Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jun 1965, p. 5

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patethieccailiegee tae ates Rare: een cee see } Pik. oo terane 7 +See eee 4 i 4 Sis Denis O'Connor high school through sponsorship of an students went all out for 'Irish Varieties Night' ' this ; vats aaa spring and the professional higher education recently artists group | presentation, when they 'presented a 'The Davies of Canada', last fall. Participating in the presentation is Colleen Walsh, adjudged the best cheque for $575 to Father L. J, Austin. The money was raised by the students WHITBY PERSONALS A short business session was presided by the Leader. Mem- bers discussed ways and means Mrs. Harold Henry of Roches- ter, New York is visiting at the home of her sister Mrs. Lena Cook, Walnut street. to raise funds towards the Church carpet recently in- Gary, son of Mr. and MYrs.istaiied. Mrs. Virginie Harris Ron Watkinson is celebrating his third birthday June 14. Mrs. Orval Barton Churchill avenue, Almonds is opening her' home this coming Monday to members of Almonds United Church Women. Whitby Whittlers Tops Club members were the guests of Oshawa Tops Club Happy Gang Wednesday evening at a dinner and evening of entertainment held at the CRA Hall Oshawa.| Following a delightful (low calorie dinner)- served by mem- bers of the Happy tty cf perk tainment was provide with)": social games, and quiz. Ell invited to attend. Cavanaugh recited a poem en- Mr, and' Mrs. William (Bill) titled "The Owl .Crutch," a hil-|Rowley and Baby Anne, Sarnia arious skit was re-enacted eN-|have just returned home after titled "Debbie Drake and her|visiting his prents Mr. and Mrs. daughters. |H. D, Rowley and his sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Mre and Mrs, Marion Bentley were in 'charge of the program in- }cluding games. Mrs. Ruth Robb and Mrs. Muriel McKim sup- plied the lunch. A most enjoy- able time was had by all. Mrs. Kathrine Young and her daughter Mrs. Adolph. Simon, Kitchener were visitors of Mrs. Young's sister Mrs, Louis Rous- seau Sr., 211 Reedaire court. Children of Brock street south schoo! will hold their . annual Concert June 15. Principal Peter Belsy will be in charge of the program, assisted by Mrs. C. E. Houck. Parents are cordially Also on the same evening May pa. Queens received their crowns Frank "cvcik and son Paul. for Whitby Whittlers Anne Fow-| wr* and Mrs. Lionel Russel ler and for the Happy Gang and children recently visited in Mary Horruzey. They were pre-|Sarnia guests of her sister and sented with gifts from the Whitt-|pbrother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ken lers and corsages by the Happy|Gedess. . Gang. Members serenaded the} ; May Queens with the Queen's| Mr. and Mrs. Norman Broad- Tops song. |worth, Trenton are visiting at ithe home of' their daughter and Whitby Baptist Women Society son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Gerald for Christian Service are holding|Rutt, 122 Allan street, they will its- picni¢ at Greenwood Conser-|be returning to their home. on STUDENTS PRESENT CHEQUE vation Park June 15. Belated birthday wishes are extended to Mrs. Donna Sander- son, 545- Mary street east who celebrated her birthday June 9. with. the weigh-in in charge o! Vera Wilkes. Twenty members present and a loss of 18% pounds was reported, Election of Officers was held with the Whitby Shrinking Violets Tops} Club opened its weekly meeting: Sunday after attending the cele- |brating for their grandson Dale who. is. celebrating his second birthday. Jim Gartshore, District Gov- jernor of Whitby Kinsmen and Kinette Mrs. Gartshore, Presi- jdent of Whitby Kinsmen, Clare {Hewson and Kinette Mrs. Hew- json, Kinsmen Douglas and Kinette Mrs. Smith, Kins-; men Howard Souter Kinette, Mrs. Souter are attend- jing the annual "| Church. Women speaker at special | following in office. parents' meeting held re- | cently, Father Austin is shown. accepting the |Co-Leader, Irene McQue, Sec-| cheque from Ted McGee, |retary, Marie Slack, Treasurer president of the student's |Vera Wilkes, Weigh recorder council ;Barbara Hudson, Co-Weigh re-| --Oshawa Times Photo |corder, Helen Heffer, Palmerston Ave School Boys Trophy To McGarth WHITBY (Staff) -- James Mc-| McGarth won the champion- Garth won the Intermediate|ship by winning all five of the Boy's championship of the Pal-|group events, Miss Taylor won merston Ave. Public School, atitwo, was second in two others the school's field day on June 9./and third in one. Susan Taylor won the Girls In-| In the Junior Group, Ronald termediate Championship. jKennedy took top spot with two firsts and a second. Arlene De . Graaff won three events and Found Guilty was second in one other. False Pretence Connt By jury cree ishire on the strength of his \three firsts and one third. Car- jlynn Courtney took the Girl's jship was won by Steven Darby-; jraphy, Kay Townsend, Alma Harper. joyed with members playing lucky winners. charades and prizes awarded to ,. Photos) Have Last Meet Press, | | St. Mark's United Church Wo- }men Unit No. 2 held its final Following the election of Of-| meeting for the present season ficers a social time was en- at the church parlor June 10. Leader, Mrs. John Brecken- idge opened the meeting with a pdem entitled 'June'. Mrs. St. Mark's United Church Unit|Glenn Carr was in charge of the jo. 10 terminated its - present worship service and the theme { The seven IN year-old Boys'|season with a picnic held on the Championship was won by Kent) patio at the home of Mrs. James MacDonald and the girls Beverly Hart. The six year old|e! ichampionship for boys went to |Tony Casswell and the girl's! A : |champion was Nancy: Winters. nglican Helpers | The events competed for in * jthe Juyenile, Junior and Inter-| Hold Last Meeting jmediate groups were: the 50- yard dash. standing broad jjump, Baseball throw, running |broad jump and the High jump. \In Intermediate competition the '75-yard dash was used instéad lof the 50-yard dash | Whitney Mrs The Juvenile Boys Champion- WHITBY (Staff) -- A General] Sessions jury here Friday af-| ternoon found David Lawrence-| BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE jage entitled honor of a guest Mrs, jfrom England. "Neighbours"' White son, of Oshawa, guilty of a charge of obtaining goods by false pretences. He will be sen- tenced by Judge Alex GC. Hall Monday morning. Lawrenson was charged Lie obtaining five tires and a quan-} tity of gasoline and oi! from the} Parkings Service Station, Kin g} st. and Park rd., Oshawa, on) AJAX (Staff) -- An Ajax man Mar. 19, 1965, by faise pre-|.) inated oitt hargee tences. Evidence adduced that| "2? pipaded guilty to charges the accused used a credit card) of leaving the scene of an acci- issued to Curtis L. Brown to ob-|dent and driving while under tain the goods which were/suspension was sentenced to two valued at $175 : months consecutive on each After the jury gave its Vel-\charge by dict, Judge Hall told the jurors|jermyn in Ajax he had no fault to find with} coyrt-Thursday. their verdict and expressed his Robert faiies Redéhaw: 33 pleasure at having six women| ¢ Kin nciiiiek ree $ raha ie as members of the jury. "There|?. ui " ae pi . ey "ON as was a time when the women of/"2@T80¢ on une 2, by icker- ing jury duty. | am glad to)" : fe me son that you have accepted your|4¢Cident which caused minor in- responsibility as alae citizens," he}? Sete nego Canes id a His Honor also voiced his ap- Lucky Dollar For 5 Lucky Winners preciation to Thomas Jermyn' WHITBY (Staff) -- The Cham- for assuming the duties of de-| fence counsel on short: notice:| pions of the Brock street School! field day, were presented' with He commended Mr. Jermyn on the competence of his defence. a silver dollar by the Home and 'Schoo! Association at the con- jclusion of the meet on June 9. The Champion of the Primary Girls and Boys was Michael Mc-, \Coy who picked up 14 points. He was followed by Wayne Magistrates Canine Show At Peel Park WHITBY (Staff). -- Whitby children planning on entertain- ing their favourtie pets in the dog. show, Saturday afternoon, Morton and Jan Mondria are well advised to make-sure. The Juvenile Boys \Champion they appear at the correct Kins-|\was David Parish vi) 21 points man Park. The site of the forthjand the Girls Champion was coming show is located on Peel|Cathy Purdy with 23 points Street, Whitby, the time set for. The Junior Girl's Champion 2:00 p.m was Susan Perry with 19 points - All dogs on leashes are accep-|and the Junior Boy's Champion ted irregardless of the size lwas Terry Scero with 17 points BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1:30 WHITBY "' THEY LOVE , 2 TOFIGHT.- ; BUT NOT AT NIGHT! '.. TECHNICOLOR EDWARD JUDD: ARTHUR HAYNES -TERRY-THOMAS snray os ee Recommended as Adult Entertainment Playing -- Saturday Matinee Only _ - "LAST COMMAND' - In Color Starring -- Sterling Hayden and Ernest Borgnine jave., Oshawa, told the court|™"S: jon May 10 where his daughter Rev. John McKibbin was in |charge of a short devotional, he 9 HARDEN ae... PH. 668-4162 Four Months J cand ascites tee gcc For Ajax Motorist |Toronto recently Mrs. Robert Dent reported a very successful bake sale held jat the close of the last meeting. Mrs. Louis Pritchard read ® Shrubs--Box Plants | Redshaw told the Court that|letters of thanks received fromi} ® san i + Ornamental) lhe was about:to call tt lice| Mrs. Daniel Birbeck, Mrs. Cyril] © Reses--Vines a é " aed es ; Hi oi Styan and Fred Harden. Mrs,i} ® Full line of Nursery Stock |when they arrived at his apart-| Whitney reminded members that] ® Fertilizers--Peat Moss |ment. © Insecticides--Fungicides Magistrate Jermyn said|they are welcome to attend the jthat this was the accused's third) WA anniversary June 16 jcharge of driving while under} Mrs. Whitney was appointed think of anything worse a dri- pene. Atrangements to, serve lver could do than to leave two;4 jinjured boys on the highway. It was agreed to provide | * lusual secretarial Service | A driver who was paced in ex-|Sending the anniversary cess of 60 mph for half mile/letter lthrough Ajax was fined $30 in| Rev. McKibbin closed with jAjax . Magistrate' Court Thurs-|Prayer and was:presented with |day a "Bon Voyage Gift" and also Ercole Forest of 813 Stone(@ Sift to the England visitor rs, White. in news at he was on his way home! ISLAND ON MOVE was sick and did not believe he| Some scientists think Green-| had been doing 60 mph through|land is moving past Canada's} Ajax 'Ellesmere Island aw*#- rate of Ajax Police Sergeant William/|almost half an inch a year. Shaw testified that he had fol-| me - lowed the accused at speeds inj excess of 60 mph along Bayly WHITBY st | DRIVING SCHOOL Magistrate Harry Jermyn told New duel controlled cors. the accused that there was no! Persone} courteous Service, reason for speeding 1 Fully licensed and insured. d gave! Parekt ah ae hh Dial 668-4176 alternative of six Belg at A. OSTERHOUT, Owner H by/Anstey Leader of the Unit who| hes P comed 13 members present.|Chapter nine "The purpose of John McKibbin opened} ____ |the meeting with reading a pass-| in! Magistrate Harry/suspension and that he couldn't|(®.Se"ve on the committee to |for the anniversary service July he] | was "Trees" |Make a Tree). Mrs. James Plaskitt read from (Only God can {God in Christ, from the study |book "'God-and His Purpose." | Mrs. Breckenridge closed the {meeting with prayer and a social 'hour,followed with Mrs, W.. K. |Cookes and Mrs. Frank Eggert St. John Anglican Church Par-| tea hostesses ish Helpers held its last meet-! ling of the present season June|ivities in September. |10 at the home of Mrs. Seymour eens eeenceneee The unit will resume its act- FOX NURSERY AND Everything For The Gardener Open 9 a.m. -- 9 p.m, First Quality Canedian Grown Nursery Stock Smith] ANNAPOLIS, Md, (AP)--An| admiral who fought in the} and|French ar-my and Britain's| Plan The ni Convention of!refused to commission him be- Leader, Dorothy Gardinier, |Kinsmen held at Bigwin Inn: Common Market Summit Soon? BONN (Reuters) -- France's President de Gaulle and West Germany's Chancellor Erhard agreed today to propose a sum- mit conference of the six Euro- pean Common Market countries before the end of 1965, the chief West German government spokesman announced, Well - informed sources said the conference is expected to take place in October. The spokesman, Guenther von Hase, made clear at a press conference the proposed confer- ence would be at heads-of-gov- ernment level. | He also said the two leaders, in two days of*talks which be- jgan here Friday: agreed on the! want, can join the six." /general basis for financial regu-| French . readiness to meet lation of the European Com-|German economic policy views, tions for an agricultural com- mon market by June 30, indi- cating progress was in sight to- ward further economic integra- tion within the European Com- mon Market. But there was no indication after Friday's talks that de! |Gaulle had showed himself any more yielding than in the past toward Erhard's eagerness for a top-level meeting of the six Common Market countries to discuss political unity. OTHERS CAN JOIN De Gaulle said in a dinner toast that when the work of pol- itical co-operation in Europe is finished, "'then others, if they icy and of. simultaneous de-'gn co-operation in defence, have |velopment of other sectors Of|made the summit more suc-| |the community in. trade. taxa-| cessful so'far than expected in jtion, customs and industrial! yjew of recently increasing dif- tariff. ' lferences between Paris and Before von Hase's -statement,) Bonn de Gaulle met for an hour with) German sources were skepti- |former chancellor Konrad Ade-|.a} however, whether the jnauer, 89, who said their talks|french will be equally concilia- {covered international and|tory about political unity. \Franco-German problems, De Gaulle said in his toast 'Adenauer declined to com-|pyiday night that Europeans {ment on the talks, which he will/are builders of a cathedral. lreport to Erhard. "Today we--you and we--are| Informed German Ssources)pyilding Western Europe," he} |said new French economic ideas!.,iq 'What a cathedral." \presented on the first day of 'The foundation of this cath- 1 year-old age group for boys with 14 points. Margaret Cam- eron was the girls' winner. Ross was first with 21 points girls, also with 21 poj in the 11-year-olf group with 17 !mon Market's agricultural Pol-/and agreements reached Friday|Taylor won with 10 points -and! ers)--The Jamaica Manufactur- ers steps should be taken to permit to Canada on a _ preferential |duty basis. The association said Jamaica should start pressing now for preferential treatment because the Canadian-West In- dies trade agreement is due fo: jearly revision. : + oe Hillcrest Public School Holds Annual Field Day WHITBY (Staff) -- Children fropaasix to 13 years took part inthe. Hillcrest Public School field day held earlier this week. Keith Ubbitson won the 13- was Doug Blanchard with 13 points and Linda Williams had 14 points for the Girls' Cham-~ pionship. f Eight-year-old Michael Schell won the championship fgr that age group with 14 points and Shelly Wyatt the girls' Cham- pionship with 13 points. A tie for the seven-year-old girls' championship developed between Deborah Wall, Laurie Ballard and Annie Hamer, The Ss. a). ne was Barry arding with 10 points. » bentes The six-year-old boys' cham- pion was Bryan Jeffreys with 9 points andthe girls' champion was Christine Rawn with 13 points, In the 12-year-old group, David and Eileen Earl was topsor the points and Nafcy Carr had 19 points -- best in the girls' group. In the 10-year-old group Barry Kathy Hood had 18 points. The nine-year-old champion URGE CIGAR IMPORT KINGSTON, Jamaica Reut- T tieuamiaiiagln Cf Tin qi J 2 OUR CODE OF ETHICS MAKES THIS A Association Friday said the export of Jamaican cigars the talks could be a consider- oqrai, he said, is Franco-Ger-| able step forward. man reconciliation. Its pillars} The French are reported t0/were the European economic] pave dropped insistence on the|..ommunity, "when it has been | }completion of financial regula-| made fast." ; | | 1. sie | Nearsighted Hero 'To Head Academy | "Let Us Help | You |Royal Navy after the U.S. Navy cause he was nearsighted be- |came superintendent of the U.S | STAFFORD BROS, | | LTD Family Monuments Created To Individual Requirements MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Naval Academy today. MORTGAGE arc J f | ° et ae Peet - Best Selead «| To Your Needs ations from the French and) British and returned to lead the U.S. Navy frogmen in the Sec- ond World War, succeeded Rear-Admiral Charles S. Min- iter, Jr., as the 44th head of the service school. Minter, 50, will join the Paris staff of Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer, supreme Allied commander in|} | Europe te WHITBY ) Brock St. Pentecostal Church M. CASE ---- Pastor 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--"POWER PLUS" (Third in series on Power for Service) 7:00 P.M.--GREAT EVANGELISTIC SECOND INSTALMENT OF | HH SERVICE SPECIAL SINGING IN BOTH SERVICES You Are Always Warmly Greeted At Brock St. Church | TAXES | DUE, TUESDAY, JUNE 15th, 1965 * 1965 Taxes ore payable in four instalments / The first instal- ment must be paid before this instalment on be accepted. For your convenience all taxes are payable at any Whitby Bank without collection charges. Pay now -- avoid penalty charge. F. N. McEWEN, Tax Collector, Town of Whitby. THE WHITBY PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO ATTENDA Reception. IN HONOUR OF FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK STREET N. REV, DELOSS Mg SCOTT, MINISTER SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 A:M.--"FAITH TIDINGS" BROADCAST, C.K.L.B. ( 1350 on your dial. 9:45 AM.--OUR FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Pastor's Sermon-- THE SYMPATHIZING JESUS" 7:00 P.M@.--EVENING GOSPEL HOUR REV. G. H. KING, TORONTO The Mission To The Lepers WEDNESDAY EVE. 8:00 P.M. PRAYER, PRAISE & BIBLE STUDY "There's Always A Welcome At Faith' | Carl G Jaiaman. 'CALL 668-2345 PROTECT Your Furs & Cloth Garments Insured, Refrigerated Storage valuts on premises, WHITBY CLEANERS LTD. 150 Colborne St.. €. Whitby TENDERS CONTRACTS A AND B c/o J.R. Frost, Town Clerk and Treasurer, Municipal Officers, Tender for the Construction of Trunk Sewers" E.D.S.T. on Wednesday, Jung 23rd, 1965. Contract A---1360 lin. ft. of 24-inch diameter, 1560 lin. ft. of 21-inch diameter, 780 lin, ft. of 18-inch diameter sewers. Contract B-- 460 lin, ft. of 27-inch diameter, 2400 lin. ft, of 12-inch diameter, : 340 lin, ft. of 10-inch diometer sewers. Plans and specifications with Onterio or from the office of Gore & Storrie Limited, C Ontario, on payment of a deposit of $25.00. Treasurer of the Town of Whitby end will be refund in good condition within two weeks of the date of closing of tenders. sum. The lowest or any WARREN MOWAT, tender not necessarily accepted J. R. FROST, Moyor Town Clerk & Treaurey TOWN OF WHITBY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TRUNK SEWERS Sealed tenders addressed to the Mayor and Members of Council of the Town of Whitby, : Whitby, Ontario and endorsed will be received until 12 o'clock noon, The work consists generally of constructing sanitery sewers in two contracts: blenk Form of Tender may be obtained et the Municipal Offices, Whitby, 'onsulting Engineers, 980 Yonge Street, Terento 5, osit cheque shall be payable to the order of the upon return of the soid plans and speciticetions Each tender must be eccompenied by @ marked cheque in an amount squel te 5 per cent of the tender The award of sender will be subject te the approval ef the financing by the Ontario Municipel Board, GORE & STORRIE LIMITED, Consulting Engineers. f on the occasion of his retirement as SUPERVISING PRINCIPAL : TO BE HELD AT KATHLEEN ROWE MEMORIAL SCHOOL on THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 17th, 1965 from 7:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. : | THE MEN & BOYS' CHOIR ALL SAINTS' TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY _ TENDERS SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned for the collec- tion and removal of old metal and other old scrap material and junk from the Corporation's dumping ground until Monday, June 21st, 1965 at 4:00 p.m. Information and Tender Forms may be had upon application to the undersigned. val The right is reserved to reject any or all Tenders. Wm. H. Wallace, Clerk Es Township of Whitby, Box 160 Brooklin, Ontario. ANGLICAN CHURCH Whitby CANTATA "Every Word and Thought" ~ 'Dietrich Buxtehude Et # SUNDAY, JUNE 13th 11:00 A.M. CANON (aia (aie ii/a %: 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Kindergarten, 11,00 A.M.--Morning Worship ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. M. Smith, 8.A., 8.0, Miss tla Newton, Deaconess Mrs. J. 'L. Beaton, A.R.C.T. EMMANUEL REFORMED 403. Rossland Road West 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND 11 A.M.--Morning Worship SUNDAY SCHOOL Mr. R. Matthews will represent the Gideon Society 2 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL DUTCH SERVICE 9:30 A.M.--Juniors, Intermediates 7PM Seniors. M, ENGLISH SERVICE % EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED Primary, Infant Core, Junior Congregation WHITBY : BAPTIST Colborne Street West at Centre) : Minister: Rev. John McLeod Organist W. €. Summers, A.T.C.M. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Rev, W, J. S. McClure, B.A." Minister Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist Mrs. 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M. -- "Sermon Time"! 7:00 P.M.--Gospel Service 9:45 A.M.--Bible School WED ¥:;30 P.M.--PRAYER AND- BIBLE STUDY Nursery Core and Junior, Congre- gation During Divine Worship }

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