Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jul 1965, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 24, 1968 "Times Action Want Ads - A Large Return For A Small Investment' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. \8---Articles For Sale 13--Articles for Rent 17--Femele Help Wanted BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | gern ws ge | TYPEWRITER | of AIT einos | GIRLS 4! ic AULIFFE, SALE REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- tase sue massaging belts, rowing mo- hines, bik ises -- all Gardening and Supplies _ {Sales and Service \ Cousens was WAM caaia Galen a ; LOOKING Tem are HAM Q viet, | INTERESTING JOB? Accountants ee ogee HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL- "~ |CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies. | 100, 1 , : . ALBERT H HOSMAR, Chartered Account- isters, Soliciters, 364 Ki Complete service, Free estimates, Mel.| - : 32 King St. E. -- Oshawa cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Osnewa,/Sir Bae eo cvaws RD: Humphreys, FENCING Jelinek, 728-1999 anytime. re pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- Ontario, IC; G. $. Boychyni W. A. Hillman, j m -------------- : + ; : BAND GO; Siar: 8 numer. Bh tLe. Ofer] tred'chain lin but, sci. |TV---Redio Repairy | ; FREE fern, pipe facing de, Street East, Oshawa, On- j Fete ise lytic and galvanized ofter hi Save pag furnace rg see PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- TELEPHONE Hopkins, CA; H. A. other first mortgage funds , weave chain link. Fencing for T\ / {nis SUNYNET Ghd. GUaTe stepladders, aluminum exten- CA. TOWERS 9 anteed trouble-free all winter, ledders ladder Beadie, Cai E. 'shows longer maintenance free / sion ' jocks, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Building Trades costs. Supplied and installed, : Hg tie og Bie 5 pe stel scotfelding, compressors, OP ERATING " sproy guns, wallpaper steom- Cnertermsanccoptey sn" Simcoe Sireel| Hardsond Landscaping 725: ECONOMY AND oa Menommartern. | QUALITY CARPENTRY woo DELUXE AGS today, 725-1212 ers, jokgrntig blow torches, Offers @ real opportunity, you propone torches, ore troined for important North, Oshawa, 728-737). HALL, PERKIN AND | €0., Chartered es Priced to suit your budget ' ' am ecountants, 36/4 King Street East, Ost GENERAL" "REPAIRS GUARANTEED ' RIDGESTONE MOTORBYKES -- New| BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- work i interesti fea, 15800) Dav, ig FB 'C| Roofing, Painting, Siding, CEDAR TREES TERMS ARRANGED WY), ' ana vsee., Je un peyine: Open mg cement mixers, finishing 'tro- steps. oa Floor and Ceiling Tiles. Rec. Sports, i heel ba | , B.C , CA. ; wels, whee' rrows,. electric Hall, B.Comm, CA Rooms, General home remod- GREEN -AND BUSHY FOR OSHAWA TV 7 " Simcoe Street South. 725-6611, Open 'in ") vibrator, aii apes, jock * Paid while training BURROWS, Chartered tt id Mu ll King Street East, i Oe el-ing.- All_work guaranteed. HEDGES FTC, el HOW FAR BACK q FIGHT oles h s, hand trowels, water Fa ar Se a | a RE a SUPPLY LIMITED WERE spEEoies Mahe asiomane aetortelter tor'aniy| Pumps, portoble heaters, steel | " Reaulor Reise pnd Sree Ch Tee POSS AND 361 GIBBONS § piipeeeryonag $99.95 at Parkway Telelvision. 918 Simeoe| scaffolding, electric generato! "oO for wel S BROOKS, Chartered TH ie WH. TAPL IS THE ONLY AKAND OF Parkway | T arervingns mn G rotor, pportunities for advance- pram date Oshawa Shopping | E ae oy cision Sa MAX Wid WAS SHORM anon nas y Street North. 723-3043, ramset, power rollers, electric ment, A TH lewtonville --- Cal 728-8180 160 OFFICE BY THE. Clit ? TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 4-foot t hammers, masonry sow, build- tre, 8 T CLAYS - Accounting bervice R. H. CABINET CO. 786-2283. peng ie a OHEEROS SPEECHES. q structure afl channe antenna installed, ing jacks, mortar mixers, x io XI er better pre- See est TSO, Res. 72 7605. 182 THICKSON RD, N. CITY WIDE Nek Le pe Kee yaaa 80 B.C, yC |Gibbons Street, 720-8180, _ ey aad ager oo gor hoist, anre JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account: 728-0232 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED ' VSO |THREE ROOMS of furniture $290.50. OMe cae eta plane, tor- ant. Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street ss SHARPENING TV TO down payment $15 monthly af poulins, san laster, power East. Telephone 723-4833, Kitchen cabinets, Vanities. REEL TYPE LAWN MOWERS WERS Cal's, 424 King West. /26-9191. post hole ouger, ascillating APPLY NOW Custom built cabinets. i M ! FLY KILLING system, scompletely auvio| sanders, disc sanders, belt us ; Sharpening and Repoirs. ARE THE BEST! matic. Try for_one month for only $3.50.| sanders, floor sanders, 'sah ( ' | es SORE EPs Shears, scissors, knives. Quick WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! 5--Trailers |8--Articles For Sale Call Chilchern Chemicals, Whitby 668-2400, ; ' MeGIBBON AND BASTEDO, Barristers,|ROOFING, concrete floors, fist roofing, oie ' picy. up and delivery. _ ema, oe * "ae cuv ab SELL -- Good used furniture pie BP cn ea vast 200 THE BELL ic rs, Solicitors. Mortgages arranged. National our specialty. New work 'and repairs, HARPENI Y MACHINE : fs oe Street South,|Large and smali jobs, L. and H. Roofing) S| NG BY MAC! S 7 R | 0 Cook' s Trailer Giles BICYCLES | it ftir te simoe Booth tan S T A N < S TELEPHON |GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired E Trust Building, 32 Simes 7346; Charles C. McGibbon, QC;/and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937. =» | 248 Quebec St., 725-0500 , Bastedo, GCs Grant H. Arm |wew PLASTERING and repairs, stucco,|-- Quebec St., 725-0500 Shea, g a a ent ALD, BA, LLB, Bar- ssttneler. Be Woods, 783820 or| Wuldn't you like to have @ TELEVISION TRAVEL & TENT TRAILER Standard features include, [faggrsit OU". S0Pr ' Bond Street West Sharpening & Rentals Ltd, = 'and Solicitor and Notary ies 728-4717. galvanized steel . Corner ioe anual oe ne oe chain guard, Perry Coaster [TELEVISION TOwaR SPECIAL -- = a PH King St. W., Oshowa COMPANY The Commercial Building, ing West, CARPENTER. Cust kit- - we '3 brak id I d , i Ivanized 1" ¢ - Oshawa, Ontario, Clinent Parking avail Fl chen coooets vanities, Fee F E N C E enero 4 si DUCTION PARTS, HITCHES, rater ond ek oe lincluded, single ai channel antenna com: ONE 723 3224 OF CANADA ale. 725-4716 or 725-4717. |rec. rooms, Phone 723-4148, No answer, AERIALS AWNINGS, HOSES, ETC, % jplete, installed, tax included, wri| 1B i nay" CRMIGHTON, DRYNAN, MUROOCH, anal ten ois a on Oba cal) pene From $34.95 Up teed one. year, $50, See, all towers at) 0 us Li } Opportunities VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, ati TYPES buliding roofing repairs and| installed by A-ON C (e) RON'S Wo fe) 6 - 9:30 inna Bank of Commerce Building, 5 per remodeling, chimneys, new and repaired, | For free estimates coll Closed pa Sulcel. LAWN MOWERS [FLOOR 'covERING clearance of C4 GROCERY oe ae Street North, Oshawa, 123-34Ab; 7. | 1k 4 0 f Whitb' > Creighton, GC ¢ Patty |gancrir4, Gord May. uarlionitits EL" | lena ARORA ae emiter tan' 12 Yeor's Experience W. PI 723-9534 tinued patterns from Zc per ft, Ger risaréty "J.C. Victor, '57115, EXPERT PAVING ite. va. fi a'r | Instruction g All Work Guaranteed bat : sncns| ' Ligh, depend sb ORIN Paoli bit Mortgages grading and fill, two-year guaran . : ul, Adjustable cutting height rae STORE 0612 Se eee JOS! MANGAN, QC, Solicitor, |"8" Paving, 723-5841. OSHAWA R 723 a 752] |6--Marine Equipment | froin 1 to 3", Chrome plat- |2--7Market Basket 2 om 1-4 p.m, Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY eieener eh R ed handle, JANSSEN'S neys bul " inca East, Oghawe. 726-8231. instalied: roofs repaired, Free estimates. DRIVING SCHOOL $ RON BRIGHTLING | USED From $39.95 Up | COUNTRY DRIVE-IN BROCK STREET | | | | Light, dependable and power- GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, "Soli 297 10 years teaching driving 9 AM, -- 9 P.M, 1963 20 ft. Chestnut Cruis FRUIT MARKET HEART OF DOWNTOWN STENOGRAPHER @ ears. etidate Phebe J. mM. Ore Prec FOR ROOFING, chimneys, sidewalks,, automatic and standord cars, |---- secomeeaoeens er with 75 h.p. Evinrude Sel- EN QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, all types of cement work, Frank McCann, Professional instructors, FAST = Vv. SERVICE. ectric Open Daily WHITBY 9 A.M, to 10 P.M, 'This. is one of the older A vacancy exists in an 843 King West 728-9429 businesses of the town serving international --_organiza- 725-$832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB,/RR 3, Oshawa. Brooklin 655-3061. ay groceries and first. grade boards, rec rooms, remodelling. Cor Aay,| ANYWHERE oo ANYTIME 161 ft. Weymouth Overniter sewn-in floor, rear' window ig, lly licensed 'and' nsured: S0b-0%%. | |Packaged' either in 25 or 75 Ib. baGS.| jness to be sold for small stenographer, 1086 Somerville Street, 728-9300, ees DOMINION with Volvo engine, 1964 SINC MOH Hb6,cduten daar tae ead motor | : WORD ADS JOHN'S MOVING, Storage ond Cartage. --------| 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. D From $39.95 Up {call evenings, Brookiin absent down payment. Satisfactory | Applicants must have a 668-3895. ALL KINDS of carpentry, kitchen cup- 728-0091 Service Coll only $2.50 Heavy waterproofed = drill, Classified Rates Cartage weanrey, DRIVING SCHOOL naw on TELEVISION Evinrude boat with 90 h.p. with awning |NEW NO. | Ontario potaroes, delivered.| meots, Equipment and bus- tion for a fully qualified Insertion of 24 words $1.08 5 ; Hi 4 ot ee ee uae r Lmeeanee Cate ally: Weered." Ce Janitor | fee ee All work guaranteed. MARINE STORAGE [RASPRERR| as -- Pick or "pwns MH] lease arranged to prospective | minimum of two years | A ENTION Fa Semana SE PPLY LTD, DOMINION Brooklin, No. 7 Highway. John| buyer, WILCOX CARTAGE -- Moving and car| nica) ceiling, wall cleaning Cd HOUSE and. SU H Netowenko, RR, Brooklin MGs6-ari0, stenographic experience, £32, |tge? asm Basements and yards cleaned. guaranteed. 726796. estimates. "Work CLEANING TIME Brooklin ; : SIX QUART BASKET cherries, 90 cents, LIST PRICE $8, 500 good shorthand and typ- = Se at ----] T.V. CLEANING TIME Phone 655-364 TIRE STORE --ficwierrrawrnorecznmimctoun fer! Call us today! * | ing skills are required. ieee itlonal i i Sheet = 0 ot Bo a ing Cleaning Service ne Money | To Loan b Open Evenings ond Week-ends |ville, Robert Friedich. Bill Lundmark 668-5497 | Excellent range of com- y Method of counting -- Less than 24 AN you up To $5000 at a rea- | 48 Bond St. West NEW POTATOES for sale, Mr. E. Saber; 5 an i words counts as 24 words; each word, OSHAWA of oe to consolidate T. R, F 0; | Telephone 725-6511 Anderson Street, RR 2, Whitby, one mile Tim Vipond 668 8562 ey paid benefits are of initial, yao fi or pga papi CLEAN ERS your bills or for any other worthwhile TELEVISION We Carry. Cc | a _ |north of Highway 2, 668-3842, fered as well as good Big purpose providing you are steadily em- : @ Owens. e restliner | |swiMMING POOL -- Chemicals and|DELICIOUS Monimorency cherries, Pick B W. starting salar: two 'words. Rug and Upholstery Clean- er ag have good credit, Telephone ee 728 5143 @ Grew @ Evinrude Jequipment for sale, We deliver. Call/your own In your containers. W. H. Gib- 9 Ys BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- ing. At our plant or in your M : Culligan, Whitby 668-2200. son, Newcastle sinh Lae ot et cucas patie d x : Please contact PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? if you have See them ot... PHILCO 2). evision, : ene = Se es vam in| ak vex ohe) Sena er oy aw ce, OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN {fel concticn*anietviion, contul, Y9"1/ 10__omers Column & GIBSON MRS. BETTY KEIP, ditional eharges If net paid within 8 dation of thwhll . Tel Harbor Road |BARGAINS IN BEDDING -- Smooth 1 Se -- | days. ____ 94 BRUCE STREET phone Toronto wis, hen 728-5286 723-1901 _|mattrases, 24 unk bat cane Realtors and Insurance |St0ff Personnel Department IN MEMORIAMS Dentistry OSHAWA 2 SHEPHERD mahogany runabout, fast |$14i foam pillows, 99c, Wilson Furniture, DON VALLANCE 145 Brock S. DUNLOP $2.00 for the first 38 words and Sc pes A enn es 20 Church Street thereafter, plus 12¢ per line of |BIALEK, DR. C. B., Dental' Surgeon, ELECTRONICS pee Ah prestige epee Syne nea BUYING OR SELLING "AomnOre Brae EQUIPMENT WHITBY e additional words 18¢ each. verse 25¢ additional charge If not paid |112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, For A |siren, blower, electric pump, bumpers,|pliances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or] within @ days. appointment, 728-5842 or Res, 728-8441, MORTGAGE Closed Saturdays during July. |convertible white top, many extras, Price| 263-2695, m Your Massey Ferguson Telephone F CANADA ceri = | $2,800 with terms or property trade.| } BE ncites i OA CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, aiso ter, Gordon Boat Works, Bob:|BABY CARRIAGE, excelieni condition, Dealer of Brooklin CARDS 0 Drapery Service L NS sale: Ail ee Wiaranteed SI)" Den | cones ey Wen. Oshawa: Jonly used two months. Telephone 728-3222 st 668-5823 15-0500, $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc Avenue, Telephone 7: '$°° ie pla Ch ge oa Dropery Track Installation Money for first mortgages : ----|1 FOOT CRUISER, Buctonan Inboard V-l DTN sos stoves" cape catileae, Risk, dy Evy Boopnigey ' BEAUTY SALON Whitby 668-3361 . Free estimates & Consultation Open Mortgages Well 'Dr ling--Digging [Fully equipped with foam mattresses,|chair, car seat, maternity clothes, size| LOCAL 318. COMING EVENTS ia 10. Years' Experience Interest at 7% Weil bie by mechine jizing|nead, venetian blinds, cockpit canvas, || Good eo oh 723-6863. | Tuesd July 27th Choice AJAX PLAZA loca. |-- - alo Suen Planyyng IY, + cnc | Head installer for one of Tor- No Bonus m Bones tile, Wi. Ward, 204 Chestnut |¢tc._ Kimble "Bros., Bobeaygeon. f Gedlsn biter etal oka chen Val i tion, Modem building with OPPORTUN ITI Ads.) onto's largest drapery houses. No charge for valuations bid wal MEMO |4FOOT BOAT, Sontrols, steering wiier, (one year, 426 Rosedale Drive, Whitby or| at 8 P.M, parking. All newer type mo- a ERIC FLOWERS Mortgages and Agreements Paar oT ' trailer, skis, four life jack-| 668-5000, dern equipment. Air condi- AUCTION SALES 1010 Dundas St. E., Whitby. purchased | Women's Column lea' ene all aati extras, 723-1450. _| HONEST" CAL'S Furniture and Appli:| Company personnel in at- tioned. Good lease carries for skilled typists 72.10 PER INCH INSERTION Attar S oth, phone 668-3734 Money: for second mortaace > HP Je ances. Name brands at biggest discounts | E i ! f m. S s ; ; v T CABIN cruiser, 50 HP John- 99) tendance Everyone welcome! 'or $80 monthly and look on electric writ DEADLINES Dibidd oldn a ian eae Mae PS Meio i Fine Arts--Northumbria a ron, % 400, i 942-5056 atier $| rilypetloha We carry Restonic and Bever-, : oe at this price, y . von Experienced STENOGRAPH- mattress furniture lines. Your author. WOR i M W, pied Yea GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal's at DEAD and crippled "farm stock picked 00 5 =e pay PREVIOUS Sonic eee cant, Goakone 1 F. SWARTZ JULY SPECIAL -- Sterling, | "i7 FT, mahogany runabout, fully | eau. 424 King Street West, 728 9191 up promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, Ty- Only $4,000. ERS and DICTAPHONE OP. + -- Suits, coats, j jandem i : Lost AND FOUND jalterations, slip cover: ~ 'inet apie King St. East China, Crystal, Stainless Steel {pedi #9 ME Pe tireermatton em telepnone aere machine, Ueda ie cashiers, Sotoay eee 309-0065, Vannes For particulars call ERATORS. i |specialty. Mrs. Toms, i j duplicators, chequewriters, files, desks, # a.m. day of publication Dero cot adi Bibl lid Uilntd 2 Eh shawa, Ontario Mrs. Jean Whitney, 67 Hill |720-087._ h, heavy duty traller,| airs. We buy, sel, rent. service and WAY FOR SALE. Standing rin "bales. W. J. NORRIS Call today for an appoint. |ORESSMAKING -- All kinds of ladies' 723- 4697 Crescent, Scarboro or eall {Je FOr, cabin neat: mary Reasonable, |1rade with budget terms. New and used.|Phone Brooklin 655-3185 after 6 we wane T BIRTHS AND DEATHS |wear. High quality work. Call Agnes) __ oo | Telephone 725-1346 ! Low, low prices: Bill HamMton, Ragian.4 Realtor 9 a.m. day of publication jDressmaking, 668-846: | collect. AM. 1. 8514, 11 Pet nd Li -- a - |i FOOT MAHOGANY boal, 40 hp John-|WASHER, Beatty, also mahogany desk, I !-----Fets @ ve s caliek maeiit inane "SUMMERLAND |» eee ierogT MANOBANY tou, @ im Jez |turvane eam" ,ahe amemy tag] U\--Pate and Livestock | 942-3364 OFFICE OVERLOAD 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous 2 col- yank Stewart at Smith Transport Ltd.1! er and Scotch Collies $20 10 $75 delivered.| VARIETY and grocery store for lease, CO;k eerpeecinnagin sie Bloor Street East, anytime. SE eR, URE OE ERG Meme tne ealng ea, SECURITIES | Foreign Forum Magazine: |i Foot PLYWOOD BOAT and iraiier,|oe-eeen 8 Amn) Bim Port Perry 985-2645, [thriving business on a good corner. Lots i jigging a oading. a | | * WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni a" of potential, Li t 8 CANCELLATIONS AND Evenings 725-0073. | 112 Simcoe St. North Import-Export World Trade, |$150. Apply 206 Garden Street, WHIIDY.__lrure or anything you have, The City/POODLES, black, males, | needies sand |atPa 1 raturne' tora aman Investor: 728- 9431 CORRECTIONS ----| Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 Mail Order, Wholesale, Drop. |194 MODEL Evinrude 40 hip. electric|Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street Papers reg serie : :|Apply 292 Annapolis Avenue, 723-9351, Lupin Dri Whit: telephone 9 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION |Gardening and Supplies ship Products, Overseas Con- motor, new -- still In carton. Telephone | South, 723-1671, ia Priel eee! fet ians panes Mas PARE aba BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0¢ Mortgage Money nections. From. Arabia to ieee Piers : wwa| OE, double pedesini ee tes Rae ite kittens, "akc weeks -eia;|17--Female Help Wanted TEN WOMEN WANTED % mould wil, cruiser, sleeps » class A condition. Telephone 4 hn " - <n or ane ideas wilt ha cmadh:| 48 Available Zanzibor . . . Readers ond |364'p' Johnson motor, and trailer, best|after 5 o'clock trained, Only requirement @ goed home. While every e ot Advertisers ag: Fa * Phone 725-8777 from home to tN to forward replies to box numbers to Low | } Pa reign otter over $1,000. Telephone .Newcastl?|iss MOTORCYCLE, 450 BFA, Cali after| f support Nation: the advertisers as soon as possible ow Interest Countries! -A mew ond unique -- | 987-4754 Te Rin, or all Gey daturday and Bunawh SIAMESE kitten, house broken, Telephone al Advertising Campaign of we accep, no Habit Wm respect ot Matibar: Quis international publication, A l7--§ ad Beiter . 728-0942 or 61 Thorncliffe Street 728-3812 after S$ p.m. = large Cosmetic Manufacturer, joss or damag ' "3 " ri "must" for Can ims --Swap a - BEAUTIFUL bany budgies, " for i % through elther failure or delay In for- KILLERS Mortgage Brokers Association ee hodien ine een p_and Porter __|REFRIGERATOR, McCleary, 12. cubic pt gd Ry A FOR J Evening or Week-ends Satis warding such replies, however caused Porters, Mail Order dealers, /@ATH TUBS, $10 and up; basins, $2.00; foot, hardly used, . $150. Private sale,|yaining: , Jaiking sean Oo EWELLERY factory. Write STUDIO GIRL po ll ageing Bk ay FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, Sale| smoll merchants, salesmen, - |sinks, Or eres cuier Walleral eee eee ae jen | BUCKSKIN yearling, % standard bred COSMETICS, Dept. SA041, e Times will n |Agreements purchased and sold. Hennick! buying aqents, gift shops, jrepairs) houseboat; La vB ar, (ENCYCLOPEDIA -- Ten volumes, ten| J Hh replies uncalied for in 20 days. Pomogreen Rose Dust jand Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street) etc. Printed in Ens lish, |moters, cars. H. Chinn, HITS and a ee en ee oe sloriee, four 'Coronatton| Phone 728-0096 after 6.30 p. mn ser & GIFTWARE - 0 'La Fleur Ave, Montreal : ast, -7232. eae D : ______.. | issues, various pictures. Telephone 725-| TWO Dachshund puppies, fémale, Ted an REGULATIONS Kolofruit Tree PRIVATE Gn Gorporale woonler fermi SamPle, copy, 25e from -- | ia !1761. J e pepper. Telephone 728-5089, Experience preferred. Reply |ARN EXTRA MONEY. Show Canada's The Oshawa Times will "not. bere Gardenall mortgages. Mortgages "and" agresinents| |e Imtrex Company, 8--Arrticles For oGl@ | SLUE DRESS, witable tor weddings. |COZY-JcRANCH Kennels, Ger. P * S@PIY finest tine of Christmas Cords, "wrens sponsible for errors in advertise | AA Qi athion : of sale purchased. Creighton, Orynan, Dept. "F" P.O. Box 102, Telephone 725-1761. man Shepherds, _registered. in writing, stating age ond |Novelties, bs) Over 300 items, For free, ments submitted otherwise than in . | Murdoch and Victor, (See " Ist Osh On ' grown stock, Pups, stud servic - 9, 9 99 INustrated sal writing not for more than one Inser- D D 7 5 Phen er. were tare awa, tario Janssen s Power BARGAIN -- FOR QUICK SALE. De 4 I on roval id shy fe ij : $1,600 for $1,900 second behind NHA first. | Be atinh ertaidck Ae ie lux " ti 150, new con-|(n@ Ashburn 655-462, evenings. ve A approval = an fastest service. ti n advertisement nor be- Onn rr luxe motor scooter, Model 0 201 ualifications to or he nice charge tor single | Ornamental Tree Dust ~ {Shows 13 per cent return, Good coven.| Removal of superfluous hoir Equi t Cent dition, low mileage, 150 miles per gal-| q " geandren Gresting Gerd Ce. 1869 King y ant. Mr. Wilks, PAA Realty 9422611.| Marie Murduff will be in quipment Centre lion, four-speed transmission, pillion. seat, |12--Articles Wanted __ Street, East, Hamilton, Ontario insertion in which error occurs. M ' ultispra -- erection excellent mechanically. See David God- Box 138 GIRLS WANTED to work in tailor - - lor si The Oshawa Times reserves the right} Ant and Cub Oshawa July 26th, 27th and Toro, Moto-Mower_ Massey ley, 229 Mary Street, Port Perry, Phone FREEZER, 21 cu, ft. or overs. pri Must be good hand sewers and a oe ; to classify advertising. according to | pe slick 28th. Phone Genosha Hotel Ferguson Riding Tractors. 985-2284 or -2383, jy beset plan, Call 725-4283 OSHAWA TIMES power machine. Full time, good pay its proper classification. | Cygon 2E : R. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 126 Simcoe) oh these dates for appoint- Service on all power equip- leUSH" BUTTON custom "auto radios "tol = only, Sse o VIED _|the right pedson, Also girls wanted to 4 | Atox Sirest. b North, Suite 6, Oshawa, Telephone! ment. ment. Licensed mechanic on |fit- most cars, $69.95 installed. King Elec-| WANTED -- Amplifier for bass "guitar. rsdn or part-time. Must speak Eng- In the cases of display advertisements baesie ee yet ut |tronics, 181 Bond Street West. 728-4232, | Must be in excellent condition, Tele- SEWING sh. Apply in person to Mr, H. Sheriff, The Ties will not be held respon- | Djiqzinon Spray --= ELECTROLYSIS y: phone Te 9878 evenings, Tailor, 37 Prince Street, over Rose sible for more space than that which : : Painting and 'Decoratin er 843 King West 728-94 |ONE BERKEL commercial meat slicer,| od + Upstairs, the actual error occupies. The pub- | King Bug Killer | stan 723-4641 ie : tom {hand operated; G. E. electric ironer |13-- --Articl for Rent TEACHER WOMAN ired for daily cleaning. Also lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad-| FD) T and Dithan -- 7 Both in good condition. Telephone 725-4879; ° = es / woman tor" eerie ga a vertising matter correctly, but assume athedes e PAINTING AND |"ANY PERSON knowing the whereabouts e Gravel @ Sand @ Stone - |cameRra, projector Gh Gar person 25-45 pa Siteet Ea fr Whitby. Apply 732 no liability of advertisement if any il jof Maggie May Brown Stafford (Mrs Graceuracies' Iv any. fern ere contained Lawn Weed Killers DECORATING |Nathaniel. Stafford) formerly of RR 1,\@ 94° Much @ Building Materials] splicer, 8 mm, $100. Telephone 725-7425 RENTALS REGISTERED nurse wanted ; : " ; R therein. Poison Ivy and Brush Kill |Whitby, Ontario, or any of her relations, : IL. |HONDA MOTOR BIKES -- N. id used, ot least 5 years dressmakin OR erein | atc y | INTERIOR and EXTERIOR /is requested to get in touch with Can TEXACO, Peta * ei . $29, No down payment. Open evenings i Stead | ¥ office. Hucollent haute 'era' gee starting Any - advertisement cancelled before | | e Broadioom, Custom Draperies 8d Permanent Trust Company, P.O Free -24-hr. Burner ! until 9 p.m. Honda Shop, 199 King West Boating, Camping, Lawn and experience, steady employ- | salary. Please reply to Box 633, Oshaw publication will be charged one day's | Milorganite FREE ESTIMATES Box 280, Woodstock, Ontario." Whitby's Only Local Dial 728-4242 Garden Equipment, Paint ment, Vacation with pay, | Times. scales Golf. [ATTENTION GIRLS This Is" your" last Texaco Dealer FRIGIDIARE 40" st S Power Tools, Boat i 'PP green 12-6-6 DODD & SOUTER lah rs y stove, completely) Sproyers, Power s, Boa Good working conditions, wra getting married August 7th automatic, double ovens, ver lea inh full time. Apel Meat Manager, ¥ 1S BASY TO PLACE A Evergreen 6-9-6 ie Call tonight. Jack MeDonald, Whitby 668 Call 668-3524 Telephone. 725.7492. 787 Masson. Street. Box ond Cabin Trellers. Benefit plan. Good starting |1GA, A . oer, 'Bassin TIMES ACTION WANT AD p 668-5862 {2510 ' 5 | = ren : réen 7-7-7 SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED |pep-SoFA, double size, wind : Pry mr ne a So Grée --- | DRIVING to Nova Scotia, have room for 244 Brock St. South lant conker corms tation! OALcO «SERVICE salary, For appointment Riviere Hele NEED al aaa AGRIY |MAVE Your PAINTING done meetin passengers. ree Interested app! mirror, drum top la table. Teleph a COOPER tre ard enter, All work gunan- | 730 King Siren? "Esl Aporment #18 HONDA 39. Low, means. Reson: su me Wel. Teoh! AND REPAIRS Telephone pon i RE MJ e ai! anytime free estimates. | ----__--_---- jable for cas! one | ' lauy AND SELL -- Good used furniture Clinton E nes hold. Children § and & years of Lloyd Simpson Painting end Decorating, | cs ortsman' : Column it WRITERS, scaing machines and/ i INTOR. -ENgINe 7 5-5443 a " id Y g i INDEX TO Uecotenlic ea te A {time clocks, new and rebuilt, One Year |Durmeas East, Whitby. ees Furniture, 218) Briggs and Stratton Engines -- ee 5 its eat intitle tania nile 8. €. PAINT Contractors, excellent work e guarantee, Outstanding good buys. | Homelite Saws N CLASSIFICATIONS SMITH CO Very reasonable pri a | For" awleins wank Fast. |kins Business Machine Sales and Service. heey ~- USED -- vacuums polishers. Re-| , Ww. Be nig » Ti aM TYPIST required for five-day week, 9 to ° feloshone 50-5959, or Tib-dtie. aI Tilt ----------|728-7783. Open evenings palrs fo 'all_makes, "Nes hoses. Phone ita " mince otors WAITR tor general office duties: Call for pa Fe 1--Women's Column SDR PP INEGI ORE Lp" TSN [San ro a VACUUM 'repairs, all. makes, hoses, |--"° had iscott Boat Trailers ment, 942 2--Personal 16 CELINA ST. Plumbing and Heating rere \vacuui etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942.0013, |BEATTY wringer washer, stainiess steel| Canadion and Springbok Boats REQUIRED eine ---- +--Sportsmen's Column . | ; Fleming Vacuum Service, Main. Street, (tub. Condition excellent after thorough in 18--Male Help Wanted $--Trailers 723- 1 139 ath coven lee and ghey supplies. Now is a good time to buy @ | pickering spection by serviceman, July 21. Mini ¥ gnctod Om AE Relates nish 3 Enis /hcseclast EON PS a iauel | Telephone , Harold H. Stark Ltd., mum price $50. Telephone 725-7190 W | L D F : nea 1964 JAWA SCOOTER A-1 condition. Sac-| 7--Swap and Barter : = {Coe Heating. ane Enainee ig. 23} GOLDEN FALCON rifice at $185, Apply 127 Park Road South, |MOFFAT stove 30", automatic, Television ane ey bee . 9--Market Basket rear door. with base, two radios, electric heater, m, 2m, 10--Fermer's 'Column FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS, ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling or es = 60 "maiteaa| 10,98N10N crock. Four wood chairs, chrome] RENTAL SERVICE Full or Port Time | BRIDGESTONE -- Over | 1)--Pets and Livestock 5 @) D [rate 'Estimates on ; i ORBIT TRAVEL gallon on a Bridgestone Scooter or cycle pergola a ee Parts Apply 84 Rob- and SALES 12--Articles Wanted Ken's Appliances and Sports, 153 Simcoe - ; opply . 13--Articles for Rent Street South, 725-6611. Open 'til 9 p.m CHROME TABLE, pearl grey top, seats 14--Business Opportunities Rug-Upholstery Service TRAILER Ls pen foue, In good condition, "eit, 'Telephone 1415 Dundas St, E., Whitby HA HOT 15--Employment Wanted Laid and Delivered also | BOSCH electric mixer, one gallon capa- | 795 09 Telephone 668-3226 16--Agents. Wanted i Pas ease CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re- city, Also large capalty grinder and | ess i7aFomale Help Wanted Cedar Hedges; Patios Laid covered like new. Get the best for less} Another shipment just arrived | ii¥igizer,- attachments. Ideal for can-/APARTMENT size refrigerator." small MR. CAMPBELL at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street; at the ning or baking. Telephone 725-6067 after|heavy duty stove; kitchen table and | Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- Fully experienced on com- 18--Male Help Wanted ond Delivered South. Call 728-6451. Free estimates. hal ' a ; 1 19--Male or Female Help Wanted ; AL dd 3 weve eer ine ew. Telephone. 724400.) és Cutlery, Glasses, Caftee CLEANING WOMAN plete set of books, including CALL 20--Real Estate for Sale " "" |CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and re VARIOUS storm windows and screens,| WEIGHT LIFTING set, $20.00, typewriter;| 20a--Summer Properties MAPLE LEAF Istyled. Free estimate. See cur material SUBWAY TRAILER SIGIRUER ARE Weeden, ait SEA: Privato|$30:60. "Beth: in bese conntion: Yerephene| Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal trial balance. Should have 21--Farms for Sale Londseaping and Gorden Service |for. recovering Dalton Upholstering, 75 PARK and SALES sale. Apply 378 Division. Street Whitby . 668-2331 | Wear, Men"s Formals, White For Part-Time. experience in accounts pay- Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. able, accounts receivable and 22--Lots for Sale Charles Street 723-7212 | | 23--Real Estate Wanted si | hates s ' TYPEWRITERS standard, $30; portable,/PIANO, Bell, upright, beautiful light fin A Sectioran, Otfiens end. Sterne 725-0611 RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab 1010 DUNDAS ST. EAST $30; adding machine, $40; electric type-|ish. This piano in excellent condition tor , ! Offices and Rest Rooms Payroll. Permanent, position iene Gr eee lished 17 years. Complete range of ma WHITBY writer, $40; electric typewriter, cash regi-|$165. Joseph Hiddink, Piano Tuning Serv-|} SARGEANT'S RENTALS 2 to 3% days per week to the right man with good aa: Abartaanne tor Rind ARMSTRONG 80d and loam, nursery sod, terials. Workmanship guaranteed five ster, $65. Russian typewriter, 723-4434, ice, Ajax 942-5510 8 : Y ; ' gravel, stone and top soil. Telephone Free estimates. Credit terms.| CAMPERS, completél line to choose from 463 Ritson Rd, > 725-333 Located Slough Estates company benefits. 728-5864 Mattresses re-built, Furniture re-tinished.|Travel-Rite Campers, Rentals and Sales jaan iia war freezer and relrig-| TELEVISION, Fleetwood consul, 21" pic TREG TO TRIM? Call Bim Or} |Oshawa Upholstering Company, 287 Dean|742-7879 Peterborough. Just south of ot-jerator, and a Deep:Fry range, four-liure, very good condition. Telephone 723-| ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to. spay Se Telephone CALLS HELD STRICTLY | Avenue. 725-0311, 4 burners, plus Coranda washing machine. |ogao people? Oshawa Tennis Club them: down, Free estimates. 725-5118 or| " tawa cut-off at the caution: light A repair man's opportunity!. Best cash ' ___. |quets, parties, weddings, anniversar AJAX CONFIDENTIAL 728-0610. a SG 1965 13-FOOT cabin trailer, three-burner|offer takes all! 725-0543 IRANGE, Frigidaire, 30", one year old, Facilities. bar. kitchen, parking, Reason- PRIVATE -- Tree to cul or trim?" "For | stove, ice box, sink. Used once. Cost pous E BED and sa; t | 8150. Telephone Port Perry 985-7444 able rates, 728-4315. | 34--Automobile Repair |p00d rates and service eall Francis, Free |OONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Oniario|$!:2/5. Will consider trade. on larger) DOBLE BED and spr! nes. 3 $10. Te-| |\WHEE! CHAIRS, hosnital beds, walkers. | 942-1501 PHONE 35--Lost and Found estimate, 728-0995. jLand Surveyor. Commer-ia: blue prints, | "aller. 668-5152 pone Hampton 263-2294 ' [FURNITURE -- three rooms, : neve qual: | reduc machines, sick « supplies. |= : " - ¥ ENERAL MANA : : 1) Ontario Street, 725.563" TRAILER, 1S Joot Cit i | ont HEIN MBE $ 'Com . Subp TYPIST. for maiiing division, must b- G GER AT Lega' EXPERIENCED gardener will care tor Telephone' Whitby ane. sleeps." $<) OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, arse, liv tho: roams' kitenan'ensarnh las lass 105. Beatrice, 725-1646 | accurate and dependable. Evening work ' your garden and lawn, planting, spray-|H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land wich y et --.|fiqure work, custom picture framing.|Pay only $3 wkly. Unbeatable value!|CHAIRS, card and oanquet tables, churchiGrade 11 educatien prsteres: Benefits 725 6561 ing, pruning, hedge trimming, ete, Rea-jSurveyors, 113 Elgin Street . Phone iT TRAIL one season, good|Clark Studio, evenings and weekends.|/Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoelaisie runn Cleve Fox Rentals, 412|Apply in person to D. A Hoylden, Gen- xf sonable, 725-8614 728-408). ration Telephone 728-9778. 668-4497. 228 Brock North. Whithy South Simeoe Street North, Call 99.2414 eral Printers Ltd, §7 Simene' Squth

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