Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jun 1965, p. 5

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<< 9, cs ree omg E Pi . J : a ¥ Sonasaeaice ro , naan ied Sere ee ee ee eee et ee ee Sie a i aia as ss Pe a Ta call a ce a - COLORFUL PARADE OPENS WHITBY GENERAL HOSPITAL BUILDING CAMPAIGN Farm Safety Meetings | Arranged In County UXBRIDGE -- Farm safetyjed eight men, two women, three) Association will be a to ings are b arranged|boys and one girl. Besides this|discuss and demonstrate safety -- 4 lIéss of life through accidentitechniques and first aid prac- for members of -the Ontario} County 4-H Agricultural and/ihe cost of medical and hospital 'Electrical Safety in the Home'. homemaking clubs. Thes€ pj); amounted to $26,800 and) H. L. Fair, agricultural repre-| meetings will be held as follows,|yroperty damage amounted to|sentative will outline the Farm| and will count as the regular)gi4¢ g99, \Safety program being carried! June 4-H club meeting The purpose of these 4-H clubjout by the Ontario County Farm Monday, June 21, Uxbridge safety meetings is to impress on|Safety Council this. year. Ar-| Secondary School 8 p.m.; Tues-our farm boys and girls thejrangements for these' meetings} THE WHITBY GENERAL Hospital Building Campaign was officially opened Satur- day morning when a color- ful parade moved through the business section to Cen- tennial Park where officials TODAY'S ropic NEED of the appeal addressed a gathering of almost 2,000 people. In the picture at right members ofthe Whit- by) Lions Club are seen erecting the thermometer at the 'Four Corners'? which FOR YMCA Do you think Whitby needs a YMCA? 2,664 eight-hour days were lost,|tices. There will also be a film)? day, June 2,3 Brooklin Town-\need for greater safety meas-|have been made by the staff of! ? ship Hall 8 p.m.; Wednesday./ures on our farms. i June 23, Brock District High! Howard Nodwell, agricultural|culture, Uxbridge School 8.00 p.m. engineer for Ontario County,| All club members, parents, In the Farm Accident Survey|will give an illustrated talk onjand others interested in farm conducted in Ontario Count y\safety in the operation of farm'safety are invited to attend the during 1959-60 there were 14)machinery. <A_ repr sentative| meeting most convenient for fatalities, in which were involv-|from the St. John Ambulance'them. Rover-Ranger Competition = Two Injured | In Accidents | Scheduled For Camp'Samac lents CAESAREA (Staff) -- Rich-} Due to the examinations there|tiful painting of HMCS Crusader|,.4 Gould. 5, sustained head has not been a SRS Crusader|done by Mr. Wotten. leuts and possible internal in- column for some time. In spite! of the examinations our meet-|ko will be leaving the crew be- cause they have become of age. ings have been held as usual. Louise Bilyj and Mary Kolyn-| Are you going to' attend Ca-|We'll be sorry to see you go, mas, The Annual Rover-Ranger/ girls. juries Sunday afternoon when} struck by-an auto operated by| William §S. K. Chant, 348 Spa-} dina rd., Toronto The child was taken to the} "agriculture in the. last -govérn-}fice Competition, Camas, sponsored) Mate Pearse RN is also leav-| Port Perry Memorial Hospital| by the Rover Round table is to|ing us. She has completed her|ang was later transferred to the! be held at Camp Samac, June|Registered Nursing course and|Qshawa General Hospital. The! 19. The Rangers from Crusader|Will be going to Toronto to nurse.|a-cident was investigated by the| astonished everyone at the last|Good luck, matey Bowmanville detachment of the competition and won the trophy} Four of our girls are going on|gpp (a hunk of wood!) Come on/a Cruise from Mystic Sea Port.) 4 second accident, girls let's do it again! Don't|Mate Nesbitt will be one of the forget to bring your bathing|fficers with the girls. Catherine 'suits. See you there! |Ayres, Mary Anne Cardinal, Jo The crew is finally the prow qjAnn Zak, and Chery! Kreasul possessors of an American flag|/€@Ve from Toronto on July 2. complete with 50 stars. Last| They will be back on July 17. year at the Regatta the Ameri-|!HeY Will be sailing on brigs can girls were disappointed to and will learn the basics of see that we were flying an out- involving} personal injury, occurred -Satur- day afternoon at the intersec- tion of the Scugog and Taunton rds. In the accident Terence} Gerald Fitzgerald, 11, of RR 1,| Hampton, was injured. The} vehicle involved in the accident! was. driven by Robert Wayne Bradt,' 395 Ritson rd. s., Osh- awa. An officer of the OPP detach- {ment at Bowmanville said four accidents involving. property damage were investigated. dur- ing the weekend. sailing these ships, Each girl is dated flag (ours had only fourty-|imited to one dufflebag and one eight stars--or was it thirteen?)/ "ernst cate. acer ap iit Toate emt ck mew one WheD at's what some gis take fo tember' for the Regatta, the new/? weekend! These girls have flag will fly proudly with our|P€e" Planning (and paying for) new flag (the one with the red| '4S trip for two years and now leaf! ) it is a matter of two weeks be-| | * : fore they go. They should be) | Everyone has a job for the| congratulated because each girl Dad Buys David regatta in the fall and A Model Auto : they| paid her full amount for the trip| should start working on apc |Without any outside help. Wel SEBASTOPOL,. Calif {David Taylor thinks he is a right now. Cutter practice should hope these girls . get full en- Congratulations to Ted Luhta-|jycky 18-year-old. He just got a Nart soon: joyment out of this trip! Recently, the 'cutter champs 1964' were presented with key-\la on his cruise and to Jerry| new car asah : Aehtd igh sc rad- cahin metals commemorating|Powlenchuk on his traininglyation present. nome! Ered their victory. The coxswain,|course. Congratulations also go : Louise Bilyj presented them tojout to Ted Tilling and Jim he opr of the crew who|Hutchinson on getting their trip! owed at York last fall. Louise/to Europe. Have fun boys. | > ar and Sharon (mate Hester) also| That's all for now, oe ay uaimentary lege see youl», . ; ' was born that wa presented the crew with a beau-|Saturday at Camas Deanite 9 onan Re-Elect Bemard Holden "sanz Hospital Group President Pe ~ ~ gw Holdenieral Hospital, was elécted vice- rer so David could get) administrator of Bowmanville x . } Memorial Hospital, was re-ac- chairman. The secrétary - trea-| Because David has no arms, claimed chairman of the Ontario/S4e" 15 Leo P. Doiron, assis-\his car has no steering wheel Hospital Association, -- District/tant superintendent of Peter-; David's '"'stick" is a cradle Hospital Council No. 7, at the|borough Civic Hospital. for his right foot. He steers by annual dinner meeting at thé Directors elected wére Harold) ™OVving it right or left, accel- Cobourg Golf and Country Club, Matthews, member of the boar erates by impose» forward The honorary chairman isiot poy ' P Brakes, lights, windows. and Sister Mary Paul of-St. Joseph's|cigi® Hecwtal eterborough| wipers are controlled with the General Hospital, Peterborough.|-.. oe ealy Venn Dave, ad-|left foot. R. G. Parker, chairman of the|mivater of Port Hope Dis-| David passed a rigid driving board of Cobdurg District Gen. trict Hospital; Floyd Abrams,|test and the sfate has issued ----_________.___ {administrator of the Cobourg}him a licence. In the last two |District General Hospital; and! weeks. he has driven 2.000 7 ae 'Ken MacInnis, administrator of| miles | Quaison Sackey the Ajax and Pickering General) His teacher was Carl Sumida In Cabinet Post Hospital an artist - engineer who mod- Mr. Holden in his annual re-jified the car to fit David's ACCRA (Reuters). -- Alex port told. of the general andithighless, kneeless 24-inch-long Quaison-Sackey, current pres executive-meetings--held--during'| legs ident, of the United. Nations Assembly,-has.. been! model, especially rigged David because' he has no arms He |to go on to college Russell Taylor, who is ithe year. j Gener He said the most significant made foreign {minister of Ghana/@Ppening had been the forma- in a new cabinet whose mem-|tion of an administrator's sec- bership was disclosed here Sun-|'ion which provides the ma- day chinery whereby the chief ex- Kojo Botsio, the former for-/¢cutive Officers of district hos- eign minister, becomes chair-|Pitals meet on a regular basis man of the state planning com:| 2 discuss mutual problems mission with a seat in the cab inet, according to a list pub lished by the Ghana. news agency. Krobo Eduse FISHERMEN Reel, Rod Repairs CROWD SAW GADGETS ben A popular spot to visit in 19th D century Washington was the dis- gh : " Sportsman's Cor minister of|play of models at the Patent Of- Until 1880, all patent ap- ment, becomes chief of state/plications had to be accompan- Whitby, Ont protocol without a cabinet seat.jied by a model. Brenda Mah His new car is a one-of-a-kind/from the North York Track for! Club, lhere metres David|track and | like of the jany other youngster and plans|Union. The event was won by ' : {Sandra Knott of Cleveland hat's one reason his father, experienced half - in the)4:45.4. Francie Kraker of trucking business paid for the|troit was second, 1965 model car and modifica-|----------_______ the Ontario Department of Agri- ta: ea Mrs. Shirley Otter ™ |\siding. oes Alfred Pike Mrs. Shirley Otter, of RR 1, Whitby: "! think so, it would keep. the younger people out of trouble." Alfred' Pike, needs one. be athletes and stay out of of John Ferguson, of 1027 Centre st.,: "Yes. It is a good | Rev. Houslander It would be a place for the yonung people.' idea Arthur Wilson, of provide healthy recreation. could be fixed up for this." Mrs. Sylvia Hanna, of 305 Kent st.: could do with one. It would people." Lloyd Cooper, of Fairport have a YMCA. It cilities ths Arthur Wilson TORONTO GIRL THIRD | CLEVELAND (CP - AP) -- a 12-year-old girl third) 1,500 States finished the central Toronto, Saturday in at the 740 Dundas st., w., It would give the young fellows a chance to 306 Palace 'st.: gives youngsters proper Mrs. Sylvia Hanna "Yes the town ' trouble.' It would house "Yes I do Maybe the old court '7 think the town be a good place for young Beach: '"'Yes, Whitby should recreation fa- ++», John Ferguson . F \University in September. ih Si ba isthe 7 will record the progress of the campaign. At left Dr. J. O. Ruddy, campaign chairman, is seen riding in an open convertible, during the parade, with His Wor- ship Mayor Warren Mowat. --Oshawa Times Photo Ajax Resident | Accident Victim | TORONTO -- A 46-year-old Ajax man who celebrated his 20th wedding anniversary Satur- day was killed early Sunday while working at the Kaiser Aluminum Co, plant on Ashton- bee rd. in Scarboro Joseph Andrew Howley of |Ridout st. was crushed to death when pulled into an aluminum processing machine. The large; machine paints and varnishes jand dries and rolls aluminum Howley was inspecting the /\cooling process when his left alarm was caught by a rubber lroller He was pulled into the }machine and his chest: chrush- ed He leaves his wife and a 10- year-old son. | Church Senan | BOWMANVILLE (TC) -- Rev. and Mrs. W. K. Houslander {were honored by the congrega- jtion of Trinity United Church iprior to their. departure jwill assume |Bowmanville United: Mr. Houslander has been pas- jtor of the local church for seven | years, Russell Osborne was master of ceremonies. Rev. A. W. Hard- pg |ing conducted the worship ser- vice and L. C Mason read an -jaddress. A, Lobb and Rex Wal- |ters presented the guests of :|honor with a hi fi set. The Jack ziand Jill Club presented them Pal wi sain '\with records. % | ee | Re Lloyd Cooper A social hour followed in the Sunday School rooms. re | i FRIGIDAIRE Rapid Dry, Cleaning 8 Ibs. of dry cleaning $2.00 Blair Park Plaza Sat. -- 9 om. to 5 p.m Mon. to Fri. -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. f field Amateur championships U.S Athletic an in De- miler, YOURSELF! make your own sparkling, satisfying man-size beverage | Dor '" HOP-FLAVOURED MALT EXTRACT Dark ~ Light - Extra Light (Bay a tin at your grocer's today) RECIPE BOOK 38 tested recipes for thirst quenching beverages, fla- vourful meat and luncheon dishes, desserts, candies, cakes and breads. Write to: DORIC RECIPE BOOK LALLEMAND wc. | » 1620 Pretontaine St, Montreal, Que. . BROCK _ wuroy One Complete Show Each Evening Starting 7:30 ~ conventioi in New York GLENN | FORD GERALDINE PAGE n HEART" Recommended as Adult Entertainment H JY B a GAMO f rree i Ds Gab * Gi Wally Crouter i i | | | "YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE. .." Wake up grumpy, still tired, listless and unwilling to face the, ? Don't bite the | children. Thousands of CFRB _ listeners start the day with a smile on their face because of | The Old Crout. A capable con- | versationalist on any subject #rom egg piants to dirigibles, | that's CFRB's Wally Crouter | and the sound from the Music Room is designed not to jar your nerves. Start your day the right way with Wally Crouter, weekday mornings from 6:00 to 10:00, CFRRB e101o | ONTARIO'S @RMILY STATION / a an ce ae ee de a es ae cae ee as aan an ak oe oe a Ga ee oe de a eae a cae a a . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, June 14, 1968 § Five Area Students! Get Scholarships BOWMANVILLE (TC), -- Scholarships for further study in various fields of pure and ap- * Transport Board Approves i rato fade «pre wa ae | COMMUtter Bus To Oshawa ed to several local and area) PETERBOROUGH -- The On-jgrounds that he would apply for students. 'Itario highway transport board|chartér service at a later date. David Milne, son of Mr. and|has approved an application by No other' bus company is op- Mrs. Bruce Milne, a student at], peterborough man for com-jerating commuter, service" be- Queen's University, was award-!muter bus service between the|tween Peterborough and the GM ed the Provincial of Ontariolcity and the General Motors|Plant. Graduate Fellowship worth|piant in Oshawa - In the beginning Mr. Leeson $1,500. He will attend Toronto ' will supply bus service for the James Leeson, 637 Union St. h 'and will said he hoped to being the serv-\4ay shift at the plant IL ice with one bus within 30 days, St@P 31 various pickup points in Within two months he plans to 4 ' have two buses making the trip. "he re here by ; Ald. Geoffrey Feeley appeared 47), before the board Friday as council's representative in sup- port of Mr. Leeson's application for a public commercial vehicle licence. Whe he appealed to council May 17 for support, Mr. Leeson lstated about 250 Peterborough residents were commuting daily to the General Motors plant. Council agreed to support his application when Mr. Leeson said some of the GM workers were considering moving tito Oshawa to live. Mr. Leeson said Stock Broth- ers and Colonial Coach Lines opposed his application on the Garth Taylor, a University of Toronto student, was awarded up to $1,500. John T. Allin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allin and Howard W. Rundle, son of Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Rundle, students at Toronto: University, were each awarded scholarships valued to $3,000 each. 'Verne G. Chant, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Chant, Hamp- ton, was awarded a bursary scholarship valued at $2,500. Books Donated To Hospital BOWMANVILLE (TC) -- Sev- eral donations of pocket books, and ma were know- ledged at a recent meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. Cloth toys, made by a local "We're : seeing the by car STRIPS. TOUR MINES LUSAKA, Zambia (AP)--Just ja marathon. All marathons FALSE TEETH Brownie Pack directed by Mrs. James McDonald, were also received. Volunteers for the gift shop during the summer months were requested by Mrs. Mc- Murter. Mrs. William Wallis re- ported the library cart goes through the hospital every Thursday and is well received. like mining camps the world over, the rich copper belt of former Northern Rhodesia at- tracts ecdysiasts However the ministry of labor and social de- velopment has warned nightclub operators that striptease may be banned by law if public pro- tests continue. thanks to a al NEW CONGREGATION Recently Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church decided to di- vide the large congregation with the new group to be Liber- ty st. A five-acre parcel of land on the south side of High- NOW. OPEN Lumber and Supply Ltd. YOUR C.P-I. DEALER 701 BROCK ST. N, 668-4451 way 2, east of the cemetery, has been purchased for the new congregation which will be named Maranatha Christian Re- formed Church. Rev Henry Van Andel, New Westthinster, °B.C., is the minister of the new con- gregation. MAKES FAST TIME CHISWICK, England (AP) -- Morio Shigematsu of Japan, winner. of the famed Boston marathon six weeks ago, tri- umphed in the Windsor-to-Chis- wick race Saturday and posted a time of two hours, 12 minutes for the 26-mile, 385-yard jaunt. It is the fastest time listed for. have the same distance, but the terrain varies and no world One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper and Murals @ Custom. Draperies ® Broadioom @ C.1.L. Paints and Vernishes @ Flo-Gleze Colorizer Paipts DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitbw PHONE 668-5862 | records are kept. That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wearers of faise teeth have suffered real embarrassment because their plate dropped, slip; or wob- bled at just the wrong time. Do not FIRST MORTGAGE for |Hamilton where Mr. Houslander the pastorate of Church. | Sealy, 107 fool more conor No Bonuses live in fear of this pepreeie to you. Just sprinkle a little FAS' . the alkaline (non-acid) powder, on LOANS | CoUmtONs orerpwaere. No Insurance Fees | No Hidden Charges | WHITBY MUSIC CENTRE Records, | | ant "Every trip we make in our car i is a lot more fun betause we know our Trans Canada Credit * Man made it possible for us. to get-our car repaired and. made safe for travelling. He ' was the one who suggested a -- "Special Occasion" Loantopay for the repairs. With the help: | Of a "Special Occasion" Loan we have our car in perfect | shape and we can finance the | repairs from our income." WHITBY TV. © SALES ©@ SERVICE © REPAIRS SPECIAL TV OVERHAUL OFFER We will completely overfeu! your TV set and do any repoirs}) necessary. IN For Only 0 | Plus Parts a H , or have Bring your set to our it picked up for $3.50. BROCK RADIO & TV 125 Brock St. N., Whitby Phone 668-5830 | Lessons Instruction Books, Sheet |! | Music (Half Price) ! | | i 1 159 BROCK ST. N. PH. 668-6944 Whatever your reason for needing- money your Trans Canada Credit Man would like to help you with your special occasion, .: | See him soon about your financial * needs. He can arrange loans. from $100 to $2500 or more. CALL 668-2345 PROTECT Your Furs & Cloth Garments iMsured, Refrigerated Storage valuts on. premises. WHITBY CLEANERS LTD. 150 , caierne Whitby TRANS CANADACREDIT CORPORATION LTD. 48 King Street West OSHAW Telephone 728-4628 a TOWN OF WHITBY TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TRUNK SEWERS CONTRACTS A AND B Sealed tenders addressed. to the Mayor and Members of Council of the Town of Whitby, ¢/o J.R. Frost, Tewn Clerk and Treasurer, Municipal Officers, Whitby, Ontario and endorse¢ "Tender for the Construction of Trunk Sewers" will be received until. 12 o'clock noon, E.D.S.T. on Wednesday, June 23rd, 1965. ' a The work consists of ° Contrect A--1360 lin. ft. of 24-inch diameter, 1560 lin. ft. of 21-inch diameter, 780 lin. ft. of 15-inch diemeter sewers. Contrect B-- 460 lin, ft. of 27-inch diameter, 2400 lin. ft. of 12-inch diameter, 340 lin. ft. of 10-inch diameter sewers Plans end specifications with blenk Form of Tender may be obtained a? the Municipal Offices, ber see Onterio or from the office of Gore & Storrie Limited, Consulting Engineers, 960 Yonge Street, Toronto 5, Ontario, on payment of @ deposit of $25.00. The deposit cheque shali be payable to the order of the Treasurer of the Town of Whitby end will be refunded upon réturn of the seid plons end specifications in good condition within two weeks of the date of closing of tenders ' 'y sewers in twe contracts: Egch tender must be accompanied by « marked cheque in an amount equal to 3 pér cent of the tender sum. The ewerd of tender will be subject te the approve! of the financing by the Onterio Municipe! Beard. : The lowest or any tender net necessarily decapted, ARREN MOWAT 3, R. FROST WARREN MOWAT, Mayer GORE & STORRIE LIMITED, Town Clerk & Treaurer Consulting Engineers.

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