Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jun 1965, p. 8

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a Sittin WeEserieenttin aii 'ociaee a nc eee te -- Bie es ll @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 12, 1963. SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR verything From Soup To Nuts' _ BROOKLIN'S senior lacrosse team are rolling along, steam- roller style, flattening everything in sight, in the way of oppos- ition. They scoveg five goals in the third period last night in Peterborough, to come from behind and take a 10-7 pris wer the " Erns", Brooklin's 7th-straight win of pe na /Mancoa on Huntsville, at the Whitby Arena tonight, when they hope to make it eight wins without a loss. Don Cragges scored four goals to lead Brooklin in last night's win with team captain Glen Lotton potted a couple. In another Senior game, St. Catharines trailed Brampton 7-2 at one stage but fought back to finally win the game 13-9. In Junior lacrosse, there was- goods news for the Oshawa fans. Guelph Mohawks, bolstered by five plavers picked up from the Ohsweken Indian reserve, near Brantford, came up with their first win of the season. a 13-12 triumph over St. Catharines.. Mimico Mounties defeated Brampton 15-12. On the bottom of the heap, Guelph didn't have a win until last night but apparently their new recruits have given them added zip and power. Oshawa Green Gaels are at home to Guelph, here at the Auditorium on Monday night. What looked like a one-sided affair may not prove to be very inter- esting. : WEEKEND HASH:-- Alan Simpson, Britain's fastest miler was quoted yesterday as saying that New Zealand's Peter Snell will regain the world record, when the big meet is held at Dublin, early in July. Mixhel Jazy, the French . sensation, broke Snell's world record for the mile, early this week -- doing the distance in 3:54.1. Simpson ran the mile in 3:56.6 on Mon- day, fastest time ever clocked by a British runner. Last night, Jazy ran the 5,000 metres in 13:29, beating his own European record .. . CLIVE CLARK, a 19-year-old Snglish youth, has reached the finals of the British amateur golf championship; which will be played today, against Michel Bonallack .. . DARTMOUTH won the big race at Garden City Raceway last night and set a new track: record for the mile, of 2:02. The other crack U.S. entry, Argo Kidd, got off to a bad start but still managed to finish in third position . . . CANADA (Banff) may get the Olympic winter games in 1972. They got the-nod--- from the International Ski Federation, on Thursday, when that body met in Mamaia, Romania. . . HARRY SINDEN, former | Oshawa General and Whitby "'Dunnie", who turned professional under the Boston wing, with Kingston and last season was the playing-coach at Minneapolis, was grabbed off in the draft the other night, by San Francisco. . . DOUG HARVEY, who signs only one-year contracts now, has divulged that he will quit Quebec Aces this year and join Baltimore Clippers. | DIAMOND DUST:-- Gale's Lumber wheeled out the heavy timber last night, finally, to pound out o 10-1 victory over Oshawa Merchants, in a City and District softball game at |the-best in Southern Ontario,|acher, Alexandra Park. In Brooklin last night, the hometown Con- cretes beat out Oshawa Bad Boys 4-2... TORONTO LEAFS lost another game to Atlanta Crackers, last night. This time, it was a pair of costly errors by playing-coach Roman Mejais, plus an untimely wild pitch . one yesterday, a 6-4 verdict over the L.A. Angels and the win vaulted. them into 7th place in the standings. Both Chicago White Sox and the Twins swept doubleheaders, to maintain their positions as the league's leaders ... DON DRYSDALE not only pitched a great game for the Dodgers but he also hit a homer off Warren Spahn to win the game 2-1... WILLIE MAYS hit his 19th homer yesterday. SPORTS SCAN Gordie Howe Glides On, 'Wants Few More Years By FRANK RATCLIFFE 'Times Sports Staff When Floral, Saskatchewan's main claim to fame, a gentle- man by the name of Gordon Howe, is called to the great hockey arena in the sky, a scientific scrutiny of the old man's insides should vault medi- cal science ahead by a good few decades. Everyone who has come into contact with radio, television or newspaper during the past 19 years is aware of the remarks able NHL career of the 37-year- old wonder. Last season, the Grandaddy of the league's for- wards, placed third in the league scoring race, with 29 goals and 47 assists. But Mr. Howe isn't ready to sit back in his rocking chair yet. In an interview Thursday, he GORDIE HOWE said he hopes to play another three or four seasons with Det- reit Red Wings, with whom he broke into the Teague in 1946. | If Gordie stays around much Simpson. might just as well 'sit on the infield grass and let Snell battle it out against the clock. STINGY SCOT If you think finances could use DON CRAGGS STARS By CLIFF GORDON A -sparkling four-goal effort, by Don Craggs and a come- from-behind rally in the third period, last night gave Brook- lin Sr. Lacrosse Club their sev- enth win in seven starts in the Ontario Sr. A Lacrosse League, as they downed Peterborough Speedy Erns 10-7 in, the Liftlock City. Brooklin will be going for eight-in-a-row, at the Whitby. Arena tonight, as they play host to the Huntsville Hawks. Besides the four-goal effort of Craggs, captain Glen Lotton came up with two goals and three assists to increase his scoring lead, over runner-up Don Arthurs of Brampton. Har- old Stephenson. (a former Peter- borough player), Jerry Burrows, Brooklin Rally Wins Over Peterboro Erns Doug Vipond and Ken Lotton each scored one goal, to aid in a winning cause. HOMES S HAD LEAD For the- Speedy Erns, who have suffered three setbacks at the hands of the Brooklin team in three meetings, it was rather a bitter pill. They led 65 at the end of the second period and appeared to have the game under control. However this was not the case, as Brooklin turn- ed on their famous third-period drive to cap the evening with a five-goal outburst. Ken. Ruttan, a big strap defenceman with the Erns (and formerly with Brooklin) led his team's attack with a pair of goals. Singles were registered by four other former Brooklin players, Cy Coombes, Roy Wood, RICHMOND HILL When| the Toronto Maple Leafs lost) 20-0 on Wednesday, to Atlanta! Crackers, in the International) League battle for first place, it was quite a tragedy for Ontario} County fans. Last night, in the Beaches} Major Fastball, a similiar tra-| gedy happened. Oshawa Tony's) and Richmond Hill Tom Hughes) Shells, who have been battling) for the league leadership, met! head-on in a show-down battle. | The result was Richmond Hill! 12, and Tony's 2. | secutive victory and they have) not tasted defeat. Richmond Hill has _ beaten every club including Tony's) 2 game lead over Tony's, in the first-place race. An eight-run uprising in the) eighth did the damage. Reno} Pettenuzzo, the Sault Ste.| Marie flash, proved again he's} flashing a six-hitter and regis- tering 18 strikeouts, for seventh straight win. Tony'¥,\seemed weary having) played ffiree games in the last! his first start and was hit hard.) Mickey Hancock had three hits, Bruce Staughton, Dick Moulton and Ron Klazier paced the 12-| hit attack with two hits each.| Richmond Hill Asserts Superiority Over Tony's Veteran Al Mugford hit a solo homer. "Bob Booth homered for Tony's and Ron Elliott had a pair of safe blows. Tony's coach "Rich" March and_ shortstop "Barney" Oldfield were ejected jn the 8th, by umpire Lou Vis- conti, for arguing a call at sec-| ond base. TONY'S TALES -- In' other Beaches action, Randall Roy posted their first win, after six losses, nipping 7 Up Shopsy's Joe Todd and Larry Ferguson. roy Armour got their other; 'oal. | The Brooklin. management were rather disturbed at the rul- ings of the OLA in regard to two players signed by the Brook- lin team, Don Riding and Dave O'Brien. Both are over-age Jun- iors, »ut reside closer to Port Credit than they do Brooklin. Mohawks Visit Gaels Monday After a week's lay-off, be- cause of exams, the Oshawa Green Gales will return to ac- tion at the Oshawa Civic Audi- torium on Monday night when they meet the Guelph Mohawks in a game that will commence at 8.30 p.m. Gaels will be facing the last- place team in the Ontario Jun- ior Lacrosse Association series, but one that has been strength- ened by the addition of five play- ers from the Oshweken War- riors, a team that originates at the Oshweken reserve, near Brantford and has, as one of its graduates, none other than Gay- GOOD CROWD ATTENDS : PB Re Giingeoe nqey Oshawa Boxing Club Presents Fine Card. Close to 800 boxing fans turn- ed out at the Civic Auditorium on Thursday night, to witness the boxing show presented by the Oshawa Boxing Club, first] such card to be held in this city in several years. ; The enthusiastic competition provided by the earnest ama- feurs was accepted with great enthusiasm by. the crowd, who gave every fighter a big hand. George Chuvalo, third-ranking Starr Furniture Trophy, with loser getting the the Motor City Cab Trophy. in the main event. Bernie Guindon of Oshawa, claimed a TKO win over Leonard McNeill of Toronto AC, in a wel- won the Carling Trophy. and" MeNell" got ing a the Electra Shave Service Trophy. 'John Thomas won the AB'S Cycle Tro- phy as the gamest loser of the night and Grant O'Reilly, of Oshawa, won the Dan- ny Price Trophy. as best fighter on the card, Bernie Guindon got the' "Buddy" Bagnato Trophy, as "most promising box- ing prospect" Both players have indicated they wish to play in Brooklin this year andxhave signed cer- lord Powless, the star scorer of |the Oshawa Green) Gaels. heavyweight of the world and Canadian champion, was "the third man" in the ring, for the Terry Mann was the ring announcer with Dr. Claude Vipond and Or. Alex Rudnik the attending physicians. Harvey Wednesday night, June 16 at) There will be two additions 6.00 p.m., to sign the players|to the Gaels' line-up on Monday, or the OLA sub-committee will|with Joe Kiwior and Ken How- meet to rule on the players. ard returning, after two weeks Both players have been work-jon the night shift. ing out with the Brooklin squad F and are in tip top shape. | GAELS GAB -- Coach Bishop HUNTSVILLE TONIGHT will have to decide this week Brooklin will have another)! he is going to retain Al Par- stiff opponent in the Huntsville|tington, Mike Lewis, George Hawks, tonight at the, Whitby| Young and Peter Vipond on the Arena. The Hawks have added|Toster of the Gaels. .. . They la few new faces since last year/May be moved down to the and are doing very well. Some Whitby Steelers, although they of their goal scoring cauld come|appear to be future stars of the from, fellows like Dave\ Lough,|@aels . . . .Individual pictures Johnny Roberts, the flash from| With the purchase of a program Fergus; Leo Teatro, who toiled.°" Monday night, with different with Port years; Pete Troty, and "Dec" Holiday. Bob Clark, night, son . jand may just be the team tojend. upset the Brooklin squad, who" ----CSsSSS hold a six-point lead over the KENNEDY ON COIN OSHAWA TONY'S -- Sneddon, twice, and hold a comfortable|1b; O'Connor, 3b; ss; Armstrong, | 2b, Booth, c; McMahon, cf; Elliott rf; Suddard, If; Old- field, ss; Kelly 3b.in 8th; Smith p; Grier p in 9th. RICHMOND HILL Han- cock, cf; Staughton, 3b; Con- 2b; Moulton; 1b; Tids- bury, ss; Mugford, rf; Watt, the'lf; Klazier c; and Pettenuzzo p.| Tony's -- 010 001 000 R. Hill -- 010 111 08X 2 6 1212 3 . .N. Y. YANKEES won another jfive days. 'Bev' Smith made| WP -- Reno Pettenuzzo. ipjhits in. the four frames he Bev Smith HR -- Bob Booth (Tony's) Mugford, (Richmond! Hill). | Umpires -- 'Mike' Choma and Lou Visconti. | In UAW Baseball League action on Wednesday and Thurs- day of last week, four games re- sulted in close scores while two were of the one-sided variety. On Wednesday, Oshawa Esso Service Centre took a squeaker from Karn's Drugs, 3-2, with Murray Foster taking the win, allowing just five hits. Karn's scored one run in each of the sixth and seventh innings, but loser Spike Howard. In the other Wednesday game, McKeen's Furniture used their power hitters to down Doug Wil- son Mens' Wear 11-6. N. Woods the winners while Arnold and T. Degray hit one each. A. Wilde was the winning hurler while Kirk took the loss. The tightest contest Thursday saw Wayne Auto Body edge Scu- gog Cleaners 2-1. Talbot sparkl- ed for the winners, tossing a two- hitter and fanning 13. He struck out the side in the second, fourth and sixth innings. Robin- son allowed the winners two runs in the first innings, but then settled down to strike out nine and scattered six hits. Oshawa Quality Fuels took a close 5-3 decision from Body Shop, scoring three runs in the second inning and two in the sixth. Healey toossed a fine four-hitter for the winners while couldn't pull the game out for) clouted a pair of homers for) | when UAW Softball League Has Some Close Scores struck out nine but was the los- ing hurler. : In the only contest, Caddilac Hotel combined fine one-hit pitching with a devastating 15- hit attack, (© bomb Unionaires 15-3. Jackson was the winning pitcher; striking out seven Unionaire batters. He also hit a homer for the winners as did Knight and Dafoe. Goodchild fanned eight batters in losing the contest. Brooklin Wins Over Bad Boys Brooklin Concretes scored a 4-2 triumph over Oshawa Bad Boys, last night at Brooklin Community Park, in their | scheduled City and District soft- ball fixture. | Ron Jones, pitching for Brooklin, came up with a stellar mound display, as he struck out an even dozen Bad Boys, issued jonly two walks and scattered |seven hits over the route. | Bad Boys failed to get on the jscoreboard until the 7th when \Doug Donevan homered with one out. They got their other run in the 8th when Wayne Cheeseman got his second hit of jthe game, a_ two - bagger, jand scored on Bill Berwick's qjlead. Ron Phillips took over in! the former Oshawa Green Gacl; /f the players will be given free|* Credit for several|Players 3 being featured e€ ac h\amaragavich of Oshawa, scored a TKO till the end of the sea-|win in the first round over Doug Sellig, . of Bees Brian Thompson Of) Trophy. The ioser won the Queen's Hote! The Hawks have always been|Huntsville becomes a summer|Trophy. jnoted for a fast-breaking game|tesident of Oshawa, this week- tificates to do so. However Port| .C0ach Jim Bishop will practice|main event, He spoke briefly to|P2vis, 0! Toronto. and George Chuyalo, Credit. will nok release the|his charges from 10 to 12.30 this|the crowd, prior to the action|of Ajax was the timekeeper with Tommy two fellows. The QLA have now|Morning and again the emphasis|and received a warm welcome|;'s'_,0f Oshawa and Benny Domeko ruled that Port Cgedit have until/Will be on condition. from the customers. . ae Jubilant over the success of their first show, the Oshawa Boxing Club' members are plan- ning to put on another card, in the near future. Followng are the' results: ° ORIOLES ELECT BALTIMORE. (AP) -- Jerold Hoffberger, 46-year-old brewery owner, was elected Friday to wre | Three Games See Total Of 76 Runs High scores were the ordet of the night Thursday evening; in the Oshawa Legion's Minor Baseball: Association's Pee Wee League. Houdaille Industries walloped Oshawa Police Association 28-6, with 16 of their runs coming in the sixth inning. Paul Jubb was credited with the win, striking out 10 men, and allowing nine' hits. Broadbent took the loss while giving up just seven hits. Warlow the losers at the plate with three hits. ' Larry Matthews tossed a two- hitter and fanned 13 for UA Credit. Union to help his te to an 18-3 drubbing of Oshawa» Dairy. Matthews up by the hitting of Alan Smith and Ron French with three hits apiece. Marty Sisson was the losing hurler, allowing seven hits. { In the only other action, Jubi-' lee Pavilian downed Duraclean' 12-9. Les Kissock hit a home run for the winners, while Brian Paul was the winning pitcher, George Nekkers took the loss for Duracleah. was backed e eisai aa the board chairm of Bal- ddieweights: 160: Ibs. -- Rolly Bile-itimore Orioles of baseball's deau, Oshawa, 'lost "TKO, "& : Mieber? eh teroman, Iartte secgnd rane [American League. Hoffoerger Hibbert won the Paim phy and Biledeau got the try Restaurant Trophy. Welterweights: 147. Ibs. -- Wayne Sam- son, Toronto AC, won via @ TKO in the second round, over Gary Bailey of Osh- awa, to capture the Monty's BA Trophy. Bailey received The Jokeland Trophy. igar Store Tro- ne car succeeds Joseph A. W. Ingle- hart, who resigned after saying earlier this week he expects to become a. member of the New York Yankees board of direc- 67 YEARS CITY DIRECTORY Publishers since 1898. DIRECTORIES Limited. ber As- sociation of North American Direc- tory Publishers, 29 Rebecea Street, Hamilton, Ont. Light Heavyweights: 175 Ibs. -- john|'OFS: ' Rowe of Oshawa, took a@ three-round de- cision over Danny Gallagher of Oshawa, claim the Hotel Genosha Trophy. Run- || ner-up also received a Genosha Hotel Tro- iy. Light Middleweights: 150 Ibs. -- Steve 2 Toronto AC, to win the Hotel Lancaster For personal use or fer @ Company use there are @ definite edvanta: you lease a new... e No insurance costs'. . everything on one or for full details. | Welferweights: 147 tbs. -- Len McNeil, | of Toronto Lansdowne AC, won the deci-_ sion over Ernie McPhee of Oshawa, in @ three-round bout, to win the Cadillac |Hotel Trophy. The loser got the Stan} \Sharpening Service Trophy. Lightweights: 135 tbs. -- Jack Guindon, | year Oshawa CC, decisioned John McNeill of | There Are Special Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN No maintenance costs . . . One rate covers lease items... ACADIAN Other PONTIAC Models BU 1c K Request 1-0. Young Wayne Colley whiffed| Second Place squad. The switch to John F. Ken- THE 14 and tossed a three-hitter for Sapns e jnedy from Benjamin Franklin in Toronto A a remaster E Medaioad i It was Shell's seventh el oe Pl ging S| Gale's Lumber |1964 was the seventh major|Rug Trophy. AUTO LEASE "4 oa , - ave i "| i i * ios. -- 'Rei Toronto plays et Alexandra | % anenge oA saa aad ety 50-lo Oshawa, won the "decison over John PHONE 723-4 LTD. 266 KING ST. WEST Park. = cent piece, Thomas, of Toronto AC, to claim the Stan = |Top Merchants | Gale's Lumber finally discov- | ered their hitting bats and un- | leashed them last night at Alex-| jandra Park to wallop Oshawa | Merchants 10-1, in/ their City | jand District 'softball tussle. Reg White started on the mound for Gale's and stayed for five innings, by which time he was cruising along with a 9-1 Vou Like lt... ..- ft Likes You Distributor 156 GIBB STREET PHONE 723-3042 jthe sixth and gave up only two jworked. |. Merchants got their lone run in the fifth inning. Seneco was | on with a single, after two out. A passed ball put him in scor- ing position and he came home | | Warren' Wills singled. |Seneco had two of his team's |seven hits, -Gale's got to Wills for two jruns on hits by Davis, Rewden | and Knight, in the first inning. In the third, O'Reilly walked,| then with one out, Knight) singled. With two out, Seabrook' singled, Cole walked and Mapes | singled, to make this a three- run rally. In the fourth, Davis opened | with a hit, advanced on an out-' field bobble and scored on Knight's third-straight hit of the ame. Calder replaced Wills in the! sixth, the inning in which Gale's| added three more runs on two, errors, a waik and three safe-| ties, Davis, McDermaid and, Seabrook doing the hitting. In| the seventh, Davis walked and) scored later on an error and sacrifice fly. | Davis matched Knight, with jthree hits apiece, for the win-| jners: while McDermaid and Sea- brook each had a pair. | GALE'S -- Davis, ss;-0'Reilly, | 2b; Rowden, 3b; Knight, c; Mc-| Dermaid, 1b; Seabrook, If; Cole, | cf; Mapes, rf; White, p; Phil-/} GET THE MOST FOR YOUR ADVERTISING DOLLARS READ & USE OSHAWA TIMES WANT-ADS Guaranteed Used Cors ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanville Chevrolet, Corvair, lips, p in 6th; Keenan, cf in 8th. | Oldsmobile MERCHANTS -- Solomon, If; | Sales and Service Varga, 3b; Boivin, 2b and 1b; | PHONE 728-6206 43 Yeors Serving You M. Bryan, c; Burke, ss; Yahn, | cf and 2b; McClimmond, 1b; Senecor, rf and. cf; Wills, p; gel p in 6th; B. Bryan, rf in ith. WILSON ELECTRIC MOTORS Moter Repair Overhauling--Rewinding to ACADIAN CLEANERS all types of Electric Moters ssi Caan New and Used Motors STORAGE 395 Oshawa Bivd. S. § 299 BLOOR ST. W. PHONE 723-4362 PHONE 728-5141 HOTEL Gonosha BANQUETS -- Oshawa's Finest Hotel FOR -- PARTIES - SUDDARD'S BICYCLE SHOP TOYS HOCKEY EQUIPMENT FULL LINE OF C.C.M. and RALEIGH BICYCLES Soles--Service--Parts Keys Made 497 Simeoe St. S$. PHONE 725-3979 SALES MEETINGS CONVENTIONS OSHAWA - WHITBY SPORTS CALENDAR READ THE OSHAWA TIMES FOR THE LATEST IN LOCAL SPORTS EVENTS @ WRESTLING @ Air Conditioned COFFEE SHOP © OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY e The homesters added a ru%in the 7th when Gibson walked with two out and stored on Cor- nish's second-straight two-bag- GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic Free Check-Up | } longer, his friend Johnny), hoost, push your own troubles Bower's hair will be prema. ide for two minutes of silence turely graying. ifer racing fans down Gotham Incidentally, the ogee Gor-|City way. die will be visiting Eaton ® 'The prohibitive 2-to-5 favourite ~-- Shopping Centre), June), | 'ae Thuredar's Radney 'Trot es Speedy Scot, ec as Po THREE CHEERS world's top trotter. e five- 7 ' year-old just couldn't get the B ieee var lead out, and finished dead last, ia on ta Boxing Com-|{lushing $116,302 in across: the- mission cares about the future|>0@rd money down the drain. of boxing, even if no one else And -- horror of horrors -- does. The commission last week|Speetly Scot's driver was. Can- announced cancellation of a 10- adian-born Ralph Baldwin. round non-title fight between i Canadian heavyweight cham- FOUR IN ONE pion, George Chuvalo of Tor-| It is always encouraging to onto, and unranked Jack 'Bailey|see that an organization, rather of Philadelphia than limit itself to one sport, is Officials said they did not con-/43 ociated with several, and one sider Bailey a worthy opponent|f the prizes has to go to the for Chuvalo, third ranked heavy-|Toronto Cricket, Skating and weight in the world, and pro- Curling Club, which recently motor Gus MacLellan is seeking|held an invitational tennis tour- a ranked opponent. nament. A pat on the back for the boxing boys down east. REMEMBER WHEN... | zi | a ope esi pe a . || By THE CANADIAN PRESS an Simpson, Britain's fastest} cial' miler, seems to be following the aver ae 'te example of the Kansas Cit¥) prandstand and phe 10 Athletics in conceding when the) years ago today--in 1955-- battle has barely begun. Simp-| Guring the Le Mans 24-hour om is Paar Peter Snell in) race, ery 79 people and fs | injuring in the worst dis- But apparently the race will] aster of auto racing history. be a mere formality. Following} Britain's Mike Hawthorn the performance of Frenchman} won the race, but received Michel Jaxy, who shattered) little applause since some Snell's mile. record, Simpson) spectators thought he had says Snell will be so eager, he} caused another British car to collide will get the record back again. Mercedes. C with Levegh's With that kind of attitude. Carlisle alloweé seven hits for!double, that came with two out. the loss. Ted Jones went the distance | Burn's Jewellers bowed. to/for Bad Boys. He also allowed |Dover's Men's Wear by a 5-2\only seven hits but errors "kill- count, with Menzies fanning|ed" him, in the last few innings. {seven hits for the loss. He matched Jones for a 0-0 | Burn's. Jewellers bowed tojdeadlock, until the sixth when \Dover's Men's Wear by a 5-2/Bill Cornish doubled with one jcount, with Menzies fanningjout and scored on a single by Prag ei woo ahgpite |t aBh te ogee rad lying ifor the win. Dover's scored|Ferguson was safe on an error four of their runs in the open-|and a second bobble on J. Hill's ling inning, which saw nine menjiinfield grounder, let D. Fer- step up to the plate. Bergevin'guson score. ger. In the 8th, D. Ferguson was) safe on an error and scored} when Till doubled and the ball! was bobbled. BAD BOYS -- Snow, rf; Ree-; son, 1b; Cheeseman: c; White-| ley, ss; Berwick, cf; March, | 3b;, Donevan, If; Syzska, 2b; T.! Jones, p. . BROOKLIN Gibson, _ cf; Cornish, 2b; D. Ferguson, 3b; Till, rf; V. Ferguson, 1b; Hill, | ss; Mitchell, c; Batherson, If; R. Jones, p. =. Get ready for summer, come in for @ spring tune-up now! PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY Stafford Brothers Lid. Toronto's Newest and Us WILL BE OPEN FOR PLAY THIS claremont Bh reuttiiie pes Exclusive Golf and Country Club Cherry (Downs . «Jing times cec-z.ed -- 921-1970; 649.9912 Monuments . « » of Distinction 668-3552 Whitby Most Tuesday, June JOHNNY Tickets for this exhibition ot 1.50 Ringside -- 1.25 CIVIC AUDITORIUM POWER ,, Art THOMAS Paul DIMARCO vs. Pat FLANAGAN vs, ALEXANDER the GREAT DUKE NOBLE vs. (Sth - 8:30 P.M. SEAMAN Mike VAENTINO GERRY LONDON the Casine Rest, Dial 723-9721 Generel -- 75¢ Children FOOTES ANSWERING 'SERVICE For information phone 728-9446 ~ 'ARNOLD ASPHALT PAVIN INDUSTRIAL -- 'WEEKEND Arnold Paving (Ont.) ESERPL PENN BOYD'S ESSO SERVICE Where you ean put @ Tiger in Your Tonk ., » ance Bippickering head With « Class-'A' MECHANIC for major and minor repairs Hwy. 2 ef Thickson Rd. HWY 401 725-7622 Open 24 Hours Daily. PAVING G and GRADING COMMERCIAL Pickering 942-6943 TEXACO--FUEL and STOVE OIL . . . Whitby's only LOCAL DEALER, Free 24 Hr. BURNER SERVICE by our Local Service Contractors. SAWDON'S (Whitby) Ltd. Fuel and Builders Supplies 4 668-3524 2.44 Brock St. S. Whitby Lee Bishop RADIATOR REPAIRS Cleaning end Recoring New and Used Radiators 42 Bond St. W. 725-1633 REESOR Fuel and Lumber Everything in Builders' Sup- plies. Fuels, Specializing in summer cottage needs. "Phone 985-7951 PORT PERRY HOUSTON'S GARAGE TEXACO PRODUCTS A COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE---B.T. "GUARANTEED" Collision, Body and Fender Work Our Price Is Right 67 King St. West Dial 723-7822 For Your Heating Needs We Carry @ FURNACES e OIL BURNERS e AIR FILTERS We Install Hydro Electric Woter Heoters 24 HR. SERVICE W. Borrowdale HEATING SALES 29 SWITZER R T.V. SUPPLY LTD. T.V. Towers, Aerials, Apartment Systems and Aerial Repairs 361 GIBBONS ST. Phone: 728-8180 Meet Your Friends Before and After The Game In "The Regency Room" of the ROYAL HOTEL 171 Brock St. N. Dining Room Open. .12 Noon 'till A.M. MAKE A DATE TO BOWL AT MOTOR CITY BOWLING 78 RICHMOND ST. W. PH: 723-3212 AIR CONDITIONED BOOK YOUR SUMMER LEAGUES NOW! MOSIER | Sheet Metal Work @ INDUSTRIAL @ COMMERCIAL @ RESIDENTIAL PH: 668-5281

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