16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 4, 1965 First Raid Viet Nam Year Ago By bee nse L, RYAN Associated Press Staff Writer POWER 'ich & creamy ICE LOW LO POWE At, RIC CES Just a year ago, on Aug. 4, the United States for the first time bombed North Viet Nam and began what the defence department would call an es- calation process -- the "new phase." What has been the result thus far? Big dangers seem nearer, the frustrations even greater. The path to solution appears as agonizingly elusive as it was be- fore North Viet Nam tested the U.S. "paper tiger" and. found it had sharp teeth. A year ago, the United States had 16,300 troops in South Viet Nam, technically advisers, Now there are 75,000 there, many in active combat, The conflict, in President Johnson's words, has become a real war, This is the anniversary of U.S. retaliation against North Vietnamese mainiand bases after their torpedo boats at- tacked U.S, warships in the Tonkin Gulf, That began the gradual process by which the United States became deeply committed to war on the Asian mainland. The year of the "new phase" has brought changes which have frayed world nerves. Red China exploded its way into the atomic weapons club, The So- viet Union lost its rambunctious leader, Nikita S. Khrushchev. South Viet Nam's generals turned on their strongman, Lt.- Gen. Nguyen Khanh, and evicetd him in another of their innumerable coups. And the elusive Viet Cong sharply changed tactics and tempo. PLANNED PLOT Informed opinion has specu- lated that Peking masterminded the events which led to the turn in the Viet Nam crisis, that Red China prodded Hanoi into the torpedo boat attacks. If Red China had a hand in the test of the U.S. "'paper ti- ger," it could have been re- garded as just as much a chal- lenge to Moscow and Khrush- chev as it was to the United States. Indeed, it may have been a factor in Khrushchev's fall two months later. But Red China was itself do- ing more talking than acting. It was reported strengthening gar- risons on the' Vietnamese bor- der and souping up the training of its 30,000,000 or so militia. But still it did-mothing directly. Red China's big contribution throughout the year was to block efforts at negotiations and to accuse the Soviet Union of "co-operating with the U.S. imperialists in a peace talks swindle," Evidently, for all their omi- nous talk of a new Korea, the Chinese felt that while the United States expended riches and men in a frustrating jungle; war, Peking could afford to DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Moscow -- Vitaly I. Edelsh- teyn, 84, a leading Soviet agri- cultural scientist. Legnano, Italy--Msgr. Louis Mathias, 78, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Madras, India. Kingston, England--The Dow- ager Marchioness of Linlith- gow, 78, whose late husband, the second marquess, Victor Alexander John Hope, was Viceroy to India from 1936 to 1943; of injuries suffered in a car accident. Prague -- Frantisek, Langer, 77, Czechoslovak playwright and novelist. Chester - Le ~ Street, Eng- land--Lord Lawson of Beamish, 83, a former Labor member of Parliament. for 30 years. New York--Harry Baronian, 56, editor and publisher of the Bowery News and the Bowery Social Register. Toronto--Harry Stanley Saint- hill, 76, chief accountant of the Toronto Star for 25 years. Corner Brook, Nfld.--William J. Smith, 55, Progressive Con- servative member of the New- foundiand legislature for St. Barbe South. Winnipeg--John N. Sternberg, $4, vice - president of North- ern Grain Corporation, a mem- ber of the Winnipeg Grain Ex- change since 1911. Hull, Que--Ward Allen, 41, widely - known country music fiddler Aboard the Bremen--Guen- ther Roessing, 63, captain of the 'West German ocean liner Bremen, a veteran of more than 40 years with the North German Lloyd Line. London -- Kenneth Jay, 36, atomic scientist, author of Brit- ain's atomic factories. Victoria--Rev. E. B. Arrol, 77, a founding commissioner of the United Church of Canada. New York--H. Boris Burns, 65, chairman of the board and president of the United States Vitamin and Pharmaceutical Corporation Duncan, B.C.--Col. Maxwell Dopping - Hepenstal, 93, who) won the Distinguished Service| Order and Croix de: Guerre in the first World War and fol- lowed up a military career with one of scouting: HONOR SALVATIONISTS Britain is issuing two com- commemorative stamps this year to mark the 100th anni- versary ef the Salvation Army. OF THE TOWN... EXQUISITE, DELICATED Collen Wheat GLASSES THIS WEEK § 02. JUICE GLASS... ALL SWEET. PARCHMENT SAVE Se MARGARINE =D rxcs. $4: KABUKI FLAKED SAVE 9 2:% 4g VERO SAVE 6c SPAGHETTI MEATS scx 69° HEINZ FANCY SAVE 7e TOMATO JUICE 2 ts 75° STEWS SRS Qe" Qge AYLMER CANADIAN STYLE SAVE 16 BEANS WITH 10 02. 49° PORK TINS KRAFT SAVE 106 MIRACLE WHIP Stessinc® 169° BUNNY FACE PRE-SWEETENED gaSAVE 17e DRINKS Q rcs $4.00 Bisclirs = ae 4 DETERGENT © mss" Qe CAT. FOOD i=" 3s 49° FAMILY _--REG, VALUE $1.19 c ee » TOOTHPASTE sit SHICK DOUBLE EDGE REG. VALUE $1.29 SHICK DOUBLE EDGE REG. VALUE 49¢ RAZOR BLADES 3's 39e PHILLIPS REG. VALUE 8% TABLETS 100% 73° ONT. NO. 1 GRADE CRISP, TENDER LARGE HEAD DELICIOUS WHEN SERVED WITH SHOPSY'S CORNED BEEF CREAM Ig P Carton... - SAVE 12c POWER STORES AT @ 500 Rossland Rd. and @ 564 King St. East OPE EXTRA SPECIAL . 6 to 9 P.M. Wed., Aug. 4th Only HEINZ TOMATO 11-0Z, LIMIT * 310A BTL, © custome WEDNESDAY rn p.m. WO DEALERS, PLEASE NATURES BEST SAVE 7e CUT GREEN BEANS i ASt UNTIL oN ete POWER + PLUS LIQUID DETERGENT ge REG. VALUE 15° 15 OZ. TINS 'canapa's inst BONELESS ROUND ste AS .. HENLEY CHOICE SAVE 8e DESSERT GRAIN-FED BEEF DASTS . ENDER, DELICATE A9¢ |3 - AYLMER FANCY SAVE 14¢ CREAM STYLE. CORN ASt 15 OZ, i ROUND OR SQUARE END AYLMER FANCY 15 OZ, TINS SAVE 176 See es s HUMPTY DUMPTY SAVE 6c PotatoCHIPS %:; @ FROZEN FOOD FEATURES @ GREEN BEANS 'tx 7® CONCENTRATED 2 HONEY. DEW 03 PIZZA 4 x= 49° SAVE 10¢ § PIPPING HOT BAR-B-Q CHICKENS SHOPSY'S SWEET PICKLED CORNED GOVT GRADE "A" OVEN READY TURKEYS = At SWIFT'S PREMIUM Wie | 4 : penal PIMENTO ONT. GROWN, NO. 1 Grave NEW POTATOES: U.S. NO, 1 GRADE PLUMP SWEET SEEDLESS NEW CROP °Sii&* WASHED tl CARROTS LBS. ¢ POLY BAG SAVE3e 10 OZ So ! SS ETRE Fee Bek oe ROO eee Leek oe ki eRe PwOe ES