os An alternate route for the controversial Creek Valley expressway is shown in the above photos. The Citizens for the Preservation of the Creek Valley will suggest to city council that the high- Expropriation Policy In City Comes Under Fire The city's expropriation pol-jbylaw is passed by council and| fey came under fire at Tues-joffers are formally made. He| day night's council meeting but|said Mr. Kennedy continues no changes were made. "active" negotiations with all Four expropriation bylaws, in-;owners to obtain a settlemient. volving properties on Simcoe, ee rieetrenrtredimrertiemerisemnterie renee Fairbanks, Centre, Brock, Prince and.Farewell: were pas- ed by council, Motions were also passed of- fering compensation to owners and an offer to pay 50 percent) of this compensation on account.| Mayor Lyman Gifford, who said he was critical of the whole procedure, asked who no-| tifies tenants of expropriated| properties. Fred Crome, city) works commissioner, said he] would investigate. | Ald. Christine Thomas said) -she knew of one. person who re- ceived a notice to vacate his property but received no offer) of compensation. Ald. Cecil Bint} suggested the person she was referring to was not covered by the new policy, instituted in April. | Ald. Bint said P. J. Kennedy, property commissioner, contacts owners of land to be expro- priated before an expropriation) Decision Delayed On School Builder The Oshawa Board of Eflu- cation last night voted to :e- fer choice of a contractor for the $24% million Har- mony Road _= secondery school until next week. The trustees put off tMhe decision until Business Ad- ministrator Ross Backus could check on available provincial grants for work done by the board other than on a contract basis. In an attempt to reduce costs the trustees agreecl to investigate any possible siav- ing by having grading at the site done separately by the board. They were uncertain whether this work would qualify for provincial sup- port. PICKERING (Staff)--Twenty] The Home Bank had over 60,- tons of cancelled cheques, de-|000 depositors and 71 br:anches posit slips and record books,|mainly in Ontario when it col- formerly the property of the|lapsed in 1923, Depositors in the Home Bank were sold to an un-jbank received about 60 cents on named organization Wednesday.|the dollar after Ottawa put up way (dotted) run from Taunton and Thorntons rds., following the Warne Creek, south to the Macdonald-Car- tier Freeway and from there swinging south-east past the General Motors Ltd. plant to Wentworth st. The dotted line, left, shows the pro- posed northern _ starting point for, the expressway west of the Oshawa airport, crossing Rossland rd. and, at the top of the picture, The photo above, ~ King shows the route as it could cross King st., top left, and run across open ground east of the Civic Auditorium. A cloverleaf intersection could be built where the express- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1965 KNITTING, READING KEEP NEAR 90-YEAR-OLD, HAPPY Mrs. Mary Ann Agnes Flegg of 111 Frederick st. will be 90 years old Satur- day, but it 'won't interrupt her knitting. Knitting and reading are Mrs. Flegg's favorite pas- times. She was born in London, England, and came to Can- ada with her husband and family in 1907. Her chief in- terest in life was raising her seven children. Mrs. Flegg lived in Cow- ansville, Que. for 28 years before moving to Oshawa. She returned to England in 1921 to visit her homeland. Prior to her husband John William Flegg's death in 1953, they had celebrated their 55th wedding anniver- sary. A son, John, passed away in 1925. She has three daughters, Mrs. Agnes Densham, Mrs. Sidney Sharples (Lillian) and Mrs, Blakely McCann (Grace), all of Oshawa; three sons, George and Syd- ney of Oshawa and Ernest of Islington; nine grandchil- dren and five great-grand- children. Mrs. Flegg is enjoying MRS. MARY ANN FLEGG . . » hang it out next year fairly good health. She quip- ped that she feels pretty good "'but I've slowed down a little. I did my washing this year and next. year I'll hang it on the line." way meets the MC Freeway, centre. Part of the GM South Plant is shown bot- tom right. --Oshawa Times Photos courtesy of The Oshawa Fly- ing Club. The Oshawa Times Record Set In Jul For City Building $6,706,957 In Permits, Million Plus For GM Apartment building continues|sions Limited, Clifton 'unabated in Oshawa. a record level for the month. Last year, 706 apartment units|land road e., ave., Downsview, a $598,000 permit Permits for 475 units worth/for 92 units on Oxford st.; A. nearly $3,000,000 have pushed|Potter and Son, Elizabeth st., 'A July building totals in Oshawa to}$400,000 for 64 units on Non- quon road; N. Maiboroda, Ross- ~ "), were built in Oshawa, surpassing/units on Brock st. e. for the first time the total num- ber (695) of homes built in the same year, THREE FOR GM $40,000 for six General Motors received three permits totalling $1,031, Included in the $6,706,957; total/000. $940,000 for a south plant = \|last month were more than $1,-jaddition and $70,000 and $21,000 000,000 of General Motors per-jfor plant additions on Division mits, 147 single family dwell-|st. 3 Other factory additions: On- 000,000 and a $650,000 motor|tario Malleable Iron, Front st., s |ings adding up to more than $2,- $70,000; Robson Leather Come lee jistiot. Whiting ave. for the first seven|Timited, First po gg neon Carousel Inn Oshawa Limited hotel. RECORD LAST YEAR Total peer} of 1965 wd $15,426,751. cord yearly total was made/sot a $650,000 permit for & last year -- $28,807,836. motor hotel: on Bloor st .w., , heb ges ng is = = _ just west. of Stevenson rd. otal ever, there have been two : months with higher building/{IQUOR STORE ; totals: the $10,134,090 in Nov-| The city's second liquor store ember, 1964 and $7,381,059 in|Will be built at the Oshawa April of 1963. pecans oe iat Bs Temco Holdings Limited,|;*°Perty bimited, Bay st., x Stayner ave., Toronto, got per- mind og a $65,000 permit mits valued at $732,000 and : ; Dr. P. J. Riordan, Simcoe st, x wn ; $234,000 for _lazanit and 20-unt «| Barbe: f Gladst . last}# en! 's respective- Stolen Car Found;|22iett of Cisdstone ave. last peer Gibb street. 2 Charged with auto theft is Valiant Developments, Bess- City Man Charged Homes of Pickering, and 21 to John. Francis Kelly, 23, of 25|borough drive, took out a $912,- Brock st, e. He was picked up|900 permit for 152 units in Police have recovered thelearly Thursday morning, Bail Simcoe st. n. Building Associates of Steven- 1958 Chevrolet stolen from Aureljhas been set at $1000. Others include Sheldian Man-'son rd. n. : \"MEN MORE AFRAID THAN WOMEN' fl Donating Blood 'Human Thing To Do'} girl friends because it seemed "the natural thing to do". "I was a little frightened at first but after I gave my first bottle I found there was nothing to it," she said. "As a child through the war I' was very lucky. I didn't even know anyone who was seriously injured during the blitz," she said. She suggested more women than men are giving blood at the moment because men are generally more inclined to be afraid of such things than women. Although she can't be sure of the connection, Mrs. Wright said headaches she experienced two years ago were less fre- quent after giving blood. With a count of 27 bottles do- nated, Mrs. Wright urges people to visit the clinic this evening at St. Gregory's Auditorium on Simcoe st. n. between 6 and 9 and give from the heart. The Home Bank, which wentiover $5,000,000. Nine leading of- bankrupt in 1923 after a report|ficers of the bank were charged instigated by the 'Torontojwith breaches of the Blanking Branch manager A. E Ivert,| Act exposed some of Canada's lead-| Sir Henry Pellatt, builder of ing financial figures of that/Toronto's Casa Loma, received time. : |loans up to $1,500,000 in one year Since 1923 the bank's records/alone to cover his real estate have been stored in a weather-|speculation. A cabinet minister, beaten unpainted barn behind|Peter Smith, was found t have] Ontario Regiment's Stude 7:3 the former Calvert residence|received a commission for bond) se ag ca Council Sit-In Threatened s., received a $25,000 permit for office alterations at 171 Simcoe | ON GUARD AT ARMOURIES Militia. st. n. Of the 147 home permits is- sued, 77 went to Stone Manor Thirty - eight boys partici- pated in the summer pro- gram, with the lads enroll- ing in April, Their barrack room dinner will be held to- morrow night. Parents and mili- tary VIPs, including the Commanding Officer from Troopers A. G. Anderson, Oakville's Central Ontario left, and J. Crowe, of the Command, will be on hand Rehearsing for tonight's "Passing Out" parade at Oshawa Armouries are imes Photo Most regular donors give their blood because a tragedy to someone close has been averted by a-supply of the life-giver and the necessity for emer- gency supplies was dramatical- ly illustrated. A friend or relative has been saved on the operating table by transfusions of the precious fluid from a hospital blood bank. Mrs. Mary Wright of 464 } gon st. is different. She her blood just because it's the human thing todo. "T feel everyone should if they can but people just don't make the effort," said Mrs. Wright. "Those of us without the spe- cial training of a doctor or law- yer can help others this way," she added. While Mrs. Wright has worked in the maternity ward of the Oshawa General Hospital where the importance of a blood bank is obvious, she first gave blood in ber native England with two |sales and was jailed. | BACK RENT CLAIMED -- | When the bank closed over Recently Mrs. F. Simons, who} $10,000,000 was lost in bad debts, owns the Pickering Property,/mainly to bank directors and ppnaong her ghd See there was only $2,687,625 a Lawson, fo clear out the uiging quick assets to cover deposits O H I Simon al Camel ort Hs 0 me Improvements ss0'in back rent for the Use of$6. YEARS' WORK Vver rio prov nt her barn during the past seven) Mr. Calvert, who started the) BROUGHAM _ --Picker-jowners in the area have indi-jabsent from the meeting. Both : Lawson contacted wanwrline uaa ected with: tiquide-| 2 Township Council has turn-|cated they wish to put base-| Sent letters indicating their opin- A. OShingler, of West Hill, who|tors for 38 years to «ell the|¢d a deaf ear to pleas by a Dun-|ments in, build 'garages mae a hobby ok Bhlgmaa asked dor tenders on the bank)hank's assets until his death in|barton Shores ratepayer to)make other improvements, |ments but not for new nes records which were on view/1961. Se jallow improvements to be made! 'Two councillors, John Camp-| extensive additions, Reeve C. W. Aug. 3 to prospective bidders. The Royal Commission found|to homes facing private roads in)pe}; and Donald Waring, were! Laycox concurred, Tenders closed at 4 p.m, Wed-|that Bank President H. J. Daly|the development. ws : Soi al aber hen ade nesday with bids from over 30thad loans totalling $1,35%,880 in-| "'I'll be back every week until) - interested parties including li-|cluding personal guaramtees ofjsomething is done," 'Richard N Sid lk crews will construct another braries, universities, historical) $227,759 and that Home Bank/Howell promised the Council as ew 1 ewa 6,300 feet of walk, said Mr. societies and og A Leg gy jfunds were being used ito pur- og turned down for the sec-| ' Crome. The amount for which the con-!chase Home Bank sharesi, ond time in his attempt to have} T ] 3 M ] i i . . iv, tents of the barn were sold was| Civil action against the bank|the improvements okayed. ota $ J 1 es | ne aes it is: less his giaauaeNed | not disclosed by Mr. Shingler|directors R. P. Gough, S. Casey} A township bylaw prohibits) Ab h H , for city crews to build side- but it was reported to be in ex-|Wood, C. A. Barnard F. M,|building on "substandard"; out three miles of sidewalk walks rather than contract the cess of the $750 back rent. Some/Stewart, Lt. Col. C. F. Smith,|roads which are not dedicated|are being constructed this sum-|work out, if it is not in conjunc- tenders were as low as $100. J. Cooper Mason and Firank J.|to the township. In this case, the|mer in Oshawa. tion with road construction Monies in excess of the back|/B. Russill for $5,000,000 was|roads 'are owned by Consoli-| Fred Crome, city works com-| If sidewalks only were built rental including the bailiff and| settled for $62,000. dated Building Corporation| missioner, said today when work|by, a private contractor, Mr. lawyer fees will go to the pro-| Until someone sorts through) which, it is believed, has not yet|this year is completed there willj|Crome said the cost of inspec- vincial treasury. The Dominion|the tons of papers and records|filed a plan of sub-division for|be 155 miles of sidewalk in the|tion, survey and job calculation Archives was reported to be in-jstored in the Pickering barn,'the area cit would make it more expensive terested in the contents of the|/ where some secrets miay still It is expected a conservation! Firms with city paving con-|than if the work was handled by - Home Bank records but made|be hidden, the Home Baink saga|authority will buy these shore-\tracts are constructing 11,400|city crews. Inspection is done by ne offer. lwon't be closed. line properties. However, bhome|feet of sidewalk and city works|the crew foremen. 5 MRS. MARY WRIGHT *..«. people don't make effor?