Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jun 1965, p. 18

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18. THE OSHAWA. TIMES, Mondey, June 28, 1965 Russell Claims US. To Fight Red China Viet Nam Weapons Are New By ELTON C. FAY Toronto Man, seeking to.extradite from Can- ada for alleged war crimes. NEW YORK (AP -- British Nobel Prize for literature, wasing peaceful countries and tor- WASHINGTON (AP) -- The philosopher Lord Bertrand Rus-|interviewed in his London home sell says the United States is|June 19 conducting an aggressive war|sonality '"jumping-|terview text was released Sun- io Viet Nam as a Hf U.S. television per- erv, Griffin. The in- off place" to do battle with Red/day night. Chin The filmed account will be a. He said the U.S. attempts to t h WPIX-TV portray Red China as warlike raion ng i 4 the Merv Griffin show and dangerous but there is "no! and later will be shown across evidence" to support this. "The Americans," he as- the U.S. on other stations. serted, "have found it conveni-/CITES FIRST STEP ent to make the Chinese into a bogey. The longer an adequate bogey." Russians are no)ward America to give up aggressive Russell said the first step to- peace would be "for Russell, 93, winner of the 1950 war, give up the habit of invad- turing them." have a more or less socialist|ferocity of Communist attack in goernment, It has a_perfect|Viet Nam. right to." He added: "You're conducting an ag- gressive war in Viet Nam.. . Americans, ordinary Amer-| ? Be icans, believe they're conduct-| which the U.S, promised to ad- ing.a protective war and pro- 52 strategic bombers. that is not the case. . . . They're United States has drawn on al-|the Toronto restaurant owner, @ He said there's no reason why|most every type of arms in its|naturalized Canadian citizen for the U.S. "should interfere if the|arsenal of conventional weap-|12 years, "But about these ac- Dominican Republic wants to|ons to cope with the mounting/cusations, I don't give a hoot." ' : E - [on a Moscow report Friday that This proliferation of weaponry|the Soviet Union. has renewed a - |ranges from. carbines for foot|request to the Canadian govern- | soldiers to the recently-used B-|ment for the extradition of a man identified only as "Kup- The 1954 Geneva Accords,|yak." here to although not a signa-|Soviet Union has sent Canada tecting non-Communists against|tory, specified that no types of|a. three-inch-thick volume of these wicked Communists. And| weapons not in use by North or/material, South Viet Nam forces at the|photos and other documents al- conducting a war against peo-|time of the agreement shouldjleging war crimes against the Wanted By Soviet Union 45, Claims TORONTO (CP) -- DimytrojGerman occupation in the Sec- Kupiak, 45, says he is likelylond World War, Mr. Kupiak the man the Soviet Union is|said: 5 "I was fighting in my own land; J think it was my sacred "1 think I am the man," said|duty.' ; He said the organization was an underground move- ment fighting for the independ-| ence of the Ukraine. The So-| viets and Germans were both Mr. Kupiak was commenting regarded as enemies. . Kupiak said he. fled to Germany from the Ukraine in| 1946, went to England im 1947) as a farm laborer and came to} Canada in 1948. | The Moscow report said the including affidavits, Soviet Aid-Wheat Reaches Egypt CAIRO (AP) -- Amid cheer- ing crowds, the first Soviet-aid _ AUTO _ CENTRES s LO THIS WEEK ONLY! OK WHAT ONLY 29: WILL BUY ple who were, until they were|be ch It gegen only|man. attacked, entirely in favor of|Teplacement with the same or REJECT ARGUMENTS da " y at the Mediterranean : port rey: similar-type weapons. The Soviet news agency Tassjof Alexandria. _ ? SAYS 'PUPPET' SET UP Pg bray bag cd oe basing|said Russia has rejected argu-| The Soviet freighter Dubos- Russell said the U.S. set up a ede "en pea biesgar : sted ments used last November|sary, carrying 8,845 tons of "puppet government" in Viet of the international controliwhen Canada turned down|wheat purchased by the Soviet commission of Canada, India|the original Soviet request for|Union from Australia, entered * * Futuristic Movement at nee was, fisliked byland Poland, holds that the in- extradition. Canada said then|port while workers and crowds "MOSCOW (AP) -- Pravda The also read a manifesto|« ¥ harshly vein a re-birth of dating the revival of Ma- Pr ft nine-tenths of the Popu-ltroduction of new weapons in|there was no law to permit thejalong the dock cheered "long Riissia's turn-of-the-century Fu-|yakovsky's Futurist "left front , South Vietnamese defence was|eytradition and that the Soviet|live Soviet-U.A.R. friendship." turist movement among Soviet|movement" and his magazine|., So the peasants were put into|justified by what it termed flag-|Union had failed to offer enough| The Russian ship docked only university students. Lef. The Futurist movement gap concentration camps,"/rant. North Vietnamese viola- evidence. a few. hours after the American "whe: d iati fland its publications were sup-|/¢ continued, "where theyltions in the weapons provided! Asked about a Soviet charge|freighter Sabrina sailed out of " ts dad yt St APs pressed in the latter 1920s by were, from time to time, 'mur-lthe Viet Cong. that '"Kupyak" directed repris-|Alexandria after unloading 24,- Be ube." ts composed in Communist Party authorities. dered when a soldier felt like When the first Americans as-jals epee Russian citizens|000 tons of U.S,- wheat. There " signed units to South Viet Nam,|while leading the Ukrainian na-|were no cheers for the Amer- the Communist party organ by| : The S.M.0.G. members pro- : Sergei Lavlov, nec He er the mulgated their devotion to the| At. another point, Russellitheir own equipment was rudi-|tionalist organization during thelican vessel. and we all know that/mentary--sidearms, rifles, light wheat to Egypt arrived Sun- Pravda Harshly Blasts romney TUBELESS TIRES SIZE BLACKWALL $30 "T2350 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 25° 14 12.50 HITEWALLS MORE you can charge it. 24 MONTH GUARANTEE ALWAYS THERE WITH READY CASH | FOR ANY GOOD REASON to pay overdue bills <> for car repairs } for unexpected expenses <> home repairs and refurnishings <> travel, etc. 50% to *2,500% OR MORE i principles -of the Futurist move-|S@id, "a Gfomtomed). (ment which Mavakovety febed}ameroys om Ching: oeautomatic weapons i ound in . .Paviov alludes vaguely to a . The Futurist manifesto of|:.- - and they think that Viet/NORTH WELL EQUIPPED p ovrsmagee a -about am 1912 called for scrapping the|Nam is a convenient jumping-| By early this year, units off | - rs 0 - ig in he whole cultural tradition of the|ff place... the regular army of North Viet accuses Western journalists) 45+ Pushkin, Dostoyevsky and Nam, with modern arms, were of exploiting the incident for|noiioi were to be 'thrown showing up in South Viet Nam.| | to-Soviet propaganda, Funeral Tuesda | overboard from the steamer of y The weapons used by the U.S. .He clearly refers to a gather-| modernity." and South Viet Nam today in-| | ing at the statue of Soviet poet} Pavlov, in an article marking For Leo Troy clude more than 30 types of Viadimir Mayakovsky to com-|Soviet Youth Day Sunday, fixed-wing or rotary aircraft. memorate his suicide April 14,)writes: . (CP) --| Small arms tot ' 1930. As passerbys swelled the) "About 15 good-for-nothings na gle sol jor tao teas, and marine pct vtibeene i crowd in the downtown square|gathered somewhere and an-/7?, Liberal member of the On-|now are in wide variety--car- Se ee Bee er serygae Mg bin the Beaver tario legislature for Nipissing ee, lightweight rifles, .30- of the de! ration rea -jest si of geniuses jsince 1959, will be held herejand .50-calibre machine-guns; yakovsky's poetry and their/Western press depicts this as a/Tyesday at Pro - Cathedral of|60-millimeter and 80-millimeter own verses dedicated to the/new upheaval of a whole gen-/the Assumption. mortars; 37-millimeter and 57- poet's memory. eration. Mr. Troy died Saturday in millimeter anti-tank weapons; os Toronto. He was a native of|recoilless rifles. Along with DISTRICT BRIEFS Chatham, N.B., and educated|them are recently-improved de- at the University of Toronto|signs of mines, grenades and and the Ontario College of Edu-/8tenade-launchers. : T cation. The artillery used in what| j ' ort eIry astern tar He served in the Canadian|Started out to be a bushwacking Army- during the Second. World|kind of war has become impres- . ' War and commanded a com-|Sive--eight-inch and 155-milli- , LJ pany in the Algonquin Regi-/meter and 105-millimeter how- rw e p rates t ay ment in 1943. He was in thelitzers; hawk anti-aircraft weap-| f cyclist corps in the First World|ons (although no enemy air "PORT PERRY (TC Blue, Mrs. Hen ill motor to Whit ah poy e tan "7 postin = ie Mrs. Henry wi or to White , appear so far); edi Ray Chapter, No. 238, Order of|Horse where he is a member of, He was first elected to the | tanks: salleprenetiod onttane the ra Star, og = 17th|the Canadian Army. ne oo 195, and re-| puns. i party at the Masonic i A z ; | Al i ine-cun fi His death leaves two Liberal| Along with machine-gun fire Ero ada more than 250 in Cubs-To-Scouts vacancies in the legislature. eH eae rons s Pog hee y Present standing in the House: Sai y Planes vo Ourn Guests included Grand Trus-| KEDRON (TC) -- Twelve -d 'lout fortified areas of intensi tee Jean Gow of Fairbank|Wolf Cubs from the 2ist "A"|Prosressive Conservative, 77; the Seite werk se teres Chapier, Past District Deputy|and "B" Packs went up to the eee vue Hil, hanes Wallace of GC anne Bivins Me nel He is survived by his wife| Although there is no sea war, d two sons. as such, the U.S. Navy is ap- Markham, Meta Moore, of Osh-| The new Scouts are: Randy " pb ' ; awa and Ruby Clark of Clare-|Watson, Dennis Werry, Reggie pling wile Feng of, tte mont, all of whom are honorary|Davis and Philip Densham of| _,_ ASSURED OF TIES Fini taied aiccealt side members and Ann Creighton, of|the "A" Pack and Terry Souch,| GUELPH (CP) -- Agriculture) "attier-pased gehts strike St: Marys. Eight presiding ma-|Bruce Annand, Frank Bathe,|Minister W. A. Stewart says he|Toutinely against North be trons and two presiding pa-|Kenny Wall, Jerry Ring, Bruce|4as been assured that the Uni- econ apres mp apyplees anf trons were also welcomed. Vaillancourt, Dale Maschke and|Versity of Guelph will keep the| imps. T OBO WAYS, DIGBes, Past Matrons and Patrons of|Wesley Glaspell of the 'B"|Same strong ties with rural On-|"")"" H rt of the U.S. 7th Blue Ray Chapter attending| Pack. tario as its constituents--the On- wamiet very oe 08 es A i i fleet patrols the st. were: Myrtle Palmer, Mar-| During the summer, the boys|@t0 Agricultural College, the niin iovaed ma Viet Nam targets. GUARANTEED PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE : : ; ;" Ontario Veterinary College and | | y : : Eret Jeffrey; Margaret, Hood.|will collect baskets to raiselwiacdonald Institute, He was ad-| RUSSIANS BREAK GLASS |286 KING ST. W. 728-1636) TUBE-TYPE SAFETY TIRES W.hite, Doris Nottingham,|make craft items which will be|'fessing an assembly at the) About 25 per cent of Russia's | 590 x13 Emma Cook, Elsie Willis, Dorajon sale at the auction and fall creams ae, of ye neat --_ ---- pte 4 # cp : { 600 i 13 5 25 itt. ; ,000 chemistry an! microbi-|ment, complains Pravda, for an - . oe Colbear andifair to raise money for the ology building on the campus.|annual loss of $33,000,000. NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 640 x 13 e erlin Suggitt. church building fund. { Ho 650 x 13 :Ten charter members--Alma . '" § Reesor, Pearl Gerrow, Jessie Dedication | BLACKWALL ONLY en eeeate CIC) . For Most Compact Cars ! ura Carnegie, Avelyn Wil- ) --. Rev liams, Myrtle Palmer, Hilda|Winnifred Bridges conducted FLY AIR CANADA ON YOUR HOLI DAYS AND SAVE REMEMBER | You CAN SAY s Jeffrey, Gordon Jeffrey andjthe dedication of the christian Leonard Colbear were also wel- comed. Short addresses were deliver- education building recently at Calabogie. Miss Bridges was in charge of the congregation when 25% OR MORE ON FAMILY FARE DISCOUNTS! CHARGE IT AT K-MART work on the building started. ed by Grand Trustees Jean Gow and Nance Moore, who) Dale Thomas, Janice Selleck regalled incidents pertaining to|and Norma Woodward were the formation of the chapter. |among the music students at R.| 'Under the direction of Minnie|S. McLaughlin Collegiate and) Fisher, a program of dance/Vocational Institute who took a ngmbers was presented by/two-day bus trip to New York. Pamela Stinson, and Mitzi Mal-/ 'The Kedron Sunday School) colm of Nestleton with Mrs.\and Congregational Picnic will David Wilson at the piano. {be held July 2, at the Kedron) Past Matron Dora Suggitt}Kiwanis Camp. Sports will be supervised the lunch which fea-|followed by a pot luck supper. tured a birthday cake donated' A capacity congregation at- Guarantee: 1, Guaranteed against all road hoards femeig stone bruises, broken gloss. FREE -- on all FREE = m0" Flat Tube Re- FREE--* or Tube Re ay Infants (under 2) not occupying a seat and with an Guaranteed against defects in work- manship for the life of the tire tread. Mother saves 25% ...but pays full fare when she Children (2 to 11) Accompanying travel for 50% OFF! Dad always pays children (12 to full fare!' Guoranteed customer satisfaction. sain cies PR pan caer eer game iia , som-of Mr. by Past Matron Margaret Jeffrey. * "her Fill-In Minister AUDLEY (TC) -- Rev. M. Buttars, of Pickering, is taking a pastoral counselling course at the Toronto General Hospital. During his absence Rev. George Saunders, who is doing postgraduate work at Emmanuel College, will conduct the servy- ices here. The Hi-C Group entertained the senior teenage Sunday School class of Pickering Unit- ed; Church and their teacher, Mis. Henry Westney, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Waltham. New UC Members. tended the Sunday School Anniversary. Pupils of the travels without Dad! 21) go along for 25% OFF! adult, fly FREE! nursery, kindergarten, junior and senior departments, direc- ted by Mrs. Grant Hunter, Mrs. Murray Mountjoy and Mrs.} |Charles Thomas, provided! special music. Vacation School $ ] 09" '8 ] 75 NATIONA '8 ] 73 SAMPLE ONE-WAY ECONOMY FARES T0 FROM TORONTO IN7 '5 4" VANCOUVER FREE BROOKLIN (TC -- Plans are under way for the Vacation School to be held at the United Church, between five and 14 yeart, may attend. Cemetery Service | HAMPTON (TC)--There was a large attendance at the Deco- ration Service at the North Cem- etery. Rev. Charles Catto con- FAMILY FARE DISCOUNTS apply any time, anywhere on Air Canada flights in North America © For details, see your Travel Agent or write AIR CANADA in Toronto at 130 Bloor Street West AIR CANADA (&) ducted the serice. Capt. Her- BLACKSTOCK (TC -- Nine/bert Fraser of the Bowmanville young people joined the United Church at a reception service Sunday morning. They were: Gail Bonnetta, Glenn Bonnetta, Guy Bonnetta, Russell Carnag- Salvation Army Band was the speaker, Pupils See Mike | han, Graham Duff, Brian Lee, Robert Swain, Dianne Taylor and Barry Trewin. Guide Astronomy | WHITBY -- The Girl Guides, who have been studying for their astronomer's badge under Richard Holden, paid a visit to the Dunlop Observatory, Rich- mond. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Henry were honored by about 100 rel- atives and friends at a party BROUGHAM (TC -- The) 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST Grade 8 pupils of Valleyview] For Reservations and Information DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE. -- Call Oshawa--Whitby--Brooklin WH ITBY PHONE 668-3304 School, accompanied by Mr. Gault, toured Ottawa recently. They were guests of Hon. Mich- ael Starr at lunch. On_ their way home they visited Upper Canada Village, Fort Henry and the Royal Military College at Kingston. Bulldozers and earth 57 KING ST E. For Travel Informa tion Call or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 728-6201 movers are busy as work pro- gresses on the Brock rd. from Highway 7 to the north end of the village. The First Brock Boy Troop and Cub Pack will Saturday night. Gary, who is a and Mrs. Melville Hefiry of Oshawa, was married in Vancouver recently. Mr. andjdedicated, | hold a church parade on June 27 to Brougham United Church The troop's new flags will be | 25 KING ST. E. | Call Now for Complete Travel Arrangements MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE PHONE 723-9441 or 723-7001 | | Fie ahd: Wheel FREE =i ce chick. Replacement allowance based on the reguiar retail price; less trade-in pro-rated over the guarantee period for the time used. Brake Adjustment Special 97 Correction --Pull All four wheels -+-Check Brake Linings ~----Check wheel cylinders * Check master cylinders ~--Add hydraulic Brake Fluid if nec- essary, ~--Adjust brakes. HEAVY DUTY MUFFLERS LIFETIME GUARANTEE Free -- 15 minute instalation | 663 bees 8.88 All Ford, Meteor, Chevy, Plymouth, Pontiac, 49-63 Single Exhaust. Similar Savings on all Muffler and Pipes at K-mart. GENERATOR with Pulley | vot 10,29, voit 1 2n09 shane Air-cooled balanced armatures, built to new car specifications, Fully guaranteed, WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL $7.77 --Correct Caster and Camber --Correct Toe-in and Toe-out --Adjust Front Wheel Bearings --Adjust torsion bars on Chrysler products --Complete front-end ports inspection No. 2 Highway Between Oshawa and Whitby

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