Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jun 1965, p. 5

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CO ee CM meng Ne rl Cina RO MISS AJA The annual Ajax Sports Day, sponsored by the Ajax Service Clubs, was high- lighted 'by the "Miss Ajax Contest". Can you guess which girl received the PRE: crown? From left to right they are: Miss Loretta Beauty Salon, Arlyene Mur- phy; Miss Lions, Ann Fer- guson; Miss Legion, Debbie Pratt; Miss Fire Fighters, Mary' Anne CONTEST FEATURES SPORTS DAY Azzopardi; Miss Chamber of Commerce, Linda Wilcox; Miss _Kins- men, Marlene Brooks and Miss - Kiwanis, Claudette Claereboudt. The winner was Miss Lions, Ann Fergu- son, second from the left. Whitby Bylaw Controls Use Of Town Sewers specific contravention of the WHITBY (Staff) Whitby diameter of not less than six now has a sewage bylaw with teeth in it, regulating the dis- charge into public sewage and storm water, includ- ing industrial wastes. The bylaw, passed recently. by the -town council, covers every aspect of sewage control in the commun- ity. Under the terms of the bylaw no person shall discharge or cause to be discharged, any storm water, surface water, ground water,' roof run-off, sub-|being agreed upon and is at the surface drainage, cooling water|discretion of the town. sewers of inches, shall be provided for each dwelling or building with the exception of a private gar- age. This facet, depends on | approval of the engineer. Further specifications dealing with the 'Multiple Connection,' |state it must be six feet within bylaw is not possible, the town/|the street line in order ta elimi- may enter into an agreement to|nate excavation on private prop- supply special treatment. This/erty. : facet-of the legislation, of| Completely covered in the jcourse, is subject to payment, routine terms of the legislation. The town also may set and levy a surcharge for such actions as it finds acceptable under the terms of this category. Should the industrial wastes be) of such unusual strength or char- acter. that compliance with the sewage bylaw are the terms of| application and permits for con-; | struction or installation of storm) COURTICE (TC) -- The Ex- plorers of Courtice United Church held their Mother and Daughter Banquet Friday night. The catering was done by the United Church Women with Mrs. Eric Dunham as conven- er. Several CGIT members assisted. Gold Stars were presented by Mrs, Norman Adair to Char- lene Archer, Pamela Vetzal and Marylin Ryan, who graduates to the CGIT. First and Second Year Explorers were presented with Red Stars by Mrs, Cecil Simmons and Blue Stars by Mrs. Don Barraball. Entertainment was provided by Janice Milgne and Debby Beerthuizan who did a baton ery gave recitations. FIRST AID COURSE The preliminary first aid course held at Courtice Public School for the First and Second Wolf Cub Pack } | "A" Wolf Cub Pack enjoyed a eamping outing last weekend near the Oshawa Creek, The pack was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, William Elliott, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Thomas and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dale. The leaders took their families. | to) A Peek 7 | jtained the "B" Sati 'ONTARIO COUNTY atlernoon ata paseball pion : Cookies i FARM CALENDAR [enovea at 'the camp site, 'The parents were invited to the camp June 22, 1.3 p.m., Uxbridge-- |Field Tour for Ontario County fire Saturday nfght. The prog- ram featured skits and songs. 4-H Forestry Club. | The Cubs held their own June 22, 8 p.m., Brooklin)church service Sunday morning. Township Hall -- 4-H Club Safe-| «Second Eyes" were presented PROGRAM --Oshawa Times Photo Explorers Receive Awards -- At Courtice Ceremony dance, Denise and Adele Ravy- D ni i Reynolds, David and Danny Enjoys Camping Carpenter, Norman Thompson 'KEDRON (TC) -- The 21st|and Greg. Simmons, The senior Girl Guide Companies' closed Thursday night with examina-|, tions, Charles Carpenter con- ducted the course, The examiners were Miss Sally Parker from Simcoe Hall Settlement House in Oshawa, and Jerry Reed of Hampton, The girls passing their tests were Susan Atkinson,. Bonnie| Lynne Bishop, Suzanne Car- penter, Kathy Joan Forster, Cheryl Ann Fulton, Margarate Ann Goyne, Karen Lynn Hawke, Linda Mary Laturski, Bonnie Lynn McGhee, Gloria Jo Pul- len, Kathy Lynn Redstone, Vicky Marie Reynolds, Mary Jean Ruskay, Ann Louise Wal- ters, Ann: Elizabeth Wiggens, onna Marie Johnson, Artificial Respiration had to be passed before the girls re- ceived any points. The anniversary service at Courtice United Church Sunday morning was conducted by the Sunday School. Jerrold Esta- brooks conducted the service.| He was assisted by Miss Vicky} classes sang two selections and the primary department joined the nursery and beginners' de- partments in another number. The speaker at both services was Rey. Robert Rumball, a teacher at the Evangelical Church for the Deaf. A fireside was held following the evening service. gie Davis, Randy Watson and Philip Densham. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mount- joy were hosts recently to 27 adults and 52 children when they entertained the Oshawa General Hospital. graduating class. A pleasant day was enjoyed with hay rides, baseball games, and |ty Meeting. : \to Dennis Werry, Neil Mahaffey, June 22 to 25 University of|Garth Pascoe, Joe Wright; Reg- Guelph -- Provincial Girls'| - eimemaeseuee eet a picnic lunch and dinner. |22. Interment will be in Grove « THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 21, 1965 § Whitby Man Crash Victim WHITBY -- John Alexander McGregor, 19, of 1003 Walnut t., Whitby, was killed Saturday when he was tossed from the pillion seat of a motorcycle on the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway at Highway 2. The maciiffie, driven by Wil- liam Quan, 22, of Whitby, went out of control and crashed into a guard rail. Quan received minor injuries. He was treated at the Scraboro General Hospital and released, McGregor, who was single, was employed at Croven Limi- ted in Whitby, He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. T, Gresham; a half brother William, Stephen, James and Elizabeth Ann, xall of Whitby. The funeral service will be held at the W. C. Town Funeral Home, Whitby, at 2 p.m. June HAMPTON -- The Darlington Township Council, at its meet- ing last week, moved to request the United Counties of North- umberland and Durham to give consideration to a petition call- Gregor, the deceased was born at Bristol, England, Since coming to Whitby, he received his education in the Whitby Public Schools and Henry Street High School. He formerly served as a lieutenan' in the Ontario Regiment Cadet Corps and also served in the Royal Canadian Artillery. Mr, McGregor was a member of All Saints' Anglican Church, and the Whitby Curling Club. He was keenly interested in hunting and fishing. Speed Limit [iran at Cut Asked --son'ar°ine'Bemeoas cemetery Board in enlarging the ceme- tery. A. E, Crawford was ged to keep both towns! "eas pushed back in a manner satis- factory to Council for the bal- ance of the year. The sum of $500 for that period will be paid monthly, It was decided to hold the next meeting of council at 1:30 p.m. July 2. Accounts totalling $35,544.98 were 'passed for payment. WHITBY MUSIC CENTRE 2 A Instruments, Lessons FRIGIDAIRE side Cemetery. Rey. Stanley' Instruction Books, Sheet Armstrong, reetor of All Saints') Anglican Church, will conduct! the service, | A son of Mrs. Elizabeth Gres-| ham of Whitby and the late) Flight Lieutenant David Me-' Rapid Dry Cleaning | 8 Ibs. of dry cleaning $2.00 |) Blair Park Plaza Mon, to Fri. -- 9 om. to 9 p.m. 7) Set. -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, | Music (Half Price) 159 BROCK ST. N. PH. 668-6944 ith SEAN SIRE NEW UNIQUE SCOTIABANK sauce Get *4 for every #3 Conference -- 4-H Homemaking Club members. June 22, 8.30 p.m., Greenbank -- Port Perry Junior Farmers' | Meeting. | June 23, 9.30 a.m., Manches- iter -- Ontario County Council tour of the County. | June 23, 8 p.m., Cannington,| |Brock District High School |-- 4-H Club Safety Meeting -- |Parents and friends welcome. June 24, 6.34 p.m., Oshawa' |Shopping Centre--Ontario Coun- ty Dairy Princess Competition. | June 26, 9 a.m., Brooklin Park! -- Ontario County Junior Farm- ers' Field Day. June 28, 8,30 p.m., Uxbridge, ROSE A Whitby Garden Club ANNUAL SHOW ND STRAWBERRY TEA | Wednesday, June 30th | 3 P.M. -- 9 P.M. with six-year Scotiabank Savings Certificates | Newtonville Boy Burned 7 sPort Hope, the grandmother, 'is or unpolluted process water into} Complete description of sew- any sanitary sewer. All storm|age treatment expected of prop- water and drainage of every de-|erty owner is outlined in the scription must be approved by|new bylaw, leaving nothing to the town engineer, William Mc-|be imagined or allow any doubt) Bride, the bylaw states. jof the authorized regulations. The bylaw provides the en-/Three fully described categories gineer with far reaching author-|deal with this provision of the Ity giving the engineering de-|bylaw. partment complete contro] over| sii | sewage discharge within the| AUTHORITY TO INSPECT : arene Beg categories or paragraphs community. Sewage facilities - A and handling, include industrial on .. oe of suit- wastes with a. full description ofl with to esata 4 accordance such refuse described under 12 wn regulations. The} u ; vee |town's engineering department! different categories withi eae nt hulaw. 8 $s within the has authority to inspect the man- holes at any reasonable time to! 12 CATEGORIES assure bylaw regulations are The use of storm sewers and| Maintained. natural outlets is also covered| Another section of the sewage by the new legislation. Twelve|bylaw deals with sewer con- categories fully describe thejnections, fully describing con- meaning of the section and in-|Struction, disconnection, storm clude liquid or vapor, ashes, cin-| Water run-off and multiple con- ders and other such material; nections. animal wastes, water or water) The paragraph dealing with wastes; gasoline and related|construction sets out instruction materials and many other|that no sewer connection shal! items which may slip into the|be constructed on any road al-| town's sewage system: One cate-/lowance or other public land, gory, which may not affect the except by the town or under a system too much at the mo-|contract with the town ment, provides a glimpse of the! , Under 'disconnection' far-reaching scope of the bylaw. the engineer may temporarily This part of the legislation deals|disconnect any sewer connec- with water or wastes containing|tion whenever he may consider | radio-active material. jit necessary. During such period An exception to the bylaw's|0f disconnection, the 'bylaw contents, dealing with the con-|states, no person shall use, or| ventional municipal treatment,|permit the use of such sewer is provided in the legislation. connection. The exception suggests the town, Storm water-run-off comes un- at its discretion, may direct|der the engineer's jurisdiction, water or waste, judged unsuit-| with the authority for any of his| able for the conventional sew-|actions set out clearly in the age treatment to the storm|bylaw. Under the terms of the sewer, or natural outlet. This|legislation, run-off from building alternative is subject to the pro-|roofs; industrial; commercial; visions of section three of the;and multiple-family - building bylaw dealing with industrial) parking areas and the like, shall wastes, |be directed to the municipal| clause, sewer by a drain system. This'z or sanitary sewers. Another sec-|DePt. of Agriculture Board| tion sets out the regulations for Room Farmstead Improvement maintenance. mittee meeting. : : Under the heading 'mainten-|, June 30 -- 4-H Club bus trip ance,' the owner of abutting to the University of Guelph. lands shall be responsible for the,, June 30, 8 p.m., Sunderland Rotunda at Whitby Arena ADMISSION 50c SC--1565 Buy as little as $10 worth or as much as you like--cashable any time; Siotia Qaeank THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA cost of repairing, clearing and| Township Hall -- North Ontario} maintaining in good condition all|Plowmen's Association meeting. drains leading from the building] July 12 - 16, University of or other parts of the lands to the|Guelph -- 4-H Club Leadership municipal street line. This regu-|Week. Delegate from Ontario lation goes forward whether the| County is Douglas Batty, Brook- work is performed by or on lin, RR No. 1. : behalf of the property owner, or July 14, 10 a.m. University of by the town. Guelph -- Provincial. Beef Im- Protection from damage is set/Provement Association Field out in the legislation, described | Day. 5 : | in two sections. No person shall, July 15, 9 a.m., Claremont -- Annual Ontario County Land enter any sewer, manhole, catch| 4 os basin or numerous other sewage| Judging Competition. facilities: unless specifically au-| July 17, 9 a.m., Peterborough, thorized. Comprehensive in de-/Morrow Park -- Quinte District tail, no person is allowed to un-|Junior Farmer Field Day. cover any of the municipal facil- July 19 and 20 Ontario ities, or tamper with the installa-|County Beef Improvement Bus tions, unless authorized. tour to Oxford and Haldimand Counties. APPROVAL NECESSARY July 21, 7 p.m Ontario No sewer installation can be;County Holstein Club Twilight constructed by anyone without/meeting at the farm of Irvin approval in writing of the en-'/ Fisher, Woodville, RR 2 NOTICE! gineer, together with applicable Jully 22, 10 a.m Brant PETER VAN HEMMEN is now the new lessee deal- er at NORTH BROCK TEXACO -- Corner Chest- nut dnd Brock St. N., Whitby. Peter has 6 years experience in the service station business, ond is fully qualified to give you expert service. 1 Peter wishes to take this. opportunity to invite oll his friends and old customers to visit him at his new location. Specializing in undercoating and minor repairs NORTH BROCK TEXACO Cor. Chestnut and Brock St. N., Whitby approval by the Ontario Water County Holstein Club Bus Tour Resources Commission visiting Holstein Breeders in On-} Providing the town and. en-|tario County. . gineer with enforcement and| July 23 and 24 -- Lambton penalty powers, the bylaw -in- County Junior Farmers arrive cludes provision that the en-lin the County on an Exchange gineer may order the re-excava-| visit. | tion of a connection for the pur- | pose of testing or inspection. Ex- pense of the re-construction wor may be charged to the owner, if @ SALES © SERVICE @ REPAIRS necessany. Any expenses in- Continuation of conditions vio- lating the provisions of the by- law can bring a penalty of $300, exclusive of costs on con- viction, SPECIAL PERMIT aspect of the bylaw also Provision for the treatment of cludes unpolluted wastes above specified Strengths drainage and wee is also included in the far- reaching regulations. Under the MULTIPLE CONNECTION terms of this portion of the by-| Under the 'Multiple' Connec- law, the town may issue a spe-|tion' category, separate sewer cial permit to any person for|connections, with an internal in- _ Sub-surface ping tiles, In Cabin Cruiser Blaze PETERBOROUGH -- A three-|Bewdley Volunteer Fire Depart- year-old boy was extensively|ment, said the fire apparently gurned about the upper body|was caused by a leak in the Sunday in an explosion and. fire|line from the reserve fuel tank aboards a 21-foot cabin cruiserjin the cruiser's stern, curred by the town may be re- covered through municipal SPECIAL TV OVERHAUL One-Stop OFFER DECORATING We will completely overhaul |] SHOP your TV set and do any repairs |] necessary. | @ Wollpoper end Murals For Only Custom Draperies Plus P 7 50 Broadioom us Ports a i CAL. Paints end Varnishes Bring your set to our shop, or have it picked up for $3.50 BROCK RADIO & TV 125 Brock St. N., Whitby Phone 668-5830 Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD, 107 Byron St. $,, Whitby PHONE 668-5862 docked in Rice Lake at Bewd-| Mr. Williams said the explo- ley, nine miles north of Portision and fire occurred when Hope. The boy's grandmother|fumes from the tank reached a was burned on the hands and naptha cooking stove, and that arms balls of fire filled the boat. He Brian Langstaff, son of Mr.|used an extinguisher from. his and Mrs. Ariel Langstaff of RRi service station to quell the 1, Newtonville, is in Port Hope| flames and enable the occupants Hospital in fair condition. He] to escape over the stern will be transferred to the Hos-| 'The burned' boy tried to es- pital for Sick Children in To-\cape over the stern while the| ronto. 1 s Ww De Mrs. Eva Farrow, 60, of New- tar veree wen 'ell ae: tonville, about 15 miles west of; Se . BROCK One Complete Program Each in. Port Hope Hospital in good NOW OPEN condition. Mrs. Farrow's husband, Har yey, Mr. and Mrs. Langstaff | Lumber and Supply Ltd. and three of the Farrow's grand shildren were aboard the cruis YOUR C.F:l. DEALER 701 BROCK ST. N. 668-4451 °"* JOSEPH COMTEN CHARLOMIE Chop, Chop sweat Charlotte ALSO 2nd FEATURE ATTRACTION WHITBY Evening Starting 7:30 Hush, Hush, sweet Charlotte Pet RETO A failbless man must die, NIGHT TRAIN TO PARIS --- with or, Kenneth Williams, of the! 'HUSH... HUSH, BETTE DAVIS SWEET Ghariotie don't you ory Leslie Nielsen --Alizia Gur \3 te 3 WAYS | TO 32% Write cheques service charges. lated and added to your account | half-yearly, 4% ($5,000 Minimum) Withdrawals-on-demand: is calculated monthly and com- pounded half-yearly. re) MONTHLY 942% = =--- MONTY SAVINGS 5 year guaranteed investments. Interest Is calculated monthly and compounded half-yearly, ESTABLISHED 1889 WHITBY BELLEVILLE KINGSTON CANNINGTON LINDSAY PETERBOROUGR 08 DUNDAS ST. W. OWEN SOUND MEAFORD ORILLIA SAVE REGULAR SAVINGS anytime with no Interest is calcu- SPECIAL | SAVINGS sentinel interest ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE DUNLOP QUSHIONRINE $1695 (the wide edge tread at Dunlop doesn't spare the rubber. You get more rubber where it counts most -- on the edge thewear is greatest. The wide edge tread of the Cushionride 105 gives you even tread wear and longer tread life. And Dun- lop put more rubber on the tire without putting more dollars on the price. ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE LTD. 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 227 Toronto Ave. OSHAWA Ph. 728-9432 where WIN A FABULOUS CAMPING OUTFIT WORTH $1500! portable TV « Sparte if * Tour-Lite "S55" trailer * Admiral & 401 Dundas St. E. WHITBY Ph, 668-3356 the slim price) WHITBY |

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