20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 23, AWN LANDERS Be Opti s ti On Retirement a day nursery in my home. At think|the moment I have six children ore. difference does it make Recently when a kept repeating, "But what are you really going to do?" Most people who are retiring don't know what they are g0- ing to do and it worries them. The fear that they might not be able to keep busy is terrify-|0 ing So, if any of your readers know someone who is slated for tetirement, please give him a break. Instead of asking, 'What are you going to do?" give him a good wish. Say, 'You have worked hard for many years and you deserve to be free of the daily pressures." Or, you could simply say "We'll miss you. Good luck." --Retiring Dear Retiring: Folks who have never given this a thought 'wil appreciate your well- worded tip-off. Thank you for opening some eyes -- including mine. Dear Ann Landers: 1 hope my letter will shake up some women who are playing dumb because it is easier than living up to their responsibilities as mothers. 1 support myself by running THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW A good day for business and financial matters--but only if operate conservatively. Risks of any kind are "'out." Especially favored: Real estate deals, negotiations with influen- tial persons concerning long- fange projects, non-speculative I¢ tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that the next 12 months will be ex- fore they eome to my place. One mother who leaves two of her youngsters with me never feeds them in the morn- ing. The minute they get to my house they beg for something to eat. When I serve my own two children hot cereal, it's dif- ficult. to let.the other children sit by and not give them some cereal, too. I've asked these youngsters why they don't eat breakfast at. home .and they tell me, "Mommy didn't have time." What should I do?--Imposed mn Dear On: So you have to fix two extra bowls of cereal. Big deal. Since you consider it such a hardship, I suggest that you raise your rates 25 cents a day to include a bowl of hot cereal and a glass of milk in the morning. Dear Ann Landers: Those cheers to you for your answer to "Memories." She was the nurse who told fathers how im- portant it is to have a daughter first 60 she can baby sit for the younger children. I am a 17-year-old girl and my father must have been one of those she told; He has never forgotten it. ; I have three younger broth- ers. When my dad introduces his family he says, "Meet my wife, my three sons and my baby sitter." He's been doing this for years and I've always hated it. I'm sure my father believes that producing males is proof of masculinity. He has always made me feel that I let him down by..being a girl. Please, Ann; keep reminding fathers to keep their disappointments to themselves. The effect on 'their' daughters is devastating.--Just A Baby Sitter Dear Sitter: The world is full of kooked-up gitls whose fathers wanted boys, and messed - up boys girls. whose mothers wanted Parents owe it to their chil- dren to start them off happy to be as God made them. te tat. breuktact bel" 3 DAYS | ONLY! a Thurs., Fri, Sat. June 24 25, 26 + . EE : 1 WALKER"S RED ING DON'T MISS THIS | AMAZING MONEY - SAVING EVENT! YOU'LL FIND BARGAINS GALORE THROUGH- OUT THE STORE, BARGAINS LIKE THESE -- AND MANY MORE. THREE GREAT MONEY - SAVING DAYS AT WALKERS! » ~", INFANTS' T-SHIRTS Short sleeved novelty knits. No repeats available. As- BIKINI BATHERS 2-PIECE SHORT SETS Complete With GIRLS' T-SHIRTS Assorted styles in group. Style shown is piped in white, All short sleeved cotton knits. Special DRESSES DRESSES during the year ahead, but do try to avoid emotional outbursts in close circles in late August and late September. Cancerians should have an extremely inter- esting year where romance is concerned' with singularly glamorous experiences indi- cated within the next two siweeks, from Aug. 15 through Oct. 4, next February, April and May. Most auspicious periods First quality. Limited tities. Variety of colors. Sizes 4.6X. Regular value 98¢. oun DAS COTTON TWILL SHORTS sorted colors, Sizes 1-3. Regular value 98¢. ¢ each 67 TODDLER BOYS' & GIRLS' SHORTS Assorted colors in cotton. Full boxer waist, shoulder Sleeveless shifts and regular- Sun Glasses! waist dresses in the group. In linen and colorful cotton prints. While they last, no repeats available! Assorted colors. Sizes 4-6X and 7-14. Values up to 4.98. Halter top buttons at the back. Elasticized waist on bikini pants. Style sketched ro just = : va jay cotton florals. F ally fined: Peacock blue or red. Sizes 4-6X. maize or green. Sizes 4-6X. each 2.59 or Sleeveless cotton tops with novelty screen prints. Striped half boxer shorts with back atch pockets, Style shown just one of many. Rose, Clearnce of Spring and Summer dresses in Petites Misses and Half- sizes. Reg. 6.98 -- 24.98. --_ 4° (under a benefic Jupiter, truly excellent) and from Jan. 15 through April 15 of next year. Months in which you should note job or business uptrends: Sep- tember, Decemner, next Janu- ary and March. Creative work- for travel: Late July, all of September, next January, April and June. A child born on this day could excel in the law, in the medical field or in educational projects of any type. ers should have a splendid year, with outstanding periods of ac-| complishment .and recognition) promised between now and the) end of July, in late September, throughout November, next Jan- When hi need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 wary, March and May. Family concerns will also be) governed by fine influences) "Home-Nursing Cere for EVERYONE" Don't Miss Burns Jewellers SUMMER HANDBAGS Our summer collection. of patent leathers, leathers and summer straws ALL REDUCED TO CLEAR... prices as low as $4.64. Come in and see these summer fashion values now! BURNS JEWELLERS 20 Simcoe North Open Fridey Till 9 P.M IWIALKER'S ' seek pockets alien, Red, ate: ts. le Lg South Sea blue or aqua. Sizes 4-6X. pir 9] straps and novelty embroi- dered trims in the group. Sizes 2-3X. **Mirado"' designs. per $ 1 ' TO 18" ? for $5 % 1° 2 1° Check These Sensational Sportswear Savings! BLOUSES A special assortment of dainty blouses in plains, stripes, and floral in sizes 10 to 16 Reg. 2.98 -- 5.98 Misses' fACH ]°° To 470 Misses' Young Adult SWIM SUITS Just in time for those warm holidays. One and two piece styles in stripes and florals, Sizes 32-36, Reg. 8.98 oH p00 SKIRTS Special purchase of skirts in Dacron, Terylene and linen-like fabrics in stripes and plains. Sizes 8 to 20 Reg. 8.98 -- 10.98. wach 577 Clearance DUSTERS and SHIFTS Florals and checks in cottons, sateens and seersuckers. Sizes S.M.L. -- Final Clear- ance. Reg. 2.98 -- 6.98 EACH 200 To 500 Misses' All-Weather COATS Misses and Junior Coats in plain pastel colours. Sizes 10 to 18 Reg. 19.98-24.98 GACH 16" To 19 Special Purchase! 3 JAMAICA SHORTS Exciting assortment of Jamaica shorts. Variety of trary and colors to choose from. Sizes 10-20. egular 3.98 and.4.98. : Py More Money-Saving Values! Sale MILLINERY Clearance of white and assorted colored millinery. Reg. Values to 8.99 "= 2 a First Quality NYLONS Seam Free Nylons in 400 needle mesh -- Three new shades in sizes 9 to 11. Red Tag Sale Price 3°" 97 Boys' SPORT COATS Special Clearance of Sport Coats in striped seersucker and plaid madras--Sizes 3 to 7 wor on Casual RUBBER SLIPPERS Excellent for the beach or cottages in as- sorted colors for Children or Misses. Red Tag Sale Price "* 29¢ -- 39° Reg. 6.98. Clearance See the special clearance tobles in Children's Wear, Sportswear, Men's Wear, Boys' Wear, Linens and piece goods.. Men's SPORT COATS Arnel and Rayon blend sport coats in fine pin stripes or plains. Sizes 36 to 44. While They Last Reg. 19.98 fACH hg Men's SQUALL JACKETS Assorted Plains and Madras Checks. With or without hoods. Sizes 36 to 44. Reg. 11.95 = 7° Boys' SHORTS Special Purchase. of Boy's Shorts in smart madras plaids. Sizes 8 to 18. Reg. 3.98 Reductions to ee 50% OFF! Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Refunded. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- Open to 9 p.m. Thurs. & Friday " bad