Marks did her church work and fund-raising and worked with the auxiliary of a Salvation Army shelter. : Shortl ft > THIS ELEGANT epergne die holders can be removed that serve as holders for ei- est swatting dies tevert cov is a versatile gift. The can- and replaced by small bowls a flowers or for jtic office. Sane ee Se PAE apa SESE VR oh aed : | "It was about 15 years ago. j |Two kiddies were killed by cars jin our neighborhood. That was June Marks, Toronto's Freshman Alderman fe Hest time thomas at | . : ' of city hall, the first time I FOUR CRYSTAL flower silver stand. They can be | K Ci Co ] A Cons an B ] ever did anything about any- holders sit gracefully on a used to create a variety of | e€eps ity uncl t t t Ol thing. a arrangements. She pestered officials until | By JEAN SHARP | It was then that she and hus-, Some aldermen had reserva-jtraffic regulations were a s |Canadian Press Women's Editor band Nicholas decided to make|tions about the value of the re-|changed. A bit later she did the Choose Somethin Ditterent | TORONTO (CP)--A slight, at-[their home downtown. Mrs.|ports, and Toronto Star colum-|same thing until a school cross- g ltractive housewife whose home|Marks says that if they had de-jnist Ron Haggart called themjing guard was assigned to a lis a few blocks from downtown|Cided to live anywhere else she|"'street corner gossip,"" adding/nearby corner, Th t A B id Will et ul |Toronto's slums has managed|Would probably have been con- that an inquiry into the charges| "They were two small things a rl e 1 reas re ito keep city council at an al-tent to stay home and tend to would draw off energy that|but because of these, people |most constant boil during recent/her church work and commu- should be used in attacking the|started to come to me," A gift for the bride? What|in the other compartment; : ' _| A good many people wish they Nevertheless, county court)president of the local ratepay- shall 7 be? gravy in the sauce boat. June 'Marks, a fréshman al judge Robert Forsyth was or-|ers' association -- most of the dered to inquire into the alle-|houses in her area were still gations and is expected to begin|privately owned. derman who rejects the tradi- 5 Don't make it a silver tray,, REALLY FABULOUS tional view that you merely sit} DISTRICT DECAYS a sugar and creamer set or) If you're really splurging, aland listen during your first} The Marks family has seen . | even a gravey bowl. fabulous gift is a multiple|term on council, was in officelits own neighborhood crumble.|holding hearings about mid-Au- Beg Me Mees ered a T0O MANY epergne with revolving armsionly a short time before she|/Mrs. Marks says it wasn't nec- gust. : in the neighborhood anda pro- nd an array of detachable|grabbed hold of the slum hous-/essary; that slums wouldn't ex-| And council has passed a by- cess began which Mrs. Marks Why not? Because everyone); ; age an 4 ; : : ; Pits. : 2S: large fruit bowl,jing issue. ist if there weren't people will-law that increases the fine for| : thinks of such items. Everyone|PCCes: 2 4 : ne : iP sell. ; pel Hinee|Says she is convinced happens sentis them and how many smaller bowls and candle hold-' Nespite some initial resistanceing at best to ignore them, at/failing to maintain dwellings) sularly ait halie to crbate jers. from council veterans, she re-\worst to encourage them. --_(properly for $200 from $50. i its for specu- py, Cg ng ie age ool The epergne can be used as a fused to let go. Her persistence; She criticized slum conditions); Mrs. Marks says with a wHihoa sucgatt tH sat homemaker use? gruit bowl and four-armed can-jhas resulted in the adoption of 50 vociferously that city coun-/smile that since the report was : : Instead, stick with silver --|delabra. Or the candie-holdersja new bylaw and the establish-\cil asked her to produce evid-|presented, sod has appeared in/FIRE ESCAPES ORDERED it's a bride's pride and joy --|Can be removed and the small/ment of a judicial inquiry. ence to back up her complaints/her neighborhood where there) "The city wanted fire escapes but choose something elegant-\bowls attached to the arms of| fqitorials, front-page stories|°", be quiet. With the help ofihasn't been sod in years, and)put on houses and. major alter- ly different. the epergne. These can be filled) anq horror pictures in Toronto's|University students, she under- paint on fences and houses. ations made. So many home "here are all sorts of inter-\with flower arrangements ot three daily newspapers have. all/(00K a survey that resulted in) She also says she knows the,owners couldn't afford them. esting pieces available, pieces|they can function as bonbon'rocyseq attention on slum con-\2, °-*Page report based on in-/pyblicity will stop and that new| '"They wouldn't have minded that will grace her table and/dishes. ditions and on Mrs. Marks, an ng hg) gra of = ey REMOVE OR NOT onda intelligent woman in EAS ENE GELS 1b 508 B Party. The large fruit bowl can re-her early 40s. lthe slum housing. anything. ers had had to do these things, By O'SULLIVAN |-- meat on the rack; vegetables) months, nity chest canvassing. slum problem itself. | Ten years ago she became, heme or two rooms to keep go- ing. | "In many cases it would have jcost $3,000 and made the homes \look ugly. People sold. The |home owners moved and absen- jtee owners took over. | | "That was just speculation. | |Even if a fire escape went up, other standards went down. From then on deterioration \started."' | Mrs. Marks began thinking of! running for office. She tried in} |1962 and lost. Last fall she tried} jagain and won, but not so much} with the votes of the slum area) 'as with support from a prosper-| jous residential area to the! jnorth. } June and Nicholas Marks and) itheir four children--Linda, 18, | Ronald, 16, Douglas, 13, and| Robert, 5--still live in their old) |home, a modest dwelling that has recently undergone. some interior redecoration, and. the! |parents believe the children) have gained more than they) have lost from being raised) downtown. | "Both of us come from fam- ilies where there is no preju- dice. The children have met all races and backgrounds, They) have asked us why there are so} many elderly men in a park} near us, and we have explained |what kind of rooms those men live in and why they stay in! \the park. We have tried to teach| them not to ridicule people. } "People ask us if we had to teach them earlier than usual! inot to go off with strangers. We! ltaught them no earlier or later.' 'I feel they are as safe in down-| |town Toronto as any place be- \cause there are always so many |terviews with people living in|pylaws in themselves won't cure complying if other home own-|people, and many of them are ltremendous people. | Some of the statements say! "] want to see policies set up|but it seemed to be only one| 'I think our children have city welfare department|and administered so people are|section of Ward 2. It seemed to|grown to be rather interesting A graceful vase that rests on main, or can be removed and re:| Speaking with a trace of shy-isends families on relief to live/not put into these rotten living|pick on people who rented out|children." a silver stand is a lovely gift. : ; : é ; It's not a single vase but ein, | placed with one tall candle. --_jness that disappears when she/in dwellings not fit for human|conditions. If there is a short- 4 ; If desired, the epergne canjgets warmed up on her favorite|habitation. They claim bylaws| i build th with four crystal compartments a i we. |topi he dark - haired Mr: : , y jage of housing, then build the ri jalso serve simply as a five-jtopic, the dark - haired Mrs.\setting standards of mainten-| 4 t tighten-| that make it easy for even a be- F ; j|houses, I want to. see a tighten HON ; armed candelabra or, since the|Marks admits a chance decision/ance are enforced against pri-|j if ve | ginner to create decorative flor-! : q d h ling up So. welfare reports are ay tirreisements jarms are detachable, it can be|made 20 years ago has much to|vate home owners. but notifiled and something happens be-| e ; jused for a single candle. (do with her present promin- against absentee landlords. cause of them. MANY USES |. Another delightful present is ajence. -- __| The report charges that with-| «] want to see modermization| Consider, too, a double-com-|Silver dish with a crystal com- out the ignorance or connivance/of housing and welfare. I never| partmented dish with a built-in)partment for crushed ice. It fits)jadie. It could be used 'forjof responsible officials, devel-|.aid 1 wanted anybody fired." | rack and a sauce boat: into the centre of a compart-\yicyssoise, punches and other|oper-speculators would not be| | Officially, it's called an as-\mented silver - edged glass tray.| notions. Without the ladle, it be-|able to despoil neighborhoods; MOVED DOWNTOWN | paragus dish -- the sauce boat] The center dish. can be used|comes a fruit bowl, a lavish cen-\and set them up for rezoning) The seeds of Mrs. Marks' cru-| fs meant for cream sauce --/for caviar, lobster salad, cream-|terpiece for flowers or a serving|as. apartment sites. sade were probably sown 25 but it can be used for any com-|ed herring or a dip, while the| bowl. | City officials took the view|years ago when she was 17 and bination of vegetables, and the|rest of the tray can be filled) Gleaming silver gifts will|that the documents substantiate|her family moved from North sauce boat is just as elegant|with snack treats -- olives, pate/pjease the bride. But look for|the fact that Toronto has a ma-|Toronto to an old, tree-shaded when it holds plain melted but-|de foie, miniature Swiss cheeses|the offbeat and unusual pieces|jor slum problem. But theyjarea a few blocks northeast of| ter. jand other goodies. \that have versatile uses. They're\doubted the report supported|the city's heart. | If the bride likes glamorous| BEAUTIFUL BOWL lavailable in all price ranges, sojher allegation that the city) "I was very innocent, but in-| meals for two, this dish can| Beautiful and unusual is ajyou cam please your taste and|buildings department was soft/stinct tells you to walk faster| present her entire main course'striking bowl with matchinglyour purse without any trouble.!on absentee landlords. |than some of the other girls." } on tis wondrous day of days, eloquently expressed in the diamond you place on her finger. Each fascinating facet echoes eternally the COMPLETE COMPLETE LOVELY 5-PIECE depth of your devotion. Let us help BEDROOM SUITE GROUP neha ceoe SUITE you choose aring to treasure forever from our triumphant collection. BUY weeks GROUPS 15.00 MONTHLY 5s 63s ee ee BRIDAL BRILLIANCE WITH APPROVED TRADES ee, EMERALD-CUT. DIAMOND 4 side baguettes; 14K _ SEE OUR NEW DIAMOND RINGS tobe) PEA te she ese er i 424 KING ST. WEST 7 DIAMOND DUETTE Set in 14K gold 1 ' BURNS a . Simeoe --- HONEST CAL LTD. FURNITURE and APPLIANCE COMPLETE 3-ROOMS $ frem 29.00 Down FAMOUS GIBSON APPLIANCES Large 13 Cu. Ft. REFRIGERATOR with 14K Gold Setting | 100-LB. FREEZER 198-88 AUTOMATIC OVEN CONTROL 30" RANGE With all the dern SPORTSWEAR LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TOMORROW & SATURDAY Our Final "GOOD BUY" SALE Here Are The Bargains You've Waited For ! Our Stock Is Very Heavy... We Need More Room ! ALL SUMMER STOCK MUST GO THIS WEEKEND! Most Items BELOW PRICE SHORTS-JAMAICAS-BERMUDAS TOPS - SHIRTS - SLIMS - BLOUSES SKIRTS-CULOTTES-DECK PANTS Reg. to 5.95 Reg. te 6.98 Reg. to 8,98 Reg. to 10.98 NOW NOW NOW NOW 197 2.97 3.47 4.97 SUMMER DRESSES Reg. to 10,98 Reg. to 16.98 Reg. to 19.98 NOW NOW NOW 3.97 5.97 7.97 SQUALL JACKETS Reg. to 12.98 Reg. to 10.98 NOW NOW 6.27 4.97 easy-to-Use Features WITH APPROVED TRADE Y ON EASY TERMS PHONE 728-9191 BATHING SUITS 1/3 TO 1/2 OFF | All Sales Final @ A Deposit Will Hold OPEN TONIGHT and FRIDAY till 9 P.M, DON'T MISS THE SAVINGS! } OSHAWA SEIGNEUR SHOPPING CENTRE ES SS ees « : pel Diabet thee Behe bas SO