EAR BRILLIANT, B.C... IN /93/ REEDOMITE ARSONISTS nl) Gg ery MISSION ~~ TO THE TOMB OF TH, FORMER LEADER, PETER VERIGIN . SET OUT 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, a July 17, 1965 . BRIDGE By B, JAY BECKER ia TOMMY WE WERE BE; || AROUNP THE AIRPORT ' CAUGE SOME iP YOU HAD THE RABIES AN' NOW WE'RE HIDIN' WAY OUT WITH THIG NICE MIGS WINNIE HOPKINS --, (TS A FUNNY DEAL, ZBRO! BARL! ING CHASEP CALL IT " OPKINS' AN' "ONLY SHE ME A LITTLE "BY- BEE'. FUNNY= AN' WE'RE GOIN SOMEPLACE IN HER, FUNNY KINDA mm LIKE I SAID, IT'S A FUNNY THE LONE RANGER FINALLY, Z HAP TO SET] | iv DOWN AN? bs pes INNO UNCERTAIN TERMS THAT WE COULDN'T AFFORD? IT! Pl AT PADDY FITZPATRICK OR (11, BE LAYING THIG . UPON YOUR HEATHEN SKULL } > , MASY, VICTOR/ / WHARD /T/ SOUNDED LIKE A Opening lead -- king of clubs, It is not uncommon for de- clarer to be struggling with a contract which has virtually no chance of success, This situa- tion may occur as the result of over-bidding, misbidding, or any of a dozen other good or bad reasons, But whatever the cause, de- clarer has to do all he can to salvage such a situation, Sometimes what appears to be an absolutely impossible con- tract can be made by applying that extra amount of e'ort which so often marks the dif. ference between success and failure, Take this hand where So 'h ts playing an optimistic four s.ade contract, Looking at only the North-South hands, it \ ould SECRET AGENT X9 BUZ SAWYER HIG CODE NAME '\ ANTARBIG / IN Is "Antares" / THAT ALL L Know / ASTRONOMY THATIS THE RED GIANT' STAR IN SCORPIO | OUR ONLY CONTACT HAS ONLY A MINOR AGENT / [Te ANTARBS THE SUPER GTAR, We'Ver Ten 'TWO FINGERS IN THE BYE! AND A KARATE CHOP 70 THE NOSE... THE ADAM'S APPLE... JANE ARDEN | Distrfoured ty King Features Syn dient, --a cme oe waed 2. Missing No WONDER YOU'VE BEEN GONE. LONG. AN' COULDN'T FING, YOUR WAY. bores FO THE HOME ROOS ry MICKEY MOUSE "TELEVISION LOG GRANDMA © Kang Feat Sym ate, ine, FOO Weekd vghe MUGGS AND SKEETER 'AND ITLL BE INTERESTING TO SEE HOW THE TINY TOT Likes 'OON AS HIM TRY IT / er) i NOT EXACTLY! BUT HE WAS ALMOST AS BIG AS THE FIGH THAT ALWAYS GETS AWAY FROM You. Of Nova Scotia AMHERST, N.S. (CP)--Lob- ster fishermen in at least one area of the Maritimes have agreed not to be greedy. A likely result is better man- agement of the fishery along Nova Scotia's Northumberland Strait shore, possibly extending jin the future to the coasts of jCape Breton and Prince Ed- ward Island, Also, the 100 fishing boat oper- ators who agreed voluntarily to restrict their working hours and the number of traps they .set out have found they've got more time to enjoy the delicacy they harvest, Pointing to a jovial crowd of fishermen attending the first Supper sponsored by a new co- operative fishermen's associa- tion, secretary Mel MacKenzie of Wallace, N.S., said 'This sort of thing couldn't happen be- fore. . 4°. "W were all'too busy fishing a few extra 'raps to get ahead @w neighbor. But those days @ne forever." many as 1,000 traps were Better Management Likely eth) Lobster Fishing sometimes set by a single oper- ator--there is no legal limit-- and gear tangling became a serious but inevitable problem. Fishermen came home from the sea barely long enough to sleep. The bylaws of the association restrict a single operator to 400 baited traps in the water at one time, provide for strict record- keeping by association volun- teers of all traps and their owners, and set up special ar- rangements for 'Sunday fish- ing' designed to give the men more time at home. Association vice - president Ralston (Sonny) Pollard a vet- eran lobster fisherman and har- bor pilot at Pugwash, said, 'We are getting practically as many lobsters, while saving on traps, gasoline and other expenses. "T am confident that in three years or less an increase in the number of lobsters will be clearly evident." His only complaint was '"W are 20 years too late, But we're finally on the right road. Cer:| tainly I will never go back to) fishing 600 te $00 traps." 4-Secret Agent ' 9:30 PLM. T---Hollywood Palace 10:00 PLM. li--World War One 4---Gunamoke 10:30 P.M. Niewfiack buster 7--Jimmy Dean Show 63--Jullette Hite PLM, 119-82 -6-4-3-2---Newes Weather: Sports 118 PLM, VeBlock Buster Con tinued Metro Final é--Night Metre O-8--Saturday Night ef The Movies 18 PA, 1-43--Late Show 6--Sports hte PLM, %--Late Show é--Feature Showoase SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. 1--Cathedral Chimes 7--Herald of Truth &-B'wana Don #0 AM, Musicale 7--Tennessee Tuxede %-The Answer 10:00 A.M, &--Herald of Truth t--Rocket Ship 7 4--Lamp Unto My Feet o--Mr. 2--Chureh Invitation 10:30 A.M, Vie-Secret World 4--Look Up And Live &--Insight Thee A.M, V1-Htallan Journal o--Meta This: ls The Lite ?.-Cartoons 43.---Chureh Service 4--Camera 3 2--Agricuiture 110 AM Ni--Carasello Canadians Au 20, Moslem SAREE] : 1. Cabbage 3. Division judge SIGITIVIEMBOIVIOIL [0 lad fap! RIOTPTETS MEW IOIOIL IS) sala ofaplay 22, Jump & 7 IMIUISTSMESINI [PTE TS) 5. Potato 4. Verb form over lJ eon ena ®.Cocaine 5. European 23. un- (THROM) | Shanes S-Ruinw--) J--Bulwinle, thew source country closures /AIEISDIRMMEILTATIGS Channel 4~E . x ISISTEMETIAISITITIETR Channel 6 12:00 WOON 10, Nut: P.I, 6, Early for aoe Channel 7-8 1}---Canadian Pro Soccer 11, Careens Britisher cattle [FIATIRICIVEEVI TT] Channel &~F $--Itallan Album TV 12, Sharp 7. Eskimo 25, Petty RE Raa Saanne| eterente me ae 14, Likel knife rrel |2}0 B sak shitde btn ae | 15. Perch 8 Marks 26. site SINTAIKIEMECIAINISIT} cre | Newey Weather 16, Tantalum: indicating of Yesterday's Answer SATURDAY SVB, Ae sym, repetition "Leaning 6:00 P.M. jehop Sheen 17. Note of 11, Young Tower" 32, Nobl Vesna Bowling me 118 PM, scale sheep 27. So, Am, 35, Obnoxious T--The Big Show of the ~~ 18. Stupefy 13, The Orient river child i ofieek 41 PEE ih ae ~~ | 20. Lettuce 15, Garden 29. Old World 36, Theater ToVieehing" Salt Art Neobaay 21, Site ofa clock plant group Rarer Ray ae ett The Nation "massacre" 18, Mix 80, Goddess 38, Employ an From wart ha 23, Time 19. Unit of of victory; 39. Peck nepal, | okay tyre ag , 'y Peter unn ql mM, gone by weight Gr, 40. Unity After Four N--Continental | Mintature 24, Related T Te C) a 6--World Of Musle 9----Spectrum 26, Couple GY GY §--Ripcord Movie 28, Islands wag "oe PM, | Toowal, Sereurity west of Y), Ho43--Newss Weather! | 6.9Jack in The Box Greece " 7 Sports -- \* Yankee Baseball 31, Mischievous O 'cae 1:30 PAM, | 'Spotlight one i 7 6 16 %--The Virginian Doug! 82. Mauls GY 63--A_ World of His Own) S=Dougias Fairbanks /, /, 4--UB Round Table Pane! 7=-!ssves and Answers 33,Greek letter [7 GY ( Z #--Have Gun Will Travel $o--Country Calendar 34, Continent; Batavia 'a 1 PM, abbr, T De GY %The Virginian 2:00 PLM, 35, Baby). Y +-2--Flipper V--Mickie . ~The King Family 9.Sports ae god v Y -The Saint Toten: Stor Bowling 36. Inquire an Fare or f Sport 87, Siavbiue 4 Y a-Take a Chance | Dr, Kildare he $:00 P.M, | 2" PLM, 39. Recipient V--Club 11 Dance Party | &--My Little Margie ofa gift f] A 4-8--Kentucky Jones T--World of Sports 41, Eskers 'A 14) un PM, 3--Doctors at Work 9---Movie 4:00 PLM, xe she G Y 4 #3---Mr, Magoo | Club 11 Dance Party fone Fy Tawrence Walk [é3--British Open. Golf 43, Snares a Y 6-3---Beverly Hillbillies | a Doctors At Work 44. Globule Gilligan's leland | ses 0h aT Y omedy 0 PAM, 9:00 PLM, 3-2----Movie DOWN Ky Ye, V--Great Music 4-Ted Mack 1. Roman Y Wy | secs ricarent mt i ~ i | general A o3--Great Maviee %--Douglas Fairbanks | | $3--Time for Adventure 4:0 PAM %--Bliko - T--Jalopy Races 16-3---Wild Kingdom 8:00 FM, \}-Pamily Theatre | %-Johnny Quest |b2-Wild Kingdom 7--Sons of Hercules &-Country§ Calendar 4--Zoorame 3-Hudson Bay 2--Encore Sunday | 0 PM, | %--Cartoon Playhouse &--Broadway Goes Latin! 6--20/ | 4--Chautauqua '48 Movie 4:00 PLM, 9--Flipper 7--Big Show ef The Week Stingray 4--Twentieth Century 3--The Saint 2-Meet The Freee 0 PM, 11--Mavie %--Walt Disney Presents 4-2---Sports 6--Chorus 4--World War | 00 PLM, |$&3--CINE* Club 4--Lassie nme PLM, Novak | &2--Disney's World of | Color | Wagon Train 463 Patty Duke Show 4--My Favorite Martian 0:00 PM, 643--Ed Sullivan shew ' eM, 10:00 PLM, 9--Musical Showcase -2----The Rogues +3---Compass 4~Candid Camere tore PLM, 5M-3----Camera West %--Zero One 4+--Whal's My Line 1:00 PLM, 11-0 Pohed-Se2--Newes Weather, Sports 11:98 PLM, T-4+3----Late Show t--Award Theatre %--Metro Final ae PM, %--Late Show 6--Alfred Hitohock Heur lle Travellers' Preview MONDAY 4:00 AM, 4--Captain Kangaree 4:00 ALM, 7--Dialing for Dollars Girl Talk 4--Mike's Carnival 2----Mickey Mouse Club 9:90 AM, %--The Millionaire nn Southern show 10:00 AWM, #-2---Truth or Consequences 4--News 10:18 A.M, %Cartoon Party" Ae wana -2--What's This T--Tralimaster ae 4-1 Love Luey 10:48 A.M, %--Romper Room 11:08 AM, 11--Musicale #-2---Concentration 4-Andy of Mayberry Wis AM, | &=Summer Fun Th AM, §-2-~Jeopardy 7--Price ls Right The McCops 12:00 NOOR li--Camera On Canada 4--News and Weather 12:15-PM, * %--Dear Charlotte 4--Bpeacer af the House 12:38 PLM, \--First Edition News %--Scarboro College @2--1'll Bet T--Father Knows Beet 4-Search for Tomorrew %-Noonday Report 1248 PLM, Ve-Racing Forum 4---Qulding Light 6--Music ' 4--Meet The Millere 3--Ed Allen 2-Mike Douglas Show ht PM ll-Mid Day Matinee And First Four Races %-Theatre 4--Luneheon Date 4--Aa The World Turne 200 PLM, 7--Where The Action ta 4--Paasword nw PM, @8--The Doctors tA Time For Us 'lenfipectal Movie Movie +2 Buckskin Broadside 4:00 P.M, 0-2-4-3---Bonanze 7--Movie 4--Twilight Zoke &--Movie Matinee 4--House Party d-Moment Of Truth we PM %&-Peopie in Conflict $-2----Another World 2~General rospital 4--Te Tell The Truth 4-Leave It To Beaver | 2A seem that declarer must lose two club tricks, at least one spade, and at least one dia- mond, This adds up to a minimum of four losers and makes the outcome seem hopeless, How- ever, if South pays attention to his knitting, he makes the con- tract, West cashes the king of clubs land plays another club to the jace, Hast returns a heart, which South wins with the ace, | Declarer realizes that he must |lose at least one trump trick, regardless of how favorably the |spades are divided, so he concentrates all his thoughts on avoding the loss of a diamond, | Since he lacks the strength in diamonds to avoid a natural jloser in that suit, he tries to lorganize his play so as to create a ruff-discard situation and per- haps thus escape a diamond loser, In line with this, he finesses the queen of diamonds at trick |four, plays a heart to the king, jcontinues with a diamond to- the ace, and follows this by ruffing the jack of hearts, When he now plays the ace and another spade, West wins with the king but finds that he must return a heart or a club, Whichever return he chooses, South ruffs it in dummy as he - discards the nine of diamonds from his hand, NEWS IN BRIEF GREETINGS WARM TOKYO (AP)--Chinese Com- munist Premier Chou En-lal sent 'warm congratulations" to Algeria's Col, Houari Boumedi- enne on his "assumption of the premiership," New China news agency said Friday, Chinese. Foreign Minister Chien Yi sent a separate congratulatory mes- sage to his Algerian counter: part, Foreign Minister Abdel Aziz Bouteflika, NCNA_ said, NEGRO TRAPPED SHOT MERIGOLD, Miss, (AP)--A Mississippi posse trapped a Ne- gro ex-convict beneath a house jhere Thursday and killed him in a fierce exchange of gunfire jin which a state trooper was s@- lverely wounded, The dead iman, identified as Willie Wood- son, 21, had been the object of lan intensive day-long manhunt in this. delta cotton country, QUEEN'S ENTRY WINS SANDOWN PARK, England (AP) -- The : $84,000 Eclipse Stakes horse race. was won |Saturday by Canisbay, a 20-to-1 joutsider owned by the Queen, Roan Rocket, 4-to-l, was sec: ond by a short head in the 1%- mile race, A French challen- ger, Red Vagabonde, 20-to-l, |was third, two lengths back in the eight-horse field, OFFER CASH FOR SPIRIT LONDON (CP)--The Society for Psychical Research has of- fered £1,000 to any spiritualist medium who can prove he or she is not a fake, Contenders for the award will have to derfon- strate their' powers under the survey of a scientist, an expert conjurer and an electronics ex- pert, WEIGHT HOLDS SHAPE The nuclear explosions of the sun's gas do not fly off into space because the enormous power of gravitation holds the gas together, SALLY'S SALLIES | "They say this is an | course; someday I hope get om it"