Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Jul 1965, p. 15

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Wemen 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 7, 1965 St. Gregory's Council of the Catholic Women's League held a successful garden party at the residence of Doctor and Mrs. Peter Riordan, Glenwood crescent, recently, Tea was served to guests seated at color- ful umbrella (ables. Receiving with the hostess, Mrs. Riordan, were Mrs. Wm, A. Clarke, pres- ident of St. Gregory's CWL and Mrs, R. H. Donald, gerieral con- vener. The tea and home bak- ing committee was made up of Mrs. A, F. Mowat, Mrs, Ken- neth Cole, Mrs, G, A, LaRush, Mrs, B. M. LaForce, Mrs, Earl Salter and Mrs. E. J. Marks, Tea pourers were: Mrs. W, H. Boissoin, Mrs. H. D. Cleverdon, Miss Kate Connolly, Mrs. F. M. Copeland, Mrs. Kelly DeGray, Mrs, Charles Fehrenbach, Mrs. J. P. Mangan, Mrs. J. F. G. Morris, Mrs. J. L, Riordan, George Sammutt, Ray Scott and Mrs, Smyth, Tea hostesses and assistants were: Mrs, J. W, Spragge, Mrs, C.' A. Root, Mrs, A. M, Dixon, Mrs. Jack Bathe, Mrs, D. B, Armstead, Mrs, J. M. Kane, Mrs. Tony Cebulski, Mrs. Ger- ald DePratto, Mrs, B, "M, Foley, Mrs, J. A, Foster, Mrs, G. R. Michael Mrs, J. C, Howson, Mrs, James O'Regan, Mrs. T. V. Kelly, Mrs, E. G. MeNeely, Sciuk, Mrs, Gillen, Mrs, Mrs, Garden Tea Successful Event For St. Gregory's CWL Mrs, Mrs Mrs, & UG. Heney, G. 7 J, J. Wilkinson, Mrs, J. A. Yanch, Mrs, J. J. Spencer, Mrs, Harold Duquette, Plews, _ Mrs, George Barrett and Mrs, F. M, Gilmore, An oil painting, donated by Mrs. C, A, Root and Mrs, L, C.| Whitby. Workman was won by i Evelyn Slyfield, 403 King street! east, GAGEMENT Mr, Mrs, Andrew Alex- ander Gillespie of London, On- tario, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Enid Marion, to Mr. John Rus- sell DeCoe, Jr., son of Mr, and Mrs. John Russell DeCoe, Oshawa. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, August 14, at 3.00 p.m. in the chapel of First St, Andrew's United Church, London, Ontario. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Clifford A. Puffer wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jeanette Elizabeth, to Mr. Wil- liam David Moore, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, William Moore of Hamilton, The wed- ding is to take place on Satur- day, August 7, 1965, at 4.00 p.m. in St, Mark's United Church, ENGAGEMENT | Mr, and Mrs, Clifford A. Ter- 'rill of Hampton wish to an- THE STARS SAY Inounce the engagement of their because they involve volumin-|oidest daughter, Anna Louise, ous detail or a certain amount|ig Mr. James Allan Statham, SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. William P. O'Neil, Oshawa, announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Anna Marie, to Mr, Gordon W. Baker, Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs, George Baker, Thorahill, The ceremony is to take place on Monday, August 2, 1965, at 12 o'clock noon in the Roman Catholic Church of St. Gregory the Great, FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr, and Mrs, I. J, Perry of Oshawa wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their only daughter, Gail Carla, to Robert Allen Young, son of Mr, and Mrs, Theodore Young of Jamestown, New York, The wedding will take place on Sun- day, July 25, 1965, at 7.00 p.m, in the College Park Seventh-Day Adventist Church. FEW WOMEN FARMERS SASKATOON (CP) -- Irene Anne Keay, who graduated from the University of Saskat- chewan this summer, is the Come summer, come hair, problems. Humidity, heat, sud- den showers can make the pret- tiest coiffure look as though it had been walking in outer space, So, first a good permanent. Don't try to get along on the weak curl of one you've had for three months or | more. What's left of that, chop off with a little taperette, or pam- per yourself and go to a good aa el for a skilled shap- ng. ' Nowadays you can give your- self a home permanent with- out any drip or fuss or mess, A new aerosol, pushbutton extra-quick type is on the mar- ket. Use it either with rods, for a firmer curl, or with roll- ers, for a more casual coif- fure. Even if you like an almost straight, sleek hairdo, remember that a permanent is built-in body and a necessity. Don't Let Summer Sun, Wind Turn Your Hair To Straw to the mark, give yourself. a few hair repair treatments be- fore the permanent. If your hair is in good form, make i even more so, with a couple of get, hair that has wonderful lustre and Sere? with any grey blended in, and marvelous body and feeling! Y What's new in hair styles, now that you've got your push-button foam permanent? Out is the bouffant, the snarly- teased pouff rising high. In are flatter tops, with a little lift. What teasing is done, is done gently and lightly with a t hair repair treatments after) brush. your wave. ageability and elasticity. Temporary rinses can be ap- plied immediately after a per- manent, If you use a semi-per- manent rinse, wait a bit. Your porous right after a permanent; it literally soaks hair is mort up color. One semi-permanen coloring which is ings should be held off for a' least a week. Watch your ti You'll love the extra shine, the soft extra man- shampoo, coloring and conditioner all in one, may be used 72 hours after a permanent. Most other color- In is swinging, moving hair-- no stiff setness. That's too wig- like, say many' of the girls. For the 'young it's swinging hair that is almost straight, with a pretty. sweep to the ends. For fall, there's a marked trend to little curls placed at strategic spots such as the side of the it} eye, over the ears. For those over twenty-five, the trend is toward more soft- ness with a hint of wave and re- strained curl. A look that's cas- t| ual--but cared for. It stays that -|way, cared for, with a fashion- djsetting 'spray. Pick either soft ng on freshly _ per hair, a few minutes less than usual is the rule, When you use a semi-perma- nent rinse, incidentally, don' hold or firm hold dpending upon the needs of your hair. t HOUSEHOLD HINT Paints can be stirred more only wontan agriculture grad- uate of the last five years, Miss Keay specialized in animal sci- ence, The depth of the curl depends|look for a drastic change; no upon whether you use a rod or|blondes out of brunettes, That's easily if they are turned upside roller. strictly a bleach-and-tint -- dye|down for at least twenty-four If your hair. is not right upljob. You can expect, and will'hours bfore using. be es-\son of Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Statham of Oshawa. The mar- riage will take place on Satur- day, July 24, 1965, at 3.00 p.m. month period for increasing in Hampton United Church, | your earnings. Other good pe- mt CUT WHILE you WAIT eee R ED and BLUE BRAND BEEF riods for occupational gain and|iod lasting from Sept. 20 to Nov. recognition; Next January andijg, when Jupiter, "the Great to stick to routine and keep|March. Creative workers should|Beneficent,"' will be governing) your nose to the proverbialjexperience notable periods of/your monetary affairs, and the) grindstone. Don't count on the accomplishment during the bal-\ihird opportunity for adding to) see We Help Your Family selected Quality MEATS! e co-operation of others in any-\ance of this month, in late Sep-lincrement lasting from Jan, 15 ! s thing. It will be a day when|tember, throughout November,|to April 15. you'll have to work things out|January, March and May. Stars also promise stimulat-| strictly 'on your own,' | If careful to avoid -extrava-|ing social activities and chances LEGS or gance and speculation between|for travel during the latter half FOR THE BIRTHDAY now and mid - November andjof this month, throughout Sep- If tomorrow is your birthday, : early January, you should find\tember, January, April and the year ahead promises much|yourself in a yery stable posi-|next June, Most propitious per-| in the way of job gain, if you Shoulder Bone By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Do not mix business with pleasure on Thursday, Results could be far from satisfactory. In fact, where business matters are concerned, it would be well of tedium, This will pecially important as you near the Ist of September, when stars promise an excellent 2- tion, financially, by this timeliods for romance: The balance are willing to take on some|next year, The fact is that,jof this month, the weeks be- additional responsibilities 'and|within th. next 12 months, you|tween Aug, 15 and Oct. 4, next put forth a little more effort--|will go through three good|February, April and May. beginning now! Even thoughjcycles on this score. The first} A child born on this day will results may not be immediate,|will occur between Aug. 15 and|/be endowed with a great love | keep your eyes open to every|Sept. 8, when gains may be|of knowledge, an inquiring mind chance for advancement and do|small, but gratifying; the sec-|and the talents required fo suc-| not bypass opportunities just|/ond, an outstandingly good per-|ceed in scientific fields, Niagora STEAKS For the Bar-B-Q and Mrs, Gray have| children; Mr. Harold) ceived felicitations from a wide|Gray of Wallaceburg; Mr. Gor-| E fe é ] f Sita circle of friends. The catering\don Gray, Newcastle, and Mrs. : is j . te . ' ents were handled by|L. H. Heading, (Betty), Wil-| the Westmount United Church|lowdale. There are eight gra ¢-| RIB RO AST Women and granddaughters, the children and one great-grand- Misses Susan, Betty Jean, Deb- child. ble and Jennifer Gray, served) A guest of honor at the re- the refreshments. MR. AND MRS. HARRY A. GRAY | : Diamond Wedding Pair Honored By Friends From Far AndNear | their diamond|carriage works became General |§ Mr. and|Motors,. until his retirement. 14/9 / years ago. e LWAW ALITWND dOL A'INO e To celebrate wedding anniversary, Mrs. Harry A. Gray, Division) street, held open house and 0-| saree » © PERSONAL SERVICE ON EACH ORDER ° ception was Mr, Gray's sis Mr. and Mrs. Gray were married in Columbus, Ontario, June 21, 1905. Mrs, Gray is the former Miss Rachel Beckett, born in Raglan. Mr. Gray was born in Bromley, Middlesex, England, and came to Canada years | changes. | Mrs. Albert Dilworth of Ponoka, Alberta, who attended the wed-| ding sixty years ago. Mrs, Dil-| worth was last in Ontario 51] ago and noted many Mr. and Mrs. Gray, mem-| when he was 11 years old, ar-jpers of Westmount United) riving July 9, 1892. age by steam and sail taking \Church, find their chief enjoy-| He well remembers the voy-|ment in their family, land garden, They received a} church} 25 days at sea, much of the time|telegram of good wishes from) riding at anchor due to the fog.|Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth; | a.plaque from the City of Osh-| Township and as a youth farm-|aWa and greetings from the ed at Columbus. Then he work-|Prime Minister, the Honorable the|Lester B. Pearson, firing|able John Diefenbaker, Leader of the A. V. Walker, ML. received numerous cards and bouquets, He grew up in Cartwright ed on the railroad for Grand Trunk Railway, the wood-burning engine. Mr. Gray's father had been an iron moulder and he himself| had an inclination for that type) of work so he left the railroad) and worked at the Malleable Iron Company for a few months until he could obtain work as a} blacksmith in the McLaughlin Carriage Company. There he went to work April 1, 1906 and continued when the iasburg, Owen Sound, Kemble, | the Honor-) and Mr. They. also} Opposition, Guests attended from Amel- ergus, Leaside, Willowdale,| Toronto and Columbus. The following day a family dinner party was held at The Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel, KEEP IN TRIM Getting Soft? Take Action To Doff The Fat Duttel | By IDEA JEAN KAIN Suddenly it's simmering sum- mer. The fashion forecast from now on is the spareribbed look. Swim suits are bare-ish, and the style line cleaves to the} midriff. Too late now to tone up? Not if you use streamlining exper- tise. You enjoy stretching, so turn the stretch-reflex to exer- cise ,account. It's the easiest way to look and feel silken slim and supple. A slight stretch of muscle stimulates tonic con- traction. Hold the contraction. Hold the contraction to a slow count of six, and that's it. All right, give it a go.... Stand with feet well apart, arch arms overhead, shoulders at ease. Action: Pull-up and pull-in slim through midsection Holding the uplift, bend side- wards to the right side. H-o-l-d to a slow count of six. Come| back to centre, pull slim again. Bend sidewards to the left-- hold. For good measure, stretch and bend two or three times. This will leave you feeling) pleasantly stretched. The spare-ribbed look is the height of fall fashion. Slump in a lump and you'll be out of style, It's healthy to keep a taut, firmed-up feeling through the middle of the figure. The technique for maintaining tone in the anti-gravity muscles is to stand and walk as if you \girdle; dhe inch taller and two| Bowmanville. ' | inches slimmer than you are.) With your posture on the slim up - and - down muscle track,' you're using muscle action to the best possible advantage. LIKE ROUTINE Many friend, have told me they like the 27-step-routine, | and find it beautifully slimming. | Here it is again: | Stand tall, arch arms above) head, and pull up-and-in. Main-| tain the uplight and hold your| head high, with shoulders at ease. W-lk for 27 steps on the) balls of your feet. This does not| mean on your toes ... . but on/ the halls of the feet, heels) slightly raised from floor. Keep} knees just ghtly flexed, and/ walk twice daily for 27 steps. Clear a pathway in your living) room, step it off, and return to starting point. It's so easy to do. | In three short weeks you'll note an exciting difference in your silhouette. Why slump in a lump when the ptactice of good posture actually affords the best possi- ble exercise? To re-align your posture, start with the pelvic think of the pelvis as being the centre of gravity. Pull up-and-in with abdominals and down-and-under with the big hip muscles. To look and feel slim mer, pull your waist up out of the hips and the ribs away from the waist. Keep-slioulders beau tifully relaxed. Do this, look! x THE POPULAR SMOOTH TOP SERTA-ORTHOLUX NE @ Genuine smooth ma! construction--no tufts or buttons @ Attractive, sturdy, woyen stripe cover @ Twin-tapered tem- pered steel Serta- Ortholux coils @ Full or twin width @ Matching box spring... 39.75 other to ay: ipport you REPEATING THE FAMOUS SERTA-ORTHOLUX SUPREME NE @ Regular or extra length @ Full or twin width @ Lovely decorator print cover luxuriously eultted with foam @ Hundreds of twin-tapered Serta-Ortholux coils @ Tough sisal pad and cush- iony felt for your sleeping comfort @ Heavy-duty full support edge @ Matching box spring...49.75 Your Choice At We Extra Cost @ 23% @ Toug @ Beau @ Heav need... 'ribbons of stee!--suppart each pen you sane oF it, not in it. *Foam latex mattress sold only with matching foundation Stolen Bus FURNITURE COMPANY and you'll have the spare - ribbed | 63 KING ST. E, csr OUR OWN BUDGET TERMS "be SERTA-ORTHOLUX CAPRI 60" QUEEN WIDTH AT NO EXTRA COST! @ Queen, full or twin width ') Your Choice At @ Regular or extra length coils, tempered for firm support white fel cover, quilted with foam for luxurious sleep- ing comfort @ Coordinated box spring Ortholux Capri mattress the support you INTRODUCING THE NEW 15 Each We Extra Cost more twin-tapered Serta-Ortholux h sisal pad plus extra layers of fluffy, t tiful, long wearing gold damask y-duty full support edge ives the. Serta- + 59.75. 69: lb Centre Cut 69: "King of Roasts' 69: Bar-B-Q BEEF PATTIES 6 lb. box $2.99} Shoulder LAMB CHOPS GF: LIVER Vitamin Packed 39: ¢ ONLY TOP QUALITY MEAT ° BABY BEEF AYLMER CATSUP 5 hotiles $4.00 BICKS RELISHES 3 jars 87: Canada Packers MARGARINE LARD or SHORTENING »$] e GAZLNWUWND %O0OI eo 8 lbs. 20 Ibs. 6 lbs: FRONTS of SLEEPER MATTRESS PHONE 725-3514 33: @ FREEZER SPECIALS @ PORK ROAST PORK CHOPS Pure Pork SAUSAGE BEEF All For Only 7 G.99 HINDS of BEEF 45: 97: © 100% GUARANTEED e Delivery Service Available _._. Featuring Red and Blue Brand Gov't. Inspected Beef RIDGELAND MEAT PACKERS & PROVISIONERS 909 Simcoe St. North OPEN 9 A.M. THURSDAY -- FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. .... Retail .... ("728-3361 | * aa.LoadSNI LNANNYUSAOD LYWAGW TTIW e 1 COME JIN AND PICK YOUR OWN SIDE, HIND OR FRONT

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