BAN SMOKE ADS state-owned Ethiopian tobacco of cigarettes im newspe- : ADDIS ABABA (AP) --With-| monopoly, the health ministry oon ind on Soa radio of x out prior consultation with the'has prohibited all advertise- billboards. eee ~ OUR TIP TO BRIDES Lef Us Do Your Dry Cleaning | Brides, start out your homemaking the right way by letting us take care of all your dry cleaning needs. We'll help you keep your garments, home furnish- ings bright and new-looking longer. You CORDUROY FOR LEISURE : can rely on our trusted service and years of experience. An outfit for leisure wear . overblouse is accented with in beige wide wale corduroy. the same lacing of leather * The slacks are bell-bottomed and has a boat neckline and laced with leather. The which lends itself to fill-ins I of many types. Planning Is Basis glassware on one side, china and CLEAN IT SERVICE cos on the other. Smaller 92 Wolf 5 Call 725 3555 ' ifts should be in front. Kit- olfe St. bd _ For Any Reception| chen appliances, linens and blankets may be on a separate Even the smallest reception | table nearby. calls for organization, planning and attention to tradition. The location of the reception and the size and floor plan of the rooms will determine to a large extent where the. bridal party will stand. Remember that the guests should move freely from the receiving line to the room in which refreshments will A be served without creating a traffic jam. $150.00 THE RECEVING LINE At a traditional reception, the pbride's mother stands at the door to receive her guests first. A butler to announce the guests may come in handy at a large formal wedding. Next to the hostess «stand.the groom's mother and father. The bride's father, as host, is rarely on the receiving line and should in- stead mingle with the guests, as do the best man and ushers. The traditional receiving line 24 is composed of the bride, groom a and her attendants in either > HY | A of the following orders: half the = 7 appiness 2 pridesmaids, the maid of honor at the bride's right, the bride : DI AMOND at the groom's right, the groom, er the rest of the bridesmaids; or all the bridesmaids can stand- together to the right of the maid wes from of honor. Nene be At an Orthodox or Conserva- : if : tive Jewish wedding, the parents or. $225.00 - of both bride and groom may be part of the bridal party and , 20 may therefore receive on the same line with them. y JEWELLERS North GIFT DISPLAY TABLE Whether or not to display wed- ' ding gifts is a sakier of per- Matched sets for your engagement and wedding sonal taste. If you decide to ; plans, Each set Is distinctive and beautiful . .. naa eA eeeral estes gu offering many variations in beauty and value. furniture or the far end of the} | ' "J $15.00 Down -- $4.00 Week living room away from door-| | : - ) : B $15.00 Down -- $4.00 Week ways and traffic. A white table- x C $20.00 Down -- $5.00 Week cloth or sheeting may be used, ; = ' Y DRO) D $22.50 Down -- $5.50 Week perhaps with a simple floral : fC E $50.00 Dowe -- $12.00 Week or ribbon decoration on it. is Arrange the presents in an attractive pattern to show them at their best. Group the items, perhaps with flat silver and sil- t yer, ,holloware, 49... PE... SePbtes. 5 SE esa nee ae A a Mw