Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jul 1965, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, July 17, 1965 § WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL New dual ¢ Personal Fuly licensed end Dial 668-6176 J. A. OSTERHOUT, Owner MAN PINNED IN FRONT SEAT Severe Injuries In Crash Send Driver To Hospital WHITBY (Staff) -- A 26-year-, old General Motors employee Creek Valley Plan Irks City Group A citizens' committee for the ers are by custom laid on the preservation of the Oshawajgrave of the dead and often lip- Creek Valley is being formed in|service paid." FURS STILL IN EUROPE Norway, Sweden, Denmark' and Finland together supply about one-third of the world's mink production of 18,000,000 pelts. ' shattered. Gallons of milk SKUNKS GET RIGHT-OF-WAY This family of five skunks put caution to the wind as they made their way across a Kingston street Friday. Much to their delight all motorists gave the right of way to the jay-walkers with- out any comment. City offi- cials are presently waging a war against rabid skunks in the area. (CP) WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Laven- ture and Jimmy, Shediac, N.B., and Mr. Bartle Stewart of Ot- tawa are visiting at the home of a and Mrs. Earl Ward, Mary st. Shirley Reid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Reid, Brock st. s., along with friends, Carol Harmer, Elizabeth Billingham and Rhonda Bryant from the Oshawa Corps of the Salvation Army are motoring to Florida for their vacation. The girls plan to make stopovers at some of the larger cities on their way. Mrs. Ben Kittridge, Wilton, Connecticut and Mrs. Walter Porisky, Calgary, Alberta have left for their home after attend- ing the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Johanna Beamish. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Munns, Mrs. Cyril Wick and Mrs. George Munns Sr. have just ar- rived home from a touring va- cation through the States, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Trigg of Gilchrist, Oregon, have been visiting this past week with their cousin, Mrs. Norman Wood, RR 2, Whitby. Major John Fayter and son Paul are spending 'their vaca- tion with the Major's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fayter, St. Lawrence st. Major Fayter is the Superintendent of the Salva- tion Army Corps in Sudbury. The board of directors of the Whitby Co-Op Credit Union met for their regular monthly meet- ing last evening at their office on Brock st. s. The reports of all committees were given. Five applications for membership were accepted. The educational committee are planning a ba- zaar to be held Nov. 18. Mrs. Jake Reid celebrated her birthday July 16. For the occa- sion a dinner party was held with members of the family in attendance. Belated birthday wishes are) extended to Miss Gail Steeves, Bayview ave., who celebrated pd 16th birthday on Wednes- ay. The many friends of Miss Susan Sturgess extend happy birthday greetings on the occa- sion of her 13th birthday which she is celebrating today. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Raetsen, wish them many happy returns of the day. of their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. Boule and family, 902 McCullough dr. While here they were honored ding anniversary by their fam- ily including Mr. Frank Gray, Windsor and Mr. Alex Gray Jr., Mrs. Clayton Scott. They will visit for two weeks, with the family before returning home to Ottawa. Grant Will Aid Student Travel OTTAWA (CP) -- A $12,000 grant to help Canadian univer sity students travel to various regions of the country for one year of their university life was announced Friday by the Cen- tennial Commission. The grant goes to the Cana- interregional scholarship change plan. The plan permits students of high academic standing to benefit from con- tacts with other regions of Can- da. The $12,000 will be used to about 40 students who will spend one year in a university outside their home region. Universities participating in the plan waive tuition fees for the travelling students. The stu- dents pay their own residence fees. All members of the Canadian Union of Students are eligible for the plan, if they are under 25, have resided in Canada not less than two years and have completed at least one year in a Canadian university. Grounded Freighter Free 721 Newman cresc., are cele- brating their 1st wedding anni- versary tomorrow. Their friends Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gray, Ot- tawa are visiting at the home and surprised on their 50th wed- Toronto, and friends, Mr. and/ Refloating Job Underway MONTREAL (CP)--The Ger-jnel by the federal minister of} man freighter Transatlantic,|\transport. The Transatlantic is grounded on its side in the St.|considered a possible hindrance Lawrence River since its April|/to navigation in the 550-foot- 10 collision with the Dutch|wide passageway. freighter Hermes, is again) It was not disclosed whether _ Standing upright. the ship, damaged by a fire The job of refloating the fire- damaged ship is being under- be repaired or scrapped. taken jointly by Marine Indus- ita A spokesman for Marine In- dustries Ltd. said the ship must ithat followed the collision, wil) County Pupils See History MIDLAND -- During the final week of the school term, a total of 218 Ontario County pupils toured Ste. Marie among- the-Hurons (1639-1649), two miles east of here on Highway 12, The classes and_ teachers were: Grades 4 and 5, St. Fran- cis de Sales Separate, Picker- ing, 95 pupils with Miss V. Mari, Lionel Kelly and Peter S. Daeungler; Grades 7 and 8, Glengrove Public, SS 2, Picker- ing Township, 33 pupils with the principal, W. Oram J. Fairburn; Grades 1 to 6, SS 2, Reach Township, 38 pupils with Mrs. Meta Howsam; Grades 3 to 8, Webb Public, SS 4, Uxbridge Township, 42 pupils with Ronald Willerton. Student guides from the Uni- iversity of Western Ontario, Lon- don, conducted the tour of Ste. Marie I, the site of Ontario's first European community and the mission home of six of North America's eight Jesuit martyr saints. Reconstruction, financed by the Ontario govern- ment, started a year ago and is scheduled for completion in two years, The pupils were fascinated by the province's initial waterway and the barns, which housed the first domestic animals and fowl transported 800 miles by canoe from Quebec. Craftsmen em- ployed on the Ste. Marie I re- construction are mostly _of French Canadian descent and are utilizing the precise tech- | dian Union of Students for its! niques of the seventeenth - cen- eX-ltury French, as determined by the research of a team of his- torians and other scholars cen- tred at the University of Western Ontario. Dr. Wilfrid W. Jury, in charge lof reconstruction, said that provide travelling expenses for! cuided tours will be continued throughout the summer. Chil- adults. Foster Homes For Aged In Man. WINNIPEG (CP) -- Foster homes for the aged are being sought under a program spon- sored by the Manitcba govern- ment. The care services branch of the department of health and welfare locates foster homes for persons who don't require the intensive care provided in nurs- ing homes but who are unable to live alone, Since the project was begun two years ago 170 elderly per- sons have been placed in pri- vate homes and care services is hoping to double its present listing of 100 homes. Jeanette Block, a home - finder in the program, says it's the first time a provincial gov- ernment has sponsored such a project although similar ar- rangements have: been tried in Toronto on a smaller scale. dren must be accompanied by) ithe city. Robert Nicol, organizational director, said today a meeting lof "60 very irate citizens" was' held this. week and that the group hopes to express to coun- , by petition, its feelings to- wards the proposed Creek Val- ley traffic route. News media were not invited to the meeting which, it was learned, was held at the Osh- awa Golf Club. Damas and Smith, traffic con- sultants, in a 1962 traffic plan- ning report, recommended the Iconstruction of a multi - million dollar north-south four-lane di- vided highway in the Creek Valley. City council has authorized Damas and Smith to prepare feasibility studies on the route from Wentworth st., in the south' to Taunton rd., in the north. Final reports with a breakdown of costs and property required are expected to be presented to council this fall. NO DECISION YET AFFECTS EVERYONE Mr. Nicol said the valley di- lrectly or indirectly affects every Oshawa resident to a greater or lesser degree. "However, it is only by pub- lic interest and willingness to 'stand and be counted' that ser- ious consideration can be given by council to this solution to the traffic problem," he said. "Perhaps criticism should not be that of council for by the heavy load of responsibility placed on them by the elector- ate it is only proper that con- sultant advice be sought, One should rather question the rec- ommendations and the price to be paid in cash and depriva- tion." Mr. Nicol said "many labor under the illusion that the pro- jected road for the valley is but st. e. injured. was rushed to the Toronto Gen- eral Hospital this morning from severe head injuries sustained in an auto accident on Dundas Wayne. Pountney, of 1011 Mc- Cullagh dr., was injured when his west-bound car collided with a milk truck just west of the Dundas st. subway. The driver of the milk truck, Douglas Flett, 45, of Solina, was un- Pountney was have been on his way home from night shift at the GM south plant paint shop at the time of the accident. Town Police said that his 1958 model car struck the milk truck and then smashed into a tree on the north side of the road. The rear end of the truck was spread over the highway. Pountney was trapped in the front seat of the car and was freed by Cpl. Ernest Shepperd- son and Constable Gary Winter, who forced back the steering! FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH REV. DELOSS M, SCOTT, MINISTER 419 BROCK STREET N wheel and dashboard with a crowbar. ' The injured man was taken first to the Oshawa General Hospital and was later trans- ferred to Toronto. He is a native of Owen Sound and came to Whitby some six months ago. Pountney's land- lady, Mrs. R. H. Glanfield, said that she believed that his parents are Owen Sound residents. believed to Whitby SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 A.M--"FA id ITH TIDINGS" BROADCAST CKLB 9:45 A.M.--WELCOME TO OUR BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP and PRAISE + "THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT" 7:00 P.M---SUM MER SUNDAY EVENING HOUR PASTOR'S SERMON astor's Sermon: "WASHED FROM OUR SINS' TURTLES ARE GREEDY The box turtle has been known it could not close its shell. Prayer, Praise and Pastor's Bible Closs to eat so much fresh fruit that " , 'There's Always A Welcome At Faith' WEDNESDAY EVE, 8:00 P.M. Studying John's First Epistle the fruition of the Oshawa plan- ning board's official plan bring- TO SEE THESE ing into reality the rather scenic route". | FREE TICKETS POPULAR PICTURES AT THE BROCK THEATRE | EXPRESSWAY? No decision has been made by council on whether the pro- posed valley route should be built or when it should be built. The estimated cost is still un- clear. However in January a Damas-Smith report of the route from Wentworth to Bond sts., estimated the cost at $9 million, of which about $2 million would be paid by the city. Mr. Nicol said today he told the group of citizens the Creek Valley beautification and drive was to be the keystone of order- ly and planned growth of the city -- "literally this carpet of green has been swept from be- neath our feet. "True in the magnanimous gesture to a shattered dream, council have now seen fit to 'landscape' what swath of de- struction must necessarily en- He said the latest council move "quashes this entirely for the Damas-Smith route is now defined as 'expressway' -- this being a new definition of recent legislation to designate a limit- ed access high-speed thruway -- planning the project along these lines permits greater provincial subsidy. A true bastardization of the Creek Valley." Council this month asked the department of highways to classify the entire route, as pro- The CORNER PIZZA SPECIALIZING IN... '@ PIZZA. =e SPAGHETTI © BAR-B-Q CHICKEN @ SPARERIBS HOME DELIVERY 668-8807 (Open 7 days « week) 107 COLBORNE &T. W. 8B. Denyer 812 Byron North, Whitby posed, as an expressway as it would entitle the city to 75 per cent grants for construction, property purchases and main- tenance. If classified as a con- necting link the city would re- ceive 75 per cent grants for con- struction and 33 1-3 per cent grants for maintenance and property purchases. The depart- ment has made no decision to Matchless Living.. GO ELECTRIC aA REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES sue," he said. "Perhaps it is only appropriate; in that flow- date on the city's request. TORONTO (CP)--On the eve of the federal-provincial confer- ence, Ontario Liberal Leader Andrew Thompson issued a statement Friday attacking Premier Robarts for what Mr. Thompson said was his devo- tion to wealthy areas of the province to the detriment of others, "Mr. Robarts is not going to Grit Leader Rips Robarts For 'Devotion To Wealthy' ELECTRIC LTD. EACH WEEK 12 PEOPLE RECEIVE TICKETS FREE Pater reegrcrarse iggy! Each week for 26 weeks there will eppeor in the edvertisements on. this VIC'S SPUR page the names and addresses of 12 lucky people in this oreo. it af tod See ae locate = oll or asked to do is clip the SERVICE STATION Oshewe Times in Whi Osho You will then receive your guest tickets te the Brock Theat. 8 a MURPHY OIL CO. LIMITED 668-3644 501 Brock WN. BROCK THEATRE WHITBY -- Week of July 19th MONDAY --- TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY One Complete Program Only Pot gy et 7:30 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SEX and the single girl" -- Color With -- Tony Curtis -- Natalie Wood Also 2nd Feeture -- READY FOR THE PEOPLE Starring -- Simon Oakland -- Ann Helm THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Evening Shows Stert 7:00 end 8:45 "HIGH WIND IN JAMAICA" -- COLOR Starring -- Anthony Quinn -- James Coburn Whitby T.. Asche, 1010 Dundas East FOR OCCASION Moke It... FLOWERS ty DEAN 668-3142 131 Brock $. Whitby PHONE 668-8522. @ COLLISION CUSTOM BODY WoRK 24H D SATISFACTION GUARANTEED "OAD SERVICE KONRAD CSER--OWNER H. Wyatt 215 Lee, Whitby 324 ASH ST. WHITBY - «= ~--s&RES, PHONE 668-3208 locate in other, more favorable growth centres." Buying -- Renting -- Selling Use TIMES ACTION WANT ADS OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL -- INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES 515 BROCK $, -- 668-5853 Wesley Down R.R. No, 4, Oshawe Mr. Thompson interpreted this to mean the premier was worried about siphoning re- sources away from wealthy parts of the province. "At his own regional develop- ment conference this winter it was pointed out metro regions can grow s0 large they become SCUGOG CLEANERS SHIRT 5) LAUNDERERS and STORAGE WHITBY OFFICE Ottawa as a repr ative of the province, but of the golden horseshoe," the opposition leader declared, referring to the area extending from the Ni- agara Peninsula to Hamilton, Toronto and Oshawa. "He is, essentially, going to} give persons in slow-growth areas the opportunity of buying a bus ticket to Toronto," Mr. Thompson added. He took issue with a state-| ment Mr. Robarts made in June outlining the stand Ontario's Conservative govern- ment took at a conference of senior civil servants on re- gional development in Ottawa May 31. The statement: said a mis- allocation of resources could occur if undue government at- tention to slow-growth areas di- verted attention from economic development generally. MIGHT SIPHON It also said that industry given tax incentives to locate in designated areas might si- phon off economic resources "that could make a larger and more productive contribution to une .' the Liberal leader said, "It was pointed out it is often cheaper to subsidize industry in slow-growth areas than send in 130 Brock W. 668-4341 524 CROMWELL, OSHAWA Stephen Wiggans 3038 Maple Bost, Whitby FIRST WITH THE NEWS IN OSHAWA & DISTRICT THE OSHAWA TIMES a flood of welfare cheques, and it was shown that if a place such as North Bay prospers, Metro prospers because there is an increased demand for goods." Louls Marks 942-0535 COPPING CARPET SERVICE @ COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS @ CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 748 Lew St., Oshowe @ IN YOUR HOME OR IN OUR PLANT @ GUARANTEED & INSURED, FREE ESTIMATES "WE OPERATE OUR OWN PLANT" ig A&T MOTORS @ 2 Licensed Mechanics @ Automatic Transmissions @ Complete Tune-upe 668-2893 701 Dundas E. Whitby Mrs, Carrie Oxford R.R. No. 2, Oshawa, fg GF MEND-N-FIT) NEED A PLUMBER, |, ALERT& QUICK2, x WEVE THE SERVICE- MAN TO DO THE HARRY'S JANITOR SERVICE 668-8873 @ INDUSTRIAL @ COMMERCIAL © COMPLETE, JANITORIAL SERVICE 668-8873 609 HARRIET H. L, Ferneley 422 Ridgeway, Oshawa, COMPLETE TRANSMISSIO '63 RAMBLERS SERVICE SQ Quantity of Good Used Cars" ABNER'S ESSO SERVICE 668-5391 1003 Brock & F. H, Ro 1210 Johnson, Whitby 668-4932 WHITBY AUTOMATIC - TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS 405 MARY ST. EAST Fred G. White 720 Centre North, Whitey WHITBY Whitby @ RE-CHROMING AS CLOSE - @ NEW AND USED PARTS AS YOUR NO. 12 HWY.--1 MILE provincial output were they to Family Monuments Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. | LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Fay Ltd. and Risden Beazley The Transatlantic now is standing in 35 feet of water 65 miles northeast of Montreal on the south bank of the Lake St. be raised and taken to Sorel, about 40 miles northeast Montreal, so the remains of the) cargo can be unloaded. | Meanwhile an inquiry into the! of] ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A, B.D. Peter channel, The owners were ordered to remove the ship from the chan- collision, which claimed three) Miss tg Newton, De lives, is scheduled to resume in| rE L Seton, ART. Mrs. J. L. Beaton, A.R.C.T, Montreal next week. BROCK WHITBY Evening Shows At 7 & 8:25 Matinee Saturday At 1:30 Meet Music...The Beat the Go-60-GO ove! 409) Also 2nd. Feature Attrection "DAY OF. THE BADMAN" In Color With -- Fred MacMurray, Joan Weldon MORNING WORSHIP 11 A.M. Parents ere invited to bring their children. Those over six years of age will wat with them. Those under six will be cored for In the infant Care, Nursery and Kinder- gorten Departments. ip ccs ay See RE ER WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West ot Centre) Minister: Rev. John McLeod Organist Mrs. W. &. Summers, A.T.C.M. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.--The Rev. - Percy Buck, B.A., B.T.H. Mr. Buck is. one of our veteran missionaries from the Bolivian Field of the Canadien Baptist Foreign ay Board. You ought to hear im. EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS Is 2 e new FIBRE GLASS FENDERS 'LATE MODEL WRECKS BOUGHT AND SOLD N. OF WHITBY Laurie Gallant BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. "HOME IMPROVEMENT HEADQUARTERS" 668-5818 419 DUNDAS S&T. &, @ BUMPERS 668-3223 379 Ritson R. $., Oshawa warty G6GOoB-B7G1 SUPERIOR PROPANE "SALES & SERVICE' BUD'S ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS @ CUSTOM WORK © INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RAILINGS . 137 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY 668-3328 VICTORIA ST. E. -- WHITBY RR. NO, 1 PICKERING -- 942-0720 Wayne Holl, 744 Whitmon Cr., Oshawe We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities SALAD Large 4-quart bow! bowls wtih servin 9-Piece Scandia Decorated MON. ONLY SPECIALS! Adults Only Allowed Specials OPEN DAILY 'TIL 10 -- SAT. 'TIL 6 P.M MAIN FLOOR FOR THE CAMPER AND PICNIKER SET and six 5" spoon end Electric Fruit and Vegetable By "KELTON" RIGID POOLS With potented snap and lock seots ind Pool liner hos hose td x fork. Compare et FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL 98 set. 4-Way Canvas Covered Lounge COTS ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corer Byron at St. John Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A. Minister Mrs, PN. Spratt, Orgenist 11:00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP Nursery Care During Divine Worship | in @ vari ge A Re nag lapel camper. Compare at 9.98 each, FOR PRICE SAKE , 6.88 OUTDOOR PATIO DISPLAY Campbell's SOUPS AN 10°" BEANS or SPAGHETTI ¢ 12°" MAIN FLOOR JUICER from "" ress" for automatic remove! of all pulp from any kind of vegetable or fruit. Com- plete with an extensive recipe LOWER LEVEL booklet providing information about the benefits and applice- tions of fresh juice, POWER TOOLS Compare at 79.95 ~ by "RAM FOR PRICE SAKE 38.88 LOWER LEVEL and legs. drainer plug No. 6206 size 4: 42" x 10" deep compare ot 12.95 FOR PRICE SAKE 1 No, 604 size "gt Fak Fee | st deep compere at 15.95... FOR PRICE SAKE .... 11.88 For Price Sake It's No Where Else 1038 King St. W. At Garrard Rd. OSHAWA DISCOUNT H « A \V « NY,

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