Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jun 1965, p. 14

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WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Matthews-Robinson The Reverend A. M. Butler; Also attending the bride were ps mg , the marriage ew Mrs. James Robinson, Mrs. y afternoon of Dorothy ; F 6 Mildred Robinson and Douglas David Robinson, both of bis Lorne Matthews. The bride is|#W@, and Mrs. Ted Boricic, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.|Orono. They wore mauve nylon Thomas Robinson, Oshawa, and|sheer over matching taffeta, the bridegroom is the. son of|with wedding band headdresses Mr. Lorne -V. Matthews, ofito match and carried white Whitby. carnations and. yellow chrysan- The ceremony took place in|themums. Cedardale United Church. Mr.; Miss Debbie Weyrich, Stanley Locke played the wed- flower girl was a miniature 'ding music and accompanied| replica of the matron of honor. Mr, Frank Stacey in singing) yy 'Thomas Hart was the "The Wedding Prayer" and/nest man and ushering were | "The Lord is My Shepherd." |r. Harold Hart, Mr. John The bride's "egei gave her! page Mr. George Togham. in tharriage. She wore a floor- Se , i ies A recéption followed at Osh- yg ba ise er reel Tennis Club and later the : the loped lace over satin with lily- point lace sleeves. The neck- line, squared at the front and V'd at the back, was beaded with sequins and pearls. to match her wedding band head- dress holding a waist-length veil of tulle. She carried a cascade of yel- | /couple left on a motoring honey- moon. For travelling, the bride donned a navy blue, princess line jumper dress and matching jacket and a navy blue hat, all of white carnations and roses. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews will low roses and ivy trails. return to reside at 2 Churchill Mrs. Stanley Weyrich,|/steet, Whitby. Whitby, was the matron of) Guests were present from honor in yellow nylon sheer over Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering, Whit- taffeta with a self wedding band|by, Brighton, Belleville ,, Toron- headdress. Her flowers were|to, Combermere, Ma d.oc, Ban- white carnations and orchidjnockburn, Orono, Bowmanville chrysanthemums. and Brooklin. i # with white trim, and a corsage ~ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rob- inson, Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. Lorne V. Matthews of Whitby. DOROTHY Mildred Robin- son and Douglas Lorne Mat- thews were united in mar- riage last Saturday in Cedardale United Church. The bride is the daughter of | --Ireland Studio ed and the rem newspapers, THE STARS SAY By' ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Romantic interests still con-| tinue in planetary favor, as do social and creative pursuits, so Sunday should be an exception- ally pleasant day. Also favored: Travel and outdoor activities. ANN LANDERS Marriage With No Sex ~ Not Normal or Happy Dear Ann Landers: My wife|specific woman at this time but|FOR THE BIRT ; i | HDAY = I _-- ye gonad ge for/he has had some serious af-| If tomorrow is your birthday, years. 1 am and she is/fairs with. women so there is| Janet fi i 44. In the last couple. of years| nothi hibin jyour planetary configurations she has become so disinter- ica. oe Oh tee he Set. oe ested in sex that I am lucky) Am I doing him an atiubiesleaae | rig sr ne rg sal if she looks my way once evéry|by allowing him to live here?--|ottuire Ron te ee minten )B3 g him Ive here?--|affairs. For the Gemini-born, six weeks. |R..XL, \the period between now and After a lot of arguing I in-| Dear R..XL.: If a son enjoys| Sept. 15. should be notable for sisted that she go to the doctor.|living in his mother's home and! fine forward strides. along the The doctor said she is in' good/if she enjoys having him there| aforementioned lines, with still) health, but a little run-down. He/I can't see that it is anyone|fyrther boosts promised pi gave her a prescription which/else's business. Most men would|the first week of October and she lost on the bus that same/not choose such a setup, but if}the last week in December. It day. She has never bothered to your son does he should not be! will be time then to consolidate get another one. |-considered peculiar. lgains, for both January and Last night my wife said:| Dear Ann' Landers: The letter February will be somewhat on "Why can't we have ajfrom the young girl who was|the slow side, but you will then normal marriage and forgetiin love with the- married manjenter another excellent three- | about sex?" next door and. expecting his)month cycle beginning on Mar. | | I love her, Ann, and I don't|child hit me between the eyes./1, 1966, and you can begin to) lwant to look elsewhere like/The man's wife. couldn't have|expand -operations again. Just] some of the geezers at the shop/children and she wanted tojone admonition: Between Oct. | do; but if she doesn't show a| adopt the girl's baby, not know-|15 and Dec. 15, do avoid ex-| little interest soon I might beling it was her husband's. forced to. Any advice?--Voice| You told her, "No! A million! previous gains. From The Deep Freeze times no!" and I hope she takes} Personal relationships will Dear Voice: Apparently your|your advice. The biggest mis-|also be star-blessed during the wife doesn't know that a mar-|take of my life was saying|coming year, with emphasis on| jriage without sex is neither] 'tyes." | {normal nor happy. ii I am only 18 but I feel like your Losing the prescription-on the 118, My out-of-wedlock child), A . : bus was as neat a bit of Freud) was not fathered by the man| You will ee ee as I've ever heard. Tell your|next -door, but I allowed my! 4 new life for yourself ; wife to go back to the doctor aunt and uncle (who live next " : and get some goad literature on door) to adopt him. the subject--as well as another child is:seven months old prescription. and my heart breaks whenever Dear Ann Landers: I am a, see him. My mother has asked widow over 60, My son is. almy aunt not to bring the baby bachelor 32 years old. Hal has over or speak of him but my| travelled and worked abroad, is| aunt can't help herself. I never lsuccessful in business and has| go to their home but I always letter. And now I hope If your parents and aunt and uncle can help you further your education I strongly recom- }mend it. If not, go to work. ELECTROLYSIS Unwanted hair permanently re- ¢ THE OSHAWA TIMES, , Soturdey, June 19, 1968 9Q_ romance for the balance of this month, in late August late Oc- tober, next February and April. Most. propitious periods for travel: The next three months (fine for Geminians on_ all counts); also late October, next January and April. A child born on this day will be warm - hearted, extremely gregarious and unusually tal- ented along creative lines. DAY AFTERTOMORROW It may require unusua! . pa- tience and determination to solye some "tricky" situations on Monday, but keep plugging. If you don't just "give up," you jean come through handsomely.) FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Monday is your birthday, the next year, while not promis-| ing anything sensational in, the way of attainment, does indi- cate some very good periods for advancement in both job and monetary interests. Nice steps forward can be made between now and Sept. 1, in early Oc- tober, late December and for a three-month period beginning with the first of next March. During intermittent periods, over - optimism cause you te" splurge needlessly. 4 Domestic, social and senti-" mental relationships will be un- der excellent auguries for most' of the next 12 months, with em-) phasis on romance this month; in late August, late October, next February and April; on travel, between now and Sept. 15, late October' next January and April. Creative workers should have an_ outstanding year, with notable periods of accomplishment promised be- fore the first of July, in August, September and next January. A child born on this day will be highly imaginative and origi- nal in his thinking and works; a reliable and understanding companion. | PLAN VIGIL TORONTO (CP) -- Twenty- eight clergymen plan a two-day vigil outside the Ontario legis- lature starting Monday to pro- test what they term the "'inad- equacies'~ of the government's Medical Services Insurance jtravagance or you could offset however, it would be well to/Act. There are two Presbyter- operate most conservatively orjians and one Unitarian. Others you could offset gains. Don't let|are United Church. Do VOU. ; GOLF * PLAY TEN INIS * RIDE * SWIM SAIL * WATER-SKI... Can TOW... Do You Enjoy... _ » Have DANCE * PLAY LAWN-BOWLING MANOEUVRE A CANOE OR DEMOLISH A. PICNIC LUNCH'... MOUTH-WATERING FOOD * CONTINENTAL ELEGANCE * IMPECCABLE SERVICE BREATH-TAKING SCENERY AND PEOPLE POIOEE COMPANY YOU'LL BE GLAD CHILDREN. WE HAVE...A SUPERVISED Lighten Cleaning moved from face, arms and CHILDREN'S PROGRAM. £ Oth s 5 legs. Medically Approved Me- ou nants of a bridge deck 100k | had his own apartment off and) seem to be running into them worse than dusty tables. And} | By Self-Study Substitute a little imagination |for elbow grease, and you'll be surprised how much more you ican lighten home cleaning The trick is to adapt the clean- sto fit your own per- " DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings |. activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. CALVARY BAPTIST YWMC |licious meal was reeks hbo Young Women's Mission|the members finished their cof OU dine of Calvary Baptist Church|fee, Mrs. Gordon White held a oe ap Ba ig held its annual spring banquet bet ene ee Hooper vacuum pee hand foe at~ Manchester with 41 mem- Mrs. James Parsons, the edu- vourself: this astitude hehe bers attending. After the ban-|cational secretary, led the mem-'" mie : a es quet the members went to the bers in a lively discussion of} Are ey flibbertigibbet? You home.of--Mrs. Vernon Wright|Pierre _Berton's book, "'The begin a w irlwind attack on the for the devotion period and|Comfortable Pew". sok iy Re Abd eit to games. Tickets were distributed to they're Pisusd, 'you veniember The speaker for the evening)members for the annual night) ,)--° er ide besides, how can you dust with} all that debris thrown about? Put it away, before it piles up. Are you a collector? Desk and| kitchen drawers are overflow- ing with unfiled recipes, out-| dated road maps, broken knives and useless bits of string? Hor- rible dust collectors, all of them. Toss them out, even if it breaks your heart at the time. Tomor- row you'll have forgotten them. Are you a traditionalist? The old way is the best way for you? You're in the broom age. You don't ever think to check new Cleaning products, to ana- lyze your work habits for great- | was Mrs. Gerald Morehouse,|of cards which will be held this the over-flowing waste-baskets, Toronto. The Reverend and} Mrs. Morehouse are. mission-| aries on the home field for Sudan United Mission, . where Mr. Morehouse is serving as Canadian Secretary. Mrs. More-| house brought a short devotion-| al message and showed color-j ed slides of their work on the| Africa. speaker. Games were played. CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP The Christian Women's Fel-| lowship held its final meeting of the season recently at the home of Mrs. E. L. Matyi, Grenfell street. The president, George Galloway' presided. The devotional message was given by Mrs. Walter Zimmer- man--her subject being "'Chris- tian Service'. She' pointed out that regardless of where one lived or worked he could al- ways find opportunity to serve God, and his fellowmen Mrs. Galloway thanked the speaker, and Mrs. Matyi for the use of her home. A tea-towel shower was held for the Bible Club Camp. A picnic was. planned for Aug- ust 2, and the next meeting was scheduled for September 20 .at the home of Mrs. Ernest Woods,' Thornton road south. Prior to the meeting a de- licious dinner was enjoyed at the Coach House, Whitby. BATHE PARK AUX. The June meeting of Bathe Park Ladies' Auxiliary was held with Mrs. William Haight presiding. Mrs. Wilfred Ogden gave a bingo report. Mrs. Haight thank- ed all the members who had helped on park opening day Game winners were Mrs Douglas. Moore, Mrs. James Brady and Mrs. Cyril Shrigley. Pot-luck refreshments were enjoyed. CHRIST CHURCH WA (Naomi Branch) The members of the Naomi Branch of Christ Church Women's Auxiliary -enjoyed a pleasant evening recently at the home of Mrs. Donald Liddiard, Glenbrook avenue, where they held their closing meeting in the form of a pot-luck supper Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon said Grace, after which a de- | Mrs. d year, Wednesday, September 29. This is the first project to be undertaken when meetings are resumed in the fall. SIMCOE STREET UCW (Commingle Unit) A pot-luck supper featured the final meeting of the season for show a touch of tarnish before! mission field in Chad, Central/tne Commingle Unit of Simcoe you're at it. Cleaniness |Street United Church Women. Mrs. Harry Grant thanked the} yrs. Orville Eagle said Grace.|you. Don't let it, for there'll |The short business meeting was 'conducted by Mrs. Rex Harper. | Will knock the cleaning problem | Three weddings are to be j.\catered to during the summer: it was announced. | SA HOME LEAGUE At the regular meeting Tues- ay afternoon of the Salvation Home League, the was "A Tribute To Army's theme Father'. It was announced that the next meeting would be in the charge of Mrs. W. S. Saunders, and Beverley Shea's hymns would be featured. It was decided that the picnic would be held at Lakeview Park on Tuesday, June 29. Some of the groups reported having held pot-luck suppers with games and contests. A birthday parcel was sent to the Home League's adopted Kor- ean girl * Next week several members will be attending a_ leaders' camp at Robin Lake near Belle- ville | | CLUE} tfarrsa) WIFE PRESERVER When the tip comes off a shoe- lace, dip it in glue, twist be- tween forefinger and thumb and let dry. Decide To Dance? LEARN ALL THE NEW STEPS Brush up on the old favourites ARTHUR MURRAY franchised studio 1114 Simeoe S. 728-1681 Betty INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 and on it goes. Nothing has been jcompleted, and you're a wreck! from this jumping about. Train! yourself to finish _ half-done tasks, and you'll save energy. Are you a compulsive scrub- ber? You sctub windows that are already sparkling. The sil- ver never gets a chance to} er efficiency and less strain. Get yourself up-to-date, and you'll be surprised at the re- sults. EXPO RISES HIGH The 1,066-foot tower at Expo 67, the Montreal World's. Fair, will cost about $20,000-000. on. When my husband died two in the market, or on the street, kills me. | thod. The agony of giving up one's) Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshowa ot the GENOSHA HOTEL June 21, 22, 23 PHONE 723-4641 For appointment on these dates jyears ago Hal decided to give and it just up his apartment and move in with me. own flesh and blood is unbear-; Friends and relatives have able but watching your child] made snide remarks -- hinting! grow up in someone else's home that something must be wrong is hell. Please, Ann, keep re- with a 32-year-old man who\peating your advice to unwed lives with his mother. Hal says|mothers. to give their children lhe enjoys it here and frankly,/to licensed agencies. I wish 1 \it's wonderful for me. had.--Tortured Tammy Hal is not interested in any! Dear Tammy: Thank you for LOW, LOW OFF-SEASON RATES!1 You're missing the fun at GRAY ROCKS INN St. dovite, Quebec, Canada or phone: St. Jovite 425-2771 You won't miss anything if you write for brochures When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "'Home-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" ranks above godliness with come a day when an emergency out the window. Do what must be done, not what has been done. Are you_a litter bug? Tables strewn with old letters, discard- UP TO $200-°° In Cash! Enter OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Monthly FAMILY ALLOWANCE DRAW! @ SIMPLY CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE AT THE CENTRE AND ASK FOR FREE ENTRY FORMS @ DEPOSIT ENTRY FORM INTO BALLOT BOX AT FLAG POLE IN THE MALL, @ ENTRY SELECTIONS THIS MONTH WILL BE MADE ON THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1965. o¢ Did your tired old heating system jus' through the past winter? Will it last another hard heating season? Chances are, if your furnace is 10 orm heating and enjoy truly worry-free heati for many years to come. Only Gas heating gives youall these adv. cost operation ¢ Clean--no film or s HERE'S HGW YOU CAN WIN THE BIG 'GAS HEAT JACKPOT' PRIZE! When you buy Residential Gas Heating (Furnace, Boiler, Conversion Burner) you qualify for the Grand Gas Heat Jackpot Prize. All these fabulous Gas appliances can be yours!--everything you need for truly Modern Living with Yes! lame stand that NAME BUY.GAS HEAT NOW AN FOR THE BIG 'GAS HEAT JACKPOT' PRIZE old you aren't getting all the heat you pay for. Fuel bills are high, performance is low. Now is the time to install dependable, automatic Gas e Low cost installation e Special low rates e Low Odorless e Space saving--Compact equipment --No fuel storage e Silent operation ¢ 24-hour *Drawn Monthly for three months, D QUALIFY a day service e Fuel supply always on hand @ Free adjustment--anytime. Now, take advantage of Summer installation prices. Your Automatic Gas Heating can be in- stalled quickly, conveniently, with no waiting, no fuss or muss... and with no inconvenience. to you. And, you'll be surprised at the low cost! * No Down Payment ¢ No payment until September ¢ Easy payment on your Gas bit t stagger through ore years ngluxury antages: mudge e@ 8 OUT OF 10 FAMILIES IN METRO WHO BUY HEATING BUY GAS. onsidering new heating. Please send me a free copy of your heating booklet 'You Can't Beat Gas Heat"! | under- when I buy Gas Heating | qualify to win the Grand Gas Heat Jackpot Prize. Gas: @ TAPPAN-GURNEY DOUBLE OVEN RANGE @ INGLIS FULLY-AUTOMATIC WASHER SADDRESS PHONE @ INGLIS 2-SPEED DRYER @ RUUD ORNAMENTAL OUTDOOR LIGHT @ RUUD READY-FOR-ACTION GAS BARBECUE MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY » OR CALL YOUR LOCAL York Plumbing 728-1731 J. 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