Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jun 1965, p. 8

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© |\that would combine daytime- q jies the size of St. _| OTTAWA (CP)--Arguing that jownership of the daily newspa+ per and a radio station in St. Catharines, Ont., constitutes a "monopoly that should not be allowed to continue," a broad- caster Friday proposed a new combined station for the city. Robert E. Redmond came be- fore a public hearing of the Board of Broadcast Governors Mr. Redmond's application was opposed by CKTB and by Roy Bonisteel, an associate of Mr. Redmond in'a previously unsuccessful bid for a daytime station in St. Catharines. Mr. Redmond deseribed the Standard as "one of the most lucrative newspaper operations jin 'the country,"' Its editions car- ried 1,125 pages during May St. Kitts News Monopolized Broadcaster Informs BBG FM presently operates on 97.7 megacycles but experiences some difficulty in signal strength because the channel is close to those used by two Tor- onto FM stations. : Miss Burgoyne noted that the main difference between Mr. Redmond's current application and. his previous one was the addition of the FM operation. |seeking approval for a station| compared to about 600 pages'in| In the first application, the two other area dailies--the Wel-|board's recommendation for de- : land Tribune and the Niagara/nial said there did not appear | ' an Te an ro Review. |to be a -_ ee of a ae jhour - a - day FM (Frequency id hie success for a daytime-only sta- Modulation) program. The All|, oralttetie: bet sal 'ts Dee tom in St. Catharines, Miss Bur- station would have power Olson much money." It carried|80¥e said that since the FM 1,000 watts on 1,500 kilocycles. |... aintui: luk ak news " the pro-|oPeration would not be a The FM station would be 50,000, scine|money-maker -- Mr. Redmond jportion of news to advertising ; |watts on 105.7 megacycles. 'heing about 50 per cent com.|&xpected to.lose some $7,000 in Mr. Redmond said most cit- pared to the usual ratio of 4g the first three years of opera- Catharines per cent news to 60 per cent tion--there was all the more jonly AM |tion) operations (Amplitude Modula- Two Things By DAVE MecINTOSH OTTAWA (CP) -- If nuclear bombs ever fall on Canada, the survivors may have to pay higher taxes. A new cabinet order outlining responsibilities of government departments in event of nuclear attack instructs the finance de- partment to "advise cabinet re- specting the imposition'of emer- gency taxes." The justice department, among other things, would as- sist "in the indentification of persons unable to identify them- selves."" The labor department in a "national emergency govern- cate all civilian manpower and set wage rates. : The defence production de- partment would set price con- ment" would control and allo-| FP a tego Are Certain: Nuclear Death Or Taxes The labor branch would "reg. ulate and control labor-manage- ment relations and conditions of employment." There would be two emer- gency communications systems, one run by the defence depart-| ment, the other by transport. | The armed forces would. bej responsible for "first aid' and |"'casualty sorting." | Also, in a nuclear attack, the external affairs department is directed to "assess the interna- tional situation" and report to cabinet. ' 'SEND DONATION TORONTO (CP)--A Canadian i\Red Cross Society donation of $5,000 has been sent to Red Cross authorities in Yugoslavia to aid the victims of the flood- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 19, 1965 7 Lutheran Unity Steps Underway DETROIT (CP) -- Tentative steps toward a unified Lutheran Church in the United' States were taken Thursday by dele- gates to the 46th, annual Mis- souri, synod conyention, An hour-long floor. discussion centred about resolutions on a proposed Lutheran council in the U.S. They were 'the' first such discussions in the history of the traditionally separatist synod, : The council would unify the synod with the American Luth- eran Church and the Luthera) Church in America. The former agreed to the proposal at' their convention last year. The Luth- eran Church in America is slated to. discuss the move at their 1966 meeting. SUNDAY, JUNE 20th -- TRINITY | 9:00. a.m.--Holy Communion -- (Corporation 7th Oshawa Scouts) 11:00 a.m.--Morning Prayer -- Family Service 7:00 p.m.--Evensong Nursery Facilities available ot the 11:00 a.m: Service Thursday, June 24th -- Holy Communion -- 10.00 A.M. ATTENDS BAR MITZVAH Mitzvah, a Jewish ceremony during World War Two. She that marks the attainment luve@au his this year to at- of manhood. The Roman tend the ceremony. "'It's like Catholic priest helped Mrs. a happy ending of a book," PRIEST The Rev. Hubert Celis, 61, centre, puts his arms around Mrs. Regina Wolbrom, 39, and her son, Norman, sn d jsupport four or five radio sta trols, the works department|ing Danube River, a Red' Cross | : | igroup seeking some frequency Standard, the daily newspaper, | control all industrial production) Cc. Burgoyne, Mr. Redmond ing the hearing for permission|stressed the same point. Miss Burgoyne said the newWs-\; RAVE YOUR ADDRESS SAGST deb CHE tok \tion was run as a "break-even"|sought by Mr. Redmond, CKTB-|separate. She had to run the ae dress cards. | . = per. | Speeding Ship AREA 'BLANKETED' Friday, allocates duties to 12 in nearby Welland would sell from other Canadian and U.S.|inet--instead of four as previ- ee pbee c i = i department |mond said. The best year CKTB\og _ tg - 95 - foot - high wave nals didn't come in" the station) would, for one thing, inspect - icf ; reason to refuse this one. itions, advertising in ther papers, | "ir; Bonisteel, who heads « seik. Obuteoll jen Be . CKTB and the St. Catharines| SEES CHANNEL SWITCH Bcteneecprh ddetion wine 1a See said' Friday, His sister Mary, manager of|on which a full-time AM station Pi er eel ' both are owned by William B.\the radio station, applied dur-\could operate in St. Catharines,|anq regulate internal and exter-| ST GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH said, and it was obvious fromito switch CKTB-FM's opera- n n bes trade. . sales figures that the radio sta-tions to the same channel/paper and radio operations are) The post office would distrib, The' fiviberids Ganan Bees he proposition so as not to. take) jstation on the revenues it We "qnerseaty Change: OF ad-| The Reverend R. G. Brooks 5. Th.--Assistent away advertising from the pa-| earned, The new order, a copy of wihch was made available her |AREA BIGGER The St. Catharines area was i The station where he works) Dama es Boats blanketed by a host of signals)cabinet ministers--half the cab- some $150,000 worth of local ad- g stations. If the area was "'put in/ ously, \vertising this year, Mr. Red-| preescorr, ont. (CP) - Timbuctoo where all these sig-| The agriculture had had for local sales was), 'owards hy' the -,.\would have higher earnings. food for "quality and whole- $135,000 despite the fact that it hie pier I ag dont Redmond said there is alsomeness." . ! Mi 13, after he arrived from Bel- gium in New York yesterday Wolbrom and her family Mrs. Wolbrom 'said take refuge from the Nazis --AP Wirephoto had twice as big an available market as Welland. lian destroyer Perth, on its way down the St. Lawrence Seaway _jto Boston' broke. mooring lines and damaged boats and docks worry about independent news coverage in a monopoly situa- |tion like St. Catharines. News- The fisheries department It would also assume contro! would do the same with fish.| 'NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES | Holy Hour To Feature 'Living Rosary Program ST eenguynt The district's Second Annual) Cadet Mabel Jean Rawlins Bible school and three theolog- ber of other congregations are Corpus Christi: Holy Hour willjof Toronto will join the staff of| ical colleges. using: the earlier hour for sum-| be held tomorrow in the Osh-|the Salvation Army in Oshawa) The Church started 11 years/mer services, and in some the awa Civic Auditorium at 2 p.m./for the summer. 280 on a membership campaign) response has been very good. The program will be under! che is a student at the Salva-| called "Double-The-Number" -- the auspices of the Holy Namejtion Army College, Toronto. She} it has more than passed that ob-' Simcoe Street and St, An- Men of Oshawa and the sermom)wij| get practical work in all jective. : . drew's will commence their} will be delivered by Most Rev-/nhases of Corps activities: One of the Church's key proj-| summer services together on P. F. Pocock, Coadjutor Arch- ects currently is a major pro-\June 27 this year. The Rev. bishop of Toronto. Members of the Oshawa 8ram to translate the Scriptures|John Morris will be in charge Feature of the program williseyenth-day Adventist Church into some of the native dialects.|throughout. the month of July. be the presentation of "a living/are planning to take part in the : Then the two congregations will rosary" by the men of the On-\annual Seventh-day Adventist) Rev. Donald Foster, mission- Worship in Simcoe Street for the tario deanery. The pilot group pible 'Conference to be held ary on furlough from the Cana-|month of August under the for 1965 is the Holy Name So-|\jyne 25 - July 3 on the Kings-dian Baptist Mission Field in leadership of the Rev. John ciety of St. Mary-of-the-People|way College campus. India, is to be the guest speaker|Moffat. Both congregations will Parish. Rev. N. J. Gignac is} The ten-day religious event/tomorrow at the First Baptist return to their own worship on the spiritual director of the annually draws some 2,000 peo-| Church. |the Labor Day weekend. group, Donald A. Branch is/ple from Ontario and Quebec) Rey. N. Frank Swackhammer,| secretary and Ron. S. Simcoe|provinces. The purpose of the|minister of the church, will) The St. Andrew's congrega- is president. '/Bible Conference is to provide|leave soon to attend the 1ith|tonal picnic will be held this time for emphasis on study of Baptist World: Congress at|year on June 27 following the the Bible, meditation and pray-| Miami Beach, Florida. Dr. Billy,morning service. The location'{s er, and discussion of religious|Graham, Dr. Gardner Tay-the Claremont Conservation theres away' from the regularjlor and Dr. Thomas B. McDor-|Area about 15 miles north-west routitie pf modern living, ac-|mand' will be among the prin-\of town. Families will bring icording to Pastor L. L. Bock,'cipal speakers. their own lunch to church and | ipresidendS of the Seventh-day} Dr. Joa F. Sdéren of Rio de proceed directly to the area 4or {Adventist churches in Ontario Janeiro, Brazil, is the president|the noon meal. Transportation and Quebec. of the Congress. Professor R.|Will be shared at the church Top theologians, teachers and| Aldwinckle of McMaster Univer-/doors. This picnie Sunday is the physicians of the denomination|sity and Mrs. Edgar Bates, first of the early services at jwill present sermons and lec-| president of the women's, depart- 10.00, \tures on all: phases of life dur-|ment, will be among the Ca- ling the Bible Conference ses-|nadian leaders. Rev. and Mrs lsion. Special workshops on|Swackhammer will meet at the problems of home, problems of;convention with Mr. and Mrs. young people and healthful liv-) Fred Crome and Mr. and Mrs. casts on, CKTB began, with the/over all fish catching, landing words: "Here is the news from/and 'processing. The Standard." | The justice department would sionary Council Service of the/here Friday. | jchurch, Mrs. McMillan will bey was estimated that. the jaccompanied by her six Sons. | perth was travelling at speeds Only one religious denomina-|he responsible for the operation! of 3 to 35 knots. A Seawayition was allowed to broadcast|of civilian interment camps tee 4 official said vessels are 'usually|its services on CKTB, Mr. Red- expected to pass towns and|monq said.. : CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH built-up areas at no more than In any case, he. maintained, (Anglican) The sessions of Simcoe Street! | United Church and St. Andrew's have decided to try an early} service throughout the summer ltor their joint worship. This |means that the' first joint serv- jice at St. Andrew's will start at REV. RICHARD J, BARKER, Minister 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 6:30 P.M. PRAYER FELLOWSHIP 7:00 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP 8:00-P.M. WED., PRAYER SERVICE seven or eight knots. no single radio station could meet the tastes of the 100,000! residents of the immediate area. The board will announce its recommendation on the applica-|| ~ tion later. The wave broke moorings on the Canadian Coast Guard ves- sels Grenville and Simcoe, washed away part of the gov- ernment dock, almost de- stroyed an $8,000 yacht moored off Prescott and sent scurrying lseveral persons fishing from small docks along the river's edge. _-- ne a St TE TTT LTS, ECCI EAC . --_ Se ae = - Mary and. Hilleroft Streets SERVICES 8:00 A.M, 11:00 A.M. NURSERY CARE--11:00 'A.M. WEDNESDAY --- 10:00 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 320 Ritson Road South (near Olive) 723-6325 BAHA'I WORLD FAITH The Whole Gospel to the Whole World Teaches: Oshawa Public Utilities Commission --.InCo-Operation With-- Oshawa Boy Scout and Girl Guide Associations ANNOUNCES Bus Service to Camp Samac "All children must he receive a basic edu- Sunday: cation, including 10 A.M.-- Sunday School rs f ful |i 11 A:M.--Morning Worship training tor a usetu 7:30 P.M.--Evangelistic art, trade or profes- Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study sion, and Prayer Sat. 8:00 P.M.--Young People DEDICATION SERVICES JULY Ist EVERYONE WELCOME For information re: weekly meetings or literature Write Box A5 Oshawa Times ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Temporary Place of Worship: DR. S. J. PHILLIPS: SCHOOL (Corner Rossland and Simcoe Sts.) PASTOR: REV. D, N. HABERMEHL, B.A., M.Th, 10:00 A. M. -- MORNING WORSHIP The Scouts and Leaders of the 7th Oshawa Troop will be at- jtending their annual Corporate Communion at St. George's Effective Tuesday, June 22 to ing will be highlighted. Morley Chesher, all of Oshawa, |. D. W. Bothe, president of the at the convention. jSeventh-day Adventist Church) Mr, Swackhammer was re lin Canada, will open the session elected to the Board of Trustees on Friday. at .7.30 p.m. of McMaster Divinity College at |. Pastor W.. H. Higgins, associ-| the annual assembly of the Bap- ate secretary of the Publishing |tist convention of Ontario and Department of the General Con-|Quebec. He has also' been se- ference of Seventh-day Adven-|lected by the trustees as their \tists with headquarters in Wash-|representative on the Senate of ington, D.C,, will speak on Sat-|the Divinity College 'epee urday, emphasizing the. juve-|Master University. Rev, A. G. Quesnelle of the nije "delinquency problem. and! The congregation of North- Church of St. Gregory the the urgent need for character-|minster United Church will not Great, Oshawa, will move {0 Huijding literature. meet in that church for. five Bay Ridges June 22:to become eyenth-day Adventists are|weeks after tomorrow's. serv- rector of the Holy Redeemer jinting literature in 228 lan-jices -- during that time they Church there. guages from 43 _ publishing will meet each Sunday in the He has been curate here fo jouses around the world, Their First Baptist Church on Hor- the past five years and former- total sales last year (for educa-jtop street in a joint service ly served in Whitby, St-tional, health and evangelical!conducted by their minister, Michael's Cathedral, and St. jiterature) was $31,300,000. Rev. Harry Mellow. Bridget's, Toronto, : Higgins maintains that good) Mr. Mellow will replace Rev. Father Quesnelle, a native Of jiterature could help stem the Frank Swackhammer,' who will Penetanguishene, Ont., will in- crime wave sweeping the Unit- move to Northminster United stitute a fund-raising campaign eq States. Church for a similar five-week at Holy Redeemer, Bay Ridges, : period starting August 1 while fora new parish church. The The Presbyterian Church inthe minister is overseas. congregation of more than 300 Canada will commemorate to-. This has been a most happy families now attends Services 11' morrow the 100th anniversary|arrangemeng in the summer- Holy Redeemer Separate School. of the start of Protestant mis-\time -when congregations are Father Quesnelle will be re-cionary work on the Island of reduced by vacation sched- placed here by Rev. John }rormosa. ules," said Mr. Mellow this Markle, of St. Bernadette's Rey Gordon W. C. Brett, min-'week. "It also shows that the Church, Ajax. ister of 'Knox Presbyterian Baptists and the United Chureh Church, will speak on the sub- people can work in harmony te- MOST REV. P. F. POCOCK Members of the Roman Cath elic clergy im the Archdiocese of Toronto. -- which includes Oshawa and district have) been in retreat at St. Augus tine's Seminary, Scarborough. This is an annual program. There are two sessions of five days each -- half the city and ject in his sermon. gether."' He said this week: The Presbyterian Church' has) Mrs, Ione McMillan, a mis- 170,000 adherents on the island|sionary from the Congo whose (which is the fortress o&Chiang husband was killed during re- Kai-shek) -- there are 24 Ca-|cent uprisings in that area, will nadians on the church staff. The he the guest speaker Thursday, Presbyterian Church's island| June 24, at the King Street Pen- establishment include one uni- tecostal Church. - of Grace Lutheran Church, Osh- district priests: attend one ses'versity, two high schools, one| The meeting will start at 8 sion, the balance the: other. leper colony, two hospitals, onejp.m. and will be under the The final session ended yes: lauspices of the Women's Mis- terday. wy 7 Mer? oa : ait Hite LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE HOUR SUNDAY 5:30 to 6:00 P.M. CKLB -- DIAL 1350 Rev. Phillip L. Fiess, pastor | awa, and president of the On- tario District of the Lutheran Church--Canada, is attending 7 the :international convention of the Lutheran Church--Missouri | Synod. He is acting as consultant member to the Higher Educa- # tion committee. of the synod. 7 The committee will recommend |~ the spending of $66,700,000 for) ~~ capital building in the church's / colleges and seminaries in the! 7 next 10 years. This amount will include new junior colleges in California and. Georgia, men's! dormitories and new faculty} * homes at Edmonton. It will also include a study of the possibil- ity of establishing a Lutheran . "House of Studies." or full col MR & MRS lege which would' be affiliated ; . T. BARTLETT with the University of Toronto. REV, GURDON W. C. BRETT | UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ONTARIO Drange Temple Bruce St., Oshewe (Upstan SUNDAY, JUNE 20th 2:30 P:M.--HEALING AND OPEN CIRCLE "7:00 P.M. DIVINE SERVICE Anglican Church tomorrow. at 9.00 a.m. at which: time the Religion and Life Awards will be presented and breakfast will follow in the Parish Hall. The 11.00 a.m. Service will be a Family service to mark the closing of the Church School with the presentation of awards and promotion certificates. and Me-} Rev. L. Wesley Herbert, min- ister of King Street United Church, will take'a special sum- mer course at Queen's Univer- sity in Astro-Physics. Mr. Herbert, who will relin- quish his duties July 1 as presi- dent of the Oshawa Ministerial Association, will leave July 1 for. Kingston. Ernest Fellows, a student at Emmanuel College, Toronto, will be Mr. Herbert's summer assistant at the church. Guest summer preachers at King Street United will be Rev. Douglas Pilkey of Montreal field secretary of the Mission- ary and Maintenance section of the United Church in Canada (July 25) and Rey. Sterling Kitchen of Toronto, who is. sec- retary of the same group. ~ REQUIRED ORGANIST or ORGANIST Choir Leader Sept. 1 for. COLUMBUS UNITED CHURCH Service 11:15 @.m. For further information call 665-3557 Brooklin GRACE LUTHERAN PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister Vicar: Stephen Stohimon "SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M DIVINE WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.--WED, CHURCH SCHOOL 7:30 PM DIVINE WORSHIP TWO FATHERS: NOAH AND HAM" Nursery care provided during morning worship 7°00 P.M. -- EVENING SERVICE Tune in to CKLB at 11 A.M. on alternating Sundays (Services of Chr, Ref. Churches in the Oshawa-orea) and at 9:15 P.M, (Back to God Hour, each Sunday) [CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST, EAST Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "IS THE UNIVERSE, INCLUDING MAN, EVOLVED BY ATOMIC FORCE ?" Wed; Service (includes testimonies) 8 P.M. READING ROOM--CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. Monday to Thursday--11:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Branch of The Friday 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.n in Listen to: The Bible Speaks To You CKLB 9 A.M, Every Sunday [oe eT FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH f (Eastern Canada Synod) Pastor: THe REV. HENRY FISCHER Monday, September 6, 1965 only p The present Simcoe St. Route will be ded te di Seamec at times shown in the schedule hereunder. From To-- Leave From -- King & Simcoe Sts. To -- Camp Samac Leave Leave ** 8:00 a.m, 12:15 p.m. * 8:20 12:45 * 8:45 1:15 ** 9:00 1:45 9:15 2:15 9:45 2:45 10:45 3:15 10:45 3:45 0:15 11:45 * 8:30 * 9:00 * ** 8:15 am: SUNDAY 9:45 A.M_~--Sunday School 11:00 A.M.--The Service 725-2755 JUNE, 20th ® * Operotes Saturday Only -- "Does Not Operate Seturday MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING 91 Centre St. at Metcalf St. You Are Invited to Worship With Us MAPLE GROVE SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY SERVICES will be held on Sunday, June 20th at 2:30. and 7:30: P.M. GUEST SPEAKER --- Rev. Basil E. Long of Orono GUEST SOLOIST -- Mr. Ross Metcalf of Hampton Speci&l Music in the afternoon by the: Sunday Sehoo! and the Evening by the Choir Wednesday, June 23rd beginning at 5:00 p.m Supper will be served Adults $1.50 @ Children under Sunday -and Holiday To -- Camp Samoc From From -- King & Simcoe Sts. Leave 9:30 am, 10:30 . 11:30 { 12:30 p.m. { 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 6:30 17:30 8:30 9:30 Leave 12 75c gers for Camp Monday Thru Saturday Service -- Camp Samee King & Simcoe Sts. Leave 12:00 p.m. 12:30 Sea 22e09 S&5SSSS8 Service -- Camp Semac To -- King & Simcoe Sts. 1:45 2:45 p.m. PLEASE CLIP AND SAVE THIS SCHEDULE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE

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