Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Jun 1965, p. 5

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Councillor Suggests One-Way Street Study WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby Councillor Tom Edwards adyo- cated a complete study of a one-way street system at the council meeting this week. Coun- cillor Edwards suggested such a system would avoid confusion and possible accidents that might occur if a plan of this nature was conducted in bi and pieces. The councillor's comments) Whitby Police Chief Constable George R. Rankine. The chief constable's report followed a request for stop signs at three streets in town, as suggested by a petition signed by a num- ber of ratepayers. STOP SIGNS ASKED . : The petition requested stop signs at the intersections of Burns and Centre sts.; Burns and King sts., and Pitt and Cen- tre sts. Chief Constable Rankine concurred with the requests, and added his own recommen- dations which carried the ques- tion a step further. In making his investigation, Chief Rankine checked the in- tersections, and agreed were in answer.to a report ae number of accidents occurring'mean no "right turns" in addi- at these points. He sugges the signs be installed as soon as possible. The chief constable further suggested that Colborne st. w., be made a 'one way street' in the first block, namely west- bound only between Brock st. south and Byron st. s. Fur- thering the suggestion, he stat- ed in his written report, that, the first block of Colborne st. e. be made eastbound only be- tween Brock st..s. and Green st. CONGESTION RELIEF Explaining his recommenda- tions Chief Rankine said such action would help relieve the congestion at the intersection during the daytime and also when rush hour traffic is ex- tremely heavy. He said the al- ternate route south could be used for vehicular traffic to pro- tedition to the no "left turns" in force at the present time. Chief Rankine stated such ac- tion would mean that normal traffic movement could result with nine. to 10 cars passing through the intersection instead 'of only three or four vehicles as is now happening. He suggested) that cars making right turns off Brock st. on to Dundas are held up by pedestrians which in turn holds up the traffic turning right at the intersection, cause traffic problems at Colborne st. where east-west traffic is block- ed. Councillor Tom Edwards com- plimented the chief constable on his excellent report and de- tailed investigation but, stated the recommendatisns4hould be carried further. He suggested a study be made to ascertain the feasibility of setting up a com- ceed to Dunlop st. The chief stated he understood there were plete one-way street system. The fire and community ser-| 7 to be traffic lights installed at|vices committee will study both this intersection in the near fu-'the chief constable's remarks ture. jand Councillor Edwards: com- The chief constable also} that strongly recommended that all|the committee will be present- 'stop' signs should be installed turns be prohibited' at Brockjed to the council as soon as at the intersections due to a and.Dundas_ sts. This would|possible, it was explained. ments, A recommendation from BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Oshawa Man Sentenced To Three-Year Term WHITBY (Staff) -- A 22-year- old Oshawa man was sentenced to three years in Kingston Peni- tentiary, after being convicted Tuesday of six charges of utter- ing and two of false pretences. | Douglas Charles McMullen of Colborne st. e., had pleaded} guilty to the charges that net-| ted him $420. | Two men who perjured them- selves at a trial in Ajax on June 17, were each remanded out of custody until July 20 for a pre- sentence report. James H, Fraser, 26, of How- ard street, and Jehn B. Wright, 20, had lied during Wright's trial) for drinking under age. | Fraser has testified that} Wright had not been drinking) in an Oshawa hotel and. that/ there had been no smell of alco-| hol from him when they were arrested, Two police officers had testi-| fied to the contrary and Wright had also given the police a statement at the time of his arrest admitting he had been drinking. | | Wright later tried to deny) the statement and also deny he had been drinking. | A fourth conviction of driving) while disqualified cost George) John Newell, 26, of Runnymede) ave., Toronto, the next four| months in jail. | Newell, evidence showed, had been involved in a one-car acci- dent at the intersection of High-| ways 401 and 2A, and had ad-| mitted to police his licence was| istrate Harry Jermyn ordered] to an estimated $144,61. under suspension. | Newell: was also sentenced to} jh : His fourth offence of beinz) drunk in a public place cost Claude Marsden, 33, of Port} Perry, $50 and costs. |: Marsden was picked up at) the intersection of King and Simcoe st. after he had been! observed staggering. | A fine of $25 and costs was) imposed on John Carr, 62, of no} fixed address, after he was con- victed of being drunk in a pub- lic place. An East Whitby Township man and woman were fined $25 each with costs, for permitting the improper use of land. Kenneth Jackson and his wife, Florence, pleaded not guilty to the charge. | Evidence showed that Jackson| had been using his house for a salvage yard, contrary to a township zoning bylaw. | A Toronto man, who was con-; victed on June 8, of stealing money from four bowling leagues in the West Rouge area, was given a two-year suspended sentence with probation. Gordon Oswald Raymer, of Scarborough, was also ordered to make restitution of the $1,200 e had stolen, while manager of| a bowling alley in the West} Rouge. | Included in the money stolen was money collected from a children's league which planne to use the money for a banquet at the end of the year. | In sentencing Raymer, Mag-| that $200 be paid within the first| 30 days and the remainder dur- 3 days concurrent on a charge ing the term of his probation. of careless driving. A 17-year-old Pickering Town- A Toronto woman, Isobell| ship youth had his term of pro- Twain, of no fixed address, was} bation continued after he ap- given four days in jail after) peared in court charged with being drunk in a public place. | breach of probation. Police evidence had shown) James Vincent McGurskin had she was found on the Baseline} heen charged with the offence} rd., in Pickering Township, in| after a police officer spotted an intoxicated condition. The sentence was made retro- active-to the time-already_spent in custody. A 30-year-old woman, the mother of nine children' was given a one-year suspended sen-| tence after being convicted of false pretences. Jacqueline Friesrson was also told to make restitution of $9. A 19-year-old Whitby youth had a charge of attempted theft against him adjourned sine die. William Joseph Connell, evi- dence showed, had tried to steal a generator from a sports car parked behind Seaway Motors in Whitby when he was scared off by police. 4H Girls © Win Honors PORT HOPE -- Culmnating an extensive project organized by Durham County 4-H home-) making clubs; Tt? girts™-and} their leaders held achievement! day Saturday at the United Church. Discussions by the girls and their leaders during the course included ways to cook beef and, pork, identifying various cuts} of meat and the proper method| of storing meat, County honors for the success- ful campletion of six projects were won by Judy Robinson of . the Bethany club, Janice Adams of Cavan, Gwyneth Lee of Maple Grove, Judy Dennis and Ruth Traviss of Solina, and Arline Hall of. the Tyrone club. The participating clubs with their leaders were: Bethany, Mrs. Harry Ryley and Mrs. Noel Wood; Cavan, Mrs. Cliff Tripp.and Mrs. Howard Robin- son; Elizabethville, Mrs. Mac Walker and Mrs. Graham Lee; Maple Grove, Mrs. D. Keith him driving a car in Pickering Township. The original terms of his pro- bation stated he must surrender his driver's licence to the pro- bation officer. | Bandages Sent To Africa Unit Whitby -- The Pentecostal Church. Women's Missionary Council held its meeting in the church auditorium June 21. This was the last work meeting of} the present season. The presi-| dent, Mrs. Albert Midgley,| chaired the meeting. The work period consisted of members wrapping bandages made from used cotton to be sent to Africa. A box of stamps was sent to Toronto head office. Three 'bundles of ~ literature were sent to Mrs. Simpson, a missionary in the West Indies. A thank-you letter was re- ceived from Mrs, Ken Gaetz, of Hay River, North West Terri- TUBERCULIN TEST AVAILABLE TODAY WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby citizens still have time to take advantage of the free mass tuberculin tests being conducted by the Ontario County Tuberculosis and Health Association. Today the tests are being made at St. Mark's United Church, at both afternoon and even- ing sessions. Through co-operation with the Ontario County Medical Health Unit, under the di- rection of Medical Officer Dr. Margaret Braund, the tests are being held from 2 to 5-o'clock and 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. Commenting on the tests conducted so far, Dr. Braund stated there has been good response from the public. Tests have been held at the Kathleen Rowe public school; R. A. Hutchinson public school and the Dennis O'Connor high school. No definite count of the citizens taking the tests in Whitby were available yet. Town Asked For Damages WHITBY (Staff) -- The town of Whitby may be held liable for damages to a private ve- hicle it was noted at the coun- cil meeting this week, The no- tice was received from Thomas H. Greer, solicitor for John Lubbelinkhof, who reported damages to his car amounting The complaint, which will be} processed further by the town's Fire and Services' Committee involved an accident which oc- curred, at the intersection of Maria and Francis sts., June 10 of this year. The letter stated Lubbelinkhof was driving his vehicle easter-| ly along Maria st. at the time of the accident. Crossing the intersection-.at-Francis _st., the vehicle is reported to have collided with a bank of earth on the east side of the street|} jon the unopened road allow- ance. In his: letter, the solicitor| stated there are no signs at the intersection, either of the 'stop' or 'warning' type. In addition, the writer further explained, there is only a short unopened block between Francis and) Henry street. "At night the |Ont., passed away on Sunday. /23 at Alvinston, Ont. Mrs. Ward Heading off trouble before it has the opportunity to occur, Whitby town -work- men recently installed a heavy gauge steel frame over an open storm sewer culvert near Raglan st., STORM SEWER CULVERT - west of town. Installation was made by Paul Frank, right, while Allan Hewis, left, assisted with the work. Children had previously been reported crawling into the culvert to re-appear on the surface some _ blocks Kathleen Rowe. Public School cert at 8 p.m. today in vited to attend. The pupils re- ceive their musical training| and family spent Sunday at! Lake Simcoe. Miss Maude Cameron has re- tion spent with her sister and) brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil J. Geen, at Thomasburg, Ont, Word was received by Mrs. H. H. Wickett that her cousin, Mrs. Robert Ward of Aberfildy, The funeral will be held June was a visitor in Whitby several times and will be remembered by residents here. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Montgom- ery, Buffalo, N.Y., were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wickett. They also attended Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wickett's 50th wedding anniver- sary party at Little Britain. WHITBY PERSONALS The Grade 1 to 9 pupils at|/and brother-in-law, will present their annual con-/ of Belleville and were guests at the|their summer cottage at Lake school. Anyone interested is in-! Kamineskey near Combermere. from Mrs. Sharp, of Greenbank.| A. Osterhout were dinner hour Mr. and Mrs. William Stork| guests of his aunt, Mrs. Gordon turned from a two-week vaca-| shower in honor of Miss Ruth Thompson who will be married showered Miss Thompson with a dainty lunch. Owen Sound, are visiting their daughter, Miss Joy Thomas, RR Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Oram and family, Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. Wise, of Toronto. Mrs. Howard Thayer, RR 1, Whitby, entertained at a bridal in August to George Smith, Port Hope. Approximately 24 friends lovely gifts. The hostess served Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas, LOSED away through a manhole. The framework is one-inch cold roll welded to a three- sixteenths steel ring. The entire device is securely bolted to the inside of the culvert. --Oshawa Times Photo AJAX (Staff) -- The Ajax Public School Board is await- Addition To Ajax School Awaits Approval By OMB the Ajax public schools has almost dropped to nil. ing final approval from the On-|' 'The board sed a motion tario Municipal Board before|tnat it Goal rent two rooms constructing on the six-room ad-|from the town when the new dition to the Lord Durham| municipal building is completed. School in the Lake Vista sub- division begins. Only two contractors bid for the project and the addition will be built by a West Hill con- tractor at a cost of $191,349. Ar- chitects fees, furnishings and contingencies will bring the total for the new addition to $225,000 of which $116,000 will be obtained through the Federal Municipal Loan Fund. The addition to the Lord Dur- ham School is expected to start next week and should be com- pleted in November. The board has decided that the six classes who will be occupying the addi- tion will be spread ouf through other classes, BUS TRANSPORT The children will be taken by bus to Lord Elgin and Parkside from the Lake Vista and South- wood subdivisions and classes will be doubled up until the new facilities are ready. The "doubl- ed" classrooms will have two teachers in attendance, Parents of children attending the Lord Elgin and 'Parkside Schools by bus will be notified by the prin- cipals. The board felt it was better to double up classes for two months than to have stag- gered school periods for the children. Property Committee chairman Jack Reid informed the board that since 'No trespassing"' signs have been put onthe Mr. Reid reported that the first step in the remodeling of Lord Elgin School has been taken and a tender for foundation repairs costing $800 was awarded. GYMNASIUM DELAYED The board decided Monday night that it would await future recreational developments be- fore adding a gymnasium to St. Andrews Senior School. On the proposed new subdivi- sion between Southwood and Lake Vista, the board has re- commended to the Ajax Plan- ning Board that access - from the proposed 200 home addition be to Pickering Beach road and that Emperor st. be prohibited 'a meeting with Co il 'Pp ni : Storage Space WHITBY (Staff) -- Storage space for Whitby Theatre Guild equipment may be provided at the old County Court House, when leased, or at the Whitby Arena on a temporary basis. The announcement by the coun- cil this week, was the result of guild representa- tives recently. ' The guild, represented by Peter O'Shaughnessy, outlined its problems of storing equip- ment at various locations. Some equipment, stored at the Osh- awa Airport, must be moved al- most immediately, it was ex- plained. The meeting was held with the town's property committee which made a recommendation to council that something be done to assist the group. The council acknowledged the re- commendation at the regular meeting this week. . by vehicular traffic. The board approved the recommendation because Burcher rd. is already a much travelled road and, with the new subdivision Lord Dur- ham School, would require an- other six classrooms making pedestrian travel along Burcher rd. very heavy. The board passed a motion that summer meetings will be at the call of the chair and TASTE: the golden goodnes that regular meetings have been cancelled. 4 4 FRIGIDAIRE Rapid Dry Cleaning 8 Ibs. of dry cleaning $2.00 Blair Park Plaza Mon, to Fri, -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Set. -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. JORDAN BRANVIN Sherry CHILL IF DESIRED school lawns, glass breakage at 2, Whitby. Mrs. Earl McIntyre opened) her home to members of North Whitby United Church Women for a'pot luck supper and social evening to terminate its present season. The president' Mrs, Frank Parrinder, chaired a brief business session when members discussed plans for) the fall meetings. Mrs. Ada M. Wickett has been) the guest' of her niece' Mrs.| Ernest Brooking, in Bowman-| ville for the past week. Beth Crawforth, 217 Anderson, st., is in Sick Children's Hospi- tal, Toronto, where she under- went surgery last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Osterhout and daughter, Joyce, spent a re-| cent weekend with her sister | | a One-Stop DECORATING SHOP . @ Wallpaper and Murals @ Custom Dreperies @ Broadloom e C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes |) © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paipts |! DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 lights are misleading,"' the soli- citor stated. The solicitor further pointed out there is a slight grade ap- proaching the Francis st. inter- section along Maria st. and that headlights do not show an un- opened road until the last pos- sible moment. The letter stated the Lubbe- linkfof's car had been repaired and that the Town of Whitby was being held completely re- sponsible for the, damages. tories; for-supplies sent for the} hospital and parsonage Another letter was read from Rev. Lorne Trimbell, of Ches- terville, Ont. It was decided to send a sum of money to help in the work there. Family Monuments atk) A 40-piece cutlery set was/ sent to Teen Challenge in To-! ronto. Final arrangements were) | made for the annual WMC pic- nic to be held at Centennial Park, Whitby, June 28 at 6.30) p.m, Following the picnic mem-| bers are invited o the home of; Mrs. John Leavitt, Lawrence st.! for a time of Sing Spiration and| oF Created. Ts Individual Requirements TV @ SALES @ SERVICE @ REPAIRS ~ SPECIAL | TV OVERHAUL OFFER ll} We will completely overhaul your TV set and do ony repairs necessary. 7.50 For Only Plus Parts Bring your set to our shop, or have it picked up for $3.50. BROCK RADIO & TV 125 Brock St. N., Whitby Phone 668-5830 WHDVE WnDVEER WIEIITIENS WHIVEST cleans. @) micro APPLICATOR ANOTHER "IT" Micro White is best for all white shoes. "IT" Micro White whitens positively~as It "\T" Micro White gives a more 'profes- sional', whiter look because you apply It with the handy Quik Clean applicator. "IT" Micro White gives superlative results, y every time. Be sure you get some today. PRODUCT WHITE WHITBY Evening BROCK One Complete Program Each D A faithless man must die. ALSO 2nd FEATURE ATTRACTION NIGHT TRAIN TO PARIS -- with Leslie Nielsen -- -- Starting 7:30 Hush, Hush, sweat Charlotte Charlotte don't you ery Chop, Chop sweet Charlotte Alizia Gur STAFFORD BROS. | LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 fellowship. "BUY THE BEST FOR --=BECKER'S=-- The Original Jug Milk Store LESS AT BECKER'S" Weekend Specials --- Wed. - Sun. Inclusive The Scripture reading was) given by Mrs. Ray Campbell. | Prayer for the sick and shut-! ins and the community was offered. Lunch was provided and| served by Mrs. Ewen Mac-! Donald and Mrs. Maxwell Case.) Whitney, Mrs. William Ashby; Pontypool, Mrs. Leonard Porter | and Joan Porter; Rosemount, Mrs. Harvey Boughen and Mrs. Edgar Harcourt; Solina, Mrs. Russell Best and Mrs. Fred Watson; Tyrone, Mrs. Lorne Annis and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner. | NOW OPEN Lumber and Supply Ltd. YOUR C.P-1 DEALER SYD SILVER FORMALS For Weddings Etc. CRESTS & JACKETS For Your Team Agents for . SAINT HILL-LEVINE UNIFORMS MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE 701 BROCK ST. N, 668-4451 | BECKER'S OWN ICE CREAM FRUIT SALAD "TROPICAL SUNDAE" SALE 49. (BRICK) ONLY LEMONADE, 3 at. Jugs ¢ Reg. 55e. NOW Black Diamond CHEESE SLICES Reg. 37c. ¢ Now Maple Leof--Reg. el 89 BACON. Now WIENERS, Now . 4b, 49¢ The BECKER Whitby - Plaza iN OPEN 9 A.M. - 11 Maple Leaf---Reg, 63¢. Milk Store BLAIR PARK PLAZA --WHITBY P.M. DAILY -- 7 DAYS A WEEK 10.a.m. to 10 p.m. OPEN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY FEARMAN'S BOLOGNA 29 WHYTE'S POLISH SAUSAGE 47: SWIFT'S PREMIUM WIENERS --64Y: ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY BETWEEN OSHAWA and WHITBY e

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