Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jun 1965, p. 1

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a myoge ae one pe ee ne le ie De # ¥% Se en ea FORO Re peaantinen psp So , iskaiin elec cite nthe ah * .Home Newspaper < Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- manville, Ajax, Pickering and ~ neighboring centres in On- tario and Durham. Counties, " OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1965 VOL. 94--NO. 137 Se Per' Wesk Home 'Delivered he Oshawa Zimes -- Authorized as S¢ Ottawa ond. Class Mail payment RE eee > 72. pen Dire Pppertgaet Weather Report - 4 Sunny. and cooler today and. ..._ } throughout weekend. Winds ¥ from north, but light. Low : tonight, 52. High tomorrow, - TWENTY-TWO. PAGES Flash Flood Rules-Changes Tears Apart | Texas Town By MICHAEL GILLAN SANDERSON, Tex. (AP)--|. OTTAWA (CP)--A new rule Thirteen persons were swept to|book to speed up' the political] other form of the closure rule death Friday when a 15-foot wall|game in the Commons with|that provoked the opposition to of water roared through this|longer hours, more committees| tie the Commons Jn knots dur- small Texas town. land a guillotine to chop off fili-|img the 1956.pipeline debate. -- Eighteen others were 'missing|busters goes into effect Mon-| . The guillotine guarantees six from the flood that struck with-|day. |days debate on any bill, plus up out warning. State police said] Sweeping revisions to rules|{0 two days for important the death toll was almost cer-jand procedures were agreed to|amendments, unless an_all- tain to mount by all parties Friday on a trial/Patty business committee An 11-inch cloudburst sent wa- agrees previously to a set de- basis for this session and the in P , ter gushing through sluice-like|next after 15 days of solid, but ery time. A motion to set fought the guillotine for several) days on the grounds it was an- Passed On Bipartisan Support The Conservatives called off their talkathon on the guillotine Tuesday when the government agreed to set up a special com- mittee that met for three days to try to take some of the sting out of the rule. The committee's report, adopted Friday over the pro- tests of some backbenchers from both sides of the House will permit an extra four hours | | TORONTO (CP)--The Tele- gram says a major shakeup in |the Ontario cabinet, including }moves of Provincial Treasurer James Allan and Welfare Min- ister Louis Cecile, is expected shortly after the end of the cur- rent session of the legislature. The Progressive Conserva- tive government will replace Mr. Allan with' Wilfrid Spooner, 55, municipal ' affairs . minister, while George Gomme, 53, min- ister without portfolio, will take over a department -- possibly municipal affairs or welfare-- the newspaper says. --The controversial guillotine opened, peace officers from 15 rule to permit a cabinet min- counties gathered to hunt on the world situation with par- ticular stress on the Viet Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson and. Prime Minister over the garden of the Can- adian prime minister's resi- York Mills), Darcy McKeough (Kent West), and Edward Dun- lop (Toronto--Forest Hill). CABINET SHUFFLE HINTED AT CURRENT SESSION END "z |Allan Expected To Resign As Provincial Treasurer that Mr. Allan may remain in 'the cabinet as minister without portfolio. - Mr. Cecile, 60, the senior member of the cabinet, was first appointed by former pre- mier T. L. Kennedy in 1948 and remained during both the ad- ministration period of former premier Leslie Frost and Pre- mier Robarts. He has come in for increas- ing criticism over his handling of the welfare department dur- ing recent years. A switch from municipal af- fairs 'to treasurer would repre- Sanderson Canyon, Demolished|sometimes dull, debate. imits would always requirejof talk at the end of a day| Fernand Guindon,: 48, (PC--|sent a step up for Mr. Spooner, 75 houses and a dozen business| The changes were born of the|Majority support to go into|when a bill is being given third)stormont) is expected to be ap-|a former mayor of Timmins places and isolated' this West/frustration of several sessions| effect. reading. pointed mini without port-/who has earned the reputation Texas town for hours. Ironic-jof minority Conservative and)" folio. : of being a sound and. skillful ally, the rainfall in this aridj/Liberal governments being Other backbenchers consid-| administrator, the newspaper spot averages only 16 inches ajstalled by opposition's jockey- ered for elevation to cabinet! says. year. jing for political power. rank are Robert Welch (Lin-| There is some speculation "As roads were slowly re-| The new rules include: coln), Dalton Bales (Toronto--|that Mr. Guindon, a Cornwall businessman, will become something of a French + Cana- dian Lieutenant to*Premier Ro- F : dence in Ottawa today. The Nam war. Mr. Shastri is j|horseback for the missing. ister to seek majority support t Shastri' of India are shown nen continued iectmions making his first visit- to The raging flood waters,| to set time limits on debates. Tle newspaper says Mr. Al-|barts, says the newspaper. in profile as they look out started. in the morning on . North America. which ebbed ° swiftly, confused) --A 30-day limit for discuss- Jan, 70, provincial treasurer for! His job as liaison officer be- efforts to count the dead by| ing most appropriations the last seven years, is stepping|tween French - Canadians and measures, plus eight days for four main supply motions that permit non - confidence |* motions to be put forward and unlimited time for final supplementary « estimates. A washing at least two bodies from graves in the Sanderson ceme- tery. Three hundred homeless were fed and sheltered in a school here. Up to 200 others were Ottawa A Battlefield down to devote his energies to the federal Conservatives, the the post. of Grand Master of Ontario Masons, which he as- sumes this summer. There is some speculation |newspaper says. | The reported cabinet shakeup would be the most extensive re- organization since 1962. . e ° Ny taken 65 miles north. of Fort! special committee was set up 3 s Fe : or n O- a 1S an ] Stockton over the first route re-| to help the opposition decide Several Ridin Ma Fall z opened. which estimates should have > a & fy he : Skies. cleared and the sun} priority within the limit, : pa t . 3 al By DAVE McINTOSH India in their border conflict injaide to the 60-year-old 'Indian|started drying soaked ruins as}..--Twenty - one standing com- * S ¥ © ». te verra " OTTAWA (CP)--A full-blown|the Rann of Kutch. leader said Mr. 'Shastri knew| outside help began arriving late| mittees covering ts des . r ; G diplomatic row between. India| Sultan Mohammed Khan,|nothing about the matter. | Friday regions eas . 7) Sap gon yi es" 0 - . and Pakistan has erupted dur-|Pakistan high commissioner,, Mr. Khan. said he takes) 1W® to three feet' of mud) allow more detailed examin- TORONTO (CP)-- appear ing Indian Prime Minister|immediately brought the ad to|strong exception to the ad "'and|St00d in ruined homes and) ation of government « spend-\"~ Pare ya' eh eR an Ottawa ae rv ge the poe > Bg fe sabe isgrotaaae Shastri's visit here. the attention of External Af-|I am certainly going to report|tores. Debris..was left in) ing. The increased committee "QUAT: HE'S GIVING ft tr MPs as saying several Ontario]. Percy Noble (PC: i Grey The fuse was a $2,600 adver-jfairs Minister Martin. He said|to my government." ee ee ee QUAT: odin ba constitutencies will . be elimi-|(North) said he had not seen the tisement placed in thesOttawalME (Martin promised'40 look! "why iyould 'the Indian high sg town of 2.350/ sone Me yee reases,, debating ' nated in the province's part of|néw map but had heard his rid- Gian by the Indian high com ~ ra wes 2 ae ge ggg choose this time to people is 20 miles from the] --A 30-per-cent increase in P : é perce new pea tedis-jing would take in a section of mission here accusing Pakistan) Asked whether Mr. Shastrijdo that when Mr. Shastri is|PCP'*: bane aif on ti hie 7 tribution to be made public next|neighboring Gréy-Bruce. at "naked agree" agintlwoald apnonze o Patan, slaying a "20 ced "rnmwt ena beer and abut tal'| Common ating oe" 3S CQnerals Given | pay ae ; : jvisit?" he told a Canadian] p : : : ae ae é Eric Wink] P ive|Officer Nelson Castonguay f | Pres: . El Paso. the two-hour dinner period ric Winkler, Progressive ? guay, B Ottawa Shows Army Might =e" cake eres a] Sa ckadatg marae age Fi ; : llow, 20 miles west of| Thursdays and 'the 1%- seen the new electoral mai c H ttawa ows y 1g "Mr. Shastri is called a iheulil beet fennctied down the can- junch wie Py al giren! 1et Nam Power with his riding of Guay Bruce been a leak in the contents of i of peace, a devotee of Ghandilyon. The gushing torrent swept] the Commons meets at 11 eliminated and. he said he was|the confidential report. tf a.m, By MALCOLM .W BROWNE mese air force, also was viewed|the victim of a "crude gerry-| The newspaper says' the re- ba as having a strong voice. mander." sults of the preliminary redis- --An end to appeals by cail- ing a vote against Speaker's rulings, a tactic that has con- SAIGON (AP) -- Mounting public pressure and an internal Ld jand a follower of Nehru wholaway some houses with people -W La k St doesn't hesitate to use force!clinging to them, rose to the But eapons C In 6 it suits his purpose. | "ig eaves of others and spread 500 But there' was. no indication The redistribu- tion proposals in Ontario have preliminany Hribution proposals are in the hands of some 40 Ontario news- ; 7 fi. oak nicionel 'om|_.. What manner of man would/yards in places. " , what form a new government Sawant tale daaeenees alate tne prociain peace and spend ware lee ESTE UI sumed a great deal of time|feud were climaxed today bY| would. take. been drafted by a commission eee ong mh Tones mag / , | P than Canada on a war ma- in recent sessions. the resignation of South Viet! me move followed three|Under the chairmanship of Mr.|'0P Secret until Tuesday, when day paraded: four nuclear weap-| weapons. ons--without their American nu-) He and Mr. Pearson earlier clear watheads--near the hotel|/discussed means of preventing --A 30-minute oral question|Nam's period four days a week, with ichine?"' The spokesman for the Indian four-month-old civilian government, which returned Youth Rocused | weeks of mounting pressure for, Quat's resignation from Roman Justice E. A. Richardson of the Ontario Supremé Court. After they will run as a 10-page ad- vertisement. isiting Prime Minister Shas-\the spread of nuclear arms, |high commission said there was one hour on Mondays. Ques- ae Catholics and° other dissident|PUblic hearings, the commis- i re! yor ay oe [PEARSON CRITICIZED no intention of attacking Pakis- ssaul ts tion periods during the last|Power to the generals. aianienta sion--with those in other prov- 5 Til pe all Stig Harvor,chairman of the|t@n in the ad. The sole purpose few years sometimes have! It was the eighth change of . inces--will make final decisions een etes * vie roe > haga sed Canadian Campaign for Nuclear|WaS to present an-"explanatory; NEW YORK (AP)--A 19-year-| continued for 90 minutes. |government in the war - torn|/rms NO COUP to be sent to Parliament. Fre BE Le pe eree paenecss , 3 The Conservatives, --led~-by|country..since..strongman_Pres- source| The Star says Mr. Winkler | away A native of Larder Lake, ajany developments. which will|Oshawa they woul av cane i : " 5 j ~ : ; : ae ie ? : a bas , : ; J d have. no|Canadian auto industry once the|these parts from the U.S. Starr who questioned Mr. Drury ) eee? ch Pe ~ _---- eh _. happened byladversely affect the auto work- fears of the -- future. Unfor-jagreement was in effect. They! Mr. Taylor said the minister|about their representations in Brooklin. Rally Beets Peterboro -- P. 8. | str bagond bing ern Ontario ce Neg ion = ean ers in Oshawa, we will be back tunately, he said, it is not pos-|pointed out that Liberal candi-|had stated that no part of the|the Commons Friday. The min-|/ Arm Landers -- 13 Obits --- 21 | and inte Quebec. aller 'tne robbery and freed the/again knocking on Mr. Drury's!sible to rege"d the situation soldate Dr. Claude, Vipond had)money saved by the auto ¢om-|ister said he could reply affirm- City 'News -- 11 Sports -- 8; 9 the main entrance to the Par- i ings whic next|/ment: "If the parade is to show) * : ah te Gace Lauriae that our government is not) We want to have friendly re-|cused as the assailant sought in 's | lashamed of its nuclear arms||ations with ea and wishes to condition the pub-| thought that the facts' had notleast Bronx apartment projects! lic to accept them as a conven- been properly brought to thelin the last 1% years. where Mr. Shastri is staying. As.the nuclear carriers--Bo- interceptor--rolled By or flew Disarmament, said in a state-/N0te of the facts.' json's statement to renegotiate|Mr. Shastri and Prime Minister old college sophomore was ar- f said:|rested Friday night and ac-/leader John Diefenbaker, ident Ngo Dinh Diem was over- jthrown Nov. 1, 1963 and assas- sinated. Premier Phan Huy Quat and! Chief of State Phan Khac Suu, and William Thomas. (PC--Mid- diesex West) also learned that Conservative - held Wellington- A_high govermment emphasized that develop- ment should not be Mterpreted as another coup. Asked whether there was any possibility of a return to com- The Indian spokesman Torcato Faces Pakistan but, welat least 30 sexual assaults in be eliminated under the draft the most populous in the coun- tham, Mass., was charged with) TORONTO (CP)--- Toronto's|other members of the govern- is to win the war." Huron and Simcoe North are to The Beatles LONDON (CP) -- Now it's ey Paul, George and Ringe,- : marc anti ~ aircraft missile,|~ attenti f the Canadi | al igs : . aie who had clashed o binet reg A '| plan. ; artillery rocket, {ional part of our armed forces,|@'tention of the Canadian pub-| Alfred Gonague of the Bronx, 5 s cm ver a cabdinel/niete civilian government in the weet : ' Honest John artillery _Tocketiiy we. must regretfully con-lic. It was nothing else," a political science student at! DULG tri. e |shakeup, agreed to stay on inlforeseeable fufure. the source|. Mauyfce Moreau (L -- York-| "The Beatles" have made the . i CF-104 bomber and CF-101 jet clude that Prime Minister Pear-,__ While. the fuss was brewing,|Brandeis University -in. Wal- caretaker roles along with)saiq: 'The problem Tight now ScarboPough), whose riding is|topmost hit parade of all-the Queen's birthday honors list. In overhead. Mr. Shastri was con-|") : + «| Pears + confer ee guna F . els P | t try, is quoted as saying he ex-lone of the bi t i fhead, M oa ~o.|canada's nuclear role was just/earson were conferring on the/rape, sodomy, felonious assault/booming construction industry| ment. : The source said. Friday » 18 ying he le biggest surprises ferring in his hotel suite On €CO"| smother hollow election cam-|Patio and in the garden 'of the|and violation of the anti-weap-|was threatened with a halt Fri-| But the national charter and night's decision ~ "fepresented pects it to be divided intojever to spring from the twice- nomic matters with, three Cana- prime minister's, residence. ons law. day when 500 cement masons|the legislative council were 2 F three. yearly honors ritual, all four of dian cabinet ministers. The y| were Finance Minister Gordon; Trade Minister Sharp and De-) fence Production Minister Drury. paign promise, "We wish to point out by. the, very politicians make them is a sure way . : undermine a healthy democracy4 ceasefire and how negotia-| that 7 ; A disregard for election promises|Nam but there were no joint|of blonde girls--operated in the|eral other unions contemplated) source said that "at this point who decisions, progress' and, despite the vague state of affairs, "there is no instability." Authorities said martial law had not been imposed, but noted that street demonstra- FOUR MAY GO Richard Thrasher, Conserva- tive national director and for- mer MP for Essex South, said he had heard four Conserva- tive ridings in western Ontario Their main subject was Viet! Police said the attacker--only walked off their jobs and sev-jeliminated and a_highily-placed only exchanges of|daytime and at night, either on/similar action. |we are starting absolutely from chiefly on how to obtain) weekends or holidays. A new federal armory being}scratch." ~ to\ ideas, : ; Police said in each case. ajbuilt here was the first casu-| Although the situation - was the shaggy-haired pop-singing idols are made members of the most excellent Order of the British Empire. They are the first pop-singing group ever to be honored in this way. Mr. Shastri Friday night, toland lower the morale of the ions might be started. young Negro man--about 19 orjalty as members of the Oper-|still fluid, Maj.-Gen. Nguyen spontaneous applause, pledgedielectorate. . . . Mr. Pearson briefed Mr.| 20 years of age, 5 feet 11 inches |ative Plasterers and Cement/Van Thieu was serving as a -- - - -- |Shastri on the. difficulties the!tali and weighing about 180/Masons International Associa-| spokesman for the military tions are banned under the state of emergency that has existed for nearly a year. Pies In askKe | ; 1 y * tying TAYLOR 'NOT SATISFIED' WITH ANSWERS ABOUT LAYOFFS LARDER LAKE, Ont. (CP)--; §. C. Yule, manager of Kerr- Four masked men Friday stole| Addison Mines Ltd. at Virginia-| five gold bars worth $164,000\town, 11 miles east of this com- from a small railway station|munity of 1,200, said the men near this Northern Ontario/took bars awaiting shipment to town in one of Canada's biggest!the mint in Ottawa. gold thefts. aah i Bileniel\ aro oa Se as a eee arti innate ini sn: enn are ee" Tub dden kre belleved to have He said the gold is shipped OTTAWA (Special) A six-|jobs-would be lost as a result of,we will be watching closely to; William Rutherford, chairman, ; ' ; lor said Lake, about three miles from|,; Friday they were far from sat-/had built a tremendous on | i i "nigel paubinaee ye jwith the gold for about four "Tay they ' ; ou up a tremendous 'that the.great bulk of the people|ployment reduction in the 1966 eo Northland Railway hours until it is placed on brs Rab! et Minister oe equity in their jobs _and they/hired through the Oshawa office} model year due to a loss of con- s . train em dy industry Minister C. M.'wanted to know what 'protec-|o¢ the employment service are/tracts from Chrysler. UAW Queries Drury On Auto Pact ent unemployment insurance think GM would become a single model assembly plant as_ the company would have to produce Transport Company stood in after the continuing walkout Montreal Transport Commiss higher pay. to surrender." Duane Pope, said it twice Friday -- first t United States is facing in Viet|pounds--approached a girl, pro-\tion (CLC) struck after the con-|leaders. Thieu was deputy pre- i $164 000 I ] Nam and Mr. Shasttri briefed|/duced a pocket' knife with a/struction company, Inspiration|mier and defence minister in| The capital appeared normal, NEWS HIGHLIGHTS | £ n 0 Ta e Mr. Pearson on the mood of|three-inch blade, and forced her|Ltd., allegedly employed labor-|the Quat cabinet. Brig. - Gen.jalthough more police than usual a | |Moscow, which he visted re-|to accompany him to a project/ers to do work normally done|Nguyen Cao Ky,. the flamboy-|patrolled the streets this morn- ' cently. rooftop. by cement finishers. lant commander of the Vietna-ling. Intercity Bus Strike Called In Quebec MONTREAL (CP) -- Some 550 buses of the' Provincial- their garages today with 900 employees out on strike since midnight for higher wages. The strike began officially at 12.01 a.m., some four days by 3,900 employees of the ion, who also are seeking Bank Robber-Killer "Tired Of Running' 'made their getaway in a float- to Pag bag ged -- man delegation representing/ihe agreement. The 'brief said|see how many workers betweenjof the Houdaille industries shop|benefits, but no figure had yet) . mr Pi. under guard. en the guar t a shawa . sald siaeos »pg/3) and 85 they hire," Mr. Tay--committee, said his company|been decided. KANSAS CITY (AP) -- "I'm tired of running, I want equipped aircraft from Larder|jeaves, Mr. Tomkin is left alone|*"? workers. in Oshawa _sald/the 20,000 Oshawa auto workers "Our information is|had estimated a 10 per cent em-| The minister said he didn't f 22 and fresh out of college, 'o the president of his college and then ina telephone call to police. By surrendering, Pope ended a U.S.-wide search that began a week earlier The station, on a small back 3 Drury on the effect of the Can-\tions there are in the agree- 4 fg OTe py mh ' road a mile from town, was|. Police said the masked ban-|.40.175 auto Gerseiielt On Se mink go that between 19 and 35. Mr. Drury| "This could mean about 70|$121 million more in added value! when the president and two employees of a Big. Springs, Oshawa workers/fels us that Chrysler is now people out of work. If we lose would not suffer the same dis-|<cratching \to. find workers of|the plate only parts . contract ruptive consequences that befell/any age, but we find this hard/with General Motors too, the un- Windsor workers. to believe." employment would be much The delegation met for an! The delegation said Mr. Drury|higher,"' Mr. Rutherford | said. hour with Mr, *rury and Mr. had denied that any govern-|""The 25 per cent tariff on plate Taylor said that if the members|/ment spokesman had suggested only parts is removed under the took for granted what Mr Drury|that another 50,000 to 60,000\new agreement which could said about the rosy future for;workers would be hired in thelmean much higher imports of ployment in Oshawa station agent Thomas Tomkin.|°:93 P.m "We do not feel Mr. Drury * Provincial police at Kirkland) Mr. Tomkin, 35-year-old fa-\ answered the six questions we Lake, 17 miles west of here,|ther of two, was taken by sur-| nus to him.in.a satisfactory wav said early today that six road-jPrise and tied to a handcar.|anq we will watch the situation blocks were still up in the area|Howeyer, he managed to spot) very closely," Albert . Taylor, although it. was believed the|the licence number' of -the-ear president of Local 222 of the men had. used a plane to get|used by the bandits UAW commented. "If there are manned 'at the time by only its burst in on Mr. Tomkin at The men all wore masks andjagent, who then notified police.|door." carried pistols, shotguns and) The getaway car was found' In a short brief, the delega- rifles. They made off with five|parked beside the lake, a shot-|tion said it- had been unable to optimistically made a sitmilat statement re-|pany under' the' agreement "We are not at all certain that|cently in Oshawa but Mr. Drury|would be used to assist workers the problem of the older worker/had indicated that no estimate|dislocated by the agreement, are py weighing . tore - a one a mask inside. Alsé bs get any information from Gen-has been solved There -haveiof increased employment had/but he did indicate that benefits advise them of the safeguards|- Satori) = Women's --- 12; 13 about 300 pounds, packed'in twothe car were the two emptyjeraf Motors. officials, althoughibecn rumors that GM will be been made by afyone'in govern-to be paid to. such workersito look after displaced workers| Finonciol! -- 21 Weather 2. safes, isafes. iHoudaille Industries had saidjhiring again, in September' and|ment, under the agreement and this could not likely be done with a single model production. Other members of the delega-|= tion were Douglas Sutton, Wil- liam TT. © Harding, Powers and Dennis Lyce. The delegation discussed the prob- lem with Ontario MP Michael atively that he had allayed their fears about loss of employment in Oshawa and had been able to|-- iwould be higher than the pres-jin the 35 to 65 age group. Howard) = Neb., bank~were shot to dea 2a th after a holdup,. Whitby Schools Hold Field Da Classified -- 18, 19, 20, 21. = Comics -- 17 oT | 'inttscriintetni cen ...In THE TIMES today... Times Takes A Pictorial Peek At City School Examinations P. 11 uy tieeea eA vn ys -- P. S Theatre -- 10 Whitby News =~ 5

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