eR OEP « 12 YHUOSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 2, 1965 Canadian Editors Dorion Report Conclusions r and] Peterborough Examiner: time|What does matter is that the resig-linstitutions by which we govern jus-jourselves have been tarnished and rendered foolish by the in- report|competence and negligence of be measured, ut we|people who have been elected be sure the administration|to maintain their honor and Canadian justice will benefit\efficiency. The events which therefrom. were paraded before Chief Jus- ; tice Dorion for investigation are Vancouver Sun: Mr. Pear-|proof that incompetence breeds gon's responsibility does not|corruption. end with Mr. Favreau. He has other duties to perform as a| Sarnia Observer: The last result of Judge Dorion's find-| has not been heard of the report. ings and advice. He (Mr. Pear-|It raised the question of how son) should now go ahead with;much you may be able to buy a reconstruction which many|in Ottawa for $20,000. 1 has been too long delayed. se ae Niagara Falls Review: The eg Free _|plain and simple fact of the ta oe ta soe ig Rivard case is that influence- some time that Mr. Pearson|Péddling got the short shrift faces a task of cabinet renova-|204 bribery was the only alter- tion; indeed, there is much to native It emanated from with- suggest that htis is overdue.|!" the sphere of the federal But with the Dorion inquiry) ¥ebec Liberal party, an hanging over the government, organization which perhaps has any changes might have given yet to understand such goings- rise to false impressions, a con-|0" Went out | with Tammany sideration which no. doubt|Hall, Chicago's Cook County weighed with the prime minis- De m 0 cratic organization and ter .Now that the report is in, Canada's own Union Nationale. he has recoveréd his 'freedom and can act without unfairly reflecting on the reputations of innocent colleagues. SSSTEF pe H 2 Halifax Chronicle - Herald: The basic reason for quick, authoritative action is not hard to find. The Dorion report un- Winnipeg Tribune: The im- covered a serious infiltration of plication that organized crime|© anadian political life by is reaching into the heart of organized criminal elements. government is deeply disturb- The job is not merely to punish ing. But almost equally dis- turbing is the government's at- titude toward the Dorion evi- dence and findings, It is show- ing remarably little apprecia- tion of some of the fundamen- tals of responsible government. . . + If the only result on the cabinet level is to be a round of musica) chairs and shifting seats, what prospect is there for positive action on other levels? Calgary Herald: Hon. Guy Favreau made the correct de- cision in resigning his portfolio as minister of justice in the Liberal cabinet. He might have those who helped to make it possible (although this is essen- tial), but- to make certain, as far as humanly possible, that such erosions of the public order will not occur again. London Free Press: The res- ignation of Mr. Favreau can must be.a firm demonstration that influence - peddling will not be tolerated. Sometimes, prime ministers have to be ruthless, Montreal Le Devoir: In face of the errors (attributed by the Dorion report to Justice Minis- only be a_ beginning. There} ter Favreau), one question Sele tat beng ceacne' ket arises, Are the errors attrib- not been under question in the uted to Mr. Favreau serious Dorion inquiry. But his judg- enough to justify his resignation ment 'was, and it was com-|#5 minister of justice? The mented upon quite unfavorably short-term wisdom, the admin- in the inquiry report which was istrative inefficiency and the made public on Tuesday. naivete he has shown confirm what everyone already knew. F |. . . Emerging from the mud Edmonton Journal: It is dif-|; 41 4 ficult to follow Prime Minister be cnough for Mre Favreau to{ill at its origin, the hidden na- Wave the justi vy department ture of a political party's elec- 'and ly take over some toral funds .If the Liberal party simp had really had a democratic- other portfolio. ally and peatthily run treasury, e sad fate which today efalls Lethbridge Herald (ind.-Lib.)|an honest man would not have For the Tories to make any-|come about. thing of this report they will have to run the grave danger] Montreal Star: The most im- of appearing, not as prosecu-|portant result, however, is that tors, but as persecutors. They|the government is cleared. of will also be attacking in anidirect implication in any un- area where they are suspected|jawful act... . There will be of a lack of sympathy for/general relief at the findings. French Canada, ... Not that) | But perhaps the govern- the Dorion report did not dis-|ment has learned that immedi- close the existence of con-\ate disclosures to the House of ditions that need remedy. . . .|\what was known many, many But the Pearson government|months ago could have ended cannot be pilloried on any dis-|the discussions efore they e- closures to date. gan. . cannot but face the profound Windsor Star: Mr. Justice} Montreal La Presse: Twenty Dorion's investigation, though|thousand words. Not one too it didn't find any real guilt}many! . . . Politicians, even a ig cainet bers, has|political party, come out of it served a most useful purpose.|the smaller... . What astounds It brought to light a most un-|us is that so many serious and savory set of circumstances|highly. responsible men played which cannot be tolerated in a|this dangerous game -- in some decent society. cases careers have been wiped out -- fo rthe sake of so un- of the Rivard case one| Sudbury Star: The reason for official opposition in a demo- cratic government has seldom been more effective and proved| than that by: the Dorion report tabled in the Canadian Parlia- distinguished a personage as Lucien Rivard. Quebec Le Soleil: The affair reveals the traps politics holds, especially for men who arrive Analyze to the dregs this cup of humili- ation: We deserve it for our} lack of civic spirit as much as for our taking the law lightly. 2 Killed, 5 Hurt In Curve Crash ESPANOLA, Ont. (CP)--Two persons were killed and five ad- mitted to hospital Monday after two cars collided' on a curve on Highway 17 at McKerrow, about five miles east of here, Killed were Mrs. William Croft, 46, of Grand Prairie, Alta., and Mrs. Dorothy Budd, 60, of Toronto. Kitchener - Waterloo Recrd: As to the murky field of Que- bec politics which made the whole affair possible, Mr. Pear- son may have an_ effective remedy to hand in the person of Forestry Minister Maurice Sauve. Mr. Satve is the de- clared enemy of the Quebec political traditions which made the Rivard case possible; he is a distinguished law graduate and a man of proven abilities. The present situation could be opportune for his' elevation to the justice post... . Penticton Herald: The true significance of the Dorion dis- closures is clear once the dra- matic details are considered and set aside. It is that the Pearson administration is hope- lessly inept at the task of run- vices. ingness to stay on in some other cabinet post.' Of 'course,|yards of the CPR two miles Mr. Favreau would be willing: But he should not be permitted to do so. Montreal Gazette--The first disturbing fact is that a probe under a judge has been -neces- sary to bring to light what was going on in government offices in Ottawa, even in the office Robert Stobbs, 31, of Windsor, he uncoupled his engine from Fast Action Saves Loss WINDSOR, Ont. CP)--Quick thinking by a freight yard en- gine driver saved a number of. rail boxcars and their contents from. possible destruction in a rail derailment here early. Thursday. : George Bathgate, 31, of Lon- don, Ont., driver of the freight engine, saw a string of un- loaded runaway boxcars rolling: tsvards him from the freight away. The cars were approach- ing on the same track as he was using to move laden 'cars at the ferry docks of the CPR. With the aid of his fireman, the loaded cars and raced his'! engine to meet the runaway | cars: of the prime minister It is surely one of the responsibili-|g ties of those who govern to be at least aware of. what is taking place at such close range, and by the action of those they have | themselves appointed and con- sidered worthy of public confi- ning the country. ldence | : | If Mr. Pearson: is. really toil Timmins Press: The first\establish the standing of his ad-) mistake was to give a political/ministration in public confi- novice one of the most import-jdence, it will not be enough to) ant jobs in Canada's govern-|make a few cabinet shuffies if ment, The second mistake W&S8and arrange for a few dismis- to leave him to his own sag ee | JAMES , 1 O'MALLEY! ' Construction Ltd. | 123-7122 | @ Homes @ Additions @ Offices @ Remodeling } Ottawa Citizen: Mr. Favy-| reau stood at the apex of the] system of law administered by the federal government. Thus/ he carried the constitutional) responsibility for its failures, as revealed in the report... .| It was proper and necessary,| justice portfolio. At the same time, there is no reason why he should leave the govern- jment,... ' | TIRE SALE WILL BE SUNDAY Ottawa Journal: TMr. Guy Favreau, a good Canadian and) a fine gentleman, has read the} report of Mr. Justice Dorion in| precisely the manner we would/| have expected of him... .| There is before us now, how- ever, a danger that this honor- | able resignation will lead the} country to think that the whole | affair has now been "con-| fessed,"' attended to and re-| deemed, We must judge our) politics and government on sterner tests. What did the Lib-| erals do when the matter was raised? . ... Smear; innuendo) and McCarthyism, they) shouted. The judge has. shouted back. | St. John's Telegram: It {s/ surprising to say the least to| learn that, although Justice) Minister Favreau has' tendered his resignation, and it has been accepted, the prime minister would make so much of his will- OPEN. {J JUNE 20 All Sizes Priced from THE YEAR. FINA'S GREAT N CANADA'S NEWEST TIRE. To Lucky 792 SIMCOE ST. $11.95 up TAKE ADVANTAGE NOW OF THE GREATEST TIRE BUY OF BUILT, WITH DEEPER TREAD, DUAL WHITEWALLS, 100 Gallons of Gos or Boys' or Girls' Bicycle Free DOVE'S Fina Station EW EXECUTIVE TIRE, HAND Winner ! Ss. 725-5311 " Enjoyable people moving "Labatts Fifty Ale! » eZ) AVAILABLE NOW IN BOTH sores AND CONVENIENT NEW "ZIP OPEN' CANS ment. That the filthy fingers of|with small knowledge of the organized crime could evenilaws of the jungle they are though the political life of thisjentering. . . . Mr. Favreau is country will shock decent Cana-|learning a cruel and painful dians to the marrow of their|lesson of political life .. and bones. And it might all havelit would be deplorable if other been concealed from the public|men of his worth hesitated to had it not been for the persist-|enter this sphere of activity for ence of the Conservative Oppo-|fear of falling into the same sition, | pitfalls. Belleville Ontario Intelligen-| Quebec |'Action: One minis- cer: Behind the tangled web of|ter, Mr, Favreau, will not do intrigue and allegations of brib-|as the whipping boy. . . . Out ery and conspiracy in this af-|with the incompetents in the fair there remains the inescap-|public service, in the sacro- able fact that organized crime|sanct RCMP as elsewhere. . . . and politics are intertwined. (|French-Canadians, let us drink Jury Urges Fuller Probe By MDs Prior To Surgery BELLEVILLE (CP)=A coro-|inquest quoted Dr. Bateman. ner's jury has recommended; Dr. Bateman performed the that surgeons should make the|bernia operation in. Belleville fullest possible investigation be-jlast March 29. Another opera- fore proceeding with surgeryjtion followed in April when a despite a patient's insistence on bowel obstruction was dis- an operation. covered and eased. A third fol- Speedy's specialized muffler service gives you more for your muffler dollar The recommendation madejlowed .April 15 with a six-foot Wednesday was added to a ver-|portion of the bowel was re- dict in the death of Jacob Ber-|moved because gangrene was nard Warkentin, 61, a florist,|feared. who died June 2 after opera-) Mr. Warkentin was taken to tions at hospitals in Kingston'Kingston General Hospital and and Belleville. a fourth operation was _per- _ The verdict attached no|formed May 17 by Dr. D. L. C. blame to any doctor or nurses|Bingham, professor of surgery involved in the case. at Queen's University. The jury made its recom-| Dr. H. B. Cotnam, Ontario su- mendations after noting testi-|pervising coroner, told the jury mony by Dr. Henry Bateman of|that cases of bowel obstruction Belleville that Mr. Warkentin)were among the most difficult had insisted te had a hernia. (for a surgeon to deal with. He "In retrospect, I think Ijalso said it was common for ad- should have insisted' upon more |hesions from an old operation to detailed investigation than al-jreappear suddenly and compli- lowing myself into being forced|cate the aftermath of later sur- with operating on a hernia," algery. Mr. Warkentin had been hospital report presented at the|operated on about 40 years ago. At Speedy Muffler King, only qualified experts, ,using tools specifically designed for muffler jobs, work on your car. That's why they can install mufflers faster--and better. That's how Speedy saves you time. And money. But that's not all, Speedy buys mufflers in large volume at low cost! And passes the savings on to you. At Speedy Muffler King, you can buy a muffler designed and engineered to the same high standards as car manufacturers' authorized replacement parts --for less! Come in today for a free muffler and exhaust system check-up. Oshawa's Ne west and Finest Muffler Centre . 206 KING STREET <¢ 728-6268 Open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m, to 6 p.m. Friday nights til! 9 p.m. -