Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Aug 1965, p. 14

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Pe oe Te Ne a a il Sat A i 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, August 3, 1965 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Chompionship Play) FAMOUS HANDS South dealer. North-South vulnerable. / A: - ] atennteg 4 nt ha AT yy) pee 4 THE LITTLE Fg a i \ Pass Pass Pass "Pass RUNT! v * WiLL mae F aia @ # Pass [7] r Soune 46 Dble Opening lead--seven of clubs. Some hands spell trouble, but the danger signs are not al- ways easy to read. For ex ample, take this hand from the Argentina-United States match in 1961, where both North- iy South pairs got out on a limb, eel Von At the first table, with a AANA Na 'a | U.S. pair North-South, the bid- AVA HSLUAL Metoeb Loa ey PL er ding went as shown. It is hard to fault North for bidding' a diamond and then two hearts, and it is also difficult to criti- cize the two spade bid Very few players. would pass two spades with: the North hand. While some might bid only three spades sitting South, many would jump to four to show the hitherto unrevealed strength. West doubled and led a club. East won with the ten and re- tured the king. Declarer took the ace and played a spade to the jack, West took the ace and returned a heart, the queen losing to the king. East led the queen of clubs, West overruffing the nine with the ten. West returned a dia- mond, the queen losing to the king. When East now played a club, West was bound to score his six of spades, and the out- come was that South went down three--800 points. The Argentine North - Sout pair at the other table bid the hand this way: {South West North Eas® 'Pass Pass 16 3 2@ Pass 8NT East led the king of clubs and continued with the queen. Declarer took the ace and \played a spade to the jack, which held. He then lost the queen of diamonds to the king and won the club return with the jack. Declarer now played the ace jand another diamond, West spiiaalaheln tien in . |won, cashed the ace of spades, | and returned a heart. Declarer TELEVISION LOG finessed and East cashed three clubs to defeat the contract four tricks -- 400 points. Since ANY MAN HERE TO eed MEANWHILE, OUTSIDE OF TOWN, | PADDY FITZPATRICK !$ PRODDED YY; ir THE LONE RANGER AN! NOBOPY'S EVEN COME NEAR US / L GOT THESE bee "agua REASONABLE - SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK | Peameones STILL, ITS ME THEY'RE AFTER-- | NOT MY SOM, YES, I THINK TLL SEND FOR HIM. ACROSS 1. Metered motor cars 'wood wees 15. Ware: Rhee containers yarn. Tr PIAS 9. Boy's 18, Lettuce ames Soaus . - GOQmaia 19.Fanci- jim aece A 44, Useless Odi -- E wa oa nae 0:00 P.M. 4--N ind Weath bl 1100 P.M. lows :@ leather the contract at this table was ree re eee es Plated not doubled, Argentina gained 8-2--Hullabaloo 4--Speaker of the House (400 points on the hand. | 7--The Fugitive } 9~Dear Charlotte | 4--Doctors and Nurses 12:38 PM. i ' | 10:38 PLM. iFirst Edition News | D G 9%--Country Music Hall. | 9_ Si | ope rowing | 4-3-News, Mageine | heating oo College | 100 P.M. | 7Father Knows Best cis," Near Windsor 12:45 PLM. N--Racing Forum LEAMINGTON, Ont. (CP)-- oman tae |Marijuana has been discovered jnear this town, 30 miles east 1:00 P.M, N--Charlie Chan lof Windsor. | . i soe | But it hasn't been brought 7--Atternoon Show jhere illegally, police say. Se ee amen RCMP investigators discov- 3-Summer Carousel ered the hemp plants growing S--Mike Dovgias Show jin profusion in an eight-acre 1:90 P.M. ifield near. the town's eastern Channe) 2--Buftato Channel Channel Channel 6--Toronto | 7--Buttalo @--Rochester Channel 9~Toronto Channel 1!--Hamilton ea eamerettenenseremse TURBSUAY «VE. | 5:00 P.M. | Family Theatre | 149-8-7-6-4-3-2--News §--Superman » | Weether and Sports | | 6--Survivaluv | is Pm. 3--Cannon Ball @--Liloyd Thaxtor | %--Metro Final | Viewpoint 9 PM | O-Leave it To Beaver Tite P.M. é--Take Thirty ?-4--Late Show | 4~Zane Grey Theatre | ¢=Night Metre | 3--Rawhide iS 198 PLA, containing 6700 7M, Wrestling ice cream Zo Neee Contre! 8-2--Tonight Show --Lets Ta usic 6--Sports 22. Period of | 4--News, Sports with = | 3--Movie time Chuck Healy 28. Music cue [| STemey,: 1068 ec phe ae Colene| ot ees es limits |:%-From Scarboro College And First Four Races P 25. Albacore, | oe PLM, éuinbarnatienst. Glebe et Bt ace | They have ruled out the pos- for one | 1--Ramily Theatre | eee sibility that the plants were 27. Pole N | WRONESDAY é--Luncheon Date j SAOIITY ei P a as 1--Dialing for Doliers: | 4~As The World Turne /@rown intentionally' as they Girl Talk ne eM |were scattered over a wide 30. Bone: anat. j | jews 8:00 AM. | 7--Where The Action is |# 7--Highway Patrel | | ee | nickname 10. Mixture . Life: 5 ful AIAIM| 11, Mr, Welles 22. Settle 12. Kind of 4. Japanese securely sugar coin 23. Tine 14,Cameroons 5. Finishes 24, Opti- tribe 6, Having mistic 15. Relevant wings 26. Employ 16, Siberian 7. Pinch 29. Service- gulf 8. Son of men's club 17. Powerful David 31. Vaulted 40. Chemical 20, Molyb- 11.Simpleton 32; Cornered ending Centum: ew 4 rie Saturday's Answer 33. Stitch 38. Central 39. Petty quarrel BUZ SAWYER 1 SAW THE LOOK ON ) LOOK, ANNIE...) | I DON'T THINK YOU BELIEVE WE BACK C4 WERE JUST EXPLORING IN THAT MINE, YOUR, FACE sym. IN THE MINE. | 21, Melon JANE ARDEN er; 62--Huntley-Brinkley N rea The plants were destroyed. 31, Cuts apart | y 34, Compass 4--Captain Kangaree 4~Patsword my Across Canade 9:00 A.M. Moment Of Truth pot 1:00 PLM. | 7~Dialing For Dollars A 35. Palestine With Girl Talk uu wedish --Shind | plain 9--The Littlest Hobe 4--Mike's Carnival | #-2--The Doctors 8 . $--Huey Long 2--Mickey Mouse Club | 7--A Time For Us 9:30 A.M. 6--Movie Matinee T--M-Squad | 4--House Par 37.---- pina | PsThe Millionaire | Movie v | eg 4--Leave It To Beaver . s Warning Given +News, 'Weather, 0 Bi h Pill globulin "cor sts Where Are | '3Ann Southern Show 2:00 PM. n irt 1 § 39. Refresh 2-Gilligan's- Island 10:00 A.M, | %--People in Conflict 41, One of Ei Ue est legato o | #2-Another World | LONDON (Reuters) -- Brit many layers Consequence | 7---Genera! Hospital ish doctors today issued three | 7:32 PLM, f | il The Truth ' 42)at one time | 4-News pram Said. Oe new warnings about contracep- 10:18 A.M. 3:90 PLM, tive pills. $--Let's Sing Out | | 48; Whirlpool 1 | & 8-2--Mr. Novak | %--Cartoon Party | Hawkeye anchoster sialist 6--On The Scene ] AM | Its Your Move A Manchester specialist re- BETES TNR IRE PRIMI ACY ES | ported finding increased quan- 7--Combat 10: ; ' eee ae SoBanny, Thames shew | ea-wnatis Thie fone | fine Young Morrlede tities of a substance called | YOUH HEALTH |Factor Seven, which may make | i s . s _ Cirrhosis Acquired 6100 PM. | ae ee Announcements Vi---Special Movie | $--~--Romper ison 4-Edge ot Night 9--Patticoat Junction | 63--The Great War | 11:00 A.M. 4:00 PLM. 4--Joey Bishop Show l---Morning Musicale 11--Wild Bill Hickock 9--James Beard Show 90-8 | 8-2--Concentration bcdiow i be 4-Andy of Mayberry #The Match Game MICKEY MOUSE }bosis, in the blood of 40 women |taking the pills A family doctor also reported pat as a i Bisa shri |6-3--Public Service |a woman more liable to throm- 7--Rocketship 7 MUGGS AND SKEETER SHY ONE THING ABOUT RUNNING 'TCH THE IC CREAM VENDOR... | Ill, Not Inherited By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD | Dear Dr. Molner: Is it- pos-jblood vessels near the surface}! lsible for children of a personiof the skin) become dilated, or |who died of cirrhosis of the liver|enlarged, because of alcohol, to inherit a weakness or a ten-jand there's a flushed appear- dency to. have the disease? ance Also is one of the symptoms; After some years of drinking, flushed cheeks, especially afterjthese capillaries may have be- a couple of drinks?--J. M. come permanently distended to Cirrhosis of the liver is an ac-/Some extent and the flushing is quired disease, not inherited. It}moré apparent. Such appear- results from one or more cir-|ance may--or may not--be a cumstances' of general. living:|Sign of cirrhosis. It's not a re- Alcohol, faulty diet, infection,|liable sign, but it is one which obesity, chemical or drug pois-'@ doctor will consider along oning jwith such other indications as Many traits are inherited.|"¢ can discover Just for one example, height (in-igags FEW EARLY SIGNS cluding length of your legs) can} For practical purposes, there jbe inherited. but if you were tOlare very few early signs of jlose a leg in an accident, that/cirrhosis. Vomiting of blood, }would be an qcquired condition,jand swelling of the abdomen and you certainly would not ex-|(due to dropsy, or accumulation pect children to be born withlof fluid in the tissues) may be one leg as a result. That's howlamong the first symptoms in it is with cirrhosis many cases. By then, the dis- As to flushed cheeks; this canjease is well on its way occur with anyone after a few) To avoid cirrhosis, drinking, drinks. What 'happens directlyjif any, should be kept at a very ia that capillaries (very smalljmoderate level.. Cirrhosis, as 1 8-2--Moment Of Fear 7--McHale's Navy | ® 6-4-3---Hollywood = Talent | Scouts 11:0 AM, rdy | | 00 P.M. | §-2--Jeopa 8--Cloak Of Mystery | 7--Price is T--The Tycoon 1:3 PLM. $-3---Gideon's Way 1l--Camera 4--Petticoat Juncttion | &2--Call oe Sch Gane ton e 2--Mickey Mouse Club | 7--Donna have said, can result from other} Both notions are incorrect, causes, even among people who have never touched a drop of alcohol. But I'll add this: Al- cohol should be stopped, com- pletely and absolutely, at the first sign that cirrhosis has be- gun. : I do not take the position that it is wrong or harmful for a person in reasonable health to have a drink or two. But when cirrhosis has devel-} oped, from any cause, even'one drink of an alcoholic beverage is harmful Dear Dr. Moiner: My mother has old-fashioned ideas about menstruation--that one should not take a bath during the peé- riod, and that'a hair perman- 1h:18 A.M, 6-3---Vacation Time --Summer Fun 4--The McCoys 12:00 NOON 4--Secret Storm 2--Rocky and His j Friends 4:30 PLM. jll--Huckleberry Heund | 9--Movie 7--Early Show On Canade |63--Sunshine Semester 4--The 4-Thirty Show Right just false rumors that have been bandied about for years. If your mother won't take my word, | suggest twa possible courses:} Get her to ask your family doc tor and agree to accept what he says; or, ask her to let you try a permanent at that time, and if the permanent "takes," she must agree to give up both of her beliefs. RECALL PITCHER | MILWAUKEE (AP).-- Mil jwaukee Braves of baseball's |National League recalled pitcher Clay Carroll from At- lanta. Friday and sent reserve infielder 'Lou Klimchock down jthat one of his patients--a 29- year - old woman -- developed thrombosis in one leg and one arm although she had no past history of blood-clotting tenden- cies. GROW BIG AND SMALL The Great Dane and the Chi- huahua are thought to have had a common ancestor.9,000 years or 4,000 generations ago. SALLY'S SALLIES | to the International League farm. club. Carroll's ent at' that time will not take.jrecord at Atlanta is 3-6 but his Please clear this up for me.-- D. M. M. cae earned-run average is 2.36 in 193 innings. won-lost! aiid Ks iko I'm 'sheir last Tose summer,"

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