Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Jul 1965, p. 12

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: 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, July 7, 1965 Ontario Humane Society will CITY COUNCIL BRIEFS Highways Minister C. S. Mac- Naughton acknowledged the city's letter formally accepting the Ghost rd., from Farewell at., to the east limit of Osh- 'awa. The letter was received and filed. Miss Evelyn Found, in a let- ter, extended thanks to il for a gift made to her on her retirement from the position of deputy city clerk. The letter was received and filed. Township of Whitby informed council the township planning board has received a request to purchase a parcel of land for residential purposes. The land has been dedicated for the use of a public highway and adjoins Oshawa. .The board said it would like to determine if the city has any objection to the sale. The letter was referred to the planning board. Donevan and Fleischmann submitted copies of a proposed subdivision development pre- pared for their client, F and T Developments and requested ap- proval of the project in order that necessary rezoning may be accomplished. The proposed subdivision is in the Lake Vista ton, Supplies Ltd., for providing a truck and driver for the city's entry in the Folk Festival pa- rade was passed. Ald. Alice Reardon said students who helped with the art work on the civic float have been thanked lby letter. She also said volun- teers who helped decorate the float should be congratulated. Ald. Reardon said used to decorate the city's float cost $5 and can be used again. provements. at an estimated cost of $76,439; and amending the zoning bylaw to distinguish between apartments and flats in respect ments, were pagsed by council. to parking require- A motion thanking E. Lup- Millwork and Building materials Mayor Lyman Gifford was authorized by council to pro- claim Aug. 2 a civic holiday. Motions to: list an Adelaide ave. e., lot for sale at the ap- praised price of $6,080 with the Oshawa and _ District Estate' Board; mayor as the first signature and the treasurer as the second on cheques, were approved. Real authorize the Humel and Son's $5,000 offer area. The letter was referred|for city land on Oshawa bvd. to the planning board. n., near Ritson rd., was not ac- cepted by council. Ald. Norman Earl Myers, president of the| Down lhigh enough. Oshawa Naval Veterans' Club, informed council that Her Maj-| esty's Canadian ship St. Lau- " rent will be visiting the port of Oshawa July 8 to 30. He asked if the city would be interested in arranging a tour and recep- tion for the commander and officers. The letter was re- t tee and taken with respect to the soci- ety's request that the bylaw be said' the offer wasn't} Oshawa Horticultural Society will be notified by council that the whole matter of dog con- rol is under study by commit- that action will be enforced. be notified that council is tak- ing "no action" in connection with the society's proposal provide. an animal shelter to service Ontario County. Council decided property at the southeast corner of Simcoe and Hillcroft sts., not be offered for sale, and if and when it is for sale it will be sold by tender. di fat: Cc Corps A ion was granted permission to use Memorial and Alexandra Parks Sept. 18 at the time of the asso- ciation's annual drumhead serv- ice, Rae-Al Investments Ltd., will be advised that if and when property at the northwest cor- ner of King and Thornton is for sale after the street widening is completed and it is not re- quired by the city, it will be sold by tender. G. L. Roberts, 463 Mary st., P. G. Wiltshire, 79 Lauder rd., K. M. Hime, 622 Mary st., John and Lorraine Burns, 62 Con- naught st., and Mrs. T. H. Mc- Dowell, 468 Mary st., wrote letters to council, commenting on and questioning the city's plans, to widen Mary st., from Adelaide ave. n., to Rossland rd. e. They said they opposed the proposal.' The letters were referred to the public works committee. Mrs. Cecil G. Step, corre-| sponding: secretary of the Folk Festival, extended thanks to the city for purchasing 'advertising space in the Folk Festival pro- gram. The letter was received and filed. Several letters were referred by council to the special com- mittee pursuing the location of a community college in Osh- awa. R. A. Farrell, executive labor council endorses council's}! box and slides in Radio Park Stewart, assistant deputy min- ister of education, acknowledg-| ed a copy of the letter sent to Premier Robarts. He said the city's assurance of local inier- est and support will be kept in mind. An Oshawa and District Labor Council letter said the action in its efforts to have a community college established and also asking that a Jabor representative be appointed to a college committee. The letter was received and filed as Keith Ross, Labor Council secretary, has been appointed to the com- mittee. Counceil's finance and assess- ment committee was given power to act on a request py Oshawa Jaycees to sponsor a civic reception July 19, for stu-}, dnets, participating in the stu- dent exchange. program. Recep- tions have been sponsored by the city in previous years, G. T. Scuik, president of Radio Park apartments, asked council to have swings, sand- relocated near the south bound- ary of the park because of noise from the park. The request was referred to the parks, property and recreation committee, Oshawa bvd. n., and Ross-| land rd. e., residents wrote council "strongly objecting' to the proposed erection of a hydro distribution station at the south- west corner of Rossland and Ritson rds. The letter was re- ferred to the parks, property and recreation committee. Mr. and Mrs. §S. Brown, Old York Trail, wrote council stat-| ing their concern regarding the closing of a section of Old York Trail east of Grandview Golf Course. The letter was referred to the parks, property and re- creation committee. dicating that intention to submit a brief on the study. Ald. Brady said in- |formation will be gathered from city departments, compiled and submitted to council for con- sideration sented at a hearing this fall. asked council to: withold any action on the proposed removal of trees and construction of a sidewalk on the south side of Rossland rd. e., between. Mary and Masson, until. they have an opportunity. to investigate their legal rights with respect to opposing this action. The letter was referred tothe works com- mittee, The parking bylaw will be amended to prohibit parking on the south side of Fairbanks st., from Centre st., to the west limits, council decided. Council agreed to send a letter 'to the study director, Metropolitan Toronto and Re- gion' Transportation Study, in- it is the city's before being pre- Oshawa's Industrial Commis- sion will be advised by council that the CNR railway informed the city that service being established in the {Metro area is for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of a commuter service as part of the Metro Toronto and Re- gion Transportation Study. the commuter Council decided to amend the parking bylaw to provide (a) two-hour parking limit on the west side of Haig st., between Adelaide ave. e., and 560 feet north of Adelaide ave. e.; (b) "no parking' at any time on the west side of Haig st., be- tween 560 feet north of Adelaide ave. e., and Rosedale ave. Ald. Brady told council pede- sbetween Mary and Masson ets., Council turned down an offerjtee is attempting to do every- by A, H. Collins to buy land between Bond st., and radio station CKLB at 360 King st. w., Mr. Collins offered $1 pro- vided the city grants a tax concession, Council agreed to sell one- quarter of an acre of land on the east side of Nelson st. n., to Oshawa Live Bait Co., for'| $500. The sale was recommend: WARN PARENTS RONDEAU PARK, Ont. (CP) Police here are warning to"be on the lookout for merheads" and "cherry bombs"'--extra large firecrack- ers with enough explosive power to blow the bottom off) a sink. More than 70 of the crackers, both detonated or live, have been found scattered! thing it can to incorporate the recreation building and I think itt. 10 te bent' at the hy financially to incorporate the building." Tony Nave, 340 Simcoe st. s., will be advised that his property is in an R-4 zone and that under the zoning bylaw it is not possible to permit a sign indica- ting "Consulate Agency." ed by the Oshawa Industrial Commission. Council agreed to accept $475 as a cash-in-lieu payment for the' six-lot subdivision on the south side of Russett ave., sub- ject to the approval of the mun- icipal affairs. minister and to accept $1,025 as a cash-in-lieu payment for the 10-lot sub- division on the north side of Windsor dr.;west of Nelson st., subject to thé, minister's approval. POLICEMAN HELD UP SARK, Channel Islands (CP) On a recent weekend tour of this small island where all auto- mobiles and trucks are banned, Home Secretary Sir Frank Soskice, head of Britain's police forces, found that even horse- drawn carriages are. forbidden on Sunday. Special dispensation was needed from the Sark Par- liament before he could com- plete his tour, except on foot. FOUND Rocks basic types--igneous, tary and met ® Rental Information ¢ IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY | The Cavalier Apts. The Viscount Apts. The Diplomat Apts. 725-9934 -or- 728-4283 "wtvGG Petitioners. on Howard and Drew sts., will be advised htat the zoning inspector will con- tinue. to keep property at 184 Beatty ave., under surveillance and that the owner will be prosecuted if it can be shown that he is continuing to. carry out body shop repair work at this address. Ald. Hayward Murdoch, one of council's representatives on the Centennial pool construc- tion committee, told members that recreation and auditorium officials have been formulating plans to include a new recrea- tion building at the Civic Audi- torium site. "I think it's all) falling into a pattern very nicely," he said. "the commit- Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH Do false teeth , slip or wobble when you talk, eat, laugh or sneeze? n't be annoyed and em adeaiiiaaeeme | JURY & LOVELL PHARMACIES ferred to the finance committee 8 Do! with power to act. by such handicaps. FASTEETH, an aline (non-scid) powder to sprin- kle on your plates, keeps false NEW SUBDUE Dandruff Shampoo Unbreakable Plastic tube ="'1.07 CUE TOOTHPASTE with Fluoraction Super Size ... Reg. 1.49 our 124 ONLY Bayer ASPIRIN 100 Tablet . . . Reg. 99e THIS WEEK 79° REX-INSECT Repellent Cream cnnuner 49° MacLEANS Toothpaste Economy Size REG. 1.09 ONLY 89: Desert Flower Spray Cologne Alberto V.0.5 Hair Spray with new Vy-Trol.D. Large Size... Reg. 2.98 vow 290 SOFTIQUE Bath Oil For ladies S-oz. bottle. Reg. 2.65 ony Deke by Noxzema. Tans in 3 to 5 Fours, Reg. 1.25. strian cross walks will be re- Mrs. G. A. Fletcher, Mrs.|viewed and discussed at a coun- George Jacobs and. Mrs. J. H.|cil-in-committee meeting. He Halliday, property owners on the|said statistics indicate they are south side of Rossland rd.,\safe and generally acceptable. officer to Premier Robarts, wrote to acknowledge council's letter requesting consideration be given for the establishment of a college in Oshawa. W. R. BAN Roll-On Deodorant Reg. 1.25 NOW ONLY 89° "NOxzENA-- Medi-Treat LOTION For sunburn, cuts, itching Reg 1.69 nw 12S DEE-TEE Pardichlorbenzene Reg. .59 wn 4Q° 6-12 INSECT REPELLENT 2 fH. ox. Reg. 79 SPECIAL 69 SCORE HAIR CREAM For men. Med. @come | size tube . en. 79 Now 67° REVLON "Sun Bath' Moisturizing Tanning LOTION Family Size No action will be taken by council in connection with a firm's "Centennial Year" color- ing book being produced for distribution in 1966. Bylaws authorizing the con- struction of asphalt pavement, granular base and _ concrete curb and gutter as local im- N ing. Get counters everywhere. We've been... BRA Se ea 8 As the Store of the BIGGEST SAVINGS OPEN DAILY 10 a.m. fo 10 p.m. Saturday 'til 6 Three Only! Boys' Bicycles Compare At 59.95 FOR PRICE SAKE 29.00 Outdoor Petio Displey ELECTRIC CIRCUIT FUSES 15-20-25-30 Amps. FOR PRICE SAKE Zr 9° LOWER LEVEL Stay-Afloat Ski Belts and Vesis unicellular foam belts regular 7 FOR PRICE SAKE 3.97 Foam Filled VEST Regular 11.00 FOR PRICE SAKE 5.59 LOWER LEVEL For the Camping Tourist 'Coleman Stoves Model 411A double burner model. Compere et 21.00. .. . Ake Idd LOWER LEVEL (occ RTE 820" x 42" Wide SCOTCH TAPE In new premium pack dispenser. Reguler 49c. FOR PRICE SAKE 33° MAIN FLOOR Just Arrived for Summer from Ger- mony "Sudfink" All-Trensistor Portable RADIOS Mey be used in cutos, long weve, medium wave and short wave bends with FM-AM ... complete unit in Hf. ined soft leather covered wooden case for better Hi-Fi sound plus bess and treble controls. Com- FOR PRICE * $9.88 SAKE MAIN FLOOR One-Quart Tins WHITE GAS FUEL for Colemen stoves, lon- terns, h ete. C et 79c. FOR PRICE Large os4 Extra Large . 1.29 EXCEDRIN 24 Toblets ...Reg. S5¢ in. aerosol container 2.25 Value NOW REG, 1, Special -- PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT - 6 KODAK Inétomatic M2 Movie Camera t NX Instant loading --easiest) movie-making ever! Extra Lerge 36" x 75" SLEEPING BAGS 5-STRAP SARAN WEB LAWN CHAIRS NO WHERE ELSE 3.97 OUTDOOR PATIO DISPLAY LOWER LEVEL Regular 10c Size Hershey BARS SPECIAL AT 0O.D.H. 4... 19° MAIN FLOOR By "KELTON" RIGID POOLS With petented snap end lock seots and legs. Pool liner hes hose awey drainer plug No. 6206 size 42" x 42" x 10" deep compare 97 ot 12.95 FOR PRICE SAKE bs No. 604 size 66" x 42" x 12" deep compare et 15.95 FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL Durable sailcloth eover- ing plaid flannel lined By Rotor Electric with 3-Ib. cellulene fill, SUMMER FANS Table models wiridow units oscillet- ing fans, ete. Exemple:-- 8" FAN from 6 88 EEO RS . DON'T WAIT FOR A HEAT WAVE AND BE DISSAPOINTED! FOR PRICE SAKE AT 0.D.H. FLOOR le:. For new Super 8 movies THERMOS BRAND GALLON JUGS for het or cold liquids end goods. Non-rust all Plastic heevy duty construction with ogy pouring spo end aluminum it cerry handle 5.95 FOR PRICE SAKE 3.99 LOWER LEVEL a LIFE SAVING Boat Cushions Government approved for craft not more than feet in ength. Com- pore ot each 6.95. FOR PRICE SAKE 3.99 LOWER LEVEL nena eeeememenenel Ne Gimimigk! No Free Film Just HONEST DISCOUNTS on your FILM AND DEVELOPING. Just edd up the difference you seve et 0.D.H. PROCESSING BY CHARLES ABEL 20% OFF! MAIN FLOOR MAIN Sizes 5 to 12 Canves Running Shoes For the little lady with cush- ioned arch insoles. Compere ot 1.98 pair. ews usG FOR PRICE B@s6 SAKE pr. 66 LEVEL End of Stock MEN'S GOLF SHOES Sizes 62 - 7% - 11 and 12 only. Compare at 19.98 pair. FOR PRICE Mi 8.00 SAKE LOWER LEVEL GILLETTE SLIM TWIST Double Edge RAZOR In travel pack with stainless steel blades in dis- penser. Compare at 1.49. 88° compere eat LOWER Movie Projector Automatically shows | brighter, sharper movies! KIDDIE MATE TOT TOTER Corry the beby in fortably of fey without the feor of rolling. Also convenient in the cor, Compere ot 4.95 each. FOR PRICE SAKE 3.44 LOWER LEVEL FOR PRICE SAKE AT O.D.H. 'MAIN FLOOR QUALITY MADE FOR COMFORT Air Mattresses Choose from 9 distinetly different styles; singles; doubles and woffies +» « just like your bed at home VULCANIZED FABRIC COVERED Start from an 6.97 LOWER LEVEL New way to take better movies!) No film threading. Drop in @ Kodapak movie cartridge and the camera's loaded and ready for action. Batteries drive your, film, let you shoot a full 50 feet) of film with no winding. Fast; #/1.8. lens._ Built-in, automatic Type A filter lets you shoot -ine, doors-outdoors on the same roll of film, 60.00 'our arms or wn anywhere . This high-quality projector aute- matically threads film right onto the 200-foot take-up reel. Pro- \ jects the brighter, sharper, more colorful enjoyment of new Super ;|8 movies! Simple to operate. One control for forward projec- |tion, power rewind. Fast f/1.5 ; lens. And best of all --it's budget (Priced! 80.00 At the Discount House ! CIGARETTES 3 pkgs. for $l or CARTONS 3.09 MAIN FLOOR Magice Gient 18-oz, HAIR SPRAY With Lenolin . . . no lacquer not sticky .. . from Loveland +.» fine cosmetics since 1900, Compere ot 1.7 LESS THAN LEss THAN at oe 4 : FOR PRICE SAKE 99 MAIN FLOOR ST. REGIS SPECIAL LACROSSE STICKS Compeore ot 7.95 FOR PRICE SAKE 5.55 MAIN FLOOR WE HAVE THEM ALL And Accessories By Woods-Leckies, For oli the po- puler tents end accessories by Can- adao's be: kers, Example:-- 9 TOURIST MAIN FLOOR li' Brand Mag Recording Tape 14s 2.22 3.33 ayy . ADULTS ONLY ALLOWED SPECIALS -- WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT. QUANTITIES WEST 3" -- 150 feet... F.P.S. PRESCRIPTION fpptoaeted . CHEMISTS CITY, WIDE -PREE VELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. 530 SIMCOE ST.S. PHONE 723-2245 OSHAWA PHONE 725-3546 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA BY -- 600 feet. F.P.S. 7" 1200 feet . . .F.P.3. MAIN FLOOR OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE . . : . 1038 KING STREET

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